Ancillia Domini Sisters Ancelle del S. Cuore di Gesù Apostolado del


Ancillia Domini Sisters Ancelle del S. Cuore di Gesù Apostolado del
Ancillia Domini Sisters
Ancelle del S. Cuore di Gesù
Apostolado del Sagrado Corazon de Jesús
Apostólicas del Corazón de Jesús
Armen Schwestern vom Heiligen Franziskus
Benedettine Missionarie di Tutzing
Benedictines of Jesus Crucified
Bernardine Franciscan Sisters
Bethany Community
Bethlehem University Community
Brothers of St. Patrick (Patrician Brothers)
Brothers of the Immaculate Conception
Canonici Regolari dell'Immacolata Concezione
Canonici Regolari Premostratensi
Chierici di San Viatore
Chierici Regolari Minori, Padri Caracciolini
CICM Missionaries
Comboni Missionary Sisters
Community of the Carmel of St. Joseph
Compagnia di Gesù - Gesuiti
Compagnie des Filles de la Charité de Saint Vincent de Paul
Compañía Santa Teresa de Jesús
Concepcionistas Misioneras de la Enseñanza
Congr. Missionaria delle Serve dello Spirito Santo-Slovakian Prov.
Congr. Suore di Carità delle Sante B. Capitanio e V Gerosa
Congregation of Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary of Nagasaki
Congregación de Hermanas Franciscanas de los Sagrados Corazones
Congregación de los Sagrados Corazones de Jesús y de María
Congregación las Misioneras Esclavas del Inmaculado Corazón de María
Congregatie Zusters Van Het Oubevlekt Hart van Maria
Congregatio Jesu
Congregation des Soeurs de la Providence
Congregation des Soeurs de Saint-Joseph de Saint- Vallier
Congregation Jesu
Congregation Notre Dame de la Compassion
Congregation of Sisters of Providence of Gap
Congregation of St. Basil, Basilian Fathers
Congregation of St. Joseph
Congregation of the Daughters of Mary Immaculate (Marianists)
Congregation of the Infant Jesus, Nursing Sisters of the Sick Poor, Inc.
Congregation of the Little Sisters of the Assumption
Congregation of the Mission, Western Province (Vincentians)
Congregation of the Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Claretians)
Congregation of the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word
Congregation of the Sisters of Divine Providence
Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy - Ireland
Congregation of the Sisters of St. Felix of Cantalice - Felician Sisters
Congregation of the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Congregation Sainte Croix
Congregazione dei Missionari di Mariannhill
Congregazione dei Missionari di N S de la Salette
Congregazione dei Missionari di San Carlo, (Scalabriniani)
Congregazione dei Padri della Dottrina Cristiana
Congregazione dei Preti della Dottrina Cristiana (Dottrinari)
Congregazione dei Rogazionisti
Congregazione del Santissimo Redentore - Redentoristi
Congregazione della Missione, Vincentians
Congregazione delle Suore dell'Amore di Dio
Congregazione delle Suore di San Giuseppe di Cuneo
Congregazione dello Spirito Santo
Congregazione Piccole Serve del Sacro Cuore di Gesù per gli ammalati poveri
Congregazione Religiosa Serve di Gesù Cristo
Constellation Afrique Centrale
Daughters of Jesus, Figlie di Gesù
Daughters of the Heart of Mary
Daughters of Wisdom
Deutscher Mission Schwestern
Domenicani – Ordine dei Frati Predicatori
Dominican Friars of Toronto
Dominican Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Dominican Sisters - Grand Rapids
Dominican Sisters of Mission San José
Dominican Sisters of Hope
Dominican Sisters of Springfield
English Dominican Congregation (Stone)
Faithful Companions of Jesus - FCJ Generalate
Faithful Companions of Jesus, Belgium
Faithful Companions of Jesus, England
Felician Sisters of North America, Inc.
Figlie dello Spirito Santo
Figlie di Nostra Signora del Sacro Cuore d’Issoudun
Filles de la Providence de Saint Brieuc
Filles du Saint-Esprit
Francescanas del Spiritu Santo de Montpellier
Franciscaines Missionaires de Notre Dame-Maison Généralice
Franciscan Brothers of Brooklyn
Franciscan Brothers of the Third Order Regular - Mountbellew
Franciscan Friars of the Atonement – Graymoor (SA)
Franciscan Missionaries of Mary
Franciscan Sisters – Netherlands
Franciscan Sisters of Little Falls Minnesota (OSF)
Franciscan Sisters of Mary
Franciscan Sisters of Our Lady of Victories
Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration
Franciscan Sisters of the Annunciation
Franciscan Sisters of the Heart of Jesus
Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Franciscan Sisters of the Poor
Franciscanas de la Inmaculada
Franziskanerinnen von der Buße und der christlichen Liebe
Fratelli dell’Istruzione Cristiana (Brothers of Christian Instruction)
Fratelli della Beata Maria Vergine Madre della Misericordia, Fratelli di Tilburg
Fratelli delle Scuole Cristiane, de la Salle Brothers
Grey Nuns of the Sacred Heart
Haus Dominikus
Hermanas Carmelitas Teresas de San José
Hermanas de la Doctrina Cristiana
Hermanas del Amor de Dios
Hermanas del Santo Ángel de la Guarda
Hermanas Dominicas de la Enseñanza del Inmaculada Concepción
Hermanas Hospitalarias del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús
Hermanas Missioneras de Santa Teresita
Hijas de San José
Holy Faith Sisters
Holy Union Sisters
Institut St. Joseph
Institute of Our Lady of Mercy
Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Loreto Sisters
Institute of the Holy Family of Bordeaux
Irmas concepcionistas ao Serviço dos Pobres
Istituto della Carita, Rosminians
Istituto delle Suore di San Giuseppe
Istituto Figlie di Maria Ausiliatrice (Daughters of Mary the Helper, Salesians)
Istituto Suore Figlie di S. Eusebio di Vercelli
Kloster der Franziskanerinnen von Maria Stern
Kongregation der Benediktinerinnen von der hl. Lioba
Kongregation der Ritaschwestern
Kongregation Schwestern der Schmerzhaften Mutter
Konvent der Elisabethinen in Graz
Korima Claretianas Sur (Claretians)
La Fraternità delle Piccole Sorelle di Gesù
Ladies of Bethany
Legion of Christ
Little Company of Mary
Loreto International House
Madres De Desamparados y San José de La Montana
Maison Générale des Ursulines
Mallersdorfer Schwestern
Marianists, Societa di Maria
Marienschwestern vom Karmel
Marist Sisters
Marist - Sion College
Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers
Maryknoll Sisters of St. Dominic, Inc.
Medical Missionaries of Mary
Mercy Missionaries of Berriz
Mercy Sisters
Missionari Comboniani
Missionari d’Africa (M.Afr.), White Fathers - Padre Bianchi
Missionari del Sacro Cuore di Gesù
Missionari della Consolata
Missionari Saveriani
Missionarinnen Christi
Missionary Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception,
Missionary Oblate Sisters of Saint Boniface
Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate
Missionary Servants of the Most Blessed Trinity
Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Africa
Missionary Sisters of the Holy Rosary
Missionary Sisters of the Society of Mary
Missionary Sisters Servants of the Holy Spirit - Spiritans
Missions Etrangères du Québec
Notre Dame de Sion
Oblatas de Santísimo Redentor
Oblate Sisters of Providence
Ordensgenossenschaft der Schwestern von Gottlichen Vorsehung Generalat e.V.
Order of Friars Minor Capuchins
Ordine di Sant’Agostino
Ordre des Chartreux
Our Lady of the Apostles
Padri Passionisti – Congregazione della Passione di Gesù Cristo
Piccole Ancelle del Sacro Cuore
Piccole Soure della Sacra Famiglia
Pontificio Istituto Maestre Pie Filippini
Presentation of Mary
Presentation Sisters
Presentation Sisters of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Provinzialat der A.Schulschwestern V.U.L. Fr
Provinzialat der Missionsschwestern v.d.enbefl. Empf.
Religieuses Antonines
Religieuses de l'Assomption
Religieuses Hospitalières de Saint-Joséph,
Religiosas Filipenses Missioneras de Enseñanza
Religiosas Santos Ángeles Custodios
Religious of Jesus and Mary
Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary
Religious Sisters of Charity Caritas
Sacerdoti S. Cuore di Gesu – Dehoniani
Salesians - Dicastero della Missione
Sancta Union - Holy Union Sisters (USA)
Scarboro Foreign Missions
School Sisters of Notre Dame
Serve di San Giuseppe
Sinsinawa Dominican Congregation of the Most Holy Rosary
Sisters de Mission de Notre Dame des Anges
Sisters of Bon Secours Ireland
Sisters of Bon Secours of Paris
Sisters of Charity Halifax
Sisters of Charity of Australia
Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati
Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth, Kansas
Sisters of Charity of Nazareth, SCN
Sisters of Charity of Our Lady, Mother of Mercy
Sisters of Charity of Our Lady, Mother of Mercy
Sisters of Charity of St Charles Borromeus
Sisters of Charity of St Paul the Apostle
Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Sisters of Charity,
Sisters of Christian Charity, Suore della Carità Cristiana
Sisters of Mercy of the Americas Inc.
Sisters of Mercy of the Holy Cross
Sisters of Nazareth
Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur
Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions
Sisters of Providence - Holyoke
Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods
Sisters of St Joseph Australia
Sisters of St Joseph of Annecy
Sisters of St. Dominic
Sisters of St. Francis - Dubuque
Sisters of St. Francis of Assissi, WI
Sisters of St. Francis of Penance and Christian Charity
Sisters of St. Francis of Sylvania
Sisters of St. Francis of the Providence of God
Sisters of St. Francis, of the Holy Family
Sisters of St. Joseph
Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange
Sisters of St. Joseph of Springfield
Sisters of St. Joseph of Tarbes
Sisters of St. Louis
Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres
Sisters of the Cross and Passion
Sisters of the Divine Saviour
Sisters of the Holy Cross, Inc.
Sisters of the Humility of Mary
Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Mother of Christ
Sisters of the Precious Blood
Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary , Wagga Wagga
Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Mary
Sisters of the Sorrowful Mother
Sisters of the Third Order Regular of St. Francis - Congregation of Our Lady of Lourdes
Sisters Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Societa dell’Apostolato Cattolico – Pallottini
Society Jesus Mary Joseph
Society of African Missions
Society of Missionaries of Africa (White Fathers)
Society of Catholic Medical Missionaries Central Fund
Society of Sacred Heart of Jesus
Society of the Divine Savior Society of the Divine Word
Society of the Holy Child Jesus
Soeurs del’Assomption de la Sainte Vierge
Soeurs de Charité Dominicaines de la Présentation
Sœurs de la Providence de Portieux
Sœurs de la Retraite
Sœurs du Sacre Cœur de Jésus
Sœurs Franciscaines du Saint-Esprit,
Spitalschwestern-Gemeinschaft Leitung/Luzern
St Hugo of the Hills Church
Steyler Missionschwestern
Suore Adoratrici del Sangue di Cristo
Suore Adoratrici, Ancelle del Santissimo Sacramento e della Carità
Suore Agostiniane Missionarie
Suore Agostiniane Serve di Gesù e Maria
Suore Carmelitane Missionarie
Suore della Carità di Santa Giovanna Antida Thouret
Suore dell'Angelo Custode
Suore delle Sacra Famiglia di Spoleto
Suore di San Giuseppe di Chambery
Suore Francescane Figlie dei SS. Cuori di Gesù e Maria, Salzkotten
Soure Francescane di Montpellier – RM
Suore Missionarie di San Pietro Claver
Suore Scolopie (Sch. P)
Suore Terziarie Cappuccine della S. Famiglia
Trappisti Cistercensi
Unione S. Caterina da Siena delle Missionarie della Scuola
Ursuline Nuns of Bruno
Ursuline Sisters – Eastern Province
Ursuline Sisters of St. Angela's Convent
Ursulines of the Roman Union
Zusters Domonicanessen Van Neerbosch
Zusters Franciscanessen van Etten