Nightmare Hour: Time for Terror


Nightmare Hour: Time for Terror
Nightmare Hour: Time for Terror
by R.L. Stine
Picked this up at my library book sale for 25 cents. I love R.L. Stine's middle-grade stuff and I enjoyed this ten story
collection. Some were super cheesy and not to my liking but others were actually pretty damn creepy. Happy to
add this to my bookshelf. It's also perfect for October. :)|This book is a collection of 10 stories by R.L. Stine, they
are Halloween stories which were written to spook kids or just reading it for fun. The story that stood out to me
was a story called I'm not Martin, the story takes place in a hospital when a young boy needs to have his tonsils
removed. When he gets to his room there is another boy always screaming "I'm not Martin!" The nurses say that
he is Martin and he is just scared for his surgery because he needed his leg removed. The day it was time for the
surgery the real Martin took the clipboard from the end of his bed and switched it with his room mate when he
was sleeping. The surgeons came to take him to the surgery room, but they got the wrong person so the boy
screamed "I'm not Martin!" and they said " The nurses warned us you would say that."
I can connect this book to another story/folktale. This is similar to The Boy who Cried Wolf, that is because the boy
kept tricking the villagers into believing there was a wolf and when they came back it was just a trick, which is the
same in this story when the real Martin keeps claiming I'm not Martin, but there is a twist in the endings. In The
Boy who Cried Wolf, he was punished for lying to the villagers by getting eaten but in I'm not Martin an innocent
person got hurt instead of the troublemaker.
I give this book 3 stars because the stories in my opinion, were short and it always revolved around one major
conflict in the story. But I liked how there were a variation of different stories.
|There were some genuinely scary stories. Some, I could see where the story was going but some I couldn't.|This
book is creepy but not scary.|** spoiler alert **
Purtroppo Goodreads non permette di assegnare il voto in decimi, quindi mi dovrò accontentare nel dare al libro
tre stelle, anche se l'ho trovato piuttosto scarso. I primi quattro racconti non sono memorabili e vanno dal
mediocre all'appena sufficiente. Poi si arriva al quinto racconto "Non sono Martin!" che è davvero una storia
angosciante (e come da titolo del libro)da incubi. Purtroppo la batosta arriva con il racconto successivo, il
tre stelle, anche se l'ho trovato piuttosto scarso. I primi quattro racconti non sono memorabili e vanno dal
mediocre all'appena sufficiente. Poi si arriva al quinto racconto "Non sono Martin!" che è davvero una storia
angosciante (e come da titolo del libro)da incubi. Purtroppo la batosta arriva con il racconto successivo, il
peggiore della raccolta. Questo infatti è un incrocio tra due volumi della serie Piccoli Brividi, ovvero "Foto dal
futuro" e ""La maschera maledetta". Anche il finale è orrendo: se il protagonista muore come fa a raccontare la
storia?. Sorvoliamo sui due leggibili racconti successivi (caruccio "Il cadavere") per arrivare al divertente "Voglio
essere una strega!". Il libro termina con il racconto "Lo sguardo spettrale", altro rip-off di uno dei Piccoli Brividi
"Morto ma non sepolto". La lettura è velocissima, ma se cercate un buon libro di R.L. Stine leggetevi i "Piccoli