
Supplement to Ricerca Aerospaziale ,Anno XXVI n.1
Comitè International
De Recherche et D’ Etude de
de l
Association Internationale
a but scientifique.
(Monit. belge,28 Aug. 1969)
Index :
Editorial of P. Faraone (V.President of CIFA)
p. 2
How many energies are influencing from space our biological substrata ?
Piccardi’s Chemical Test Results as a Support of Russian Researches
p. 9
in Heliogeophysics and Heliobiology from 20s A.Piccardi, G. Bonacina .
Air Pollution and Health: Effects and Levels of the Main Pollutants
P. Avino, D.Brocco, L.Lepore, M. V. Russo.
Biophoton emission from human extremities exhibits both photic
and nonphotic cycles. Dewayne Hillman, F.Laage2, G.Cornélissen and coll.
Cycles' inheritance from the cosmos. F..Halberg,G.Cornélissen,V.Valenzi and coll.
Kozyrev's Mirrors and Electromagnetic Null Zones:Reflections of Russian
Cosmic Science Interview with Alexander V. Trofimov, MD By Carol Hiltner.
The biophysics of water and its applications V.Valenzi,U.Mastromatteo,F.Bongiorno
The role of SEP (Skin Electrical Parameters) in the SPA Mudtherapy
A.Pisani,V.Valenzi,MC. Lucchetta and coll.
A modell for water from Zhadin to Montagner. Internat.Conf.Crimea
New informational technologies in medicine, biology, pharmacology and ecology
Ukraine, Crimea, Yalta-Gourzuf, May 31 – June 9 2010
Some Experimental Data on Orac Effects on Chemical Systems
p. 24
R.Maglione, D.Serena, P.Avino,V.Valenzi
Analysis and Perspectives 5. The Widom-Larsen Not-Fusion Theory
p. 26
By Steven B. Krivit
Things That Happened Between The Darkness And Light" P.Manzelli Gen.Secr.CIFA
p. 29
Debate on Fundamental Science: Cosa succede al fotone in un campo gravitazionale
Di Roberto Denti
p. 32
L’intervento di Paolo Manzelli sulla gravità.
p. 33
News from Cifa
p. 34
Address Cifa-News:Centro Studi di Biometeorologia onlus ,Via Caio Mario 6/a –00100 Roma
Email: [email protected] Tel 00 39 339 88 65 570 skipe: vIvalenzi web:
How many energies are influencing from space our biological substrata ?
< Since 1935 it had been noticed by various researchers that the water for some its property, if submitted to some
actions of physical nature, in different times didn't show always an equal answer of same intensity; such property
was said semipermanent > (Communication of Piccardi to the Confer.of Montreux,1969).
In 1939 it was advanced the hypothesis that such mutable replies were to connect with phenomena acting in the
space. This simple revealing system was sufficiently sensitive to pick up signals coming from not traditional (or
spatial) variables as the Solar Activity(SA),the Geomagnetic Activity(GMA), the El.magnetic Low Frequence
waves(ELF), the cosmic rays(CR),etc. . Why Piccardi for his tests chose the colloidal solutions? because these ones
owned the characteristic to be: heterogeneous structures and out equilibrium (that is not stable) where very little
energies could unbalance already precarious equilibriums inducing variations with evident effects. From 1951 he
realized experimentally colloidal test that underlined the same solar rhythm for the data emerged by the different
rapidity of colloidal precipitations .If the colloidal state is a common denominator for the substrata used from
Piccardi and the A., it’s to consider expecially the water to explay the particular sensibility of their test utilized .
Piccardi utilized 3 variations [ D,F,P ] of the same colloidal test, to schieve the purpose to make evident the
protagonism of water as receptor of external signal through the best results. He preferred also to use colloidal
solutions originated from inorganic substances, although recognized that the colloidis of the living organisms were
more sensitive in comparison to those inorganic but contemporarily he also considered their peculiar ability to
actively react to the external input to safeguard his biological equilibrium. His research continued for 20 years about ,
with dr. Capel Boute from Bruxelles University as collaborator. Piccardi informed the A. about his studies on
the fluctuating phenomena and exhorted him to continuing with his search on CSD for a prolonged time to sift well
its validity(a CSD is a colony with sector or sectors differentiated [ for : color, transparency, surface type, thickness or general
apparence ] from the parent strain grown simultaneously with it ;see fig1.). CSD are counted, independently of number of
sectors, as percentage of the total number of colonies increased on surface of a solid cultural media ).
After the preliminary searches 1967-69, the A. continued systematically his experimental study about CSD of external
air bacteria from 1970 till 1983 but he improved his search from 1984 ,using the S.Aureus strains,because these
bacteria showed a greater frequency of the CSDs during the 1970-83 ( the A. made some year before 1967, some interesting
verifications of the CSD-formation exposing solid cultural media [already spread on their surfaces with drops of Staph.Aureus
brothculture] to UV rays of laboratory-germicide lamps.Varying the time and/or the distance of the UV about the media before said ,
this media were placed after in thermostat to see the increasing of the S.Aureus-colonies. When the incubation time was finished , the
A., may see several results. Some media were with absence of colonies . In other media we gradually passed from thoseone with some
CSD to media with a gradual increment of CSD that for a previous and gradually less intense exposure to the UV, had their presence
to decrease gradually and at the same time it was possible to see, the gradual increasing of colonies with normal aspect.)
From 1984 to 1991, the S. Aureus strains had curves of CSDs frequency at all similar to these ones checked for the
external air bacteria despite that these S.Aureus strains culture were always in laboratory room. In this way the A.
showed that the factors influencing the CSD-formation , were active through a confined environment but less active
under rocky thikness of 1400 m. about too (Gran Sasso National Laboratory,1990: Ask please news of this to [email protected] )
Complessively it was checked over 4 millions microbial colonies from 1970 to 1991.
Subsequently the collected data were put in correlation with the external energies from the biosphere, and were
submitted to a more particular statistic study derived from collaboration of other researchers.
These collaborations confirmed the principal intuitions of the A. advanced previously in his publications of 1971 and
1974, where he hypothesized that more external factors would have been able to condition the frequency of the
CSDs, as : the ELF, the Cosmic Rays(CR), the Solar Activity(SA) and the Geomagnetic Activity(GM).
From the results picked up since 1970 to 1991, it appeared clear that the CSDs frequency is essentially a fluctuating
phenomenon with typical periodicity occurring every eleven years; and his correlation statistically resulted
significant negative with : the SA ( solar activity expressed from the variations of the sunspots ) the SF(solar flow in the
range of 2800 MHz ), the W.EM.LF [Electromagnetic Waves of Low Frequency, 3 and 10 Hz] and with the GM activity (see storms
el.magn.). The A. remarks here, his more prolonged collaboration with Halberg F. / Team[1] ( 2001-2005 ), realized
bright biostatistical studies on the correlation with the solar and geomagnetic activity and more recently the
collaboration with Vladimirsky B. and Konradov A.A. / Team[2] (2005) . It was ascertained statistically with this last
team, that it was the most creditable to be prominent the influence of the W.EM.LF on CSD ( but we must remember
also that the W.EM.LF were influenced by the same Solar Activity ) confirming in this, the previous researches(2000)
of‘O’rmenji I.[3]with the same A. . The fundamental finding were the significant negative correl. of the SA with the
CSD freq. test. and consequently the significant positive correlation of the CSD freq.test with CR (as the neutronic flux) ,
deducible indirectly from the significant negative correlations between the SA and the CR . The A. experimentally
individualized a detector of biological type in correlation with the solar cycle. A detector that would represent also, in
according with the literature, the presence of a possible mutation and a possible involvement of the DNA to favour a
selection in the bacterial population ( relationship of some external signal with the adaptability - power of biological substrata ).
The biological substratum adapts himself through the selection for some environmental conditions : or in a
relationship of full compatibility that means existence or in a relationship of incompatibility that means more rapid
extinction . Such relationship is absolutely inevitable. In a simple microorganism the mechanism that preserves his
kind does not utilize a self-biological compensation but only a selection off the population and this pro-someone that
responds fine to environmental difficulties and in damage of many otherones that die soon.The rule that seems to be
valid for the bacterias is: to a fast extinction / a fast reproduction,
In more complex beings the mechanism of adaptation of the kind requires on the contrary, less hecatomb of the
single ones, and more tendency on the individual autocompensation mechanism (that is very more valid as anymore the
creature is complex and the kind is evolved).
The A. remarked several differences between CSD freq. and the three variations of the Piccardi’s colloidal-test :
a) The correlation of SA (Wolf’s Number) was positive with 2 of 3 variations of the colloidal test , whereas it was
negative with CSD freq. test.
b) The undecennal rhythm ( as Solar cycle rhythm ) of curve-data( with two minima data, on the beginning and on the end; and a
maximum on the half about ) is present in CSD test and in the colloidal test.
c) A seasonal rhythm during the year, medially, the minima data in spring and autumn were evident in CSD
frequency test and only in 1 variation of colloidal test.
d) The maxima data on the cold season of CSD freq. test, was present only in 1 variation of colloidal test.
e) The curves of the CSD freq. test appear less disturbed than colloidal test by several interferences.
f) The magnetic storm-sensibilty (from SA ) for CSD test is only for one of the three variants in colloidal test .
g) The CSD were more frequent in the negative phase of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF ) in comparison to the
positive phase. In this correlation was considered approachable only to 1 of the 3 variations(D, F, P) of Piccardi’s
Substantially the A. has confirmed what Piccardi concluded from his test :
1- that external signals from non traditional variables if can induce tangible effects on substrata of colloidal
solutions, may also influence the bacteria substrata (where it’s to consider, nevertheless, that the cellular substances
are in the colloidal state).
2- that the variations during the time of colloidal data and of CSD data are together to.consider at all typical of
fluctuanting phenomena.
Moreover the A. enphasizes the opportunity to insist always more frequently in the searches about the possible
correlations of these external energies as CR and S.A. with many other biosphere-substrata to confirming more
clearly, the importance of these energies like possible dominant factors in influencing directly or indirectly, the
atmosphere-substrata generally and bio-substrata especially ; the A. deduced the share of this opportunity in his
Substantially it’s may conclude :
when the SA increasing neutralized the cosmic rays effects in our biosphere, and we had lower CSD-frequency.
On the contrary, when SA was lower , the CSD frequency was higher.
The A. had the confirmation to deeping the roll of SA and RC through significant statistical elaborations realized
from his collaborators on the CSD data . The A. remarked this opportunity again recently, in Communication reported
in the Proceeding of the VIII International Conference of Crimea, Sudak, 2009.
And than the A. thinks advisable to refer here some recent researches in coherence at all of things before supported.
Variations of the ozone-hole and Cosmic Rays(CR). Canadian researchers recently, found several significant
correlations between size variations of the ozone-hole and CR [1981-1992 and 1990-2007] in the Antarctic
Hemisphere (0-65 degrees, south latitude) . The researchers noted effectively a significant positive correlation
between the CR Activity and the enlargement of the ozone-hole . When SA [Solar Activity (Wolf’s Number)] shall be
very much low there is also a low possibility that SA neutralize the cosmic rays effects in our biosphere and then we
have consequently a more enlarged ozone-hole. These researchers hypothesized also a probable confirming of these
correlations in the next years 2008-2009 and 2019-2020 . From
Cosmic ray decreases affect atmospheric aerosols and clouds. ? Henrik Svensmark National Space Institute,
Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen, Denmark and coll.) . Svensmark says: Close passages of coronal
mass ejections from the sun are signaled at the Earth’s surface by Forbush decreases in cosmic ray counts. We find
that low clouds contain less liquid water following Forbush decreases, and for the most influential events the liquid
water in the oceanic atmosphere can diminish by as much as 7%. Cloud water content as gauged by the Special
Sensor Microwave / Imager (SSM/I) reaches a minimum 7 days after the Forbush minimum in cosmic rays, and so
does the fraction of low clouds seen by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and in the
International Satellite Cloud Climate Project (ISCCP). Parallel observations by the aerosol robotic network AERONET
reveal falls in the relative abundance of fine aerosol particles which, in normal circumstances, could have evolved
into cloud condensation nuclei. Thus a link between the sun, cosmic rays, aerosols, and liquid-water clouds appears
to exist on a global scale. From : ; A link between the Sun, cosmic rays, aerosols, and
liquid-water clouds appears to exist on a global scale ;
Correlation between cosmic rays and temperature of the stratosphere ? What they observed was a strikingly close
relationship between the cosmic-rays and stratospheric temperature – this they could understand: the cosmic-rays,
known as muons are produced following the decay of other cosmic rays, known as mesons. Increasing the
temperature of the atmosphere expands the atmosphere so that fewer mesons are destroyed on impact with air,
leaving more to decay naturally to muons. Consequently, if temperature increases so does the number of muons
detected. What did surprise the scientists, however, were the intermittent and sudden increases observed in the
levels of muons during the winter months. These jumps in the data occurred over just a few days. On investigation,
they found these changes coincided with very sudden increases in the temperature of the stratosphere (by up to 40
oC in places!). Looking more closely at supporting meteorological data, they realised they were observing a major
weather event, known as a Sudden Stratospheric Warming. On average, these occur every other year and are
notoriously unpredictable. This study has shown, for the first time, that cosmic-ray data can be used effectively to
identify these events. What did surprise the scientists, however, were the intermittent and sudden increases
observed in the levels of muons during the winter months. These jumps in the data occurred over just a few days.
On investigation, they found these changes coincided with very sudden increases in the temperature of the
stratosphere (by up to 40 oC in places!). Looking more closely at supporting meteorological data, they realised they
were observing a major weather event, known as a Sudden Stratospheric Warming. On average, these occur every
other year and are notoriously unpredictable. This study has shown, for the first time, that cosmic-ray data can be
used effectively to identify these events. From ;
Cosmic pattern to UK tree growth. The growth of British trees appears to follow a cosmic pattern, with trees growing
faster when high levels of cosmic radiation arrive from space. Variation in cosmic rays impacted tree growth more
than changes in temperature or precipitation. When the intensity of cosmic rays reaching the Earth's surface was
higher, the rate of tree growth was faster. The effect is not large, but it is statistically significant.The intensity of
cosmic rays also correlates better with the changes in tree growth than any other climatological factor, such as
varying levels of temperature or precipitation over the years.Experiments in space have shown that cosmic rays can
Sun and global warming: A cosmic connection? In February 2007, depending on what newspaper you read, you
might have seen an article detailing a "controversial new theory" of global warming. The idea was that variations in
cosmic rays penetrating the Earth's atmosphere would change the amount of cloud cover, in turn changing our
planet's reflectivity, and so the temperature at its surface. This, it was said, could be the reason why temperatures
have been seen to be varying so much over the Earth's history, and why they are rising now. The theory was detailed
in a book, The Chilling Stars, written by Danish scientist Henrik Svensmark and British science writer Nigel Calder,
which appeared on the shelves a week after the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) had published its
landmark report concluding it was more than 90% likely that humankind's emissions of greenhouse gases were
warming the planet. I think the Sun is the major driver of climate change Henrik Svensmark .In truth, the theory was
not new; Dr Svensmark's team had proposed it a decade earlier, while the idea of a cosmic ray influence on weather
dates back to 1959 and US researcher Edward Ney. The bigger question is whether it amounts to a theory of global
warming at all. From: now it’s to referring these recent data of the Oulu
Neutron Monitor shows up at Significant trend, reaching levels not seen in over 30 years. GCR flux has: Oulu
Neutron Monitor Data, plotted by David Archibald with prediction point added . Data source: University of Oulu ,
Finland . Moreover the data of Solar Cycle 24 , NOAA/SWPC Boulder,CO USA(the last time NASA made to change
WAS in October 2008 ). Seems To Be The question now, are we seeing the beginning of a skip cycle, or at least
grand? Solar.Cycle.24: where.Are.You?
All's.quiet-in the solar front, too quiet .
The A. of this editorial concludes : SA cicle may or not may confirmed the Svenmark teory of global warming ?
Perhaps we may know this possibility very quickly .That is a suspense very very exciting .
Previous News are from : com%2F2009%2F01%2F03%2Fstate-ofthe-sun-year-end-2008-alls-quiet-on-the-solar-front%2F
Fig.1 Some samples of CSD. From fig.9 of CIFA News N° 31, 2002. :
< In every way - the A remarks - the tandem CR-SA it’s always present as protagonist in all these searches
before referred . In realizing his research , the A. proposed the finality to apply to several collaborators
to gain a helpful interdisciplinarity but also to draw attention of scientists for the papers of many other
researchers that have the possibilty to well reinforce the validity of his own research.
Dr.Faraone Piero A.R., CIFA Vice President.
Member of International Academy of Sciences,Milano.
[email protected] ;
1- Faraone P. , Halberg F., Cornelissen G., Schwartzkopf O., Katinas G.S ,Anticipations on the deepening of astrophysical influence on appearing of sectors in microbial colonies named
CSD. Cifa News 31 with Supplement, may-ago, 2002. From:
2- P.Faraone , A.A.Konradov,T.A.Zenchenko , B.M.Vladimirsky . Helio-Geo-Physical Effects In Daily Parameters Of Bacteria Life; Geophysical Processes And Biosphere, 2005, V 4, No.1, _p.
89-97 ‘From:
3- O’rmenyi I., with collaboration of Faraone P. Long term Experiments of Meteorological and solar wafe particle radiation on air bacteria / CSD /level . Technologiezentrum T NOVA, K.
Berichte, band 43, 243.249, 2000, Paper from: [email protected]
“ Quante energie condizionano dallo spazio i substrati biologici ?.( raffronti e riflessioni )
Faraone Piero A.R.*
Sin dal 1935 vari studiosi notarono che l’acqua pur mantenendola nelle stesse condizioni standard, sottoposta poi in
momenti diversi, ad alcune azioni di natura fisica, alcune proprietà non presentavano come risposta , dati sempre
uguali , della stessa intensità . Nel 1939 si avanzò l'ipotesi che tali riscontri fossero dipesi da cause esterne, forse da
fenomeni in atto nello spazio.
Piccardi nel 1951,davanti ad un’ipotesi come questa, formulata negli anni ’30 ,ruppe gli indugi. Decise cioè di
passare ad una verifica sperimentale ricorrendo a test.colloidali da lui ideati, come sistema rivelatore. Esso era
semplice ma nel contempo così sensibile da cogliere segnali provenienti dallo spazio .
La lettura dei dati si basava sulle variazioni della velocità di sedimentazione delle particelle in sospensione
colloidale . Avendo una stabilità precaria, la soluzione colloidale poteva essere facilmente sbilanciata dalle proprie
condizioni anche da piccole energie che avessero indotto evidenti variazioni . Piccardi preferì usare soluzioni
colloidali di sostanze inorganiche, benchè riconoscesse che i colloidi degli organismi viventi fossero più sensibili
rispetto a quelli da lui utilizzati ma considerò pure la loro peculiarità di reagire attivamente agli stimoli esterni per
tentare di compensare il proprio equilibrio biologico, atto a conservare la propria esistenza . La caratteristica
organica , nei test da lui ideati, avrebbe potuto infatti mascherare l’effetto sul substrato biologico, sacrificando una
lettura intelligente dell’indagine ( l’A. aggirerà , non volendo, la capacità di reagire attivamente dei colloidi organici.
Infatti usando nei propri test CSD, organismi unicellulari come i batteri non ha rischiato tale inconveniente ; anzi i
dati hanno offerto perfino letture dei test più regolari e meno interferite di quelle dei test colloidali ).Negli anni ’50
Piccardi evidenziò essenzialmente, colle variazioni dei dati nel tempo, Tali variazioni periodiche ripetendosi in un
determinato lasso di tempo, furono da Piccardi dette fenomeni fluttuanti. Egli mise pure in evidenza variazioni di
breve durata come quelle da eruzioni solari o da tempeste magnetiche ; constatò inoltre un effetto latitudine,
presente e disimmetrico tra i due emisferi, decrescendo da nord a sud e dando valori medi in prossimità
dell’equatore. Per quasi un ventennio, rimarchevole fu la collaborazione data a Piccardi in queste ricerche, dalla drs.
Capel Boute dell’Univ. di Bruxelles ; sia a Firenze che a Bruxelles .
L’A. iniziò la sua ricerca, notando a latere le CSD, durante indagini svolte alla fine degli anni ’60, sulla tipologia dei
germi diffusi nell'aria esterna. Infatti fra tutte le colonie dei germi cresciuti sulla superficie dei terreni colturali prima
esposti all’aria, notò che alcune colonie avevano uno o più settori, differenziati dalla rimanente compagine della
colonia stessa(La colonia batterica, é un ammasso di germi che moltiplicandosi allargano la stessa in senso centrifugo, dando
forme finali più o meno rotondeggianti ) .Tali colonie le indicò con le iniziali CSD( Colonie a Settore o a settori
Differenziati ( per il colore o per la trasparenza o per altro aspetto esteriore). Nel conteggio delle CSD , si é considerato il
numero di esse e non il numero dei suoi settori. Il dato di frequenza delle CSD inoltre é stato riferito come valore
percentuale del totale delle colonie cresciute (CSD comprese)sul terreno di coltura .
I settori differenziati, potrebbero essere costituiti da quei microrganismi scampati ad un’azione battericida, derivata
da agenti esterni,che per adattarsi a variate condizioni-ambiente si siano differenziati (magari mutando).
[ L’A. tra l’altro aveva già fatto interessanti verifiche sulla comparsa delle CSD esponendo ai raggi UV (lampade germicide), terreni culturali solidi
già spatolati in superficie con colture di Stafilocco Aureus. Variando la durata e/o la distanza degli UV, rispetto tali terreni spatolati, questi erano
posti poi in termostato per la crescita delle colonie . I risultati della crescita furono vari. Da terreni con assenza di colonie, si passava via via a
terreni con comparsa e incremento di CSD che per la previa esposizione via via meno intensa agli UV, vedevano la loro presenza man mano calare
con l’ aumento nel contempo di colonie di aspetto normale. Queste finivano di essere poi le sole presenti in corrispondenza di esposizioni molto
ridotte. ]
L’A. operò per mesi e mesi senza sapere delle ricerche di Piccardi. Solo alla fine del 1970 ebbe modo di conoscerlo
(all’Università di Milano nello Studio di Medicina Termale retto dal prof. Gualtierotti Roberto). Nell’incontro Piccardi gli riferì
sulle ricerche fatte e sulla base di esse, intuì l’A.e lo esortò perché insistesse nel continuare la ricerca sulle CSD. Dal
1970 al ‘91, furono esaminate dall’A. oltre 4 milioni di colonie batteriche. I dati raccolti furono messi in correlazione
con l’ AS (attività solare) espressa dal numero variabile delle macchie solari ( Numeri di Wolf o NW ).
In conclusione dal confronto fra i test l’A. confrontò i dati CSD e quelli dei test colloidali di Piccardi si ha :
a) La correlazione dell’AS era positiva con due delle tre varianti del test colloidale, mentre era negativa con il test CSD .
b) Un ritmo undecennale (cioè quello dell’attività solare) con 2 valori minimi, uno all’ inizio e uno alla fine della curva stessa ; e con un
valore massimo intermedio. Presente in entrambi i test.
c) Un ritmo stagionale durante l’anno, in media i dati minimi in primavera e in autunno evidenti nel test CSD erano tali solo in una delle
tre varianti del test colloidale. .
d) Il dato molto elevato verificato verso fine anno nel test CSD, era presente solo in una della tre varianti del test colloidale .
e) Le curve di frequenza del test colloidale di Piccardi erano disturbate da non poche interferenze rispetto a quello CSD.
f) sensibilità dei test CSD e di una sola variante dei test colloidali alle tempeste magnetiche provocate dall’AS.
g) Le CSD erano più frequenti nella fase negativa del campo magntico interplanetario (IMF) in confronto della fase positiva di esso, e
tale correlazione fu considerata avvicinabile solo ad una delle tre varianti del test colloidale di Piccardi
In sostanza l’A. confermava fondamentalmente quanto Piccardi concluse per i suoi test colloidali :
1- Che i segnali esterni da variabili non tradizionali se possono indurre tangibili effetti sui substrati di soluzioni. colloidali possono
altresì può farlo pure sui substrati microbici ( le sostanze presenti nella cellula batterica sono presenti allo stato colloidale).
2- Che le ripetute variazioni nel tempo dei dati dei test colloidali e di quelli CSD, sono entrambi da considerare in tutto tipiche dei
fenomeni fluttuanti .
In sintesi lo studio in corso dal 1970, l’A. lo perfezionava nel 1984 e lo concluse nel 1991 , utilizzando invece
colture (seminate e tenute sempre in laboratorio), di ceppi puri di S.Aureus Emerse così che nonostante si operasse in
un ambiente confinato, si potessero ottennere parimente nel tempo, curve di frequenza-CSD, in tutto sovrapponibili a
quelle ottenute da batteri in sospensione nell’aria esterna : l’ambiente confinato cioè non era una barriera tale da
sottrarre i germi a energie esterne che influenzavano formazione e frequenza delle CSD.
I dati raccolti furono prima sottoposti a più semplici valutazioni statistiche , poi sottoposte ad un più ampio e
particolare approfondimento da fisici e da biostatistici , invitati dall’A. a collaborare a tal fine prima con ‘O’rmenji I.del
CIFA poi con il team di Halberg F. / Team ( 2001-2005 ) e con quello di Vladimirsky B. and Konradov A.A.(2005.
I dati furono messi in correlazione con diversi parametri astrofisici . Risultarono così confermate le principali
intuizioni avute dall’A., e in precedenza espresse in pubblicazioni del 1971 e del 1974, dove si era ipotizzato che più
fattori esterni avrebbero potuto condizionare la frequenza delle CSD, quali : le onde elettro magnetiche di bassa
frequenza (ELF), i Raggi Cosmici(RC), l’ Attività Solare(AS) e l’ Attività Geomagnetica(AGM).
L’A. ha notato l’azione combinata dell’AS con quella dei RC ( raggi cosmici ).Infatti quando l’AS cresce, schermando
la nostra terra dai RC, la frequenza delle CSD cala . Quando invece l’AS cala non schermando più la terra dai RC, la
frequenza delle CSD aumenta. Ai calcoli statistici i dati dell’AS sono risultati in correlazione significativa negativa
con quelli CSD e di rimando questi restano in correlazione significativa positiva coi dati dei RC. (cioè se i RC
aumentano pure le CSD aumentano;se i RC calano pure le CSD calano).
Inoltre si osservò che i dati ottenuti in varie tempeste geomagnetiche per influsso dell’ AS e la curva dei valori di
frequenza delle CSD messi in confronto, sono in correlazione significativa negativa. Di rimando ne consegue che
l’Attività geomagnetica terrestre (AGT) risulti in correlaz. sign. negativa con la frequenza delle CSD .
Essendo noto pure che l’AS agendo come vento solare, sugli strati alti dell’ atmosfera, crei una diffusa jonizzazione
di questa, con un chiaro interessamento dei campi elettromagnetici naturali di bassa frequenza
( ELF e VLF ) attorno alla terra (vedi sito, ). Questi ultimi a loro
volta, influiscono sulla frequenza delle CSD colle quali sono in correlazione significativa negativa come evidenziato
da I.'O'rmenyij di Budapest e confermato poi dalla collaborazione cogli studiosi russi ed ucraini i quali hanno
considerato di maggior valore come effetto diretto quello delle ELF e delle VLF sulla frequenza delle CSD.
Fu anche accertato come si è segnalato schematicamente prima, che le CSD erano più frequenti nella fase negativa
del campo magnetico interplanetario (IMF) .La grande coerenza di tante correlazioni combinate fra loro rappresenta
per l’A. un grande elemento di prova.
L’A. é più rimasto stupito nel dovere presumere, a buona ragione, come i
RC e l’AS rivestano entrambi, a monte , un ruolo decisivo nell’influenzare direttamente o indirettamente la frequenza
delle CSD. Una sorta di tandem pilota che palesando un alternarsi di forze con altalenante influenza ,regola
alimentandoli, flussi di energia sul nostro pianeta, come parrebbe confermato più di recente da altri studiosi qui di
seguito citati .
Recentemente infatti i due scienziati danesi, Henrik Svensmark e Eigil Friis - Christensen del Danish Meteorological
Institute di Copenaghen, hanno compiuto una ricerca sul modo in cui l'attivita' solare puo' alterare il clima terrestre,
prendendo come riferimento i dati sulla nuvolosita' , raccolti nell'ambito dell'International Satellite Cloud Climatology
Project (Isccp) per un periodo dal 1983 al 1990. Diminuendo l’AS aumentano i RC che provocano un aumento della
nuvolosita': i RC ionizzando i gas dell’atmosfera creano nuclei di condensazione e quindi nuvole. Dalle indagini
risulta evidente una correlazione netta e importante : < più RC meno nuvole >. Aumentando invece l’AS calano i RC e
di rimando la nuvolosità.:.meno.raggi.cosmici,..meno.nuvole.Fonti:. ; A link between the Sun, cosmic rays, aerosols, and liquid-water clouds appe…;
E’ stato dimostrato poi dal Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Waterloo( Waterloo, ON, N2L 3G1,
Canada )una correlazione fra i RC e il calo dell’ O3. E’ stato riportato che i RC che l'intensità dei raggi cosmici e la
media annuale di ozono sono correlate ( alle latitudini tra 0 e 6 gradi sud , tra il 1980 e il 2007, un
periodo cioè questo, coperto da due cicli di raggi cosmici ).
Aumenta l’AS, calano i raggi cosmici, cala l’ozono e il buco si restringe . Dai dati qualunque meccanismo di
diminuzione della concentrazione di ozono che non coinvolga i raggi cosmici , ha effetti minori se non addirittura
trascurabili . Gli AA. attestano poi che effettivamente esiste una correlazione significativa positiva fra i RC e
l’allargamento del buco dell’ozono. Cala l’ AS , aumentano i RC e aumenta il buco dell’ozono. Tali studiosi
presumono anche una possibile conferma di tali correlazioni nei prossimi anni , 2008-2009 e 2019-2020 . Fonti :
Alcuni scienziati inglesi (*) hanno dimostrato pure ( ottobre 2003 marzo 2004 e ottobre 2004 e marzo 2005)che esiste
na stretta correlazione tra il numero dei raggi cosmici ( muoni ) conteggiati da un rivelatore e la temperatura della
Per la prima volta, gli scienziati hanno dimostrato come questo rapporto possa essere utilizzato per identificare
eventi meteorologici che si verificano improvvisamente nella stratosfera durante l'inverno dell'emisfero
settentrionale.L’aumento della temperatura dell’atmosfera, espande questa in modo che un minor numero di mesoni
siano distrutti al momento dell’impatto con l’aria e da ciò ne deriva un maggior decadimento naturale in muoni. In
conclusione se la temperatura aumenta,aumenta pure il numero di muoni rilevati.
Quando invece la temperatura diminuisce avviene il contrario (diminuisce il numero dei muoni).
Hanno sorpreso gli scienziati, gli improvvisi e intermittenti aumenti di muoni durante i mesi invernali. Questi
incrementi dei dati sono stati osservati nel corso di pochi giorni. Nelle indagini, questi cambiamenti sono coincisi
con improvvisi elevati incrementi della temperatura della stratosfera (fino a 40 ° C in alcuni luoghi!). Guardando
meglio con il sostegno di dati meteorologici, si sono resi conto che stavano osservando un grande evento meteo,
noto come Sudden Warming stratosferico. In media, esso si verifica ogni due anni ed è notoriamente imprevedibile .
Questo studio ha dimostrato, per la prima volta, che i dati dei raggi cosmici possono essere utilizzati efficacemente
per identificare questi eventi (*) fonti <<Geophysical Research Letters : Leggi il resto di questa voce >>. Studio condotto da
scienziati del Regno Unito,Centro Naz-.per Atmospheric Science(ANC) e la Scienza e la Tecnologia e i suoi servizi, Consiglio(STFC);
fonti :
La crescita degli alberi in Gran Bretagna( I raggi cosmici e modelli di crescita degli alberi collegati ) sembra poi
correlato all'intensità dei raggi cosmici. In uno studio edito nel 2006 ricercatori dell'Università di Edimburgo hanno
scoperto che gli alberi crescono più rapidamente quando dallo spazio la radiazione cosmica arriva a terra a livelli
elevati: l’efetto non è grande ma è statisticamente significativo. Questo può anche essere correlato al campo
magnetico interplanetario e che tende a modulare i Galactic Cosmic Rays
La scoperta si affianca alla
correlazione trovata da Svensmark fra i GCR e la copertura nuvolosa. I ricercatori hanno fatto la scoperta studiando
gli anelli di crescita degli abeti, cambiato nel corso degli ultimi cinquant'anni. Ecco il kicker: la variazione dei raggi
cosmici influisce sulla crescita degli alberi più delle variazioni di temperatura e delle precipitazioni. Leggi l'intero
rapporto della.BBC:.qui
Nel febbraio 2007 infine , si potrebbe aver visto un dettagliato articolo su una "teoria controversa nuova" del
riscaldamento.globale. L'idea di Svensmark H., era che le variazioni nei raggi cosmici penetrando nell'atmosfera
terrestre avrebbero cambiato la quantità di copertura nuvolosa influendo sulla riflettività del pianeta, e quindi sulla
temperatura alla sua superficie. Questo, poteva essere il motivo per cui le temperature si erano riscontrate in
aumento (aumento cioè a livello globale. La teoria è stata riportata in un libro, The Stars Chilling ( scritto dallo
scienziato danese Henrik Svensmark e corrispondente scientifico britannico Nigel Calder) che è apparso sugli scaffali una
settimana dopo che il gruppo intergovernativo di esperti sui cambiamenti climatici (IPCC) aveva pubblicato la sua
relazione conclusiva che aveva invece riferito che esisteva più del 90% delle probabilità che le emissioni di gas serra
provocate ad opera dell’attività del genere umano, fossero la causa del riscaldamento riscontrato nel pianeta.
Penso che il sole sia il motore principale del cambiamento climatico dice invece Henrik Svensmark . In verità, la sua
teoria non era nuova; l’équipe del dottor Svensmark l’aveva proposta all’attenzione un decennio prima, mentre l'idea
di una influenza dei raggi cosmici sul tempo atmosferico risale al 1959 e al ricercatore statunitense Edward Ney.
Il problema più grande è se essa possa corrispondere o no a una teoria del riscaldamento globale .
In recenti dati
dell’ Oulu Neutron Monitor, si nota un trend significativo della portata dei valori RC, mai raggiunta prima, in oltre 30
anni . La domanda ora sembra.essere.questa,stiamo.vedendo.l'inizio.di.un.salto del ciclo solare o vedendo un suo
minimo esteso(.fino.a.questi.ultimi.3.anni.circa.)? . E’ solo un ritardo straordinario per il ciclo solare 24 ? Tutto è calmo,
troppo calmo sul fronte dell’AS.Fonti: 2F01% 2F03%2Fstate-of-the-sun-year-end-2008-alls-quiet-on-the-solar-front%2F ;;
Il tandem AS-RC si riconferma però come azione pilota. Tornando alla normalità più ordinaria del ciclo solare , la
teoria di Svensmark sul riscaldamento globale, resterà o no confermata ? Una suspense , questa, molto avvincente.
Concludendo questa ultima disamina ,l’ A . insiste sull’opportunità di adoperarsi ancora e sempre di più , nell ’
evidenziare ricerche di autori che abbiano operato sulle possibili correlazioni di energie quali quelle dell’ AS e dei
RC , con i vari substrati della biosfera e quelli biologici in particolare. Ciò a confermare sempre meglio l’importanza
di tali energie quali fattori dominanti nell’ influenzare direttamente o indirettamente la nostra biosfera
L’A. ha rimarcato ancora tale necessità, attraverso la sua Comunicazione riportata di recente negli < Atti della VIII
Conferenza Internazionale di Crimea,Sudak, 2009 > come la rimarcò prima sia attraverso le sue ricerche sperimentali
sulle CSD dal 1970 al 1991 sia attraverso l’opera dei collaboratori che ne hanno rafforzato l’idea con i loro rilievi
statistici nello studio dei dati sperimentali CSD. Nel realizzare la ricerca sulle CSD, l’A. si è proposto non solo il compito di
rivolgersi a vari collaboratori per l’ ovvio apporto dato dall’ interdisciplinarietà ma si è proposto pure il compito di attrarre
l’attenzione su molti altri studiosi i cui lavori fossero in grado indirettamente di rafforzare la validità del suo stesso lavoro .
Faraone Piero A.R., CIFA Vice President.[Membro of Internat.Academy of Sciences,Milano, [email protected]]
Remarking : nella figura sottostante sono evidenziate le curve dei RC (flusso-neutroni,NMV) in alto, quella
dell’AS in giallo arancio(SN) e quella della frequenza CSD in nero. Tutti i valori sono dati in medie annuali.Vedi
In figurano tutti nominativi di Chi ha collaborato conl’A. nelle ricerche-CSD, in modo particolare il team di Minneapolis
(USA) dei prof.Halberg F.-G.Cornelissen-Guillaume, e quello Russo-Ucraino dei prof.A.A.Konradov,T.A.Zenchenko,B.M.Vladimirsky.nonché il fisico dr. I.‘O’rmenji di
Budapest. See references of editorial (english version), at the foot of page 6, .
Piccardi’s Chemical Test Results
as a Support of Russian Researches in Heliogeophysics and Heliobiology from 20s
Anna Piccardi, Giuseppe Bonacina( Scientific Journalist, [email protected] )
The Italian scientist Giorgio Piccardi (1895 – 1972) carried out for more than 20 years its
original “chemical test” based on the reaction BiCl3 + H2O → BiOCl + 2HCl showing evidence
of a correlation between the statistical results of the test and solar activity cycle (sunspot
number). So, in many aspects, Piccardi’s research has anticipated the modern science of
“space weather”.
Moreover, Piccardi’s results supported several empirical researches in heliogeophysics and
heliobiology largely carried out in Russia from 20s, showing qualitative correlations between
biological, medical and human phenomena with environmental factors, especially of solar
origin. Some of the Russian scientists involved in these scientific studies were: V. Vernadski
(1863 – 1945), who introduced the term “biosphere”, the microbiologist S. Velkhover (1885
– 1942), the geophysic M. Eigenson (1906 – 1962) and, above all, A.L. Tchijevski (1897 –
1964), who registered correlations between several epidemic trends and solar activity.
Piccardi’s scientific works had a large diffusion in Russia in 50s and 60s. He had contacts
with many russian scientists and held several conferences in then URSS: in Moscow, in
Leningrad (now Saint Petersburg) and at Pulkovo observatory.
In particular, Piccardi was a dear friend of Tchijevski, who was also a painter and gave him
some admirable paints.
Air Pollution and Health: Effects and Levels of the Main Pollutants
Pasquale Avino1,2, Domenico Brocco3, Luca Lepore3 and Mario V. Russo4
DIPIA-ISPESL, Rome (Italy); 2Bioscience Department, Telesio Galilei Academy; 3Centro Studi di Biometeorologia, Rome (Italy);
DIISTAM, University of Molise, Campobasso (Italy)
Air pollution causes a number of problems in the environment affecting the human health. In fact,
polluted air can cause damage to our health and affect us in a negative way. Different people are
affected by high levels of pollution in different ways depending on their age and general health, the type
of pollutant and how long they are exposed to pollution. Health problems caused by air pollution range
from less serious breathing difficulties, to asthma and even cancer. It is estimated that in the most
polluted cities, lives are shortened by an average of one to two years.
From an atmospheric chemistry point of view, outdoor pollutants include smoke, carbon monoxide,
nitrogen oxides, sulphur dioxide, particulates and ozone. Smoke is a type of pollution that can be seen
because it is made up of solid particles coming out of chimneys. Carbon monoxide is a pollutant that is
mainly produced by cars: it has no colour or smell but can be very poisonous. Nitrogen oxides (NO and
NO2) are emitted from cars and power stations. Very high amounts can be recorded in cities during rushhour traffic. Sulphur dioxide is a colourless gas that is mainly given off from power stations. It combines
with water in the air to produce acid rain. Particulates are small bits of solid or liquid matter, for
example soot, dust, fumes and aerosols carried in the air. They are produced by factories, cars and coal
burning in some homes. Ozone is more commonly associated with the ozone layer, which protects life
on Earth from the Sun’s harmful rays (“good ozone”). Near the ground however, it is a harmful pollutant
made in the air when other pollutants mix together in sunlight (“bad ozone”). It is the main gas found in
modern urban smog.
From a health point of view particulate matter in air pollution is one of the main causes of this health
problems. In towns and cities, these are released mainly from diesel engines in cars and trucks. When we
breathe in air pollution, the very fine particulates (Pm10m PM2.5 and PM1) can easily enter our lungs,
where they can cause breathing problems, and over time even lead to cancer. Ozone that forms near to
the ground can also damage our lungs and throats. In people suffering of asthma, the symptoms may be
even more severe. Carbon monoxide, from transport, cigarette smoke and faulty gas fires, affects the
blood and is especially dangerous to pregnant women and their unborn babies. The babies may be born
with brain damage.
Our communication would like to highlight the main atmospheric contamination in Italian urban areas
due to anthropogenic sources such as autovehicular traffic and domestic heating.
M ilano
Figure 1
2002 2003
2002 2003
Figure 2
In particular we report data coming from the main Italian cities recording the levels and the pollution
situation during the previous years 1993-2005. in particular, the main significant aspects are due to
benzene and PM10 as reported in Figures 1 and 2. As it can be seen all the situations are critical, the
annual average values overcome the law limit for both the pollutants even if the trends shows a clear
decrease during the 2000’s.
Among the gaseous pollutants and according the definition reported above, we have investigated the role
of the good ozone and the bad ozone according the relative effects on the human health.
Furthermore, we have deeply investigated the PM10 composition using traditional chemical
methodologies. Its composition is very complex and it is not easy to simplify it: the master scheme
reported in Figure 3 shows the main classes of compounds present and dangerous for the environment
and the human as well.
100 µg/m3
Carbonaceous Fractio
30-40 %
Organic carbon
30-40 %
Identified compounds
10-15 %
70-75 %
Inorganic fraction
60-70 %
Elemental carbon
60-70 %
Unidentified compounds
85-90 %
No-hydrosoluble fraction
50-60 %
Heavy metals
2-5 %
Cd, Cr, Fe, Ni, Pb, V, Zn
Unidentified fraction
95-98 %
Hydrosoluble fraction
40-50 %
40-45 %
20-25 %
15-20 %
1-2 %
Others (Ca, Cl, Na, etc.)
15-20 %
n-Alkanoic acids
25-30 %
Figure 3
About the new perspective in atmospheric chemistry, we will present data on an important pollutant, mercury. Its
determination is not trivial but it is suggested by the World Health Organization as a priority in the metropolitan areas.
Finally, a task is dedicated to studies of healthy climates.
Nel realizzare la ricerca sulle CSD, l’A. si è proposto non solo il compito di rivolgersi a vari collaboratori per un ovvio apporto dato
dall’ interdisciplinarietà ma si è proposto pure il compito di attirare l’attenzione su molti altri studiosi i cui lavori fossero in grado
indirettamente di rafforzare la validità del suo stesso lavoro .
Biophoton emission from human extremities exhibits both photic and nonphotic cycles.
Dewayne Hillman1, Frederic Laager2, Germaine Cornélissen1, Rollin McCraty3, Hans W. Wendt4, Franz Halberg1
1Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA; 2Seoul Natl. Univ., Seoul, S. Korea; 3Inst. of HeartMath, Boulder Creek, CA, USA; 4A.v. Humboldt
Behavioral Geomedicine, St. Paul, MN, USA
Dedicated to the memory of A. Gurwitsch (1), we here demonstrate an about (~) yearly rhythm and a non-photic
~28-day cycle, coexisting with the yearly cycle in nearly year-long weekly measurements by 4 men of biophoton
emission from human hands and feet (2). For the pool of data, the 95% confidence interval of the point estimate of
the period, τ, of ~0.90 year (0.68, 1.12) overlaps the calendar year and an ~0.873 τ, predicted as a beat of
rotations at different solar latitudes (3). The spectra also show ~28-day and ~19-day τs, Figure 1. Photic and
nonphotic cycles underlie the evolution of the biosphere and coexist selectively as in the case of biophoton
emission by the human extremities in the span and the persons investigated.
1. Gurwitsch A. Die mitogenetische Strahlung. Monographien aus dem Gesamtgebiet der Physiologie der Pflanzen
und der Tiere. Berlin: Springer; 1932.
2. Laager F, Choi CJ, Park SH, Yang JM, Soh KS. Year-long measurement of biophoton emission of hands and
feet. NeuroQuantology 2008; 6: 464-471.
3. Wolff CL. The rotational spectrum of g-modes in the sun. Astrophys J 1983; 264: 667-676.
Cycles' inheritance from the cosmos.
Franz Halberg1, Germaine Cornélissen1, Vincenzo Valenzi2, Giancarlo Pantaleoni3, Othild Schwartzkopff1
Chronobiology Center, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA. 2Centro Studi di Biometeorologia, Scuola di
Specializzazione in Idrologia Medica, Università Degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza", Rome, Italy . 3Department of Pharmacology
and Ethnomedicine, University of Lugano, Lugano, Switzerland
Endogenicity was clear for some ultradian rhythms, as in the case of the heart in toto and of its cells beating in vitro (1)
and for that of circadians, as documented by intra-class correlation coefficients for the MESOR, amplitude and acrophase of
heart rate (all P<0.01) of monozygotic human twins reared apart, many of whom met for the first time in Minnesota (2). Our
inferential statistical documentation of periods (τs) longer than 28 hours, up to >30 years (3), allows a summary herein of the
rules of inheritance of infradian cycles from the cosmos, in the steps of Alexander L. Chizhevsky and Sergei Chibisov in
Russia, and Boris Vladimirsky and Victor Martynyuk in Ukraine. For biospheric cycles that mimic those of the cosmos, we
formulated and tested by both global and time-varying analyses, the latter illustrated in Figure 1, the following findings:
Rule 1, indispensable but not sufficient, is congruence in τ, not necessarily in phase, documented by overlapping CIs
(95% confidence intervals) of infradian τs, in various regions of the spectra from multiseptans up to transtridecadals (3, in
Rule 2 is a selective assortment of the biospheric-cosmic pairing, e.g., of heart rate with a transtridecadal and blood
pressure with a didecadal or other environmental cycle. (By reference to these first two rules, we are influenced by Mendel's
laws of segregation and independent assortment of what became genes.)
Rule 3, a "consistent subtractive and/or additive behavior", was examined when the opportunity arose by subtraction
(up to removal) from and/or addition to the transdisciplinary spectrum of an environmental component to determine whether it
entailed corresponding changes (damping or amplification or pull of phase) in the biosphere (Figure 3a in 4).
Rule 4 was the genetic coding of the biospheric cycle, revealed by damping, yet persistence, following the removal of
an environmental component. This rule validates the long-term occurrence of an environmental cycle to the point that it
became genetically coded. Damped persistence of the biospheric cycle is hence a transdisciplinary tool equally pertinent to
physics and biology.
The importance of these cycles and their aeolian nature are illustrated in Figure 1. These cycles could gauge
environmental pollution, among other local and global problems.
Figure 1. Population chronomics with focus upon cis-half-years, i.e., about 5-month (0.42-year) cycles in the incidence
pattern of solar flares (2nd and bottom rows) and of sudden human cardiac deaths on different continents (rows 5-7). The
incidence of solar flares over about 40 years (top row) and of a cis-half-year component (2nd row) and of two para-annuals (3rd
and 4th rows) differed in patterns of intermittent significance (5). Note further the different behavior in different geographic
regions of putative signatures of the cis-half-year component in sudden human cardiac death (rows 5-7 and footnotes). ©
Han HW et al. Cell Biophysics 1991; 18: 217-229.
Halberg F et al. Chronobiology of human blood pressure. Medtronic Seminar, 1988 (see pp. 26, 27, 27a).
Halberg F et al. Geophysical Processes and Biosphere 2009; 8 (2): 13-42. [In Russian with English summary.]
Halberg F et al. J Applied Biomedicine 2006; 4: 1-38.
5. Cornélissen G et al. In: Halberg F, Kenner T, Fiser B, Siegelova J. (Eds.) Proceedings, Noninvasive Methods in
Cardiology, Brno, Czech Republic, July 7-10, 2009. (Dedicated to the 90th Anniversary of Prof. Franz Halberg.) p. 159175.
Figure 1. Aeolian intermittency of components in and around us. © Halberg.
MA'AT MAGAZINES > March, 2009 > Reflections of Russian Cosmic Science
Kozyrev's Mirrors and Electromagnetic Null Zones:
Reflections of Russian Cosmic Science
Interview with Alexander V. Trofimov, MD By Carol Hiltner
Imagine standing under a vast, scintillating aurora borealis, and seeing it change colors as you changed your
thoughts. This exact situation led Russian medical doctor Alexander V. Trofimov into his groundbreaking
research on human consciousness, in collaboration with Vlail P. Kaznacheev, and following in the footsteps of
the great 20th century physicist Nikolai Kozyrev.
Essentially, Kozyrev devised reproducible experiments that prove the existence of a "torsional energy field"
beyond electromagnetism and gravity, which travels much faster than light. He called it the "flow of time."
Others, Einstein among them, have called it "ether." Others call it "zero point energy."
Within this "flow of time," the past, present, and future all exist at the same time, and in every place. This
discovery sets the stage for all psychic phenomena to be scientifically explainable. Trofimov and Kaznacheev
have, for the past thirty years, been experimentally developing the practical explanations, and have made
some surprising discoveries.
When I visited Trofimov's laboratories at the International Scientific Research Institute for Cosmic
Anthropo-Ecology in Novosibirsk, where he is general director, he enthusiastically showed us his two main
experimental apparati — two hollow, metal, person-sized tubes, equipped with mattresses and drinking water.
The first, dubbed "Kozyrev's Mirrors," reflects thought energy (which exists within the "flow of time") back to
the thinker. This apparatus, invented by Kozyrev, gives access to intensified consciousness and altered states,
including non-linear time — similar to a deep meditational state.
Trofimov's work has consisted of "remote viewing" experiments across both distance and time. They discovered
that results are more positive when the "sender" is in the far north, where the electromagnetic field is less
powerful. So they invented a second apparatus that shields an experimental subject from the local
electromagnetic field. Within this apparatus, their subjects can reliably access all place and time — past,
present, and future — instantaneously. Construction specifications for these apparati are published in Russian
scientific literature.
Among Trofimov and Kaznacheev's conclusions are:
1) our planet's electromagnetic field is actually the "veil" which filters time and place down to our everyday
Newtonian reality — enabling us to have the human experience of linear time,
2) in the absence of an electromagnetic field, we have access to an energy field of "instantaneous locality" that
underlies our reality,
3) that the limiting effect of the electromagnetic field on an individual is moderated by the amount of solar
electromagnetic activity occurring while that person was in utero, and
4) that once a person has accessed these states, his or her consciousness remains so enhanced.
The implication is that the global electromagnetic soup of cell phones, radio, television and electric appliances
actually impedes our innate communication abilities. The further implication is that expanded human
consciousness is mechanically producible now, which raises the vast ethical question of how these apparati can
be most beneficially used.
Carol: Alexander, why did you begin doing research in this field?
Trofimov: I very clearly remember the moment. It was March, 1975. After my post-graduate education, my first
expedition as junior scientific researcher was to Dixon — a small village in the far north, which is located above
73 degrees latitude. It was to study adaptation of human organism to the conditions of the far north — a great
experiment of U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences. I worked with Kaznacheev, who was the creator of the civilian
department of this Academy. I began my investigation as a cardiologist, studying the reaction of the
cardiovascular system and the importance of different magnetic conditions.
I stepped outside our hospital to see the aurora borealis, which was like a cone over our building. This first
impression was wonderful! I felt that we were interacting, that what I thought was changing the colors of the
aurora borealis. I didn't know whether it was my consciousness or cosmic consciousness. Only later did we learn
about cosmic consciousness. But it was a beginning for me.
I continued my investigation as a doctor, and from approximately 1990, with Academician Kaznacheev, we
began new cycle of work — the study of cosmic consciousness. Let me show you Kozyrev's Mirrors. This
apparatus is the grandfather of Kozyrev's Mirrors — the first generation. Now we have seven generations. Carol:
But why is this called a mirror? Where is the mirror?
Trofimov: We use the law of optical reflection — which also applies to streams other than light. When the
surface is curved, according to this law, the energy is focused.
Kozyrev was also an astronomer. He created a small mirror to put inside a telescope, which he focused
on one of the stars. And he programmed it for three times: one year in the past, the present, and one year in
the future.
Carol: And how did he program that?
Trofimov: He simply calculated, using some mathematical methods. He had the know-how to calculate where
it was, where it should be, and where it is — its projected location. So he realized that the star is present
everywhere — in the past, present, and future.
Carol: But that is common knowledge. What was the discovery?
Trofimov: We wanted to prove it in a scientific way. Kozyrev proved it in astronomical terms. Our task was to
prove it in biological terms. So the legacy of Kozyrev was that, if people could create such kinds of apparatus
that are capable of creating density of the energy of time, from this point they could have the opportunity to
visit any place in the universe.
We created such an apparatus, and called it Kozyrev's Mirrors. It takes the energy not out of the stars, but out
of the human being — being a star. (Carbonaceous life forms, such as those on Earth, are one stage of a star's
evolution.) And these streams coming out of human beings, they are not allowed to go everywhere in the
space, but they are concentrated here, creating this density of the streams of time and energy. But a human
being should be specially prepared, and when he spends some time inside, he finds himself in a particular state
of mind. He can travel to any part of the planet. And there is a special "ray" enabling him to be in this or that
part of the planet. We used this kind of apparatus for our experiment for distant communication with Dixon.
Basically, there was a person inside the mirrors who was given symbols that he was supposed to project, and
there were people all around the world who were supposed to receive.
Carol: Were they also in mirrors?
Trofimov: No, they were in an ordinary life situation, but they knew the time. There were three special
sessions for investigating the role of television and radio. The person inside the mirrors projected the symbols
and they made a television recording of it. They showed these recording to people from Dixon. They also made
television recordings of three sessions in which a person projected symbols, but was not inside the mirrors. And
almost 80% of the people who took part in this experiment received the information. The results using the
television recording were even better than straight from the mirrors. Another interesting detail: the people
who were receiving the information were asked to simply switch on their television, without even sound or
images, but just power, and it gave the opportunity to receive this information more effectively. So this space
around the planet, and television and radio space interrelate. And they approached the world with special
precautions so that people would know the interrelationship of space and radio waves. It was very important.
So, fifteen years ago, they made this research and realized these consequences.
Carol: Well, the whole planet is an electronic soup, with radio waves on all frequencies.
Trofimov: Yes, exactly. So, to the next room … This is a "cosmobiotron" clinical device. There are two here —
the only ones in the whole world. Inside this apparatus, the electromagnetic field is reduced almost to nothing,
which allows us to go anywhere in space. Just to be free, out of the magnetic field of the earth.
Carol: How does it do that?
Trofimov: Inside this shell are several layers of a special steel called "permalloy" that has magnetic "receiving
qualities," that is sensitive to magnetism. Inside the tube, the magnetic field is diminished 600 times.
Currently, the Earth's magnetic field has 49,000 nano-Teslas. It has been decreasing by about 50-70 nano-Teslas
per year. By the end of the millennium, we'll have only 100-200 nano-Teslas. So, this apparatus allows us to
emulate the situation that we will have 1000 years in our future.
[He sat down on the open end of the tube]. Where I'm sitting now, the magnetic field is how it will be on Earth
in 100 years. As I move further into the apparatus, the magnetic field is decreased, as it will be on Earth
further into the future. We measure the results every 15 centimeters, which is equivalent to 100 years. In a
thousand years, we will be somewhere in the middle of this apparatus.
This apparatus is the most important research instrument for assessment of the evolutionary consequences of
the fluctuation of Earth's magnetic field.
Carol: What is the result of that diminished magnetic field?
Trofimov: As the force of the magnetic field is decreased, the sun's energies will penetrate more.
Carol: So the magnetic field protects us from the solar rays?
Trofimov: Yes, and also cosmic rays — galactic protons, for example. The less protection there is, the more
particles can reach us.
Carol: Is the ozone layer a different mechanism?
Trofimov: Somewhat different. The ozone layer filters only the ultraviolet part of the spectrum.
So we have a profound opportunity to really emulate what will happen with any living creature or human
being, century by century — how we will co-exist with these energies from space. What will happen? Either our
mind reserves or extra abilities will open, or on the contrary they will be limited, and some catastrophe will
happen. So basically, this is a like a theatrical stage, where we can see how the fate of human life will play in
a thousand years.
We have been working more than 15 years, so we do have results. Part of our results have been published, and
we are preparing to publish more.
Now I will say something important. As we investigate brain activity — either with an electro-encephalogram,
or by assessing brain functions like intellect level, memory, and other functions, we realize that we currently
use only 5% of the capacity of our brains throughout our whole lives. And then, after we spend some time
inside the apparatus — in a space without magnetism — we repeat the same tests, and we see a drastically
different picture. We see that our mind's additional reserves and abilities are activated. We see an increase in
memory capacity, increased IQ, and changing zones of electric activity of the brain.
Carol: Is this because of the reduction in magnetic field?
Trofimov: When the magnetic field is decreased, we see an increasing ability to use the reserves and capacity
of the human brain, and that's good. But there is still a question of whether it is good for everyone. How
quickly should these reserves be opened in real life, and for what would these resources be used. Why should
we access these resources? What is the practical use of this opportunity? Just opening the resources is not a
We need a scientifically rigorous forecasting model — not a purely theoretical one — about what will happen
with us, and how this knowledge can be used right now to educate. For example, how long should a person be
inside to increase his memory capacity without waiting a hundred years. We are now doing practical research
on how to make use of this phenomenon.
There's another important point. When a person is inside, his brain function is in direct correlational
dependency not only with solar energies, but with galactic rays. So we thereby open a request for information
from the galaxy.
We believe that this is the mechanism by which cosmic human consciousness is currently being opened, with
the decreasing electromagnetic field. This shift is opening people's "cosmophile" properties — properties that
we are lacking right now in this "cosmophobe" world. But we cannot bring the whole of humanity onto this
cosmophilic life-raft, because we are only in the experimental scientific stage that allows us to make a
forecast and back it up experimentally.
According to the Russian writer and philosopher Gumilev, balance or imbalance in the number of cosmophobes
or cosmophiles in any society or ethnic group defines the fate of this society or ethnic group.
So what can we do? For the survival of our civilization, we have to foster the cosmophiles. And for this, we
need to open these resources. While we can give people this possibility, we cannot order or force them to be
cosmophiles. We need a well-coordinated system to guide people to this source.
Translation by Nina Goncharova and Elena Kopteva
Copywrite 2009 by Carol Hiltner. Altai Mir University. All rights reserved.
Alexander V. Trofimov, MD, is General Director of the International Scientific Research Institute for Cosmic
Anthropo-Ecology, which was founded in 1994 for scientific investigation, and is located in Academic City,
Novosibirsk, Russia.
About Carol Hiltner
Carol Hiltner, ([email protected]), is founder of Altai Books,, which publishes books
about Spirit-inspired routes to human sustainability on Earth, and Altai Mir University,, which
brings people together to access peace by creating a knowledge bridge between ancient wisdom and today's
world, focusing on the unique cultural/spiritual heritage of the Altai Republic in southern Siberia. She is a
prolific visionary artist and author of several books, including two Altai Chronicles: Tablets of Light and Out of
Time, as well as many articles for Spirit of Ma'at.
Phone: 206-525-2101
Email: [email protected]
The biophysics of water and its applications
Vincenzo I. Valenzi¹ , ²Ubaldo Mastromatteo Fulvio Bongiorno³
1 2IFA- Bioscience Department Telesio Galilei Academy
2 STM Non Conventional Technology- Fellow
3 Uniroma 3 Mathematics Department
An increasing number of data indicates that water in a liquid state is endowed with very peculiar properties and
undergo structures which may retain in a stable manner some conformational information.
Physicists ( Preparata, Del Giudice, Josephson, Trukhan, Srivastava, Widom, Zhadin, ecc.) have
elaborated several theories about these structures, which deserve experimental confirmation.
In another hand in the last century, Giorgio Piccardi , John Eccles, and Jacques Benveniste and others
have come to similar conclusions based on bio-quantum-chemistry experiments.
Benveniste showed that biological activity of some organic molecules can persist at very high dilutions
in water and can be registered . Some of these experiments were reproduced in three other laboratories
who co-signed the article, Nature 333, 816 (1988). Further works, Medical Hypotheses 54, 33 (2000),
Rivista di Biologia / Biology Forum 97), 169-172(2004), showed that molecular activity in more than
50 biochemical systems and even in bacteria could be induced by electromagnetic signals transferred
through water solutes. The sources of the electromagnetic signals were recordings of specific biological
activities. These results suggest that electromagnetic transmission of biochemical information can be
stored in the electric dipole moments of water in close analogy to the manner in which magnetic
moments store information on a computer disk. The electromagnetic transmission would enable in vivo
transmissions of the specific molecular information between two functional bio-molecules.
Moreover he was able to reproduce under certain conditions their biological activity recorded from the
electromagnetic signals generated in water solutions.
Recent development in Quantum Technology (SEP Analyzer, Bicom, EPFX/SCIO Methatron ecc.)
seems confirmed the Benveniste work on digital biology.
More recently, Luc Montagnier and collaborators discovered new phenomenons:
Interdiscip Sci Comput Life Sci (2009) DOI: 10.1007/s12539-009-0036-7 :Electromagnetic Signals Are Produced by
Aqueous Nanostructures Derived from Bacterial DNA Sequences.
A novel property of DNA is described: the capacity of some bacterial DNA sequences to induce electromagnetic waves at
high aqueous dilutions. It appears to be a resonance phenomenon triggered by the ambient electromagnetic background of
very low frequency waves. The genomic DNA of most pathogenic bacteria contains sequences which are able to generate
such signals.
This opens the way to the development of highly sensitive detection system for chronic bacterial
infections in human and animal diseases.
These findings have many applications in medicine, agriculture and food industry.
However it is also essential to improve the physical and technical bases of these observations.
V. I Valenzi, B. Messina: Procedings meeting on: The role of quantum electro dinamycs in medicine. Rivista di
Biologia/Biology Forum 93 (2000) pp. 267-312.
Benveniste, J., Jurgens, P., Aijssa, J. 1996. Digital recording/ transmission of the cholinergic signal. Faseb Journal
10, A1479.
Eccles J., Come l’Io controlla il suo cervello, Presentazione di M.Tiengo, Rizzoli, Milano, 1994
Brian Josephson: Lone voices special: Take nobody's word for it New Scientist magazine, December 9,
Ubaldo Mastromatteo: New research in Physics applied to biology. Lugano conference 27 october 2007 On
Benveniste Arhives to Ludes University.
• A. Widom, Y. N. Srivastava and V. Valenzi,
“The Biophysical Basis of Water Memory: Entropy, Structure and Information in Water”
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry (Wiley and Sons), Published on line May 19, 2009[DOI: 22140].
The psycone coordinates exocitoses by means of
quantum probability fields
Sir John Eccles
Molecular signaling
The Current Theory:
"structural matching"
The 3D structure of ligand
matches that of the receptor.
Physical proximity induces
receptor conformational changes
which in turn triggers the cascade
of events prompting cell function.
The Benveniste Theory:
"electromagnetic signals"
Proximity favors resonance of
ligand-receptor specific EM signals.
Resonance serves as an
iperconductive mechanism for
activation changes which occur at all
steps of the cascade inducing cell
The role of SEP (Skin Electrical Parameters) in the SPA
Albina Pisani¹, Vincenzo Valenzi ², MC. Lucchetta¹, Pasquale Avino² ³, Josephine Campanella¹,
Gioacchino Mennuni¹, Bruno Sordi4, Angelo Serio¹ Antonio Fraioli¹.
¹ Scuola di Specializzazione in Idrologia Medica Università di Roma “La Sapienza”
² Bioscience Department Telesio Galilei Academy ³ ISPELS Roma , 4 Terme di Chianciano
Centro Sillene is a spa in Chianciano Terme, in Tuscany, Italy, where from several decades
many people affected by arthrorheumatic and liver diseases go to do mud bath and drink
mineral water.
The use of the waters in this zone had its beginnings in antiquity. Etruscans and Romans
already utilized Acqua Santa, Sillene and Fucoli waters and built temples and luxurious thermal
buildings in the area.
The Lombards knew of their therapeutic properties and, in the Middle Age, the people
continued to have faith, even without an instruction in this regard, in the curative powers of
the waters.
The great development of Chianciano’s mineral water therapy activity began in 1915, when
the Commune decided to hand over the management of the waters to the “Società delle
Terme di Chianciano”.
Thanks to the managing class, to the always more numerous scientific publication that spread
the results of the treatments and to the choice of focusing, from the promotional point of
view, on the mineral water-therapy-specialization, and on the treatment of hepatic disordersthat, at the end of the Forties, was to create the slogan “Chianciano, healthy liver”- the fame
of Chianciano grew rapidly in the following years.
Nowadays, Chianciano ‘s therapy includes:
• Mud and bath for osteoarthrosis (Sillene water);
• Aeorosol and inhalation for respiratory diseases (Acqua Santissima water);
• Carbo-gaseous bath for circulation’s diseases (Sillene water);
• Mineral water for chronic constipation (Fucoli water)
• Mineral water and mud for hepatic disorders (Acqua Santa and Sillene waters).
Our work is focused on the hepatic mud therapy, consisting in an application, on the hepatic
zone, of a hot mud for 15 – 20 minutes. This therapy proved to give very good clinical results in
a large spectrum of liver and gall bladder diseases , like chronic hepatitis, functional disorders
of the biliary tract and functional dyspepsia. Mud’s action seems to be the increase of liver
functionality and biliary downflow, with a general spasmlytic activity; how this action could
occur, it’s up till now a mystery .
Chianciano hepatic mud comes from the interaction of a solid component, the virgin mud,
with the rich mineral water Sillene (T 38,5 °C, fixed residue 2956 mg/l, bicarbonate 816 mg/l,
sulphate 1648 mg/l, calcium 680 mg/l, magnesium 150 mg/l); they are mixed and let stand for
six months in a tank, and the result is a mature mud, rich of mineral salts, precious
microorganisms and algas.
This final product is superior in quality to the initial components.
Some clinical and laboratory data show that Mud increases ACTH and Beta endorphins
serum levels, but nobody knows how it acts on hepatic function . Some experimental data on
12 patients give a new line of research in SPA therapy, connected to some change in
bioelectrical function of organs and of the whole body.
We observed in the measures that Mud used for liver disease in effect increases the
bioelectrical status, with a fall of resistance, increase of current and of the bioelectrical power
The graphics 1 below shows this strict correlation between liver mood and improving of
bioelectrical parameters, and performance status and liver function, as patients that every
year come back in Chianciano referred (80/90%).
The application of a mud specific for arthrorheumatic diseases shows otherwise that in half of
patients (graphic 2) we have no bioelectrical improvement. So these bioelectrical
measurements with SEP Analyzer
show a possible instruments to drive Spa therapy and contribute to a better comprehension
of mechanism of Mud therapy in Chianciano .
Of course a lot of other fundamental and clinical researches must be developed to find a clear mechanism that underlies
bioelectrical interaction and Spa therapy.
Fig.1 general increas of bioelectrica function in alla the 12 patients
SEP-Fegato+Fango Epatico
Fig 2
6/12 resistance in liver patients to the arthroreumatic mud
V. I. Valenzi, U. Grieco, A. Garcia, F. Marinelli, A. Lozito, B. Messina: Cutaneous electrical phenomena in the
evaluation of the curative properties of sand and marine environment: preliminary observation. C.I.R.M. Researche,
1999 Vol. 3/1
V.I.Valenzi, G.Monaco, S. Spada, P. Cimaglia, L.Petraccia, S.Palmieri, B. Messina M.Grassi: Ruolo dei SEP
(Skin electric Parameters) nello studio delle meteoropatie, Annali di Medicina Interna, 2003: 18, 164S Proceedings Congresso SIMI Vincitore Premio CECIL
V. I Valenzi, B. Messina: Procedings meeting on: The role of quantum electro dinamycs in medicine. Rivista di
Biologia/Biology Forum 93 (2000) pp. 267-312.
L. Petraccia, S.G. Masciullo, M. Grassi; A. Pace, M.C. Lucchetta, V.I. Valenzi, P.Avino, A. Fraioli:
Possibilità crenoterapiche e climatoterapiche nelle malattie ostruttive polmonari croniche. La Clinica Terapeutica.
pag. 23-31, Vol.156 N.1-2 2005
A. Pisani V. I. Valenzi , M.C. Lucchetta, M. Grassi, A. Serio P. Avino, M. Russo, A. Fraioli SEP variations
on subjects with chronic constipation in idropinic treatment.
VII Intern. Conference “COSMOS AND BIOSPHERE“:1-6/X 2007Sudak Crimea
New informational technologies in medicine, biology, pharmacology and ecology.
Ukraine, Crimea, Yalta-Gourzuf,
May 31 – June 9 2010
Livio Giuliani
Director of Department ISPESL Florence IT
In the present work the results of the known investigation of the influence of combined static
(40 microT) and alternating (amplitude of 40 nT) parallel magnetic fields on the current
through the aqueous solution of glutamic acid, were successfully replicated. Fourteen
experiments were carried out by the application of the combined magnetic fields to the
solution placed into a Plexiglas reaction vessel at application of static voltage to golden
electrodes placed into the solution. Six experiments were carried out by the application of the
combined magnetic fields to the solution placed in a Plexiglas reaction vessel, without
electrodes, within an electric field, generated by means of a capacitor at the voltage of 27 mV.
The frequency of the alternating field was scanned within the bounds of 1.0 Hz including the
cyclotron frequency corresponding to a glutamic acid ion and to the applied static magnetic
field. In this study the prominent peaks with half-width of approximately 0.5 Hz and with
different heights (till 80 nA) were registered at the alternating magnetic field frequency equal
to the cyclotron frequency (4.2 Hz). The general reproducibility of the investigated effects was
70% among the all solutions studied by us and they arose usually after 40-60 min. after
preparation of the solution. In some made-up solutions the appearance of instability in the
registered current was noted in 30-45 min after the solution preparation. This instability
endured for 20-40 min. At the end of such instability period the effects of combined fields
action appeared practically every time. The possible mechanisms of revealed effects were
discussed on the basis of modern quantum electrodynamics and the recent contribution given
by Luc Montagnier
Some Experimental Data on Orac Effects on Chemical Systems
Roberto Maglione1, Diego Serena1, Pasquale Avino2 Vincenzo Valenzi3
Vercelli, Italy,
Analitical Chemistry, Ispesl, Rome, Italy
Centro Studi di Biometeorologia, TGA, Rome, Italy
The Reich orgone accumulator (Orac) has marked a controversial chapter of the history of science that is presently still under
discussion1. In our experience we observed anomalies such as the increase of body temperature and of bioelectrical
parameters in SEP measurements, as well as analgesic and anti-inflammatory activity, for people exposed inside the Orac2;
and biological effects on seeds and plants, when treated inside it3,4,5.
The above anomalies may be better understood by considering the recent results from experiments carried out by Maglione
and Serena to evaluate the effects of Orac radiation on a solution of acid and alcohol6,7.
The reaction of esterification between organic acid and alcohol (R1CHO + R2CH2OH = R1COOR2 + H2O) can occur at low
temperatures only in presence of a catalyst (e.g., H2SO3conc or HClcon) instead without catalyst it occurs at temperatures above
300°C; at around 150°C it occurs after 1-2 days and, at room temperatures, after around 16 years. In addition, the reaction,
slightly esothermic, is not affected neither by electromagnetic nor by radioactive fields.
The study performed by Maglione and Serena was aimed at evaluating the stability of a solution of CH3OH and L-glutamic
acid at standard conditions and without the presence of a catalyst, when kept inside the Orac for a given period of time.
According to the literature the above chemical system must not react and the molecules of the L-glutamic acid must remain
unaltered. The HPLC analysis at 230 nm gives no signal because both the alcohol and the acid do not absorb in the UV range.
The tests started on January 2008 and ended on November 2008. Two vials of the above solution were prepared for each test:
the former was kept in a 5-fold Orac for a period of time ranging between 2 and 3 weeks, while the latter was kept in the lab
of a pharmaceutical company for approximately the same period of time, and considered as control. A total of 16 tests for the
activated orgone-charged solution and 9 tests for the control solution were carried out. On all these solution were performed
HPLC analyses and conductivity measurements. Chromatograms of the solution kept inside the Orac showed the presence of
methyl esters (peaks at 2 min and 3.6 min) (Fig. 1). Methyl ester relative concentrations for the control and orgone-charged
solutions for all the testing period are reported in Fig. 2. From this figure one can see the stability of the solutions in standard
lab conditions (control).
control solution, May 23 – Jun 17, 2008
Relative Concentration [mm]
orgone-charged solution,
May 24 - Jun 14, 2008
Relative Concentration [mm]
Methyl Esters Total Relative Concentration vs Testing Time
Orgone-charged solution
Control solution
Retention Time [min]
Figure 1
Figure 2
The conductivity measurements of the orgone-charged solutions were observed to give lower values than those determined
on the control solutions, with a smother trend versus the testing time, denoting a lower ionic electrolytic dissociation of the
compounds of the orgone-charged system.
From the above results we can argue that the L-glutamic acid methyl ester formation in the solution kept inside the Orac
should have occurred under the action of something replacing the traditional catalyst. This unknown catalyst might be
identified with the orgone energy that, according to Reich, accumulates inside the orgone accumulator.
The results highlight the reactivity of the L-glutamic acid in methyl alcohol: these are new experimental conditions never
reported in previous scientific literature. Consequently, the L-glutamic acid stability should be evaluated also on the presence
of orgone potential energy.
These results may also give a contribution to a better understanding of neurological and mental disorders in humans. Lglutamic acid plays an important role as neurohumour in the nervous impulse transmission: since the orgone energy potential
in the organism is higher than that of the outside environment, it could be wise to assume that formation of methyl esters may
occur even inside the organism as a result of the reaction of L-glutamic acid with methyl alcohol. Methyl esters may act as a
barrier and partly or totally deactivate the function of the L-glutamic acid as a transmitter of nervous impulses through the
link of the nervous cells, so as to jeopardise the physiology of the whole nervous system.
Confirmation of the above experimental data by new chemical and biochemical experiments is hence needed. The anomalies
observed by Reich and his associates, whether confirmed, can lay new bases for lab experiments and allow a better
understanding of chemical reactions.
Reich W, The Orgone Energy Accumulator. Its Scientific and Medical Use, Orgone Institute Press, Rangeley (USA),
1951. Se also DeMeo J., The Orgone Accumulator Handbook, Natural Energy Works, Ashland, Oregon, Usa, 1989.
De Marchi L, Valenzi V, Wilhelm Reich Una straordinaria avventura Umana e scientifica, Macro Edizioni, Cesena,
Italy, 2007.
Espanca J, The Effect of Orgone on Plant Life, Offshoots of Orgonomy, nr. 3-14, Offshoots Publications, New York,
Maglione R, Orgone Accumulator Field Experiments with Corn Seed, presented to the Conference on New Research in
Orgonomy, Ashland, Oregon (USA), 2005, August 6-7.
Heckman J, Plant Growth Response to Orgone Accumulators, presented to the Conference on New Research in
Orgonomy, Ashland, Oregon (USA), 2005, August 6-7.
Maglione R, Serena D, On the Effect of a Cosmic Energy on Chemical Systems, presented to the Conference on New
Research in Orgonomy, Ashland, Oregon (USA), 2009, August 1-2.
Glielmi N, Maglione R, Wilhelm Reich,, April 2009.
The leader in news and information on low energy nuclear reactions
January 11, 2008 -- Issue #26
5. The Widom-Larsen Not-Fusion Theory
By Steven B. Krivit
[Note: This article is about 32 pages in length and contains about 12,000 words. Readers may skip to
the end if they would like a summary of my observations and conclusions. Readers may go to this Web
site for a brief technical overview of the theory or this Web site for a more detailed review of the theory.]
1. A Controversial Theory
2. Approach 1: Other Viable CMNS Theories, Part 1
3. Approach 1: Other Viable CMNS Theories, Part 2
4. Approach 1: Other Viable CMNS Theories, Part 3
5. Approach 2: Critique of Widom-Larsen Theory From CMNS Community
6. Approach 3: Critique of Widom-Larsen Theory From Scott Chubb
7. Observations and Conclusions of CMNS Community Response
8. Approach 4: Brief Critique of Widom-Larsen Theory From Richard Garwin
9. Resources
"We’ve established a sustained nuclear fusion reaction."
-Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons, March 23, 1989
" ... the bulk of the energy release is due to an hitherto unknown nuclear process or
processes ... "
-Martin Fleischmann, Stanley Pons and Marvin Hawkins, April 10, 1989
"There are some curious reports - not cold fusion, but people may be seeing some
unexpected low-energy nuclear reactions."
-Robert Park, on the subject of "cold fusion," March 22, 2007
(One of the most outspoken skeptics of "cold fusion" in the previous 19 years)
"It isn’t quite cold, and it’s probably not fusion, but something is going on."
-Sir Arthur C. Clarke, on the subject of "cold fusion," Dec. 15, 2007
(One of the most prominent supporters and philanthropists of "cold fusion" in the previous 19
What convinced me, and many other people, of the reality of this field was the
experimental work.
We analyzed the experimental studies, cross-referenced them among various laboratories
around the world over many years, found no significant errors of procedure or data analysis
and saw unmistakable correlation among the data.
If a viable theory explains 19 years of an experimental mystery, this should be cause for celebration,
not bitterness."Cold fusion" has followed a true path of the scientific process.It began with experimental
observation. If Widom and Larsen are partially or fully correct, bravo to them! If other theorists are
partially or fully correct, bravo to them, as well. But show me the math, please.
That led me nowhere, and I paid little attention to theory for quite a while.
The first data point on this trail occurred on May 29, 2005. Vincenzo Valenzi, coordinator of the Centro
Studi di Biometeorologia of Rome, included me on a distribution that reported a seminar given by
Widom that was held at the University of Rome-3 on May 27, 2005, titled "Weak Interaction and Cold
Nuclear Reaction." Francesco Celani also sent an e-mail to his colleagues encouraging people to
attend the Widom seminar.
Valenzi said the seminar had been organized by himself, Gianni Degli Antoni and Flavio Fontana of
Milan, Paolo Manzelli of Florence and Fulvio Bongiorno of University of Rome-3.
Valenzi said the reaction from Bongiorno, professor of mathematical analysis, was that the
"presentation of Widom was very important and rich of possibility to develop something like a new
Manhattan Project."
But I didn't pay any attention to this matter until June 2005, when David J. Nagel, a professor at the
George Washington University encouraged me to look at the Widom-Larsen paper. Nagel, a physicist
who worked for 36 years at the Naval Research Laboratory, considered the Widom-Larsen paper
worthy of serious attention, and he thought that it might prove to be a viable mechanism for "cold
fusion." I told Nagel that it looked Greek to me, and he helped me understand a few of the basic
In November, I got wind of another small conference in Italy on Oct. 14 that featured Widom. I also saw
a flurry of lively e-mail exchanges with many Italian scientists and a few Japanese scientists.
I read an optimistic quote about the Widom-Larsen theory from Lino Daddi, a physics professor with the
Italian Naval Academy.
"Perhaps we have a theory that explains all the anomalous phenomena," Daddi wrote.
"The transmutation observed from Yasuhiro Iwamura [Mitsubishi Heavy Industries] are explained
without the problematic multiple reactions" of others' theories, Daddi wrote.
I also received an e-mail from physics Nobel laureate Brian Josephson, who looked at the first WidomLarsen paper.
Josephson wrote that he considered their work “highly significant, since the physics may well be
I looked back at my notes and found this report by Valenzi, translated by Yogi Srivastava, which I had
not read in detail at the time, from the day after the Widom seminar.
Rome: 28 May 2005
On Friday, May 27, 2005, a meeting was organized at the University of Rome III to discuss
the controversial aspects shrouding low energy nuclear transmutations. The meeting was
addressed by Allan Widom, professor of theoretical physics at Northeastern University,
Boston, Mass., U.S.A., by Drs. Giuseppe Quartieri and Vincenzo Valenzi from the Center of
Biometrology, Rome, and by Dr. Francesco Celani from INFN, Laboratorio Nazionali di
Frascati, Italy. Professor Fulvio Bongiorno from the Department of Mathematical Analysis,
University of Rome III, acted as the host and moderator of the assembly.
Widom presented a lively and personal account of his involvement with various aspects of
low energy nuclear reactions containing precise theoretical and experimental details.
Quartieri and Celani illustrated their own involvement with specific issues concerning nuclear
reactions. Valenzi discussed fundamental philosophical issues associated with the problem
of nuclear reactions and the hypothesis of clean energy production, which is completely
biodegradable, leaving no dangerous radioactive residue.
Such research has been subjected to extreme difficulty because of a remarkable opposition
from many sources. Hence, the “engagement” and the depth of the above contributions lead
one to recall the period around 1940 when far-reaching studies into the atomic nuclei were
carried out. One may even be tempted to bet on the success of the present endeavors.
At its base, there was an ample discussion covering two cardinal issues of security and
pollution, both essential.
An affectionate homage was paid to the memory of Professor Giuliano Preparata, a wellremembered master, whose scientific contributions in this field remain alive and well.
Paolo Manzelli General Secretary CIFA
[email protected]>
Academic science is very slow in recognizing its limitations.
In spite of this the changes of the fundamentals of thinking are historically determined by social and
economic needs that require new cognitive structures, opening new fields of science and a broad
conceptual reflection in social policy of change
In the era we live focused in the transition from industrial society and the knowledge so ciety “time” is
traditionally regarded as a succession of a before and after in fact is defined by mechanical science in terms of
a directional arrow going from past to future.
This concept of passing time with a universal direction that remain identical in every place and for every
observer, forbits to think at the existence of events "simultaneous" , which can only happen casually ,e.g. with
out any clear relationship of causality between them.
Overcoming the unique concept of time, gained during the industrial era, is now a challenge of great
importance for the understanding of life sciences to begin by understanding the perception of the brain. (1).
For example, modern science should realize that the experience of the perception of the rising sun and
the sunset, really is almost simultaneous, but contemporary science prefer to think that the vision of the solar
disk late about 8 minutes. So instead of validating the perceptual effective experience traditional science prefer
to keep the limited concepts ,do not taking into account plausible alternatives.
A reasonable explanation for the simultaneous viewing experience of the perception of sunshine in sunrise and
sunset, can be possible through understanding , that between the sun and the earth are "not" propagating
photons. In fact because o f quantum entanglement of the photons emitted from hard-halo of the Sun, become
formed by shock at the speed of light, a field of simultaneously information, extending into space from sun up to
cloak of air surrounding the earth , where happen the process of Dis- entanglement of photons. As a matter of
facts photons leaving the sun, moving near the speed of light, lose their kinetic mass (m = E/c2). Thus photons
deprived by their kinetic mass can penetrate themselves generating an energy field, so that can be possible to
create an extensive information simultaneously (divided into sub-areas of equivalent -information "EI"), which
later breaks for regenerating the photons interaction with air molecules, thus occurs near the hearth resulting
in a cascade photon that illuminates the sky, previously dark in absence of light.
The above alternative conceptualization follows amore complex reflection that takes into account as workd the
perception in the brain; o that the previous explanation do not merely follow an antiquated mechanical model
of science traditionally based on the arbitrary separation between subject and object of perception. (2
Note: Figure represents the gradual transformation of two photons within an Entanglement process become ableto
penetrate the World of Euclid, creating a two-dimensional information fields oscillating in space and time,generating
(EI) simultaneity information field. Those who are interested, a more comprehensive explanation, the alternative
model involving the formation of the Energy Information, can found a more precise considerations in the following
Webs : / lre.html or reports by Paolo Manzelli in
The phenomenon of generation of Energy Information Field (EI) is important in the study of new
properties of light (and sound) in nano-optics (or nano-acoustic). Those scientific new areas are open to new
perspectives for the development of the knowledge society (4). Nanophotonics deals with the interaction
of light with substances or particles on the scales of sub-wave length (subwavelength) interacting with nano
and also with the DNA and protein enzymes. Therefore, the Nano Optics (ie the Nano Photonics) are supported
by the study of new properties of light on nano-scale and bio-genetics, leading to an over coming of the concepts
which was based the traditional optical section of classical physics, the last
in fact describes only the behavior and properties of light in interaction with matter at the macroscopic level.
The conceptual innovation of science today is focused on the phenomenon of conversion of
energy (EI) generated by 'quantum entanglement (5).
In fact under all conditions of confinement photons (or phonons), quantum particles of light (or sound) can
penetrate themselves generating the Quantum Entaglement Effect. This effect produces the phenomenon
of superposition of older states described with Cartesian coordinates (XYZ, T) and leads to the creation of a new
form of light energy (or sound) produced by a two-dimensional plane wave living in space and time (XY, T1, T2),
which contains the energy information simultaneously. This generation the sandwich of "EI" is ver y important
at biological level in fact we find EI in the functional structure of nano-metric double-stranded DNA; so DNA can
be considered as a container of stationary Energy Information, that is able to preserve the genetic information ,
(keeping constant (just following properties of simultaneity of EI information), across all the length of the DNA
molecule that consists in two bio-electrical components oriented in the opposite direction like in a Moebius strip
Finally, the importance of the phenomenon of Quantum Entanglement , is consistent with the new properties
emerging from the entangled systems that help science to develop new communication protocols at nano-metric
systems, that have no equivalent in the previous concepts of interaction between light and matter processed by
the notions of classical or quantum mechanics .
In conclusion, from a cultural point of view, the quantum entanglement works as a conceptual renewing of the
relationships among past, present and future. In fact, for modern science, seeing the stars we read the past while
for the ancient astronomers to read the stars foretold the future.
This contrast brings us back to a well-known
paradox that answers the ancient question: "because if the sky full of stars, whay I perceive it as black?"
To answer such a question science has used some replyes "ad hoc", saying: a) because we are not able to see
very far into the past of Universe, probably t he light coming from ancient stars , remaining invisible and thus
contributing to make the dark sky.; b) in addition, the sky appears black because 'he expansion of' Universe since
the initial Big Bang, results in the variation of the wave lengths of light passing from the visible to the infrared
(red-shift) which is not more perceived from our eyes.
These explanations are not convincing because the astronauts orbiting outside the earth atmosphere still see the
sky painted in black between the sun and the earth, so that the sun become visibly illuminated until photons,
reaching the speed of light , at this time the quantum are transformed into an entangled field of EI.
The immediacy of our visual perception leads us today, via the theory of entanglement, to reassess the socio
economic transformation that we are living in this epoch. Becoming consciuos of the importance of simultaneity
in the present times of socio-economic globality,sharpens the consciousness of everyone, to be responsible under
this need to become creative and to promote sharing o f new knowledge to a new and more fruitful conceptual
dimension of life today, that can give new perspectives on the innovative production and work for bettering our
future on the basis of conceptual diversity with the mechanical science already obsolescent .
Biblio on Line:
(1)- Percezione:
(2) -Luce e Buio:
(3) -Immaginario e percezione:
(4) -Nuove prospettive:
(5) -Energy conversion :
(6) -nano-photonic :
PS. We will discuss this refreshing perspective to the Quantum III * Bionet Workshop on Science and Art
c / o University of Pavia (Aula Magna) on 24-SEPT-2010. More information on the W.S. may be required to:
Maximum Pregnolato <[email protected]> or : Paolo Manzelli <[email protected]>
Debate on fundamental of science
Di Roberto Denti
Prendo lo spunto dalla teoria fotonica di Paolo e dagli studi di Laureti sulla PNN (Propulsione
Non Newtoniana) per cercare di capire cosa succede al fotone in un campo gravitazionale e
entanglement quantistico e di conseguenza il campo di energia d' informazione simultanea
strutturato in superfici di equi-informazione “EI”.
Devo precisare che gli studi di Laureti parlano di cariche e di campi e.m. e il fotone è trattato
come risulta.
All'interno di un campo gravitazionale il fotone ha moto ondulatorio (lungo una terna cartesiana
x, y, z) lungo l'asse delle z con: un'energia assorbita W=hv dove h è la costante di Planck e v la
frequenza e un impulso Pz=W/c dove c è la velocità della luce.
Ma il campo gravitazionale è composto da vari campi elettromagnetici (c.e.m.) oscillanti che
investono il fotone lungo varie direzioni, ad esempio perpendicolarmente lungo l'asse delle x .
Consideriamo ora il fotone che si propaga lungo l'asse delle z investito da un campo e.m.
oscillante lungo l'asse delle x. Il fotone interagisce con l'onda e.m. acquisendo anche moto e
impulso trasversale (lungo l'asse delle x).
Dagli studi di Laureti sulla PNN (Propulsione Non Newtoniana) si legge ( http:///
“La situazione sperimentale è pertanto quella di un campo elettrico oscillante lungo la direzione
x che investe la carica (nel nostro caso fotone), mentre l'onda (fotonica) si propaga lungo l'asse
delle z. Mentre interagisce con l'onda e.m. la particella carica acquisisce, in campo libero, anche
moto e impulso trasversale (lungo l'asse delle x) mentre il campo e.m. veicola solo impulso
longitudinale (lungo l'asse delle x)”
Una delle conclusioni di Laureti è la conservazione dell' impulso lungo la direzione ortogonale
alla direzione di propagazione dell'onda e.m. e conclude che: “... la conservazione della qdm
anche nel limite relativistico tra cariche e campi è conservata non solo dal mero rinculo fotonico.”
Ne consegue che se si ha una conservazione dell'impulso si ha anche una conservazione dell'
energia. E se teniamo presente che un campo e.m. è anche un campo gravitazionale,possiamo
affermare che il fotone investito da un campo gravitazionale (=c.e.m.) somma la sua energia a
quella del campo in cui si propaga, determinando una sommatoria di impulsi e quindi di energia
che conducono all'energia e impulso totale del fotone.
Il fotone + campo gravitazionale è un sistema conservativo in cui l'energia totale è l'energia del
fotone più l'energia potenziale del campo gravitazionale (= c.e.m.).
Se questa teorie è accettabile risulta che:
• il campo gravitazionale e la sua particella, il gravitone, determina la velocità totale del fotone
che è 299.792,458 m/s;
• l'interazione fotone + gravitone determina la formazione della massa e il mantenimento di
un generale equilibrio dinamico;
• il campo gravitazionale è un campo e.m. ad altissima polarizzazione e conseguente fortissima
interattività nei confronti di tutta la materia;
• l'altissima polarizzazione d’ un campo gravitazionale porta a una sempre maggiore concordanza
di assi e piani di propagazione e, di conseguenza , all'aumento di coincidenze delle linee di forza
dei campi fotonici e gravitazionali specialmente lungo i poli e lungo l'asse;
• il fotone, al di fuori del campo gravitazionale perde l'apporto dell'energia del gravitone e la sua
velocità decade.
L’intervento di Paolo Manzelli sulla gravità
Data: Fri, 16 Jul 2010 13:48:06 +0200
A: [email protected]
Il vuoto quanto meccanico ha una evidenza sperimentale perche le pareti della camera a vuoto
emettono luce in forma di radiazione in condizioni sperimentali di altissimo vuoto .
Se poi proviamo ad avvicinare le pareti la emissione di energia aumenta (effetto Casimir) .
Cio dimostra che un sistema non e mai isolabile , pertanto ogni forma di confinamento determina
la emissione di energia in rispondenza al principio azione e reazione che agisce anche ai vari livelli
della energia quantizzata.
Quindi tale esperimento dovrebbe far capire che non esiste un vuoto ideale su cui poter costruire
una teoria del tutto. Comunque senza impedire nulla a nessuno e accettando per principio il
libero arbitrio delle interpretazioni possibili,al convegno di Quantum BIONET del 24 set dovremo
porre coscienziosamente la nostra attenzione al superamento delle vecchie logiche meccaniche
condizionate dalla credenza che sia possibile solo e soltanto interpretare ciò che è in moto o sta
fermo, in modo da cercare di capire cosa sia la vita e la sua manifestazione principale che consiste
nella elaborazione di informazione come forma di energia.
Vorrei infine precisare il mio pensiero su questi temi:
1 - Non troveranno mai i "gravitoni" in quanto la gravita' non e' una forza bensi' una qualita' del
Vuotoquantomeccanico (VQM)
2 - Non si trovera' MAI neppure il "bosone di Higs" in quanto e' il VQM che contiene il TUTTO,
dal quale TUTTO nasce ed al quale TUTTO ritorna , infatti l‘ entanglement e' anche una sua
proprieta'. Il VQM (con TUTTE le sue proprieta') e' presente all'interno di **ogni cosa sistente**
perche' esso e' un "Buco nero-bianco"dell'infinito nel finito.....anche noi stessi siamo un "buco di
osservazione dell'Infinito nel finito"…ed il ns "buco nero" è all'interno dell'atomo in formazione
che noi siamo (che racchiude la ns essenza in form-azionale =Co-Scienza) e la mente (ente in stato
di acquisizione di info) è l'orizzonte degli eventi di questo buco nero = un punto di azione ed
osservazione del VQM.
3- Il Big Bang e' una teoria fasulla, esso non corrisponde alla realta' dei fatti, che invece si avvale
di tendenti infiniti "micro big bang", ad ogni istante, in questo Uni-Verso In-Finito che appare e
scompare dove e quando si presenta l'occasione per osservare da un'altro punto di vista l'infinità
della manifestazione Infinita.
4- Quando non si hanno le idee chiare si sperpera denaro pubblico in ricerche INUTILI , questa e'
la semplice realta' dei fatti.
E' sempre un piacere compartecipare info su questi temi
News from Cifa
The general aim of CIFA is to organize, on international scale, interdisciplinary cooperation in
the research and scientific investigation of environmental factorsresponsible for fluctuating phenomena
in exact, natural and human sciences. In this connection CIFA is especially concerned with the
development of research work putting in evidence, and possibly identifying, all factors directly or
indirectly involved in fluctuating phenomena, and the systems sensitive to them. This will concern as
well as applied research.
* est la siegle social du Comite International de Rescherche ed d’etude de Facteurs de
l’Ambiance). In english is ICEF : International Committee for research and study of Environmental
The committee is a non-profit organization.
President : Vincenzo I. Valenzi email [email protected] ; phone 00393398865570 .
Onourary President : Boris Vladimirskij, Crimean Astrophysical Observatory, 6/a-24, p/o Nauchiny,
334413 Crimea (Ukraina) , email: [email protected] .
Vice-Presidents : Piero Faraone ( presents the European Community ) ; 141 Via Porpora, 20131 Milano (Italy)
phone 02 26142609 ,email: [email protected] ;Internat.Academy of Science Member, Milano, Italy ; Honorary
BIOCOS Member, University of Minnesota-USA ; past Medic.Director of Hygiene Lab.of Roma and his Province.
Victor Martynyuk (presents the Euro-Asian Communities) Crimean Scientific Center of NAS and MES of Ukraine,
Vernadsky ave., 2 Simferopol, Crimea, 95007 UKRAINE, tel./fax: +38-0652-545413;tel. +38-050-6535592., email: [email protected] , Web: .;
General Secretary’ : Paolo Manzelli , Director of LRE/EGO-CreaNet – University of Florence
Dipartimento di Chimica , Polo Scientifico 50019 -Sesto 50019 Firenze- Via Della Lastruccia 3 email
: [email protected] ; phone: +39/055-4573135
The General Archive of CIFA from 1969 to 1993 is at University of Bruxelles, and it is now in reorganizing.
This G. Archive is from 1993 at Puschino-University, where is actually, the Head Office of CIFA.
CIFA NEWS * * is published in cooperation between Centro Studi di Biometeorologia Onlus, CIFA
and TESLA (Tutela Elettromagnetica e Studio Livelli Ambientali ).
Scientific Board : Piero Faraone, Baldassarre Messina,
Sebastiano Spada, Settimio Grimaldi, Mario V. Russo .
Giuseppe Bonacina, Giovanni E. Gigante,
Editorial Board: Piero Faraone,.Alvaro Garcia, Pasquale Avino, Gabriella Belisario.
Editor Responsible: Vincenzo I. Valenzi t. 0039 339 8865570 . Past Resp. Edit. Carmen Capel Boute (19142003)
The Archive of CIFA NEWS is in old Head Office at Université Libre de Bruxelles , Av.F.D.Roosvelt 50
(C.P. 196)1050 Bruxelles ,from 1969 to the first sem. of 2001,included ; and after from 2th of 2001, this G.
Archive is in Head Office of CIFA in Rome .
CIFA website
:, Webmaster: Dr.Natalia Udaltsova, 2336 Welsh
Ct., Walnut Creek, California, 94598, USA. E-mail: [email protected]. Phone: 1-925-932-8028