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Carlo Arlotta – Partner at Consilia Business & Management srl and sessional
lecturer on Risk Management at the Faculty of Economics, University of
Insubria in Varese/Como.
Emanuela Atripaldi – Banks Supervision Department, Banca d’Italia, Milan offices.
Lorenzo Esposito – Banks Supervision Department, Banca d’Italia, Milan offices.
Rossella Locatelli – Full professor of Financial Intermediaries’ Economics and
Director of CreaRes (Research Centre on Business Ethics and Social
Responsibility), Faculty of Economics, University of Insubria in
Guido Rosa – Chairman of Associazione fra le Banche Estere in Italia (AIBE).
Antonio Rossetti – Partner at Consilia Business & Management srl.
Cristina Schena – Full professor of Equity Market Economics and Corporate
Finance, Faculty of Economics, University of Insubria in Varese/Como.
Enrico Tupone – Secretary General of Associazione fra le Banche Estere in Italia
Andrea Uselli – Researcher in Financial Intermediaries’ Economics, Faculty of
Economics, University of Insubria in Varese/Como.