Papeles de Historia Agraria aparecidos en revistas extranjeras en


Papeles de Historia Agraria aparecidos en revistas extranjeras en
Papeles de Historia Agraria aparecidos en
revistas extranjeras en los años 1989-1990
La relación que se presenta en esta ocasión se basa en el vaciado de las siguientes
revistas extranjeras:
- Agricultural History
- Agricultural History Review
- Annales E.S.e.
- Economic History Review
- Estudios Rurales Latinoamericanos
- Exploration in Economic History
- Journal of Economic History
- Journal of European Economic History
- Journal of Family History
- Journal of Interdisciplinary History
- Journal of Peasant Studies
- Past and Present
- Population
- Research in Economic History
- Rivista di storia dell'agricoltura
- Rivista di storia economica
ALLEN, R'C, (1989): «Le due rivoluzioni agrarie ing1esi, 1450-1850", Rivista di storia
economica, n.s. VI, 3, pp. 254-282.
BAILEY, M. (1990): «Sand into Gold: the evo1ution of the fo1dcourse system in West
Suffolk, 1200-1600", Agricultural History Review, 38, 1, pp. 40-57.
BAIROCH, P. (1989): «Les trois revolutions agricoles du monde developpé: rendements
et productivité de 1800 a 1985", Annales, E.S.c., 44, 2, pp. 317-353.
BARSANTI, D. (1989): «Gaetano Giorgini e la bonifica per «separazione delle acque-»,
Rivista di storia dell'agricoltura, XXIX, 1, pp. 133-171.
BAUER, A. 1. (1990): «Millers and grinders: technology and household economy in
Meso-America», Agricultural history, 64, 1, pp. 1-17.
BLACK, 1. (1990): «Agricultural improvement in 1773: the role of foreign examples»,
Agricultural history, 64, 1, pp. 90-93.
BRANDT, L. Y SANOS, B. (1990): «Beyond Malthus and Ricardo: economic growth,
land, concentration, and income distribution in early twentieth-century rural China», Journal of Economic History, L, 3, pp. 807-828.
BRAS, T. (1990): «Peasant essentialism and the agrarian question in the Colombian
Andes», Journal of Peasant Studies, 17, 3, pp. 444-456.
CABRERA, E. (1989): «The medieval origins of the great landed estates of the Guadalquivir valley», Economic History Review, XLII, 4 pp. 439-464.
CARR, L. G. Y MENEARD, R.R. (1989): «Land, labor, and economies of scale in early
Maryland: Sorne limits to growth in the chesapeake system of husbundry», Journal
of Economic History, XLIX, 2, pp. 393-406.
CIANFERONI, R. (1990): «L'agricultura e l'ambiente rurale nei paesi industrializzati:
profilo storico-economico», Rivista di storia dell'agricoltura, XXX, 2, pp. 61-92.
CLARK, G. (1989): «Productivity growth without tecnical change in European agriculture:
reply to Komlos», Journal of Economic History, XLIX, 4, pp. 979-991.
CLARK, G. (1990): «Enclosure, land improvement, and the price of capital. A reply to
Jones», Explorations in Economic History, 27, 3, pp. 356-362.
CLEARY, M. (1989): «French agrarian history after 1750- a review and bibliography»,
Agricultural History Review, 37, 1, pp. 65-74.
COHEN, Jon S. y GALASSI, F. (1990): «Sharecropping and productivity: feudal residues
in Italian agriculture, 1911", Economic History Review, XLIII, 4, pp. 646-656.
COHEN, M. (1990): «Peasant differentiation and protoindustrialization in the Ulster
countryside: Tullylist, 1690-1825", Journal of Peasant Studies, 17,3, pp. 413-432.
COLLINS, E.J.T. (1989): «The 'Machinery Question' in English Agriculture in the
nineteenth century», Research in Economic History, suppl. 5, pp. 203-217.
COPUS, A. K. (1989): «Changing markets and the developments of sheep breeds in
southem England, 1750-1900", Agricultural History Review, 37, 1, pp. 36-51.
DA MOLIN, G. (1990): «Family forms and domestic service in southern Italy from the
seventeenth to the nineteenth enturies», Journal of Family History, 15, 4, pp.
DONAJGRODZKI, A.P. (1989): «Twentieth-century rural England: a case for 'peasant
studies'?», Journal of Peasant Studies, 16, 3, pp. 424-442.
DYER, Ch. (1989): «The consumer and the market in the later middle ages», Economic
History Review, XLII, 3, pp. 305-327.
ERICKSON, AL. (1990): «Common law versus common practice: the use of marriage
settlements in early modern England», Economic History Review, XLIII, 1, pp.
FAGIANI, F. (1990): «La struttura agronomica della Pi anura Veneta del primo
sessantennio dell'Ottocento», Rivista di storia dell'agricoltura, XXX, 1, pp. 1755.
FARMER, D.L. (1989): «Two wiltshire manors and their markets», Agricultural History
Review, 37, 1, pp. 1-11.
FORNI, G. (1989 a): «Problemi di convergenze linguistico-archeologiche nelle indagini
sulle origini deIl' agricolture euro-mediterranea: metodologia e applicazioni»,
Rivista di storia dell'agricoltura, XXIX, 1, pp. 3-77.
FORNI, G. (1989 b): «La productivitá agraria della magna Grecia desunta dalle Tavole
di Eraclea di Lucania (IV seco a. C.)>>, Rivista di storia dell'agricoltura, XXIX,
1, pp. 79-112.
GALENSON, D. W. y POPE, C.L.(1989): «Economic and geographic mobility on the
farming frontier: evidence from Appanoose County, lowa, 1850-1870", Journal
4 Economic History, XLIX, 3, pp. 635-656.
GARRETT, M.A. Jr. (1990): «The Mule in Southern Agriculture: a requiem», The Journal
of Economic History, L, 3, pp. 925-930.
GILLMOR, D.A. (1989): «The polítical factor in agricultural history: trends in Irish
agriculture, 1922-85", Agricultural History Review, 37, 11, pp. 166-179.
GRANTHAM, G. (1989): «Agricultural supply during the Industrial Revolution: French
evidence and european implications», Journal of Economic History, XLIX, 1, pp.
GRANTHAM, G. (1989): «lean Meuvret and the subsistance problem in early modern
France», Journal of Economic History, XLIX, 1, pp. 184-200.
GRANTHAM, G. (1989): «Capital and agrarian stucture in early nineteenth-century
France», Researcli in Economic History, Suppl. 5, pp. 137-159.
GRANTHAM, G. (1989): «Agrarian organization in the century of industrialization:
Europe: Russia and North America», Researcb in Economic History, Suppl. 5,
pp. 1-24.
HARRIS, J.W. (1990): «The organization of work on a yeoman slaveholder's farm»,
Agricultural history, 64, 1, pp. 39-52.
HARRISON, J. (1989): «The Agrarian History of Spain, 1800-1960», Agricultural History
Review, 37, 11, pp. 180-187.
HILTON, R. (1990): «Why was there so little champart rent in medieval England?»,
Journal of Peasant Studies, 17, 4, pp. 509-519.
HOOKE, D. (1989): «Pre-conquest woodland its distribution and usage», Agricultural
History Review, 37, I1, pp. 113-129.
HOYLE, R.M. (1990): «Tenure and the land market in early modem England: or a late
contribution to the Brenner debate», Economic History Review, XLIII, 1,
pp. 1-20.
HUMPHRIES, J. (1990): «Enclosures, common rights, and women: The proletarization
of families in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries», Journal of
Economic History, L, 1, pp. 17-42.
IMBERCIADORI, 1. (1989): «Agricoltura al tempo dei Lorena», Rivista di storia
dell'agricoltura, XX/X, 1, pp. 113-131.
IRWIN,J.R. (1990): «Farmers and laborers: a note on black occupations in the postbellum
south», Agricultural history, 64, 1, pp. 53-60.
KATZ, Y. y NEUMAN, S. (1990): «Agriculturalland transactions in Palestine, 19001914: a quantitative analysis», Explorations in Economic History, 27, 1, pp. 2945.
KLEINKNECHT, A. (1989): «Domestic industry, manufactury and early industrialization
in Bohemia», Journal of European Economic History, 18, 3, pp. 509-527.
JANVRY, A. de, SADOULET, E. y WILCOX YOUNG, L. (1989): «Land and Labour
in Latin America agriculture from the 1950s to the 1980s», Journal of Peasant
Studies, 16, 3, pp. 396-424.
JONES, E.L. (1990): «Enclosure, land improvement, and the price of capital. A
comment», Explorations in Economic History, 27, 3, pp. 350-355.
KOVAL'CHENKO, LD. (1989): «The peasant economy in Central Russia in the late
nineteenth and early twentieth century», Reseach in Economic History, suppl. 5,
pp. 455-475.
LENEMAN, L. (1989): «Land settlement in Scotland after Wold War 1», Agricultural
History Review, 37, 1, pp. 52-64.
LEVI, G. (1990): «Family and kin-a few thoughts», Journal of Family History, 15,4,
pp. 567-578.
LIEBOWITZ, U. (1989): «Tenants, sharecroppers, and the french agricultural depression
of the late nineteenth century», Journal of 1nterdisciplinary history, X/X, 3, pp.
MACKENZIE, F. (1990): «Gender and land rights in Murang'a
Journal of Peasant Studies, /7, 4, pp. 609-643.
District, Kenya»,
McCANN, J.e. (1990): «A great agrarian cycle? Productivity in highland Ethiopia,
1900-1987", Journal of /nterdisciplinary History, XX, 3, pp. 389-415.
MERZARIO, R. (1990): «Land, kinship, and consanguineous marriage in Italy from the
seventeenth to the nineteenth centuries», Joumal of Family History, /5, 4, pp.
MINGAY, G.E. (1990): «The Diary of James Warne, 1758», Agricultural History Review,
38, 1, pp. 72-78.
OVERTON, M. (1990): «The critical century? The agrarian history of England and
Wales», Agricultual History Review, 38, 11, pp. 185-189.
NUGENT, 1.B. y SANCHEZ, N. (1989): «The efficiency of the Mesta: a parable»,
Explorations in Economic History, 26, 3, pp. 261-284.
OPPO, A. (1990): «»Where there's no woman there's no home»: Profile of the agropastoral family in nineteenth-century Sardinia», Journal 01 Family History, 15,
4, pp. 483-502.
PALADlNI, L.P. (1990): «La coltivazione del giaggiolo in Toscana tra '800 e '900",
Rivista di storia dell'agricoltura, XXX, 1, pp. 57-89.
PIZANIAS, P. (1990): «Revenus paysans et rapports sociaux en Grece au XIXe siecle»,
Annales, E.S.c., 45, 1, pp. 37-53.
PELOSO, V. (1989): «La lucha para dominar los modos de comer durante el primer
siglo de la Indepedencia peruana», Estudios Rurales Latinoamericanos, 12, 1, pp.
PERREN, R. (1990): «Structural change and market growth in the food industry: flour
milling in Britain, Europe, and America, 1850-1914", Economic History Review,
XLIII, 3, pp. 420-437.
POSTLES, D. (1989): «Cleaning the medieval arable», Agricultural History Review, 37,
11, pp. 130-143.
PRETTY, J. (1990): «Sustainable agriculture in the middle ages: the English Manor»,
Agricultural History Review, 38, 1, pp. 1-19.
PUDUP, M.E. (1990): «The limits of subsistence: agriculture and industry in Central
Appalachia», Agricultural history, 64, 1, pp. 61-89.
RAVALLION, M. (1990): «Rural indebtedness in the Punjab 1878: results of a household
survey», Explorations in Economic History, 27, 2, pp. 178-196.
ROEHNER, B.M. (1990): «Correlations entre fluctuations des prix et fluctuations
démographiques. France, XIXe siecle», Population, 45, 2, pp. 299-326.
ROSENTHAL, J.L. (1990): «The development of irrigation in Provence, 1700-1860:
The French revolution and economic growth», Journal 01 Economic History, L,
3, pp. 615-638.
RULE, J. (1989): «The agrarian path to capitalism?», Journal
3, pp. 443-449.
01 Peasant Studies,
SALDANHA, I.M. (1990): «The political ecology of traditional farming practices in
Thana district, Maharashtra (India)», Journal 01 Peasant Studies, 17, 3, pp. 433443.
SAMPER KUTSCHBACH, M. (1989): «Calicultura, producción familiar y haciendas
en un período de crisis (1920-1936): Aproximación a un estudio comparado»,
Estudios Rurales Latinoamericanos, 12, 3, pp. 257-312.
SANDS, B.N. (1989): «Agricultural decision-making under uncertainly: the case of the
Shanxi farmers, 1931-1936», Explorations in Economic History, 26, 3,
pp. 339-359.
SATHYAMURTHY, T.V. (1990): «Indian peasant historiography: a critical perspective
on Ranajit Guha' s work», Journal of Peasant Studies, 18, 1, pp. 93-144.
SIMON, J.L. y SULLIVAN, R.J. (1989): «Population size, knowledge stock, and other
determinants of agricultural publication and patenting: England, 1541-1850»,
Explorations in Economic History, 26, 1, pp. 21-44.
SOLAR, P.M. (1989): «Harvest fluctuations in pre-famine Ireland: Evidence from Belfast
and waterford newspaper», Agricultural History Review, 37, 11, pp. 157-165.
SQUERI, L. (1990): «Who benefited from Italian fascism: a look at Parma's
landownwers», Agricultural history, 64, 1, pp. 18-38.
SUBRAHMANYAM, S. (1990): «Rural industry and commercial agriculture in Southeastern India», Past and Present, 126, pp. 76-114.
THICK, M. (1990): «Oarden seeds in England before the late eighteenth century: I.
Seed growing», Agricultural History Review, 38, 1, pp. 58-71.
THOMPSON, F.M.L. (1989): «Rural society and agricultural change in nineteenthcentury Britain», Research in Economic History, Suppl. 5, pp. 187-202.
THOMPSON, F.M.L. (1990): «Life after death: how successful nineteenth-century
businessmen disposed of their fortunes», Economic History Review, XLIII, 1, pp.
VENTURA, D. (1990): «Mas serie e mulini: structure produttive nella Sicilia moderna»,
Rivista di storia dell'agricultura, XXX, 2, pp. 3-41.
VIAZZO, P.P. y ALBERA, D. (1990): «The peasant family in Northern Italy, 17501930: a reassessment», Journal of Family History, 15, 4, pp. 461-482.
WALTON, J.R. (1990): «On estimating the extend of Parliamentary Enclosure»,
Agricultural History Review, 38, 1, pp. 79-82.
WATKINS, A. (1989): «Cattle grazing in the Forest of Arden in the later middle ages»,
Agricultural History Review, 37, 1, pp. 12-25.
WILLIAMSON, 1.0. (1990): «The impact of the Corn Laws just prior to repeal»,
Explorations in Economic History, 27, 2, pp. 123-156.
WITHERS, Ch. W.J. (1989): «William Cullen's agricultural lectures and writings and
the development of agricultural science in eighteenth-century newspapers»,
Agricultural History Review, 37, 11, pp. 144-156.
WITNEY, K.P. (1990): «The woodland economy of Kent, 1066-1348», Agricultural
History Review, 38, 1, pp. 20-39.
ZOLI, A. (1990): «Contadini, signori, agenti del signori. Realta e simboli di un rapporto
quotidiano (secoli VIII-X)>>, Rivista di storia dell'agricoltura, XXX, 1, pp. 3-16.
Por problemas técnicos no se ha podido consultar la nueva revista de historia agraria, titulada RURAL HISTORY: ECONOMY, SOCIETY, CULTURE, aparecida en el
mercado a mediados del año pasado. La edición de dicha revista corre a cargo de Liz
BeUamy, Keith D.M. SeU y Tom Williamson, y publicada por Cambridge University
Press. El primer número correspondía al mes de abril de 1990. Desde estas páginas
damos la bienvenida a esta revista y felicitamos a los editores por su puesta en marcha
en unos momentos en que se revitaliza la historia agraria bajo un enfoque