Esselunga`in green


Esselunga`in green
PrpgeHo cIr{皿fめnico di Gurrieri Ass∝ia正Prpge動o agronomico di Giuliano Arcari.
Progefro tecnoIpgico (s巾的rafia埴Maria E案eno k Rosa
LlmPian†o i「「iguo nelia pa「†e pubbiica e al se「vizio deIle albe「a†u「e e
degli a「bus†i a冊ave「s0 l’impiego di ale gocci0lanti au†ocompensanti
pe「 una mic「oi「「igazione locaiizza†a.岬「a†0 6 i「「iga†o unicamen†e nel-
zona. Lacqua i「「igua de「iva da pozzo a「†esiano, SenZa U両zzo di ac-
難詰措ご篇許Che台llm'†a†a soIo al gla「dlnO PenSlle
lonizza†a da nume「ose specie spon†anee invasive, COme ailan-
†i e 「obinie, qUalche pioppo e 「a「i salic主SOP「a乱川O nelle zone
umide. Pa「†e del †er「eno e s†a†a quindi sco†ica†a pe「 ii 「eimpiego, ma la p「esenza di 「occe affio「an†i non ha consen冊〇品e-
cJPe「O SPe「a†o pe「 =mpian†o successivo, 「ichiedendo †e「「eno di
†e le ope「azioni di 「ealizzazione del gia「din〇・ Con l‘ine「bimen- In oIfo l Panne帖sola「l COlioca白SUl
「ipo「†o daile zone vicine e subs†「a†o idone0. A [ine lavo「主PO上
†o e raffrancamen†。 delle specie arbustive e a「b。「ee言i cons。正嵩㌔n,m。†「,。 d, 。「。g。竹。
due ace「上i mlgllO「i e i pib p「ome什en†i, SOnO S†a†i zoIlat亘on ogni
damen†o dei †e「「eno sa「d compie†o. I subs†「a†i u両zza†i consen-
cu「a e 「e而eg「a†i neI gia「dino pubblico. Pe「 il cons01idamen†o
†ono un’o砧ma ges†ione delie acque me†eo「iche e deli’acqua ir-
fa什possibile p「osegui「e le attivi†d anche sub五〇 dopo even†i me-
le al pos†o d=e「「a di col†ivo di sco†ico p「esen†a nume「osi be-
†eoric。mpo「†a両・ La s†「u冊a deIl′edificio e s†a†a dimensiona†a in
nefie上e cos仙o con ma†e「ie p「ime con†「o=a†e, Che ga「an†isco-
funzione dei ca「ichi dovu†i al 「lPO「†o deI pac-
no un p○○do什o dalle ca「a什e南Che chimicofis品e no†e e c○○
che什o pensile (substra†o in pa「†ト
s†a申ev汗and〇品onsumo di su0lo na†u「aIe p「ovenien†e da al-
COla「e〉, dello sv車po deile
†u「azione massima da
do con†o c]el ca「ico
deIla neve e di quelIo
pun†uale degli ope-
「a†o「i e de=e lo「o
de ca「bonica immessa ln a†mosfe「a pa「i a ci「ca 「00 †ome=a-
Sistemc] teCnOIo9ico Ma「ia Elena La Rosa -
A「ch圃○, lau「eo†a a=o lUAV dl Vanezla′ ha ma†u「a†o una
decennale e 「'CCa eSPe「IenZa nel setto「e de=e cope「†ure a
ve「de penslle (描ancando s†udl dl P「Oge什ozIOne e COmml什en†l d川IleVO COn COnSU-
Ienze †ecnlChe pe「 ia p「oge什azIOne
tecnoIoglCa di OPe「e a Ve「de pen-
Slle pe「 pib d1 2OOO p「oge什I Relo†o「e e docente su †ecnlChe dl Ve「de penslle, e dai
20= memb「o del ConslgllO dl「e什lVO AlVEP (Ass∝laZIOne i†allana ve「de Pensle)
Pa「†e dell’acqua, †enen-
[a申COnSen†endo cos同ev汗a「e pe「icoIosi smo什ame柚du「an-
coe柘cien†e di compa什azione (20%〉 con o什ime capac汗d d「e-
pian†e e de帖ndice di sa-
†aggi di ca「a什ere ambien†ale. Il ma†eriaie legge「o ha un 「ido什o
†ri si†i e una riduzione del consumo d=o「ba, COn nO†ev01i van-
㊨ ㊧二㊧
rigua; graZie a=a p「esenza misu「a†a d同mi e a「giiie 6 s†a†o in-
cale, COme i lecci e i ca「pini.口mpiego di un subs†「a†o mine「a-
瓜ざ )
sono s†a†e impiega†e essenze a「bo「ee ad ampio sviluppo 「ad主
ProgeIto Nuovo Supe「me「ca†o Esselunga
しuogo via Senese, Ga冊zzo (Fl)
Proge蘭e巾orchifetloni⊂O S†ud了o Gu「「ie「i Associdti
Commi誰nte Esselunga S.p.a.
Colioborotori Di「ezione -ecnica Esselunga Fi「enze
- Vl什o「io Cocch主GIUSePPe Fab'an巾gegne「i)
gioco a molla′ ia seconda da case什a ludica con
SCivoIo, doppia a五alena, gioco ’‘f「u=o’′ e ’’file什○‘’
詳豊I黒帯筆誅o m2
● 5341 m2 'n Piena †e「「a
: 3嵩謹告38。。 m2
. A「ea di vend汗a. 249O m2
● Superficie a ve「de †o†ale: 1 5.OOO m2 clrCa
● Supe「ficie pa「cheggi ln†e「ra申su due llVelli)
Cien†e吊g「esso p「lnC-Pale de旧a「ea sono p「esen†l
(Azlenda:丁LF S 「.l. ChlUSi della Wna -AR)
SISTEMi A VERDE PENSiしE: Ha「po S.p a 〈丁「ies†e〉
● cope「†u「a‥ Sis†ema Ha「po ve「de pens品∩†enSIVO′ SUbs†「a†〇両ensivo -ecnogenico Ha「po
● suppor†o al mOdu吊o†ovol†aic川a「po MediSoia「 (sis†ema zavo「「a†o)
di Bu什elli Sandro e Niccoli Rena†o S n c- aPPal-o
● sし一bs†「a†o pe「 area pa「co u「bano T料a Med一†e「-
Cepa ed吊zia S互- (Localitd Le G「azie - PT)
「anea TMT Harpo
虚苗biIizazione Edllasfal剛(PiS†ola)
AIbe「o山re n 1 2 A。er C`ampeSfre, n. 1 Able5 nOrd-
恥VIMENTAZiONI A「chite什Onica Levocell ma「chio
monnIOna, n. 3 Carpinus bewんs′ ∩ 3 CroIoe9U5
di Ru「edil S.p.a (Cas†enedol○ ○ BS)
同rfe pri脚血impian†o do†a†o di cen†「aIina ele冊onica con sis†ema monocavo (comandan†e decoder
Che a sua vol†a c。manda ele冊○Valvole), ir「iga†o「i
dinamici e s†a†ici, ala goccIOlan†e′ SenSO「e Pioggia
wiIeIess, Cen†「alina con s†azione me†eo - Hun†e「 ln-
dus†rleS (San Ma「cos, CA, USA)
評器震え嵩謹告… Quercus Ilex′
der, n. 1 1 Punico gronofum′ ∩・ 67 Wburnum /inu5,
同rfepubb碇o impian†o do†a†o di cen†「a血e a ba十
n 21 WisIerio sinensi5 -fo†aie 203
十e「-a COn ele冊ovaIvole che dlS而buiscono l′acqua a
A心us印n bo「du「a o ln maCChia) n. 83 AbeIIO
==二〇 l〉‥〉 〉’l 〉l〉…〉’〉’’、ノ’〉 `’l〉 uiUi’l〉Ul)し〉=‘ノ ' ‘-‘¥-¥1∪│
珂 SPeCifici se什Or両gul “a Pioggia′’(ir「iga†o「l dlnamici a sla†ici) e a ′‘m'C「Oi「「igazione’’(ala goccio-
lan†e) - Hun†e「 lndus而es (San Ma「cos, CA, USA)
GIOCHl nella zona verde comunale sono p「ese両
SUS ’′○什o Luyken’’, n.45 P備osporum /Obira, n. 1 7
due a「ee giochi pavimen†a†e in gomma a而
Rosmo「inu5 O侮inolis ‘’Repens’′, n. 1 4 Roso ’′La Se一
†rauma: Una e dedica†a al bamblni di e†d comP「eSa †「a 1 3 e 1 6am上l’al†「a pe「quelli di e†d
COmP「eSa †「a i 6 e i 12 anni. La p「ima 6 compos†a
-b†oie 8j3 m2
da case什a Iudica con sclVOio, doppia al†alena e
Numero di alberi inseri筒nel proge動1 36
毒舌三二二二 ̄一女
三田 講師繭鞄
Esselunga in green
some oak trees, CyP「eSS and flowe「ing c「abapples. A dis-
†icuia「=he deveIopmen† o白he planls and o白he wa†e「
tincすive and highIy dissonan† elemen†(而en†ionaliy=s a
maximum satura†ion, tcking due cICCOUn† of the snow l∞d
Caucasian fir言l 「ep「esen†s, aIong with o†her species, a
and o白he weigh† of ope「Q†o「s and †hei「 equipmen口he
cha「ac†eris†ic elemen† o=Ioris†ic composi†ion of Es-
i「「igcI†ion syslem in †he pu胡c a「ea is dedicaled only for
selunga.しas† no†e is †he pianling of a double 「ow of cy-
trees and sh「ubs †hrough †he use of a l∝aIized dr申rrL
P「eSS and hoIm oak †「ees on †he prope「ty nea「by. I†
ga†ion. in the 「oof ga「den, †he Iawn is wa†e「ed onIy fo「
Thenew EsseIunga sto「e in Fio「ence is pa「†ofa valuabIe
「ep「esen†s a natural boundary o白he両erve両on, a† leas†
survival, because o白he reduced †hickness o白he so出n
landscape, 「ich in hisIory and loca†ed in a lypica皿scan
i同s no而westem po面on.
†he 「es† 0白he public a「ea, †he lawn is no† ir「iga†ed and
Ie面o「y. I† foilows tha=he superma「ke† planning - the
Deschplion of he “green〃 intenren簡on The p「ivale g「een
fo「 i†s conse「va†ion in †ime the focus was o「口he use of Q
` OPening ofwhich †ook picICe On Novembe「 5†h - held in
area - COnSis†ing of a 「oof ga「de…bove †he comme「ciaI
specific mixtu「e of seeds, 「e§isfan† †o †he climate o白he
due conside「a†ion o白he †e「「itory as a meI†ing po而be
s巾Cture and a garden on the north side - is s面c=y 「elclled
a「ea. The irriga†ion wa†er comes from an artesian we=,
tween †he envi「onmen†and Iandscape.
wilh a pubIic area consis†ing mainly of a garden tha† em-
w航ou† †he use of wa†e「 f「om †he aqueduc†小a圧only
′ Proied desくrip惰on The p「oieet o柚e new sto「e wan†ed to
b「aces †he supe「marke† sou†hbound and on †he back side
Iimi†ed †o †he 「oof ga「den (pIayg「ound a「ea) and †he
ma而ain †he sfatus o白he si†es;両e bu帖s l∝a†ed cIose to
to create a 「eal h町aI「eady existing, UPgraded and haト
¶owe「 beds o白he 「oad.
高e v紺age of Ga=uzzo, nea「 †he 「∞d bu† spaced enough
monized wth wha白s p「esen出口he neighbo「hood. A† †he
EnvironmenlくOre In†e「ven†ions †o imp「ove ene「gy effL
†o c「ea†e a bu梢e「 zone fo「 the pedestrians. Slarfing from
sIart o白he wo「kJhe si†e was a 「esiduaI orchard, 「eP「e-
ciency (see nex† pa「agraph) as we= as †he p「ovision of fo-
小e g∞mO「Phic †「end o白he †e「「ain,小e new archi†eetl川al
sented by ve「y few †rees neglected, Sick o「 a† †he end of
c柚es b「 ene「gy supply from renewabIe sources are aIso
design adap†s i†seIf to †he o「iginai modeiing o白he soiI: the
†heir iife cycIe告emained in sad memory o帥e pas† only
「eflecled in an envi「onmen†ai benefit in terms of 「educing
蕊読豊鴇諜請書豊富号 蒜嘉駐韓嵩豊富霊豊島嵩
申請iad請も謂竿請葦×ima†eIy es刷o†ed l OO
p「oposing an a「c同∝ture beIowground 「esp∝仙the naト
to小e sc「ew. In †he pas† †he whole area was coIonized by
tons/yea「. I冊ddi†ion, the company’s poIicy aimed al
J「aI envi「onmen†.The shape, heigh†, ma†e「ials, Cha「ac-
nume「ous wiId species as invasive ailan血s and locusト
achieving sus†ainable †echnical soIu†io=S has led †o
teris†ics o白he roo白「ea†ed as a 「oof ga「den, make帖s
†ree, POPlar and some w川ows, eSPeCia=y in we†Iands.
more choices in Ie「ms of bo†h pIon† and o「ganiza†ion-
inte「vention a sea「ch fo「 dialogue with †he †e「「i†o「y; Wi†h
Pa「† 0白he soiI was 「emoved fo「 「euse, bu=he p「esence
a=y. fo i† mus† be added †he undeniabIe seques†「a†ion
ils cha「acle「is†ics言†s coIo「s, its main envi「onmentaI vaI-
of rock ou†c「ops has no† a=owed †he 「ecove「y hoped fo「
of C02 by pIQn†s plan†ed in †he ga「den †hanks †0 †hei「
]eS中ロhe di「ec†ion of a significan† a「chi†ecfurQi qualily
†he nex† use, thus requi「ing backfi= from nea「by areas and
pho†osyn†hetic ac廟ty.
COmbined wi†h †he minimiza†ion of envi「onmental impacL
sui†abIe †∝hnoIogicaI subs†「a†e. 1ivo mapIe什ees, †he bes†
Atlen筒on Io ene喝y SOving The en†i「e bu柑ng is Ene「gy
Descriplion of agronomi`al proiec† The a「ea lies a† †he in-
and mos† p「omising, We「e mOVed wi†h ca「e and 「e・
Class A ce「†ified. The achievemen† o白his 「esul† was pos-
fersec†ion of envi「onmen†aI 「egions f「om †he dife「en† cha手
PIan†ed a† †he end o白he wo「k in †he ga「den.For soil con-
sible †hanks †o †he pecuIia「i†ies o白he bu吊ding: †he g「ee=
oc†e「i§tics o白he vege†a†ion and cIima†e: †he刷s o白he
soiidation were used l「ee species wi†h la「ge 「oo†
「oof soiution as a means of passive cooling in summe「
Vdlda「no, †he Apennines, †he pIain of FIo「ence, †he Chi-
developmen† as †he hoim oaks and ho「nbeams. The use
and insuIa†ion in w而eらWith 25/35 cm of subs†「ate, †he
an†i. Have been †aken in†o conside「a†ion, †he「efore,
of Ha「po subs†「a†e ins†ead o白「aditional soiI has many
wcl=s equipped wi†h ventila†ed cavrt中he fixtures wi†h
SPeCies typicai o白he h旧ike ho「nbeam and maple, aS
benefi†s:旧s ob†ained f「om 「aw mate「iaIs co而O=ed by
high insula†ion, †he 「ese† o白he「maI bridges, e†c. In addi・
we= as †he medi†erranean a「ea iike †he hoIm oak and †he
ensu「ing a p「oduc† w油chemicaI ond physicaI known
†ion, †he †echnoIogicaI sys†ems a「e designed wi†h †he spe-
cyp「ess. The fi「s出ees a「e concen†「a†ed in †he medium-
cons†an†s and avoiding †he consump†ion of naル「aI soil
cific in†en† †o achieve maximum ene「gy savings possible.
JPpe「 Part O白he public a「ea (†his is charac†erized by a
from o†he「 si†es and a 「educ†ion o白he amoun† of ped†,
In †he fieId of envi「onmen†aI conditioning, ho† and cold
「eaI hilIside), Whiie †he Ia什e「 †rees in medium-Iow pa「し
wi†h significan† envi「onmen†aI benefi†s. The ma†e「ia=s
water produc†ion is en†「usted †o sys†ems of high efficiency
Having to be a garden而ended fo口he public, and †he「e-
Iightweigh† and has a low coefficien† of compac†ion
hea† pump而egrated wi†h a speciaI geo†he「mal syslem.
b「e accessibie, the focus was on the choice of pIan†
(20%) wi†h exce=en† drainage capac時a=owing †o avoid
The elec†「icaI sys†em is integ「ated by a PV a仰y CaPabie
of producing elect「icily f「om the sun. The focus on 「c}
the amoun† of ca「bon dioxide 「eleased into dふ帥触乱.
species thal offe「 the 「igh† balance of eve「g「een or d合
dange「ous landsIides and washou†s on †he occasion of
ciduous. Even †he ahe「na†ion of blooms has been an eIe
the many excep†ionaI wea†her even†s †ha† ∝CUr「ed during
newable ene「gy sources is compIeme巾ed by †he use of
ment of assessmen† in †he choice of pian†s, †he lack of
the pe「iod of cons血C†ion. With †he grassing and w油†he
sola「 †he「mal panels fo「 ho† wa†e「 p「oduc†ion. The sto「e
which i冊UtUmn is offsel by †he lypicaI coio「s o白he sea-
subsequen† developmen† of sh「ubs and什ees †he soiI con-
is aIso equipped wi†h a compute「ized system of supervI
so吊ke †he coIo「 change o白he Ieaves of some species
solidaIion is compiete. The subs†ra†es were used fo「 op†i-
sion, Which p「ovides †he op†imaI ma=agemen† of energy
mal managemen† of rainwa†e「 and i「rigalion wa†e「. The
「esou「ces. A mu冊ude of o†he「 sma= measu「es compIe
and lhe p「esence of be「「ies and frui†s. The p「oi∝1 0白he
exce=en† pe「meab吊Iy o白he Harpo subs冊es, by †he
men=he ene「ge†ica=y v血ous approach o白he p「oiect;
measu「ed p「esence of s冊and cIay; has a=owed to con-
among o†he「両ngs, i白s to emphasize the operating sys-
砧e p「edominan† use o白he lawn, W油†he inciusion of
†inue w血†he cons†「uc†ion ac†嗣es even afler significan†
tem of exhaust fans from †he underg「ound ca「 pa「ks,
sh「ubby areas sui†abIy dis†ribu†ed aIong †he edges and
「ainfa= eve巾S aS †he s†o「m o= 9 Sep†ember, Where †he
whe「e a sui†abIe control unit fo「 de†∝†ing the ai「 qualily
between †he 「ows of pho†ovoi†aic paneIs. These 「eca= -
cily of FIo「ence has 「isen †o †he headIines for山e excep一
p「ovides fo「 thei「 aclivalion oniy whe…eCeSSary Oveト
with †hei「 cu「ved-Shaped movemen口he州and i†s leveI
†ionai hails†o「m. As men†ioned, †he landsIides have been
al同is estima†ed †ha†而e adoplion of a冊e precau†ions
curves. The north side ga「den is a naturaI conl血a†ion of
almos† i「「eIevan口he buiIding s†「ucture has been dimerト
mentioned above involves an ene「gy saving of abou† 3O
†he public area desc「ibed above, being charac†e「ized by
sioned acco「ding †o the loads o白he 「oof (subs†「a†e in paト
†ons of oil equivalen叩OE) pe「 yea「・
green r∞白hough nol usabIe, has empIoyed †he same
p両cipIes. ln砧s case †he reduced lhickness has invoIved