PUBLICATIONS (ENGLISH) – pdf - Pontificio Istituto Giovanni Paolo II


PUBLICATIONS (ENGLISH) – pdf - Pontificio Istituto Giovanni Paolo II
1. Books
Granados, José, I segni nella carne: Il matrimonio nell’economia sacramentaria.
Cantagalli: Siena (forthcoming in 2011) (Spanish translation: Signos en la carne. El
matrimonio y los otros sacramentos, Didáskalos Minor 1, Burgos, Monte Carmelo
________, La carne si fa amore. Il corpo nella storia della salvezza. Cantagalli: Siena 2010
(Spanish translation: Teología de la carne. El cuerpo en la historia de su salvación,
Didáskalos 9, Burgos, Monte Carmelo 2012).
Vittorio Moggi. Journal for the Study of Marriage and Spirituality 17 (2011), 215216.
________, Teología de los misterios de la vida de Jesús: ensayo de una cristología
soteriológica. Salamanca: Sígueme 2009.
Alfonso Novo. Vida Nueva (2010).
Patricio Merino Beas. Anales de teología de la UCSC, 12 (2010) 401-403
________, La quinta vela de Adviento: Meditaciones para cada día. Madrid: Ciudad
Nueva, 2008.
________, Los misterios de la vida de Cristo en Justino Mártir, Analecta Gregoriana.
Roma: Editrice Pontificia Università Gregoriana, 2005. (600 p).
P. de Luis. Estudios Agustinianos 41 (2006): 146-147.
S.P. Bonanni. Gregorianum 87 (2006): 629-631.
Michael Heintz. Theological Studies 69, no. 1 (2008): 198-99.
M. J. Edwards. The Journal of Theological Studies 59, no. 1 (2008): 340-342.
________, María Antonia. El corazón de una familia, Madrid: Palabra, 2002.
2. Coauthored Books
Granados, José, and José Noriega. Betania: Una casa para el Amigo. Pilares de
espiritualidad familiar. Burgos: Monte Carmelo 2010.
Anderson, Carl A., and José Granados. Called to Love: Approaching John Paul II's
Theology of the Body. New York: Doubleday, 2009. Corean translation: Seoul 2010.
Italian translation: Chiamati all’amore. La teologia del corpo in Giovanni Paolo II.
Milano: Piemme 2010. Spanish translation: Llamados al amor. Teología del cuerpo
en Juan Pablo II. Madrid: Didaskalos, Monte Carmelo 2011. Polish translation:
Wezwani do miłości, Warszawa 2011.
David Cloutier. America 201, no. 5 (2009).
Granados, José, and Javier Nieva. Cromacio de Aquileya. Comentario al Evangelio de
Mateo. Translated by José Granados and Javier Nieva. Madrid: Ciudad Nueva,
3. Edited Books
Granados, José and Carlos Granados, ed., El corazón: Urdimbre y trama, Didaskalos 5,
Burgos: Monte Carmelo, 2010. Review: J.F. Serrano Oceja, Alfa y Omega 737, 12
May 2011.
Granados, José and Juan Antonio Granados, ed., La alianza educativa: Introducción al arte
de vivir, Didaskalos 1, Burgos: Monte Carmelo, 2009.
Granados, José and José Noriega, eds. La esperanza: Ancla y estrella. Reflexiones en torno
a la encíclica Spe Salvi, Burgos: Monte Carmelo, 2008.
Granados, José, Carlos Granados, and Luis Sánchez-Navarro, eds. Opening up the
Scriptures. Joseph Ratzinger and the Foundations of Biblical Interpretation,
Ressourcement. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2008.
4. Articles
“Matrimonio, un bien para la sociedad”, Humanitas 17 (2012) 16-31.
“Trajo toda la novedad, al traerse a sí mismo: Apuntes para una teología de lo nuevo”, en
J.J. Pérez-Soba – E. Stefanyan (ed.), L’azione, fonte di novità, Cantagalli, Siena
2011, 285-303.
“El camino de la filiación: Jesús, el Hijo, en Justino Mártir” en P. de Navascués – M.
Crespo – A. Sáez, Filiación III. Cultura pagana, religión de Israel, orígenes del
cristianismo (Madrid: Trotta 2011) 279-314.
"Theology of the Body" in The Oxford Handbook of Catholic Theology, Lewis Ayres Medi Volpe (eds.) Oxford: Oxford University Press, forthcoming in 2012.
Granados, José, “Abrazar desde lejos: reflexiones sobre la paternidad”, en Medellín 37
(2011) 489-505.
________, “Crear, paso a paso: las etapas de la minoría creativa”, in “Minorías creativas:
El fermento del cristianismo”, Didaskalos 8 (Burgos: Monte Carmelo, 2011), 53-83.
________, “The First Fruits of the Flesh and the First Fruits of the Spirit: The Mystery of
the Ascension”, Communio (USA) 38 (2011) 6-38.
________, “Anatomía del corazón cristiano”, en El corazón: Urdimbre y trama, ed. Carlos
Granados – José Granados, Didaskalos 5 (Burgos: Monte Carmelo, 2010), 33-66.
________, “Is Love Solid Enough?” in The National Catholic Register:, March 15, 2011
________, “The Christian Confession of Faith in Jesus Christ”, en Catholic Engagement
with World Religions: A Comprehensive Study, ed. K.J. Becker - I. Morali
(Maryknoll: Orbis, 2009), 179-205.
________, “Un sacerdote parla della grazia del sacramento del matrimonio”, Atti del
Convegno a Collevalenza di Todi sulla grazia del sacramento del matrimonio
________, “El sacramento de la promesa”, Anthropotes 26 (2010) 383-417.
________, "Risen Time: Easter as the Source of History", Communio. International
catholic review 36 (2010), 6-33.
________, “Taste and See: the Body and the Experience of God”, Communio. International
catholic review 37 (2010) 292-308.
Granados, José, and Antonella Mariani. "Un corpo, un'anima. Intervista." Noi Genitori e
Figli XIV, no. 143 (2010): 34-38.
Granados, José, "The Suffering Body, Hope, and the Disclosure of the Future." Communio.
International catholic review 36, no. 4 (2009): 652-72.
________, “Theology of the Body: A Catecheses Into the Fullness of Love” en A Book of
Readings on Marriage, Committee on Evangelization and Catechesis, United States
Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington, DC 2010 31-37.
________, "Priesthood: A Sacrament of the Father." Communio. International catholic
review 36, no. 2 (2009): 186-218. Czech translation: “Knezstvi - svatost otce”
Communio 13, no. 4 (2009): 558-585. Italian translation: “Il sacerdozio: un
sacramento del Padre.” Communio. Rivista internazionale di teologia e cultura 222
(2009) 20-36. Polish translation: “Kaplantswo: sakrament ojca.” Communio.
Międzynarodowy Przegląd Teologiczny 30, no. 2 (2010): 47-64.
________, "The Theology of the Body in the United States." Anthropotes 25 (2009): 10125.
________, “El Maestro se hizo carne: una pedagogía encarnada.” In José Granados and
Juan Antonio Granados, ed., La alianza educativa: Introducción al arte de vivir,
Didaskalos 1, Burgos: Monte Carmelo, 2009, 29-74.
________, “The New Hosanna in the New Temple: Jesus’ Entry Into Jerusalem”
Communio. International catholic review 36, no. 1 (2009): 13-41. French
translation: “Le nouvel Hosanna dans le nouveau Temple: L'entrée de Jésus à
Jérusalem.” Communio. Révue catholique internationale. 34, no. 1 (2009): 13-35.
Italian translation: “Il nuovo Hosanna nel nuovo Tempio.” Communio. Rivista
internazionale di teologia e cultura 219 (2009): 10-33. Polish translation: “Nowe
Hosanna w nowej Świątyni: Wjazd Jezusa do Jerozolimy.” Communio.
Międzynarodowy Przegląd Teologiczny 30, no. 1 (2010): 3-28.
________, “Embodied Light, Incarnate Image: The Mystery of Jesus Transfigured.”
Communio. International catholic review 35, no. 1 (2008): 6-45.
________, “La vida eterna: un futuro que se hace presente.” In José Granados and José
Noriega, eds. La esperanza: Ancla y estrella. Reflexiones en torno a la encíclica
Spe Salvi, , 97-126. Burgos: Monte Carmelo, 2008.
________, "The Family, the Body, and Communio Ecclesiology: The Mission of the
Family in the Midst of the Church as Communio." Anthropotes 23, no. 2 (2007):
________, "Mary and the Truth about Life." Anthropotes 23, no. 1 (2007): 101-30.
________, “The Word Springs from the Flesh. The Mystery of the Preaching of the
Kingdom” Communio (USA) 34, no. Spring (2007): 6-37.
________, "He venido a traer plenitud: Jesús, único Salvador de todos." Teología y
Catequesis 103 (2007): 43-71.
________, “Toward a Theology of the Suffering Body.” Communio (USA) 33, no. 4 (2006):
________, "The Unity of the Human Person under the Light of Love." In The way of love :
reflections on Pope Benedict XVI's encyclical, Deus caritas est, edited by Carl A.
Anderson and Livio Melina, 91-106. San Francisco, CA: Ignatius Press, 2006.
________, “Christ and the Way of Love in the Theology of the Body”, Indian Journal of
Family Studies 4 (2006) 45-58.
________, “Through Mary’s Memory to Jesus’ Mystery”, Communio (USA) 33 (2006) 1142.
________, “ANT-OAR: Is Its Underlying Philosophy of Biology Sound?” Communio
(USA) 32 (2005), 724-743.
________, “Love and the Organism: A Theological Contribution to the Study of Life”
Communio (USA) 32 (2005), 435-469.
________, “The Ages of the Life of Jesus: The Mystery of the Baptism in the Jordan”
Communio (USA) 32 (2005), 19-51 (Polish translation: “Tajemnica chrztu Jezusa w
Jordanie w perspektywie czasu”, Communio (Pol) XXVI (2006), 44-71).
________, “Si edifica l’eternità nel tempo? Giustino martire e la portata eterna dell’agire
umano”, Camminare nella Luce. Prosprettive della teologia morale a partire da
Veritatis splendor (ed. MELINA, L. – NORIEGA, J.) (Roma 2004) 565-577.
________, “Vivere secondo il Logos. Giustino martire e l'unità della vita dell'uomo”, La
Sequela Christi. Dimensione morale e spirituale dell'esperienza cristiana (ed.
MELINA, L. - BONNEWIJN, O.) (Roma 2003) 253-260.
________, “Vides Trinitatem si caritatem vides. Vía del amor y Espíritu Santo en el De
Trinitate de San Agustín”, Revista Agustiniana 43 (2002) 23-61.
W. Malcolm Byrnes and José Granados, “ANT-OAR fails on all counts” Science and
Theology News, vol. 6, n. 10, June 2005, 23-25.
5. Reviews
Granados, José, “N. Folbre, Valuing Children. Rethinking the Economics of the Family.
Harvard University Press, Cambridge – London 2008”, Humanum 1 (2011).
________, “Domingo García Guillén. Padre es nombre de relación: Dios Padre en la
teología de Gregorio Nacianceno. Analecta Gregoriana 308, Gregorian and Biblical
Press, Roma 2010”, Revista Española de Teología 71 (2011).
________, “Justin Martyr and his Worlds. Edited by Sara Parvis and Paul Foster.
Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 2007” Religious Studies Review 35, 4 (2009) 272273.
________, “Ángel Cordovilla. El ejercicio de la teología”, Communio (Spain) 10 (2008)
________, “Camminare nella luce. Prospettive della teologia morale a partire da Veritatis
Splendor. Edited by Livio Melina and José Noriega. Roma 2004”, Nova et Vetera
(USA) 2005.
________, “H. Drobner. Patrología”, Revista Agustiniana 44 (2003) 591-592.
________, “Hilario de Poitiers. De Trinitate”, Revista Agustiniana 44 (2003) 587-589.
________, “Goulven Madec. Lectures Augustiniennes; Paris 2001”, Revista Agustiniana 43
(2002) 431-434.
Papers presented at conferences
“John Paul II’s Nuptial Theology: A Call for Family Ministry, an Agenda for Humanity”,
Conference organized by the John Paul II National Center, Bacolod, The Philippines,
February 2012.
“The Family As Interpretive Key for Vatican II”, conference organized by the John Paul II
Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family: “Keeping the World Awake to God:
Vatican II, 50 Years Later”, at The Catholic University of America, Washington DC,
January 2012.
“Theology of the Body in ecumenical perspective”, presentation at the annual meeting of
The Springtime of Life Foundation, Rome, 11 November 2011.
“Chiamati all’amore”, at the anual assembly of “La Bottega dell’Orefice”, October 2011.
“La familia como riqueza social”, lecture organized by the Office for Family Life,
Colombia Bishop’s Conference, Bogotà, September 2012.
“La pastoral de la familia”, at the Conference organizes by the Institute for Family Life,
Catholic University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, 28 September 2012.
“El matrimonio, del origen al fin: plan divino sobre el amor humano”, at the conference
organized by the Catholic University of Santa Fe, Argentina, 26 September 2012.
“Teologia del matrimonio in Giovanni Paolo II”, conference organized by the “Unione di
Giuristi italiani”, Piacenza, 1 Ottobre 2010.
Presentation of the book “Llamados al amor”, asociación Familias de Betania, 22 October
Presentation of the book “Llamados al amor”, Convenio anual de la subcomisión de familia
y vida de la CEE, Guadarrama, Spain, 1 July 2011.
“Affetti e legami: tra il privato e il pubblico”, all’interno del Seminario di professori
dell’Istituto Giovanni Paolo II per Studi su matrimonio e famiglia, Roma, 26 Maggio
“Perché la famiglia: La fecondità di Familiaris Consortio 30 anni dopo”, all’interno del
Seminario di studio internazionale nel trentesimo anniversario di Familiaris
Consortio, presso il Pontificio Istituto Giovanni Paolo II per Studi su Matrimonio e
Famiglia, Roma, 12-14 Maggio 2010.
“La paternidad: aspectos antropológicos y teológicos”, all’interno del Secondo incontro di
istituti universitari di famiglia REDIFAM, presso l’Universidad Técnica particular de
Loja (Ecuador), 2-5 Maggio 2011.
“Carne e filiazione: La riflessione di Michel Henry sul corpo in Incarnation” all’interno
del convegno Generazione e Creazione in Michel Henry, presso il Pontificio Istituto
Giovanni Paolo II per Studi su Matrimonio e Famiglia, Roma, 10-11 Marzo 2011.
“Un sacerdote parla sulla grazia del sacramento del matrimonio”, all’interno del convegno
Il sacramento delle Nozze: Stupirsi del dono grande, Collevallenza di Todi, Dicembre
Presentation of the book “La matrice teologica della società” di Pierpaolo Donati,
Pontificio Istituto Giovanni Paolo II per Studi su Matrimonio e Famiglia, Roma, 26
Novembre 2010.
“Emergenza educativa: il ruolo degli insegnamenti RNF”, at the anual assembly of “La
Bottega dell’Orefice”, October 9 2010.
Presentation of the book “Chiamati all’amore”, di Carl Anderson - José Granados, Istituto
Giovanni Paolo II per studi su Matrimonio e Famiglia, October 28 2010.
“On Being First a Child” in a conference organized by the Center for Cultural and Pastoral
Research, Washington, DC, September 18-20, 2010.
Presentation of the book “Chiamati all’amore”, Rimini Meeting, August 27 2010.
“Excelencia educativa y cristianismo”, conferencia en el Primer Encuentro educativo Stella
Maris, Madrid, 28-30 Julio 2010.
“Educación del corazón” conferencia a la Asociación Familias de Betania, Madrid, 13
Noviembre 2011.
“The Body and the Experience of God”, paper presented at a conference at the John Paul II
Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family at The Catholic University of America on
The Nature of Experience: Issues in Culture, Nature, and Theology, 3-6 December
“The Body and Medicine”, discussions with Mayo Clinic Doctors, Center for Cultural and
Pastoral Research, Washington, DC, September 2009.
A Symposium on John Paul II's Theology of the Body
for Graduates of the John Paul II
Institute, September 18-19, 2009, Center for Cultural and Pastoral Research,
Washignton, DC, September 2009 (
“The Suffering Body, Technology and the Virtue of Hope”, at the conference on the
Twentieth Anniversary of the Foundation of the John Paul II Institute for Studies on
Marriage and Family at The Catholic University of America, hold in Washington, DC
in November 2008.
“The Way of Filiation. Jesus the Son in Justin Martyr”, at the conference on “Sonship in
the Ancient Church” organized by the Saint Justin Institute (at the School of Theology
of San Damaso, Madrid) in Madrid in November 2007.
“The Family and the Mission of the Church”, at the Study Week for Professors of the John
Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family, hold in Rome in August 2007.
“Mary and the Truth About Life,” at the conference on the Tenth Anniversary of John Paul
II’s Encyclical Evangelium Vitae organized by the Knights of Columbus and the John
Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family, hold in Washington, DC, in
October 2005.
“Love and the Organism: A Theological Contribution to the Study of Life” at the
conference celebrating the 100th anniversary of Hans Urs von Balthasar’s birth, hold in
Washigton, DC in April 2005.
Extraordinary Prize for the 1994 class, School of Engineering ICAI (Instituto
Católico de Artes e Industrias), Pontifical University of Comillas, Madrid.
Bellarmino Prize to the best dissertation in Theology in 2004, Pontifical Gregorian
University, Rome.
Pontificio Istituto Giovanni Paolo II per studi su matrimonio e famiglia
Piazza San Giovanni in Laterano 4
Città del Vaticano