Programma di Lingua e Civiltà Inglese Liceo Scientifico `A. Labriola


Programma di Lingua e Civiltà Inglese Liceo Scientifico `A. Labriola
Programma di Lingua e Civiltà Inglese Liceo Scientifico ‘A. Labriola’ –
Classe 3 I Anno scolastico 2015-2016 Prof.ssa Vincenza Gargano
Libro di testo: Letteratura: Performer culture and literature
C.Ed. Zanichelli Autore: Spiazzi/ Tavella/LaytonVol. 1
1.1 History
Meet the Celts
1.2 Insights
The origins of Halloween
1.3 History
Roman Britain
1.4 The Arts
Anglo-Saxon Art
1.5 Internet Lab
The treasure of Sutton Hoo
1.6 Literature
Beowulf: a national epic
1.9 History
The Viking attacks
Mapping History The Norman invasion
2.1 History
A war of succession
2.3 History
King John and the Magna Carta
2.5 Literature
The medieval ballad (Project: the language of poetry; rhyme, rhythm, layout.
Medieval ballads vs Modern Ballads: “Where the wild roses grow” by Nick Cave compared to “ La canzone
di Marinella” by F. De André)
Bonny Barbara Allen
2.6 Music
Modern ballads
2.7 History
The birth of Parliament
2.8 Society
The three orders of medieval society
2.9 Literature
Geoffrey Chaucer’s portrait of English society ; The Wife of Bath Geoffrey Chaucer
2.10 Comparing Literatures The narrator’s voice: Chaucer and Boccaccio
2.12 History
The Black Death: a great human tragedy
2.13 Mapping History The Wars of the Roses
3.1 History
Meet the Tudors
3.2 The Arts
Portraits of Queen Elizabeth I
3.3 Two Films About… Queen Elizabeth I
3.4 Society
Elizabethan entertainment
3.5 Science
An expanding world
3.6 Literature
The English Renaissance
3.7 Literature
The sonnet : Italian Sonnet vs Shakespearian sonnet
Shakespeare’s sonnet CXXX: My Mistress’ eyes
Grammar: FCE Tutor
C.Ed. Zanichelli
Autore: Spiazzi/ Tavella/Layton
Units: 1-2-3-Reading, listening comprehension, writing and speaking activities.
Grammar: u.1: New Epic heroes
u.2: Jobs
u.3: Free Time
La docente
Vincenza Gargano
gli allievi

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