facolta` di agraria check-list of the vertebrate fauna of the wet area of


facolta` di agraria check-list of the vertebrate fauna of the wet area of
Università degli Studi di Foggia
Maurizio Marrese1,2, Matteo Caldarella2, Vincenzo Rizzi2, Angela Libutti1 and Massimo Monteleone1
1Department of AgroAgro-Environmental Science, Chemistry and Plant Protection
Via Napoli, 25 – 71100 Foggia, Tel 08810881-589312; Fax 08810881-589342; ee-mail: [email protected]
2 Centro Studi Naturalistici ONLUS , via Vittime Civili 64, 71100
71100 Foggia
In those last years, the requirement for a comprehensive picture of the
Italian fauna is progressively grown; for this reason, the present work is
aimed at offering a contribution to the study of the Apulian fauna,
updating previous knowledge or displaying new details and
information, particularly with respect to habitats of major conservation
The area involved by the present study is called “Lago Salso”
(Manfredonia, FG – Italy), a wide marsh area of about 500 Ha within the
borders of the “Gargano National Park”. The wetland is fed by the water
gets from the canals derived from the Cervaro river; the marsh appears
as a vast reeded area with a large occurrence of Phragmites australis and
Typha angustifolia, in association with Juncus subulatus, and Scirpus
maritimus; a great naturalistic value is related to the “airon colonies”
amidst an Eucaliptus spp plantation. The bordering areas (such as the
“Frattarolo” swamp, the mouth of the Candelaro river, the salt-pans of
Margherita di Savoia) are characterized by a mosaic of cultivated field
and marshes, the latter dominated by alophyte vegetation.
Materials and Methods
In order to draw up the fauna check-list, reference was made to the
classification and taxonomy criteria reported in the in the “Atlas of the
fishes of the Italian inner waters” (Zerunian S., 2004), the “Atlas of the
Italian amphibians and the reptiles” (Mayor et alii, 2006), the “Italian
birds Check-list” (CISO-COI, 2004) and the “Atlas of the European
mammals” (Mitchell-Jones et all., 1999). All the bibliographical reports
have been submitted to a direct check, so that changes in the status of the
species could be actually appraised; moreover, all the reports published
before 1970 have been considered “historical”. The original data were
derived from field observations obtained through different experimental
approach: direct sighting, periodic censuses, naturalistic method, transect
line and point count detection, recovery of animals corpses, analysis of
the stuffings of the nighttime rapacious birds.
In order to work out the fauna survey several devices have been used:
high quality optic tools like telescopes (from 30x75 to 20-60x80) and
binoculars (from 7x56 to 10x42), one laser telemeter (8x28), two GPS
systems , phone-reproduction apparatus, analogical and digital cameras
with high quality optics (from 18mm to 400mm).
Results and Discussion
Field observations and the collection of all the useful information made it possible to achieve the compilation of the check-list of the vertebrates settled
in the “Lago Salso” wetland, discerning them according to their taxonomic order and phenological status.
In the following table a brief sum up of the check-list is presented also expressing the species number in the corresponding percentage (table 1). The
presence of 292 species was detected in total, with a preponderant ratio (84%) of bird species. Such a datum confirms the extreme importance of the
area for bird conservation and mainly with respect to the wintering and migratory aquatic bird species. Also with reference to the nest-building bird
species, it is necessary to underline, again, the high naturalistic value of the marsh and the need of a proper management of the wetland and of its
bordering area. In fact, the site results of primary significance for international, national and regional species. It is worth to mention that in 2006 was
ascertained the nidification of Phalacrocorax pygmeus and Himantopus himantopus, while the nidification of Ciconia ciconia, Anser anser, Aythyna nyroca is
regularly confirmed since several years. Great relevance, furthermore, is due to the presence of Emys orbicularis. Native fishes feel the effects exerted by
the introduction of non-native, alien fish species; one of the few native fishes still present in the marsh is Anguilla anguilla. Among the mammals, it is
worth to signal the presence of Meles meles and of several chiroptera species.
The lack of any form of naturalistic and agronomic management produces
an extremely poor faunistic condition. As regard to the most problematical
conservation facets of the area, the poaching activity still limits the fauna
population size, together with the impacts exerted by roads as well as those
exerted by suspended electrical high tension cables. The greatest
environmental problem still derive from the alterations produced by the
surrounding territory, greatly characterized by threatening industrialized
Species numbers and
corresponding percentage
4- 1
243 - 84
28 - 10
7- 2
10 - 3
292 - 100
Table 1 – Species numbers
and affiliation classes of
vertebrate fauna
- Boitani L. et alii (2003) - Fauna d'Italia. Mammalia. III. Edizioni Calderini, Bologna
- CISO-COI (2004) - Check-list degli uccelli italiani.http://www.ciso-coi.org
- Sindaco R. et alii (2006) - Atlante degli anfibi e dei rettili d'Italia. Societas Herpetologica
Italica, Ed. Polistampa
- Check-list of the species of the italian fauna.
- Zerunian S. (2004) – Pesci delle acque interne d’Italia. Quad. Cons. nat., 20, Min.
Ambiente - INFS