il servizio volontario europeo (sve)


il servizio volontario europeo (sve)
Lo SVE (o EVS) è una delle cinque azioni del programma comunitario "Youth in Action" e incoraggia giovani
tra i 18 e i 30 anni a partecipare a progetti di volontariato a lungo termine in Europa e nei cosiddetti paesi
terzi. I progetti hanno tutti una utilità sociale e permettono ai volontari di conoscere la cultura dall'interno,
vivendo un'esperienza lavorativa a diretto contatto con le realtà locali. Partecipando ad un progetto SVE, i
volontari ricevono il rimborso delle spese di viaggio e una formazione alla partenza e all'arrivo. Vitto,
alloggio, assicurazione, scuola di lingua e un pocket money mensile sono offerti dal progetto. Per la
partecipazione al progetto è necessario tesserarsi allo SCI, ma non è prevista alcuna quota di iscrizione o
partecipazione al progetto.
Attualmente sono in scadenza progetti in Islanda e Germania con inizio attività da febbraio/maggio 2009
(descrizione a seguire). Per maggiori dettagli su questi progetti o per ricevere informazioni su altri progetti
SVE in Francia, Russia, Moldavia, Ucraina e Bielorussia potete contattare Elena all'indirizzo [email protected]
o consultare il sito
Progetti SVE attualmente disponibili con inizio attività da febbraio/maggio 2009– ISLANDA:
1. Sólheimar, Vistvænt byggðarkerfi - Sólheimar Eco village- Iceland
Name: Sólheimar, Vistvænt byggðarkerfi - Sólheimar Eco village
Number of volunteers: 1
Location: Selfoss (Iceland)
Period: starting in February 2009 for a minimum of 8 months, maximum 12
Deadline: 26th October
Pocket money: 145 Euro per month
Travel costs, food, board, language course, training and insurance: covered by the project
The volunteer will be working mainly at Sesseljuhús, a Sustainability center located in Sólheimar, it is is an
example of a sustainable building, where various activities concerning the environment take place, such as
exhibitions, conferences, meetings and educational courses.
Moreover and as mentioned earlier, Sólheimar is a member of the Global eco-village Network, which is "a
global confederation of people and communities that meet and share their ideas, exchange technologies,
develop cultural and educational exchanges, directories and newsletters, and are dedicated to restoring the
land and living "sustainable plus" lives by putting more back into the environment than we take out" (from
For more information or send your application write to: [email protected]
2. Grænt farfuglaheimili - Green Hostels - Iceland
Name: Grænt farfuglaheimili - Green Hostels
Number of volunteers: 1
Location: Reykjavík (Iceland)
Period: starting in February 2009 for a minimum of 8 months, maximum 12
Deadline: 26th October
Pocket money: 145 Euro per month
Travel costs, food, board, language course, training and insurance: covered by the project
Hostelling International (HI) Iceland is a non-profit membership organization established in 1939. The
organization is a member of Hostelling International, a worldwide network with members in more than 80
countries around the globe. The Hostel network enables young people of different nationalities, cultures
and social background to meet informally, share experiences, learn about themselves, each other and their
surroundings. Hostels foster a remarkable international awareness about current issues.
Hostelling also has a fundamental, but unofficial, role in the development of young people as future
employees in a global market. The hostel environment encourages social awareness and the importance of
living in a community, plus it develops the kind of self-discipline skills that result from experiencing
different situations, having to make individual decisions and learning from them.
The volunteer will be living in Reykjavík, the capital of Iceland, and working closely with the staff of
Farfuglaheimili (Hostelling International Association, Iceland) developing activities related to Environment
and responsible tourism for both Icelanders (including the staff of the association) and International guests
staying in the premises. Hostelling International Iceland and the employees of the Hostels want to
contribute to supporting and strengthening the environmental consciousness and sense of responsibility of
both Icelandic and foreign travellers in Iceland.
For more information or send your application write to: [email protected]
3. Environmental messengers - Iceland
Name: : Environmental messengers
Number of volunteers: 2
Location: Reykjavík (Iceland)
Period:starting in May 2009 for 6 months, maximum 8
Deadline: 26th October
Pocket money: 145 Euro per month
Travel costs, food, board, language course, training and insurance: covered by the project
SEEDS, is an Icelandic non-governmental, non-for-profit organisation with international scope. Our main
field of activities is related to the promotion of cultural understanding through the work on natureoriented, outdoors and environmental issues.
The basic aim of the Environmental messengers project is to raise awareness about environmental issues
both within Icelanders, being hosts of SEEDS workcamps, and among the International volunteers taking
part in the mentioned projects. Furthermore than the raising awareness content, Environmental
messengers will be a source of knowledge on specific topics of significant relevance about environment,
nature protection and sustainable development but also will encourage the actors in those projects to
undertake simple but easy-to-implement actions which will affect the way we use our resources and we
deal with the environment and the world we live in.
For more information or send your application write to: [email protected]
4. International workcamps' leaders - Iceland
Name: International workcamps' leaders
Number of volunteers: 2
Location: Reykjavík (Iceland)
Period:starting in May 2009 for 6 months, maximum 8
Deadline: 26th October
Pocket money: 145 Euro per month
Travel costs, food, board, language course, training and insurance: covered by the project
SEEDS, is an Icelandic non-governmental, non-for-profit organisation with international scope. Our main
field of activities is related to the promotion of cultural understanding through the work on natureoriented, outdoors and environmental issues.
The basic aim of the Environmental messengers project is to raise awareness about environmental issues
both within Icelanders, being hosts of SEEDS workcamps, and among the International volunteers taking
part in the mentioned projects. Furthermore than the raising awareness content, Environmental
messengers will be a source of knowledge on specific topics of significant relevance about environment,
nature protection and sustainable development but also will encourage the actors in those projects to
undertake simple but easy-to-implement actions which will affect the way we use our resources and we
deal with the environment and the world we live in.
For more information or send your application write to: [email protected]
5. Intercultural Centre - Germany
Organisation: Vereinigung Junger Freiwilliger (VJF) e.V.
Name: Intercultural Centre
Location: Berlin (Germany)
Deadline: as soon as possible
Period: from March/April 2009 for 6 months
Travel costs, pocket money, food, board, language course, training and insurance: covered by the project
Required skills: Good English and German language
VJF is an independent nongovernmental organization with a special focus on short term voluntary service
(workcamps), particularly for young people, as a means to the solution of social problems, to the protection
of the environment or to the preservation of cultural heritage through international understanding and
community development. Every year we are organizing about 35 voluntary projects with about 350
participants from about 40 countries. The VJF offers an EVS-volunteer an interesting and varied work. The
volunteer will be able to connect the work with children and young people with ecological stuff. The volunteer will
have the possibility to work independent and also to work with the support of the employee of the organization. The
volunteer will have the possibility to be creative and find out new freetime-offers for the visitors of the project.
Beside the development of social abilities and skills, the volunteer will have the opportunity to learn the German
language in the daily contact with the employees ("learning-by-doing"). Also there will be the possibility to take part in
a language course.
Mainly the volunteer will be responsible for the organisation and realization of international youth-meetings. The
volunteer will also support the employees in the Project- and Meeting centre. This means: manual work in the garden,
collecting of natural materials for the work with the children, care of children- and youth groups, do handicrafts with
children, walk with the children through the forest and so on.
In the ecological part of the project, the volunteers have to support the employees with the care and removal of the
herb garden.