Scarica il file esercizi di recupero inglese PRIME - Einaudi


Scarica il file esercizi di recupero inglese PRIME - Einaudi
IPSIA Chiodo a.s. 2012 /13
Lingua Inglese
Prof.Melosci [email protected] ; inviare anche a [email protected]
Corso di recupero online- Classi prime
Il programma del biennio prevede lo sviluppo della competenza comunicativa, questo significa
che, oltre a conoscere lessico e strutture grammaticali, bisogna saperli usare per esprimersi in
contesti reali.
Lo scopo di questo corso online e' di rendere noti gli strumenti disponibili in rete per migliorare
l’inglese e saper utilizzare le risorse online.
Tutte le classi
Per tutte le classi può essere utile l'utilizzo della App Busuu per l'inglese che ha lessico,dialoghi,
test di autocorrezione; tale App ha un costo limitato ed è disponibile per Ipad. La classe prima
corrisponde al livello A1 e la seconda a quello A 2. Nella App si trovano molti argomenti trattati
durante l'anno .
Classi prime
Nelle prime e' necessario imparare a :
1) Presentarsi dicendo nome e cognome, età ,luogo di residenza
2) Descrivere la propria famiglia, indicando nomi, età ,professioni e luogo di residenza
3 ) Descrivere le routine giornaliere, quindi le azioni quotidiane e i rispettivi orari
4 ) Parlare in modo semplice della scuola, dicendo come si chiama, dove si trova, quali sono le
materie principali, quali sono le materie e le attività' preferite
5) Parlare delle proprie abitudini alimentari a colazione ,pranzo e cena, saper esprimere le proprie
preferenze tra cibi e bevande.
Per fare quanto detto bisogna saper utilizzare i verbi to be ( essere), le espressioni to be cold, hot,
afraid, ecc. to have got ( avere,possedere) e i verbi regolari al Simple Present, forma
affermativa,interrogativa e negativa , anche come risposte brevi.
Questi sono i contenuti del nostro libro di testo Moving on
Unit 1 Nice to meet you – Subject pronouns, possessive adjectives, verb to be
Unit 2 Where are you from?- question words, articles: a/an/the
Unit 3 Family and things- plurals, regular and irregulars nouns, this/that/these/those
Unit 4 Everyday life- Present simple, preposition of time, object pronouns
Unit 5 Time out- imperatives, adverbs of frequency
Unit 6 Fancy food-countable and uncountable nouns, there is/are, some/any, how
In alcune classi prime sono stati anche introdotti i verbi modali can, must e il Present Continuous,
che vanno utilizzati per :
esprimere ciò che si sa /non si sa fare
esprimere i propri obblighi o doveri
descrivere eventi in svolgimento o immediatamente futuri
Classi seconde
Nelle classi seconde è necessari imparare a .
Utilizzare i due tempi Simple Present e Present Continuous ( o Present Progressive) per
descrivere eventi abituali o momentanei o futuri, conoscendo la differenza di uso
Descrivere le proprie capacità in contesto sportivo (lessico degli sport), uso di can e to be
Descrivere i propri obblighi a casa e a scuola, nella vita quotidiana, conoscendo i verbi per
descrivere azioni della vita domestica , uso di must e to have to
Fare confronti e paragoni fra persone o cose, utilizzando gli aggettivi nei diversi gradi
Riferire di eventi passati, utilizzando il Simple Past dei verbi regolari e irregolari, forme
affermative interrogative e negative,there was, there were
Riferire di eventi futuri usando il Present Continuous, going to o will se in programma.
Testi suggeriti
Per un’attività di recupero estiva chi lo preferisse può acquistare il testo English UK, Easy steps to
revise your English, Hoepli ISBN 078-88-203-5031-4 , 10 € a volume e svolgere gli esercizi nei
capitoli corrispondenti ai contenuti dei programmi delle proprie classi.
Qui seguono alcuni link di esercizi per procedere al proprio autoapprendimento:
Questo sito è molto ben fatto, in alto a sinistra ci sono i livelli di inglese con colori diversi, il blu è
quello iniziale; si può partire da lì per seguire lezioni video ed esercizi, a destra ci sono ascolti ed
esercizi orali.
Se non conoscete dei vocaboli potete utilizzare questi vocabolari online: per i parlanti spagnolo
Qui ci sono esercizi sui verbi al presente e sui plurali:
Qui ci sono altri esercizi:
Qui ci sono sia le spiegazioni, sia gli esercizi con la correzione:
In questa pagina web in alto a sinistra si può decidere su cosa lavorare, perché ci sono esercizi sia di
grammatica sia di vocabolario con autocorrezione.
Qui c’è un corso per principianti , dove l’insegnante aiuta una signora a imparare l’inglese dal
livello 0, con filmati su you tube
IPSIA CHIODO,A.S.2012/13, Verifica di inglese, classe 1 MTA Prof.ssa Melosci 21 novembre
1) Combine together :
Up - breakfast- a shower - dinner – homework- your bed- dressed- to school- to
sleep- football- out
To get………..
To have…………
To do……..
To go……
To play……
2) Answer the questions:
At what time do you get up?
When do you go to sleep?
When do you go back home after school?
What do you do in the afternoon?
Do you have lunch with your family?
3) Write questions using who, what, why,when,where:
I go home because I am tired
I go to school in September
Mr. Smith is my favourite teacher
Moira works at the Tower of London
English is my favourite subject
4) Describe you day , explaining when you do the different activities
I Trasforma le frasi al plurale o al singolare.
18 GENNAIO 2013
This is my friend. These are my friends.
This holiday is fantastic. ...................................
That church is old. ...........................................
These women are young. ................................
Those boxes are green. ...................................
That is Jane’s child. .........................................
That church is old. ........................................
That is Jane’s baby. ........................................
This holiday is fantastic. ..................................
10) These men are young. .....................................
11) Those buses are red. ........................................
II Crea domande adeguate alle risposte seguenti
Paul was born in June
Paul and Mary were born in Las Vegas
Tom was born in 1967
Fiona was born in London
Tom and Mary were born in America
III Rispondi alle domande e scrivi per esteso l’orario ( non solo il numero):
1) At what time do you get up?
2) When do your lessons start?
3) When are you back home?
4) What do you do in the afternoon?
5) At what time do you have dinner with your family?
IV Scrivi gli anni per esteso
V Chiedi a un tuo amico cosa fa nel tempo libero e a che ora svolge le sue attività ( scrivi
un breve dialogo di almeno quattro battute)
1 Sostituisci i soggetti tra parentesi con i pronomi personali soggetto.
0 (The teachers) They are late.
(Mike and I) ........... are students.
(Mrs Robinson) ........... is my teacher.
(You and your friends) ........... are in this class.
(Ted and Janet) ........... are English.
(George) ........... is an exchange student.
(This class) ........... is big.
(Jack Steward) ........... isn’t a good student.
(The students) ........... aren’t in the classroom.
2 Completa le frasi con la forma corretta del verbo to be.
0 Are you the new student?
1 ........... the students late? No, they ........... . They ........... here. But the teacher ........... late.
2 ........... Glasgow in England? No, it ........... . It ........... in Scotland.
3 I ........... a student in this school but I ........... in your class.
4 ........... your name French? No, it ........... Italian. My father ........... from Rome.
5 Good morning. I ........... Mr Moore and this ........... Mrs Harris. We........... your teachers.
6 Anna and Kate ........... English. They........... American, from Boston.
3 Scrivi domande e risposte brevi usando i suggerimenti.
0 she/late? Yes Is she late? — Yes, she is.
1 you/Italian? Yes .................................................
2 your friends/Canada? No .....................................
3 Joe/exchange student? No .................................
4 Biology/your favourite subject? Yes .....................
5 Mrs Jones/your teacher? Yes .............................
6 you/Spain? No .....................................................
4 Scegli l’alternativa corretta – A, B o C.
Hello. 0 B name’s Alessandro Golinelli but I 1........ Italian – I 2........ English, from York. I’m a student at
Dickens High School. 3........ favourite subjects 4........ History and I.T. My best friends are Barbara and
Stuart. 5........ are in the same class. Stuart is an excellent student. 6........ favourite subject is Maths. Barbara
is very nice but she 7........ a good student!
1 A am
2 A is
3 A Its
4 A are
5 A He
6 A Is
7 A is
B My
C I’m
B ’m not
C from
B am
C are
B My
C Your
B is
C aren’t
B She
C We
B His
C Our
B are
C isn’t
5 Leggi le risposte e scrivi le domande.0 ... Is his name Mark... ? Yes, his name’s Mark.
1 …………………...? My favourite subject? It’s P.E.
2 …………………...? Yes, I’m American. From New York.
3 …………………...? No, they aren’t late.
4 …………………...? Yes, he’s the head teacher.
5 …………………...? Her name’s Rebecca Swift.
6 Completa il dialogo con le espressioni nell’elenco.
I’m sorry Good morning
See you
I’m late
Nice to meet you
A: 1........... . I’m Joe Parker. Nice to meet you.
B: 2................, Joe. 3................ too. I’m Mr Wills. I’m the music teacher. Is Music your favourite subject?
A: No, 4........... . It’s Chemistry.
B: Well, 5........... for my lesson. Bye.
A: 6 ............ ..7 ..........later.
IPSIA CHIODO A.S. 2012 /2013 CLASSE 1 mta Verifica del 19 aprile Prof. Melosci
Leggi il testo e rispondi alle domande.
Kate Sanches is an American student and she’s a cheerleader. This is her typical day. She gets up at 7 in
the morning, gets dressed and has breakfast with a cup of tea and some fruit. After that, she gets on the
bus and goes to school. She has lessons in the morning and in the afternoon too. Her mum waits for her
outside school at 3.30 and they go shopping before going home. In the evening she stays at home. Being
a cheerleader takes a lot of work. In fact Kate practises 3 days a week (on Monday, Wednesday and
Thursday) for a total of about 10 hours with her squad. She doesn’t like school and she says that she likes
physical activity because she doesn’t think about school. After practice, she takes a shower and goes
home where she does her homework and checks her e-mails before dinner.
Kate’s family’s quite big. She has two sisters and two brothers. Her sisters’ names are Rebecca and Amy.
They don’t go to school because they are 3 months and 2 years old. Her brothers’ names are Mike and
Jack. They don’t go to Kate’s school. Her parents work in the same bank but they don’t like their jobs.
Kate’s mum’s parents are her favourite grandparents. They don’t live near her, so Kate’s family go to their
house in August and spend their summer holidays with them.
1 What does Kate have for breakfast?
2 Who does she meet at 3.30?
3 What does she do three times a week?
4 When does she have a shower?
5 How many brothers and sisters has she got? ……………………………………………………………………..
2 Rileggi il testo e scegli l’alternativa corretta – A, B o C.
0 Kate is from
A Spain
B Scotland
C America
1 Kate at 7 in the morning.
A has a shower
B gets up
C goes to school
2 She goes to school
A by bus
B with her mum
C with her brothers
3 In the evening Kate
A studies
B meets her friends
C never goes out
4 She school.
A likes
B doesn’t like
C never thinks to
5 Amy is Kate’s
A grandmother
B mother
C little sister
6 Kate’s brothers to her school.
A don’t go
B go
C doesn’t go
7 Kate’s parents working in a bank.
A like
B don’t like
C don’t mind
8 Kate’s favourite grandparents are parents.
A her mum’s
B her dad’s
C Amy’s
9 Kate’s grandparents near her.
A live
B don’t live
C work
10 Kate’s family stay with their grandparents
A at the weekend
B every holiday
C in summer