Programma di Lingua e Letteratura Inglese Liceo Scientifico `A


Programma di Lingua e Letteratura Inglese Liceo Scientifico `A
Programma di Lingua e Letteratura Inglese
Liceo Scientifico ‘A. Labriola’ - Classe III A
Anno scolastico 2012-2013
Prof.ssa Elide P. Di Fortunato
Libri di testo:
Success – Upper- Intermediate - Student’s book e Workbook – Longman
With rhymes and reason - Loescher
From Success – Upper-Intermediate – Student’s book
Unit 1
Extreme makeover
The great emigration quiz
Present and past tenses
Articles: a, the, zero article
Future forms with future perfect and future
Present and past habits;
continuous, will, would, used to
Unit 2
Sam and Liz talk about the future
How English is changing
Unit 3
People talk about families and friends
Dealing with difficult people
Adjectives: appearance, clothes, personality
Personality types
Personality types and traits
Writing activities:
How to sum up a text
How to organize ideas in a text
Describing relationships
Describing places and people
Describing personalities
Introducing and discussing topics from books and films
Paragraph writing about literary and historical topics
Video watching activities:
Billy Elliot
Speaking activities:
Sono state svolte attività di speaking in coppia e/o in gruppo relative agli argomenti affrontati nelle units suindicate.
Reading activities:
Ogni studente ha letto due libri a scelta tra una serie proposta di versioni semplificate di classici della letteratura inglese di livello B2.2 o
versioni originali di opere della letteratura inglese contemporanea. Su questi testi è stata proposta agli studenti una verifica scritta e una
verifica orale.
Listening activities:
Sono state svolte le attività di listening comprehension contenute nelle unità trattate.
From Success – Upper-Intermediate – Workbook
Sono state svolte tutte le attività contenute nelle Units trattate.
From: With rhymes and reason – Loescher
The origins (700 BC – AD 900): the historical background – the literary context
The middle ages (1066-1485): the historical background – the literary context
A short history of the English language
Ballads: origins, language, topics
Insight to the age: Lord Randal: reading and analysis; Lady Diamond (photocopy): reading and analysis; Geordie: reading and analysis
Literary link: reading and analysis of modern ballads: Across the border by B. Springsteen; Geordie by F. De André
Geoffrey Chaucer: life, works, literary features, themes
The Canterbury Tales: structure, setting, plot, characters, literary features
From The Canterbury Tales: The Prioress: reading and analysis; The Wife of Bath: reading and analysis.
Roma, 10 giugno 2013
Gli alunni
Elide P. Di Fortunato