Bibliografia CSERPE 2008–2012


Bibliografia CSERPE 2008–2012
Migration and Theological Sciences. A Bibliographic Review
(Update 2008-2012)
Edited by Studien- und Bildungszentrum für Migrationsfragen, CSERPE, Basel
List of keywords
You can use the following key-words for the automatic search in the bibliography (p. 5)
Themes and theological disciplines
Being a pilgrim
Being a poor see also poverty
Being a stranger
Biblical figures:
- Abraham
- Good Samaritan
- Mary
- Ruth
- Tobit
Biblical theology (you can also search for
the single biblical books: Genesis, Luke…):
- Ancient East
- Old Testament:
- Prophets
- Psalms
- New Testament:
- Corpus Paulinum
- Apocrypha
Bonomelli G.
Bosco G.
Cabrini F.S.
Canon law
Catholic church
Church documents
Church Fathers see also patristic theology
Common good
Cross-culture see also intercultural
Diversity see alterity
Eastern churches
Emigration of Christians
Ethnic conflicts
Ethnic minorities
Ethnic missions
Evangelisation see also new evangelisation
Feministic theology
Foreign priests
Fundamental human rights
Fundamental theology
Guanella L.
Hinduism see also religions
Historical aspects:
- early Christians
Hospitality see welcome
Human dignity
Intercultural dialogue see also cross-culture
Intercultural education see also crossculture
Intercultural theology
Internal migration
Inter-religious dialogue
Irregular migrants
Irregular migration
Islam see also religions
Italian Catholic Missions
Jewish religion see also religions
Lay people
Local church
Mass media
Migration policy
Missionaries of St. Charles – Scalabrinians
Missionary Sisters of St. Charles – Scalabrinians
Mixed marriages
Moral theology
Multiculturalism see also cross-culture
New evangelisation
see also evangelisation
Orthodox churches
Pallotti V.
Pastoral theology:
- circus people
- foreign students
- itinerant people
- migrants
- refugees
- road/street
- seamen
- youth
Patristic theology see also Church Fathers
Pentecostal/Charismatic churches
People of God
Personal parish see ethnic missions
Pilgrim church see also being a pilgrim
Popular religiosity
Poverty see also being a poor
Protestant churches
Religious congregations among migrants
see religious orders among migrants
Religious orders among migrants
Religious orders and internationality
Religious pedagogy see also school
Right of asylum
Sanctuary movement
Sarto G.
Scalabrini G.B.
Scalabrinian Secular Missionary Women
Second generations
Social doctrine of the church see also
church documents
Spiritual theology:
- biblical elements
Spirituality of the exodus
Systematic theology:
- ecclesiology
- Trinity
Theology of migration
Unity in diversity
Universality of the church
Voluntary work
Biblical books
Old Testament
 Genesis
 Exodus
 Leviticus
 Numbers
 Deuteronomy
 Joshua
 Judges
 Ruth
 1 Samuel
 2 Samuel
 1 Kings
 2 Kings
 1 Chronicles
 2 Chronicles
 Ezra
 Nehemiah
 Tobit
 Judith
 Esther
 1 Maccabees
 2 Maccabees
 Job
 Psalms
 Proverbs
 Ecclesiastes
 The Song of Songs
 Wisdom
 Sirach
 Isaiah
 Jeremiah
 Lamentations
 Baruch
 Ezekiel
 Daniel
 Hosea
 Joel
 Amos
 Obadiah
 Jonah
 Micah
 Nahum
 Habakkuk
 Zephaniah
 Haggai
 Zechariah
 Malachi
New Testament
 Matthew
 Mark
 Luke
 John
 Acts
 Romans
 1 Corinthians
 2 Corinthians
 Galatians
 Ephesians
 Philippians
 Colossians
 1 Thessalonians
 2 Thessalonians
 1 Timothy
 2 Timothy
 Titus
 Philemon
 Hebrews
 James
 1 Peter
 2 Peter
 1 John
 2 John
 3 John
 Jude
 Revelation
Geographical areas and ethnic groups
African Americans
Asian Americans
Caribbean people
Great Britain
Hong Kong
Latin America
Latin Americans
North America
South America
Sri Lankans
United States
"Fui emigrante y me acogisteis". XXVII Congreso de Teología. 6-9 septiembre de 2007,
Madrid, Evangelio y Liberación, 2007, 219 p.
pastoral theology; Spain; Catholic church; Protestant churches; biblical theology; woman;
cross-culture; inter-religious dialogue; welcome; solidarity; Africa
I movimenti religiosi e alternativi tra i migranti, «Religioni e Sette nel mondo», 2, 2008, 192 p.
pastoral theology; inter-religious dialogue ; ecumenism; sects
Le migrazioni nell'era della globalizzazione. Quale etica sociale cristiana? Quale legislazione
giusta?, «Rivista di Teologia Morale», (40), 160, 2008, pp. 471-522.
moral theology; ethics; social doctrine of the church
Le religioni degli immigrati come fattore di dis/integrazione sociale, «Religioni e sette nel
mondo», 1, 2009, 171 p.
inter-religious dialogue; Italy; religions
L'exil. Arrachement et enracinement, «Christus», 230, 2011, pp. 133-212.
exile; biblical theology; testimonials; refugees; Church documents; biblical figures: Abraham;
patristic theology; spirituality
Migration in unserer Zeit, «Lebendiges Zeugnis», (66), 3, 2011, pp. 161-240.
systematic theology; pastoral theology; biblical theology; moral theology; catholicity; Africans;
Germany; Catholic church
O mundo migrante: passos para uma teologia e espiritualidade, «Revista Espaços», (14), 1,
2006, 125 p.
spiritual theology; biblical theology; moral theology; pastoral theology; ecumenism; interreligious dialogue; systematic theology: Trinity
Pellegrinaggi santuari miracoli nel mondo cristiano tra storia e letteratura. Atti del Convegno
Internazionale di Studi in occasione dei 40 anni di fondazione della "Rivista di Storia e
Letteratura Religiosa" (1965-2005). Torino-Mondovì, Santuario di Vicoforte, 22-24 settembre
2005, «Rivista di Storia e Letteratura Religiosa», (42), 3, 2006, pp. 475-639.
pilgrimage; historical aspects; popular religiosity
Una sola famiglia umana. Giornata mondiale delle migrazioni, 16 gennaio 2011, «Servizio
Migranti», (20), 5, 2010, pp. 369-417.
pastoral theology; biblical theology; family; Catholic church
Zuwanderung und Integration, «AMOS-International», (1), 3, 2007, pp. 1-39.
ethics; integration; Germany; moral theology
AA.VV; Congregazione per l'Educazione Cattolica; Associazione Cattolica
Internazionale degli Istituti di Scienze dell'Educazione (a cura di)
Educazione interculturale e pluralismo religioso, Città del Vaticano, Libreria Editrice Vaticana,
2009, 243 p.
intercultural education; religions; pluralism; cross-culture
Adeney, Miriam
Colorful initiatives. North American diasporas in mission, «Missiology», (39), 1, 2011, pp. 523.
missiology; Chinese; Filipinos; Japanese; United States
Adogame, Afe; Gerloff, Roswith;Hock, Klaus (eds.)
Christianity in Africa and the African diaspora. The appropriation of a scattered heritage,
London-New York, Continuum, 2008, xiv, 354 p.
Africans; emigration of Christians; missiology; Germany; Great Britain; Netherlands; Europe;
Protestant churches; Pentecostal/Charismatic churches; sects
Adogame, Afe; Wiessköppel, Cordula (eds.)
Religion in the context of African migration, «Bayreuth African Studies», 75, 2005, 366 p.
Africans; Protestant churches; Pentecostal/Charismatic churches; sects; missiology; Europe;
Israel; United States; Germany; Great Britain
Affronti, Mario
La pastorale dell'accoglienza: aprire spazi... costruire traiettorie, «Servizio Migranti», (21), 6,
2011, pp. XI-XVIII.
pastoral theology; welcome; integration; cross-culture
Aguirre, Rafael
Das vielfältige Erbe innerhalb des Christentums: Jerusalem contra Athen?, «Concilium», (45),
2, 2009, pp. 138-147.
biblical theology; historical aspects; identity; universality
Ai, Juhong; Huang, Jianbo
Strangers on the edge of the city: the faith and social life of Christian migrant workers, «China
Study Journal», (22), 2, 2007, pp. 47-62.
missiology; China; Chinese
Anthony, Francis-Vincent
Desenraizamento e acolhida: fundamentos para uma pastoral migratória, «Revista
Interdisciplinar da Mobilidade Humana REHMU», (20), 38, 2012, pp. 195-212.
pastoral theology; welcome; anthropology; systematic theology
Anthony, Francis-Vincent
Fondamenti cristiani per una pastorale migratoria attuale, in Bentoglio, Gabriele (a cura di),
Sfide alla chiesa in cammino. Strutture di pastorale migratoria, Roma, Urbaniana University
Press, 2010, pp. 77-92.
pastoral theology; welcome; systematic theology: ecclesiology; biblical figures: Abraham
Anthony, Francis-Vincent
Integrazione ecclesiale nell'ottica educativa, «Servizio Migranti», (21), 2, 2011, pp. 119-127.
pastoral theology; integration; cross-culture
Anyabwile, Thabiti M.
The decline of African American theology: from biblical faith to cultural captivity, Downers
Grove, IL, InterVarsity Press, 2007, 254 p.
United States; Africans; historical aspects
Appel, Kurt
Il dono dell'ospite. L'altro noi, «Il Regno - Attualità», (54), 10, 2009, pp. 349-352.
welcome; philosophy; fundamental theology
Appi, Franco
Per una rilettura del volto missionario delle parrocchie in un mondo che cambia,
«Orientamenti Pastorali», (57), 1, 2009, pp. 8-18.
pastoral theology; parish; pluralism
Arantes Nasser, Ana Cristina; Dornelas, Sidnei Marco
Pastoral do migrante. Relações e mediações, São Paulo, Centro de Estudios Migratórios,
2008, 367 p.
pastoral theology; Brazil
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Christlicher Kirchen in Baden-Württemberg (Hrsg.)
"Ich bin ein Fremder gewesen und ihr habt mich aufgenommen": als Kirche zusammenleben
mit Menschen anderer Herkunft, Sprache und Religion, Stuttgart, ACK, 2008, 47 p.
Catholic church; Protestant churches; Germany; pastoral theology
Ausloos, Hans
The "Angel of YHWH" in Exod. xxiii 20-33 and Judg. ii 1-5. A clue to the "Deuteronom(ist)ic"
puzzle?, «Vetus Testamentum», (58), 1, 2008, pp. 1-12.
biblical theology: Old Testament: Exodus, Judges; spirituality of the exodus
Awabdy, Mark A.
Babel, suspense, and the introduction to the Terah-Abram narrative, «Journal for the Study of
the Old Testament», (35), 1, 2010, pp. 3-29.
biblical theology: Old Testament: Genesis; biblical figures: Abraham; Babel; language
Baggio, Fabio
Die Verschiedenheit in der trinitarischen Gemeinschaft. Anregungen zur Reflexion über eine
Theologie der Migration, «Concilium», (44), 5, 2008, pp. 575-584.
systematic theology: Trinity; unity in diversity
Baggio, Fabio
La diversità nella comunione trinitaria. Spunti di riflessione per una "teologia delle migrazioni",
«Concilium», (44), 5, 2008, pp. 92-104.
systematic theology: Trinity; unity in diversity
Baggio, Fabio
Migrazione e sviluppo: l'eticizzazione del nesso, «Revista Interdisciplinar da Mobilidade
Humana REMHU», (17), 33, 2009, pp. 213-233.
moral theology; ethics; rights
Baggio, Fabio; Brazal, Agnes M. (eds.)
Faith on the move. Toward a theology of migration in Asia, Quezon City, Ateneo de Manila
University Press, 2008, xx, 261 p.
systematic theology; biblical theology; pastoral theology; Asia
Bahr, Hans-Dieter
L'ospite, il suo dono. Sull'accoglienza: riflessioni filosofiche e teologiche, «Il Regno Attualità», (54), 10, 2009, pp. 339-348.
welcome; philosophy; moral theology
Bailey, Randall C.; Liew, Tat-Siong Benny; Segovia, Fernando F. (eds.)
They were all together in one place? Toward minority biblical criticism, Leiden/Boston, Brill,
2009, xiv, 397 p.
biblical theology: Old Testament, New Testament; ethnicity; Latin Americans; African
Americans; Asians; Asian Americans; ethnic minorities
Barrera, Diana E.
Somos su pueblo, «Missiology», (39), 1, 2011, pp. 39-43.
Latin Americans; missiology; United States
Battistella, Graziano (a cura di)
Migrazioni. Dizionario socio-pastorale, Cinisello Balsamo (Milano), Edizioni San Paolo, 2010,
1120 p.
pastoral theology; biblical theology: Old Testament, New Testament; catholicity; welcome;
integration; refugees; Bonomelli G.; Cabrini F.S.; Bosco G.; woman; irregular migration;
migration policy; Scalabrinians; Missionaries of St. Charles - Scalabrinians; Missionary Sisters
of St. Charles - Scalabrinians; Scalabrinian Secular Missionary Women; religious orders
among migrants; sociology
Battistella, Graziano (a cura di)
Migrazioni: questioni etiche, Roma, Urbaniana University Press, 2008, 261 p., Quaderni SIMI,
ethics; moral theology; rights; globalization; pluralism
Battistella, Graziano
I contributi dell'etica alla gestione delle migrazioni, in Tassello, Giovanni Graziano (a cura di),
Migrazioni e teologia. Sviluppi recenti, «Studi Emigrazione», (47), 178, 2010, pp. 346-376.
ethics; moral theology; migration policy; justice; social doctrine of the Church
Battistella, Graziano
Immigrazione tra libertà e controllo: una tensione perenne, in Battistella, Graziano (a cura di),
Migrazioni: questioni etiche, Roma, Urbaniana University Press, 2008, pp. 9-49.
moral theology; ethics
Bechmann, Ulrike
Fremdsein in der Bibel, in Strube, Sonja (Hrsg.), Fremde Frauen, Stuttgart, Verlag
Katholisches Bibelwerk, 2010, pp. 12-19.
woman; being a stranger; biblical theology: Old Testament
Becking, Bob; Human Dirk (eds.)
Exile and suffering. A selection of papers read at the 50th anniversary meeting of the Old
Testament Society of South Africa OTWSA/OTSSA, Pretoria August 2007, Leiden, Brill, 2009,
xviii, 280 p.
exile; biblical theology: Old Testament
Bellia, Giuseppe
L'accoglienza come pre-requisito alla comunione, in Bentoglio, Gabriele (a cura di), Sulle
orme di Paolo. Dall'annuncio tra le culture alla comunione tra i popoli, Roma, Urbaniana
University Press, 2009, pp. 125-155.
biblical theology: New Testament: Corpus Paulinum; welcome; communion
Beneduzi, Luis Fernando
Imigração italiana e catolicismo: entrecruzando olhares, discutindo mitos, Porto Alegre,
PUCRS, 2008, 122 p.
Brazil; Italians; historical aspects; pastoral theology
Bentoglio, Gabriele (a cura di)
Sfide alla chiesa in cammino. Strutture di pastorale migratoria, Roma, Urbaniana University
Press, 2010, 166 p., Quaderni SIMI, 8.
pastoral theology; Canon law; parish; ethnic missions
Bentoglio, Gabriele (a cura di)
Sulle orme di Paolo. Dall'annuncio tra le culture alla comunione tra i popoli, Roma, Urbaniana
University Press, 2009, 270 p., Quaderni SIMI, 7.
biblical theology: New Testament: Corpus Paulinum; welcome; communion; cross-culture;
Bentoglio, Gabriele
Famiglia e migranti nella prospettiva di Dt 5,12-16, «Servizio Migranti», (20), 2, 2010, pp. 7785.
biblical theology: Deuteronomy; family; universality
Bentoglio, Gabriele
Guidelines for the pastoral care of the road/street, in Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care
of Migrants and Itinerant People (ed.), 1st Integrated Meeting on the pastoral care of the
road/street for the continents of Asia and Oceania. Bangkok, 19th-23rd October 2010,
«People on the Move», (41), 115, 2011,
pastoral theology: road/street; Church documents; woman; children
Bentoglio, Gabriele
Itinerant missionaries of the Church of the origin and evangelization: the challenge of
welcome and hospitality, «Revista Interdisciplinar da Mobilidade Humana REMHU», 2009,
pp. 193-212.
welcome; evangelization; biblical theology; migration; historical aspects: early Christians
Bentoglio, Gabriele
La sollecitudine della Santa Sede verso il fenomeno migratorio, in Bentoglio, Gabriele (a cura
di), Sfide alla chiesa in cammino. Strutture di pastorale migratoria, Roma, Urbaniana
University Press, 2010, pp. 131-147.
pastoral theology; Church documents; historical aspects; Catholic church
Bentoglio, Gabriele
L'istruzione "Erga migrantes caritas Christi" e l'ecclesiologia di comunione, «Servizio
Migranti», (21), 6, 2011, pp. III-XI.
systematic theology: ecclesiology; communion; Church documents
Bentoglio, Gabriele
Paolo e i migranti nella voce della chiesa, in Bentoglio, Gabriele (a cura di), Sulle orme di
Paolo. Dall'annuncio tra le culture alla comunione tra i popoli, Roma, Urbaniana University
Press, 2009, pp. 193-222, Quaderni SIMI, 7.
biblical theology: New Testament: Corpus Paulinum; church documents; evangelisation;
Berjonneau, Jean-François
Accueillir l'étranger... une utopie? 1992-1998: réflexion sur la Pastorale des migrants,
«Migrations Société», (24), 139, 2012, pp. 201-216.
France; pastoral theology; historical aspects; irregular migrants; solidarity; youth; ecumenism;
inter-religious-dialogue; Catholic church; Church documents
Berner, Ulrich
Mission and migration in the Roman Empire, in Adogame, Afe; Wiessköppel, Cordula (eds.),
Religion in the context of African migration, «Bayreuth African Studies Series», 75, 2005, pp.
missiology; historical aspects; emigration of Christians
Best, Wallace D.
Passionately human, no less divine: religion and culture in Black Chicago, Princeton,
Princeton University Press, 2005, 250 p.
historical aspects; United States; African Americans
Bianchi, Enzo
L'altro siamo noi, Torino, Einaudi, 2010, 82 p.
being a stranger; welcome; Islam; inter-religious dialogue
Bianchi, Enzo
Nel mistero della Trinità: unità, diversità, relazione, Magnano (BI), Qiqajon, 2005, 20 p.
systematic theology: Trinity
Bianchini, Francesco
Alla ricerca dell'identità dell'apostolo Paolo, «Rivista Biblica», (57), 1, 2009, pp. 43-69.
biblical theology: Corpus Paulinum; identity
Bidegain, Ana María
Transnationale Spiritualität leben. Die Situation lateinamerikanischer katholischer Familien in
Miami, «Concilium», (44), 5, 2008, pp. 592-606.
pastoral theology; spirituality; Latin Americans; United States
Bidegain, Ana María
Vivere una spiritualità transnazionale. Il caso delle famiglie cattoliche latinoamericane di
Miami, «Concilium», (44), 5, 2008, pp. 115-132.
pastoral theology; spirituality; Latin Americans; United States
Bieberstein, Sabine; Biberstein, Klaus
Keine Angst vor fremden Frauen: Das Buch Rut - politisch gesehen, in Strube, Sonja (Hrsg.),
Fremde Frauen, Stuttgart, Verlag Katholisches Bibelwerk, 2010, pp. 20-27.
biblical theology: Old Testment: Ruth; woman; being a stranger
Bingemer Lucchetti, Maria Clara
Migrações, desenraizamento e gênero. Uma leitura teológica e espiritual, «Revista Espaços»,
(14), 1, 2006, pp. 17-38.
spiritual theology; pastoral theology; woman; Latin Americans
Blanco Perez, Miguel
Das Auswandern ist so alt wie die Welt, in Migratio (Hrsg.), Migratio zwischen Babylon und
Pfingsten. Dokumentation 2/2008, Luzern, Migratio, 2008, pp. 3-14.
historical aspects; Spanish; Switzerland
Blount, Brian K. (ed.)
True to our native land: an African American New Testament commentary, Minneapolis,
Fortress Press, 2007, xx, 566 p.
biblical theology: New Testament; African Americans; United States
Boff, Leonardo
Atitudes e comportamentos de hospitalidade, «Revista Interdisciplinar da Mobilidade Humana
REMHU», (19), 36, 2011, pp. 229-236.
welcome; moral theology; ethics
Bosetti, Elena
Sandali e bisaccia, Assisi, Cittadella Editrice, 2010, 174 p.
biblical theology; being a pilgrim; spirituality
Bossert, Evangela
From Swiss Cloister to American frontier: the early history of the Benedectine Sisters of
Idaho. Part I, «American Benedictine Review», (58), 3, 2007, pp. 249-266.
United States; woman; Swiss; religious orders among migrants; historical aspects; Catholic
Bossert, Evangela
From Swiss Cloister to American frontier: the early history of the Benedectine Sisters of
Idaho. Part II, «American Benedictine Review», (58), 4, 2007, pp. 382-403.
United States; woman; Swiss; religious orders among migrants; historical aspects; Catholic
Botey Vallès, Jaume
Die Religion der Anderen. Der interreligiöse Dialog bei Ramón Llull, «Concilium», (44), 5,
2008, pp. 585-592.
inter-religious dialogue; philosophy
Botey Vallès, Jaume
La religione dell'altro. Il dialogo interreligioso in Raimondo Lullo, «Concilium», (44), 5, 2008,
pp. 105-114.
inter-religious dialogue ; philosophy
Bouma-Prediger, Steven; Walsh, Brian J.
Beyond homelessness: Christian faith in a culture of displacement, Grand Rapids, MI,
Eerdmans, 2008, xv, 361 p.
biblical theology; exile; to be a stranger; homeland
Bourgine, Benoît
Saint Paul et la philosophie. Crise du multiculturalisme et universel chrétien, «Revue
Théologique de Louvain», (40), 1, 2009, pp. 78-94.
philosophy; multiculturalism; fundamental theology; universality
Boyd, David
You don't have to cross the ocean to reach the world: the power of local cross-cultural
ministry, Grand Rapids, MI, Chosen, 2008, 197 p.
missiology; United States; cross-culture; Protestant churches
Brizzolara, Andrew
110 anni fa. Una "riedizione" dei 100 giorni della visita di Scalabrini in Nord America, «Studi
Emigrazione», (48), 184, 2011, pp. 533-563.
Scalabrini G.B.; historical aspects; United States; Italians
Bruni, Giancarlo
Dilatare lo sguardo. Lo straniero il denaro il creato, Assisi, Cittadella, 2010, 111 p.
biblical theology; spiritual theology; being a stranger; welcome
Buffon, Giuseppe; Pozzebon, M. Antonietta
Un altro francescanesimo. Francescane missionarie da Gemona a New York tra
immigrazione e servizio sociale, Milano, Edizioni Biblioteca Francescana, 2009, 410 p.
woman; United States; religious orders among migrants; Italians; historical aspects
Bünker, Arnd; Mundanjohl, Eva; Weckel, Ludger; Suermann, Thomas (Hrsg.)
Gerechtigkeit und Pfingsten. Viele Christentümer und die Aufgabe einer
Missionswissenschaft, Ostfildern, Grünewaldverlag, 2010, 268 p.
missiology; ecumenism; Protestant churches; Pentecostal/Charismatic churches
Burnside, Jonathan P.
Exodus and asylum: uncovering the relationship between biblical law and narrative, «Journal
for the Study of the Old Testament», (34), 3, 2010, pp. 243-266.
biblical theology: Old Testament, Exodus; right of asylum
Burnside, Jonathan P.
Flight of the fugitives: rethinking the relationship between biblical law (Exodus 21:12-14) and
the Davidic succession narrative (1Kings 1-2), «Journal of Biblical Literature», (129), 3, 2010,
pp. 418-431.
biblical theology: Exodus, 1Kings; right of asylum; exile
Caffagnini, Laura
L'iniziazione cristiana dei migranti: lo sguardo della "chiesa in carovana", «Servizio Migranti»,
(22), 2, 2012, pp. 111-118.
catechesis; pastoral theology: itinerant people; wlecome
Campese, Gioacchino
"But I see that somebody is missing": ecclesiology and exclusion in the context of
immigration, in Doyle, Dennis M.; Furry, Timothy J.; Bazzel, Pascal D., Ecclesiology and
exclusion. Boundaries of being and belonging in postmodern times, Maryknoll, NY, Orbis
Books, 2012, pp. 71-92.
systematic theology: ecclesiology; migration
Campese, Gioacchino
"Non sei più straniera, né ospite". La teologia delle migrazioni nel XXI secolo, in Tassello,
Giovanni Graziano (a cura di), Migrazioni e teologia. Sviluppi recenti, «Studi Emigrazione»,
(47), 178, 2010, pp. 317-345.
theology of migration; welcome; catholicity; systematic theology: ecclesiology; woman; being
a pilgrim; inter-religious dialogue; Latin Americans
Campese, Gioacchino
Chiesa cattolica e comunità ispano-americane, in Vaccaro, Luciano (a cura di), L'Europa e la
sua espansione religiosa nel continente nordamericano, Milano, Centro Ambrosiano, 2012,
pp. 515-546.
Latin Americans; United States; historical aspects; pastoral theology
Campese, Gioacchino
Hacia una teología desde la realidad de las migraciones. Método y desafíos, Mexico, Sistema
Universitario Jesuita, 2008, 156 p.
theology of migration; United States; border
Campese, Gioacchino
La théologie et les migrations: la redécouverte d'une dimension structurelle de la foi
chrétienne, «Migrations Société», (24), 139, 2012, pp. 135-155.
theology of migration; welcome; catholicity; systematic theology: ecclesiology; woman; being
a pilgrim; inter-religious dialogue; Latin Americans
Campese, Gioacchino
The irruption of migrants: theology of migration in the 21st century, «Theological Studies»,
(73), 1, 2012, pp. 3-32.
theology of migration; welcome; catholicity; systematic theology: ecclesiology; woman; being
a pilgrim; inter-religious dialogue; Latin Americans
Carbajo Núñez, Martín
Libertad y hospitalidad en María. Una perspectiva franciscana, «Antonianum», (84), 1, 2009,
pp. 35-64.
welcome; biblical figures: Mary; spirituality
Cardoso Pereira, Nancy
Por un mundo sin muros. Biblia y migración, «Revista de interpretación bíblica
latinoamericana», 63, 2009, 104 p.
biblical theology; Latin Americans; pastoral theology; welcome; spiritual theology
Carey, Patrick W.
Catholics in America: a history, Lanham, MD, Rowman & Littlefield, 2008, xi, 320 p.
historical aspects; Catholic church; United States
Carlotti, Paolo
Bene comune e migranti: inclusione od esclusione?, in Battistella, Graziano (a cura di),
Migrazioni: questioni etiche, Roma, Urbaniana University Press, 2008, pp. 63-119.
ethics; moral theology
Carlotti, Paolo
La convivenza ospitale nella società pluralista. Esigenze e problematiche etiche,
«Salesianum», (70), 2, 2008, pp. 371-386.
moral theology; ethics; welcome
Carosso, Giuseppe
Emigrazione. Un esodo che travalica i tempi. Implicazioni pastorali e religiose, Leumann (TO),
Elledici, 2010, 111 p.
pastoral theology; migration; evangelisation; popular religiosity
Carosso, Giuseppe
In cammino verso l'altro. Rintocchi di una campana d'oltralpe. Saggio di evangelizzazione e
catechesi in emigrazione, Leumann (TO), Elledici, 2009, 168 p.
pastoral theology; Italians; Belgium; France; catechesis; evangelisation
Carrière, Jean-Marie
"Au milieu des déportés". L'exil dans la tradition biblique, «Christus», 230, 2011, pp. 151-159.
exile; biblical theology; biblical figures: Abraham; spirituality
Carroll R., Daniel M.
Christians at the border: immigration, the church, and the Bible, Grand Rapids, MI, Baker
Academic, 2008, 176 p.
biblical theology; moral theology; welcome; Latin Americans; United States
Carroll, Michael P.
American Catholics in the Protestant imagination: rethinking the academic study of religion,
Baltimore, MD, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2007, xx, 221 p.
United States; historical aspects; Catholic church; Irish; Italians
Carter, J. Kameron
Race: a theological account, New York, NY, Oxford University Press, 2008, 504 p.
racism; historical aspects; systematic theology; African Americans
Casarella, Peter
Recognizing diversity after multiculturalism, «New Theology Review», (21), 4, 2008, pp. 1726.
pastoral theology; Latin Americans; United States; multiculturalism
Castronovo, Filippa
Risonanze ecclesiali del bimillenario della nascita di San Paolo, in Bentoglio, Gabriele (a cura
di), Sulle orme di Paolo. Dall'annuncio tra le culture alla comunione tra i popoli, Roma,
Urbaniana University Press, 2009, pp. 223-240.
biblical theology: New Testament: Corpus Paulinum; evangelisation; universality
Cavanaugh, William T.
Migrant, tourist, pilgrim, monk: mobility and identity in a global age, «Theological Studies»,
(69), 2, 2008, pp. 340-356.
moral theology; spirituality; globalization
Cazeaux, Jacques
La contre-épopée du désert: Essai sur Exode - Lévitique - Nombres, Paris, Cerf, 2007, 637 p.
biblical theology: Old Testament: Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers
Cervantes Gabarrón, José
Identidad religiosa de un pueblo en camino, «Revista Interdisciplinar da Mobilidade Humana
REMHU», (18), 34, 2010, pp. 185-215.
biblical theology: New Testament: 1 Peter; identity; being a stranger; migration
Chen-main Wang, Peter
Caring beyond national borders: the YMCA and Chinese Laborers in World War I Europe,
«Church History», (78), 2, 2009, pp. 327-349.
historical aspects; Protestant churches; Chinese; France
Chéno, Rémi
Penser l'unité de la réalité complexe de l'Église (Lumen Gentium 8). Perspectives pour una
nouvelle étape de la réflexion ecclésiologique catholique, «Revue Théologique de Louvain»,
(40), 3, 2009, pp. 341-359.
systematic theology: ecclesiology; unity in diversity
Chiandotto, Vannes (a cura di)
Annibale Giordani. A bordo del "Re d'Italia". Dall'Italia a New York su un piroscafo di
emigranti nel diario del 1907 di un cappellano, Pordenone, EFASCE, 2010, 95 p.
historical aspects; Italians; United States
Chiarello, Leonir Mario; Sanza Gutiérrez, Maria Isabel; Marchetto, Ezio (eds.)
Borders: walls or bridges. Proceedings of the First International Forum on Migration and
Peace. Antigua Guatemala, January 29-30.2009, New York, Scalabrini International Migration
Network, 2009, 380 p.
social doctrine of the Church; Scalabrinians; solidarity
Chike, Chigor
African Christianity in Britain: diaspora, doctrines and dialogue, Bloomington, IN, Author
House, 2007, 159 p.
missiology; Africans; Great Britain; pastoral theology
Christerson, Brad; Edwards, Korie L.; Emerson, Michael O.
Against all odds: the struggle for racial integration in religious organizations, New YorkLondon, New York University Press, 2005, 207 p.
pastoral theology; unity in diversity; United States; Protestant churches; racism; integration
Clark, Emily
Masterless mistresses: the New Orleans Ursulines and the development of a New World
society, 1727-1834, Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2007, xvi, 288 p.
historical aspects; United States; woman; Catholic church; religious orders among migrants
Cognoli, Virgigno; Labate, Paolo
Il solitario di Sydney. La missione di P. Angelo Ambrosoli di ritorno dall'isola di Rook, Roma,
PIME, 2008, 253 p.
historical aspects; Italians; Australia
Coindé, Henri
Saint-Bernard, 15 ans aprés. Une aventure humaine et spirituelle sans lendemain?,
«Migrations Société», (24), 139, 2012, pp. 185-200.
France; irregular migrants; sanctuary movement; Catholic church; solidarity
Colacrai, Angelo Paolo
Paolo l'apostolo di tutte le nazioni, in Bentoglio, Gabriele (a cura di), Sulle orme di Paolo.
Dall'annuncio tra le culture alla comunione tra i popoli, Roma, Urbaniana University Press,
2009, pp. 157-192, Quaderni SIMI, 7.
biblical theology: New Testament: Corpus Paulinum; universality
Congourdeau, Marie-Hélène
De l'exil à la migration. À propos de La migration d'Abraham de Philon, «Christus», 230,
2011, pp. 169-175.
exile; biblical figures: Abraham; patristic theology; spirituality
Connor, Phillip
A biblical missiology for North American people groups, Alpharetta, GA, Center for Missional
Research, 2006, 11 p.
missiology; protestant churches; United States; Canada; biblical theology
Cortesi, Alessandro; Nerozzi, Sebastiano (a cura di)
Migrazioni, incontro con l'altro. Identità, alterità, accoglienza, Firenze, Edizioni Nerbini, 2011,
325 p.
welcome; biblical theology; anthropology; philosophy; alterity; ethics; being a stranger;
systematic theology: Trinity; church documents; Catholic chuch; Protestant churches; interreligious dialogue; Islam; identity
Costanzo, Angelo
Solidarietà e immigrazione nella società acefala, «Bioetica e cultura», (18), 38, 2009, pp. 1524.
moral theology; solidarity
Cruz, Faustino M.
Immigrant faith communities as interpreters. Educating for Participatory Action, «New
Theology Review», (21), 4, 2008, pp. 27-37.
pastoral theology; United States
Cruz, Gemma Tulud
An intercultural theology of migration. Pilgrims in the wilderness, Leiden, Brill, 2010, 358 p.
woman; intercultural theology; Filipinos; Hong Kong
Cruz, Gemma Tulud
Between identity and security: theological implications of migration in the context of
globalization, «Theological Studies», (69), 2, 2008, pp. 357-375.
intercultural theology; globalization; woman
Cruz-Chia, Gemma
Filipina domestic workers in Hong Kong, in Wijsen, Frans; Schreiter, Robert (eds.), Global
Christianity: contested claims, Amsterdam-New York, Radopi, 2007, pp. 199-218.
Filipinos; Hong Kong; woman; pastoral theology; missiology
Cuda, Emilce
La mistica del exodo, «Revista Interdisciplinar da Mobilidade Humana REHMU», (19), 37,
2012, pp. 215-230.
moral theology; exodus; justice; poverty
Cuéllar, Gregory Lee
Voices of marginality. Exile and return in Second Isaiah 40-55 and the Mexican immigrant
experience, New York, Peter Lang, 2008, 174 p.
biblical theology: Old Testament: Isaiah; Mexicans; United States; exile
Dallmann, Hans-Ulrich
Das Recht, verschieden zu sein. Eine sozialethische Studie zu Inklusion und Exklusion im
Kontext von Migration, Gütersloh, Chr. Kaiser/Gütersloher Verlagshaus, 2002, 680 p.
ethics; moral theology; unity in diversity; universality; Germany; alterity
D'Ambrières, René; Ó Ciósain, Éamon
Irish bishops and clergy in exile in mid-seventeenth-century France, «Irish Historical Studies»,
(36), 141, 2008, pp. 16-37.
historical aspects; Irish; France; exile; Catholic church
Daniels, David D. III
Transcending the exclusionary ecclesial practices of racial hierarchies of authority: an early
Pentecostal trajectory, in Doyle, Dennis M.; Furry, Timothy J.; Bazzel, Pascal D., Ecclesiology
and exclusion. Boundaries of being and belonging in postmodern times, Maryknoll, NY, Orbis
Books, 2012, pp. 137-154.
systematic theology: ecclesiology; racism
De Andrade, William César
As tribos de Israel: exemplo histórico de empoderamento dos marginalizados, «Revista
Interdisciplinar da Mobilidade Humana REMHU», (17), 33, 2009, pp. 267-287.
biblical theology: Old Testament; migration; being a poor
De Béthune, Pierre-François
L'hospitalité sacrée entre le religions, Paris, Albin Michel, 2007, 218 p.
spirituality; welcome; inter-religious dialogue
De Certeau, Michel
L'Étranger ou l'union dans la différence, Paris, Éditions de Seuil, 2005, 208 p.
spiritual theology; being a stranger; unity in diversity
De Certeau, Michel
Lo straniero o l'unione nella differenza, Milano, Vita e Pensiero, 2010, 209 p.
spiritual theology; being a stranger; unity in diversity
De Dinechin, Renauld
Les migrants et la nouvelle évangélisation en Île-de-France, «Migrations Société», (24), 139,
2012, pp. 229-240.
France; new evangelisation; pastoral theology; parish; ethnic missions; solidarity; foreign
De Vallescar Palanca, Diana
Interculturalidad, in Aparicio, Ángel (ed.), Diccionario teológico de la vida consagrada, Madrid,
Claretianas, 2005, pp. 570-600.
religious orders and internationality; cross-culture; unity in diversity; intercultural education
De Vallescar Palanca, Diana
Ordensleben interkulturell. Eine neue Vision, Freiburg, Verlag Herder, 2008, 168 p.
religious orders and internationality; multiculturalism; unity in diversity; cross-culture
De Vallescar Palanca, Diana
Tender puentes, abrir caminos. Vida consagrada y multiculturalidad, Madrid, Publicaciones
Claretianas, 2007, 198 p.
religious orders and internationality; multiculturalism; unity in diversity
De Virgilio, Giuseppe
La vita come cammino dall'estraneità alla comunione nel pensiero e nell'opera di Paolo, in
Bentoglio, Gabriele (a cura di), Sulle orme di Paolo. Dall'annuncio tra le culture alla
comunione tra i popoli, Roma, Urbaniana University Press, 2009, pp. 93-124, Quaderni SIMI,
biblical theology: New Testament: Corpus Paulinum; communion; being a pilgrim
Delegazione Missioni Cattoliche Italiane in Germania e Scandinavia (a cura di)
Le nostre Missioni verso una nuova missione. Die Missionen auf dem Weg zu einer neuen
Mission. Convegno Nazionale 2009 delle Missioni/Comunità Cattoliche Italiane in Germania e
Scandinavia. Ludwigshafen, 14-18 settembre 2009, Frankfurt/Main, Delegazione Missioni
Cattoliche Italiane in Germania e Scandinavia, 2010, 96 p.
pastoral theology; Germany; Italians; Italian Catholic Missions; ethnic missions
Dempsey, Carol J.
The Exodus motif of liberation. Its grace and controversy, «The Bible Today», (47), 2, 2009,
pp. 81-86.
biblical theology: Old Testament: Exodus
Deselaers, Paul; Sattler, Dorothea
Gottes Wege gehen: die Botschaft von Abraham und Sara, Freiburg im Breisgau, Herder,
2007, 155 p.
biblical theology: Old Testament: Genesis; biblical figures: Abraham
Dieker, Alberta
A tree rooted in faith: a history of Queen of Angels monastery, Eugene, OR, Wipf and Stock,
2007, xii, 208 p.
historical aspects; United States; woman; Swiss; Catholic church
Dieker, Alberta
Rooted in faith: the early history of the Benedictine Sisters of Mt. Angel, Oregon, «American
Benedictine Review», (58), 4, 2007, pp. 357-375.
historical aspects; woman; religious orders among migrants; United States; Swiss; Catholic
Dillmann, Rainer
Fremd unter Fremden - Gott in unserer Welt, «Lebendiges Zeugnis», (66), 3, 2011, pp. 210216.
biblical theology: Genesis; New Testament; being a stranger
Dimensión Pastoral de la Movilidad Humana Área Pastoral de Migrantes (ed.)
"Migración, signo de los tiempos". VIII Taller Nacional de capacitación para la pastoral de
migrantes. 11-14 de septiembre de 2007, Tijuana, B.C., México, D.F., Dimensión Pastoral de
la Movilidad Humana, 2007, 146 p.
pastoral theology; theology of migration; Mexico; Catholic church
Dimensión Pastoral de la Movilidad Humana Área Pastoral de Migrantes (ed.)
"Sumando esfuerzos para una pastoral más vinculada a favor de los y las migrantes". IX
Taller Nacional de capacitación para la pastoral de migrantes, México, D.F., Dimensión
Pastoral de la Movilidad Humana, 2008,
Catholic church; pastoral theology; Mexico
Dimensión Pastoral de la Movilidad Humana Área Pastoral de Migrantes (ed.)
"Migración, kairós de nuestro tiempo". X Taller Nacional de Capacitación para la pastoral de
migrantes. 8 al 11 de septiembre de 2009, Cuatitlán Izcalli, Estado de México, México, D.F.,
Dimensión Pastoral de la Movilidad Humana, 2009,
Catholic church; pastoral theology; Mexico
Dornelas, Sidnei Marco
Fazer teologia a partir da alteridade do migrante, «Revista Espaços», (14), 1, 2006, pp. 5568.
Church documents; pastoral theology; catholicity
Downs, David J.
The specter of exile in the story of Jonah, «Horizons in Biblical Theology», (31), 1, 2009, pp.
biblical theology: Old Testament: Jonah; exile
Doyle, Dennis M.; Furry, Timothy J.; Bazzell, Pascal D. (eds.)
Ecclesiology and exclusion. Boundaries of being and belonging in postmodern times,
Maryknoll, NY, Orbis Books, 2012, 256 p.
systematic theology: ecclesiology; identity; racism; irregular migrants; ecumenism; crossculture; ethnic minorities; Catholic church; Protestant churches; migration
Drnjevic, Cyril
From "Bomb" to Butte: the establishment of Mount Angel Abbey. Part I, «American
Benedictine Review», (58), 4, 2007, pp. 404-432.
United States; woman; religious orders among migrants; Swiss; historical aspects; Catholic
Drnjevic, Cyril
From "Bomb" to Butte: the establishment of Mount Angel Abbey. Part II, «American
Benedictine Review», (59), 1, 2008, pp. 3-19.
United States; woman; religious orders among migrants; Swiss; historical aspects; Catholic
Duchrow, Ulrich
Ein Fremdling soll unter euch wohnen wie ein Einheimischer. Visionen für eine visionslose
Gesellschaft - Biblisch-theologische Grundlagen, in AA.VV., Aufnehmen oder Abschotten?
Möglichkeiten einer humanen Flüchtlingspolitik in Deutschland, Stuttgart, Evangelische
Akademie Baden/Evangelische Akademie Bad Boll/Flüchtlingsrat Baden-Württemberg, 2007,
pp. 4-13.
biblical theology: Old Testament; refugees; Germany
Dudek, Stephen S.
Becoming inclusive communities of faith. Biblical reflection and effective frameworks, «New
Theology Review», (21), 1, 2008, pp. 40-51.
pastoral theology; parish; United States
Dumas, Claude
"Voi siete nel cuore della chiesa" (Paolo VI). Congresso Nazionale Italiano Pastorale dei
Nomadi. Udine, 28 agosto 2009, «Servizio Migranti», (19), 6, 2009, pp. 511-520.
spirituality; pastoral theology: itinerant people
Dunning, Benjamin H.
Aliens and sojourners: self as other in early Christianity, Philadelphia, University of
Pennsylvania Press, 2009, 186 p.
historical aspects; being a stranger; biblical theology: New Testament: Apocrypha, Hebrews;
homeland; Patristic theology
Eckholt, Margit
Auf der Reise - oder: Migration und die Herausforderung der "Anders-Orte" für christliche
Identität, «Lebendiges Zeugnis», (66), 3, 2011, pp. 190-202.
fundamental theology; identity; theology of migration; welcome
Edayadiyil, George Cherian
Exodus event: its historical kernel: a study of the origin of the biblical people and the Egyptian
Exodus, Bangalore, Asian Trading Corporation, 2007, xvii, 156 p.
biblical theology: Old Testament: Exodus
Eichholzer, Erika
Sich durch Musik Gehör verschaffen - Beobachtungen in ghanaischen Migrationsgemeinden,
«Interkulturelle Theologie», (35), 1-2, 2009, pp. 111-125.
liturgy; Germany; Africans; Ghanaians; Pentecostal/Charismatic churches; pastoral theology
Elizondo, Virgilio
Jesus the Galilean Jew in Mestizo theology, «Theological Studies», (70), 2, 2009, pp. 262280.
systematic theology; identity; culture; Mexicans
Empereur, James; Fernández, Eduardo C.
La vida sacra. Contemporary Hispanic sacramental theology, Lanham, MD, Rowman &
Littlefield Publishers, 2006, viii, 336 p.
pastoral theology; systematic theology; Latin Americans
Ensalaco, Mark
The Catholic church and the immigration crisis in the Americas, in Doyle, Dennis M.; Furry,
Timothy J.; Bazzel, Pascal D., Ecclesiology and exclusion. Boundaries of being and belonging
in postmodern times, Maryknoll, NY, Orbis Books, 2012, pp. 65-70.
systematic theology: ecclesiology; migration; North America; South America; Catholic church
Erickson, John H.
Orthodox Christians in America: a short history, New York, Oxford University Press, 2008,
144 p.
United States; Orthodox churches; historical aspects
Erling, Maria; Granquist, Mark
The Augustana story: shaping Lutheran identity in North America, Minneapolis, MN, Augsburg
Fortress, 2008, x, 390 p.
historical aspects; United States; Protestant churches; Swedes
ESPACES - Spiritualités, cultures et societé en Europe (publication par)
Migrations, «Perspectives dominicaines pour l'Europe», 6, 2010, 40 p.
Europe; Spain; moral theology; Church documents; ethics; fundamental human rights; rights;
right of asylum; Poland
Espinosa, Gastón; García, Mario T.
Mexican American religions. Spirituality, activism, and culture, Durham, Duke University
Press, 2008, x, 443 p.
United States; Mexicans; spirituality; identity; culture; historical aspects
Eulberg, Rafaela; Niederberger, Monika
Sri-lankisch tamilische Christen im Deutschsprachigen Raum, in Klöcker, Michael;
Tworuschka, Udo (Hrgs.), Handbuch der Religionen. Kirchen und andere
Glaubensgemeinschaften in Deutschland, Landsberg am Lech, Günter Olzog, 2011, 21 p.
Germany; Switzerland; Sri Lankans; emigration of Christians; pastoral theology; ethnic
missions; Catholic church; Protestant churches
FABC-Office of Human Development (ed.)
Pastoral care of migrants and refugees: a new way of being church, Manila, FABC-Office of
Human Development, 2003, 101 p.
pastoral theology; Asia; inter-religious dialogue; refugees; irregular migrants
Fabris, Rinaldo
Il contributo di Paolo alle dinamiche interculturali e transculturali del cristianesimo, in
Bentoglio, Gabriele (a cura di), Sulle orme di Paolo. Dall'annuncio tra le culture alla
comunione tra i popoli, Roma, Urbaniana University Press, 2009, pp. 77-92, Quaderni SIMI,
biblical theology: New Testament: Corpus Paulinum; cross-culture
Faux, Jean-Marie
Arrachement et enracinement, «Christus», 230, 2011, pp. 160-168.
exile; biblical theology; Church documents; spirituality
Fedou, Michel
Sur l'À Diognète. Être dans le monde sans être du monde, «Christus», 230, 2011, pp. 176184.
exile; patristic theology; spirituality; being a stranger
Fernández Molina, Cristina
Katholische Gemeinden anderer Muttersprache in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Berlin,
Frank & Timme, 2005, 537 p.
Canon law; Germany; ethnic missions; Catholic church
Fernández, Eduardo C.
Mexican-American Catholics, New York, Paulist Press, 2007, xii, 185 p.
pastoral theology; Latin Americans; United States
Figueroa Deck, Allan
A Latino practical theology: mapping the road ahead, «Theological Studies», (65), 2, 2004,
pp. 275-297.
pastoral theology; Latin Americans; United States
Fondazione Migrantes della Conferenza Episcopale Italiana (a cura di)
Italia chiama Australia. XXIII Giornata Mondiale della Gioventù, «Quaderno di Servizio
Migranti», 53, 2008, 149 p.
Australia; Italians; pastoral theology; historical aspects
Fondazione Migrantes della Conferenza Episcopale Italiana (a cura di)
"Non siete più stranieri né ospiti, ma siete concittadini dei santi e familiari di Dio" (Ef 2,19).
Riflessioni, testimonianze e storia nella Giornata Nazionale delle Migrazioni. Toscana 2009,
«Quaderno di Servizio Migranti», 54, 2008, 94 p.
Italy; pastoral theology; historical aspects; Italians; Chinese; Catholic church
Fondazione Migrantes della Conferenza Episcopale Italiana (a cura di)
Ventennale della Migrantes (1987-2007), «Quaderno di Servizio Migranti», 55, 2009, 176 p.
historical aspects; Italy; Italians; Catholic church
Fontaine, Bernard
La pastorale des migrants aujourd'hui, «Migrations Société», (24), 139, 2012, pp. 217-227.
France; pastoral theology; Catholic church; church documents
Fumagalli, Anna
Flucht in die Fremde. Schritt-für-Schritt-Bibelarbeit zur "Flucht nach Ägypten" (Mt 2,13-23).
Fest der Heiligen Familie, in Strube, Sonja (Hrsg.), Fremde Frauen, Stuttgart, Verlag
Katholisches Bibelwerk, 2010, pp. 75-84.
biblical theology: New Testament: Matthew; biblical figures: Mary; family; refugees
Fumagalli, Anna
Katholisch und universal. Eine Vision von Kirche, «Lebendiges Zeugnis», (66), 3, 2011, pp.
systematic theology: ecclesiology; pastoral theology; catholicity
Fumagalli, Anna
Leggere la Bibbia nel contesto migratorio, in Tassello, Giovanni Graziano (a cura di),
Migrazioni e teologia. Sviluppi recenti, «Studi Emigrazione», (47), 178, 2010, pp. 291-316.
biblical theology; being a stranger; welcome
Gabel, Michael
Migrante Minderheit. Katholiken in Ostdeutschland, in Rahner, Johanna; Schambeck, Mirjam
(Hrsg.), Zwischen Integration und Ausgrenzung. Migration, religiöse Identität(en) und Bildung
- theologisch reflektiert, Berlin, LIT Verlag, 2011, pp. 45-60.
Germany; Germans; historical aspects; refugees; Catholic church
Gaillardetz, Richard
Ecclesiology for a global church: a people called and sent, Maryknoll, NY, Orbis Books, 2008,
312 p.
systematic theology: ecclesiology; catholicity
Gallazzi, Sandro
Vai onde puderes ir, porque Iahweh chamou a fome sobre a terra (2Rs 8,1), «Revista
Interdisciplinar da Mobilidade Humana REMHU», (19), 36, 2011, pp. 179-196.
biblical theology; migration; poverty; being a poor
Ganiel, Gladys
Is the multiracial congregation an answer to the problem of race? Comparative perspectives
from South Africa and the USA, «Journal of Religion in Africa», (38), 3, 2008, pp. 263-283.
South Africa; United States; racism; identity; pastoral theology
Ganzel, Tova
The descriptions of the restoration of Israel in Ezekiel, «Vetus Testamentum», (60), 2, 2010,
pp. 197-211.
biblical theology: Old Testament: Prophets: Ezekiel; exile
García, Mario T.
Católicos: resistance and affirmation in Chicano Catholic history, Austin, University of Texas
Press, 2008, x, 336 p.
United States; Mexicans; historical aspects
Garroni, Maria Susanna
Sorelle d'oltreoceano. Religiose italiane ed emigrazione negli Stati Uniti: una storia da
scoprire, Roma, Carocci Editore, 2008, 262 p.
historical aspects; religious orders among migrants; woman; United States; Italians
Gelardini, Gabriella
Religion, Ethnizität und Ethnoreligion. Die Entstehung eines Diskurses innerhalb
deutschsprachiger historischer Jesusforschung, «Theologische Zeitschrift», (66), 1, 2010, pp.
ethnicity; systematic theology; Jewish religion
George, Paul S.
The Gesu in Miami. A story of God's people in a subtropical metropolis, 1896-2006, Hialeah,
FL, Fort Dallas Press, 2006, x, 177 p.
United States; Cubans; refugees; Catholic church; historical aspects
George, Sam
Diaspora. A hidden link to "From everyone to everywhere" missiology, «Missiology», (39), 1,
2011, pp. 45-56.
missiology; migration; emigration of Christians
Gerstenberger, Erhard S.; Reuter, Eleonore
Nächste und Fremde im Heiligkeitsgesetz. Bibelarbeit zu Lev 19, in Strube, Sonja (Hrsg.),
Fremde Frauen, Stuttgart, Verlag Katholisches Bibelwerk, 2010, pp. 53-59.
biblical theology: Old Testament: Leviticus; being a stranger
Ghosn, Margaret
Young Australian Maronites: their identity and spirituality, «The Australasian Catholic
Record», (87), 4, 2010, pp. 452-458.
Australia; Eastern churches; youth; pastoral theology; identity
Giordano, Aldo
Pastorale delle migrazioni in Europa come laboratorio, in Bentoglio, Gabriele (a cura di), Sfide
alla chiesa in cammino. Strutture di pastorale migratoria, Roma, Urbaniana University Press,
2010, pp. 53-68.
pastoral theology; Europe; inter-religious dialogue; religions; ecumenism; catholicity
Giringhelli, Barbara; Negri, Augusto
I matrimoni cristiano-islamici in Italia: gli interrogativi il diritto la pastorale, Bologna, Edizioni
Dehoniane, 2008, 183 p.
pastoral theology; family; mixed marriages; Islam; Italy; Catholic church
Glanville, Elisabeth
Missiological reflections on difference: foundations in the Gospel of Luke, «Mission Studies»,
(26), 1, 2009, pp. 64-79.
missiology; identity; alterity; biblical theology: New Testament: Luke
Goizueta, Roberto S.
The symbolic realism of U.S. Latino/a popular Catholicism, «Theological Studies», (65), 2,
2004, pp. 255-274.
pastoral theology; Latin Americans; United States
Golway, Terry (ed.)
Catholics in New York. Society, culture, and politics, 1808-1946, New York, Fordham
University Press and Museum of the City of New York, 2008, 206 p.
United States; historical aspects; Catholic church; woman; religious orders among migrants;
Italians; Poles; Irish; Latin Americans
Gomes, Rogério
O modelo trinitário como possibilidade do diálogo ecumênico e inter-religioso e da paz,
«Revista Espaços», (14), 1, 2006, pp. 103-119.
systematic theology: Trinity; inter-religious dialogue; ecumenism
Gonçalves, Alfredo J.
Casa, família e pátria no contexto da mobilidade humana, «Revista Interdisciplinar da
Mobilidade Humana REMHU», (16), 30, 2008, pp. 203-224.
biblical theology: Old Testament: Ruth, New Testament: 1Peter; pastoral theology; family;
woman; biblical figures: Ruth
Gonçalves, Alfredo J.
Elementos para uma espiritualidade das migraçoes: riscos e potencialidades, «Revista
Espaços», (14), 1, 2006, pp. 69-87.
spiritual theology; homeland; being a stranger; spirituality
González Silva, Santiago (a cura di)
Vita consacrata e multiculturalità, Milano, Editrice Ancora, 2005, 184 p.
religious orders and internationality; multiculturalism; unity in diversity
Gonzalez, Joaquin Jay
Filipino American faith in action: immigration, religion, and civic engagement, New York, NY,
New York University Press, 2009, viii, 221 p.
Filipinos; United States; historical aspects; pastoral theology; sociology
Goodblatt, David
Elements of ancient Jewish nationalism, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2006, xvi,
260 p.
biblical theology: Old Testament; nationalism
Greshake, Gisbert
Trinitarische Ekklesiologie als Chance für die Ökumene, «Catholica», (64), 2, 2010, pp. 123138.
systematic theology: ecclesiology, Trinity; unity in diversity; ecumenism
Gribble, Richard
An Archbishop for the people: the life of Edward J. Hanna, New York, Paulist Press, 2006, x,
292 p.
United States; historical aspects; Catholic church
Groody, Daniel G.
Crossing the divide: foundations of a theology of migration and refugees, «Theological
Studies», (70), 3, 2009, pp. 638-667.
moral theology; systematic theology; theology of migration
Groody, Daniel G.
Jesus and the undocumented immigrant: a spiritual geography of a crucified people,
«Theological Studies», (70), 2, 2009, pp. 298-316.
pastoral theology; irregular migration; spirituality
Groody, Daniel G.
Morire per vivere. Gli immigrati irregolari e il mistero pasquale, «Concilium», (44), 5, 2008, pp.
pastoral theology; spirituality; irregular migrants
Groody, Daniel G.
Sterben um zu leben. Der Immigrant ohne gültige Papiere und das Ostergeheimnis,
«Concilium», (44), 5, 2008, pp. 606-615.
pastoral theology; spirituality; irregular migrants
Groody, Daniel G.; Campese, Gioacchino
A promised land, a perilous journey. Theological perspectives on migration, Notre Dame, IN,
University of Notre Dame Press, 2008, 332 p.
pastoral theology; patristic theology; missiology; United States
Haldeman, Scott
Towards liturgies that reconcile: race and ritual among African-American and EuropeanAmerican Protestants, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007, 183 p.
liturgy; Protestant churches; United States; racism; pastoral theology
Hammes, Erico João
Göttliche Dreieinigkeit versus Autoritätsdenken. Personalisation durch Enhypostasie,
«Concilium», (45), 4, 2009, pp. 451-461.
systematic theology: Trinity; communion; unity in diversity
Hanciles, Jehu J.
Beyond Christendom. Globalization, African migration, and the transformation of the West,
Maryknoll, Orbis Books, 2008, 430 p.
Africans; missiology; Europe; United States; emigration of Christians; Islam;
Pentecostal/Charismatic churches
Hanciles, Jehu J.
God's mission through migration. African initiatives in globalizing mission, in Krabill, James R.;
Sawatsky, Walter; Van Engen Charles E. (eds.), Evangelical, ecumenical, and anabaptist
missiologies in Conversation. Essays in honor of Wilbert R. Shenk, Maryknoll, NY, Orbis
Books, 2006, pp. 58-66.
missiology; Africans; Protestant churches; Pentecostal/Charismatic churches
Hanciles, Jehu J.
Migration and mission: the religious significance of the North-South divide, in Walls, Andrew
F.; Ross, Cathy (eds.), Mission in the twenty-first century: exploring the five marks of global
mission, Maryknoll, NY, Orbis, 2008, pp. 118-129.
missiology; poverty; Protestant churches; Pentecostal/Charismatic churches
Heimbach-Steins, Marianne
Zauberformel "Integration"? Sozialethische Sondierungen zur Migrationspolitik, «AMOSInternational», (1), 3, 2007, pp. 3-9.
integration; Germany; ethics; moral theology; pluralism
Hell, Silvia (Hrsg.)
Katholizität. Konfessionalismus oder Weltweite? Beiträge der ökumenischen
Forschungsprojektgruppe an der Katholisch-Theologischen Fakultät Innsbruck, Innsbruck,
Tyrolia, 2007, 204 p.
systematic theology: ecclesiology; catholicity; ecumenism
Hellerman, Joseph H.
Jesus and the people of God: riconfiguring ethnic identity, Sheffield, Sheffield Phoenix Press,
2007, xii, 381.
biblical theology: New Testament; universality; unity in diversity; ethnicity
Hernández Figueiredo, José Ramón
Notas biográficas de un emigrado francés: Louis-Apollinaire de la Tour du Pin Montauban,
arzobispo de Auch, «Memoria Ecclesiae», 29, 2006, pp. 535-558.
historical aspects; French; Spain; biography; Catholic church
Hoang, Linh
All look the same? Asian American Catholics and racism, «New Theology Review», (21), 1,
2008, pp. 18-28.
historical aspects; pastoral theology; racism; United States
Hock, Andreas
From Babel to the New Jerusalem (Gen 11,1-9 and Rev 21,1─22,5), «Biblica», (89), 1, 2008,
pp. 109-118.
biblical theology: Old Testament: Genesis; biblical theology: New Testament: Revelation;
Babel; unity in diversity
Hoffmeier, James K.
The immigration crisis: immigrants, aliens, and the Bible, Wheaton, IL, Crossway Books,
2009, 174 p.
biblical theology: Old Testament, New Testament; being a stranger; migration
Holifield, E. Brooks
God's ambassadors: a history of the Christian clergy in America, Grand Rapids, MI,
Eerdmans, 2007, 356 p.
United States; historical aspects; Catholic church; Protestant churches
Hollenbach, David (ed.)
Driven from home. Protecting the rights of forced migrants, Washington, DC, Georgetown
University Press, 2010, vii, 287 p.
refugees; rights; right of asylum; moral theology; ethics
Hollenbach, David (ed.)
Refugee rights. Ethics, advocacy, and Africa, Washington D.C., Georgetown University Press,
2008, vii, 264 p.
moral theology; ethics; refugees; Africa
Holtrop, Pieter; Slechte, Henk (eds.)
Foreign churches in St. Petersburg and their archives, 1703-1917, Boston, Brill, 2007, xiv,
226 p.
Russia; Protestant churches; Catholic church; historical aspects
Hondagneu-Sotelo, Pierrette
God's heart has no borders: how religious activists are working for immigrant rights, Berkeley,
University of California Press, 2008, 251 p.
United States; historical aspects; solidarity; rights; moral theology
Howell, Brian M.
Multiculturalism, immigration and the North American church, «Missiology», (39), 1, 2011, pp.
missiology; North America; Canada; United States; multiculturalism; cross-culture; language
Iadanza, Raffaella
Le religiose e gli emigranti italiani, «Consacrazione e Servizio», (58), 1, 2009, pp. 25-39.
historical aspects; woman; Italians; religious orders among migrants; Catholic church
Irizarry, José R.
Lost in translation. The challenges and possibilities of ecumenical dialogue, «New Theology
Review», (21), 4, 2008, pp. 38-47.
ecumenism; Latin Americans
Isasi-Díaz, Ada María
Burlando al opresor: mocking/tricking the oppressor: dreams and hopes of Hispanas/Latinas
and mujeristas, «Theological Studies», (65), 2, 2004, pp. 340-363.
pastoral theology; Latin Americans; woman; United States; feministic theology
Jackson, Darrell; Passarelli, Alessia
Mapping migration. Mapping Churches' responses. Europe study, Brussels, Churches'
Commission for Migrants in Europe - World Council of Churches, 2008, 132 p.
pastoral theology; Protestant churches; Europe
Jacob, André
Le noir, l'Ethiopien, l'Egyptien dans la littérature chrétienne des premiers siècles, «Studia
Monastica», (49), 1, 2007, pp. 7-28.
historical aspects; alterity; racism
Jacobsen, Knut A.; Raj, Selva J. (eds.)
South Asian Christian diaspora. Invisible diaspora in Europe and North America, Aldershot,
England; Burlington, VT, Ashgate, 2008, xv, 267 p.
Asians; Europe; Canada; United States; Catholic church; emigration of Christians; Indians;
Tamils; France; Germany; Switzerland; Norway; Netherlands; Great Britain; Portugal;
historical aspects; pastoral theology
Jenkins, Philip
God's continent: Christianity, Islam, and Europe's religious crisis, New York, Oxford University
Press, 2007, 340 p.
historical aspects; emigration of Christians; Islam; Europe
Jeong, Yang-Cun
Koreanische Immigrationsgemeinden in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Entstehung,
Entwicklung und Zukunft der koreanischen protestantischen Immigrationsgemeinden in der
Bundesrepublik Deutschland seit 1963, Peter Lang, 2008, xii, 237.
Germany; Koreans; Protestant churches; historical aspects
Johns, David L.
Being an otherwise-documented church: an ecclesiology for all us immigrants, in Doyle,
Dennis M.; Furry, Timothy J.; Bazzel, Pascal D., Ecclesiology and exclusion. Boundaries of
being and belonging in postmodern times, Maryknoll, NY, Orbis Books, 2012, pp. 93-104.
systematic theology: ecclesiology; migration
Kalamba Mutanga, Joseph
Als afrikanischer Pfarrer in einer europäischen Pfarrei in der Schweiz: Grenzüberschreitungen
in der täglichen Mission, in Kusmierz, Katrin (Hrsg.), Grenzen erkunden zwischen Kulturen,
Kirchen, Religionen: Eine Festschrift für Christine Lienemann-Perrin, Frankfurt am Main,
Verlag Otto Lemback, 2007, pp. 114-126.
Switzerland; Africans; parish; missiology; testimonials; foreign priests
Kalu, Ogbu
Reverse flow: Pentecostalism and immigrant African Christianity, in Kalu, Ogbu, African
Pentecostalism: an introduction, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2008, pp. 271-292.
Africans; Protestant churches; missiology; Pentecostal/Charismatic churches
Karris, Robert J.
Jesus as guest, host, and teacher at meals, in Karris, Robert J., Eating your way through
Luke's Gospel, Collegeville, MN, Liturgical press, 2006, pp. 41-54.
biblical theology: New Testament: Luke; welcome
Kerr, Julie
Monastic hospitality: the Benedictines in England, c. 1070-c. 1250, Suffolk, U.K., Boydell,
2007, 244 p.
Great Britain; historical aspects; welcome
Kiefer, Jörn
Exil und Diaspora: Begrifflichkeit und Deutungen im antiken Judentum und in der hebräischen
Bibel, Leipzig, Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2005, 760 p.
biblical theology: Old Testament; exile
Knowles, Melody D.
Centrality practiced: Jerusalem in the religious practice of Yehud and the diaspora in the
Persian period, Atlanta, Society of Biblical Literature, 2006, viii, 182 p.
biblical theology: Old Testament; pilgrimage; exile
Koch, Kurt
"Il primato di Cristo". Intervista al Vescovo di Basilea Mons. Dr. Kurt Koch, «Sulle strade
dell'esodo», (33), 3, 2008, pp. 22-32.
evangelisation; alterity; welcome; systematic theology; inter-religious dialogue
Koch, Kurt
Nel segreto del dialogo al crocevia di religioni e culture. Forum con il Vescovo di Basilea,
Mons. Kurt Koch, «Sulle strade dell'esodo», (34), 2, 2009, pp. 26-38.
inter-religious dialogue
Koch, Kurt
Sich von Christus begegnen und senden lassen, Ursprung, in dem alles Bestand hat (vgl. Kol
1,17-18). Interview mit dem Bischof von Basel Dr. Kurt Koch, «Auf den Wegen des Exodus»,
(22), 2, 2008, pp. 1-13 Beiheft.
evangelisation; alterity; welcome; systematic theology; inter-religious dialogue
Kramer, Pedro
Estrangeiro, órfão e viúva na legislação deuteronômica. Programa de uma sociedade
igualitária, de solidariedade e de partilha, «Revista Interdisciplinar da Mobilidade Humana
REMHU», (18), 35, 2010, pp. 247-264.
biblical theology: Deuteronomy; being a stranger; being a poor
Krienke, Markus
Migration als Ernstfall christlicher Universalität. Sozialethische Erwägungen zu einer
pastoralen Herausforderung, «Trierer Theologische Zeitschrift», (117), 3, 2008, pp. 253-270.
moral theology; pastoral theology; universality; systematic theology: ecclesiology
Lado, Ludovic
Catholic Pentecostalism and the paradoxes of africanization. Processes of localization in a
Catholic Charismatic Movement in Cameroon, Leiden-Boston, Brill, 2009, 245 p.
pastoral theology; sociology; Africans; France; Cameroon; Cameroonians; Catholic church;
Pentecostal/Charismatic churches
Lamacchia, Lucia
La chiesa italo-albanese come chiesa "sui iuris": una questione aperta, «Nicolaus», (35), 1,
2008, pp. 171-197.
Italy; Albanians; Eastern churches
Larsen, Kasper Bro
Recognizing the stranger: recognition scenes in the Gospel of John, Leiden, Brill, 2008, 265
biblical theology: New Testament: John; being a stranger
Lau, Peter H.W.
Gentile incorporation into Israel in Ezra-Nehemiah?, «Biblica», (90), 3, 2009, pp. 356-373.
biblical theology: Old Testament: Ezra; biblical theology: Old Testament: Nehemiah
Laumer, August
Gastfreundschaft - ein Grundparadigma heutiger Gemeindepastoral?, «Geist und Leben»,
(84), 2, 2011, pp. 186-200.
pastoral theology; welcome; spirituality; parish
Laverdure, Paul
Redemption and ritual: the Eastern-rite Redemptorists of North America, 1906-2006, Yorkton,
Sask., Redeemer's Voice, 2007, xvii, 421 p.
United States; Canada; Ukrainians; Eastern churches; historical aspects; religious orders
among migrants
Lee, Michael E.
Galilean Journey revisited: mestizaje, anti-Judaism, and the dynamics of exclusion,
«Theological Studies», (70), 2, 2009, pp. 377-400.
systematic theology; identity; culture; Mexicans
Lefebvre, Solange; Susin, Luiz Carlos (a cura di)
Far fronte al movimento della migrazione in un mondo globalizzato. I contributi della teologia
cattolica, «Concilium», (44), 5, 2008, pp. 11-144.
systematic theology; biblical theology; inter-religious dialogue ; pastoral theology;
Lefebvre, Solange; Susin, Luiz Carlos (Hrsg.)
Migration und Globalisierung, «Concilium», (44), 5, 2008, pp. 517-615.
systematic theology; biblical theology; inter-religious dialogue; pastoral theology; globalization
Leimgruber, Stephan
Kindliche Lebenswelten und Migration. Aufwachsen in multikultureller und religiös pluraler
Gesellschaft, «Bibel und Liturgie», (82), 2, 2009, pp. 118-124.
pastoral theology; children; pluralism; religions; inter-religious dialogue
Lesley, Hughes
Catholic sisters and Australian social welfare history, «The Australasian Catholic Record»,
(87), 1, 2010, pp. 30-46.
Australia; Irish; woman; religious orders among migrants; historical aspects
Leuchter, Mark
The Levites in exile: a response to L. S. Tiemeyer, «Vetus Testamentum», (60), 4, 2010, pp.
biblical theology: Old Testament: Ezra, Nehemiah, Jeremiah; exile
Leuchter, Mark
The polemics of exile in Jeremiah 26-45, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2008, xiii,
320 p.
biblical theology: Old Testament: prophets: Jeremiah; exile
Leveen, Adriane
Inside out: Jethro, the Midianites and a biblical construction of the outsider, «Journal for the
Study of the Old Testament», (34), 4, pp. 395-417.
biblical theology: Exodus; being a stranger
Lewis, James
Paths of exile: narratives of St. Columba and the praxis of Iona, South Bend, IN, Cloverdale
Books, 2007, pp. xii, 204 p.
historical aspects; exile; being a stranger; spirituality; Irish
Lindner, Konstantin
Das wertebildende Potenzial des Fremden im Kontext religiösen Lernens, in Rahner,
Johanna; Schambeck, Mirjam (Hrsg.), Zwischen Integration und Ausgrenzung. Migration,
religiöse Identität(en) und Bildung - theologisch reflektiert, Berlin, LIT Verlag, 2011, pp. 215236.
Germany; Islam; inter-religious dialogue; school; Catholic church
Lipton, Diana
Longing for Egypt and other unexpected biblical tales, Sheffield, Sheffield Phoenix Press,
2008, xi, 285 p.
biblical theology: Old Testament; alterity; identity
Longenecker, Bruce W.
The story of the Samaritan and the innkeeper (Luke 10:30-35): a study in character
rehabilitation, «Biblical Interpretation», (17), 4, 2009, pp. 422-447.
biblical theology: New Testament: Luke; biblical figures: Good Samaritan
Lorentzen, Lois Ann (ed.)
Religion at the corner of bliss and nirvana: politics, identity and faith in new migrant
communities, Durham, NC, Duke University Press, 2009, 400 p.
United States; pastoral theology; sociology; Chinese; Mexicans; Filipinos; Salvadorans;
Vietnamese; identity
Luciani, Didier
Une autre intention pour Lv 24. Réponse à Leigh M. Trevaskis, «Vetus Testamentum», (60),
4, 2010, pp. 591-600.
biblical theology: Old Testament: Leviticus; being a stranger
Lund, Øystein
Way metaphors and ways topics in Isaiah 40-55, Tübingen, Mohr, 2007, xvi, 331 p.
biblical theology: Old Testament: Isaiah; being a pilgrim
Lussi, Carmem
A missão da igreja no contexto da mobilidade humana, Petropolis/Brasilia, VOZES/CSEM,
2006, 151 p.
missiology; pastoral theology
Lussi, Carmem
Die Mobilität der Menschen als theologischer Ort. Elemente einer Theologie der Migration,
«Concilium», (44), 5, 2008, pp. 551-562.
systematic theology: ecclesiology; pastoral theology; theology of migration
Lussi, Carmem
Discípulos migrantes e migrantes missionários: elementos de pastoral da mobilidade humana
a partir do Documento de Aparecida, «Encontros Teológicos», 3, 2008, pp. 135-152.
pastoral theology; missiology; Church documents
Lussi, Carmem
La tratta interroga l'esperienza ecclesiale, «Revista Interdisciplinar da Mobilidade Humana
REHMU», (19), 37, 2012, pp. 195-214.
pastoral theology; fundamental human rights; woman
Lussi, Carmem
Mobilidade humana e evangelização. Contribuições a partir do contexto brasileiro, «Revista
Eclesiástica Brasileira», 278, 2010, pp. 276-305.
missiology; Brazil; evangelization; pastoral theology
Lussi, Carmem
Mobilità umana come locus theologicus. Elementi di teologia delle migrazioni, «Concilium»,
(44), 5, 2008, pp. 74-90.
systematic theology: ecclesiology; pastoral theology; theology of migration
Lussi, Carmem
Mulheres migrantes em contexto inter-religioso. Circulos biblicos, São Leopoldo, CEBI, 2009,
42 p.
biblical theology; woman; inter-religious dialogue
Lynch, Patrick
Educational mission & multi-culturalism I: context and call, «The Pastoral Review», (4), 1,
2008, pp. 32-37.
pastoral theology; youth; school; pluralism
Lynch, Patrick
Educational mission & multi-culturalism II: the next step, «The Pastoral Review», (4), 2, 2008,
pp. 22-24.
pastoral theology; youth; school; pluralism
MacGinley, Rosa
Irish women religious and their convent high schools in nineteenth century Australia, «The
Australasian Catholic Record», (87), 1, 2010, pp. 3-19.
Irish; Australia; woman; religious orders among migrants; historical aspects
Magaña Romera, José
La caridad al servicio de los migrantes. El Obispo Scalabrini pionero de la atención pastoral a
la movilidad, Salamanca, Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, 2012, pp. 237.
Scalabrini G.B.; historical aspects; pastoral theology; Church documents
Manca, Pietro
Per una lettura interculturale: Il Memoriale per la costituzione di una commissione pontificia
Pro emigratis catholicis (1905) redatto da Mons. G.B. Scalabrini, «Studi Emigrazione», (46),
174, 2009, pp. 389-404.
Scalabrini G.B.; historical aspects; cross-culture; intercultural education; multiculturalism;
Manicardi, Luciano
L'ospitalità nel monachesimo, «Horeb», (18), 3, 2009, pp. 76-85.
welcome; spirituality; historical aspects
Manzone, Gianni
Le migrazioni nella dottrina sociale della Chiesa, «Rivista di Teologia Morale», (40), 160,
2008, pp. 487-496.
social doctrine of the church; church documents
Marin, Luca (coordonné par)
Les catholiques et les migrations, «Migrations Société», (24), 139, 2012, pp. 47-272.
theology of migration; historical aspects; pastoral theology; Italy; France; emigration of
Christians; Catholic church; irregular migrants; refugees; new evangelisation; welcome;
Marin, Luca
L'Église catholique face au "terrain" des fidèles migrants. De la tension culturelle à des
théologies inédites, «Migrations Société», (24), 139, 2012, pp. 121-133.
pastoral theology; anthropology; language; Catholic church; popular religiosity; parish; ethnic
Marino, Francesco
L'ecclesiologia di "comunione" alla luce della Lumen Gentium e del pensiero teologico di
Joannis Zizioulas: confronto e implcazioni ecumeniche, «Nicolaus», (37), 1, 2010, pp. 115147.
systematic theology: ecclesiology, Trinity; communion; catholicity; unity in diversity; Orthodox
churches; ecumenism
Marinucci, Roberto
Construção da identidade religiosa em contexto migratório. O caso da migração para o DF Brasil, «Revista Interdisciplinar da Mobilidade Humana REMHU», (18), 34, 2010, pp.131-148.
pastoral theology; Brazil; identity; Brazilians
Marinucci, Roberto
Immigrazione italiana, istituti missionari e cattolicesimo brasiliano. Gli intricati cammini della
missione alla fine del XIX secolo, «Studi Emigrazione», (48), 184, 2011, pp. 590-614.
Brazil; Italians; religious orders among migrants; historical aspects; Catholic church
Marti, Federico
I rutheni negli Stati Uniti. Santa Sede e mobilità umana tra Ottocento e Novecento, Milano,
Giuffrè Editore, 2009, xxxiii, 633 p.
historical aspects; Catholic church; Eastern churches; United States; Canon law; Ruthenians;
Martin, Mirella
Vor Ort "Katholizität" leben, «Auf den Wegen des Exodus», (23), 5, 2009, pp. 3-10.
catholicity; local church; communion; unity in diversity
Martínez Díez, José Antonio
El cristiano ante la inmigración, Madrid, Editorial PPC, 2008, 221 p.
Spain; biblical theology; pastoral theology; moral theology
Massa, Mark; Osborne, Catherine (eds.)
American Catholic history: a documentary reader, New York, New York University, 2008, xi,
287 p.
historical aspects; United States; Catholic church
Massingale, Bryan N.
Response: the challenge of idolatry and ecclesial identity, in Doyle, Dennis M.; Furry, Timothy
J.; Bazzel, Pascal D., Ecclesiology and exclusion. Boundaries of being and belonging in
postmodern times, Maryknoll, NY, Orbis Books, 2012, pp. 130-136.
systematic theology: ecclesiology; racism
May, Christof
"Mal weg" sein - ob das ausreicht? Pilgern als Chance christlicher Verkündigung, «Geist und
Leben», (81), 3, 2008, pp. 174-185.
pastoral theology; pilgrimage
Mazza, Carlo
Santuari, accoglienza e santità, «Orientamenti Pastorali», (56), 10, 2008, pp. 7-14.
welcome; spirituality; pastoral theology; pilgrimage
McGann, Mary E.
Let it shine! The emergence of African American Catholic worship, New York, Fordham
University, 2008, xv, 181 p.
United States; Africans; Catholic church; liturgy
McKeever, Martin
Migrazione e giustizia tra retorica e teoria etica, in Battistella, Graziano (a cura di), Migrazioni:
questioni etiche, Roma, Urbaniana University Press, 2008, pp. 51-62.
ethics; moral theology
Mfouakouet, Léopold
L'homme et sa condition frontalière (ou comment s'orienter?), «Gregorianum», (90), 2, 2009,
pp. 297-316.
philosophy; identity; border; fundamental theology
Miller, Vincent J.
Where is the church? Globalization and catholicity, «Theological Studies», (69), 2, 2008, pp.
systematic theology: ecclesiology; catholicity; globalization
Milne, Bruce
Dynamic diversity: bridging class, age, race and gender in the church, Downers Grove, InterVarsity Press, 2007, 190 p.
unity in diversity; pastoral theology; Protestant churches; United States
Mioli, Bruno
Le monde catholique et l'immigration en Italie, «Migrations Société», (24), 139, 2012, pp. 157183.
Italy; Catholic church; historical aspects; Church documents; solidarity
Mioli, Bruno
Nuovi modelli pastorali, in Bentoglio, Gabriele (a cura di), Sfide alla chiesa in cammino.
Strutture di pastorale migratoria, Roma, Urbaniana University Press, 2010, pp. 149-158.
pastoral theology; Italy
Modica, Etra
Le migrazioni sono cultura. L'interculturalità vissuta e promossa dalle religiose migranti in
Europa e nel mondo della mobilità, «Servizio Migranti», (18), 1, 2008, pp. 53-61.
religious orders among migrants; woman; religious orders and internationality; Catholic
church; cross-culture
Mooney, Bernice Maher; Fitzgerald, J. Terence
Salt of the earth: the history of the Catholic Church in Utah, 1776-2007, Salt Lake City, UT,
University of Utah Press, 2008, 391 p.
United States; Catholic church; historical aspects
Mooney, Margarita A.
Faith makes us live: surviving and thriving in the Haitian diaspora, Berkeley, CA, University of
California Press, 2009, 296 p.
Haitians; United States; Europe; pastoral theology
Mooney, Margarita
The Catholic Bishops Conferences of the United States and France: engaging immigration as
a public issue, «American Behavioral Scientist», (49), 11, 2006, pp. 1455-1470.
France; United States; Catholic church; pastoral theology; migration policy
Moore, Cecilia A.
From the ivory tower to the pews. Theology's role in shaping Catholic racial thought and
practice in the twentieth century, «New Theology Review», (21), 1, 2008, pp. 29-39.
historical aspects; moral theology; racism
Moore, Susan Hardman
Pilgrims: New World settlers and the call of home, New Haven, CT, Yale University Press,
2007, 316 p.
United States; historical aspects; Protestant churches; English
Morozzo della Rocca, Paolo
Visione cristiana negli interventi specifici in campo migratorio. Esperienze dalla Comunità di
Sant'Egidio, in Bentoglio, Gabriele (a cura di), Sfide alla chiesa in cammino. Strutture di
pastorale migratoria, Roma, Urbaniana University Press, 2010, pp. 13-42.
testimonials; solidarity; welcome; Italy; lay people; voluntary work
Motto, Francesco (a cura di)
Una svolta nella pastorale giovanile del primo dopoguerra nella parrocchia di San Francisco,
in González, Jesús G.; Loparco, Grazia; Motto, Francesco; Zimniak, Stanislaw, L'educazione
salesiana dal 1880 al 1922. Istanze ed attuazioni in diversi contesti. Vol. II, Roma, LAS, 2007,
pp. 337-359.
United States; Italians; parish; religious orders among migrants; historical aspects; youth;
pastoral theology
Motto, Francesco
Cento anni fa la catastrofe di San Francisco. Il "faticoso, enorme, continuo" soccorso dei
Salesiani alla comunità italiana, «Ricerche Storiche Salesiane», 48, 2006, pp. 129-160.
United States; Italians; religious orders among migrants; historical aspects
Motto, Francesco
I precedenti della missione salesiana fra gli immigrati italiani negli Stati Uniti (1868-1896),
«Ricerche Storiche Salesiane», 52, 2008, pp. 347-367.
United States; Italians; religious orders among migrants; historical aspects
Motto, Francesco
Vita e azione della parrocchia nazionale salesiana dei SS. Pietro e Paolo a San Francisco
(1897-1930). Da colonia di paesani a comunità di italiani, Roma, LAS, 2010, 501 p.
United States; Italians; parish; religious orders among migrants; historical aspects
Müllner, Ilse
Heimat im Plural. Biblische Stimmen zum babylonischen Exil, in Rahner, Johanna;
Schambeck, Mirjam (Hrsg.), Zwischen Integration und Ausgrenzung. Migration, religiöse
Identität(en) und Bildung - theologisch reflektiert, Berlin, LIT Verlag, 2011, pp. 83-106.
biblical theology: Old Testament; homeland; exile; diaspora
Mura, Gaspare
L'etica e la politica dell'alterità: multiculturalismo e "riconoscimento", in Battistella, Graziano (a
cura di), Migrazioni: questioni etiche, Roma, Urbaniana University Press, 2008, pp. 159-199.
ethics; moral theology; alterity; multiculturalism
Myers, Ched; Colwell, Matthew
Our God is undocumented. Biblical faith and immigrant justice, Maryknoll, NY, Orbis Books,
2012, 228 p.
United States; biblical theology; welcome; solidarity; sanctuary movement
Nadeau, Kathleen
Out-migration from the Philippines with a focus on the Middle-East: a case study, «East Asian
Pastoral Review», 45, 3, 2008, pp. 261-272.
Filipinos; Middle-East
Nakashima Brock, Rita; Ha Kim, Jung; Ai Yang, Seung (eds.)
Off the menu. Asian and Asian North American women's religion and theology,
Louisville/London, Westminster John Knox Press, 2007, 341 p.
woman; theology of migration; Asians; Asian Americans; Canada; United States; pastoral
theology; biblical figure: Ruth; feministic theology
Nam-Hoon Tan, Nancy
Where is foreign wisdom to be found in Septuagint Proverbs?, «The Catholic Biblical
Quarterly», (70), 4, 2008, pp. 699-708.
biblical theology: Old Testament: Proverbs; being a stranger
Nanko-Fernández, Carmen
¡Despierta Iglesia! - Kirche wach auf!. Zu einem Neuansatz der Theologien des Amts
latinamente, «Concilium», (46), 1, 2010, pp. 83-93.
Latin Americans; United States; pastoral theology; lay people
Naso, Paolo; Salvarani, Brunetto (a cura di)
Il muro di vetro. L'Italia delle religioni. Primo rapporto 2009, Bologna, EMI, 2009, 220 p.
inter-religious dialogue; religions; Italy
Newman, Elisabeth
Untamed hospitality: welcoming God and other strangers, Grand Rapids, Brazos Press, 2007,
233 p.
welcome; moral theology
Noseda, Mary
Belonging to the Catholic church in contemporary Australia: the case of immigrants, «The
Australasian Catholic Record», (85), 4, 2008, pp. 415-428.
Australia; pastoral theology; culture; woman; sociology
Nothwehr, Dawn M.
Defining "racisms" in a globalized, terrorized, ecologically threatened world, «New Theology
Review», (21), 1, 2008, pp. 5-17.
moral theology; racism
Nowell, Irene
Jesus' great-grandmothers: Matthew's four and more, «The Catholic Biblical Quarterly», (70),
1, 2008, pp. 1-15.
biblical theology: New Testament: Matthew; woman; being a stranger
O'Connor, Thomas H. (ed.)
Two centuries of faith. The influence of Catholicism on Boston, 1808-2008, New York,
Crossroad Pub. Co., 2009, vi, 336 p.
historical aspects; United States; Catholic church
Odermatt, Alois
Ein halbes Jahrhundert auf dem Weg zu einer Seelsorge in vielen Sprachen, in Migratio
(Hrsg.), Migratio zwischen Babylon und Pfingsten. Dokumentation 2/2008, Luzern, Migratio,
2008, pp. 15-28.
historical aspects; pastoral theology; local church; Switzerland
O'Donovan, Leo J.
Nous, les réfugiés. L'expérience du déracinement aujourd'hui, «Christus», 230, 2011, pp.
exile; testimonials; refugees; spirituality
Orobator, Agbonkhianmeghe E.
From crisis to kairos: the mission of the church in the time of HIV/Aids, refugees and poverty,
Nairobi, Paulines Publications Africa, 2005, 249 p.
Africa; pastoral theology: refugees; systematic theology: ecclesiology
Orobator, Agbonkhianmeghe E.
The struggle against racism and the global horizon of Christian hope, in Doyle, Dennis M.;
Furry, Timothy J.; Bazzel, Pascal D., Ecclesiology and exclusion. Boundaries of being and
belonging in postmodern times, Maryknoll, NY, Orbis Books, 2012, pp. 125-129.
systematic theology: ecclesiology; racism
Ospino, Hosffman
Rethinking the urban parish in light of The New Catholicity, «New Theology Review», (21), 1,
2008, pp. 63-72.
pastoral theology; parish; United States
O'Toole, James M.
The faithful: a history of Catholics in America, Cambridge, MA, Belknap of Harvard University
Press, 2008, 376 p.
historical aspects; Catholic church; United States
Pachuau, Lalsangkima
Ethnic identity and the Gospel of reconciliation, «Mission Studies», (26), 1, 2009, pp. 49-63.
missiology; identity; alterity; ethnicity
Pacini, Andrea (a cura di)
Chiesa e islam in Italia. Esperienze e prospettive di dialogo, Milano, Edizioni Paoline, 2008,
239 p.
Italy; Islam; inter-religious dialogue; Catholic church
Paganoni, Anthony
Politics, ethnicity and the Catholic Church in Australia. Issues of identity and engagement: the
case of the Federazione Cattolica Italiana, «Studi Emigrazione», (47), 177, 2010, pp. 203226.
Australia; Italians; historical aspects; lay people; ethnicity; identity
Paganoni, Anthony
Pratica religiosa in Australia: mutamenti e implicazioni, «Studi Emigrazione», (47), 178, 2010,
pp. 471-481.
pastoral theology; sociology; Australia
Paganoni, Anthony; Fongaro, Stelio (eds.)
Unconquered heart: the little-known life and achievements of John Baptist Scalabrini, Perth,
GEON, 2009, 60 p.
historical aspects; biography; Scalabrini G.B.; religious orders among migrants
Page, Hugh R.; Bailey, Randall C. (eds.)
The Africana Bible: reading Israels's Scriptures from Africa and African diaspora, Minneapolis,
MN, Fortress, 2010, xxxi, 358 p.
biblical theology; ethnic minorities; Africans; African Americans
Parise, Paolo
Migração e modelos de pastoral: uma reflexão teológica, «Revista Espaços», (14), 1, 2006,
pp. 89-102.
pastoral theology
Park, Sophia
The Galilean Jesus: creating a borderland at the foot of the cross, «Theological Studies»,
(70), 2, 2009, pp. 419-436.
biblical theology: New Testament; spirituality: biblical elements; identity; woman; Asians;
Parlato, Vittorio
L'ortodossia in Italia, oggi. La nuova realtà sociale, immigrazione comunitaria ed extra
comunitaria in Italia, «Nicolaus», (37), 1, 2010, pp. 267-282.
Italy; Orthodox churches; emigration of Christians; ecumenism
Parolin, Gaetano
Chiesa postconciliare e migrazioni. Quale teologia per la missione con i migranti, Roma,
Pontificia Università Gregoriana, 2010, 549 p.
missiology; migration; ethnicity; identity; Catholic church; church documents; historical
aspects; theology of migration; being a stranger; being a poor; spiritual theology
Parolin, Gaetano
Quale missione con i migranti?, in Tassello, Giovanni Graziano (a cura di), Migrazioni e
teologia. Sviluppi recenti, «Studi Emigrazione», (47), 178, 2010, pp. 377-408.
missiology; solidarity; pastoral theology; ecumenism; inter-religious dialogue
Pasquier, Michael
"Though their skin remains brown, I hope their souls will soon be white": slavery, French
missionaries, and the Roman Catholic priesthood in the American South, 1789-1865,
«Church History», (77), 2, 2008, pp. 337-370.
historical aspects; African Americans; United States; French; Catholic church
Pedernal, Elizabeth V.
The Filipino international labor migration, their families and the pastoral care: issues,
concerns and challenges, «Revista Interdisciplinar da Mobilidade Humana REMHU», (16),
30, 2008, pp. 248-253.
Filipinos; pastoral theology; Missionary Sisters of St. Charles - Scalabrinians; family
Penna, Romano
Paolo di Tarso e le componenti ellenistiche del suo pensiero, «Rivista Biblica», (57), 2, 2009,
pp. 175-215.
biblical theology: Corpus Paulinum; inculturation
Perego, Giancarlo
"L'Italia figlia": il Vescovo Geremia Bonomelli e la cura pastorale dei migranti, «Servizio
Migranti», (18), 6, 2008, pp. I-XIV.
historical aspects; Italians; Bonomelli G.; Scalabrini G.B.
Perego, Giancarlo
I preti stranieri tra noi: una nuova tappa della storia dell'evangelizzazione italiana,
«Orientamenti Pastorali», (57), 10, 2009, pp. 69-73.
foreign priests; pastoral theology; ethnic missions; evangelisation
Perego, Giancarlo
Unità d'Italia ed emigrazioni. Figure esemplari tra gli emigrati, «Servizio Migranti», (22), 1,
2012, pp. 25-40.
historical aspects; Italians; Scalabrini G.B.; Bonomelli G.; Cabrini F.S.; Bosco G.; Pallotti V.;
Guanella L.; Sarto G.
Pernigotto, Giovanni
The church: a place of exclusion or an intercultural community?, in Doyle, Dennis M.; Furry,
Timothy J.; Bazzel, Pascal D., Ecclesiology and exclusion. Boundaries of being and belonging
in postmodern times, Maryknoll, NY, Orbis Books, 2012, pp. 43-50.
cross-culture; systematic theology: ecclesiology; unity in diversity
Pew Hispanic Center; Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life (eds.)
Changing faiths: Latinos and the transformation of American religion, Kramer Editing
Services, 2007, 154 p.
United States; Latin Americans; religions; Catholic church; sociology; Pentecostal/Charismatic
churches; Protestant churches; popular religiosity
Pezzini, Domenico
L'Altro e gli altri. Verso una spiritualità dell'incontro, Milano, Ancora, 2008, 144 p.
spirituality; alterity
Phan, Peter
Where we came from, where we are, and where we are going: Asian and Pacific Catholics in
the United States, «American Catholic Studies», (118), 3, 2007, pp. 1-26.
United States; historical aspects; Asians; Asian Americans; pastoral theology; Catholic church
Piana, Giannino
Dai diritti dei singoli ai diritti delle culture, in Battistella, Graziano (a cura di), Migrazioni:
questioni etiche, Roma, Urbaniana University Press, 2008, pp. 121-133.
ethics; moral theology; rights
Piana, Giannino
Un'etica delle migrazioni: valori e norme morali, «Rivista di Teologia Morale», (40), 160, 2008,
pp. 497-504.
moral theology; ethics
Picca, Leslie H.
Race and social context: language, "colorblindness," and intergroup contact, in Doyle, Dennis
M.; Furry, Timothy J.; Bazzel, Pascal D., Ecclesiology and exclusion. Boundaries of being and
belonging in postmodern times, Maryknoll, NY, Orbis Books, 2012, pp. 119-124.
systematic theology: ecclesiology; racism; unity in diversity
Pilvousek, Josef
Von der 'Flüchtlingskirche' zur katholischen Kirche in der DDR. Historische Anmerkungen zur
Entstehung eines mitteldeutschen Katholizismus, in Rahner, Johanna; Schambeck, Mirjam
(Hrsg.), Zwischen Integration und Ausgrenzung. Migration, religiöse Identität(en) und Bildung
- theologisch reflektiert, Berlin, LIT Verlag, 2011, pp. 21-43.
Germany; historical aspects; refugees; Catholic church; Germans
Pineda, Ana Maria
Imagenes de Dios en el camino: retablos, ex-votos, milagritos, and murals, «Theological
Studies», (65), 2, 2004, pp. 364-379.
pastoral theology; spirituality; Latin Americans; United States; popular religiosity
Pizzorusso, Giovanni
Blandina e le sue sorelle. Emigrazione, americanizzazione, modernizzazione: note sul ruolo
delle religiose italiane in America, «Studi Emigrazione», (47), 180, 2010, pp. 974-990.
historical aspects; woman; religious orders among migrants; Italians; United States;
Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People (ed.)
1st Integrated Meeting on the pastoral care of the road/street for the continents of Asia and
Oceania. Bangkok, 19th-23rd October 2010, «People on the Move», (41), 115, 2011, 281 p.
pastoral theology: road/street; Church documents; woman; children; Asia; Oceania
Pontificio Consiglio della Pastorale per i Migranti e gli Itineranti
Orientamenti per la pastorale della strada, Città del Vaticano, Tipografia Vaticana, 2007, 59 p.
pastoral theology; Church documents
Porter, Stanley (ed.)
Paul: Jew, Greek, and Roman, Leiden, Brill, 2008, xiv, 370 p.
biblical theology: Corpus Paulinum; identity; pluralism
Portier-Young, Anathea E.
Languages of identity and obligations: Daniel as bilingual book, «Vetus Testamentum», (60),
1, 2010, pp. 98-115.
biblical theology: Old Testament: Prophets: Daniel; identity; exile; language
Poyo, Gerald E.
Cuban Catholics in the United States, 1960-1980: exile and integration, Notre Dame, IN,
Notre Dame University Press, 2007, xiv, 367 p.
Cubans; United States; historical aspects; Catholic church
Premnath, Devadasan N. (ed.)
Border crossings: cross-cultural hermeneutics. Essays in honor of R.S. Sugirtharajah,
Maryknoll, NY, Orbis Books, 2007, 179 p.
biblical theology; biblical figures: Abraham; migration
Prencipe, Lorenzo
La religion des migrants en tant qu'élément de cohésion sociale, «Migrations Société», (24),
139, 2012, pp. 101-119.
historical aspects; sociology; pastoral theology; identity; religions
Prencipe, Lorenzo
La religione dei migranti: tra ripiegamenti ghettizzanti e possibilità di nuova coesione sociale,
in Tassello, Giovanni Graziano (a cura di), Migrazioni e teologia. Sviluppi recenti, «Studi
Emigrazione», (47), 178, 2010, pp. 265-290.
sociology; pastoral theology; identity; religions
Prill, Thorsten
Global mission on our doorstep: forced migration and the future of the church, Münster, MV
Wissenschaft, 2008, 262 p.
pastoral theology; Africans; Great Britain; refugees; Protestant churches
Purcell, Mike
Christus, der Fremde. Die ethische Ursprünglichkeit der Heimatlosigkeit, «Concilium», (44), 5,
2008, pp. 562-574.
moral theology; ethics
Purcell, Mike
Cristo, lo straniero. L'originalità etica dell'essere senza casa, «Concilium», (44), 5, 2008, pp.
moral theology; ethics
Rahner, Johanna; Schambeck, Mirjam (Hrsg.)
Zwischen Integration und Ausgrenzung. Migration, religiöse Identität(en) und Bildung theologisch reflektiert, Berlin, LIT Verlag, 2011, 254 p.
identity; Germany; Germans; emigration of Christians; historical aspects; biblical theology;
religions; pluralism; inter-religious dialogue; Jewish religion; Islam; youth; intercultural
education; systematic theology; Catholic church
Reddie, Anthony G.
Working against the grain: re-imaging Black Theology in the 21st century, Oakville, CT,
Equinox, 2008, xii, 277 p.
systematic theology; Africans; Great Britain; Caribbean people
Reppenhorst, Joana
Integration oder Segregation? Migrationspastoral am Beispiel von katholischen Gemeinden
anderer Muttersprache in Deutschland, «Lebendiges Zeugnis», (66), 3, 2011, pp. 230-235.
pastoral theology; ethnic missions; Germany; integration
Rethmann, Albert-Peter
Integration gestalten. Leitbilder und Kriterien einer verantwortlichen Integrationspolitik,
«AMOS-International», (1), 3, 2007, pp. 25-33.
ethics; moral theology; integration; Germany
Rethmann, Albert-Peter
Theologische Perspektiven in der Migrationsarbeit, in Bohlen, Stephanie; Krockauer, Rainer;
Lehner, Markus (Hrsg.), Theologie und Soziale Arbeit. Handbuch für Studium, Weiterbildung
und Beruf, München, Kösel-Verlag, 2006, pp. 220-228.
ethics; moral theology; solidarity
Rethmann, Albert-Peter; Becka, Michelle (Hrsg.)
Ethik und Migration. Gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen und sozialethische Reflexion,
Paderborn/München/Wien/Zürich, Ferdinand Schöningh, 2010, 206 p.
moral theology; ethics
Revuelta Gonzáles, Manuel
Negación de asilo a jesuitas franceses refugiados en España en el dictamen del fiscal
Campomanes en 1764, «Miscelánea Comillas», (65), 126, 2007, pp. 101-124.
historical aspects; refugees; Spain; French; Catholic church
Richard, Pablo
Rostros de las migraciones desde una perspectiva ética y bíblica, «Revista Espaços», (14),
1, 2006, pp. 5-16.
biblical theology; ethics
Ricolleau, Maurice
Babel. Le récit biblique, Bruxelles, Lumen Vitae, 2008, 128 p.
biblical theology: Old Testament: Genesis; Babel
Ridolfi, Silvano; Licata, Delfina; Bonicelli, Gaetano; Iacobelli, Lou
100 anni di assistenza pastorale in Canada, «Servizio Migranti», (19), 1, 2009, pp. I-XXVII.
Canada; Italians; historical aspects; Catholic church
Riebe-Estrella, Gary
A youthful community: theological and ministerial challenges, «Theological Studies», (65), 2,
2004, pp. 298-316.
pastoral theology; Latin Americans; United States; youth
Ristaino, Marcia R.
The Jacquinot safe zone: wartime refugees in Shanghai, Stanford, CA, Stanford University
Press, 2008, xiii, 206 p.
historical aspects; Chinese; China; refugees; Catholic church; biography
Rizzi, Armido
Ospitalità, «Horeb», (18), 3, 2009, pp. 30-37.
welcome; spirituality
Rodriguez, Daniel A.
Hispanic ministry where language is no barrier. Church growth among U.S.-born, Englishdominant Latinos, «Missiology», (38), 4, 2010, pp. 432-442.
missiology; pastoral theology; second generations; youth; language; Latin Americans; United
Rodriguez, Jeanette
Mestiza spirituality: community, ritual, and justice, «Theological Studies», (65), 2, 2004, pp.
pastoral theology; spirituality; Latin Americans; United States
Rodríguez, Rubén Rosario
Racism and God-talk: a Latino/a perspective, New York, New York University Press, 2008, ix,
297 p.
systematic theology; Latin Americans; United States; racism
Romanato, Gianpaolo
Gesuiti, guaranì ed emigranti nelle riduzioni der Paraguay, Ravenna, Longo Editore, 2008,
102 p.
historical aspects; Paraguay; religious orders among migrants
Rossi, Beniamino
Le migrations: un "signe des temps" qui interpelle l'Église catholique, «Migrations Société»,
(24), 139, 2012, pp. 57-100.
historical aspects; Catholic church; emigration of Christians; Church documents; pastoral
Röthlisberger, Simon; Wüthrich, Matthias D.
Neue Migrationskirchen in der Schweiz, Bern, Schweizerischer Evangelischer Kirchenbund
SEK, 2009, 127 p.
Switzerland; Pentecostal/Charismatic churches; missiology
Ruffinoni, Alessandro
Risposte ecclesiali di pastorale migratoria nell'era della globalizzazione. Esperienze
dell'America Latina, in Bentoglio, Gabriele (a cura di), Sfide alla chiesa in cammino. Strutture
di pastorale migratoria, Roma, Urbaniana University Press, 2010, pp. 43-52.
pastoral theology; Latin America; Catholic church
Russo, Maurizio
Migração, transformações sociais e reforma eclesial. Pastoral jesuítica e scalabriniana no
Brasil da Primeira República, «Travessia», (24), 68, 2011, pp. 7-24.
historical aspects; religious orders among migrants; pastoral theology; Brazil; Missionaries of
St. Charles - Scalabrinians
Sabbarese, Luigi
Il cappellano dei migranti, in Bentoglio, Gabriele (a cura di), Sfide alla chiesa in cammino.
Strutture di pastorale migratoria, Roma, Urbaniana University Press, 2010, pp. 121-130.
Canon law; ethnic missions; church documents
Sabbarese, Luigi
La cattolicità della chiesa nel mondo oggi. Quale missione per ogni cristiano?, «Sulle strade
dell'esodo», (36), 5, 2011, pp. 14-22.
catholicity; Catholic church; communion; culture
Sabbarese, Luigi
L'organizzazione della Chiesa nella cura pastorale per i migranti, in Tassello, Giovanni
Graziano (a cura di), Migrazioni e teologia. Sviluppi recenti, «Studi Emigrazione», (47), 178,
2010, pp. 409-443.
Canon law; pastoral theology; church documents
Sabbarese, Luigi
Migrazioni e diritto ecclesiale. Aspetti strutturali e risvolti pastorali, «Ius Missionale», (5), 1,
2011, pp. 221-256.
Canon law; pastoral theology; Church documents
Sale, Giovanni
I rifugiati in Laterano al tempo dell'occupazione nazista di Roma, «La Civiltà Cattolica», (159),
4, 2008, pp. 539-552.
historical aspects; refugees; Italy; solidarity; Catholic church
Sánchez, David A.
From Patmos to the Barrio: subverting imperial myths, Minneapolis, Fortress Press, 2008,
240 p.
biblical theology: New Testament: Revelation; Mexicans; United States
Sanfilippo, Matteo
Chiesa e immigrati italiani nel Nord America: il caso dell'Ontario, «Studi Emigrazione», (48),
184, 2011, pp. 564-589.
Italians; Canada; historical aspects; Catholic church
Sanfilippo, Matteo
La Santa Sede e l'emigrazione dall'Europa Centro-Orientale negli Stati Uniti tra Otto e
Novecento, Viterbo, Sette Città, 2010, 161 p.
historical aspects; United States; Poles; Slovaks; Ruthenians; Hungarians; Czechs; Catholic
Sanneh, Lamin
The church and its missionary vocation: the Islamic frontline in a post-Christian West, in
Walls, Andrew F.; Ross, Cathy (eds.), Mission in the twenty-first century: exploring the five
marks of global mission, Maryknoll, NY, Orbis, 2008, pp. 130-147.
missiology; Islam; Europe; protestant churches; America
Scavino, Renato
Santa Francesca Cabrini e l'emigrazione italiana in America, Savigliano (CN), L'Artistica
Editrice, 2005, 246 p.
Cabrini F.S.; biography; United States; Italians; religious orders among migrants; historical
Schambeck, Mirjam
Multi-Kulti? Kulturtheoretische, theologische und religionspädagogische Überlegungen, in
Rahner, Johanna; Schambeck, Mirjam (Hrsg.), Zwischen Integration und Ausgrenzung.
Migration, religiöse Identität(en) und Bildung - theologisch reflektiert, Berlin, LIT Verlag, 2011,
pp. 177-214.
systematic theology: Trinity; inter-religious dialogue; unity in diversity; school; cross-culture;
Schär, Benz H.R.; Geisler, Ralf (eds.)
Theological reflections on migration. A CCME reader, Brussels, Churches' Commission for
Migrants in Europe, 2008, 50 p.
Protestant churches; Europe; systematic theology; moral theology; ethics; biblical theology;
anthropology; identity; alterity
Schatz, Werner
"Kommt zu einem Wort, das uns und euch gemeinsam ist": Beiträge zum christlichmuslimischen Dialog, Neukirchen-Vluyin, Neukirchener, 2007, 124 p.
inter-religious dialogue; Islam; Europe
Scheidler, Monika
Catechesi interculturale nella parrocchia multiculturale: opzioni, contenuti e metodi,
«Catechesi», (76), 2, 2007, pp. 54-69.
pastoral theology; catechesis; intercultural theology; intercultural education; Germany
Scheidler, Monika
Katechese mit Migrantenfamilien als Normalfall und Herausforderung, «Theologische
Quartalschrift», (191), 1, 2011, pp. 80-98.
catechesis; pastoral theology; family; parish; Germany
Scheidler, Monika; Hofrichter, Claudia; Kiefer, Thomas (Hrsg.)
Interkulturelle Katechese. Herausforderungen und Anregungen für die Praxis, München,
Deutscher Katecheten-Verein, 2010, 270 p.
Germany; catechesis; pastoral theology; parish; ethnic missions; Italians; Spanish;
Portuguese; French; Poles; Croatians; Vietnamese; Ukrainians; Germans; intercultural
Schmutzer, Andrew J.
Did the Gods cause Abraham's wandering?, «Journal for the Study of the Old Testament»,
(35), 2, 2010, pp. 149-166.
biblical theology: Old Testament: Genesis; biblical figures: Abraham
Schreiter, Robert
Katholizität als Rahmen für das Nachdenken über Migration, «Concilium», (44), 5, 2008, pp.
church documents; systematic theology: ecclesiology; catholicity; pastoral theology
Schreiter, Robert
La cattolicità come struttura per affrontare la migrazione, «Concilium», (44), 5, 2008, pp. 4159.
church documents; systematic theology: ecclesiology; catholicity; pastoral theology
Schultze, George E.
Strangers in a foreign land: the organizing of Catholic Latinos in the United States, Lanham,
MD, Rowman & Littlefield, 2007, xii, 175 p.
United States; Catholic church; historical aspects; Latin Americans
Schüssler Fiorenza, Elisabeth; Nasrallah, Laura (eds.)
Prejudice and Christian beginnings. Investigating race, gender, and ethnicity in early Christian
studies, Fortress Press, 2009, 288 p.
biblical theology: New Testament; historical aspects: early Christians; racism; woman;
ethnicity; feministic theology
Seckler, Max
L'ecclesiologia della communio. Il metodo teologico e la dottrina dei loci theologici di Melchior
Cano, «Rivista Liturgica», (95), 2, 2008, pp. 227-252.
fundamental theology; pluralism; unity in diversity; communion; systematic theology:
Sekretariat der Deutschen Bischofskonferenz (Hrsg.)
Christus aus Liebe verkünden. Zur Begleitung von Taufbewerbern mit muslimischen
Hintergrund. Arbeitshilfen 236, Bonn, Sekretariat der Deutschen Bischofskonferenz, 2009, 71
Germany; Church documents; pastoral theology; Islam
Serra, Giovanni
L'Anno Paolino, in Bentoglio, Gabriele (a cura di), Sulle orme di Paolo. Dall'annuncio tra le
culture alla comunione tra i popoli, Roma, Urbaniana University Press, 2009, pp. 241-254,
Quaderni SIMI, 7.
biblical theology: New Testament: Corpus Paulinum; culture
Sgroi, Placido
Per un'etica dell'ospitalità reciproca, «Studi Ecumenici», (29), 1, 2011, pp. 87-102.
ethics; moral theology; welcome
Shatz, David; Wolowelsky, Joel B.; Ziegler, Reuven (eds.)
Abraham's journey: reflections on the life of the founding patriarch. Rabbi Joseph B.
Soloveitchik, Jersey City, NJ, Published for Toras HoRav Foundation by KTAV Publishing
House, 2008, xv, 224 p.
biblical figures: Abraham; Jewish religion
Shinjong Baeq, Daniel; Lee, Myunghee; Hong, Sokpyo; Ro, Johnatan
Mission from migrant church to ethnic minorities. A brief assessment of the Korean American
church in mission, «Missiology», (39), 1, 2011, pp. 25-37.
Koreans; United States; missiology; ethnic minorities
Simonelli, Cristina
"È tanto piccolo, Signore" (Amos 7,2.5). Traccia di riflessione biblica, «Servizio Migranti»,
(19), 5, 2009, pp. 363-368.
biblical theology: Amos; children; being a poor; being a stranger
Simonelli, Cristina
La catechesi e la strada: cose nuove e antiche, «Servizio Migranti», (20), 4, 2010, pp. 305312.
catechesis; pastoral theology: itinerant people; Italy
Simonelli, Cristina
Le maglie della rete. Note per una pastorale coordinata, interconnessa e ospitale, «Revista
Interdisciplinar da Mobilidade Humana REMHU», (17), 32, 2009, pp. 177-191.
pastoral theology; itinerant people; Italy; welcome
Skok, Deborah A.
More than neighbours: Catholic settlements and day nurseries in Chicago, 1893-1930,
DeKalb, Northern Illinois University Press, 2007, x, 245 p.
United States; historical aspects; Catholic church
Smith, Jane I.
Muslims, Christians, and the challenge of interfaith dialogue, New York, Oxford University
Press, 2007, xiii, 186 p.
inter-religious dialogue; Islam; United States
Southwood, Katherine
Die 'heilige Nachkommenschaft' und die 'fremden Fruen'. 'Mischehen' als inner-jüdische
Angelegenheit?, in Rahner, Johanna; Schambeck, Mirjam (Hrsg.), Zwischen Integration und
Ausgrenzung. Migration, religiöse Identität(en) und Bildung - theologisch reflektiert, Berlin, LIT
Verlag, 2011, pp. 61-82.
biblical theology: Old Testament: Ezra; homeland; migration; diaspora; refugees; identity
Spadacini, Antonio (a cura di)
Annunciare e vivere la Parola. Commenti al lezionario festivo anno A - B - C, Zurigo, Edizione
Associazione Corriere degli Italiani, 2009, 428 p.
pastoral theology; biblical theology; Switzerland; Italians; Italian Catholic Missions
Spencer, Stephen (ed.)
Mission and migration. Papers read at the biennial conference of the British and Irish
Association for Mission Studies at the Belfast Bible College, Northern Ireland (2nd - 5th July
2007), Cliff College Publishing, 2008,
Spickard, James
Networks, homes, or congregations? Exploring the locus of immigrant religiosity, in Adogame,
Afe; Wiessköppel, Cordula (eds.), Religion in the context of African migration, «Bayreuth
African Studies Series», 75, 2005, pp. 23-41.
Africans; missiology; United States
Spina, Frank Anthony
The faith of the outsider: exclusion and inclusion in the biblical story, Grand Rapids,
Eerdmanns, 2005, x, 206 p.
biblical theology; being a stranger; universality
Splett, Jörg
Begegnung mit dem Fremden: Eine Spur zu Gott und zum Menschen?, «Auf den Wegen des
Exodus», (23), 6, 2009, pp. 10-21.
anthropology; alterity; philosophy; diversity; homeland
Splett, Jörg
Scalabrini-Fest dei Frutti 2009. L'incontro con lo straniero... una via per aprirci a Dio e al
mondo?, «Sulle strade dell'esodo», 2009, pp. 8-19.
anthropology; alterity; philosophy; diversity; homeland
Splett, Jörg
Scalabrini-Fest di Primavera 2010. Miteinander in der Verschiedenheit, welches Gottes- und
Menschenbild steckt dahinter?, «Sulle strade dell'esodo», (35), 3, 2010, pp. 3-21 (Beiheft).
diversity; anthropology; systematic theology: Trinity; unity in diversity
Splett, Jörg
Scalabrini-Fest di Primavera 2010. Vivere insieme nella diversità. Quale immagine di Dio e
dell'uomo (prima parte), «Sulle strade dell'esodo», (35), 3, 2010, pp. 26-35.
diversity; anthropology; systematic theology: Trinity; unity in diversity
Splett, Jörg
Scalabrini-Fest di Primavera 2010. Vivere insieme nella diversità. Quale immagine di Dio e
dell'uomo (seconda parte), «Sulle stade dell'esodo», (35), 4, 2010, pp. 29-35.
diversity; anthropology; systematic theology: Trinity; human dignity
Staglianò, Antonio
"Cieli nuovi e terra nuova". L'accoglienza: dimensione ontologica della comunità cristiana,
«Vivarium», (18), 3, 2010, pp. 325-345.
welcome; evangelisation; fundamental theology
Stefani, Piero
L'ospitalità di Abramo. L'accoglienza di Dio, «Il Regno - Attualità», (54), 10, 2009, pp. 353354.
biblical theology; biblical figures: Abraham; welcome
Stepick, Alex; Rey, Terry; Mahler, Sarah J.
Churches and charity in the immigrant city: religion, immigration, and civic engagement in
Miami, Fredericksburg, PA, Reutgers University Press, 2009, 336 p.
United States; pastoral theology; sociology; solidarity; Haitians; Cubans; African Americans;
Mexicans; Nicaraguans; Catholic church
Stewart, Eric C.
Gathered around Jesus: an alternative spatial practice in the Gospel of Mark, Cambridge,
Clark, 2009, 239 p.
biblical theology: New Testament: Mark; exile
Stögbauer, Eva Maria
Mit fremden Religionen im Klassenzimmer. Bedingungen, neuralgische Punkte und
Perspektiven einer Didaktik der Religionen, in Rahner, Johanna; Schambeck, Mirjam (Hrsg.),
Zwischen Integration und Ausgrenzung. Migration, religiöse Identität(en) und Bildung theologisch reflektiert, Berlin, LIT Verlag, 2011, pp. 237-254.
Germany; inter-religious dialogue; school; religions
Stolarik, M. Mark
Slovak immigrants come to terms with religious diversity in North America, «The Catholic
Historical Review», (96), 1, 2010, pp. 56-84.
historical aspects; Slovaks; United States; Eastern churches; Catholic church; lay people
Strube, Sonja (Hrsg.)
Eine fremde Frau weitet Jesu Horizont. Bibelarbeit zu Mk 7,24-30, in Strube, Sonja (Hrsg.),
Fremde Frauen, Stuttgart, Verlag Katholisches Bibelwerk, 2010, pp. 36-44.
woman; biblical theology: New Testament: Mark; being a stranger
Strube, Sonja
Fremde Frauen, Stuttgart, Verlag Katholisches Bibelwerk, 2010, 94 p.
woman; biblical theology; being a stranger
Suermann, Harald
Katholische Migrantenpastoral in Deutschland, in Klöcker, Michael; Tworuschka, Udo (Hrgs.),
Handbuch der Religionen. Kirchen und andere Glaubensgemeinschaften in Deutschland,
Landsberg am Lech, Günter Olzog, 2009, pp. 1-16.
Germany; pastoral theology; historical aspects; ethnic missions; Catholic church
Suess, Paulo
Migração, identidade, interculturação. Teses e fragmentos para um discernimento teológicopastoral, «Revista Interdisciplinar da Mobilidade Humana REMHU», (18), 34, 2010, pp. 169183.
pastoral theology; identity; cross-culture; solidarity
Tabares Carrasco, Esteban
Inmigración: ecumenismo humano. "Tu pueblo es el mío, tu Dios es mi Dios" (Rut 1,16),
«Revista Interdisciplinar da Mobilidade Humana REMHU», (17), 33, 2009, pp. 253-266.
cross-culture; inter-religious dialogue; Spain; intercultural dialogue
Tan, Jonathan Y.
Introducing Asian American theologies, Maryknoll, NY, Orbis, 2008, 210 p.
United States; Asians; Asian Americans; pastoral theology; systematic theology; biblical
theology; historical aspects
Tan, Nancy Nam Hoon
The "foreignness" of the foreign woman in Proverbs 1-9. A study of the origin and
development of a biblical motif, Berlin, Walter de Gruyter, 2008, xvi, 223.
biblical theology: Old Testament: Proverbs; being a stranger; woman
Tangorra, Giovanni
La metafora della Chiesa pellegrinante, «Orientamenti pastorali», (56), 10, 2008, pp. 24-30.
systematic theology: ecclesiology; being a pilgrim; pilgrimage
Tassello, Giovanni Graziano (a cura di)
Migrazioni e teologia. Sviluppi recenti, «Studi Emigrazione», (47), 178, 2010, pp. 258-470.
biblical theology; pastoral theology; systematic theology; missiology; sociology; Canon law;
moral theology
Tassello, Giovanni Graziano
"Da Chiesa per i migranti a Chiesa migrante". "Von einer Kirche für Migranten und Menschen
unterwegs zu einer Kirche unterwegs", in Tassello, Giovanni Graziano; Deponti Luisa;
Proserpio Felicina (a cura di, herausgegeben von), Kirche sein im Zeichen der Migrationen.
Essere chiesa nel segno delle migrazioni. Être église dans le signe des migrations, Todi, Tau
Editrice, 2011, pp. 27-75.
pastoral theology; Switzerland; ethnic missions; systematic theology: ecclesiology
Tassello, Giovanni Graziano
Church's social teaching on migration. Issues and challenges, «Revista Interdisciplinar da
Mobilidade Humana REMHU», (18), 35, 2010, pp. 229-246.
social doctrine of the Church; Church documents; rights; irregular migrants
Tassello, Giovanni Graziano
Emigrazione italiana e riflessioni pastorali, in Fondazione Migrantes (a cura di), Rapporto
Italiani nel mondo 2008, Roma, IDOS, 2008, pp. 215-224.
pastoral theology; historical aspects; Italians
Tassello, Giovanni Graziano
I migranti nel progetto di Dio secondo la visione profetica di G.B. Scalabrini, «Sulle strade
dell'esodo», (36), 3, 2011, pp. 18-24.
local church; pastoral theology: migrants; catholicity; Scalabrini G.B.
Tassello, Giovanni Graziano
Il volto missionario della Chiesa in Germania, oggi, in Delegazione Missioni Cattoliche Italiane
in Germania e Scandinavia (a cura di), Le nostre Missioni verso una nuova missione. Die
Missionen auf dem Weg zu einer neuen Mission. Convegno Nazionale 2009 delle
Missioni/Comunità Cattoliche Italiane in Germania e Scandinavia. Ludwigshafen, 14-18
settembre 2009, Frankfurt/Main, Delegazione Missioni Cattoliche Italiane in Germania e
Scandinavia, 2010, pp. 53-64.
pastoral theology; Germany; Italians; Italian Catholic Missions; missiology
Tassello, Giovanni Graziano
La riscoperta della cattolicità e della missionarietà in emigrazione, in Delegazione Missioni
Cattoliche Italiane in Germania e Scandinavia (a cura di), Le nostre Missioni verso una nuova
missione. Die Missionen auf dem Weg zu einer neuen Mission. Convegno Nazionale 2009
delle Missioni/Comunità Cattoliche Italiane in Germania e Scandinavia. Ludwigshafen, 14-18
settembre 2009, Frankfurt/Main, Delegazione Missioni Cattoliche Italiane in Germania e
Scandinavia, 2010, pp. 39-51.
pastoral theology; catholicity; Germany; ethnic missions; Italian Catholic Missions
Tassello, Giovanni Graziano
La stampa cattolica di emigrazione in Europa, «Studi Emigrazione», (46), 175, 2009, pp. 623652.
historical aspects; Italians; Europe; mass media
Tassello, Giovanni Graziano
Migranten als Mitarbeiter im Plan Gottes: die prophetische Vision von G.B. Scalabrini, «Auf
den Wegen des Exodus», (25), 3, 2011, pp. 16-22.
local church; pastoral theology: migrants; catholicity; Scalabrini G.B.
Tassello, Giovanni Graziano
Missiones cum cura animarum, in Bentoglio, Gabriele (a cura di), Sfide alla chiesa in
cammino. Strutture di pastorale migratoria, Roma, Urbaniana University Press, 2010, pp. 109119.
pastoral theology; Church documents; ethnic missions
Tassello, Giovanni Graziano
Teologia pastorale e migrazioni, in Tassello, Giovanni Graziano (a cura di), Migrazioni e
teologia. Sviluppi recenti, «Studi Emigrazione», (47), 178, 2010, pp. 444-470.
pastoral theology; Church documents
Tassello, Giovanni Graziano; Deponti, Luisa; Proserpio, Felicina (a cura
di/herausgegeben von)
Kirche sein im Zeichen der Migrationen. Essere chiesa nel segno delle migrazioni. Être église
dans le signe des migrations. Tagung der Missionare und der PastoralmitarbeiterInnen der
italienischsprachigen katholischen Missionen in der Schweiz. Convegno dei missionari, delle
operatrici e degli operatori pastorali delle Missioni cattoliche di lingua italiana in Svizzera.
Centre St. François, Delémont, 25.-28.10.2010. Collana Quaderni Migrantes 01, Todi, Tau
Editrice, 2011, 210 p.
pastoral theology; Switzerland; Europe; ethnic missions; Italians; youth; Catholic church;
systematic theology: ecclesiology
Tassello, Giovanni Graziano; Deponti, Luisa; Proserpio, Felicina (a cura di)
Migrazioni e scienze teologiche. Rassegna bibliografica (1980-2007), Basilea, CSERPE,
2009, 287 p.
bibliography; migration
Teixeira, Faustino
O imprescindível desafio da diferença religiosa, «Revista Interdisciplinar da Mobilidade
Humana REHMU», (20), 38, 2012, pp. 181-194.
inter-religious dialogue; alterity; religions; pluralism
Terragni, Giovanni
La parrocchia personale, in Bentoglio, Gabriele (a cura di), Sfide alla chiesa in cammino.
Strutture di pastorale migratoria, Roma, Urbaniana University Press, 2010, pp. 93-107.
parish; ethnic missions; Canon law; pastoral theology; Church documents
Tomasi, Silvano M.
Migration und Katholizismus im globalen Kontext, «Concilium», (44), 5, 2008, pp. 520-537.
church documents; social doctrine of the church; pastoral theology; Catholic church
Tomasi, Silvano
Migrazione e cattolicesimo in un contesto globale, «Concilium», (44), 5, 2008, pp. 17-40.
church documents; social doctrine of the church; pastoral theology; Catholic church
Traulsen, Christian
Barmherzigkeit und Busse - Zum christlichen Gehalt des spätantiken Kirchenasyls,
«Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte», (124), 93 Kanonistische Abteilung,
2007, pp. 128-153.
historical aspects; sanctuary movement; right of asylum
Trevaskis, Leigh M.
The purpose of Leviticus 24 within its literary context, «Vetus Testmentum», (59), 2, 2009,
biblical theology: Old Testament: Leviticus; being a stranger
Treviño, Roberto R.; Francaviglia, Richard V.
Catholicism in the American West: a rosary of hidden voices, Arlington, TX, Texas A&M
University Press, 2007, x, 172 p.
United States; historical aspects; Catholic church
Troiani, Lucio
Il Kerygma di Paolo, in Bentoglio, Gabriele (a cura di), Sulle orme di Paolo. Dall'annuncio tra
le culture alla comunione tra i popoli, Roma, Urbaniana University Press, 2009, pp. 27-48,
Quaderni SIMI, 7.
biblical theology: New Testament: Corpus Paulinum
Valduga, Gustavo
Paz, Itália, Jesus. Uma identidade para imigrantes italianos e seus descendentes: o papel do
jornal Correio Riograndense (1930-1945), Porto Alegre, EDIPUCRS, 2008, 292 p.
Brazil; Italians; Missionaries of St. Charles - Scalabrinians; religious orders among migrants;
mass media; identity; culture; historical aspects
Vallejo Girvés, Margarita
Dos casos de comunidades cristianas en el exilio: Tipasa, Durostorum y el traslado de sus
reliquias, «Vetera Christianorum», (44), 2, 2007, pp. 323-341.
historical aspects; emigration of Christians; exile; Spain; Italy
Van Henten, Jan Willem
Martyrdom, Jesus' passion and barbarism, «Biblical Interpretation», (17), 1-2, 2009, pp. 239264.
being a stranger; biblical theology: Old Testament: Maccabees; biblical theology: New
Van Ruymbeke, Bertrand
From new Babylon to Eden. The Huguenots and their migration to colonial South Carolina,
Columbia, SC, University of South Carolina Press, 2006, 396 p.
United States; historical aspects; emigration of Christians; Protestant churches
Vanzan, Piersandro
La Fondazione "Migrantes" ieri e oggi, «La Civiltà Cattolica», (159), 1, 2008, pp. 562-570.
historical aspects; Italy; pastoral theology; Catholic church
Varsalona, Agnese
"In vielen Sprachen einmütig": Communio in der Vielfalt, «Lebendiges Zeugnis», (66), 3,
2011, pp. 203-209.
systematic theology; philosophy; unity in diversity; communion
Varsalona, Agnese
Dialogo e identità. Considerazioni filosofico-teologiche a partire dall'esperienza migratoria,
«Revista Interdisciplinar da Mobilidade Humana REMHU», (18), 34, 2010, pp. 113-130.
fundamental theology; identity; alterity; philosophy; intercultural dialogue; systematic theology
Vavassori, Alessandro
Migranti come noi. Per una reciproca accoglienza, Bologna, EMI, 2008, 144 p.
Italy; welcome; pastoral theology; solidarity
Vendemmiati, Aldo
Migrazioni, globalizzazione e pluralismo etico, in Battistella, Graziano (a cura di), Migrazioni:
questioni etiche, Roma, Urbaniana University Press, 2008, pp. 135-158.
ethics; moral theology; globalization; pluralism
Vermeylen, Jacques
Jérusalem centre du monde: Développements et contestations d'une tradition biblique, Paris,
Cerf, 2007, 401 p.
biblical theology; pilgrimage
Viana, Antonio
Pasado y futuro de las prelaturas personales, «Ius Canonicum», (48), 95, 2008, pp. 141-182.
Canon law
Vignolo, Roberto
"La Comunione al Vangelo" tratto qualificante dell'evangelizzazione paolina (Fil 1,5; 1Cor
9,23), in Bentoglio, Gabriele (a cura di), Sulle orme di Paolo. Dall'annuncio tra le culture alla
comunione tra i popoli, Roma, Urbaniana University Press, 2009, pp. 49-76, Quaderni SIMI,
biblical theology: New Testament: Corpus Paulinum; communion
Vorholt, Robert
Grenzübergänge. Mission und Dialog bei Paulus, «Communio», (38), 3, 2009, pp. 275-282.
biblical theology: New Testament: Corpus Paulinum; universality
Währisch-Oblau, Claudia
The missionary self-perception of Pentecostal/Charismatic church leaders from the Global
South in Europe. Bringing back the Gospel, Leiden-Boston, Brill, 2009, 428 p.
missiology; Germany; Pentecostal/Charismatic churches
Waldron, FlorenceMae
Re-evaluating the role of "national" identities in the American Catholic Church at the turn of
the twentieth century: the case of les Petites Franciscaines de Marie (PFM), «Catholic
Historical Review», (95), 3, 2009, pp. 515-545.
United States; Canadians; historical aspects; woman; religious orders among migrants;
language; Catholic church
Walls, Andrew F.
Afterword: Christian mission in a five-hundred year context, in Walls, Andrew F.; Ross, Cathy
(eds.), Mission in the twenty-first century: exploring the five marks of global mission,
Maryknoll, NY, Orbis Books, 2008, pp. 193-204.
missiology; historical aspects; Europeans; emigration of Christians
Wénin, André
Un lieu pour la présence de Dieu. Parcours biblique, «Revue Théologique de Louvain», (40),
3, 2009, pp. 382-400.
biblical theology; spirituality of the exodus; being a pilgrim
Wertgen, Werner
Gesellschafts- und sozialpolitische Aspekte der Migration, «Lebendiges Zeugnis», (66), 3,
2011, pp. 179-189.
moral theology; ethics; integration; Germany; puralism; tolerance
White, Joseph M.
Worthy of the Gospel of Christ. A history of the Catholic diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend.
Commemorating the 150th anniversary of the diocese and Catholic life in Northern Indiana,
Fort Wayne, IN, Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend, 2007, xiv, 609 p.
United States; Catholic church; historical aspects; Germans
Wills, Lawrence M.
Not God's people: insiders and outsiders in the biblical world, Lanham, MD, Rowman and
Littlefield Publishers, 2008, x, 257 p.
biblical theology; alterity
Witschen, Dieter
Warum eigene Menschenrechtskonventionen für besonders vulnerable Gruppen?, «Trierer
Theologische Zeitschrift», (118), 3, 2009, pp. 263-269.
moral theology; fundamental human rights; refugees; ethics; right of asylum
Wöhrle, Jakob
"No future for the proud exultant ones". The exilic Book of the Four Prophets (Hos., Am., Mic.
Zeph.) as a concept opposed to the Deuteronomistic history, «Vetus Testamentum», (58), 4,
2008, pp. 608-627.
biblical theology: Old Testament: Hosea, Amos, Micah, Zephaniah; exile
Yong, Amos
Hospitality and the other: Pentecost, Christian practice, and the neighbor, Maryknoll, Orbis,
missiology; Protestant churches; welcome
Yoo, David; Chung, Ruth H. (eds.)
Religion and spirituality in Korean America, Urbana, University of Illinois Press, 2008, xii, 240
pastoral theology; Koreans; United States; Catholic church; Protestant churches; Buddhism
Zamberlam, Jurandir; Ferrari, Joel; Corso, Giovanni; Filippin, Joaquim Roque
Foz do Iguaçu em contexto de mobilidade. Paróquia Bom Jesus do migrante. Coleção
Pastoral e Migração, Porto Alegre, Solidus, 2007, 108 p.
pastoral theology; Brazil; Missionaries of St. Charles - Scalabrinians; parish
Zapponi, Elena
La transmisión del catolicismo en familias de immigrantes: continuidades y rupturas a lo largo
del linaje generacional, «Estudios Migratorios Latinoamericanos», (21), 64, 2007, pp. 513526.
Argentina; historical aspects; Italians; Catholic church
Zehnder, Markus
Umgang mit Fremden in Israel und Assyrien: ein Beitrag zur Anthropologie des "Fremden" im
Licht antiker Quellen, Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 2005, 613 p.
biblical theology: Old Testament; being a stranger