senesi nicola


senesi nicola
Prof. Nicola Senesi
 Nato nel 1943
 laureato in Chimica presso l’Università degli Studi di Bari, nel 1966
 status accademico: Professore Ordinario, SSD AGR/13
Attività in sede:
1989-presente Professore ordinario, Facoltà di agraria, Università di Bari
1986-1989 Professore straordinario, Facoltà di Agraria, Università di Bari
2005-presente Direttore, DIBCA, Università di Bari
1992-1999 Direttore, Istituto di Chimica Agraria, Università di Bari
1992-2001 Coordinatore Dottorato di Ricerca in Chimica Agraria, Università di Bari
1980-1986 Professore associato, Facoltà di Agraria, Università di Bari
1974-1980 Professore incaricato interno stabilizzato, Facoltà di Agraria, Università di Bari
1974-1983 Aiuto, Istituto di Chimica Agraria, Università di Bari
1973-1974 Professore incaricato interno stabilizzato, Facoltà di Scienze, Università di Lecce
1970-1980 Assistente ordinario, Facoltà di Agraria, Università di Bari
1970-1973 Professore incaricato interno, Facoltà di Scienze, Università di Lecce
1970-1980 Assistente ordinario, Facoltà di Agraria, Università di Bari
1969-1970 Assistente incaricato, Facoltà di Agraria, Università di Bari
1966-1970 Assistente volontario, Facoltà di Scienze, Università di Bari
1966 e 1969 Borsa di studio annuale per ricerca, CNR
Attività all’estero:
1993-1997 Visiting professor, vari periodi e varie Università in Indonesia, Svizzera, Argentina, Brasile,
Venezuela and Colombia
1989-1992 Visiting scientist, vari periodi, Dept. of Soil Science, University of California, Berkeley
1987 Semestre sabatico di ricerca con borsa di studio FORMEZ, Dept of Soil and Environmental
Sciences, Univ. of California, Riverside
1982-1983 Trimestre sabatico di ricerca con borsa di studio NATO/CNR Senior, Dept of Soil and
Environmental Sciences, Univ. of California, Riverside
1978-1983 Professore incaricato per vari periodi, Università Nazionale Somala, Mogadiscio, Somalia
1975-1976 Anno sabatico di ricerca con borsa di studio annuale della NATO/CNR, Soil Research
Institute, Canada Department of Agriculture, Ottawa
2000 Dottorato Honoris Causa dell’ Institute National Polytechnique di Toulouse (INPT), France
2006 Award for Outstanding Contribution, Mediterranean Scientific Association for Environmental
Protection (MESAEP)
1996 Fellow della American Society of Agronomy (ASA)
1995 Fellow della Soil Science Society of America (SSSA)
1994-presente Golden Medal della Polish Soil Science Society
1995-presente Membro Ordinario, Accademia Pugliese delle Scienze
1994-presente Membro, European Environmental Research Organization (EERO)
2005-2007 Honorary Scientist della Rural Development Administration (RDA), Ministry of Agriculture
and Forestry, Korea
Cariche sociali ricoperte in Società Scientifiche:
2008-presente Presidente, Division VI Chemistry and the Environment, International Union of Pure
and Applied Chemists (IUPAC)
2008-presente Presidente, Mediterranean Scientific Association for Environmental Protection
2007-presente Past-Chairman, Division II-Soil Properties and Processes, International Union of Soil
Science (IUSS)
2003-presente Vice-Presidente, Società Italiana della Scienza del Suolo (SISS)
2003-presente Chairman, Section “Soil Organic Matter and Organo-Mineral Interactions”, Div. Soil
System Sciences, European Geosciences Union (EGU)
2002-presente Chairman, IUPAC SubCommittee Biophysico-Chemical Processes in Environmental
1992-presente Chairman, Sezione Italiana, International Humic Substances es Society (IHSS)
2006-2007 Associate Member, IUPAC Division VI-Chemistry and the Environment Committee
2002-2006 Chairman, Division II - Soil Properties and Processes, International Union of Soil Science
2002-2005 Titular Member (elected), IUPAC Division VI-Chemistry and the Environment Committee
2001-2007 Vice Presidente, Mediterranean Scientific Association for Environmental Protection
1998-2002 Past Chairman, Commission II-Soil Chemistry, International Societyty of Soil Science
1998-1999 Past-President, International Humic Substances Society (IHSS)
1997-2002 Consigliere, Società Italiana della Scienza del Suolo (SISS)
1996-1997 Presidente, International Humic Substances Society (IHSS)
1995-2001 Titular Member, IUPAC Commission of Fundamental Environmental Chemistry
1994-1997 Chairman, Commission II-Soil Chemistry, International Society of Soil Science (ISSS)
1993-1995 Vice-Presidente, International Humic Substances Society (IHSS)
1993-1995 Titular Member, IUPAC Commission of Environmental Analytical al Chemistry
1990-1993 First Vice-Chairman, Commission II-Soil Chemistry, Int. Soc. of Soil Sciences (ISSS)
Editore Associato delle riviste scientifiche internazionali: Geoderma, Soil Science, Pedosphere,
Pure and Applied Chemistry and CLEAN-Soil, Air, Water. Nel passato di: European Journal of Soil
Science, Environmental Sciences and Health-Part B.
Coeditore di 15 volumi scientifici ed atti di Congressi. Autore e coAutore di circa 60 reviews
scientifiche e oltre 300 articoli scientifici pubblicati per la massima parte in volumi e riviste
scientifiche internazionali.
Coordinatore e/o Responsabile di Unità Operativa in numerosi Progetti di Ricerca della
Commissione Europea (CE), MURST, CNR, Regione Puglia e U.S. Army. Valutatore e/o referee
di numerosi Progetti della CE, MURST, e di varie Agenzie e Organizzazioni Scientifiche degli USA,
Israele, e Paesi Europei e Sudamericani.
Membro di numerosi Comitati Tecnici e Advisory Panels di Enti Pubblici a livello regionale,
nazionale ed internazionale.
Referee scientifico di numerose riviste internazionali.
Presidente, Vice-Presidente e/o Membro di Comitato Scientifico e/o Organizzatore e relatore
invitato di circa 200 Congressi, Simposi, Convegni, Workshops e Seminari Internazionali e
Chimica del suolo
Scienza del suolo
Gestione della fertilità chimica del suolo
Chimica forestale
Industrie Agrarie
Le sostanze umiche del suolo
Chimica generale ed Inorganica
Chimica organica
Applicazione di metodi e tecniche chimico-fisiche e spettroscopiche in chimica del suolo
Struttura molecolare, funzionalità chimiche, proprietà e reattività delle sostanze umiche del suolo e di
altre fonti naturali ed artificiali
Valutazione della qualità chimica e agronomica di ammendanti e compost da residui solidi urbani,
fanghi di depurazione e residui, sottoprodotti e reflui dell’industra agro-alimentare
Processi di interazione/adsorbimento/desorbimento di residui di pesticidi, agenti mutageni, composti
ellelochimici e altri contaminanti organici con le sostanze umiche
Effetti antimutageni di composti umici in organismi vegetali
Azioni patogeno-soppressive di sostenze umiche sui fitopatogeni del suolo
Complessazione di elementi traccia micronutritivi e microcontaminanti con le sostanze umiche
La natura frattale delle sostanze umiche
Elementi traccia nei fertilizzanti inorganici commerciali
PUBBLICAZIONI RECENTI (ultimi dieci anni)
N. Senesi, K. Wilkinson. Biophysical Chemistry of Fractal Structures and Processes in the
Environmental Systems. IUPAC Series on Analytical and Physical Chemistry of Environmental
Systems, Vol. 11, ISBN: 978-0-470-014-74-5, Wiley, Chichester, UK, pp. 323 (2008).
J.C. Garcia-Gil, C. Plaza, J. M. Fernandez, N. Senesi, A. Polo. Soil fulvic acid characteristics and
proton binding behavior as affected by long-term municipal waste compost amendment under
semi-arid environment. Geoderma 146, 363-369 (2008).
V. D’Orazio, N. Senesi. Spectroscopic properties of humic acids isolated from the rhizosphere and
bulk soil compartments and fractionated by size-exclusion chromatography. Soil Biol. Biochem.
Doi:10.1016/j.soilbio.2008.02.001 (2008).
G. Brunetti, N. Senesi, C. Plaza. Organic matter humification in olive oil mill wastewater by abiotic
catalysis with manganese (IV) oxide. Biores. Technol. 99, 8528-8531 (2008).
E.I. Bertoncini, V. D’Orazio, N. Senesi, M.E. Mattiazzo. Effects of sewage sludge amendment on the
properties of two Brazilian Oxisols and their humic acids. Biores. Technol. 99, 4972-4979 (2008).
E. Loffredo, M. Berloco, N. Senesi. The role of humic fractions from soil and compost in controlling
the growth in vitro of phytopathogenic and antagonistic soil-borne fungi. Ecotoxycol. Environ.
Safety 69, 350-357 (2008).
E. Loffredo, N. Senesi. The role of natural organic matter (humic substances) on adsorption of
pesticides possessing endocrine disruptor acitivity. In: The Fate of Persistent Organic Pollutants in
the Environment. (E. Mehmetli and B. Koumanova, Eds.), NATO Sciences for Peace and Security
Series-C: Environmental Security, Springer, 369-383 (2008).
N. Senesi, E. Loffredo. Spectroscopic techniques for studying metal-humic complexes in soil. In:
Biophysico-chemical Processes of Heavy Metals and Metalloids in Soil Environments (A. Violante,
P.M. Huang, G.M. Gadd, Eds.), Wiley-IUPAC Series on Biophysico-Chemical Processes in
Environ. Systems (P.M. Huang and N. Senesi, Series Eds.), Wiley-Interscience, Hoboken, NJ,
USA, Ch. 4, pp. 125-168 (2008).
Plaza, R. Nogales, N. Senesi, E. Benitez, A Polo. Organic matter humification by vermicomposting of
cattle manure alone and mixed with two-phase olive pomace. Biores. Technol. 99, 5085-5089
M.R. Provenzano, A. Cilenti, G. Gigliotti, N. Senesi. Spectroscopic investigation of hydrophobic and
hydrophilic fractions of dissolved organic matter from soils with different salinity. CLEAN: Soil,
Water, Air 36, 748-753 (2008).
A. Traversa, V. D’Orazio, N. Senesi. Properties of dissolved organic matter in forest soils: influence of
different plant covering. Forest Ecol. Manag. 256, 2018-2028 (2008).
N. Senesi, K.J. Wilkinson. Introduction to the study of environmental fractals. In: Biophysical
Chemistry of Fractal Structures and Processes in the Environmental Systems. IUPAC Series on
Analytical and Physical Chemistry of Environmental Systems, Vol. 11, (N. Senesi and K.J.
Wilkinson, Eds.,) Chichester, UK, 1-10 (2008).
E. Loffredo, M. Berloco, N. Senesi. Inhibitory action of new organic substrates for ornamental plants
and their humic fractions on the growth of the phytopathogenic fungus Pythium ultimum. Proc. 14th
IHSS Int. Meeting, “From Molecular Understanding to Innovative Applications of Humic
Susbtances” September 2008, Moscow – Saint Petersburg, (I.V. Perminova and N.A. Kulikova,
Eds.), Vol. II, 677-680 (2008).
M. Berloco, E. Loffredo, R. Mortimer, N. Senesi. Use of diffusive gradient in thin-films (DGT) for the in
vitro study of the effects of humic fractions and metals on the growth of a phytopathogenic fungus.
Proc. 14th IHSS Int. Meeting, “From Molecular Understanding to Innovative Applications of Humic
Susbtances” September 2008, Moscow – Saint Petersburg, (I.V. Perminova and N.A. Kulikova,
Eds.), Vol. II, 395-398 (2008).
A. Traversa, V. D'Orazio, N. Senesi. Fluorescence spectroscopy of humic acids isolated from different
litters and corresponding underlying soils. Proc. 14th IHSS Int. Meeting, “From Molecular
Understanding to Innovative Applications of Humic Susbtances” September 2008, Moscow – Saint
Petersburg, (I.V. Perminova and N.A. Kulikova, Eds.), Vol. I, 327-330 (2008).
A. Traversa, D. Said-Pullicino, V. D'Orazio, G. Gigliotti, N. Senesi. Properties of humic acids in forest
soils: influence of different plant covering. Proc. 14th IHSS Int. Meeting, “From Molecular
Understanding to Innovative Applications of Humic Susbtances” September 2008, Moscow – Saint
Petersburg, (I.V. Perminova and N.A. Kulikova, Eds.), Vol. I, 323-326 (2008).
V. D'Orazio, A. Traversa, N. Senesi. Chemical and spectroscopic characterization of humic acids
isolated from urban soils. Proc. 14th IHSS Int. Meeting, “From Molecular Understanding to
Innovative Applications of Humic Susbtances” September 2008, Moscow – Saint Petersburg, (I.V.
Perminova and N.A. Kulikova, Eds.), Vol. I, 199-202 (2008).
N. Senesi, C. Plaza. Organic matter actions in protecting soil from physical, chemical, and biological
degradation. In: Adv. in Geoecology 39 “The Soils of Tomorrow – Soils Changing in a Changing
World” (C. Dazzi and E. Costantini, Eds.), Catena Verlag, ISBN 978-3-923381-56-2, pp. 285-297
E. Loffredo, N. Senesi, G. Ferrara. Anticlastogenic and antitoxic actions exerted by humic substances
in seedlings of various plants. In: Soil Mineral-Microbe-Organic Interactions. Theories and
Applications. (Q. Huang, P.M. Huang, A. Violante, Eds.) Springer, Berlin, 281-301 (2008).
N. Senesi, T.M. Miano. Il suolo: sistema centrale nell’ambiente e nell’agricoltura. Atti Convegno
Convegno Naz. SISS, Bari, giugno 2005, ISBN 978-88-902831-0-9, pp. 488 (2007).
A. Traversa, V. D’Orazio, N. Senesi. Caratterizzazione spettroscopica di acidi umici (AU) isolati da
lettiere forestali e dai corrispondenti suoli sottostanti. Atti VII Conv. Naz. Sez. Ital. IHSS, ISBN:
978-88-900459-06, Catania, maggio-giugno 2007, 85-87 (2007).
A. Traversa, V. D’Orazio, N. Senesi. Caratterizzazione spettroscopica della sostanza organica
disciolta (DOM) isolata da lettiere forestali e dai corrispondenti suoli. Atti VII Conv. Naz. Sez. Ital.
IHSS, ISBN: 978-88-900459-06, Catania, maggio-giugno 2007, 82-84 (2007).
M.R. Provenzano, P. Caricasole, G. Brunetti, F. Matarrese, N. Senesi. Differenze chimiche e
strutturali di DOM estratta con diversi estraenti da profili di suoli diversi. Atti VII Conv. Naz. Sez.
Ital. IHSS, ISBN: 978-88-900459-06, Catania, maggio-giugno 2007, 74-76 (2007).
M.R. Provenzano, P. Caricasole, N. Senesi. Evoluzione della sostanza organica solubile durante il
compostaggio di matrici organiche di scarto. Atti VII Conv. Naz. Sez. Ital. IHSS, ISBN: 978-88900459-06, Catania, maggio-giugno 2007, 71-73 (2007).
F. Matarrese, G. Brunetti, K. Farrag, N. Senesi. Proprietà spettroscopiche della sostanza organica
isolata da substrati di crescita del Pleorotus Ostreatus. Atti VII Conv. Naz. Sez. Ital. IHSS, ISBN:
978-88-900459-06, Catania, maggio-giugno 2007, 62-64 (2007).
E. Loffredo, E. Stringano, N. Senesi. Adsorbimento di acido salicilico su acidi umici del suolo ed altre
matrici. Atti VII Conv. Naz. Sez. Ital. IHSS, ISBN: 978-88-900459-06, Catania, maggio-giugno
2007, 56-58 (2007).
V. D’Orazio, A. Traversa, N. Senesi. Caratterizzazione spettroscopica della sostanza organica
disciolta (DOM) isolata da suoli urbani. Atti VII Conv. Naz. Sez. Ital. IHSS, ISBN: 978-88-90045906, Catania, maggio-giugno 2007, 48-50 (2007).
G. Brunetti, F. Matarrese, K. Farrag, M.R. Provenzano, P. Caricasole, N. Senesi. Confronto tra indici
di umificazione relativi a profili di suoli diversi. Atti VII Conv. Naz. Sez. Ital. IHSS, ISBN: 978-88900459-06, Catania, maggio-giugno 2007, 23-25 (2007).
M.G. Berloco, E. Loffredo, N. Senesi. Effetti di nuovi substrati di crescita per piante ornamentali e
della loro frazione umica sul fungo Sclerotinia Sclerotiorum. Atti VII Conv. Naz. Sez. Ital. IHSS,
ISBN: 978-88-900459-06, Catania, maggio-giugno 2007, 20-22 (2007).
J.M. Fernandez, A. Polo, N. Senesi, C. Plaza. Acid-base properties of humic substances from
composted and thermally-dried sewage sludges and amended soils as determined by
potentiometric titration and the NICA-Donnan model. Chemosphere 69, 630-635 (2007).
G. Brunetti, F. Matarrese, F. Freuli, V. La Ghezza, N. Senesi. Il compostaggio di substrati esausti
derivanti dalla coltivazione di funghi eduli. Atti Conv. Naz. SISS “Suolo Ambiente Paesaggio”,
Imola, giugno 2007, Tipolit. F.G. Savignano s.P., Modena, 111-118 (2007).
J.C. Garcia-Gil, C. Plaza, N. Senesi, G. Brunetti, A. Polo. Effects of lomg-term sewage sludge
amendment on the composition, structure and proton-binding activity of soil fulvic acids. CLEAN:
Soil, Water, Air 35, 480-487 (2007).
D. Hernandez, C. Plaza, N. Senesi, A. Polo. Fluorescence analysis of copper (II) and zinc (II) binding
behavior of fulvic acids from pig slurry and amended soils. Eur. J. Soil Sci. 58, 900-908 (2007).
C. Plaza, G. Brunetti, N. Senesi, A. Polo. Fluorescence characterization of metal ion-humic acid
interactions in soils amended with composted municipal solid wastes. Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 386,
2133-2140 (2007).
E. Romero, C. Plaza, N. Senesi, R. Nogales, A. Polo. Humic acid-like fractions in raw and
vermicomposted winery and distillery wastes. Geoderma, 139, 397-406 (2007).
G. Brunetti, N. Senesi, C. Plaza. Effects of amendment with treated and untreated olive oil mill
wastewaters on soil properties, soil humic substances and wheat yield. Geoderma, 138, 144-152
E. Loffredo, M. Berloco, F. Casulli, N. Senesi. In vitro assessment of the inhibitory action of humic
substances on the growth of two formae speciales of Fusarium oxysporum. Biol. Fertil. Soil 43,
759-769 (2007).
N. Senesi, C. Plaza, G. Brunetti, A. Polo. A comparative survey of recent results on humic-like
fractions in organic amendments and effects on native soil humic substances. Soil Biol. Biochem.
39, 1244-1262 (2007).
G. Brunetti, C. Plaza, C. E. Clapp, N. Senesi. Compositional and functional features of humic acids
from organic amendments and amended soils in Minnesota, USA. Soil Biol. Biochem. 39, 13551365 (2007).
N. Senesi, C. Plaza. Role of humification processes in recycling organic wastes of various nature and
sources as organic amendments. Clean 35 (1), 26-41 (2007).
A. L. Mafra, N. Senesi, G. Brunetti, A. A. W. Miklos, A. J. Melfi. Humic acids from hydromorphic soils
of the upper Negro river basin, Amazonas: chemical and spectroscopic characterization.
Geoderma 138, 170-176 (2007).
C. Plaza, N. Senesi, G. Brunetti, D. Mondelli. Evolution of the fulvic acid fractions during cocomposting of olive oil mill wastewater sludge and tree cuttings. Biores. Technol. 98, 1964-1971
N. Senesi. Soil Organic Matter and Organic Pollutants. In: Handbook of Methods Used in
Rhizosphere Research (J. Luster and R. Finlay, Eds.), Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL,
Birmensdorf, 69-72 (2006).
N. Senesi, V. D’Orazio. Fluorescence spectroscopy. In: Técnicas de caracterizacion de materiales de
carbono: desde los nanotubos a las sustancias humicas (S. Sanchez Cortés, C. Domingo Maroto,
O. Francioso, J. V. Garcia Ramos, Eds.), Comité de Espectroscopia, Soc. Esp. De Optica, pp.
223-252 (2006).
V. D’Orazio. A. Traversa, R. Stefanutti, E. Bertoncini, N. Senesi. Humic acid-like substances in
composts produced in tropical regions. Proc. 13th IHSS Int. Meeting, “Humic Substances – Linking
Structure to Functions” July-August 2006, Karlsruhe (F.H. Frimmel amd G. Abbt-Braun, Eds.),
Band 45-II, 1081-1084 (2006).
C. Plaza, N. Senesi, G. Brunetti, A. Polo, J.M. Hernandez. Effects of amendment with municipal soild
waste compost on copper(II) ion binding to soil humic acids by fluorescence spectroscopy and the
Ryan-Weber model. Proc. 13th IHSS Int. Meeting, “Humic Substances – Linking Structure to
Functions” July-August 2006, Karlsruhe (F.H. Frimmel amd G. Abbt-Braun, Eds.), Band 45-II, 757760 (2006).
E. Margherita, G. Brunetti, C.G. Izquierdo, F. Cavalcante, S. Fiore, N. Senesi. Humic acids and clay
minerals in organically-amended semiarid soils. Proc. 13th IHSS Int. Meeting, “Humic Substances –
Linking Structure to Functions” July-August 2006, Karlsruhe (F.H. Frimmel amd G. Abbt-Braun,
Eds.), Band 45-II, 569-572 (2006).
A. Traversa, V. D’Orazio, N. Senesi. Forest litter under different plant covering and their aqueous
extracts: chemical and spectroscopic characterization. Proc. 13th IHSS Int. Meeting, “Humic
Substances – Linking Structure to Functions” July-August 2006, Karlsrhue (F.H. Frimmel amd G.
Abbt-Braun, Eds.), Band 45-II, 545-548 (2006).
M. Mingazzini, M.T. Palumbo, N. Senesi. A combined biological and fluorescence approach for the
characterization of humic-type extracellular organic matter (EOM) released by phytoplankton. Proc.
13th IHSS Int. Meeting, “Humic Substances – Linking Structure to Functions” July-August 2006,
Karlsruhe (F.H. Frimmel amd G. Abbt-Braun, Eds.), Band 45-I, 401-404 (2006).
E. Loffredo, M. Berloco, N. Senesi. Humic acid fractions from composting substrates can regulate the
growth of phytopathogenic and antagonistic soil-borne fungi. Proc. 13th IHSS Int. Meeting, “Humic
Substances – Linking Structure to Functions” July-August 2006, Karlsruhe (F.H. Frimmel amd G.
Abbt-Braun, Eds.), Band 45-I, 385-388 (2006).
E. Loffredo, M. Berloco, N. Senesi. “In vitro” inhibition of the plant pathogenic fungus Sclerotinia
sclerotiorum by allelochemicals and humic acids. Proc. 13th IHSS Int. Meeting, “Humic Substances
– Linking Structure to Functions” July-August 2006, Karlsruhe (F.H. Frimmel amd G. Abbt-Braun,
Eds.), Band 45-I, 381-384 (2006).
M.R. Provenzano, V. D’Orazio, A. Ouatmane, N. Senesi. Composts from olive-oil-extraction residies
produced in Mediterranean areas. Proc. 13th IHSS Int. Meeting, “Humic Substances – Linking
Structure to Functions” July-August 2006, Karlsruhe (F.H. Frimmel amd G. Abbt-Braun, Eds.),
Band 45-I, 81-84 (2006).
M.R. Provenzano, A. Cilenti, G. Gigliotti, F. Erriques, N. Senesi. Spectroscopic and thermal
investigation of hydrophobic and hydrophilic fractions of dissolved organic matter isolated from
various substrates. Compost Scienze & Utilization 14, 191-200 (2006).
D. Hernandez, C. Plaza, N. Senesi, A. Polo. Detection of Copper (II) and zinc (II) binding to humic
acids from pig slurry and amended soils by fluorescence spectroscopy. Environ. Pollution, 143,
212-220 (2006).
E. Loffredo, N. Senesi. The role of humic substances in the fate of anthropogenic organic pollutants in
soil with emphasis on endocrine disruptor compounds. In: Soil and Water Pollution Monitoring,
Protection and Remediation (I. Tardowska, H.E. Allen and M.M. Häggblom, Eds.), NATO Sciences
Series IV, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Vol. 69, Springer, pp. 69-92 (2006).
E. Loffredo, N. Senesi. Fate of Organic Contaminants in Soils with Emphasis on
Adsorption/Desorption Processes of Endocrine Disruptor Compounds. Pure Appl. Chem. 78, 947961 (2006).
E. Margherita, G. Brunetti, C. Garcia Izquierdo, F. Cavalcante, S. Fiore, N. Senesi. Clay minerals and
humic substances in organically-amended semiarid soils. Soil Sci. 171, 322-333 (2006).
C. Plaza, G. Brunetti, N. Senesi, A. Polo. Molecular and quantitative analysis of metal ion binding to
humic acids from sewage sludge and sludge-amended soils by fluorescence spectroscopy. Env.
Sci. & Technol. 40, 917-923 (2006).
G. Ferrara, E. Loffredo, N. Senesi, R. Marcos. Humic acids reduce the genotoxicity of mitomycin C in
human lymphoblastoid TK6 cell line. Mutation Research 603, 27-32 (2006).
N. Senesi, T.M. Miano. Il suolo: sistema centrale nell’ambiente e nell’agricoltura. Volume Riassunti
Convegno Naz. Soc. Ital. Scienza del Suolo, Bari, (Italy), pp. 148 (2005).
N. Senesi, T.M. Miano. Fasi solide. In: Fondamenti di Chimica del Suolo (P. Sequi, Ed.), Patron
Editore, Bologna (Italy), Ch. 1, pp. 55-93 (2005).
T.M. Miano, N. Senesi. Sostanza organica e ciclo del carbonio. In: Fondamenti di Chimica del Suolo
(P. Sequi, Ed.), Patron Editore, Bologna (Italy), Ch. 7, pp. 207-227 (2005).
M. Mingazzini, M.T. Palumbo, N. Senesi. Caratterizzazione fluorimetrica della sostanza organica
extracellulare (EOM) prodotta dalla cloroficea Scenedesmus quadricauda in condizioni
sperimentali controllate. Atti VI Conv. Naz. Sez. Ital. IHSS, Perugia, 15-16 dicembre 2005, 119-121
A. Traversa, V. D’Orazio, N. Senesi. Caratteristiche spettroscopiche di estratti acquosi di diverse
lettiere forestali. Atti VI Conv. Naz. Sez. Ital. IHSS, Perugia, 15-16 dicembre 2005, 109-111 (2005).
M.R. Provenzano, A. Cilenti, E. Bertoncini, R. Stefanutti, N. Senesi. Compostaggio di matrici
organiche di scarto in un clima tropicale. Atti VI Conv. Naz. Sez. Ital. IHSS, Perugia, 15-16
dicembre 2005, 81-83 (2005).
M.R. Provenzano, V. D’Orazio, A. Ouatmane, N. Senesi. Compost ottenuti da sansa: analisi termica e
spettroscopica. Atti VI Conv. Naz. Sez. Ital. IHSS, Perugia, 15-16 dicembre 2005, 77-79 (2005).
E. Margherita, G. Brunetti, C.G. Izquierdo, N. Senesi. Qualità chimica e sostanza organica di un suolo
degradato ammendato con fanghi di depurazione. Atti VI Conv. Naz. Sez. Ital. IHSS, Perugia, 1516 dicembre 2005, 57-59 (2005).
E. Loffredo, N. Senesi. Effetti di composti umici sul potenziale allelochimico di essudati radicali di
pomodoro. Atti VI Conv. Naz. Sez. Ital. IHSS, Perugia, 15-16 dicembre 2005, 49-51 (2005).
E. Loffredo, M. Berloco, N. Senesi. Effetti di un acido fulvico da compost sulla crescita di funghi
fitopatogeni del suolo e loro antagonisti. Atti VI Conv. Naz. Sez. Ital. IHSS, Perugia, 15-16
dicembre 2005, 45-47 (2005).
V. D’Orazio, A. Traversa, R. Stefanutti, E. Bertoncini, N. Senesi. Acidi umici estratti da matrici
organiche di scarto compostate in un clima tropicale. Atti VI Conv. Naz. Sez. Ital. IHSS, Perugia,
15-16 dicembre 2005, 41-43 (2005).
G. Ferrara, E. Loffredo, N. Senesi. Phytotoxic, clastogenic and bioaccumulation effects of the
enviromental endocrine disruptor bisphenol A in various crops. Planta 223, 910-916 (2005).
C. Plaza, V. D’Orazio, N. Senesi. Copper (II) complexation of humic acids from the first generation of
EUROSOILS by total luminescence spectroscopy. Geoderma 125, 177-186 (2005).
A. Cilenti, M.R. Provenzano, N. Senesi. Characterization of dissolved organic matter from saline soils
by fluorescence spectroscopy. Environ. Chem. Letters 3, 53-56 (2005).
Loffredo, L. Monaci, N. Senesi. Humic substances can modulate the allelopathic potential of caffeic,
ferulic and salicylic acids for germinating seeds of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) and tomato
(Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.). J.Agric. Food Chem. 53, 9424-9430 (2005).
C. Plaza, J. C. Garcia-Gil, A. Polo, N. Senesi. Copper (II) complexation by humic and fulvic acids from
pig slurry and amended and non-amended soils. Chemosphere 61, 711-716 (2005).
N. Senesi, G. Brunetti, C. Plaza. Quality of organic amendment and effects on soil organic matter,
with special emphasis on humic substances: a Review of general aspects and most recent findings
of the Bari group. In: Application of the Emerging Soil Researchs to the Conservation of
Agricultural Ecosystems (J. E. Yang, T. M. Sa and J. J. Kim, Eds.), KSSSF-KSAE-RDA Special
Publ., Proc. Int. Symp., September 2005, Seoul, Korea, Ch. 7, 98-129 (2005).
C. Plaza, N. Senesi, A. Polo, G. Brunetti. Acid-base properties of humic and fulvic acids formed
during composting. Env. Sci. Technol. 39, 7141-7146 (2005).
C. Plaza, G. Brunetti, N. Senesi, A. Polo. Proton binding to humic acids from organic amendments
and amended soils by the NICA-Donnan model. Env. Sci. Technol. 39, 6692-6697 (2005).
G. Brunetti, C. Plaza, N. Senesi. Olive pomace amendment in Mediterranean conditions: effect on soil
and humic acid properties and wheat (Triticum turgidum L.) yield. J.Agric.Food Chem. 53, 67306737 (2005).
N. Senesi, E. Loffredo. Metal ion complexation by soil humic substances. In: Chemical Processes in
Soil (D. L. Sparks, M. A. Tabatabai, Eds.), Soil Sci. Soc. Of America, Inc., Madison, WI, Ch. 12,
563-618 (2005).
C. Plaza, N. Senesi, G. Brunetti, D. Mondelli. Co-composting of sludge from olive oil mill wastewater
mixed with tree cuttings. Compost Science & Utilization 13, 217-226 (2005).
C. Plaza, J.C. Garcia-Jil, A. Polo, N. Senesi, G. Brunetti. Proton binding by humic and fulvic acids
from pig slurry and amended and non-amended soils. J.Environ. Qual. 34, 1131-1137 (2005).
E.I. Bertoncini, V. D’Orazio, N. Senesi, M.E. Mattiazzo. Fluorescence analysis of humic and fulvic
acids from two Brazilian Oxisols as affected by Biosolid amendment. Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 381,
1281-1288 (2005).
N. Senesi, E. Loffredo. Soil organic matter-metal interactions. In: Encyclopedia of Soils in the
Environment (D. Hillel et al., Eds.), Elsevier Science, London, Vol. 3, 101-111 (2005).
N. Senesi, V. D’Orazio. Fluorescence spectroscopy. In: Encyclopedia of Soils in the Environment (D.
Hillel et al., Eds.), Elsevier Science, London, Vol. 2, 35-52 (2005).
N. Senesi, G.S. Senesi. Electron-spin resonance spectroscopy. In: Encyclopedia of Soils in the
Environment (D. Hillel et al., Eds.), Elsevier Science, London, Vol. 1, 426-437 (2005).
G. Brunetti, C. Plaza, D. Mondelli, N. Senesi. Reclamation of degraded soils by olive pomace
amendment. Effects on soil humic acids. In: Extended Abstracts, 4th Int. Conf. on Land
Degradation, September 2004, Cartagena/Murcia, CD-ROM, ISBN 84-95-781-40-9, Paper n. 8-35,
5 pp. (2004).
C. Rivero, N. Senesi, V. D’Orazio. Efecto de la aplicatiòn de àcidos hùmicos de leonardite sobre las
caracterìsticas espectroscòpicas de la materia orgànica de un suelo en la cuenca del Lago de
Valencia, Venezuela. Agronomia Tropical 54, 133-144 (2004).
E. Margherita, G. Brunetti, V. La Ghezza, N. Senesi. Effetti dell’applicazione di reflui oleari sui
caratteri chimico-fisici di un suolo e sulla germinazione e crescita di specie vegetali. Atti XXI Conv.
Naz. SICA, Settembre 2003, Ancona, 318-327 (2004).
V. La Ghezza, G. Brunetti, N. Senesi. Effetti su alcune proprietà del suolo dell’applicazione di reflui
oleari e fanghi da essi ottenuti per flocculazione. Atti XXI Conv. Naz. SICA, Settembre 2003,
Ancona, 29-40 (2004).
F. R. Rizzi, S. Stoll, N. Senesi, J. Buffle. A transmission electron microscopy study of fractal
properties and aggregation processes of humic acids. Soil Sci. 169, 765-775 (2004).
J. A. Galantini, N. Senesi, G. Brunetti, R. Rosell. Influence of texture on the nitrogen and sulphur
status and organic matter distribution and quality in semiarid Pampean grassland soils of
Argentina. Geoderma 123, 143-152 (2004).
G. Brunetti, V. La Ghezza, D. Mondelli, N. Senesi. Effetti dell’ammendamento con compost sulle
caratteristiche degli acidi umici del suolo. Boll. Soc. Ital. Sci. Suolo, vol. 53 (1/2), 169-175, (2004).
E.I. Bertoncini, V. D’Orazio, N. Senesi, M.E. Mattiazzo. Humic acids isolated from two biosolidamended Brazilian Oxisols. Proc. 20th Ann. Conf. IHSS (IHSS 12), July 2004, São Pedro, 650-653
C. Plaza, N. Senesi, G. Brunetti, D. Mondelli. Evolution of humic acid properties during co-composting
of olive oil mill wastewater sludge mixed with tree cuttings. Proc. 20th Ann. Conf. IHSS (IHSS 12),
July 2004, São Pedro, 480-482 (2004).
N. Senesi. Humic acids in composted materials and in compost-amended soils. Proc. 20th Ann. Conf.
IHSS (IHSS 12), July 2004, São Pedro, 433-436 (2004).
M.R. Provenzano, G. Gigliotti, A. Cilenti, F. Erriquens, N. Senesi. Spectroscopic and thermal
investigation on hydrophobic and hydrophilic fractions of dissolved organic matter isolated from
various substrates. Proc. 20th Ann. Conf. IHSS (IHSS 12), July 2004, São Pedro, 372-373 (2004).
M. Grasso, V. D’Orazio, N. Senesi. Spectroscopic characterization of soil organic matter fractions
from rhizosphere and bulk soils cultivated for tomato and artichoke. Proc. 20th Ann. Conf. IHSS
(IHSS 12), July 2004, São Pedro, 368-371 (2004).
J.C. Garcia-Jil, N. Senesi, C. Plaza, G. Brunetti, A. Polo. Assessment by fluorescence spectroscopy
of the long-term effects of municipal waste compost amendment on soil humic acids. Proc. 20th
Ann. Conf. IHSS (IHSS 12), July 2004, São Pedro, 345-347 (2004).
E. Margherita, G. Brunetti, V. La Ghezza, D. De Giorgio, N. Senesi. Influence of different tillage
practices and weed control systems on soil humic and fulvic acids. Proc. 20th Ann. Conf. IHSS
(IHSS 12), July 2004, São Pedro, 311-313 (2004).
T.J. Cary, A.J. Palazzo, T.L. Bashore, N. Senesi, G. Brunetti, C.E. Clapp, J.J. Clapp, M.H.B. Hayes,
K. Schmidt-Rohr, J.D. Mao. Isolation and characterization of humic acids in soil collected at juniper
butte range, Idaho. Proc. 20th Ann. Conf. IHSS (IHSS 12), July 2004, São Pedro, 175-177 (2004).
E.Loffredo, S. Laera, N. Senesi. Effects of soil humic acid on allelopathic potential of root exudates
from tomato plants. Proc. 20th Ann. Conf. IHSS (IHSS 12), July 2004, São Pedro, 145-147 (2004).
V. D’Orazio, C. Plaza, N. Senesi, A. Polo. Fluorescence properties of Copper (II) complexes with
humic and fulvic acids from pig slurry and amended and non-amended soils. Proc. 20th Ann. Conf.
IHSS (IHSS 12), July 2004, São Pedro, 103-105 (2004).
J. C. Garcia-Gil, C. Plaza, N. Senesi, G. Brunetti, A. Polo. Effects of sewage sludge amendment on
humic acid properties and biogical and biochemical parameters of a semiarid Mediterranean soil.
Biol. Fert. Soils 39, 320-328 (2004).
J.C. Garcia-Gil, S.B. Ceppi, M.I. Velasco, A. Polo, N. Senesi. Long-term effects of municipal waste
compost on the elemental and acidic functional group composition and pH-buffer capacity of soil
humic acids. Geoderma 121, 135-142 (2004).
G. Ferrara, E. Loffredo, N. Senesi. Anticlastogenic, antitoxic and sorption effects of humic substances
on the mutagen maleic hydrazide tested in leguminous plants. Eur. J. Soil Sci. 55, 449-458 (2004).
M. R. Provenzano, V. D’Orazio, M. Jerzykiewicz, N. Senesi. Fluorescence behaviour of metal
complexes of humic acids from different sources. Chemosphere 55, 885-892 (2004).
N. Senesi, E. Loffredo. Adsorption/desorption processes of endocrine disruptor compounds in soil.
Proc. 7th ICOBTE, June 2003, Uppsala, Vol.1, 114-115 (2003).
C. Plaza, N. Senesi, A. Polo, G. Brunetti, J.C. Garcia-Gil, V. D’Orazio. Soil fulvic acid properties as
affected by pig slurry application. Soil & Tillage Res. 74, 179-190 (2003).
G. Ferrara, G. Brunetti, N. Senesi, D. Mondelli, V. La Ghezza. Total and potentially phytotoxic trace
metals in Southeastern italian soils. Food, Agric. & Environ. 1, 279-286 (2003).
G. Brunetti, E. Margherita, V. La Ghezza, D. De Giorgio, Senesi N. The effect of different tillage
practices and weed control systems on the chemical and molecular parameters of soil humic
substances. Proc. Internat. Soil Tillage Res. Organisation Conf., 2003, 226-234 (2003).
N. Senesi, V. D’Orazio, G. Ricca. Humic Acids in the First Generation of EUROSOILS. Geoderma,
116, 325-334 (2003).
P.A. Soler Rovira, G. Brunetti, A. Polo, N. Senesi. Effects of amendment with composted sludge on
soil humic acid properties. Compost Science & Utilization, 11, 176-184 (2003).
P.M. Huang, J.M. Bollag, N. Senesi. Interactions of Soil Particles and Microorganisms and their
Impact on the Terrestrial Environment. IUPAC Series on Analytical and Physical Chemistry of
Environmental Systems, Vol. 8, Wiley, New York, pp. 566 (2002).
N. Senesi, G. Brunetti, V. La Ghezza. The effect of organic amendment on native soil humic
substances, with emphasis on the use of olive-oil mill wastewaters. In: Innovative Soil-Plant
Systems for Sustainable Agricultural Practices (J. M. Lynch, J. S. Schepers, I. Inver, Eds.), OECD
Publ., Paris, 243-263 (2002).
J.A. Galantini, R.A. Rosell, G. Brunetti, N. Senesi. Dinamica y calidad de las fracciones organicas de
un Haplustoll durante la rotacion trigo-leguminosas. Ciencias del Suelo, 20, 17-26 (2002).
S.C. De Oliveira, M.R. Provenzano, M.R. Santiago-Silva, N. Senesi. Maturity degree of composts
from domestic solid wastes evaluated by differential scanning calorimetry. Environ. Technol. 23,
1099-1105 (2002).
M. R. Provenzano, V. D’Orazio, M. Jerzykiewicz, N. Senesi. Fluorescence behavior of metal
complexes of humic acids from different sources. Proc. 20th Ann. Conf. IHSS (IHSS 11), July 2002,
Boston, 288-290 (2002).
J. Galantini, R. Rosell, G. Brunetti, N. Senesi. Fertilization effects on soil organic matter quality under
different production systems in semiarid pampean soils. Proc. 20th Ann. Conf. IHSS (IHSS 11), July
2002, Boston, 258-260 (2002).
G. Brunetti, V. La Ghezza, N. Senesi. Quality of humic acids in raw and composted olive oil mill solid
wastes. Proc. 20th Ann. Conf. IHSS (IHSS 11), July 2002, Boston, 255-257 (2002).
E. Loffredo, G. Ferrara, N. Senesi. Adsorption and desorption of the plant mutagen maleic hydrazide
by two soil humic acids. Proc. 20th Ann. Conf. IHSS (IHSS 11), July 2002, Boston, 176-178 (2002).
C. Plaza, N. Senesi, J.C. Garcia-Gil, G. Brunetti, V. D’Orazio, A. Polo. Effects of pig slurry application
on soils and soil humic acids. J. Agric. Food Chem. 50, 4867-4874 (2002).
P.A. Soler Rovira, G. Brunetti, A. Polo, N. Senesi. Comparative chemical and spectroscopic
characterization of humic acids from sewage sludges and sludge-amended soils. Soil Science,
167, 235-245 (2002).
F. Capitelli, Colao F., Provenzano M.R., Fantoni R., Brunetti G., Senesi N. Determination of heavy
metals in soil by laser induced breakdown spectroscopy. Geoderma, 106, 45-62 (2002).
H. Dizer, B. Fischer, I. Sepulveda, E. Loffredo, N. Senesi, F. Santana, P.-D. Hansen. Estrogenic
effect of leachates and soil extracts from lysimeters spiked with sewage sludge and reference
endocrine disruptors. Environ. Toxicol., 17, 105-112 (2002).
A. Ouatmane, V. D’Orazio, M. Hafidi, N. Senesi. Chemical and physico chemical characterization of
humic-acid like material from composts. Compost Science & Utilization, 10, 39-46 (2002).
J. Dec, P.M. Huang, N. Senesi, J.M. Bollag. Impact of interactions of mineral colloids and
microorganisms on transformation of organic pollutants. In: Interactions of Soil Particles and
Microorganisms and their Impact on the Terrestrial Environment (P.M. Huang, J.M. Bollag, N.
Senesi, Eds.), IUPAC Series on Analytical and Physical Chemistry of Environmental Systems, Vol.
8, Wiley, New York, Ch. 8, 323-378 (2002).
N. Senesi, L. Boddy. A fractal approach for interactions between soil particles and Microorganisms.
In: Interactions of Soil Particles and Microorganisms and their Impact on the Terrestrial
Environment (P.M. Huang, J.M. Bollag, N. Senesi, Eds.), IUPAC Series on Analytical and Physical
Chemistry of Environmental Systems, Vol. 8, Wiley, New York, Ch. 2, 41-83 (2002).
E. Loffredo, N. Senesi. Sorption and release of endocrine disruptors compounds onto/from surface
and deep horizons of two sandy soils. In: Soil Mineral-Organic Matter-Microorganism Interactions
and Ecosystem Health (A. Violante, P.M. Huang, J.-M. Bollag, L. Gianfreda, Eds.), Developments
in Soil Science, Vol. 28A, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 143-159 (2002).
C.E. Clapp, M.H.B. Hayes, N. Senesi, P.R. Bloom, P.M. Jardine. Humic Substances and Chemical
Contaminants. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA, Madison, WI, pp. 502 (2001).
E. I. Bertoncini, V. D’Orazio, N. Senesi, M. E. Mattiazzo. Espectros de fluorescencia de acidos
humicos e fulvicos isolados de latossolos tratados com biossolido. Proc. 4th Encontro Brasil de
Substancias Humicas-IHSS, November 2002, Vicosa (Brazil), 108-110 (2001).
M. R. Provenzano, S. C. de Oliveira, M. R. Santiago Silva and N. Senesi. Assessment of maturity
degree of composts from domestic solid wastes by fluorescence and Fourier transform infrared
spectroscopies. J. Agric. Food Chem., 49, 5874-5879 (2001).
N. Senesi, G. Brunetti, T.M. Miano. Qualità ed utilità della sostanza organica. In: I sottoprodotti dei
Frantoi Oleari. Progetto Panda-MIPAF, Vol. n. 3, Ediz. L’Informatore Agrario, Verona, Cap. X, 163173 (2001).
G. Ferrara, E. Loffredo, N. Senesi. Antimutagenic and antitoxic actions of humic substances on
seedlings of monocotyledon and dicotyledon plant species. In: Humic Substances: Structures,
Models and Functions (E.A. Ghabbour and G. Davies, Eds.), Royal Soc. of Chemistry, London,
361-371 (2001).
N. Senesi, E. Loffredo, V. D’Orazio, G. Brunetti, T.M. Miano, P. La Cava. Adsorption of pesticides by
humic acids from organic amendments and soils. In: Humic Substances and Chemical
Contaminants (C.E. Clapp, M.H.B. Hayes, N. Senesi, P.R. Bloom, P.M. Jardine, Eds.), Soil
Science Soc. of America, Inc., Madison, WI, Ch. 6, 129-153 (2001).
N. Senesi, E. Loffredo. Soil Humic Substances. In: Biopolymers, Volume 1: Lignin, Humic Substances
and Coal (M. Hofrichter and A. Steinbuechel, eds.), Wiley-VCH Verlag, Weinheim, Germany, Ch.
9, 247-301 (2001).
G. Ferrara, E. Loffredo, N. Senesi. Aquatic humic substances inhibit clastogenic events in
germinating seeds of herbaceous plants. J. Agric. Food Chem. 49, 1652-1657 (2001).
S.C. De Oliveira, V. D’Orazio, M.R. Santiago-Silva, N. Senesi. Acidi umo-simili da compost di rifiuti
solidi urbani. Atti XVIII Conv. Naz. SICA, Catania 2000, Edit. Bibl. Milano, 11-20 (2001).
G. Brunetti, D. Mondelli, N. Senesi. Caratterizzazione chimica e chimico-fisica dei suoli Pugliesi. Atti
XVIII Conv. Naz. SICA, Catania 2000, Edit. Bibl. Milano, 21-28 (2001).
G. Ferrara, E. Loffredo, R. Simeone, N. Senesi. Antimutagenic and/or desmutagenic effects of humic
and fulvic acids on root tips of Vicia faba. Environ. Toxicol. 15, 513-717 (2000).
G. Brunetti, D. Ferri, D. Mondelli, N. Senesi. Qualità della sostanza organica dei reflui oleari ed effetti
dell’applicazione al suolo. Agricoltura Ricerca, 187, 95-104 (2000).
E. Loffredo, M. Pezzuto, N. Senesi. Adsorption-desorption of environmental endocrine disruptors onto
humic acids from soils and urban sludges. In: Humic Substances: versatile components of plants,
soils and water (E.A. Ghabbour and G. Davies, eds.), Royal Society of Chemistry, London, UK,
191-203 (2000).
A. Ouatmane, V. D’Orazio, M. Hafidi, J.C. Revel, N. Senesi. Particle weight distribution, elemental, FT
IR and fluorescence spectroscopy characterization of humic acids by gel permeation
chromatography. Agronomie 20, 491-504 (2000).
M.R. Provenzano, A. Ouatmane, M. Hafidi, N. Senesi. Differential scanning calorimetric analysis of
composted materials from different sources. J. Thermal Analysis Calorim. 61, 607-614 (2000).
A. Ouatmane, M.R. Provenzano, M. Hafidi, J.C. Revel, N. Senesi. Monitoring composts maturity by
direct differential scanning calorimetry. Proc. 10th Int. Meeting of IHSS, July 2000, Toulouse, Vol. 2,
1125-1128 (2000).
S.C. de Oliveira, M.R. Provenzano, M.R. Silva, N. Senesi. Evaluation of maturity degree in composts
from domestic solid wastes by differential scanning calorimetry. Proc. 10th Int. Meeting of IHSS,
July 2000, Toulouse, Vol. 2, 1049-1051 (2000).
V. D’Orazio, C. Cocozza, T. Stevanovic Janezic, T.M. Miano, N. Senesi. Effects of application of
forest residues on spectroscopic properties of soil humic acids. Proc. 10th Int. Meeting of IHSS,
July 2000, Toulouse, Vol. 2, 703-706 (2000).
E. Loffredo, M. Pezzuto, N. Senesi. Adsorption of the endocrine disruptor 17 estradiol onto humic
acids from soils and sludges. Proc. 10th Int. Meeting of IHSS, July 2000, Toulouse, Vol. 1, 421-423
G. Ferrara, E. Loffredo, N. Senesi. Antimutagenic activity of humic and fulvic acids on root tip cells of
legume seedlings. Proc. 10th Int. Meeting of IHSS, July 2000, Toulouse, Vol. 1, 309-312 (2000).
J.C. Garcia-Gil, C. Plaza, G. Brunetti, V. D’Orazio, N. Senesi, A. Polo. Effects of municipal solid waste
compost application on chemical and spectroscopic properties of soil humic acids. Proc. 10th Int.
Meeting of IHSS, July 2000, Toulouse, Vol. 1, 187-190 (2000).
C. Plaza, J.C. Garcia-Gil, V. D’Orazio, G. Brunetti, N. Senesi, A. Polo. Chemical and spectroscopic
characterization of humic acids isolated from soils treated with pig slurry. Proc. 10th Int. Meeting of
IHSS, July 2000, Toulouse, Vol. 1, 183-186 (2000).
J. Galantini, R.A. Rosell, G. Brunetti, N. Senesi. Textural influence on quantity and quality of different
organic fractions in semiarid pampa soils. Proc. 10th Int. Meeting of IHSS, July 2000, Toulouse,
Vol. 1, 139-141 (2000).
V. La Ghezza, G.S.H. Lee, G. Brunetti, N. Senesi, M.A. Wilson. Spectroscopic characterization of
humic acids-like extracted from different kinds of organic amendments. Proc. 10th Int. Meeting of
IHSS, July 2000, Toulouse, Vol. 1, 125-128 (2000).
D.C. Olk, G. Brunetti, N. Senesi. Decrease in humification of organic matter with intensified lowland
rice cropping: FT-IR, fluorescence and ESR spectroscopies. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 64, 1337-1347
A. Ouatmane, M.R. Provenzano, M. Hafidi, N. Senesi. Compost maturity assessment using
calorimetry, spectroscopy and chemical analysis. Compost Science & Utilization 8, 124-134
D.C. Olk, N. Senesi. Properties of chemically extracted soil organic matter in intensively cropped
lowland rice soils. In: Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics in Flooded Soils (G.J.D. Kirk, D.C. Olk, Eds.),
IRRI Publ., Proc. IRRI Workshop, April 1999, Los Banos, Philippines, 65-87 (2000).
N. Senesi, R.G. Qualls, T.M. Miano. Proc. XIII ISEB “Matter and Energy Fluxes in the Anthropocentric
Environment”, Special Issue Organic Geochem. 30 (6) (1999).
G. Ferrara , E. Loffredo, R. Simeone, N. Senesi. Azione desmutagena e/o antimutagena di sostanze
umiche del suolo in piantine di Vicia faba. Atti IV Conv. Naz. Sez. Ital. IHSS “Le Ricerche di Base e
le Applicazioni delle Sostanze Umiche alle Soglie del 2000”, Alghero, 26-28 maggio 1999, 107-110
E. Loffredo, M. Pezzuto, G. Brunetti, N. Senesi. Interazioni tra composti ad attività estrogena
(“endocrine disruptors”) ed acidi umici. Atti IV Conv. Naz. Sez. Ital. IHSS “Le Ricerche di Base e le
Applicazioni delle Sostanze Umiche alle Soglie del 2000”, Alghero, 26-28 maggio 1999, 60-65
V. La Ghezza, G. Brunetti, C.E. Clapp, N. Senesi. Confronto tra indicatori chimici e parametri
strutturali e funzionali nella valutazione del livello di umificazione della sostanza organica. Atti IV
Conv. Naz. Sez. Ital. IHSS “Le Ricerche di Base e le Applicazioni delle Sostanze Umiche alle
Soglie del 2000”, Alghero, 26-28 maggio 1999, 27-33 (1999).
E.M. Tartaro, V. D’Orazio, G. Brunetti, N. Senesi. Acidi umici del suolo rizosferico a confronto con
acidi umici del suolo adiacente. Atti IV Conv. Naz. Sez. Ital. IHSS “Le Ricerche di Base e le
Applicazioni delle Sostanze Umiche alle Soglie del 2000”, Alghero, 26-28 maggio 1999, 19-24
M.R. Provenzano, N. Senesi. Thermal properties of standard and reference humic substances by
differential scanning calorimetry. J. Thermal Analysis Calorim. 57, 517-526 (1999).
N. Senesi. Aggregation patterns and macromolecular morphology of humic substances: a fractal
approach. Soil Sci. 164, 841-856 (1999).
N. Senesi, G. Brunetti, E. Loffredo, T.M. Miano. Abiotic catalytic humification of organic matter in olive
oil mill wastewaters. In: Understanding Humic Substances: Advanced Methods, Properties and
Applications (E.A. Ghabbour and G. Davies, eds.), Royal Society of Chemistry, London, UK, 9-17
D.C. Olk, G. Brunetti, N. Senesi. Organic matter in double-cropped lowland rice soils: chemical and
spectroscopic properties. Soil Sci. 164, 633-649 (1999).
G.S. Senesi, G. Baldassarre, N. Senesi, B. Radina. Trace elements inputs into soils by anthropogenic
activities and implications for human health. Chemosphere 39, 343-377 (1999).
V. D’Orazio, E. Loffredo, G. Brunetti, N. Senesi. Triallate adsorption onto humic acids of different
origin and nature. Chemosphere 39, 183-198 (1999).
E. Loffredo, V. D’Orazio, G. Brunetti, N. Senesi. Adsorption of chlordane onto humic acids from soils
and pig slurry. Organic Geochem. 30, 443-451 (1999).
N. Senesi, E. Loffredo. The Chemistry of Soil Organic Matter. In: Soil Physical Chemistry, 2nd Edit,
(D.L. Sparks, ed.),. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Ch. 6, 239-370 (1999).
N. Senesi, J.A. Rice, T.M. Miano. Matter and Energy Fluxes in the Anthropocentric Environment.
Selected papers presented at the XIII ISEB, Monopoli (Bari), Italy, 21-26 september 1997, Special
Issue Chemosphere 39 (2) (1999).
P.M. Huang, N. Senesi, J. Buffle. Structure and Surface Reactions of Soil Particles. IUPAC Series on
Analytical and Physical Chemistry of Environmental Systems, Vol. 4, Wiley, New York, pp. 492
M.V. Cheshire, N. Senesi. Electron spin resonance spectroscopy of organic and mineral soil particles.
In: Structure and Surface Reactions of Soil Particles (P.M. Huang, N. Senesi, J. Buffle, eds.),
IUPAC Series on Anal. Phys. Chem. Environ. Systems, Wiley, New York, Ch. 9, 325-373 (1998).
I. Okuda, N. Senesi. Fractal principles and methods applied to the chemistry of sorption onto
environmental particles. In: Structure and Surface Reactions of Soil Particles (P.M. Huang, N.
Senesi, J. Buffle, eds.), IUPAC Series on Anal. Phys. Chem. Environ. Systems, Wiley, New York,
Ch. 3, 77-105 (1998).
M.R. Provenzano, N. Senesi, G. Piccone. Thermal and spectroscopic characterization of compost
from municipal solid wastes. Compost. Science and Utilization 6 (3), 67-73 (1998).
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A.S. Mangrich, A.W. Lermen, E.J. Santos, R.C. Gomes, R.R.R. Coelho, L.F. Linhares, N. Senesi.
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Consapevole delle sanzioni penali, nel caso di dichiarazioni non veritiere, di formazione o uso di atti
falsi, richiamate dall’art. 76 del D.P.R. 445/2000, dichiaro che quanto sopra corrisponde a verità. Ai sensi
della legge 675/96 dichiaro, altresì, di essere informato che i dati personali raccolti saranno trattati,
anche con strumenti informatici, esclusivamente nell’ambito del procedimento per il quale la presente
dichiarazione viene resa e che al riguardo competono al sottoscritto tutti i diritti previsti all’art. 13 della
medesima legge. prof. Nicola Senesi