english version


english version
Journalist, experienced in covering Italian current affairs; investigative reporter
2007-today Senior editor at the current affairs section of national weekly news magazine
2008-today Writer of five non-fiction books published by Italian publisher EDIZIONI PIEMME
1999 - 2007 Editor at national weekly news magazine PANORAMA (ARNOLDO MONDADORI
EDITORE); from 2006 to 2007 desk work at the culture section of Panorama
- March 2012, Golgota, Viaggio segreto tra chiesa e pedofilia. (Golgotha, a secret journey
between the church and paedophilia) A report on child abuse within the Catholic church
- April 2011, Sex and the Vatican, Viaggio segreto nel regno dei casti. (Sex and the Vatican,
A secret journey in the reign of the chaste) On the issue of chastity in the Catholic church
After its success in Italy, this book was published in France (no. 1 in the non-fiction ranking),
Belgium, Switzerland, Canada and Germany. It was discussed by the media worldwide
(Newsweek, the Wall Street Journal, CBS, The Guardian, BBC, Canal Plus, El Mundo, Pravda,
Vanity Fair, Telegraph, Iranian TV).
Canal Plus: (www.carmeloabbate.it/2011/05/26/ecco-il-video-della-puntata-di-ieri-sera-dellatrasmissione-francese-le-grand-journal-su-canal-plus/)
Radio France, guest journalist with Tahar Ben Jelloun: (www.carmeloabbate.it/2011/05/02/radiofrance-ospiti-carmelo-abbate-e-tahar-ben-jelloun/)
- May 2010, Babilonia, viaggio nell’Italia del sesso. (Babylon, a journey among Italian sexual
relations) Report on sexual relations in contemporary Italy (www.edizpiemme.it/libri/babiloniaviaggio-nell-italia-del-sesso)
This book was discussed by many Italian television current affairs programs, such as:
Raitre, (www.rai.tv/dl/RaiTV/programmi/media/ContentItem-ebebbcc1-50e5-4a20-b15b18d6ab1c19a3.html)
Skytg24 (tg24.sky.it/tg24/cronaca/2010/06/11/
Matrix (www.carmeloabbate.it/2011/03/31/matrix/)
- October 2009, L’onorata società, Dal commercio alla sanità, dai trasporti alle professioni.
Caste e baroni dell’«Italia che lavora». “The Honoured Society”, about casteism radicated in
the Italian hierarchy of various professional sectors
- December 2008, La trappola, Come banche e finanza mettono le mani sui nostri soldi (e
come non farsi fregare dalla crisi). “The Trap”, on how banks and finance get to our money
Here are some reports of undercover investigations, most of which were also filmed with a hidden
camera. The videos were published on the web page of Panorama, and many scoops where also
broadcasted by different Italian TV-channels (such as Tg1, Tg2, Tg3, Tg4, Tg5, Studio Aperto,
Skytg24). Many TV-programs picked up the stories, inviting me as a guest-journalist (Matrix, Mi
manda Raitre, Unomattina, Mattino cinque, l’Italia sul due, Porta a Porta, Quarto Grado).
- May 2012, «Noi non molliamo»: magazine cover story on the economic crisis and Italian
businessmen on the brink of suicide (economia.panorama.it/La-crisi-in-Veneto-nella-testa-degliimprenditori-noi-non-molliamo)
- March 2012, «Mormoni in Italia»: report on the life of Italian Mormons,
- May 2011, «Quel che resta di Erika dieci anni dopo»: ten years after a famous murder
committed by two teenagers, I collected hundreds of letters written in prison by one of the
murderers and described her life in jail
- July 2010, «Le notti brave dei preti gay»: magazine cover report with hidden camera about
the double life of gay priests. This report was discussed worldwide
- May 2010, «La setta della porta accanto»: after a thorough investigation over several weeks I
reveal the existence of a sect. The power of attorney initiated an investigation, the lawsuit is in
- December 2009, «Quanti falsi disoccupati»: report on false unemployed in Sicily
- September 2009, «Vergogna in Corsia»: disguised as a doctor, I document serious the issues
of the Italian health system, finding my way into hospitals and operation rooms
- August 2009, «Io schiavo in Italia»: in this undercover investigation I live among illegal
immigrants in the south of Italy, disguised as one of them, and document on their lives as
laborers in agriculture (www.carmeloabbate.it/2011/07/11/io-schiavo-in-italia)
- April 2009, «Truffe telefoniche»: investigation on illegal phone cards used for unlawful
communications and registered in the name of unknowing persons. The power of attorney of
Milan initiated an investigation, 99 arrest warrants were sent
- December 2007, «Io tassista da 4.600 euro»: I expose the tricks used by taxi drivers to raise
their rates..
- September 2003, «Un giorno di ordinaria schiavitù»: in an undercover investigation disguised
as an illegal immigrant working on construction sites, I report on the people exploiting illegal
workers in Milan
- July 2003, «Sognare costa 700 euro»: in an extensive investigation on the tracks of illegal
immigrants in Italy and Tunisia, I describe their journey from their homes to the docks at
the moment of departure, and their arrival in Lampedusa, an island off the Sicilian coast
- September 2001, «Viaggio provocatorio nelle paure inconfessabili degli italian»: after 9/11
I traveled through Italy dressed as a Muslim with a hidden camera, reporting on the hidden fears
and anxieties of the Italian people
- May 2001, «Un tuffo dove l’acqua è meno blu»: undercover investigation on the quality of the
water of many indoor swimming pools in Milan and Rome, with surprising results
- April 2001, «Come ti frodo il fisco: tutti I trucchi usati dagli italiani per non pagare le
tasse»: cover story on how Italians defraud tax and revenue authorities . (www.carmeloabbate.it/
- November 2000, « Miliardari d’Italia»: cover report about the identity of unsuspected Italian
billionaires; with this report Panorama made an historical record of sales. (www.carmeloabbate.it/
Enrolled in the register of Italian journalists since February 2004 (Italian State exam)
- March 1999, Honours degree in Political sciences at the University of Palermo. Final
dissertation on money laundering. During my university years I wrote for various newspapers,
magazines and radio stations about current affairs, economics and sports.
Good spoken and written English and French.
In 2005 I worked for two months in the Panorama New York office.
I can adapt to any environment, a skill I acquired since I was little and grew up in Sicily, doing a
number of different low-profile jobs.
I’m used to working in a team and have also managed co-workers and free-lance journalists in
my years at the culture desk of Panorama. I worked with foreign journalists while doing research
for my books, especially while working on Golgota and Sex and the Vatican.