Testo del video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHB7w


Testo del video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHB7w
Testo del video
Do you go to school on Saturdays? Do you wear a uniform?
Do you like school?
Well, in this program we look at British schools and British students.
Most children start primary school at the age of five. Then at eleven they go to secondary
La maggior parte dei bambini iniziano le elementary all’età di 5 anni. Poi a 11 anni vanno alla scuola secondaria
All children stay at secondary school to the age of sixteen, and at sixteen, in England, they
fino all’età di 16 anni,
take GCSE examination, that is the General Certificate of Secondary Education.
fanno l’esame GCSE,
cioè diploma generale di scuola di secondo grado.
After these exams about thirty percent of students leave school. The others usually study three
circa il 30%
Gli altri
subjects for two more years and then they take “A” levels or advanced levels examination.
per due o più anni
l’esame per il livello avanzato “A”
About twenty percent of eighteen-year old students go to University. They usually leave home
studenti di 18 anni
di solito lasciano
and go to university in a different town or city.
Another twenty percent go on to other kind of education and training.
proseguono con altro tipo di scuola e formazione
( Anchorwoman speaking)“This is the John Mason School, in Abingdon near Oxford.
( Parla la conduttrice del programma)”
Students go to school from Monday to Friday and school starts at nine o’clock.”
da lunedì a venerdì
e la scuola
alle 9
(Turning to a group of students who are late for school) “Hurry up! It’s nearly nine o’ clock”.
(Rivolgendosi a un gruppo di studenti che sono in ritardo a scuola)
Most schools are mixed.
Sono quasi le 9
They are for boys and girls. And at most secondary schools the
La maggior parte delle scuole sono miste.
Nella maggior parte delle secondarie
students wear a uniform.
( Inside a classroom) “This is the first class of the day. It’s Maths. Uhm, that’s a bit difficult.
( dentro una classe)
prima lezione
E’ Matematica.
È un po’ difficile
On average, there are about twenty-two students in a secondary school class, and about
In media
twenty seven are in a primary school class.
classe di scuola primaria.
(Inside the classrooms)
(dentro le classi)
British students have a wide choice of subjects…this is an Art class.
un’ampia scelta di materie…
lezione di Arte
Here’s a food technology class. The students learn about food and cooking.
Ecco una lezione di tecnologia alimentare.
alimenti e cucina.
This is a design and technology class.…Science, of course. And foreign languages.
Questa è una lezione di tecnologia del design ….. scienze, naturalmente. E
lingue straniere
Many British school children only learn for a language from the age of eleven.
una lingua
dall’età di 11 anni
Most students study French. Other popular languages are Spanish and Italian.
Gran parte degli studenti studiano Francese. Altre lingue comuni sono
lo Spagnolo e l’Italiano.
They also study other subjects like Information Technology, History, Geography,
come tecnologia dell’informazione, Storia,
English literature and Religion.
Letteratura Inglese
e Religione.
Students have lessons in the morning and then a break of an hour for lunch.
fanno lezione
poi una pausa di un’ora
per il pranzo
Some go home for lunch; some bring sandwiches with them and some eat here,
con se
alcuni mangiano qui,
in the school canteen.
nella mensa della scuola.
(to the cook)”What’s on the menu today?”
(alla cuoca)
cosa c’è nel menu oggi?
“Fried chips and beans”
patatine fritte e fagioli
There are classes in the afternoon and school finishes at about four o’clock.
circa alle
After school some students do other activities like sport, football…very popular.
Dopo la scuola
fanno alter attività
But there are some other games like netball,
molto diffuso.
rugby and badminton.
(tipo di basket)
( gioco simile al tennis)
And some students learn music. Diana plays the violin. She is good.
suona il violino
lei è brava
“ Oh, Thank you”.(she tries to play violin) “I’m not.”
( prova a suonare il violino)
io no!.
Ninety-two percent of British schools are State Schools. That means they are free.
significa che sono gratuite
The Government pays, not their parents.
paga, non i loro genitori
Eight percent of schools are independent. The parents of these students pay for their
di questi
educazione scolastica.
Some of these independent schools are boarding schools. The students don’t live at home
during dinner time, they live at school. And some of these schools have very traditional
durante l’ora di cena,
alcuni di queste
These boys are from Eaton, a very famous independent school near Windsor.
What do British students
really think about their schools?
pensano veramente delle
“I think school’s great” penso che la scuola sia fantastica
“I like school …(incomprensibile)” mi piace la scuola…
“I really like History, you know…” lo sai, la storia mi piace molto
“I love Art and Drama.” Mi piace l’educazione artistica e il teatro
“I don’t like Geography.” Non mi piace la Geografia
“I don’t like French.”
Non mi piace il Francese
“Homework’s OK.”
I compiti a casa mi vanno bene
“I don’t like homework.” Non mi piacciono i compiti a casa
“I really hate homework” Odio molto i compiti a casa
“School food is all right, sometimes.” Il cibo a scuola va bene, qualche volta
“I love school food” Mi piace il cibo della scuola
Well, what do you think? Are British schools good? Or do you prefer your school?
Bene, che ne pensate?
Sono buone le scuole britanniche? O preferite la vostra scuola.
Da studiare
Education School System
In England there are private schools and state schools.
Basically, all schools are divided into primary and secondary.
Children go to primary school when they are five. At the age of eleven they go to secondary school.
In Britain education is compulsory from the age of five to the age of sixteen.
When they are about sixteen, students take their first exam, the GCSE ( General Certificate of
Secondary Education ): they take a certificate for each subject they study: generally seven or eight.
At the age of eighteen they take the second exam: the A Level in three or four subjects. A levels are
necessary to go to university.
In state schools education is generally free.
Private : privata
State: di stato
Primary and secondary: primaria e secondaria
Compulsory: obbligatoria
Subject: materia
A Level: livello A
Free: gratuito