programma svolto - Messedagli@Moodle


programma svolto - Messedagli@Moodle
Anno Scolastico
Ore settimanali
(Indirizzo di Scienze Applicate)
n. 3
► Libro di testo in adozione :
A.GALLAGHER-F. GALUZZI, Activating Grammar, Longman con CDROM
Sono state svolte le seguenti Units:
88,90, 99,100,101,102,103,104,106 + gli esercizi della sezione Translation Dossier
► Libro di testo in adozione :
G. BROOK-HART- H.TILIOUINE, Complete First for Schools B2, C.U.P. (STB+WB+CDROM)
Sono stati svolti tutti gli esercizi delle Unità 1,2,3 dello Student’s Book, del Workbook e relative
attività del CDROM.
UNIT 1: A Family affair
(Present Perfect Simple and Continuous)
UNIT 2: Leisure and pleasure
(Making comparisons)
Vocabulary and Grammar Reviews Units 1-2
UNIT 3: Happy holidays!
(Past Tenses)
UNIT 4: Food, glorious food
( Grammar: exs, pp. 43-45)
Vocabulary and Grammar Review Unit 3
UNIT 6: My First Job (Grammar exs. 1-5 pp. 68-69) and Use of English Part 2 (exs. 1-3 pp. 69-70)
► Libro di testo in adozione :
M. SPIAZZI-M.TAVELLA-M.LAYTON, Performer Culture and Literature 1+2, Zanichelli
N.B. Gli appunti sotto citati sono stati desunti dal testo M. SPIAZZI-M. TAVELLA, Only Connect, New
Directions, Vol. 1, Zanichelli o da altre antologie di letteratura inglese in possesso della docente.
Specification 1 – The Birth of the Nation (pp. 1-26)
Meet the Celts
(+ appunti Celtic Britain in Moodle)
Caesar and the Druids (+ Dictation ‘The Druids’)
Roman Britain
(+ appunti The Romans in Moodle)
The Anglo-Saxons
(+ appunti The Anglo-Saxons in Moodle)
Beowulf: a national epic (+ appunti The Epic Poem; Beowulf: a primary Epic; critical notes
on Beowulf )
Beowulf and Grendel: the fight (text analysis);
Beowulf’s Funeral
(text analysis);
Monsters and their Meaning (appunti in Moodle)
Two films about Beowulf
(sola consultazione)
Good vs evil
(sola consultazione)
The Treasure of Sutton Hoo
(lettura ed esercizio)
Approfondimento: visione del film ‘Beowulf’ in lingua originale inglese
The Conversion to Christianity (appunti integrativi in Moodle)
Freedom and Loyalty
(appunti integrativi in Moodle)
The Viking attacks (+ appunti The Vikings and the end of Anglo-Saxon England in Moodle)
The Norman Invasion
The History of English (dictation/appunti in Moodle)
Poetry as a Literary Genre; Poetry and Sound Devices; Understanding Poetry (appunti in
Overview 1 (attività individuali di ripasso)
Specification 2 – Developing Society (pp. 27- 56)
The Domesday Book (Sp1, p. 24 + Dictation ‘The Disappearing Normans’)
A war of succession (+ Dictation: ‘Thomas Becket’)
The Middle Ages: the historical and social context
(appunti in Moodle)
The building of Gothic Cathedrals in England
The abstract made concrete
(appunti in Moodle)
Henry II, Reforms and Becket
(appunti in Moodle)
King John and the Magna Carta
Kings, Magna Carta and Parliament
(appunti in Moodle)
Medieval Outlaws
Two films about Robin Hood
(sola consultazione)
The Birth of Parliament
The three orders of Medieval Society
The Black Death: a great human tragedy
The Black Death and social change in the 14th century (appunti in Moodle)
The Wars of the Roses
Overview 2 (attività individuali di ripasso)
The Medieval Ballad: Ballads and common features (appunti in Moodle);
Bonny Barbara Allen (text analysis);
Modern Ballads: The Ballad of Barbara Allen (text analysis);
Lord Randal (text analysis and critical notes on Moodle).
Approfondimento: ascolto di altre versioni musicate di Lord Randal e della ballata
Medieval Drama
Text analysis of an extract from Everyman
(appunti in Moodle)
(testo e appunti in Moodle)
Poetry and Poetic devices
The desire to reveal & Middle English
the medieval narrative poem
Geoffrey Chaucer’s life and works
The Canterbury Tales (general features)
The Narrator’s voice: Chaucer and Boccaccio
(pdf in Moodle)
(appunti in Moodle)
(appunti in Moodle)
(p. 42 + appunti in Moodle e pdf)
(pp. 42-43 + critical notes on Moodle)
(p. 47 + table on Moodle)
When in April (text analysis of extract from ‘General Prologue’ (p. 47 + scheda in Moodle)
The Wife of Bath (text analysis of the extract)
(pp.44-45 + appunti in Moodle)
The Miller
(text analysis of the extract)
(p. 45)
Specification 3 – A Cultural Awakening
Meet the Tudors, An expanding world, King by divine right, the Gunpowder Plot
Attività di lettura/esercizio delle seguenti sezioni:
Portraits of Queen Elizabeth I, Two films about Queen Elizabeth, Elizabethan entertainment
Specification 4: WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE, England’s Genius
Why study Shakespeare? (sola lettura)
William Shakespeare’s biography (+The Bard of Avon + breve documentario in inglese ed
esercitazione orale di listening comprehension in Moodle)
Shakespeare’s London (sola consultazione)
Drama in the Elizabethan Age
The structure of theatres
Drama as a literary Genre (appunti in Moodle)
The World of Drama
Opening Scenes in Shakespeare’s plays (sola lettura)
Shakespeare the Dramatist (appunti in Moodle)
Lettura dell’intero testo della tragedia (attività individuale)
the plot, themes
text analysis of the extracts ‘The three witches’, ‘Duncan’s Murder’, ‘Macbeth’s last
further critical comments (appunti in Moodle)
Approfondimento: conferenza della Prof.ssa Silvana Ranzoli su William Shakespeare
e Macbeth
The plot and themes (appunti in Moodle)
Text analysis of the soliloquy ‘To be or not to be’ (testo e commento critico in Moodle)
Alternanza Scuola – Lavoro (n. 2 ore di lezione)
Employability Skills : watching an interview with the former astronaut Chris Hadfield
(video on Moodle – attività individuale)
The Covering Letter (Book in Moodle):
what a covering letter is
how it is structured
its layout
examples of covering letters
type of language used
exercises and practice
writing a covering letter (Workshop on Moodle)
The Curriculum Vitae (Book in Moodle):
what a CV is
how it is structured
information to include
type of language to be used
the Europass CV
examples of CVs
writing a Europass CVs
 Talking about Literature (recorded speech)
 The Queen’s Christmas Speech 2015 (vision, ascolto e comprensione del discorso natalizio
della regina Elisabetta II)
 Attività varie in Moodle di consultazione di ulteriore materiale di consolidamento e di
approfondimento o esercizio linguistico - grammaticale e di letteratura inglese (files, videos,
dictations, quizzes…)
 Activating Grammar: svolgere le seguenti Units (teoria + esercizi) del libro di testo:
 Rispondere in forma scritta online (Compito in Moodle) ad alcuni quesiti su vari argomenti
 Summer Reading in English: The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time e J.Deaver’s short
stories in lingua originale inglese .
Reading for pleasure
(consigli per le letture estive): D. DEFOE, Robinson Crusoe, Moll
Flanders, Roxana, La Peste di Londra, J. SWIFT: I Viaggi di Gulliver, S. RICHARDSON: Pamela,
H. FIELDING: Tom Jones; L.STERNE: Tristram Shandy, M. SHELLEY: Frankenstein, A. RADCLIFFE:
The Mysteries of Udolpho, WALTER SCOTT, Ivanhoe; JANE AUSTEN (Orgoglio e Pregiudizio)
Visitare gli English Websites in elenco @ per fare esercizio linguistico durante il periodo estivo.
Verona, 8 giugno 2016
Mariangela Cassatella