curriculum vitae - Fondazione ISMU


curriculum vitae - Fondazione ISMU
Livia Elisa Ortensi
Via Melchiorre Gioia 55B, 20125 Milan, Italy
[email protected]; [email protected]
Skype: livietta80
Gender: Female | Date of birth: 24/01/1980 | Nationality: Italian
Married, 3 children
Present appointments
From February 2014 to
From 2004
From 2004
Reviewer activity
Post Doc Researcher in Demography (SECS-S/04 – Sector 13 D3)
Department of Sociology and Social Research.
University of Milan, Bicocca. Italy
Daphne “FGM-Prev” (JUST/2013/ACTION GRANTS) Towards a better estimation of
prevalence of female genital mutilation in the European Union (Project supervisor prof.
Els Leye)
Researcher, ISMU Foundation – Milan. Statistical Sector
Part of the working group “Foreign Immigration in Lombardy” (Project supervisor prof.
Gian Carlo Blangiardo) Regional Observatory for Integration and Multiethnicity
BMC Public Health, BMC Women Health, Genus, International Sociology
Research Interests
-International Migration in Italy and Europe
- Fertility of Migrants
- Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C)
- Sexual and Reproductive Health, with a close attention to Migrant Populations
- Refugees and Asylum Seekers
- Skewed Sex Birth Ratio at Birth
- Forced Prostitution, Human Trafficking and Smuggling
- Demography of Less Developed Countries
- Labour force Trajectories of Domestic Workers
- Design and Analysis of Social Surveys
- Microdata Analysis
- Event history analysis and multilevel models in population studies
- Estimation in Hard to Reach Populations
aa. 2011-2012/aa. 20122013/aa. 2014/2015
Aa 2009-2010
Aa 2008-2009
Other courses:
Assistance to the course of Demography. Prof. G. Micheli. Department of Sociology and
Social Research. Undergraduate degree in Sociology. University of Milan Bicocca.
Lecturer of the Demographic Analysis Module
Lecturer: Course of SPSS, Advanced Course. Master degree in Statistics. Department of
Statistics. University of Milan Bicocca.
Assistance to the course of Demography of Asian and African Countries. Prof. P. Farina
Department of Sciences of Education University of Milan Bicocca.
Lecturer: Course of SPSS and Office. Specialization Course in International Migration.
Department of Statistics. University of Milan Bicocca.
Courses for Medical Personnel and Cultural Mediation
Eupolis. Regional Institute of Statistic, Lombardy. Milan Italy
Course: Conoscere le differenze culturali e crescere nell’integrazione: Percorso formativo di
sensibilizzazione del personale sanitario, socio-sanitario e scolastico per contrastare le
mutilazioni genitali femminili
Lessons on:
- Sexual and Reproductive Health of Migrants
- Female Genital Mutilations
- Gender and Health of Migrant Population
Lessons on:
- Sexual and Reproductive Health of Migrants
- Female Genital Mutilations
Courses for Medical Personnel and Cultural Mediation
Ass. Crinali Piacenza Italy
* Lecturer positions have been incompatible with post doc positions in University of Milan - Bicocca until mid- 2015
Other research experiences
Visiting Fellow, Institut national d'études démographiques (INED), Paris, France
January 2014
Post Doc Researcher in Demography (SECS-S/04 – Sector 13 D3)
Department of Statistics and Quantitative Methods.
University of Milan, Bicocca. Italy
Education and Training
PhD in Statistics: Department of Statistics, University of Milan- Bicocca. Italy
April 2009
Summer School in Survey Analysis and Sampling Errors, Italian Society of Statistic, Milan
Short Course on Analysis of Poverty Data, Italian Society of Statistic, Rome
Specialization Course in Medical Anthropology University of Milan, Bicocca Italy
Summer School in Sociology of Migrations Medì Centre on Migration/University of Genua
Short Course on Geographical Data and Use of GIS, Italian Association of Sociology
Degree in Statistical, Demographic and Social Sciences Department of Statistics, University
of Milan, Bicocca Italy
DELF l - Diplôme d'Etudes en langue française
First Certificate of English (FCE) University of Cambridge grade A (excellent)
National and International Research Project (Grants) Participation
FGM-Prev: Towards a better estimation of prevalence of female genital mutilation in the
European Union JUST/2013 Action Grants (Daphne).
Project supervisor prof. Els Leye. Ghent University - International Centre for Reproductive
Health (UGent-ICRH)
KING - Knowledge for INtegration Governance. Project coordinator G. Gilardoni, ISMU
Foundation. Project Founded by the European Commission - General Home Affairs, Action
Survey on the presence of women and girls at risk of Female Genital Mutilation in Lombardy
Project Founded by the Italian Region of Lombardy- Eupolis.
Project coordinator prof. P. Farina
PER.LA. Working Trajectories of Foreign citizens European Fund for the Integration of
third-country nationals 2007-2013. ISMU, Italian Home office , Ministry of Censis, Iprs.
Survey on the effect of regularization processes of third-country nationals. ISMU, Ministry of
labour and social policy e and Italian Home Office (Project coordinator prof. G.C.
WEST: Women East Smuggling and Trafficking. Project on the assistance of eastern
European women victims of trafficking.
Project coordinator prof. P. Farina
Other research projects (selection)
Monitoring of data about street prostitution and reception centres from Caritas NGOs
Project coordinator prof. P. Farina
Monitoring of data about on minors at risk of social exclusion. Region of Lombardy.
Project coordinator prof. G. C. Blangiardo
Participation to the working group on family and life course events. Dipartimento per le
politiche della famiglia. Catholic University of Milan. Project coordinator prof. G. Rivellini
“Integrometro”. Participation to the working group on migrants’ integration indexes.
Project coordinator prof. G. C. Blangiardo
Survey “Who works at Bicocca University” in collaboration with Bicocca University equal
opportunities committee.
Statistical evaluation of projects of intercultural education in Lombardy’s school. Project
coordinator prof. M. Colombo
Survey on second generation in the province of Mantua. Project coordinator prof. P. Farina
Working group on Female Genital Mutilations in Lombardy. Project coordinator prof. N.
Survey on the use of family counselling clinics by migrant populations. Project coordinator
prof. G. G. Valtolina
Personal skills
Language: Mother
Other languages:
Other languages.
Computer skills and
Reading: C1 (Cambridge FCE grade A) Proficient User
Writing : C1 (Cambridge FCE grade A) Proficient User
Speaking: C1 (Cambridge FCE grade A) Proficient User
Understanding: C1 (Cambridge FCE grade A) Proficient User
Reading: B2 (DELF) Independent User
Writing : B2 (DELF) Independent User
Speaking: B2 (DELF) Independent User
Understanding: B2 (DELF) Independent User
Proficient user of Office, SPSS, Stata, Arc Gis
Independent user of R
Social skills and
Organisational skills
and competences
Artistic skills and
Other skills and
Driving licence
Organizational skills, determination, self-motivated
Sense of organization, good experience working in team (research projects)
Reading, Cooking, Reconciliation of work and family
Category B
Peer reviewed journal
Ortensi L.E. (2015). Engendering the fertility-migration nexus: The role of women's migratory patterns in the
analysis of fertility after migration. Demographic Research, 32: 1435-1468. (doi:10.4054/DemRes.2015.32.53)
Ortensi L.E. (2015). The Integration of forced migrants in the Italian labour market. Journal of Immigrant and
Refugee Studies. 13(2): 179-199. (doi: 10.1080/15562948.2014.907952)
Ortensi L.E., Farina P. and Menonna A. (2015). Improving estimates of the prevalence of Female Genital
Mutilation/Cutting among migrants in Western countries. Demographic Research, 32 : 543-562.
(doi: 10.4054/DemRes.2015.32.18)
Barbiano di Belgiojoso E. and Ortensi L.E. (2015). Female Labour Segregation in the Domestic Services in
Italy. Journal of International Migration & Integration, 16 (4): 1121-1139. (doi: 10.1007/s12134-014-0384-y)
Farina P. and Ortensi L.E. (2014). Mother to daughter transmission of Female Genital Cutting in Egypt,
Burkina Faso and Senegal. African Population Studies, 28 (2) suppl:1119-1131.
Farina P. And Ortensi L.E. (2014). The mother to daughter transmission of Female Genital Cutting in
emigration as evidenced by Italian survey data. Genus, 70 (2): 111-137. (doi: 10.4402/genus-570)
Barbiano di Belgiojoso E. and Ortensi L.E. (2013). Should I Stay or Should I go? The case of Italy. Rivista
Italiana di Economia, Demografia e Statistica, LXVII: (3-4): 31-38.
Farina P. and Ortensi L.E. (2011). Convergence Processes in Developing Countries' Populations and the Role
of Family Planning Commitments. Statistica, 71: 71-93.
Chapters in Research Reports, evaluated by editorial committee
Ortensi L.E. (2015). Le migrazioni in Europa in Fondazione Ismu Ventunesimo Rapporto sulle migrazioni 2015.
Milano: Franco Angeli.
Ortensi L.E. (2015). Nuovi italiani, lungo residenti e richiedenti asilo in G. C. Blangiardo (ed) L’immigrazione
straniera in Lombardia. La quindicesima indagine regionale. Milano: Osservatorio Regionale per l’integrazione
e la multi etnicità.
Ortensi L.E. (2014). Le migrazioni in Europa in Fondazione Ismu Ventesimo Rapporto sulle migrazioni 1994-
2014. Milano: Franco Angeli.
Ortensi L.E. (2014). I lombardi “stranieri” con cittadinanza italiana in G. C. Blangiardo (eds) L’immigrazione
straniera in Lombardia. La tredicesima indagine regionale. Milano: Osservatorio Regionale per l’integrazione e
la multi etnicità.
Ortensi L.E. (2014). La fecondità delle donne immigrate: temi emergenti. In Bonifazi C. and Livi Bacci M. (eds)
Le migrazioni internazionali al tempo della crisi Firenze: Associazione Neodemos.
Ortensi L.E. (2013). L’immigrazione in Europa: nuove tendenze in Fondazione Ismu Diciannovesimo Rapporto
sulle migrazioni 2013. Milano: Franco Angeli.
Ortensi L.E. (2013). I richiedenti protezione temporanea e asilo in G. C. Blangiardo (ed) L’immigrazione
straniera in Lombardia. La dodicesima indagine regionale. Milano: Osservatorio Regionale per l’integrazione e
la multi etnicità.
Ortensi L.E. (2012). Flussi e famiglie: la nuova Europa delle migrazioni in Fondazione Ismu Diciottesimo
Rapporto sulle migrazioni 2012. Milano: Franco Angeli.
Ortensi L.E. (2012). La fecondità delle straniere in G. C. Blangiardo (eds) L’immigrazione straniera in
Lombardia. L’undicesima indagine regionale. Milano: Osservatorio Regionale per l’integrazione e la multi
Ortensi L.E. (2012). Le unità di strada in P. Farina, S. Ignazi (eds) Catene invisibili. Strumenti e dati per
comprendere la prostituzione straniera e promuovere percorsi emancipativi. Milano: Osservatorio Regionale per
l’integrazione e la multi etnicità.
Ortensi L.E. and G. C. Blangiardo (2012) La comunità araba e pakistana in Italia e Lombardia: presenza e
principali caratteristiche in C. Regalia and C. Giuliani (eds) Esperienze di donne nella migrazione araba e
pakistana. Milano: Franco Angeli.
Ortensi L.E. (2012). La fruizione dei servizi territoriali lombardi da parte delle donne immigrate di origine
marocchina, egiziana e pakistana, in C. Regalia and C. Giuliani (eds) Esperienze di donne nella migrazione
araba e pakistana. Milano: Franco Angeli.
Rivellini G., Ortensi L.E. and Bordone V. (2012). I fenomeni demografici nel corso di vita familiare in P. Donati
(ed.) Osservatorio nazionale sulla famiglia La famiglia in Italia Sfide sociali e innovazione nei servizi. Rapporto
biennale 2011-2012. Roma: Carocci.
Ortensi L.E. (2011). L’Italia nello spazio migratorio europeo in Fondazione Ismu Diciassettesimo Rapporto
sulle migrazioni 2011. Milano: Franco Angeli.
Ortensi L.E. (2011). Fecondità in emigrazione. Il caso lombardo in Sis –Aisp Giornate di studio sulla
popolazione Ancona 2-4 febbraio 2001 Riassunti dei contributi.
Ortensi L.E. (2010). L’immigrazione in Europa in Fondazione Ismu Sedicesimo Rapporto sulle migrazioni 2010.
Milano: Franco Angeli.
Ortensi L.E. (2010). Maternità, contraccezione, interruzioni volontarie di gravidanza in P. Farina (ed) Indagine
sulla presenza nel territorio lombardo di popolazione a rischio in relazione alla salute sessuale e riproduttiva e
alle mutilazioni genitali femminili Milano: Irer (Eupolis).
Ortensi L.E. (2010). Report di approfondimento sui profili dei minori presenti nelle comunità residenziali della
Regione Lombardia nel periodo 2007-2009 – Milano:Osservatorio Minori della Regione Lombardia.
Ortensi L.E. (2009). L’immigrazione in Europa in Fondazione Ismu Quindicesimo Rapporto sulle migrazioni
2009. Milano: Franco Angeli.
Ortensi L.E. (2009). Donne e fecondità nella realtà migratoria in Lombardia in G. C. Blangiardo (ed),
L’immigrazione straniera in Lombardia. L’ottava indagine regionale. Milano: Osservatorio Regionale per
l’integrazione e la multi etnicità.
P. Farina and Ortensi L.E. (2009). L’immigrazione in Europa in Fondazione Ismu Quattordicesimo Rapporto
sulle migrazioni 2008. Milano: Franco Angeli.
Ortensi L.E. and Davì L. (2008). Immigrate e immigrati in Lombardia: quotidiani e vissuti tra l’Italia e il paese
d’origine in G. C. Blangiardo (ed) L’immigrazione straniera in Lombardia. La settima indagine regionale.
Milano: Osservatorio Regionale per l’integrazione e la multi etnicità.
G. C. Blangiardo and Ortensi L.E. (2008). Demografia e immigrazione in Italia. In Nomisma (ed), Non solo
nero. Immigrazione straniera e trasformazione dell'economia italiana (pp. 99-106). Roma: Nomisma.
P. Farina and Ortensi L.E. (2008). L’immigrazione in Europa in Fondazione Ismu Tredicesimo Rapporto sulle
migrazioni. Milano: Franco Angeli.
Ortensi L.E. (2007) “Le caratteristiche strutturali” in G. C. Blangiardo (ed), L’immigrazione straniera in
Lombardia. La sesta indagine regionale. Milano: Osservatorio Regionale per l’integrazione e la multi etnicità.
P. Farina and Ortensi L.E. (2007). L’immigrazione in Europa in Fondazione Ismu Dodicesimo Rapporto sulle
migrazioni. Milano: Franco Angeli.
Menonna A. And Ortensi L.E. (2007) (Ri)conoscere le Mgf. Riflessioni sulle possibilità di quantificare un
fenomeno elusivo in Nicola Pasini (ed), Mutilazioni genitali femminili: riflessioni teoriche e pratiche: Il caso
della regione Lombardia. Milano: Franco Angeli.
Ortensi L.E. (2007). La famiglia come capitale sociale nel processo di integrazione in P. Farina (ed) Futuro
Plurale. Percorsi e progetti dei giovani stranieri nel mantovano. Milano: Osservatorio Regionale per
l’integrazione e la multi etnicità.
Menonna A. and Ortensi L.E. (2006) Dal questionario al dataset: il percorso di lavoro e le valutazioni di
congruenza e informazione sulle risposte ottenute, in G. C. Blangiardo and P. Farina (eds), Il Mezzogiorno dopo
la grande regolarizzazione. Immagini e problematiche dell’immigrazione. Milano: Franco Angeli.
Ortensi L.E. (2006) Le caratteristiche strutturali in G. C. Blangiardo (ed), L’immigrazione straniera in
Lombardia. La quinta indagine regionale. Milano: Osservatorio Regionale per l’integrazione e la multi etnicità.
Ortensi L.E. (2006). La presenza filippina in Italia: profilo di una comunità di antico insediamento in Zanfrini
L. and Maruja Asis M.B. (eds) Orgoglio e pregiudizio. Una ricerca tra Filippine e Italia sulla transizione
all'età attiva dei figli di emigrati e dei figli di immigrati. Milano: Franco Angeli.
P. Farina and Ortensi L.E. (2006) L’immigrazione in Europa in Fondazione Ismu Undicesimo Rapporto sulle
migrazioni. Milano: Franco Angeli.
Ortensi L.E. (2005). Le attività degli enti che operano in Lombardia in relazione alle tematiche della tratta e
della prostituzione in Patrizia Farina (ed) Prostitu(i)te. Milano: Osservatorio Regionale per l’integrazione e la
multi etnicità.
Edited Volumes
Cordisco I., Meda S.G., Ortensi L.E., Salamone S., (2014). Famiglia inMigrazione . Roma: Rubbettino.
Valtolina G.G., Ortensi L.E. and Maiorino S. (2006). Ricongiungimenti familiari di immigrati in Provincia di
Milano – Indagine conoscitiva: l’esperienza del Servizio Minori e Famiglia della Provincia di Milano Milano:
Osservatorio Provinciale di Milano, 2006
Gusmeroli A., Ortensi L.E. and Pasini N. (2005) La domanda di salute degli immigrati. Milano: Osservatorio
Regionale per l’integrazione e la multi etnicità.
Papers presented in International and National conferences (most recent)
SIS2015 Statistical Conference. Statistics and Demography: the Legacy of Corrado Gini.
Treviso 9-11 September
(with E. Ambrosetti e C. Castagnaro) Sex imbalances at birth in migratory context in Western Europe:
evidence from Italy. Session: The sex from a statistical point of view (invited paper).
IMISCOE 12th Annual Conference.
Geneva (Switzerland) 28-20 June 2015
(with E. Barbiano di Belgiojoso) Resist, Return or Re-emigrate? The growing role of female migration
models in assessing migratory intention of immigrants in crisis-hit Italy. Session 41: Migratory Intentions
of Residents.
Population Association of America 2015 Annual Meeting.
San Diego (USA) April 30- May 2, 2015
(with P. Farina) Improving Estimates of the Prevalence of Female Genital Cutting among Migrants in
Western Countries. Session 59: Female Genital Mutilation.
EPC 2014 European Population Conference.
Budapest (Hungary), 25-28 June 2014
- (with E. Barbiano di Belgiojoso) Should I stay or should I go? Exploring migrants' intentions. The case of
Italy. Session 707: Migration intentions of immigrants and natives.
- (with E. Barbiano di Belgiojoso) Female labour segregation in the domestic services in Italy. Session 1203:
Desirable and undesirable consequences of mobility.
Population Association of America 2014 Annual Meeting.
Boston (USA), 1-3 May 2014
- (with E. Ambrosetti) [Poster] Sex Imbalances at Birth in Migratory Context in Western Europe: Evidence
from Italy. Poster Session 3- Health of Women, Children, and Families.
XXVII IUSSP International Population Conference.
Busan (Sud Corea)25-30 August 2013
- (with P. Farina) Mother to daughter transmission of Female Genital Mutilation among African immigrants
in Italy. Session 14-02: Harmful traditional practices: female genital mutilation and other practices.
SIEDS Annual Meeting.
Rome, 27-29 May 2013
- (with E. Barbiano di Belgiojoso) Tornare o Restare?
Population Association of America 2013 Annual Meeting.
New Orleans (USA) 11-13 April 2013
- (with P. Farina) Induced abortion among migrant women in Italy: analysis of survey data following a
multilevel approach. Session 124:Abortion: Trends, Determinants, Differentials and Data Quality.
- (with P. Farina) [Poster] Contraceptive Use among Migrant Women in Italy: A Multilevel Approach. Poster
Session 8.
AISP: Giornate di Studio della Popolazione. Brixen 6-9 February 2013
- (with P.Farina) La contraccezione tra le donne immigrate in Italia
Fact beyond figures: Communi-care for Migrants and Ethnic minorities - 4th Conference on Migrant and Ethnic
Minority Health in Europe. Milan 21-23 June 2012
- (with P. Farina) Female Genital Cutting in home countries and among African immigrant population: the
case of Italy.
EPC 2012 European Population Conference: Gender Policies and Population.
Stockholm (Sweden) 13-15 June 2012
- (with P. Farina) [Poster] Migration effect on the future of female genital mutilation: the case of African
women in Italy.
- (with P. Farina) [Poster] When low fertility affects immigrants. The case of Italy.
Conference: Prostitu(i)te. Uomini, donne e le catene invisibili dello sfruttamento sessuale.
Milan 8 May 2012
UAPS 2011 Sixth African Population Conference – African Population: Past,Present and Future.
Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) 5-8 December 2011
- (with P. Farina) “Induced abortion, contraception and unmet need for family planning among African
immigrants in Italy”
- (with P. Farina) [Poster] Female Genital Cutting in home countries and among African immigrant
population: the case of Italy
Papers submitted to peer reviewed journals currently under review
Ambrosetti E., Ortensi L.E., Castagnaro C. and Attili M. Sex imbalances at birth in migratory context:
preliminary results from Italy [Genus] [ACCEPTED on 30/12/2015]
Farina P., Ortensi L.E. and Menonna A., Estimating the number of first generation migrants with female genital
mutilation/cutting in Italy [European Journal of Public Health] [ACCEPTED on 11/02/2016]
Ortensi L.E. and Menonna A., Migrating with special needs? Projections of flows of migrant women with
Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting towards Europe 2016-2030 [European Journal of Population]
Additional declarations and acknowledgments:
In riferimento all’art. 13 della legge 30.06.2003 nr. 196 Tutela del trattamento dei dati personali, autorizzo
espressamente all'utilizzo dei miei dati personali per le esigenze di selezione e di comunicazione
Il presente curriculum ha valenza di autocertificazione ai sensi degli artt. 46 e 47 del D.P.R. 445/2000
relativamente al possesso dei titoli in esso riportati.
Milano, 29/12/2015
In fede
Livia Elisa Ortensi