it effetti personali.INGLESE


it effetti personali.INGLESE
materiali plurilingue - scuola dell’infanzia
Infant school
Children’s personal belongings
N. 4 passport sized photographs
An apron/overall for messy activities
A napkin or bib* for mealtimes
For the afternoon rest:
sleeping bag*
small mattress/quilt/duvet and blanket or sheet*
small cushion and pillow case*
A sack* with a complete change of clothes (teeshirt, trousers, pants, vest, socks)
Paper tissues for nose: pack/big pack
A packet of “wet wipes” for personal hygiene
N.B. Your child’s clothes should be as practical as possible and easy to get on and off.
Items of clothing with an asterisc (*) should be marked/labelled with the your child’s name.