

P.U.G. Tel. 06-6701-5377
Nato a Limerick (Irlanda) il 26 marzo
Diploma di Maturità (Sacred Heart College SJ, Limerick)
Ingresso nel Noviziato della Compagnia di Gesù a Dublino
Conferimento dell’ ordinazione sacerdotale
Baccellierato in Scienze Sociali, University College Dublin
Baccellierato in Filosofia, Hochschule für Philosophie SJ, München
Diploma Superiore in Educazione, University College Galway
Baccellierato in Teologia (S.T.B.), Milltown Institute of Theology
and Philosophy, Dublino
Licenza in Teologia (S.T.L.), The Catholic University of America,
Washington D.C. (tesina: The social-structural dimensions of grace
and ‘dis-grace’ in the theology of Leonardo Boff)
Dottorato in Teologia (S.T.D.), The Catholic University of America,
Washington D.C. (tesi dottorale: The relationship between human
existence and Christian salvation in the theology of Joseph
Impegni di lavoro:
1991-2014 Docente presso la Pontificia Facoltà di Teologia al Milltown Institute
of Theology and Philosophy, Dublino
Semestre sabbatico (l’autunno) a Roma (Collegio Bellarmino)
Visiting International Jesuit Fellow, The College of the Holy Cross,
Worcester, Massachusetts (Stati Uniti)
Da settembre a dicembre, Visiting International Fellow, The College
of the Holy Cross, Worcester, Massachusetts
Reaping the Harvest: Fifty Years after Vatican II (scritto insieme a Suzanne
Mulligan [editrice] e Gerry O’Hanlon SJ), Dublino, 2012.
The Papacy since 1500: From Italian Prince to Universal Pastor (collezione di
articoli redatti con Thomas Worcester SJ), Cambridge, U.K. e New York, U.S.A.,
Joseph Ratzinger’s Theological Ideas: Wise Cautions and Legitimate Hopes,
Dublino, Irlanda e Mahwah, New Jersey, 2009.
One City, Two Tiers: A Theological Reflection on Life in a Divided Society (scritto
insieme a otto altri autori), Dublino, 1996.
Articoli (selezionati):
Detectives of Grace in the Adventures of Scholarship, in: Becoming Beholders:
Cultivating Sacramental Imagination and Actions in College Classrooms, red.
Karen E. Eifler e Thomas M. Landy, USA, Collegeville, Minnesota, 2014, pp.
What Can You Expect from a Jesuit Pope? in: The Francis Factor: A New
Departure, red. John Littleton e Eamon Maher, Dublino, 2014, pp. 48-56.
Bringing God to the World and the World to God: The Priest in the Twenty-First
Century, in: Priesthood Today: Ministry in a Changing Church, red. Eamonn
Conway, Dublino, 2013, pp. 149-156.
Reason and Faith are Friends: Faith in the Writings of Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict
XVI, in: Religious Life Review 52:283 (novembre/dicembre 2013), pp. 325-336.
Pope Francis and the eight cardinal advisors, in: Thinking Faith: The Online
Journal of the British Jesuits (30 settembre 2013).
Vatican II and Its Reception in Ireland, in: Doctrine & Life 63:6 (luglio/agosto
2013), pp. 32-45.
Whither Catholicism in Ireland? in: Studies: An Irish Quarterly Review 101:404
(l’inverno 2012), pp. 387-396.
Reflection on the Theology of Joseph Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI) in: Acta
Theologica 2012 32(2), pp. 17-34.
Speak Freely – but Watch Your Back! Dissent and Dissenters in the Catholic
Church Today, in: Doctrine & Life 62:10 (dicembre 2012), pp.10-22.
Dei Verbum: On the face of God ‘unveiled’, in: Thinking Faith: Online Journal of
the British Jesuits (17 ottobre, 2012).
The Catholic Church in Ireland: ‘what must we do?’ (Acts 2:37), in: Studies 100:
398 (l’estate 2011), pp. 193-205.
Rahner and Ratzinger: A Complex Relationship, in: Karl Rahner: Theologian for
the Twenty-first Century, red. Pádraic Conway e Fáinche Ryan, Bern: Peter Lang
AG, International Academic Publishers, 2010, pp. 77-100.
Joseph Ratzinger on Liberation Theology: What Did He Say? Why Did He Say It?
What Can Be Said About It? in: Movement or Moment? Assessing Liberation
Theology Forty Years after Medellín, red. Patrick Claffey e Joe Egan, Bern: Peter
Lang AG, International Academic Publishers, 2009, pp. 183-202.
On Christian Hope: The New Encyclical of Pope Benedict XVI, in: Thinking Faith:
Online Journal of the British Jesuits (18 gennaio 2008).
Joseph Ratzinger’s Theological Ideas. Sette articoli, in: Doctrine & Life 56 e 57
(febbraio, aprile, settembre e dicembre 2006 e gennaio, luglio/agosto e novembre
An Accidental Theologian, in: Theology in the Making: Biography, Contexts,
Methods, red. Gesa Thiessen e Declan Marmion, Dublino, 2005, pp. 45-55.
Spirituality and Culture, in: The New SCM Dictionary of Christian Spirituality,
red. Philip Sheldrake, U.K., 2005, pp. 26-31.
A Vision To Live By, in: Catholic Social Teaching In Action, red. Cathy Molloy,
Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice, Dublino, 2005, pp. 11-21.
Does Technology Squeeze Out Transcendence – or What? in: Technology and
Transcendence, red. Michael Breen, Eamonn Conway e Barry McMillan, Dublino,
2003, pp. 11-21.
Unripened Fruits, in: Windows on Social Spirituality, Jesuit Centre for Faith and
Justice, Dublin, 2003, pp. 28-38.
Continuing to Think about Faith and Culture, in: Studies 92:365 (la primavera
2003): 19-26.
Apparitions and Experience, in: The Way Supplement (2000/99), pp. 88-97.
Cultural Change and Theology in Ireland, in: Studies 88:352 (l’inverno 1999), pp.
One Christ, Many Religions: Speaking of Christ in the Context of a Plurality of
Religions, in: Milltown Studies 40 (l’inverno 1997), pp. 5-30.
The Communion of Saints, in: The Way 36:4 (ottobre 1996), pp. 285-293.
The Social Dimensions of Grace and ‘Dis-grace’ in the Theology of Leonardo Boff
in: Bobolanum 6 (1995), pp. 92-119.
The Idea of Europe according to Joseph Ratzinger in: Milltown Studies 31 (la
primavera 1993), pp. 91-111.