sunday collections - St. Margaret Mary Parish


sunday collections - St. Margaret Mary Parish
FAMILY DAY: Mon. Feb. 20
8:00 am: English Mass
9:00 am Italian Mass
There will be no evening Mass.
God the Father sent his son, Jesus, to win our
salvation and reveal the way we need to live,
that we might come to share eternal life in
heaven. The teachings of Jesus make it clear
that God loves us without limit, and is everwilling to forgive. Thus, to walk in God’s way
of love we must strive to love all people,
including our enemies, and be willing to
Thank you for your generous
support of our parish!
Please continue to use your
Sunday envelopes! If you are not
using them, please consider
picking up a packet of envelopes
from the Sacristy or the rectory office.
Last weekend’s collection:
Saturday 5 pm: 67 envelopes containing
$695.00 and loose money $177.00 - Totalling
Sunday 8:00 am: 41 envelopes containing
$650.00 and loose money $30.00 - Totalling
Sunday 9:30am: 36 envelopes containing
$280.00 and loose money $5.00 - Totalling
Sunday 11:00am: 33 envelopes containing
$415.00 and loose money $114.00 - Totalling
Sunday 12:30pm: 21 envelopes containing
$275.00 and loose money $259.00 - Totalling
Total offertory: $2,900.00.
May God reward your faithful generosity for the
operation and maintenance of our church!
Beginning Friday March 3 we will pray the
Stations of the Cross every Friday evening at
6:30pm in English & Italian.
Mass will be celebrated at 7:30pm
Come and pray with us!
You asked about …
The Twelve Apostles
It would seem that there are quite a number of
Catholics who, if asked, would not be able to name
the twelve apostles. The following list is meant to
help refresh our memories so that we may pass it
on to our children and grandchildren.
The original twelve apostles are listed in Matthew
Simon (who is called Peter)
Andrew (Peter’s brother)
James, son of Zebedee, and his brother, John
Philip and Bartholomew
Thomas and Matthew the tax collector
James, son of Alphaeus
Thaddaeus (also known as Jude)
Simon the Zealot
Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Jesus
Gesù Cristo, Dio-con-noi e
umanità nuova, insegna ai
suoi discepoli il
comandamento dell’amore,
la nuova legge del
Vangelo che sostituisce per
sempre la legge pagana del
vecchio uomo: “Amerai il
tuo prossimo e odierai il tuo
Il nostro spirito trema sentendo le esigenze di
questo nuovo comandamento. Non è forse più
facile aggredire chi ci aggredisce e amare chi ci
ama? Forse è a questo che ci spingerebbero i nostri
sensi, è questa la voce dell’anima umiliata non
ancora raggiunta dalla luce del Dio di Gesù Cristo,
del solo vero Dio. Ecco perché l’amore di carità è
un precetto insolito, che apre ad un nuovo
orizzonte antropologico la civiltà antica e ogni
civiltà umana possibile.
Visto da questo orizzonte, l’uomo, ogni uomo,
appare creato a immagine e somiglianza di Dio e
non più formato secondo una natura disuguale e
arbitraria, come invece credevano i pagani.
Liberato dai suoi peccati grazie all’azione
redentrice di Cristo e rinnovato dall’azione dello
Spirito, l’uomo, ogni uomo, è il tempio in cui
risplende lo Spirito di Dio. Dio ama l’uomo per se
stesso, a tal punto che consegna alla morte suo
Dal momento che Dio ci ama in questo modo e ci
ha fatti partecipi del suo amore, noi non possiamo
che perdonare il nostro prossimo e aiutarlo perché
viva e si sviluppi.
Martedi, 14 marzo
7:00 pm Rosario
7:30pm Santa Messa
Venite e portate qualche
altra persona!
The next Marriage Preparation Course will begin
Wednesday March 8 at 7pm in our parish hall.
All couples being married must have participated
in a Marriage Preparation Course. Please drop by
or call the office for more information and to
Kindergarten Registration has begun in all York
Catholic Schools. You can register your child at
your local Catholic School. For more information,
please visit and click on the
admissions icon.
Catholicism 101
Will be cancelled on Monday February 20,
due to Family Day and will return on
Monday February 27 at 7:30pm when the
topic will be:
“Eucharistic Miracles”
Ogni Venerdi sera durante la Quaresima,
pregheremo le stazioni della Via Crucis, alle
6:30pm in Inglese e Italiano.
Come and join us Mondays at 7:30pm in
the parish hall. You will not regret a single
moment of your new adventure with many
fellow parishioners. This course is free of
charge and no registration or commitment
is required.