Report 33 Med Meeting Rome


Report 33 Med Meeting Rome
33rd meeting of the Mediterranean Group
5 October 2011 - Rome
Draft report of the meeting
1. Opening, announcements and adoption of the agenda
The meeting was chair by Rosa Pavanelli, PSI and EPSU vice-president; She
recalled that on the same day was the general strike in Greece against the
measures imposed by the troika and announced the solidarity of Mediterranean
trade unions to Greeks workers and the unions.
2. Address of CNEL Presidency
The address on behalf of CNEL (National Committee for Labour and Economy)
was played by Francesca Santoro, President of the Commission for European
and International Affairs of CNEL
3. Address of Italian trade unions
The opening speech, on behalf of the Italian trade unions, was made by
Giovanni Faverin, general secretary of CISL FP:
4. - EPSU and PSI policies and activities
Rosa Pavanelli presented the agenda of the next EPSU executive committee
on 8-9 November, the next PSI executive board on 23-24 November 2011 and
informed on the next 29th PSI Congress in Durban, South Africa on 2012
(27-30 November)
The Mediterranean Group (MG) decided to prepare together the PSI
Congress (possible resolution until 27/4/2010 and amendments until
27/07/2012). Will be involved all the components of the Group, member
or less of PSI
Silvia Candida (CISL FP) presented the item on public procurement, Enzo
Bernardo (FP CGIL) on Revision of Working Time Directive, Jesus Gallego (FSP
UGT) on Gender Equality Issues. On working time directive it was presented the
recommendation of the EPSU Secretariat to approve the mandate as proposed
by ETUC and enter into the negotiations with the employers on changes to the
Working Time Directive.
It was presented the EPSU Water Campaign and the next preparatory
steps for European Citizens’ Initiative.
The MG noted the reports.
4. Up-date on Mediterranean migration projects
Mirko Checcacci (CISL FP) presented the activity of the Group on the migration
issues. Starting from the 2009 EPSU Congress resolution on migration until the
PSI-Med Group project on “Public Services meet migrants” (Bari and Malaga
Conferences, May-October 2010). He reported on the EU funded project on
migration “Information et formation des représentants des travailleurs publics
sur l’accueil des migrants”, presented by CFDT Interco, that start on 11 th
October2011 in Paris with the 1st steering committee meeting (October 2011September 2012)
Enzo Bernardo presented the proposal to present a call in the ENPI (European
Neighbourhood & Partnership Instrument) – Mediterranean Sea Basin
The Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme is part of the cross-border
cooperation component within the new European Neighbourhood and
Partnership Instrument (ENPI). The Region of Sardinia has been designated as
Joint Managing Authority by the participating Countries. The general objective
of the Programme is to contribute to promoting a sustainable and harmonious
cooperation process at the Mediterranean Basin level by dealing with the
common issues and enhancing its endogenous potential.
Spain: Andalucia, Catalunia, Comunidad Valenciana, Murcia, Islas Baleares, Ceuta, Melilla
United Kingdom: Gibraltar
Portugal: Algarve
France: Corse, Languedoc-Roussillon, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur
Italy: Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Lazio, Liguria, Puglia, Sardegna, Sicilia, Toscana
Malta: the whole country
Greece: Anatoliki Makedonia - Thraki, Kentriki Makedonia, Thessalia, Ipeiros, Ionia Nisia, Dytiki
Ellada, Sterea Ellada, Peloponnisos, Attiki, Voreio Aigaio, Notio Aigaio, Kriti
Cyprus: the whole country
Turkey: Tekirdag, Balikesir, Izmir, Aydin, Antalya, Adana, Hatay
Morocco: Oriental, Taza-Al Hoceima-Taounate, Tanger-Tetouan
Algeria: Tlemcen, Ain Temouchent, Oran, Mostaganem, Chlef, Tipaza, Alger, Boumerdes, Tizi
Ouzou, Bejaia, Jijel, Skika, Annaba, El Tarf
Tunisia: Madanin, Qabis, Safaqis, Al Mahdiyah, Al Munastir, Susah, Nabul, Bin Arous, Tunis, Al
Arianah, Banzart, Bajah, Juridubah
Libya: Nuquat Al Kharms, Al Zawia, Al Aziziyah, Tarabulus, Tarunah, Al Khons, Zeleitin, Misurata,
Sawfajin, Surt, Ajdabiya, Banghazi, Al Fatah, Al Jabal Al Akhdar, Damah, Tubruq
Egypt: Marsa Matruh, Al Iskandariyah, Al Buhayrah, Kafr ash Shaykh, Ad Daqahliyah, Dumyat,
Ash Sharquiyah, Al Isma’iliyah, Bur Sa’id, Shamal Sina’
Jordan: Irbid, Al-Balga, Madaba, Al-Karak, Al- Trafila, Al-Aqaba
Syria: Al Ladhiqiyan, Tartus
Palestinian Authority,
The project called “Trade Union Solidarity and Cooperation for Migrants’ Rights
in the Mediterranean Region” and asked to all participants to show their
interest to the project. A preliminary meeting will be held in Brussels on 7 th
November, before the EPSU EC. Aim is evaluating the possibility of preparing a
project proposal for the ENPI standard projects II call that shall be issued in end
of the year. The deadline for the presentation of the full Project Proposal is
December (tentative). Info on results will be issued during the 3rd quarter of
2012. The implementation period of the project would be 2013 – 2014. The
tentative duration of the project: 2 years, with a total budget of €500.000 €2.000.000 (this includes the budget for all the partnership and for the 2
The MG noted the reports and it is invited to reply about the interest for
ENPI project in the meeting on 7th November in Brussels
5 -Crisis in the Mediterranean area and round table discussion on the
situation in different countries
Rossana Dettori, general secretary of FP CGIL introduced the discussion on the
austerity measures imposed by the national governments ad by the European
Commission, ECB and IMF. Vassilis Xenachis, ADEDY, presented the dramatic
situation in Greece. Francisco Braz, STAL, Michail Michalis, SEK, Ricardo Freitas,
Sintap, Miguel Segarra, FSC CCOO, Paulo Ferreira, STE, Françoise Geng, CGT
and Rosa Pavanelli participated in the discussion. Giovanni Faverin presented a
report on “Redevelopment of the public expenditure and of the citizenships’
services: the trade unions role”.
The MG agreed the following statement and mandated Rosa Pavanelli to
represent this position inside EPSU and PSI
The Mediterranean Group express its strongly solidarity to Greek
unions that will held a general strike today and the next 19th
October. The Med Group also send its solidarity to the French
union for its action day on 11th October
The economic crisis is the priority of the priorities for our unions
and must be the same for EPSU.
The attack to public service is the hugest threat we’ve ever been
facing and that threats public service workers, citizen’s rights,
and the role of trade unions and social partners.
We need to deeply investigate the reasons of the financial
instability that is affecting all the Mediterranean countries,
putting them under attack of the financial speculation and the
troika policies, since to put discussion on such a fundamental
issue as implied under the generic label "economic crisis" will not
allow in-depth understanding of the specific situation, nor
effective reaction to it. In the Med Group opinion it is worth, at
least, as much attention as the Russia and Central Asia situation.
These items must be permanently on the EPSU agenda, and
therefore the med group ask that a specific point shall put on the
agenda of the next EC meeting and the following meeting as
well, until the situation remains so critical.
The Med group also believes that the ETUC demonstration are
very important, but that it could be more effective to have
industrial action taken by affiliates at national level in all Eu
countries, with an aim to produce a coordinated Eu-level
response under the umbrella of EPSU; and, on the other hand,
that more multilateral coordination between unions in that
direction would help the discussion within EPSU
6. Solidarity to SNAPAP, Algeria
Rosa Pavanelli presented the difficult situation of SNAPAP union in Algeria. We
learn of the attempted assassination on 15 July 2011 of Rachid Malaoui,
General Secretary of PSI Algerian affiliate SNAPAP. The attack to the union
continuing without the support and the solidarity of others unions.
The MG present the following statement, offers its support and
denounces the attacks and violence against members of SNAPAP and
other trade unionists in Algeria.
I sindacati del Gruppo Mediterraneo aderenti a EPSU e PSI
esprimono viva preoccupazione per gli episodi di violenza,
intimidazione e minacce che il sindacato autonomo algerino
SNAPAP da mesi va denunciando.
Nel luglio scorso il suo Presidente Rachid Malaoui è stato oggetto
di minacce di morte e di un attentato, al culmine di una serie di
attacchi che hanno visto attaccare e chiudere sedi sindacali,
aggredire dirigenti sindacali e l’assassinio di un militante a
Orano, fino all’episodio denunciato domenica 25, con
l’intimidazione del proprietario dei locali che ospitano la sede di
SNAPAP, da parte di un ufficiale di polizia, che ha dichiarato di
agire su istruzioni della Presidenza della Repubblica, affinché
rescindesse il contratto di locazione pena la denuncia e i sigilli al
locale per 5 anni e, proprio oggi, è giunta la denuncia che, in una
sala del Ministero dell’educazione dove stava incontrando dei
lavoratori precari, alcuni poliziotti avrebbero selvaggiamente
picchiato Kabache Mohamed fino a fargli perdere i sensi e
richiedere il ricovero nell’ospedale Mustapha Bacha.
Tutto ciò ci fa temere che il cambiamento democratico reclamato
dalle migliaia di cittadini nelle manifestazioni della scorsa
primavera, rimanga lettera morta, lasciando il campo alle
minacce e alla rivalsa di un regime che si conferma sordo alle
aspirazioni democratiche del suo popolo.
Nell’unirsi e sostenere la denuncia presentata da PSI al
Presidente Bouteflika, chiedono la cessazione di ogni violenza nei
confronti di SNAPAP e dei suoi membri, chiedono il rispetto della
libertà di associazione, di tutti diritti sindacali e dei diritti umani
e civili per i lavoratori e gli iscritti al sindacato algerini e si
impegnano a vigilare affinché ciò avvenga nel pieno rispetto
delle convenzioni internazionali e a denunciare i responsabili
Esprimono solidarietà ai colleghi di SNAPAP e si impegnano a
vigilare affinché la loro libertà di esprimersi, organizzarsi e
godere pienamente dei diritti sindacali, sociali, economici e
politici venga riconosciuta e rispettata.
I sindacati del gruppo del Mediterraneo chiedono che l’EPSU
intervenga presso la Commissione Europea e le Istituzioni
europee affinché intervengano presso il governo algerino per
fermare l’escalation di violenza nei confronti dei colleghi di
SNAPAP e perché nelle relazioni anche economiche in essere e/o
in via di definizione tra la UE e l’Algeria il rispetto e la verifica
delle libertà sindacali e dei diritti umani siano posti quali
condizioni vincolanti. (to be traslated)
7. Next meeting of the Mediterranean Group; (Cyprus 2012, France
The next meeting of the Mediterranean Group, the 34 th, will be held in Cyprus
in the second half of the year during the Cypriot presidency of the EU.
The MG warmly welcomed the candidature of the French unions to organize the
35th meeting in France on 2013 (the last Med meeting was in Paris, on 8-9
February 1993)
The Mediterranean coordination group will inform about the next coordination
8. Other business
8a) Mediterranean seats
The MG confirm the Mediterranean seats inside PSI EB and EPSU Gender Equality
PSI EXECUTIVE BOARD (rotation as decide in Wien, Malta and Tel Aviv)
EPSU Gender Equality Committee
Mediterranean Portugal Titular (2009 et 2012) M FERREIRA Paulo STE
Mediterranean Portugal Titular (2010 et 2013) M BRAZ Francisco STAL
Mediterranean Portugal Titular (2011) DOS SANTOS Nobre SINTAP
Mediterranean Malta Titular F MAGRIN Margaret GWU
Mediterranean Malta Substitute (2009) F SCICLUNA GWU
Mediterranean Spain Ssubstitute F CARRERO Maria Victoria FSP UGT
Mediterranean Spain Substitute F GARABIETA Maite FSC CCOO
8b) Solidarity to British trade unions on strike 30th November 2001
The MG express its strong solidarity to the British trade unions that
have decided a public sector-wide strike over pensions 30 November as several
major trade unions (Unison, Unite, PCS, etc) agree to ballot their members over
industrial action. Government proposals to change several public sector schemes is
meeting serious resistance as unions express their anger of the imposition of higher
retirement ages and increases in employee contributions, despite evidence that such
measures are not necessary to fund the schemes. Ballot papers will start being sent to
relevant members on 11 October and the ballot closes on 3 November. The first day of
action is planned for 30 November 2011, starting at 00.01am and continuing for 24