Advanced Tracking Solution


Advanced Tracking Solution
Advanced Tracking Solution
Automation, new wireless technologies and satellite positioning systems joined
together to gain cheap tracking solution
Goodies transportation takes more and more importance in a globalization world. Knowing
where goodies are placed in the delivery network it’s important for customers but also for
logistics companies to reduce shipping costs, time latencies, and offer the best service to
Actual problems and solutions
Navigation is only one the aspect that satellite positioning systems offer to their users; basically it offer fast
real-time positioning information that could be used for many different uses. Actually one of the most felt
problem is to increase and make more reliable that information. There’re already solutions for this problem but
they usually require to install an expensive device on vehicle.
But managing only positioning information could be not enough. Thinking about world delivery network it’s
important to know where but also how goods are shipped. In fact, if a solved problem is to know what is
shipped (goods are tracked for example with a barcode or RFID tag) usually the system don’t take care about
the “way”.
Allix S.r.l.
Sede Operativa: Molini Marzoli Massari - Vicolo Molino, 2 - 21052 Busto Arsizio (VA)
Sede legale: Via Matteotti, 10/10 – 20012 Cuggiono (MI)
PIVA 03145900969
Tel. +39 0331 63.67.71 Fax: +39 0331 18.17.102
E-mail: [email protected]
ATS is a complete platform that, using different technologies, wants to provide a valid solution to problems
typical of the transport sector and more in general of monitoring systems.
With this platform is possible, using the classic low cost GPS receivers, to obtain an accuracy of detection of a
few meter (far superior to the standard supplied); in fact, the system captures information (raw data) that the
receiver uses to calculate the position and reprocess it, integrating this information with the corrections
provided by local systems of GPS ground stations and the EGNOS system where local systems are not
available or are not sufficiently reliable and also with precise ephemeris provided by GPS network.
ATS is composed of below modules:
Collector module for raw data sent by the GPS/GALILEO receiver
Collector module for ground station network data and EGNOS system data
Post-Processing module
Ionosphere modelling module
ATS System
ATS Modules
Remote Control
GPS Ground
Customized firmware for cheap GPS receiver (Sirf III chip)
Allix S.r.l.
Sede Operativa: Molini Marzoli Massari - Vicolo Molino, 2 - 21052 Busto Arsizio (VA)
Sede legale: Via Matteotti, 10/10 – 20012 Cuggiono (MI)
PIVA 03145900969
Tel. +39 0331 63.67.71 Fax: +39 0331 18.17.102
E-mail: [email protected]
As shown in the diagram the system is able to receive two groups of information:
1. Information provided by the fleet business through devices installed on the means for transmission of
raw data reading constellation of GPS.
2. Information provided by the network of ground stations or EGNOS system; server acquires information
from various stations and then sends the information stored in the server.
ATS server is composed, going deep in the core of the system, by:
1. A level for receiving data: a module for the acquisition from the rover and a module for the acquisition
of readings from the network of GPS ground stations/EGNOS system.
2. A level for post-processing acquired data: is the core of the system and deals with the definition of
GPS positions of the rover applying the necessary corrections. Within this layer is further defined a
module that define a ionospheric model, generated from GPS ground station information, that the core
must use for calculation of positions.
The system provides a data stream output consists of the GPS positioning which has been applied the fix and
ionospheric model. In this flow data can be accessed by client applications that require it.
Tracking the way goods are shipped
One of the logistic problem is to improve the transportation network response reducing shipping time,
optimizing vehicle load, reducing travelled distances. The load volume is the critical success factor as it
optimizes cost, emissions and processes of a logistics service provider.
Today technologies provide solutions to acquire those information and collect all to central system, permitting
to know real-time situation and analyze dynamics processes, discovering critical situations to optimize.
Allix answer exploit this technologies and offer a complete solution to control load volumes, load/download
operations, etc.
ATS solution is developed with latest wireless technology based on 2.4GHz ZigBee modules.
With ZigBee modules a wireless network is created on vehicle, permitting to collect various sensor information.
Allix S.r.l.
Sede Operativa: Molini Marzoli Massari - Vicolo Molino, 2 - 21052 Busto Arsizio (VA)
Sede legale: Via Matteotti, 10/10 – 20012 Cuggiono (MI)
PIVA 03145900969
Tel. +39 0331 63.67.71 Fax: +39 0331 18.17.102
E-mail: [email protected]
All information are stored locally on ZigBee-GPS Device memory and send on time to system server (usually
by a GSM-GPRS module).
As show on above picture, on each vehicle is mouthed a wireless coordinator (ZigBee) which talk with all
ZigBee sensor devices.
This is a very scalable solution because coordinator can be faced with many different sensors (.i.e. volume
sensors). In this case, for example, coordinator is faced also with a keyboard used by human to define which
kind of operation is under execution (i.e.: load/download).
In the figure below is shown a special device use tagging containers; in this case this kind of devices are
installer directly on container or trailer.
For reducing energy consumption device is equipped with a 3 axis accelerometer which activate wireless
communication when tag is moved. With this configuration when trailer or container is connected to tractor,
this module connect to coordinator module (installed on tractor).
Allix S.r.l.
Sede Operativa: Molini Marzoli Massari - Vicolo Molino, 2 - 21052 Busto Arsizio (VA)
Sede legale: Via Matteotti, 10/10 – 20012 Cuggiono (MI)
PIVA 03145900969
Tel. +39 0331 63.67.71 Fax: +39 0331 18.17.102
E-mail: [email protected]
A similar device is used to mesure load volume of trailer; this kind of device is equipped with ultrasound
sensor. Tags are installed directly on trailer meshing the space. Each tag is connected to coordinator
transmitting sensor information.
Sensor information on centre
All information collected by the rover (GPS position but also sensor data) are sent to ATS server which
compute all and store on database, making available those information to the client.
In the figure below you can see trailer information displayed on map, showing not only where vehicle is but
also its status.
Allix S.r.l.
Sede Operativa: Molini Marzoli Massari - Vicolo Molino, 2 - 21052 Busto Arsizio (VA)
Sede legale: Via Matteotti, 10/10 – 20012 Cuggiono (MI)
PIVA 03145900969
Tel. +39 0331 63.67.71 Fax: +39 0331 18.17.102
E-mail: [email protected]
A real solution
This advanced tracking solution is not a theory, it’s a real developed solution to full-fill tracking need of goodies
and provide an instrument of evaluation/managing of delivery network of a company.
An Italian big ambitious innovative project under test these days; this project, named SITT, was required by
Lombardy Region to control dangerous waste transport in Italy and Europe. Actually our solution is still
growing, following all latest technologies around sensors, satellites and automation.
Allix S.r.l.
Sede Operativa: Molini Marzoli Massari - Vicolo Molino, 2 - 21052 Busto Arsizio (VA)
Sede legale: Via Matteotti, 10/10 – 20012 Cuggiono (MI)
PIVA 03145900969
Tel. +39 0331 63.67.71 Fax: +39 0331 18.17.102
E-mail: [email protected]