Irene Ponzo


Irene Ponzo
Irene Ponzo
Updated to 30/11/2012
Via E. Ricotti no. 1 • 10153 Torino • Italia
Mobile: +39 340 6677407
E-mail: [email protected]
Date of birth: 31/07/1978 • Nationality : Italian
PhD in Comparative Social Research, University of Turin, final dissertation on “The
Black Box of Local Policies. Accommodation Policies for Immigrants: the cases of
Torino and Bologna”.
Degree in Political Sciences, University of Turin, Final dissertation on “Romanians
in Torino and network analysis”, score achieved: 110/110 with Laude and
Honourable mention.
07/2008 – 06/2010 Post-doc fellowship in Political and Social Science, on Housing and Urban Social
Cohesion, University of Turin.
02/2006 – 01/2008 Scholarship "Progetto Alfieri. Scienze umane e sociali verso il futuro" – “Alfieri
Project. Human and Social Sciences Toward the Future” (granted by Cassa di
Risparmio di Torino Foundation), FIERI
“Jemolo Fellowship”, Nuffield College, University of Oxford.
Other activities
2008 – ongoing
University assistant for the teaching in Political Sociology (Dott. Tiziana Caponio),
Faculty of Political Science, University of Turin.
2008 – ongoing
University assistant for the teaching in Dynamics and Policies of immigration (Dott.
Tiziana Caponio), Faculty of Political Science, University of Turin.
2002 – 2006
University assistant for the teaching in Political Science (Prof. Giovanna Zincone),
Faculty of Political Science, University of Turin.
University assistant for the teaching in Intercultural Integration (Prof. Giovanna
Zincone), Interfaculty of Sociology, University of Turin.
2002 – 2006
2002 – ongoing
2004 – ongoing
Member of FIERI (Forum of International and European Research on Immigration)
from 2002
Member of IMISCOE (International Migration, Integration and Social Cohesion in
Europe), Network of Excellence VI EU Framework Programme from 2004 to 2009,
Research Network since 2010.
Irene Ponzo
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2002 – ongoing
FIERI (Forum of International and European Research on Immigration)
Senior researcher and project manager.
2008 – ongoing
Housing Programme of Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation.
Advisor on housing project planning and assessment.
2012 – ongoing
SisTer - Sistemi Territoriali Srl
Advisor on social management and community building to the Fondo Abitare
Sostenibile Piemonte (Piedmont Sustainable Housing Fund).
International Organization for Migration
Trainer in the programme “Fostering a Stable Community: Supporting Worker Rights
Through Housing Conditions and Community Policing” on modules “Minimum
Standards and Best Practices in Housing of Foreign Workers: Promoting Safety and
Reducing the Risk of Community Tensions” and “Ensuring Awareness and Access to
Services to Protect Migrant Rights”, organised by International Organization for
Migration, International Labour Organization e UN-Habitat, Kuwait, 20th 30th May.
FIERI (Forum of International and European Research on Immigration)
Scientific coordinator of Summer School for local practitioners “Immigration and
policies in small and medium cities”, Aosta, 20-21st September.
Istituto Europeo di Design of Roma
Member of the Commission for Final Dissertations in Product Design, 22nd June.
University of Eastern Piedmont and Internazionale Democrazia & Religione
Group Facilitator in training programme for religious community leaders “New
Religious Presences in Italy. A Path of Integration”, sponsored by the Home Affairs
Ministry, 16-17th October.
Aosta Valley Region
Tutor in traning programme addressing Municipal Councilors “Il fare comune.
Sostenere l’attività degli enti locali finalizzata alla crescita delle risorse umane e
alla promozione dello sviluppo locale” (European Social Fund).
Torino Internazionale
Advisor on immigration issues to Social Quality Commission for the development of
the Second Strategic Plan of the City of Turin (2006-2011).
2002 – 2003
FIERI (Forum of International and European Research on Immigration)
Supervisor of the Conference “The juridical treatment of Islamic minorities in
Europe and the United States” (Turin, June 2003), funded by the European
Commission and sponsored by the Presidency of the Italian Republic.
News Italia Press
Irene Ponzo
Updated to 30/11/2012
2012 , Researcher
Project: “European Migrant Integration Academy - an integrated research and cooperative learning project
to reinforce integration capacities in European cities”, led by the International Training Centre of ILO, in
partnership with FIERI and COMPAS of the University of Oxford, funded by the DG Justice, Freedom and
Security (European Integration Fund).
2010-2012, Researcher
Project: “Concordia Discors. Understanding Conflic and Integration Outcomes of Inter-group Interactions
and Integration Policies in Selected Neighbourhoods in Five European Cities”, led by FIERI, in partnership
with the efms of the University of Bamberg, TARKI of Budapest, Autonomous University of Barcelona,
COMPAS of the University of Oxford an and the European Policy Centre, funded by the DG Justice,
Freedom and Security (European Integration Fund).
2012, Scientific Coordinator
Project: "Multiwelfare. Which welfare mix for a changing society?”, carried out by FIERI, funded by
Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation and Cassa di Risparmio di Cuneo Foundation.
2010-2012, Research project manager
Project: "SSII - Servizi, Sensori dell’Integrazione degli Immigrati/Services, Senseurs de l’Intégration des
Immigres/Services, Sensors of Immigrant Integration", contracted to FIERI by the Aosta Valley Region
within the project Demochange led by Munich University of Applied Sciences and funded by Alpine Space
2009-2010, Scientific Coordinator
Project: "Immigrants and Social Housing. A European Perspective”, carried out by FIERI, funded by
Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation.
2008-2010, Researcher
Project: "Workers and housing on the move”, led by FIERI, in partnership with the Department of Social
Sciences of the University of Turin, the Economic and Social Research Institute of Piedmont Region and the
Province of Cuneo, funded by Cassa di Risparmio di Cuneo Foundation.
Project: “The Housing Quality in the Olympic Villages Torino 2006”, carried out by the Department of Social
Science of the University of Turin, funded by Piedmont Region.
2008-2009, Researcher
Progetto "CLIP (Cities for Local Integration Policy for migrants) project - Roles of local authorities in the
integration of migrants”, Third module (on intercultural dialogue), led by efms of the University of
Bamberg, in partnership with FIERI, University of Wroclaw, University of Swansea, COMPAS of the
University of Oxford, IMES of the University of Amsterdam, and the Austrian Academy of Sciences, funded
2007-2009, Researcher
Project: "The role of services in the integration of immigrants ", led by FIERI, in partnership with the
Department of Social Science of the University of Turin, the Economic and Social Research Institute of
Piedmont Region and the NGO CICSENE, funded by Cassa di Risparmio di Torino Foundation.
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2006-2008, Researcher
Project: “Two ways of convergence of migration policies in Europe”, PRIN (Project of National Relevance),
carried out by Department of Social Science of the University of Turin, funded by the Ministry of
Education, University and Research.
2007-2009, Researcher
Project: “Literature review on identity and social inclusion of young migrants and people of migrant
background – evidence on causalities and policy implications", contracted to FIERI by the DG
Occupation, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities (Tender).
2006-2007, Researcher
Project: "Transnational Communities in a Globalized World", led by Swiss Forum for Migration and
Population Studies of Neuchâtel, in partnership with University of Coimbra, University for Applied Sciences
of Bremen, Migrinter of the University of Poitiers, FIERI, Cedem of the University of Liège, IMES of the
University of Amsterdam, sponsored by the European Science Foundation, Italian research strand funded
by CNR (National Council of Research).
2005-2007, Researcher
Project: "Foreign Immigrants in Piedmont. Signals of Integration", led by FIERI, in partnership with
University La Sapienza of Rome, Department of Social Science of the University of Turin, Giovanni Agnelli
Foundation, Indipendent Institute of Studies and Research Scenari Immobiliari, funded by the Cassa di
Risparmio di Torino Foundation.
2004-2005, Researcher
Project "Foreign entrepreneurs in the province of Turin", contracted to FIERI by the Chamber of Commerce
of Turin.
2003-2005, Researcher
Project: “Policy Making of Migratory Policies Between Periphery and Centre, Between Member States
and the EU, Between Formal and Informal Actors”, PRIN (Project of National Relevance), carried out by
Department of Social Science of the University of Turin, funded by the Ministry of Education,
University and Research.
2003-2005, Researcher
Project: “Thirty Municipalities. Immigration Policies in the Municipalities of the Province of Turin”,
contracted to FIERI by the Province of Turin.
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(eds, with F. Pastore), Concordia Discors. Convivenza a conflitto nei quartieri di immigrazione,
Rome, Carocci.
(eds, with G. Zincone), Immigrati: servizi uguali o diversi?, Rome, Carocci.
La casa lontano da casa. Romeni e marocchini a confronto, Rome, Carocci.
(ed) Conoscere l’immigrazione. Una cassetta degli attrezzi, Rome, Carocci.
Journal Articles and Book Chapters
(with T. Caponio and R. Ricucci), Policy change or policy re-styling? The case of intercultural
integration policy in Turin, Lisbon and Valencia, in M. Sacco, C. Torrekens, I. Adam, Ilke and F.
Zibouh (eds), Circulation des idées et des modèles: les transformations de l’action publique en
question. Le cas des politiques d’intégration, Bruxelles, Academia-Bruylant, forthcoming.
Barriera di Milano e Borgo San Paolo. Una storia (operaia) e due destini, in F. Pastore and I.
Ponzo (eds), Concordia Discors. Convivenza a conflitto nei quartieri di immigrazione, Roma,
Carocci, pp. 33-52.
(with A. Bergamaschi), Una survey di quartiere. Radicamento nel quartiere e atteggiamenti
verso l’immigrazione, in F. Pastore and I. Ponzo (eds), Concordia Discors. Convivenza a
conflitto nei quartieri di immigrazione, Roma, Carocci, pp. 119-150.
Dentro casa, in C. Capello, P. Cingolani and Vietti F. (eds), Turin Earth. Città e nuove
migrazioni. I nuovi cittadini e i cambiamenti di Torino negli ultimi trent'anni, Torino, Museo
Diffuso della resistenza, pp. 120-125.
L’immigrato proprietario, in “Il Mulino”, no. 2, pp. 263-270.
Abitare al plurale. Differenze e disparità abitative tra gli stranieri, in “Meridiana”, no. 62, maggio,
pp. 145-158.
L’acquisto di abitazioni, in G Zincone (ed) Immigrazione: segnali di integrazione. Casa, scuola e
sanità, Bologna, Il Mulino, pp. 157-194.
L’accesso degli immigrati all’abitazione: disuguaglianze e percorsi, in A. Brandolini, C. Saraceno
and A. Schizzerotto (eds), Dimensioni della disuguaglianza in Italia: povertà, abitazione, salute,
Bologna, Il Mulino, pp. 313-332.
Smontare il livello locale. I fattori di dinamismo e di inerzia nell’accoglienza residenziale per
stranieri, in “Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia”, no. 4, pp. 547-578.
Quello che i comuni hanno in comune. Politiche locali di accoglienza per gli immigrati, in “Polis”,
vol. 3, pp. 451-479.
Out of paradigms: the Italian Reasonable Way to Integration (with G. Zincone), in “Canadian
Diversity/Diversité Canadienne”, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 51-56.
Reti che sostengono e legami che costringono. Il caso dei rumeni a Torino, in T. Caponio and A.
Colombo (eds), Stranieri in Italia. Migrazioni globali, integrazioni locali, Bologna, Il Mulino, pp.
Irene Ponzo
Updated to 30/11/2012
Papers and Research Reports
(with. T. Nazio and G. Zincone), Immigration and Territory, Indicators of Integration to assist
Local Policies, Demochange report, forthcoming on,
(with S. Busso, P. Cingolani, F. Pastore, M. Manocchi, A. Pogliano), Turin Final Report,
Concordia Discors report, available on
(with M. Pinto), Turin Background Report, Concordia Discors report, available on
(with R. Ricucci), Second-generations: a new actor on the scene of intercultural policies?,
presented at the IMISCOE Annual Conference 2011, Warsaw, 9-10th September.
(with A. Bergamaschi), Concordia Discors. Understanding conflict and integration in European
neighbourhoods, presented at the GEITONIES Final Conference, Lisbon, 28-29th April, available
Il disagio abitativo degli immigrati: le risposte dell’housing sociale, FIERI working paper,
available on
(ed) Immigrant integration policies and housing policies: the hidden link, FIERI working paper,
available on
(with M. Olagnero), Mix abitativo e mix sociale. Una “soluzione” difficile, paper presented at
EXPANET Conference, Naples, 29th September-1st October, available on
Immigrants’ housing pathways: an attempt to explain the differences, paper presented at the
IMISCOE Conference 2009, Stockholm, 10-11th September.
Intercultural policies. The case of Bologna, CLIP (Cities for Local Integration Policy for
migrants) report, available on
Intercultural policies. The case of Lisbon, CLIP (Cities for Local Integration Policy for migrants)
report, available on
(with R. Ricucci and T. Caponio) Setting the Framework. An Overview of the International
Literature, in Literature Review on Identity and Social Inclusion of Young Migrants and People
of Migrant Background - Evidence on Causalities and Policy Implications, report for the DG
Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities of the European Commission, pp. 2-26,
available on
(with R. Ricucci) Italy, in Literature Review on Identity and Social Inclusion of Young Migrants
and People of Migrant Background - Evidence on Causalities and Policy Implications, report
for the DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities of the European Commission,
pp. 98-121,
(with G. Zincone), Glossary. Theories, Approaches and Concepts, in G. Zincone and T. Caponio, The
Multilevel Governance of Migration. State of the Art Report Cluster C9, IMISCOE working paper,
pp. 31-34, available on
The Power on the Non-Profit Service Sector. Welfare Services and Immigration, paper
presented at the workshop “Patterns of immigration in Germany and in Italy”, University of
Trento, 25th September.