I write to you … p. 03 For a visible communion p. 05


I write to you … p. 03 For a visible communion p. 05
I write to you …
p. 03
For a visible communion
p. 05
Information of the General Government
p. 06
Fully conformed to Christ Shepherd
p. 07
In the sharing of goods
p. 10
In the spirit of the Pauline Family
p. 12
Church - World
p. 13
Deepening together
p. 16
From Connection to communion
p. 18
Family agenda
p. 18
Alive in the house of the Father
p. 19
Suore di Gesù Buon Pastore “Pastorelle” – Roma, Via della Pisana 419/421
Bollettino Informativo anno XXXX
Dicembre 2014 – Marzo 2015
CTN anno XXXX 2015/1 – p. 2
CTN anno XXXX 2015/1 – p. 3
Dearest Sister,
While I think of you as a small clear light amid the ambiguity of our world, together with your
community, I would like to share my Easter greetings, with the words of the Byzantine liturgy: “Day
of the Resurrection! Radiate joy for this solemn feast and let us embrace one another. Let us call
“brothers” even those who hate us: we forgive all for the resurrection1.
Yes, I come to you confident that you too must have experienced this time of preparation
for Easter as an itinerary of formation of the heart: “A heart which lets itself be pierced by the Spirit
so as to bring love along the roads that lead to our brothers and sisters. And, ultimately, a poor
heart, one which realizes its own poverty and gives itself freely for others.(…) A heart which is firm
and merciful, attentive and generous, a heart which is not closed, indifferent or prey to the
globalization of indifference”2.
This expression of Pope Francis made reminded me of our Chaplet to Jesus Good
Shepherd, and in particular the fifth part, in which together we ask the Lord to give us his own
This is why we wanted to reserve the first number of the CTN, in the year dedicated to the
Consecrated Life, sharing what we have chosen to live and love as a response to the call of the
Lord to be consecrated to Him as “Guardians of prophecy.”
In this year of the Consecrated Life, start again praying quietly this Chaplet, it can help you
savor the charismatic richness and the call to be companion on the journey with those struggling
on the way to the Kingdom.
In it, after asking Jesus Good Shepherd to give us the grace to listen to and to love His
Word so that it may bear fruit in our hearts3; after asking that everyone may follow the Lord4 and
the Church may expand throughout the world, with the desire to spend ourselves totally for the
people of God5; and after entrusting to the Lord the Pope and all the priests, in our commitment to
cooperate with priestly zeal6. In the last part, we ask the Good Shepherd to donate his heart to us,
to guide us, that may there soon be one flock and one Shepherd. May the fire of the Holy Spirit
who makes us one in Christ, inflame in the heart of each of us the desire for the Glory of the Father
and a great love for our brothers and sisters. Ask Him to warm your heart so that freed from all
coldness, you may feel the warmth of the closeness of the Father and allow his Love to be passed
In every expression of this Chaplet exudes the pastoral spirit that has its root in the three
Divine Persons, there where our vocation to communion springs, according to the Apostle Paul:
“God is faithful, and by him you were called to fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord “ ( 1
Cor 1:9 ).
Anthologhion III, 165.
Pope Francis, Message for Lent 2015.
cf. 1 part.
cf. 2 parte
cf. 3 part.
cf. 4 part.
CTN anno XXXX 2015/1 – p. 4
It is in this communion that the Good Shepherd makes you share in his apostolate which is
his very same life in you. A life given gratuitously, called to radiate the divine mercy in the word as
in suffering, in the pastoral action as goodness toward all .
Today, in the midst of continuous cultural and anthropological changes that strongly
challenge you and your community, let us ask ourselves: Do we have the courage to leave plenty
of room for the Spirit so that our Consecrated Life become more evangelical and faithful to God
and the people of today? Our life is called to become more and more an offering to the Father of all
of us in order to cooperate in the pastoral mission of Christ in the Church of this time so troubled
and uncertain.
How many times you too have asked: “But how can my total gift, our gift come about when
we see ourselves: poor, ignorant, incapable, inadequate in respect to a mission so great?“.
Pope Francis invites us to start from the reality7, from the concreteness of our lives so that
the mission may be the fruit of following Jesus Good Shepherd and not a set of abstract principles
which do not touch lives and do not bring the heart to a true conversion. It is only in entrusting to
the Holy Spirit can our heart be purified and transformed into a good and merciful heart, similar to
that of the Shepherd Jesus.
In this Easter season, I invite you to rediscover this presence of the Spirit in your heart,
listen to Him while He invites you to keep alive the root of your Baptism, the beginning of your life
as a daughter. Contemplate Him while He pours in you life in abundance, becoming strength in
weakness, support when you falter, a call for those who like branches have broken away from the
true Vine. Thank him while you accept your free adhesion to the Father's will as daily bread; while
He weaves even in your relationships the divine communion; while He unites you to Christ until the
day of judgment, when he returns as the Shepherd among his sheep.
The Easter season lived thus, will be then revealed in all its richness as “a time of hope,” a
time of “special prophecy”: in the listening to the Word of God, the only one that can heal your
heart by placing it in a continuous dynamic of moving away from yourself, to meet, to take care, to
get closer to those who are lost. It can become a favorable time to give your life gratuitously, in the
theology of wasting one’s own consecration, in solidarity with those who are struggling to find
meaning to their existence. It can also be an opportunity to experience the dynamics of the
temporary, allowing yourself to be disturbed, to leave your comfort zones, in not wanting, at all
cost, to decide the type of fruit to bear, in the memory of many martyrs who even today, are ready
to be seed that dies in the ground of history, because of the Risen One.
In the Eucharist which we live each day, let us allow ourselves to be transformed into what
we contemplate and ask, with the groaning of the Spirit, that our communities may be
“communities of the Risen One”, communities that welcome the gift of hope, know how to see
when it is still dark the ushering of dawn, the time of the resurrection! Let us live as resurrected
persons, keeping hope in our hearts and in our communities, continuing to believe that the Lord is
truly risen and that God's plan is being actualized even in our troubled history .
“Come let us communicate the new fruit of the vine, the divine joy, in this famous day of the
resurrection, and to the kingdom of Christ, let us praise Him, God, for ever8.
While I wish you a good and holy Easter, I invite you to rejoice with the sisters, the joy of
God, who has conquered sin and death and has already rendered us in this world daughters of the
Sr. Marta Finotelli
superior general
Rome, 19 March 2015
Solemnity of St. Joseph
Cf. EG 233.
Anthologhion III, 161.
CTN anno XXXX 2015/1 – p. 5
From the Sisters of the General Government
It is said that time belongs to God and to us it is given as an essential and precious gift. It is
within time that relationships flourish and fraternity is formed and built; it is with time that we grow
in accepting as well as learning to renounce our view point, familiar environment and certain
attitudes in order that the saving presence of God may reign ever more in us and in the context in
which we live.
As a group for our Council meetings, we have chosen to start each monthly meeting by
sharing on the book of Tobit, since last year we used it for our spiritual exercises together.
Reflecting on the experience, the content of the book and everyday life, it is helping us to
understand what it means to be learning from life: to walk with our sisters and brothers in
communion, conscious that in our diversity we are one humanity and it is in the common Father,
that we take care of each other.
The participation in the National Convention of Major Superiors and their Councils, organized
by the USMI on 12-14 December 2014 on the theme: “The governing community in a paschal and
discerning style”, has been very enriching in content and also because, as a group, we
reconsidered the contents and shared what stood out for us and what was deemed important in
view of the year dedicated to Consecrated Life and the fostering of communion.
After Christmas Sr. Marta Finotelli participated at the meeting "Under 50", with two of our
younger sisters of the community, Sr. Marisa and Sr. Aminta, which was organized by the province
ICS. Besides the experiential and prayer sharing, they dwelled on the theme: "The life in the spirit.
The beauty of a consecrated life lived in fullness ", a talk given by Fr. Salvatore Zanda sj. It was an
experience of communion lived in joy and an invitation to allow oneself to be challenged by God
who surprises and urges us to grow in unity and in our being consecrated women for mission.
In this year dedicated to Consecrated Life, for our monthly community retreats, we chose to
stay on the topic of Consecrated Life and communion. For the retreat of January, we had with us
Father Zust Milan sj who presented to us a journey that has its source in the communion of the
Holy Trinity, and to which we too are called to share in the Son Jesus Christ. This communion is a
gift of the Holy Spirit, the lifeblood of the Vine which is living the Paschal logic, overturning human
logic, for the sake that Christ may reign, act and live in us.
As is now customary, in recent months we have had several departures and arrivals.
December 14, 2014 Sr. Monica Reda and Sr. Silvia Rodriguez left for Argentina, to then form the
new community of Uruguay with Sr. Maria Hetzler. On January 11, 2015, Sr. Cristiane Ribeiro
returned from Brazil after her visit to the family. On January 22, Sr. Cristina Jae Kyoung Lee
arrived for a time of study, followed by the junior Sr. Rita Lee who arrived on February 28, for an
experience in preparation to the perpetual profession. Both Sisters belong to the Korean
As indicated in the General Programmation, on 20 January we started the canonical
visitation to the province ICN-MZ. These were weeks of much travel and joy, meeting each sister,
in her respective community, seeing how is lived the dedication to the Good Shepherd in pastoral
ministry and in illness. Such experience invites us to express our gratitude to the Lord for the
manner he is with us and for us, and how he sustains us in our daily lives. The canonical visitation
will end with a visit to the community of Pemba (Mozambique) which will be carried out by Sr.
Marta and Sr. Cesarina from 20 May to 2 June.
With the fraternity that characterizes our membership as the Pauline Family, on 4 February
we thanked God for the election of the new Superior General of the Society of St Paul, Fr. Valdir
José de Castro, 7th successor of Blessed James Alberione and later also for the election of his
councillors. On February 5 some of us were able to participate at the opening of the centenary
CTN anno XXXVIIII 2015/1 – p. 6
year of the Daughters of St. Paul, in a joyful and strong family atmosphere. Even the participation
in the Mass of Thanksgiving for the closure of the General Chapter of the Society of St. Paul, on 18
February, was characterized by fraternity, communion and a family spirit. All together with great
joy, we praised and thanked God who never ceases to surprise us and bestow abundant gifts.
With these attitudes we continue along the path that awaits us during this year dedicated to
Consecrated Life.
For the Sisters of the General Government
Sr. Rita Ruzzene
The Superior General, Sr Marta Finotelli, with the consent of the Council, during the months of
December 2014 – March 2015, has made the following acts:
 Admitted to the year of preparation to the Perpetual Profession the junior Sr. Rita Lee of the
Korean Delegation and approved her formative programme. Presently Sr. Rita is in Italy for a
community and apostolic experience.
 Admitted to the Perpetual Profession the juniors of the PI-AU-SA Province: Sr. Florentina
Bataclan, Sr. Marnie Cabiles, Sr. Evangeline Dolores and Sr. Junlyn Maragañas.
 Appointed as mistress of the Postulants of the ARG-BO Delegation, Sr. Mariana Basualdo; Sr.
Elsa Zavaleta as mistress of Aspirants of the Delegation CI-PE and approved its formative
Programme for the Aspirancy and the Juniorate.
 Ratified the nomination of Sr. Maria de Fatima Piai as mistress of the Juniors of the Province
 Ratified an agreed three year pastoral contract with the Diocese of Salto where the community
of Paysandú, Uruguay is established, and as of 25 January is an international community,
dependent on the General Government and appointed Sr. Maria Hetzler as superior.
 Defined the Calendar and prepared the Canonical Visitation of the Province ICN-Mozambique,
which was then carried out together with all the Counsellors from 19 January – 25 February. At
the end of May the visitation will conclude with her visit, to the Community of PembaMozambique, accompanied by Sr. Cesarina Pisanelli.
 Extended for two months the date of change of Government of the Province BR-SP, from
October 2015 to January 2016.
 Reflected on the themes of Communion and Eucharist, to be deepened within the current
three-year period.
 Decided to integrate the community of Taipei Taiwan to the Province, PI-AU-SA, after a careful
discernment process, together with the community of Taipei-Taiwan and the Sisters of the
Provincial Government of Philippines-Australia-Saipan. This new configuration will be effective
from May 15 2015. The Province will be called Philippines-Australia-Saipan-Taiwan (PI-AU-SATA).
 Initiated the preparation for the Canonical Visitation to the Delegation CI-PE, and will be
accompanied by Sr. Rita Ruzzene, from 19 April – 11 May 2015. During this visitation there will
also take place a finalised visit to the Sisters of Cantel - Matanzas, Cuba.
 Approved the Regulations of the Pauline Co-operators “Friends of Jesus Good Shepherd” of
the Circumscription CO-VE-ME.
 Considered the topics to be dealt at the meeting with the Sisters of the ECIR (Central Equipe
Information/ Reflection), from 13-15 March 2015 in the Generalate.
CTN anno XXXVIIII 2015/1 – p. 7
The ministry of consolation
Anyone travelling along highway 50 who overlooks at the Valley of Primiero, experiences the
best show staged by the Dolomites, those extraordinary mountains that, like a natural border,
protect our peninsula from the North. Given its location, the valley presents itself like a natural
amphitheater, allowing one to enjoy a breathtaking panorama. Primiero is situated in the southern
Dolomites, on the border between Trentino and the province of Belluno. The valley is surrounded
by three mountain ranges: the Lagorai to the west, to the south the Feltre Peaks, and to the north
the Pale di San Martino. The territory of the valley consists of six municipalities: Fiera di Primiero,
Imèr, Mezzano, Siròr, Tonadico and Transacqua. The main activities of the Primiero people, until
recently, were agriculture, livestock and woodworking. In recent decades tourism industry has
prevailed, the management of the shelters for the many tourists that visit the valley attracted by its
natural beauty and, especially in winter, for the well-resourced ski resorts.
Transacqua is the most populated municipality with more than 2,100 inhabitants. Lying on
the left of the Cismon and Canali creeks, it enjoys a privileged panoramic position. From its
position it derived the name of "beyond the water". The townships of Pieve and Ormanico also
belong to the municipality of Transacqua.
Father, Vittorio, and mother, Virginia, were married in the early twentieth century and
together formed a good Christian family. Their work as farmers provided for them a simple and
basic life, enhanced by their deep faith. Their home was in the hamlet of Ormanico, where on
February 6, 1929, Giacomina was born and baptized the following day in the parish church
dedicated to St. Mark the Evangelist, a church known for the famous song of the Alpini chorus "La
ceseta de Transacqua” (the small church of Transacqua).
The little Giacomina grew placidly, and helping her mother with the house chores. She
attended the parish and the primary school, which in Trentino, thanks to the Austro-Hungarian
empire tradition, even then, school was compulsory up to the age of 14 years and it was
impossible to escape from this duty, or otherwise someone would come to the house and take you
to school like it or not. But Giacomina was happy to go to school. At the age of 7, on 12 July 1936,
after a serious and demanding catechism course, she received her first Holy Communion and
Confirmation at the hands of Mons. Enrico Montalbetti, auxiliary bishop of the archbishop of Trento.
The parish of Transacqua ensured a good Christian education, which envisaged the continuation
of catechism instruction and the frequent participation in the sacraments of the Eucharist and
Confession. Giacomina was a girl of simple and very practical faith; she participated in the life of
the parish and was very sensitive to the suffering of others, willing to help anyone who was in
Meanwhile, in the first decade of the life of our Congregation, exactly in 1948, the Pastorelle
Sisters opened a community at Transacqua and, a year later, another community in the nearby
town of Tonadico. The charm and freshness of their vocation attracted many girls who used to
frequent the Sisters not only for parish activities but also for embroidery classes. Among these girls
were two close friends: Giuditta Pradel and Giacomina Simoni, who helped each other discern their
CTN anno XXXVIIII 2015/1 – p. 8
vocation to the religious life, and 24 hours apart from each other, both entered the Pastorelle
The parish priest of Transacqua, Fr. Giovanni Losi, in preparing a reference of good conduct
for Giacomina described her as "irreproachable in every respect," a presentation that paved her
way to the religious life among the Pastorelle Sisters. So on September 15, 1949, Giacomina
entered the convent at Genzano. Soon after she was sent to the formation house at San Pietro alle
Acque (PG) where she spent, intermittently, the time of her initial formation. Those were the years
in our Congregation when everything needed to be experimented with, they were the heroic years
of the origins, and formation was imparted also in the apostolic communities.
In fact, although Giacomina hadn’t made her first profession, she was doing pastoral work in
Cinte Tesino (TN) and Casorzo (AT). While she was in Casorzo, she received a letter from the
Founder, Fr. James Alberione, telling her to make private vows for a year. On 12 June 1953,
Giacomina took her vows making her profession in the secret of her heart, after Communion,
without any celebration, but with intimate joy and the totality of faith and commitment to Jesus good
Shepherd. On June 23, 11 days later, the Pastorelle Sisters received the diocesan approval by
decree of the Card. Joseph Pizzardo, bishop of Albano. Giacomina officially renewed her vows a
few days later and was given the new name of Sr. Mariangela.
Our pioneer sisters have laid solid foundations for our religious family precisely because of
the genuineness of their faith and the generosity of their love for Christ. Their trust in the Founder
was total and it was the concrete expression of their trust in the Lord.
In the years of temporary vows, Sr. Mariangela continued her apostolic work in the
communities of Civé of Correzzola (PD) and Villamarzana (RO) until 1956, when, in preparation for
her perpetual profession, she spent a year in the Mother House in Albano Laziale, where a new
building was under construction, large and spacious, intended to accommodate the many young
women who were asking to join the Pastorelle Sisters.
On August 2, 1958, Sr. Mariangela made her perpetual profession in the temporary chapel of
the new Mother House, during the celebration of the Eucharist presided by the Founder. Her joy
was visibly carved on her face: she now totally belonged to Jesus good Shepherd, forever!
her perpetual profession Sr. Mariangela was assigned to the community of Cuneo Saliceto
as superior. She remained there for eleven years, a long time during which she had the possibility
of manifesting, in all its beauty, her maternal spirit and above all her care for the sick and the
suffering of all kinds. Hers was a true ministry of consolation that she carried out without too many
words, but with frequent visits to the sick and with gestures of tenderness and closeness. Such
being the essential language of gratuitous love that everyone understands and especially
appreciated by those who suffer.
After a short stay in the mother house, Sr. Mariangela carried out her apostolate in Cinte
Tesino (TN) until the closing of the community in 1972. Immediately after she moved to the
community of Pieve d'Alpago (BL) where she remained until 1980. Here too, she was loved and
esteemed for her care towards the suffering and for her ministry among families. Her heart became
the home of the joys and tribulations of many families who felt they were heard, loved and
accepted by her as with a mother's heart. These were the secrets that Sr. Mariangela presented to
Jesus good Shepherd in her prayer.
Meanwhile in 1980 the Generalate of the Pastorelle Sisters was transferred from Albano
Lazio to Rome, to Eur Mostacciano where to the sisters forming the general government were
added a few others to form community. Sr. Mariangela was asked to join the community serving as
the cook. She welcomed this obedience, as was typical of her, even though it was hard for her to
give up her full time ministry of pastoral care.
But in Rome too, she didn’t miss the opportunity to continue her ministry of consolation,
because right in the parish Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Sr. Mariangela devoted herself to her
favourite pastoral care of families. She came to know many painful situations and to them she
devoted her best energies, in order to help people to meet the loving face of God. The father of a
young family with three children, whose mother suffered with a crippling disease said of her: "Sr
CTN anno XXXVIIII 2015/1 – p. 9
Mariangela was a patient Pastorella, she was affable and devout; in a short time she was able to
be of great comfort to my wife, she became the only one who understood her, the only one who
could comfort her; she spoke to her of God, of faith, of the life of the parish community, the
problems of the children, a gift from God ... and while she spoke, she did some sewing, repairing
things. Even my children, who were usually grumpy, were fascinated by the love that emanated
from that meek person, and always greeted her with admiration... ".
In the community of the Generalate, Sr. Mariangela was a welcoming and kind presence and
the sisters so described her: "She has a lively expression, a serene smiling face; she treats others
with a kindness that conceals a strong character, like the rocks of the Trentino from which she
comes. She loves silence, precision, rigorous punctuality to her duty which she carries out with
love and dedication. In the kitchen she always finds something to do. She likes to cultivate a
vegetable garden, make jams and preserves. She can organize herself in such a way as to be
actively present at community prayer, reflection and relaxation”.
Meditating on Psalm 26, we found in her journal the following words: "O Lord, let me follow
you even when my path is neither smooth nor straight". In fact Sr. Mariangela was having heart
problems and this fragility made her insecure and sometimes worried, but also more capable of
understanding and lifting the suffering of others. Due to the worsening of her illness and the decline
of her physical strength, she asked to leave Rome and be transferred to a small community,
possibly close to her homeland. And so, after five years, she left the Generalate and moved to
Pressano Lavis (TN) and then to Valbona (PD) from where she could more easily travel to be by
the bedside of her sick father. Following his death, she returned to the community of Cuneo
Saliceto, where she was welcomed with joy by people who knew and loved her. Here her health
seemed to improve to the point that she could once again devote herself to her usual ministry of
consolation, often meditating the words of the Founder on the Yes of maturity, drawing light and
incentive for her spiritual journey.
In February 1988, on her way to a retreat together with the Sisters, she felt sick and was
rushed to intensive care suffering a brain hemorrhage. In ICU everything was done to possibly help
her, but her situation remained serious. The Sisters continued to hope for a recovery; treatment,
which could be painful, was intensified, but her condition deteriorated daily. And so, on April 12,
Jesus good Shepherd came to take her and reveal his luminous face to her, a face that Sr.
Mariangela had recognized, loved and served in many people, fulfilling to the end her ministry of
Sr. Giuseppina Alberghina, sjbp
CTN anno XXXVIIII 2015/1 – p. 10
Carissime Sorelle,
in quest’anno dedicato in modo speciale ad approfondire il dono della Vita
Consacrata e in continuità con quanto vissuto nel 7° Intercapitolo, mi è stato chiesto di dedicare
questo spazio per rivisitare insieme alcuni aspetti dello stile di povertà.
Partiamo dal pensiero tratto da una predica del Primo Maestro1 nella quale ci parla del voto
di povertà e quindi delinea alcuni tratti del nostro stile di povertà:
«La povertà impegna tutti i nostri beni, compresa la salute.[…] E’ per il voto di povertà che si porta
l’abito comune così da evitare ambizioni. Con il voto rinunciamo ad amministrare i nostri beni. Il
voto di povertà ci dovrebbe inclinare a vivere nello spirito di povertà del Maestro divino che ha in
una grotta mangiato il pane dei poveri, guadagnato con il sudore della sua fronte. Nella vita
pubblica aveva delle offerte che non teneva per sé. “Le volpi hanno le tane, ma il Figlio dell’uomo
non ha dove posare il capo”(Mt 8,20), Gesù non ha nulla di suo. E’ spogliato, nudo, prima di
morire, e muore sopra un durissimo legno, la croce, per essere sepolto in una tomba che non è
Il Beato Alberione ci ricorda il fondamento della nostra povertà e cioè la sorgente che si trova
nella sequela di Cristo Gesù, il buon Pastore che “ da ricco si fece povero per noi. […] In Lui
povero anche noi possiamo vivere la grazia della povertà per dedicarci alla cura d’anime con totale
Mentre oggi la Chiesa si attende un rinnovamento della Vita Consacrata, è significativo
ricordare l’invito che troviamo nel Decreto, Perfectae Caritatis3, il quale mette in risalto lo spirito di
povertà dei consacrati e il nostro affidamento alla Provvidenza: “Per quanto riguarda la povertà
religiosa, non basta dipendere dai superiori nell'uso dei beni, ma occorre che i religiosi siano
poveri effettivamente e in spirito, avendo il loro tesoro in cielo (cfr. Mt 6,20). Nel loro ufficio sentano
di obbedire alla comune legge del lavoro, e mentre in tal modo si procurano i mezzi necessari al
loro sostentamento e alle loro opere, allontanino da sé ogni eccessiva preoccupazione e si affidino
alla Provvidenza del Padre celeste (cfr. Mt 6,25)”.
Possiamo fare memoria del giorno della nostra Professione Religiosa ringraziando il Signore
per il dono della vocazione e rinnovando insieme alle nostre sorelle di comunità la nostra “Scelta di
vivere in povertà alla maniera di Cristo, di dedicarci al servizio pastorale in atteggiamento di
gratuità. Libere dalle esigenze del possesso, accogliendo come Lui ogni cosa creata come dono
del Padre, in una vita di condivisione austera e operosa”4.
Questa scelta, che è anche impegno in forza del voto di povertà, è ulteriormente arricchita
dalla riflessione congregazionale plasmata all’interno del Progetto economico generale. Rivisitiamo
l’obiettivo che ci siamo prefisse come Istituto e le scelte individuate:
«Come Cristo buon Pastore povero, che svuotò se stesso5, vogliamo vivere la grazia della povertà
evangelica con gratitudine, nella consegna di tutta la nostra vita al Padre, perché disponga di noi
PrP VII, 1955, pp. 294-295
Cfr PEG p.6-7
PC, n. 13
Cfr RdV n. 43
Cf Fil 2, 5-11
CTN anno XXXVIIII 2015/1 – p. 11
secondo la sua volontà d’Amore6. Da questa adesione libera e vitale a Cristo scaturiscono le
nostre scelte:
1. La sobrietà e il distacco nell’uso dei beni, il lavoro per vivere, la fiducia nella Provvidenza, la
libertà dal possesso;
2. la condivisione di tutti i beni nella comunità fraterna, lottando contro l’individualismo e
assumendo le debolezze proprie e quelle delle sorelle, come spazio in cui opera la potenza di
3. la compassione e la solidarietà con i poveri, nella difesa della dignità di ogni persona umana e
nella giustizia evangelica;
4. nella fedeltà dinamica al carisma che ci chiede di vivere in continua conversione;
5. amministrando con sapienza i beni a servizio della missione e del bene comune, nel rispetto
delle leggi, in un’etica planetaria.»7.
Infine, credo sia illuminante considerare quanto Papa Francesco ci stia donando, come
riflessione-provocazione, nell’anno della Vita Consacrata. Vi propongo un brano denso di
contenuto riguardante il voto di povertà. Questo brano è tratto dal discorso che pronunciò in Corea
nell’incontro con le Comunità religiose, lo scorso 16 agosto del 2014:
«Mediante il consiglio evangelico della povertà sarete capaci di riconoscere la misericordia di Dio
non soltanto quale sorgente di fortezza, ma anche come un tesoro. Sembra contraddittorio, ma
essere poveri significa trovare un tesoro. Anche se siamo affaticati, possiamo offrirgli i nostri cuori
appesantiti da peccati e debolezze; nei momenti in cui ci sentiamo più fragili, possiamo incontrare
Cristo, che si fece povero affinché noi diventassimo ricchi (cfr 2 Cor 8,9). Questo nostro bisogno
fondamentale di essere perdonati e guariti è in sé stesso una forma di povertà che non dovremmo
mai dimenticare, nonostante tutti i progressi che faremo verso la virtù. Dovrebbe inoltre trovare
espressione concreta nel vostro stile di vita, sia personale che comunitario; penso in particolare al
bisogno di evitare tutte quelle cose che possono distrarvi e causare sconcerto e scandalo negli
altri. Nella vita consacrata la povertà è sia un “muro” che una “madre”. È un “muro” perché
protegge la vita consacrata, è una “madre” perché la aiuta a crescere e la conduce nel giusto
cammino. L’ipocrisia di quegli uomini e donne consacrati che professano il voto di povertà e
tuttavia vivono da ricchi, ferisce le anime dei fedeli e danneggia la Chiesa. Pensate anche a
quanto è pericolosa la tentazione di adottare una mentalità puramente funzionale e mondana, che
induce a riporre la nostra speranza soltanto nei mezzi umani, distrugge la testimonianza della
povertà che Nostro Signore Gesù Cristo ha vissuto e ci ha insegnato. E ringrazio, su questo punto,
il Padre presidente e la Suora presidente, perché hanno parlato giustamente del pericolo che la
globalizzazione e il consumismo recano alla povertà religiosa».
Ringraziamo Dio per la testimonianza di tante sorelle e comunità impegnate nel rendere
visibile il Volto del Pastore povero, che spoglio e libero si china su ogni realtà umana bisognosa di
misericordia. Un grazie particolare al Signore per i nostri benefattori, familiari e amici che ci
sostengono con la loro preghiera e aiuto materiale. Infine un grazie a tutte le comunità che nel loro
progetto comunitario tengono conto dello spirito del Fondo di Solidarietà8 Congregazionale e vi
partecipano con generosità e senso di comunione. Questo fondo, come descritto in sede
Capitolare e recentemente nel nostro 7° Intercapitolo, ci ha permesso di essere solidali con realtà
bisognose e anche sostenere la formazione di nuove generazioni di Pastorelle.
Vi auguro un buona continuazione del cammino quaresimale e una Santa Pasqua. In
comunione di preghiera e con gratitudine,
Sr. Aminta Sarmiento Puentes
economa generale
Cf CEG, Sussidio 2002, priorità 1.
PEG, p. 7-8
Cfr. PEG p. 12
CTN anno XXXVIIII 2015/1 – p. 12
“Tutto faccio per il Vangelo” (1 Cor 9,23)
X Capitolo Generale della Società San Paolo
Ad Ariccia, nei giorni 25 gennaio - 15 febbraio è stato celebrato il 10° Capitolo Generale della
Società San Paolo, illuminato dalla frase paolina: “Tutto faccio per il Vangelo” (1 Cor 9,23). È stato
eletto il nuovo Governo Generale composto dal Superiore Generale: Don Valdir José de Castro
(Brasile); dal Vicario Generale, Don Vito Fracchiolla (Italia); e dai Consiglieri Generali: Don Celso
Godilano (Filippine), Don José Salud Paredes (Messico), Don José Pottayil (India), Fr. Luigi Bofelli
(Italia), Fr. Darlei Zanon (Portogallo).
Al termine del Capitolo, nella Dichiarazione Capitolare: “Evangelizzare oggi nella gioia come
apostoli comunicatori e come consacrati”, sono state citate le parole di Papa Francesco: «La gioia
del dono ricevuto per puro amore si comunica con amore. Gratuità e amore. Solo chi ha
sperimentato tale gioia la può comunicare, anzi non può non comunicarla, poiché “il bene tende
sempre a comunicarsi”» (EG 9). Inoltre, percorrendo parole come “diaconia digitale” i nostri fratelli
paolini hanno manifestato il loro desiderio di essere con la Chiesa, una Congregazione “in uscita”,
“in cammino” per mettersi accanto ai “nuovi macedoni” (cfr. At 16,9), trovando nel Vangelo la
sorgente della contentezza. Hanno evidenziato la loro fiducia nell’azione dello Spirito che
riaccenderà in tutta la famiglia la “duplice fiamma” dell’amore a Dio e agli uomini, ovunque essi
siano. Da questo fuoco scaturirà la gioia nell’annunciare Cristo, adottando le nuove forme, i nuovi
linguaggi e le nuove strutture dettate dalle esigenze operative e suggerite dalla “fantasia della
carità”. (cf. Papa Francesco, Udienza alla Famiglia Paolina, 27 novembre 2014).
Con una Celebrazione Eucaristica svoltasi a Roma nella basilica Maria Regina degli
Apostoli, il 5 febbraio 2015, le Figlie di San Paolo, accompagnate dalla Famiglia Paolina compresi i
Paolini capitolari, hanno dato apertura al loro Centenario di Fondazione.
La Celebrazione è stata presieduta dal Cardinale Agostini Vallini, Vicario del Papa per la
Diocesi di Roma. Il Cardinale ha cominciato la sua omelia rendendo lode al Signore per i doni di
grazie, e le belle storie di fedeltà e di annuncio del Vangelo delle prime sorelle all’inizio della
Congregazione; ma anche ha fatto riferimento alle Paoline di oggi come agli anelli di una catena di
grazie che continua nella storia. Prendendo spunto dal vangelo secondo Luca 9,23-26, ha posto
l’accento soprattutto sull’invito rivolto al discepolo di prendere la propria croce ogni giorno per
seguire Gesù: “Se qualcuno vuol venire dietro a me, rinneghi se stesso, prenda la sua croce e mi
segua”. Ha evidenziato che la fedeltà del Figlio al Padre fino alla morte infamante e alla
risurrezione, non è una strada che percorrerà da solo; perché Lui non è un eroe solitario; il
cammino della croce è la condizione chiesta a tutti per essere discepoli. Chi vuole seguire il Figlio
deve decentrarsi da se stesso per avere il proprio centro di vita in Lui, e questo percorso ha il
sapore della croce, di una croce quotidiana, la croce non è un’emergenza nella vita del discepolo è
una legge permanente che impegna il discepolo a non perdersi dietro le cose del mondo e a non
vergognarsi di Cristo. La fedeltà a questa sequela è la garanzia di partecipazione alla risurrezione
di Cristo.
Poi, ha sottolineato l’esempio di suor Tecla Merlo che ha vissuto questa legge e ne ha fatta
la ragione ultima di tutta la sua vita, con cuore generoso; la sua fedeltà alla sequela di Cristo si è
CTN anno XXXVIIII 2015/1 – p. 13
manifestata soprattutto nella sua passione per l’Evangelizzazione, come una maniera di
rispondere alle tante grazie ricevute da Dio. Il Cardinale, infine, ha citato le parole di san Giovanni
Paolo II: “Andiamo avanti con speranza! Un nuovo millennio si apre davanti alla Chiesa come
oceano vasto in cui avventurarsi, contando sull'aiuto di Cristo. Il Figlio di Dio, che si è incarnato
duemila anni or sono per amore dell'uomo, compie anche oggi la sua opera: dobbiamo avere occhi
penetranti per vederla, e soprattutto un cuore grande per diventarne noi stessi strumenti” (NMI 58).
Papa Francesco nel suo messaggio per la Quaresima del 2015 ci ha invitato a non cadere
nella tentazione della globalizzazione dell’indifferenza: “L’indifferenza verso il prossimo e verso Dio
è una reale tentazione anche per noi cristiani. Abbiamo perciò bisogno di sentire in ogni
Quaresima il grido dei profeti che alzano la voce e ci svegliano. Dio non è indifferente al mondo,
ma lo ama fino a dare suo Figlio per la salvezza di ogni uomo” (Messaggio del Santo Padre
Francesco per la Quaresima 2015).
Riguardo a quest’appello del Papa, evidenziamo uno dei tanti gesti, che sicuramente non
mancano nell’intera Famiglia Paolina presente nel mondo, dove ci sono sofferenze di ogni tipo. E’
il gesto concreto di vicinanza dei Paolini e Paoline dell’India, che a febbraio dell’anno corrente,
hanno partecipato attivamente alla manifestazione di protesta ad Azad Maidan, la quale ha avuto
come obiettivo principale svegliare le coscienze di fronte al reale martirio di tanti cristiani.
Circa 10.000 persone hanno manifestato ad Azad Maidan, a sud di Mumbai, contro i recenti
attacchi alle chiese e alle scuole di Nuova Delhi. La manifestazione è stata organizzata dalla
Bombay Sabha cattolica e da Indian Christian Voice, per protestare contro l’ondata di violenza che
giorno dopo giorno avanza contro i cristiani e che non conosce tregua; ma allo stesso tempo per
comunicare solidarietà e invocare la pace. Chiediamo al Signore, la creatività nello Spirito affinché
la Famiglia Paolina continui a trovare la forza profetica per farsi presente nelle sofferenze che
sperimentano gli uomini e le donne d’oggi.
Simposio INTERNAZIONALE per formatori e formatrici
Vivere in Cristo secondo la forma di vita del Vangelo.
La formazione alla vita consacrata nella Chiesa oggi.
La Congregazione per gli Istituti di Vita consacrata e società di vita apostolica organizza un
simposio internazionale per formatori e formatrici appartenenti a Istituti di vita consacrata di Diritto
Pontificio. Il Seminario avrà luogo presso l'Ergife Palace Hotel a Roma, dall'8 all'11 aprile 2015.
La scelta del numero dei partecipanti segue almeno due criteri: la rappresentatività degli Istituti,
tenendo conto del numero dei loro membri, e i luoghi di provenienza.
Parteciperanno per le Suore di Gesù buon Pastore: Sr Maria Rosa Barison (ICN-MZ), sr
Angela Napoli (ICS-AL), sr Cristina Lee Jae Kyung (K) e sr Marisa Loser (GG).
Il programma prevede la riflessione sugli elementi di fondo che delineano la fisionomia della
vita consacrata, per recuperarne la grammatica, i suoi aspetti oggettivi, evangelici e carismatici.
CTN anno XXXVIIII 2015/1 – p. 14
Tre i temi centrali: il concetto di formazione oggi, la pedagogia della formazione, alcune urgenze
operative relative alla formazione dei formatori, alla ratio formationis e al discernimento. La
metodologia prevede discussione ai tavoli di lavoro, in gruppi per nazioni, laboratori su tematiche
Togo: Forum sulla Vita consacrata nell’Africa dell’Ovest
“Le comunità dei consacrati, testimoni di riconciliazione, giustizia e pace”: è stato questo il
tema al centro del terzo Forum sulla vita consacrata nell’Africa dell’Ovest, svoltosi a Lomé, in
Togo, dal 5 all’8 marzo scorsi. Nove le Chiese rappresentate all’incontro: Benin, Burkina Faso,
Costa d’Avorio, Guinea, Mali, Senegal, Nigeria, Ghana e, naturalmente, Togo. A organizzare il
Forum è stata l’Unione delle superiori maggiori del Togo, assieme ad altre comunità religiose,
parrocchie, ma anche numerosi laici. Presente all’incontro anche mons. Brian Udaigwe, nunzio
apostolico in Benin e Togo.
Riconciliazione e collaborazione
Tre, in particolare, gli spunti di riflessione che sono stati presentati da mons. Nicodème
Barrigah-Benissan, presidente della Commissione episcopale Giustizia e pace della Chiesa
togolese, e da padre Vincent Kambere, assunzionista della diocesi di Sokodè: la questione della
riconciliazione in seno alla comunità di consacrati, la loro collaborazione con il clero locale e
l’appello alla conversione personale e permanente. L’evento è stato concluso da una Messa
solenne presieduta dall’arcivescovo di Lomé, mons. Denis Komivi Amuzu-Dzakpah. (I.P.)
“Ascoltiamo Dio dove la vita grida”
In occasione di tre celebrazioni importanti: il 50° del Concilio Vaticano II e del
Decreto Perfectae Caritatis, l’anno della Vita Consacrata e la XIX Assemblea
Generale della CLAR; la Confederazione Latino Americana e Caraibi delle
Religiose/i realizzerà un Congresso della Vita Consacrata in Bogotá dal 18 al
21 giugno 2015. Il tema di tale Congresso è: “Ascoltiamo Dio dove la Vita
Consacrata grida; orizzonti di novità nel vissuto dei nostri carismi, oggi”.
L’icona scelta è Betania come Casa d’Incontro, Comunità d’Amore e Cuore
dell’Umanità, che ha il suo fondamento nella chiamata di Gesù a una vita
pasquale: “Togliete la pietra… Vieni fuori… Scioglietelo e lasciatelo andare”
(Gv 11,39.43.44).
Lo scopo generale di questo Congresso è promuovere e accompagnare
comunità nuove di Vita Consacrata: centrate sulla Parola e sullo Spirito,
cimentate nell’incontro personale e comunitario con Gesù Cristo vivo, aperte agli scenari prioritari
e ai soggetti emergenti del mondo e della Chiesa. L’orizzonte ispiratore del Congresso è basato
sulla costatazione che una nuova Vita Consacrata, caratterizzata da atteggiamenti e dinamiche
umanizzanti, risponde alle chiamate e alle speranze delle giovani generazioni. Nel logo si osserva
la prospettiva pasquale su cui poggia il Congresso; giacché l’albero di caffè (che simboleggia la
croce), ha come radice tre linee che esprimono la fede, la speranza e la carità, mentre i semi
sparsi evidenziano il carattere germinale della minoranza evangelica.
(da http://www.clar.org/clar/index.php)
CTN anno XXXVIIII 2015/1 – p. 15
L’ Icona ufficiale per l’anno della Vita Consacrata nelle Filippine
In occasione della visita di Papa Francesco alle Filippine, questa
icona è stata da lui benedetta durante la Messa del 2 febbraio a
Manila ed è stata ufficialmente presentata come l’icona ufficiale per
indicare l’anno dedicato alla Vita Consacrata. L’icona esprime alcuni
punti pertinenti alla vita religiosa in questo paese:
Essere con e per i poveri, motivati dalla Parola e dall’amore a Gesù.
Essere persone di comunione, di ascolto, di fraternità che
comunicano gioia nel vivere la loro vita di consacrati.
(da www.agustinosrecoletos.com/news )
Incontro ecumenico - La Vita Consacrata nelle tradizioni cristiane
Dal 22 al 25 gennaio 2015 si è svolto - presso l'Istituto Patristico Augustinianum a Roma l'Incontro Ecumenico di religiosi e religiose di diverse appartenenze ecclesiali (cattolici, ortodossi,
ortodossi orientali, anglicani, protestanti) organizzato dalla Congregazione per gli Istituti di Vita
consacrata e le Società di vita apostolica.
Un'esperienza inedita ma opportuna perché “la vita consacrata non può essere considerata ai
margini del cammino ecumenico; chi vive in intima comunione con Cristo vive già inserito nell’unico
Corpo di Cristo e, quindi, sta nel cuore del cammino ecumenico”.
Nel comunicato finale i partecipanti testimoniano come hanno scoperto di avere in comune
l’impegno a seguire Cristo ("sequela Christi"), in forme comunitarie o no, che risalgono ai primi
secoli del cristianesimo, quando la Chiesa era ancora indivisa; come hanno potuto cogliere meglio
ciò che li distingue ma non li separa affatto, secondo la diversità delle loro tradizioni ecclesiali. La
vita religiosa per la sua ricerca di unità con Dio e all’interno della comunità fraterna, in particolare
quando riesce a riconciliare le diversità e a superare i conflitti, realizza in maniera esemplare la
preghiera del Signore perché "tutti siano uno" (Gv, 17,21) e diventa una "scuola di ecumenismo".
Il Logo per la Vita Consacrata in Australia, Oceania e
parte dell’Asia .
Il logo riflette l'esortazione di Papa Francesco ai religiosi di
risvegliare il mondo in uno spirito di gioia e di speranza, quando
annunciò l'anno 2015 dedicato alla Vita Consacrata. Raffigura la
zona relativa all'Australia, Oceania e Asia, dove molti dei religiosi
si trovano nel ministero tra gli emarginati. Il colore verde trasmette
speranza per il mondo, mentre altre caratteristiche del logo dimostrano la vitalità della missione e
della Vita Consacrata in Australia.
Il logo attinge alla luce dell'amore di Dio che rafforza i religiosi, nel loro impegno per la giustizia, e
invita lo spettatore ad unirsi a loro nel cambiare il mondo.
(da www.catholicreligiousaustralia.org.au)
CTN anno XXXVIIII 2015/1 – p. 16
We often ask ourselves: "What should we do in the mission?” The answer is: nothing! We
read in the Gospel of Mark: [Jesus] summoned those whom he wanted… so that they would be
with him”. “And he appointed the twelve”. Therefore he called them and appointed them, [made
them]. To appoint them means that he not only called them but that he also formed them. In the
letter to the Hebrews it is said that Christ is made High Priest of our faith. The program for vocation
is always Him. So that they would be with Him. The Lord is the place and the program of the
mission. The Lord is the content, the building, the school and the teaching unit. The Lord is
everything. Once, many years ago, I met a clandestine missionary in China. I asked him: "When
did you hear the call to mission?” He replied: "I never heard it, I prayed and I felt that I had to follow
the Lord, and I followed Him. I am in China for the Lord because He is the mission."
It is more important for the mission to know "what not to do." To clear the field of some of the
things that undermine (nullify) the apostolic life. People who are in authority in the Consecrated Life
and in Dioceses may well make programs, but they know that if one does do not touch the
mentality of people; it is difficult to carry out a mission. The Founder of my Institute, Fr James
Alberione, used to say that it is difficult to convert people’s mentality.
We will now describe five traps that nullify the apostolic projects:
Confusing the apostolate with the apostolic works. Hence, if all my life I have performed a
given ministry and now it is ended, I no longer see myself as sent. We find it hard to discern the
works from an apostolic life. To identify the substance of our lives with the structures is a trap.
Putting the apostolic life in competition with the spiritual life. Or worse, community life
versus apostolic life. This is a pattern of thinking that no longer exists. Opposition between
apostolic life and interiority no longer exists nor has it ever existed in Scripture. It’s an outdated
anthropological model.
The idolatry of the charism. The study of Founders is a great merit of religious communities.
But we have forgotten that the first rule of the Consecrated Life is the Gospel. We have experts
in charisms but not experts of the Gospel and discernment. We are entering a tunnel that is the
idolatry of charism whereby it is more important to speak because I have a license of legitimacy
in the Church than to be at the service of communion. The Church has five or six charisms at
most, and then there are Institutes that connect to one of these. A charism is an organic system
where there is a Christology, a mission, an anthropology and a methodology of inner life. But
how many Institutes have these elements? Francis de Sales, for example, has a spirituality that
is a charism and many Institutes have taken from this charism. We must speak of spirituality of
the Institutes have drawn from this charism. The spirituality of the Institutes is what we must talk
about and not charisms. The charism of following Christ is the Gospel. The idolatry of the
charism makes us resistant to the signs of the times. The sign/proof is that we find it hard to
open up to inter-congregational collaborations for fear of losing something of our own, but this is
an anachronism.
Understanding the apostolate as an occupation of spaces. The world needs witnesses
more than it needs teachers. With Paul VI there came the category of testimony. But be wary of
the ecclesiology of testimony for it no longer works. Pope Paul was talking within the context of
a European culture where witness could be decoded in the light of a shared philosophy and
anthropology. Nowadays, along the testimony we must provide the criteria that will help to
understand it. And so there emerges the need for catechetics. An action without the Word is
meaningless, but the same can be said of a Word without actions.
Horizontalism. Pope Francis speaks of spiritual worldliness. A real and serious problem, which
persists, is our lack of faith in grace, in the God who guides history, in Providence. These issues
CTN anno XXXVIIII 2015/1 – p. 17
cannot be taken for granted even among ourselves. The efficacy of the sacraments is not a
given even among ourselves. There is a problem of faith in the Consecrated Life. A bishop to
whom I was extending my best wishes for a happy Easter with the words “The Lord is Risen",
replied, "but really, father, is this Resurrection true? Do we really have to believe in it? In the
Missal we find the Mass for a good death and I choose it in Ordinary Time. Believers or non
believers, we will all be called and this is the true perpetual profession of our life. When I shared
in the seminary that I was celebrating the Mass for a good death, everyone panicked and asked
me if someone was dying. We never talk about death. We have a horizontal, worldly vision of
life. We no longer believe in Providence, in miracles, in grace, holiness, eternal life. Everything
is contained in the visible, in the countable. Do we still believe in the power of the Word of God?
If we remain and toil on the Word of God, the Word will change us. St. Jerome used to say:
May your eyes at night close weighed down by the pages of the Word of God ... But who of us
dedicates at least an hour a day to Scripture? If we do not have these assumptions, we can do
all the apostolic projects we want, but nothing will change.
Let us now look at the positive:
In Scripture we never hear of the apostolate but we do hear of the apostle. There is never the
answer to the question: “What does the apostle do?” but only: “Who is the apostle?” The greatest
image and answer to this question of how an apostle is created is found in Acts 12. Luke describes
the exit of Peter after which no more mention is made of him. The story of the arrest of Peter, to
whom the risen Lord had already appeared and had also received the Holy Spirit, (we could say
that he had made his novitiate, profession and 25th), is a remarkable piece because it shows how
through this experience of prison, Peter became an apostle. A beautiful biblical code is used: the
Angel appeared to him, touched him and said to him: "get up quickly…” as to Elijah (1 Kings 19:5).
They had passed the first and the second guard; they came before the Iron Gate leading into the
city….. Then Peter came to himself and said, “Now I am sure that the Lord has sent his angel and
rescued me from death” (cf Acts 12:10-11). Now I really know what matters for me, I have
experienced the resurrection. This is the apostle, that is, it is an event that makes the apostle. It’s
not the person to decide it. Who then is the apostle? It’s the one who has had the experience of
the resurrection. What does it mean to have the mentality of the Risen One? And how is this
mentality expressed? By the way we talk about death. If death is taboo among us, it means that
we have not had the experience of the Risen Lord.
The Gospel mentality is expressed by:
1) How we speak of death.
2) How we speak of others when they are not present.
3) What I consider to be a successful life. (This will tell if we have a worldly or Gospel criterion).
How is the apostle formed?
There is a formation project in the NT. Only one: In Hebrews 5. The author says a very simple
thing, the way in which the Father has formed his Apostle Jesus: he learned obedience through
what he suffered (vs 8).
What are the things that he suffered? The Passion. Who is the person that knows? The person
who has suffered much. [Jesus] suffered his passion, but above all [he suffered] abandonment,
betrayal and the Father’s silence. John of the Cross says that it is in the silence of consolations
that we make progress in the spiritual life. Trials/tribulations are the raw material of formation. They
come without us looking for them. Pope Benedict wrote a letter on the urgent task of educating
young people and he said that youth must be taught how to live suffering.
Formation is to be formed to be put to the test, I don’t mean with exaggerated things. We are
unbalanced on discerning if a person has a vocation. But in the monastic tradition, in particular the
one that refers to St. Basil, the person was put to the test. If there was a problem knowing if you
had a vocation, it was a problem of the person before God. The problem was not whether or not
you had a vocation, but anyone who said they had a vocation was put to the test. Therefore the
problem is to verify, to put to the test. That’s why we need formators who are humble and not
manipulative because the one who is able to put to the test educationally is only God. But there are
tribulations in our communities. The apostle is formed in the midst of tribulations.
(From the recording of a reflection of Don Giuseppe Forlai igs to USMI in January 2015)
CTN anno XXXVIIII 2015/1 – p. 18
«The first Areopagus of the modern age is the world of communications, which is unifying
humanity and turning it into what is known as a "global village ».
(JOHN PAUL II, Redemptoris Missio, 37)
The expression "digital environment" involves a real change in mentality, in so far as we are
accustomed to use the term "social media" extensively as used by our Founder. The general
tendency is to perceive the Internet as an instrument, as it was in the beginning. With its
development and especially with the interactivity of the social media networks, things have
changed drastically. The Internet is no longer a tool that you use solely when you want or need it.
It's a real environment where you are, you are interacting and therefore living with it!
A marked characteristic of the Internet is its dynamism, i.e. the portability: while we remain
fixed in a certain place, we can move from one place to another documents, photos and files of all
kinds with impressive ease. We can even "move" to its interior in so far as we establish real
relationships with people and make ourselves available. Therefore the definition of Internet as a
space becomes very appropriate and allows us to better understand its nature. Unless we start
from this awareness are we able to be present with greater authenticity and fidelity to who we are:
men and women consecrated at the service of the Kingdom.
So, surely consecrated men and women are called to be on the Net – not individually,
because all are there – but aware that their presence is a public testimony of consecrated life and,
therefore, an apostolic task. It is essential this self-awareness that a consecrated person in the net
acts as a member of an Institute recognised by the Church and thus at its service. It is a privileged
way to represent the Church and to care for the Gospel message, but also to support a lifestyle in
harmony to this message. Religious life is not a pleasant option of life of the past, which has
nothing to say to the new generations! Rather it is an active and qualified subject of this
anthropological and cultural change and as such we must assume it. "This requires a
redevelopment of the sense of being on the Net. In order to ensure that even on the Internet the
seeds of the Word be planted, we must consider the Internet as an environment, immaterial but
tangible, artefact but real”. (VINCENZO COMODO, Cons@crati on line: rotte per la navigazione dei religiosi in
Internet, p. 19).
Sr Cristiane Ribeiro sjbp
Arrivi e partenze
sr. Cristina Lee Jae Kyung
sr. Rita Lee
dalla Corea
dalla Corea
CTN anno XXXVIIII 2015/1 – p. 19
sorella di sr. Luigina e sr. Pasquina Ferreri
fratello di sr. Elena Baldon
mamma di sr. Paola Zampini  e sorella di sr. Giulia Tacconi
papà di sr. Annalisa Lionello
fratello di sr. Agnese Simonotti
mamma di sr. Ilaria
sorella di sr. Enrica Orler
fratello di sr. Teresa Kim Jeong Hwa
mamma di sr Josefina Labata
Albano Laziale (RM)
Albano Laziale (RM)
Manila (Filippine)
Albano Laziale (RM)
Albano Laziale (RM)
Santiago del Cile
Albano Laziale (RM)
Albano Laziale (RM)
Albano Laziale (RM)
Nogent Sur Marne (Francia)
Cinisello Balsamo (MI)
Sanfrè (CN)
Sanfrè (CN)
Sanfrè (CN)
Madrid (Spagna)
Alba (CN)
Alba (CN)
Gussago (BR)
Pietraperzia (EN)
Joppolo Giancaxio (AG)
Figlie di San Paolo
sr. M. Savina Di Cintio
sr. M. Teresita Conti
sr M. Amalia Aurora Racelis
sr. M. Livia Bovio
sr. M. Immacolatina Zuncheddu
sr. M. Veronica Pinto Pasten
sr. Ida Mazzucato
sr. M. Assunta Cantone
sr. M. Anunciacion Hernandez Zendejas
sr. M. Regina Augusta Carducci
Pie Discepole del Divin Maestro
sr. M. Giampaola Zucchetti
sr. M. Rachele Vegetti
sr. M. Augustina Cerri
sr. M. Maurilia Chiavazza
sr. M. Cleta Pierina Taricco
Società San Paolo
fr Lucinio López
don Attilio Monge
don Luigino Melotto
don Piergiorgio Ambrogio Beretta
fr Nicola Basilio Brezza
Franca Marchina
Leonarda Librizzi
Angela Marchica
Responsabile: equipe informazione. Pubblicato nel sito www.pastorelle.org il 23 marzo 2015