
of the Pontifi cal Council for the Promoti on of the New Evangelization.
H.Em. Card. Timot hy Michael DOLAN (USA), Ar chbishop of New York;
H.Em. Card. Josip BOZANI# (Croatia), Archbishop of Zagreb;
H.Em. Card. Wi ll iam J. LEVADA (USA) , Pre fect Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith;
H.Em. Card. Marc OUE LLET (Canada) , Prefe ct Congregation for the Bishops;
H.Em. Card. George P ELL (Australia), Archbishop of Sydney;
H.Em. Card. Gi anfranco RAVASI (Italy) , President Pontifical Council for Culture;
H.Em. Card. Francisco ROBLES ORTEG A ( Mexico), Archbishop of Monterrey;
H.Em. Card. Stanislaw R YLKO (Poland) , Pre sident Pontifical Council for the Laity;
H.Em. Card. Odi li o P edro SCHERER ( Br azil) , Archbishop of Sao Paulo;
H.Em. Card. Christoph S CHÖNBORN (Czech Republic / Austria), Archbishop of Vienn a;
H.Em. Card. Angelo SCOLA (Italy), Ar chbisho p of Milan;
H.E. Msgr. Pierre-Marie CARRÉ (Fran ce) , Archbishop coadiutore of Montpellier;
H.E. Msgr. Claudi o Mari a CELLI (Italy) , Archbishop President of the Pontifical Council fo r
Social Com muni cati ons;
H.E. Msgr . Nikola E TEROVI# (Croatia), Ar chbishop General Secretary of the Synod o f
H.E. Msgr. Bruno FO RTE (Italy), Archb ishop o f Chieti - Vasto;
H.E. Msgr. Adolfo GO NZÁLEZ MONTES ( Sp ain), Bishop of Almeria;
H.E. M sgr. Ignat ius Ayau KAIGAMA (Nig er ia) , Ar chbishop of Jos, President of the Cath o lic
Bishops' Conference of Nigeria;
H.E. Msgr. Andre-Muti en LEONARD (Belgiu m), Archbishop of Mechelen -Brussel;
H.E. Msgr. Bernard LONGLEY (Great Brit ain) , Archbishop of Birmingham;
H.E. M sgr. Paul Youssef MATAR (L eb an on ), Archbishop of Beirut of the Maronites,
Chancellor of the University La Sagesse in Beirut;
H.E. Msgr . Vincenzo P AGLIA (Italy), Ar chb ishop President of the Pontifical Council for th e
H.E. Msgr. Ro bert ZOLLITSCH (Germany), Ar chbishop of Freiburg im Breisgau;
of the Pontifi cal Council for the Promoti on of the New Evangelization
Amirante Chi ara (It aly) – Founder of th e Association “Nuovi Orizzonti”
Argüello Kiko (S pain)
Neocatechumenal Way
t he
responsible for
th e
Austen Mons. Georg (Germany) – Ge ne ral Secretary of Bonifatiuswerk der deutsch en
Biju-Duval Denis (France) – Full professor o f Theology of Charity at the Pastoral Institu te
“Redemptor Hominis ” of the Pontificia Unive rsit à Lateranense in Roma
Buckenmaier A chim (Germany) – Profe ssor of the Dogmatic Theology at the Akademie fü r
die Teheologie des Volkes Gottes , Pontificia Università Lateranense in Roma
Butler Sara (USA ) – of the order of the M issio nary Servants of the Most Blessed Trinity
Carrón Julián (Spain) – President of t he Fr at er nità di Comunione e Liberazione
Chávez Villanueva Pascual (Mexico) – Re ctor Major of the Salesian Society of s. Giovann i
De Azevedo Fil ho Moysés Louro (Brazil) – Founder and General Moderator of the Catholic
Community Shalom
Del Palacio y P érez-Medel José Luis ( Spain) – Founder and member of the execu tive
council of the Faculty of Theology “ Re de mpto ris Mater” in Callao (Peru)
Driscoll p. Jeremy, O. S.B. (USA) – Profe ssor at Mount Angel Seminary in St. Bened ict,
Oregon, and at t he Theology Faculty o f t he Pontificio Ateneo Sant’Anselmo in Rome
Dumortier F rançoi s-X avier, S.I. (Fran ce) – Rect or of the Pontificia Università Gregoriana
Frisina Msgr. Marco (Italy) – Preside nt of the Commission for Sacred Art of the Dioce se
of Rome, Pr ofessor at t he Pontificia Un iver sit à Lateranense and the Pontificia Università
della Santa Croce in Rome
Królikowski Marian (P oland) – Founder of t he “ School of the New Evangelization Sain t
Paul” , Founder and Prior of the com munit y o f consecrated life “ Koinonia Saint Paul” in
Martin dr . Curti s A . (U SA) – Founder and Pr esident of Fellowship of Catholic University
Sudents (FOCUS )
Martin dr. Ralph (U SA) – Director of the G ra du at e Theological Programs in Evangelizatio n
at the S acred Heart School of Theolo gy in Det roit
Martinez dr. Sal vatore (Italy) – President of th e Association Renewal in the Holy Spi rit
Morlans i Molina sac. Xavier (Spain) – Pr of essor of Fundamental Theology at the Faculta t
de Teologiade Catalunya in Barcelona
Ocáriz msgr. Fernando (Spain) – Vicar Gen er al of the Personal Prelature Opus Dei
Pitta msgr . A ntoni o (I tal y) – Full professor of New Testament Exegetics at the Faculty of
Theology of the Pont if icia Università Late ranense in Rome
Rupnik f. Marko Ivan S.I. (Slovenia ) – Dire ctor of the Centro Aletti , Professor at the
Pontificio Istit uto Orientale, the Pontif icia Università Gregoriana and the Pontificio Istitu to
Liturgico of the P ontificio Ateneo Sant ’Anse lmo in Rome
Scar aff ia prof. Lucetta (Italy) – Prof essor of Contemporary History at the Facul ty o f
Humanities of the Sapi enza Universit y o f Rome
Sequer i msgr. Pierangelo (Italy) – Full pr of essor of Fundamental Theology at the Faco ltà
Teologica dell’Italia S ettentrionale
Sewer yniak sac. Henryk (Poland) – Pr of esso r of Fundamental Theology at the Univeryte t
Kardynala Stef ana Wyszy#skiego in Wa rszawa
Söding dr. Thomas (Germany) – Pro fessor of New testament at the
Theologische Fakult ät della Ruhr-Unive rsit ät in Bochum
Kathol isch-
Voce dr. Maria (I tal y) – The Focolari M ove ment ( Opera di Maria)
Willey dr. Petroc (UK) – Dean of Gr aduate Research at the Maryvale Institute of
Wirtz sr. Mary Lou, F.C.J.M. (USA) – Ge ne ral Superior of the Franciscan Sisters Daugh te rs
of the Sacr ed H earts of Jesus and Mar y