siam coinvolgimento dei soggetti europei per la


siam coinvolgimento dei soggetti europei per la
Sustainable Industrial Area Model
Life04 ENV/IT/000524
A. Dominici
M. Tarantini
F. Cecchini
F. Frenquellucci
Rev. 1 Data emissione 30/11/2005
Cod. Doc.
Sigla di identificazione
PROT – P135 - 104
Coinvolgimento dei soggetti europei per la diffusione del Progetto Life - SIAM
(Involvement of European organisations and dissemination of Life – SIAM project)
Tipologia del documento:
Collocazione contrattuale:
Argomenti trattati: Risorse e territorio
Progettazione ecosostenibile
Sviluppo sostenibile
In questo documento è raccolto il materiale utilizzato per la diffusione del progetto Life - SIAM tra i soggetti europei.
È riportato il materiale inviato e le risposte ricevute dai soggetti che si sono dimostrati interessati ad una possibile
collaborazione sia per lo sviluppo della tematica affrontata, sia per il miglioramento del progetto stesso grazie alla loro
esperienza acquisita in tema di Aree Industriali Sostenibili.
I soggetti esteri individuati sono parchi eco-industriali (nuovi, esistenti o rivitalizzazioni di un’area industriale),
organizzazioni ed enti di ricerca che operano nel settore dell’ecologia industriale e che dimostrano interesse in materia.
Copia n.
In carico a:
Arianna Dominici
INTRODUZIONE E SCOPO DEL DOCUMENTO ................................................................ 5
IL COINVOLGIMENTO DEI SOGGETTI ESTERI.............................................................. 5
ANALISI DELLE RISPOSTE RICEVUTE ............................................................................ 6
CONCLUSIONI ....................................................................................................................... 7
ALLEGATO 1 - I SOGGETTI ESTERI CONTATTATI ................................................................ 8
O RG ANIZZAZIO NI ED E NTI ................................................................................................... 8
1 EEA (Environmental European Agency).............................................................................................................. 8
2 Commissione Europea – Ambiente...................................................................................................................... 8
3 Department of Geography, University of Hull - Hull HU6 7RX, England ........................................................ 8
4 Association Orée.................................................................................................................................................... 9
5 University of Tampere, Finland............................................................................................................................ 9
6 University of Tampere ........................................................................................................................................... 9
7 UPC – Centre Tecnologic de Manresa ................................................................................................................ 9
8 Progetto Ecopadev (Eco-industrial parks development) .................................................................................... 9
9 Leipzig University................................................................................................................................................ 10
10 Devens Enterprise Commission ........................................................................................................................ 10
11 Association Nationale Palme (Programme d’activités labellisées pour la maîtrise de l’environnement) .. 10
12 UNEP - Environmental Management of Industrial Estates............................................................................ 10
13 Oestfold Research Foundation Norway ........................................................................................................... 10
14 Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona ................................................................................................................ 10
P ARCH I E CO -I NDUSTRIALI ..................................................................................................11
15 Europole Mediterraneen de l’Arbois, France ................................................................................................. 11
16 Crewe Green Business Park, United Kingdom................................................................................................ 11
17 Dagenham Sustainable Industrial Park, United Kingdom ............................................................................. 11
18 Dyfi Eco Park, United Kingdom ....................................................................................................................... 11
19 Ecopark Oulu, Finland...................................................................................................................................... 11
20 Ecosite du Pays de Thau, France ..................................................................................................................... 11
21 Emscher Park, Germany ................................................................................................................................... 11
22 Green Park, United Kingdom ........................................................................................................................... 11
23 Hartberg Oko Park, Austria ............................................................................................................................. 11
24 Kalundborg - The Symbiosis Institute, Denmark............................................................................................. 11
25 Knowsley Industrial Park, United Kingdom .................................................................................................... 12
26 Landacres, France............................................................................................................................................. 12
27 London Remade Eco-Industrial Sites, United Kingdom ................................................................................. 12
28 Marl Chemical Park, Germany ........................................................................................................................ 12
29 Parc d’activités du Capiscol, France............................................................................................................... 12
30 Parc Eco-Normandie, France........................................................................................................................... 12
31 Parc Industriel Plaine de L'Ain (PIPA), France ............................................................................................. 12
32 Sphere EcoIndustrie D'Alsace (SECOIA), France .......................................................................................... 12
33 Styrian Recycling Network, Austria ................................................................................................................. 12
34 Sunflower Farm Ecological Technology Centres, Poland.............................................................................. 13
35 Sustainable Growth Park, United Kingdom .................................................................................................... 13
36 Technology Park - Lyon, France ...................................................................................................................... 13
37 Trafford Park, United Kingdom ....................................................................................................................... 13
38 ValuePark, Germany ......................................................................................................................................... 13
39 Vreten, Sweden................................................................................................................................................... 13
ALLEGATO 2 – IL MATERIALE INVIATO ............................................................................... 14
2 D ESCRIZIO NE DEL PRO G ETTO L I FE - SIA M ......................................................................15
2.1 Project Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 15
2.2 Project Background.......................................................................................................................................... 15
2.3 Project Objectives............................................................................................................................................. 15
2.4 Project Tasks..................................................................................................................................................... 16
2.5 Expected results ................................................................................................................................................ 16
2.6 Partners............................................................................................................................................................. 17
3 R EQ UISITI PER UN ’A REA I NDU STRIALE S O STENIB ILE ........................................................19
4 C RITERI PER UN ’A REA I NDU STRIALE S O STENIBIL E ...........................................................20
ALLEGATO 3 – RISPOSTE RICEVUTE ..................................................................................... 22
1 L ANCADCRES , F RANCE .....................................................................................................22
2 K ALUNDBO RG - T H E S YMBIO SI S I N STITUTE , D EN MARK ....................................................22
(G AIK ER ), Z AMUDIO ( B IZK AIA ), S PAIN ...............................................................................22
4 D YFI E CO - P ARC .............................................................................................................23
5 L EIPZIG U NIVER SITY .......................................................................................................24
6 D EPARTMENT O F G EO G RAPH Y , U NIVERSITY O F H ULL - E NG LAND ....................................25
7 V ALUE P ARK , G ERMANY ...................................................................................................25
8 H ARTBERG O K O P ARK , A US TRIA ......................................................................................26
Introduzione e scopo del documento
In questo documento è raccolto il materiale utilizzato per la diffusione del progetto Life SIAM tra i soggetti europei. È riportato il materiale inviato e le risposte ricevute dai soggetti
che si sono dimostrati interessati ad una possibile collaborazione sia per lo sviluppo della
tematica affrontata, sia per il miglioramento del progetto stesso grazie alla loro esperienza
acquisita in tema di Aree Industriali Sostenibili.
I soggetti esteri individuati sono parchi eco-industriali (nuovi, esistenti o rivitalizzazioni di
un’area industriale), organizzazioni ed enti di ricerca che operano nel settore dell’ecologia
industriale e che dimostrano interesse in materia.
I contatti per il loro coinvolgimento derivano da una ricerca precedente sulla letteratura in
materia disponibile. In particolare, sono stati utilizzati i motori di ricerca del web e la
biblioteca elettronica dell’Enea, ENEA-MetaLib, strumento che dà accesso a centinaia delle
più diffuse riviste scientifiche. Inoltre, sono stati contattati tramite e-mail gli autori degli
articoli individuati come più interessanti e gli esperti in materia incontrati in occasione della
conferenza ISIE 2005 (Industrial Ecology for a Sustainable Future), tenutasi il 12-15 giugno
2005 a Stoccolma.
Il coinvolgimento dei soggetti esteri
Ai soggetti esteri scelti, per un totale di 39 contatti, i cui nominativi sono riportati in Allegato
1, insieme ad una lettera di presentazione generale del progetto leggermente modificata a
seconda del destinatario, sono state inviate:
la descrizione del progetto Life – SIAM e dei Partner coinvolti;
la bozza dei requisiti e dei criteri per un'Area Industriale Sostenibile così come definiti
nella Task 3.
Inoltre, sono stati chiesti loro:
eventuali commenti e suggerimenti per lo sviluppo del modello SIAM;
informazioni circa la loro esperienza in materia di Aree Industriali Sostenibili;
la loro disponibilità a partecipare ad un workshop europeo sul tema.
La diffusione del materiale prodotto è avvenuta principalmente attraverso l’invio di e-mail. In
pochi casi invece, per mancanza di indirizzi elettronici aggiornati, è avvenuta attraverso
l’invio di materiale cartaceo. Tutti i documenti inviati sono riportati in Allegato 2.
Analisi delle risposte ricevute
Dalle risposte ricevute al 30 novembre 2005 si nota interesse sia in materia di Aree Industriali
Sostenibili, sia verso lo sviluppo del progetto SIAM. Inoltre, è stata riscontrata una
significativa disponibilità a partecipare ad un possibile workshop europeo su tale tematica.
In particolare, si segnalano due casi interessanti di collaborazione:
Landacres (Francia): parco eco-industriale che ha ottenuto la Certificazione ISO 14001 ed
adottato il Marchio francese Palme (Programme d’activités labellisées pour la maîtrise de
l’environnement). Esso si è dimostrato molto disponibile ad una collaborazione con il
progetto SIAM. A tale scopo, ci è stata inviata la documentazione da loro redatta per
l’applicazione del Marchio Palme all’area industriale di Boulogne/mer, che è risultata
molto affine al nostro progetto. In base a tali considerazioni, abbiamo chiesto loro di poter
visitare tale area per acquisire informazioni più dettagliate utili per lo sviluppo del
progetto ed instaurare una forma più efficace di cooperazione.
Kalundborg (Danimarca): primo modello di applicazione di ecologia industriale in
Europa, dove il processo di simbiosi industriale ha cominciato ad evolversi già negli anni
'70 grazie alla cooperazione tra l'amministrazione locale e 5 imprese dell’industria pesante
che si scambiano sottoprodotti al fine di ottenere vantaggi ambientali ed economici. Anche
tale area industriale si è dimostrata interessata ad una cooperazione con il progetto SIAM.
Un’ulteriore forma di collaborazione determinante ai fini della ricerca che abbiamo effettuato
relativa ai parchi eco-industriali europei è stata quella con il David Gibbs, la
Pauline Deutz e Amy Proctor del dipartimento di Geografia dell’Università di Hull, in
Inghilterra. Informati dell’esistenza del SIAM, ci hanno inviato i risultati di due ricerche da
loro effettuate finanziate dall’ESRC (Economic&Social Research Council). Tali ricerche sono
state indirizzate sia dell’analisi della realtà europea, sia di quella statunitense, permettendo di
avere a disposizione un numero maggiore di casi su cui poter ragionare.
Delle 39 organizzazioni contattate, finora 8 hanno risposto mostrando un interesse
significativo alle tematiche del progetto SIAM ed in particolare sulla possibilità di
organizzare un workshop europeo che consenta uno scambio di informazioni ed esperienze.
Dopo questa prima fase di diffusione del progetto, si continuerà a mantenere i contatti con i
soggetti coinvolti attraverso l’invio del materiale prodotto ed aggiornato.
Oltre a tali forme di cooperazione e di diffusione del progetto, si provvederà ad ampliare le
possibilità di contatto presentando il progetto SIAM in alcune conferenze europee focalizzate
sul tema dello sviluppo sostenibile ed della ecologia industriale.
Allegato 1 - I soggetti esteri contattati
I soggetti europei contattati sono stai divisi in:
Organizzazione ed Enti (14 soggetti);
Parchi eco-industriali (15 soggetti).
Organizzazioni ed Enti
1 EEA (Environmental European Agency)
Programme manager
EAS - Environmental Assessment
[email protected]
Frameworks and systems for integrated assessments
SKI – Strategic knowledge and innovation
Integrated assessment
[email protected]
Environmental policy analyst
SKI – Strategic knowledge and innovation
Integrated assessment
[email protected]
Non-member country and international cooperation
SKI - Strategic knowledge and innovation
[email protected]
Group leader
AIR - Analysis, integration and reporting
Land use
[email protected]
2 Commissione Europea – Ambiente
[email protected]
3 Department of Geography, University of Hull - Hull HU6 7RX, England
Professor David Gibbs, [email protected]
Dr. Pauline Deutz, [email protected]
Amy Proctor, [email protected]
Tel.: + 44 (0) 1482 465948
Fax.: + 44 (0) 1482 466340
4 Association Orée
42, rue du Faubourg Poissonnière - 75010 Paris
Tel : (33)
Fax : (33)
[email protected]
5 University of Tampere, Finland
Jouni Korhonen,
Tel.: 03-215 7959
[email protected]
6 University of Tampere
Research Institute for Social science
Laura Saikku, Research assistant
[email protected]
7 UPC – Centre Tecnologic de Manresa
Dept. Of environmental technology
Bases de Manresa 1, 08242 Manresa, Barcelona
Gemma Cervantes
[email protected]
8 Progetto Ecopadev (Eco-industrial parks development)
Project Coordinator:
- Parque Tecnologico, S.A. (PTZ), Zamudio (Bizkaia), Spain
[email protected]
Marian Ibarrondo
[email protected]
- Fundacion Gaiker (Gaiker), Zamudio (Bizkaia), Spain
Oscar Salas
[email protected]
- Tampere Technology Centre Ltd. (TTOY), Tampere, Finland
[email protected]
Madan Park - Parque De Ciência E Tecnologia Almada - Setubal (PCTAS), Caparica,
[email protected]
- Energy Research Centre Of The Netherlands (ECN), Petten, The Netherlands
[email protected]
Instituto De Desenvolvimiento De Novas Tecnologias (UNINOVA), Monte de Caparica,
João Farinha
[email protected]
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR), Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Harry Geerlings
[email protected]
Kungliga Tekniska Hogskolan (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden
[email protected]
9 Leipzig University
Faculty of Economics-Chair of Environmental Technology and Environmental Management
Marshenstrasse 31, 04109 Leipzig, Germany
Tiina Salonen
[email protected]
10 Devens Enterprise Commission
Peter C. Lewitt - Land Use administrator/Director,
[email protected]
11 Association Nationale Palme (Programme d’activités labellisées pour la
maîtrise de l’environnement)
[email protected]
12 UNEP - Environmental Management of Industrial Estates
[email protected]
[email protected]
Niclas Svenningsen
[email protected]
[email protected]
13 Oestfold Research Foundation Norway
Dr . ing. Johan Thoresen
[email protected]
14 Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Centre d’Estudis Ambiental (CEA), E-08193 Bellaterra, Catalonia
Ecopark in Santa Perpètua de Mogoda (Catalonia)
Xavier Gabarrell Durany
[email protected]
Parchi Eco-Industriali
15 Europole Mediterraneen de l’Arbois, France
Christelle Pain
[email protected]
16 Crewe Green Business Park, United Kingdom
Gareth Roberts
[email protected]
Joanne Jones
[email protected]
17 Dagenham Sustainable Industrial Park, United Kingdom
David Harley
[email protected]
18 Dyfi Eco Park, United Kingdom
[email protected]
19 Ecopark Oulu, Finland
Risto Hiljanen
[email protected]
20 Ecosite du Pays de Thau, France
[email protected]
21 Emscher Park, Germany
[email protected]
22 Green Park, United Kingdom
Mike Brown
[email protected]
23 Hartberg Oko Park, Austria
Reinhard Fink
[email protected]; [email protected]
24 Kalundborg - The Symbiosis Institute, Denmark
[email protected]
Noel Brings Jacobsen
[email protected]
25 Knowsley Industrial Park, United Kingdom
[email protected]
26 Landacres, France
Maxime Legrand
[email protected]
Daniel Fauquet
Secrétaire Général Adjoint - SYNDIVAL
Tél. : 03 21 99 44 44
Fax : 03 21 99 44 45
[email protected]
27 London Remade Eco-Industrial Sites, United Kingdom
[email protected]
28 Marl Chemical Park, Germany
Dr. Margarete Gersemann
[email protected]
Dr. Jörg Marth
[email protected]
29 Parc d’activités du Capiscol, France
Stéphanie Surjus
[email protected]
Marc Buffet
[email protected]
30 Parc Eco-Normandie, France
M. Hervé Houis
[email protected]
31 Parc Industriel Plaine de L'Ain (PIPA), France
Claude Marcou (President)
[email protected]
Johanna Delpierre (Environment & Safety)
[email protected]
32 Sphere EcoIndustrie D'Alsace (SECOIA), France
Ms Josserand (Development Manager), Ms Céline Schump (Project Manager),
[email protected]
33 Styrian Recycling Network, Austria
Erich Schwarz
[email protected]
34 Sunflower Farm Ecological Technology Centres, Poland
[email protected]
35 Sustainable Growth Park, United Kingdom
[email protected]
36 Technology Park - Lyon, France
[email protected]
[email protected]
37 Trafford Park, United Kingdom
[email protected]
38 ValuePark, Germany
Gabriele Wachsmuth
[email protected]
Klaus-Dieter Heinze
[email protected]
Fax: +49-3461-493179
Phone: +49-3461-497062
39 Vreten, Sweden
Mia Simm
[email protected]
Allegato 2 – Il materiale inviato
1 Lettera inviata ai soggetti esteri per il coinvolgimento nel
Dear Sirs,
ENEA, the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and the Environment, in
cooperation with 19 Industrial and Public Administration Italian partners, is currently
involved in the development of the Life project “SIAM - Sustainable Industrial Area Model”.
In relation to our activities, we are really interested to contact the existing European Ecoindustrial parks to disseminate information about the project and its aims and, specifically, to
establish some form of cooperation with you.
Because there is not yet a web site of the project (it’s actually under construction), we give
you some information about it in the attachment. We also attach a draft of the requirements
and evaluation criteria of a Sustainable Industrial Area, which reflects the actual progress of
our work.
If possible, we are really interested in receiving your comments and suggestions on the
project’s development. Moreover, we'll be glad to receive from you some information about
your experiences. In particular, we would like to learn more about the following themes:
the mechanism you usually adopt for involving the enterprises in achieving the
environmental objectives of your Eco-industrial park;
the requirements and criteria to be satisfied by the enterprises for their admission in
the Eco-industrial park.
Furthermore, we are thinking to organize a workshop to share experiences at European level:
please let me know if you are interested to participate.
Thank you in advance for your time.
Kind regards
2 Descrizione del progetto Life - SIAM
2.1 Project Introduction
The Life project “SIAM” (Sustainable Industrial Area Model) is an Italian project partially
sponsored by the European Commission in the framework of the LIFE - Environment
European Programme.
The project began on October 2004 and it will end by September 2007 (3 years); its cost is
about 2.500.000 €, financially supported at 50% by the European Commission.
The beneficiary is ENEA (National Agency for New Technologies, Energy end the
Environment) with the cooperation of 19 Italian public and private partners.
2.2 Project Background
Italian industrial areas, for historical reasons, are often located close to the cities and to
densely populated areas. They have, as a rule, all the infrastructures to efficiently carry out
production and related business activities. Industrial areas in which the presence of SMEs is
predominant are often provided with centralized ecological facilities to minimise the
environmental impacts and to reduce the costs.
Nevertheless, very few industrial areas put today into practice all the existing technological
and organizational opportunities to approach the sustainability concept. Furthermore, there
has not been in Italy sufficient discussion and consensus on how to set and manage a
Sustainable Industrial Area. There is therefore a need to progress from the actual experiences
to more advanced ones according to the recent community environmental policies.
2.3 Project Objectives
The main objectives of the project are to integrate the sustainability principles in locating,
settling and managing industrial areas; to develop innovative methods, based on a preventive
approach, for reducing environmental impacts and favouring the use of clean technologies in
these areas; to promote the continuous improvement of the environmental performances of the
entire industrial areas and of the single local enterprises; to encourage a collaborative climate
and to build effective relationships among the local authorities, citizen and industries; to
create the conditions for increasing employment and training new professionals on the
sustainable designing and managing of industrial areas.
These objectives will be pursued by defining and applying a new Model of Sustainable
Industrial Area based on using, adapting and integrating three different community
environmental policy instruments: Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) according to
the Directive 2001/42/EC; EMAS according to the Regulation 761/2001/EC; Environmental
Accounting and Freedom Access to the Information on the Environment according to the
Directive 90/313/EEC.
To test the model eight Industrial Areas have been selected among the Industrial Areas
Partners. The selected areas have a different implementing status (to be located, identified and
to be designed, designed and partially operating, fully operative). The eight selected industrial
areas are:
Padova Industrial Area; Rovigo Industrial Area; Mongrando Industrial Area; Prato
Industrial Area; Frosinone - Ferentino Industrial Area; Cittaducale Industrial Area;
Maiella Industrial Area; Molfetta Industrial Area.
2.4 Project Tasks
The project is divided into 7 tasks and some sub-tasks, as shown below:
Task 1: Project Management and reporting to the European Commission
Task 2.1: Study on Ecologically Equipped Areas
Task 2.2: Investigation on the Environmental Policy Instruments applicable to Ecologically
Equipped Area
Task 3: Definition of a Sustainable Industrial Area Model
Task 4.1: Experimentation with the Model: Integration of different Environmental Policy
Task 4.2: Experimentation with the Model: Involvement of Interested Parties and EMAS
Task 5: Guidelines for applying the Sustainable Industrial Area Model
Task 6: Training of new professional expert
Task 7: Dissemination Plan
2.5 Expected results
The project intends to give a contribution to the integration of different community
instruments (both mandatory and voluntary) and their innovative use in territorial planning. It
encourages the integration of environmental and socio-economic policies, involving local
authorities, industry and public.
The project's results will identify and test a Model of Sustainable Industrial Area that could be
reproduced elsewhere in the EU and outside the community territory.
Specifically, the expected results are:
Definition of the requirements of a Sustainable Industrial Area;
EMAS registration of three organizations located in three different Industrial Areas;
beginning EMAS procedures for other five organization located in the remaining five
Industrial Areas; initial environmental review of eight existing Italian Industrial Areas;
Starting up of eight Local Forum;
Validation of eight Territorial Environmental Programs;
Elaboration of Guidelines for SIAM application;
Training of at least thirty new professionals as Sustainable Industrial Area Designer and
Dissemination of the results.
2.6 Partners
CRF (Cooperativa Ricerca Finalizzata s.c.), a cooperative involved in technology
innovation and in territorial implication of exploiting local natural renewable resources.
IGEAM, a society that provides environmental services for the integrated “total quality”
management. Eco-logica Srl, a society of engineering, advice and environmental services. I3
(Iniziative Immobiliari Industriali Spa), a society including Province of Rovigo and the
Chamber of Commerce of Rovigo, involved in the complete realization of an industrial area in
the Province of Rovigo. ZIP Padova (Consorzio zona industriale e porto fluviale di
Padova), a public institution including Padova Municipality and Chamber of Commerce; it
designs and realizes the Padova Industrial Area. The ZIP’s President is also the President of
Italian industrial area associations and maintains the relationship with similar organization in
Europe and worldwide. Municipality of Mongrando (Biella), directly managing 25 hectares
industrial area. University of Padova-CESQA (Centre for Studying Environmental
Quality), a research group inside the Faculty of Engineering; it is specialized in quality,
environmental, health and safety management, sustainable development and life cycle studies.
Relevant projects of CESQA were Local Agenda XXI of Padova, EMAS registration of
Bibione tourist site, the Phare Program. Province of Rovigo. Municipality of Padova,
involved in the Local Agenda XXI; in this framework, it has elaborated the new
environmental-urban scheme for the city of Padova. University of Cassino-Department of
Mechanics, Structures, Environment and Territory, involved in different research
activities in the field of the optimisation of industrial and civil energy power. ASI Frosinone
(Industrial Development Consortium of Frosinone) which includes Municipalities,
Chamber of Commerce, some banks. It provides the settlement of industries inside the zoneplan regulations, realizing primary and secondary infrastructures and their management.
Pa.L.Mer Scrl (Parco Scientifico e Tecnologico del Lazio Meridionale), a society
including Chambers of Commerce, Industrial Associations and Administrations of Frosinone
and Latina Provinces, Universities of Roma, Frosinone and Latina. It promotes, realizes and
manages scientific and technological parks, incentiving new enterprise activities and
encouraging the settlement in the related territory. Municipality of Ferentino (FR), an
ancient city in the middle-south of Italy that has a large industrial area of 10 km2 in its
territory. Province of Frosinone, in the middle-south side of Italy; their mainly
environmental activities consist in permit issuing in the field of air, water, soil and energy.
CONSER Sccrl (Consorzio Servizi Primo Macrolotto Industriale di Prato), a consortium
representing over 300 small enterprises operating in the “1° Macrolotto” (Industrial Area in
the textile district of Prato); it promotes centralized innovative services for industrial areas
(wastewater recycling, EMAS registration, mobility manager). Servizi alle Imprese provides
central innovative services to SMEs operating in industrial areas in the field of environment
and energy saving. CISM (Consorzio Innovazione e Sviluppo Maiella)-Maiella Industrial
Area (CH), a consortium including Municipalities in the Province of Chieti, where exist
different industrial areas, closely connected in a sub-area network. It provides services to local
enterprises, including services for the environment protection, and promotes the local
industrial development. ASI Rieti (Industrial Area of Rieti-Cittaducale), a consortium
including the Municipality of Rieti. Its objective is to encourage new industrial initiatives
realizing, developing and implementing facilities of the industrial area. Municipality of
Molfetta (BA), on the Adriatic sea, has on his territory three industrial areas. Since 2001 it
started the Local Agenda XXI process.
3 Requisiti per un’Area Industriale Sostenibile
Area Management requirements
SIA shall be managed by a Management Consortium with clear defined responsibilities on the
management of the area and its environmental performances;
The Management Consortium shall be representative of the settled enterprises;
It shall have a recognizable legal form;
It shall have institutional relations with local authorities and stakeholders.
SIA Policy (based on ISO 14000 or EMAS requirements)
SIA shall adopt a policy with measurable environmental and social-economic targets;
The compliance with the law shall be assured by the Management Consortium;
SIA development shall not conflict with local communities interests;
The SIA policy shall be documented, carried out and kept operative;
The SIA policy shall be shared, spread and made available for each interested part.
Sustainability Analysis of the Area/Initial evaluation
The Management Consortium shall perform a sustainability analysis to identify the significant
social, economic and environmental aspects.
Improvement plan
An improvement plan shall be elaborated to define and schedule actions to optimise the
performances in the Sustainable Industrial Area.
Infrastructures and their management
The SIA shall be provided with suitable infrastructures and facilities to manage all the relevant
environmental, social and economic impacts. Particular attention shall be given to communication
Monitoring and evaluation
The SIA shall be provided with a suitable monitoring and evaluation system.
Sustainability Label
SIA should apply for achieving the SIAM sustainability label.
4 Criteri per un’Area Industriale Sostenibile
Lack of alternatives of use regarding the industrial area destination, after
an environmental and socio-economic evaluation
Acceptability by the local population
Capability of the Area Manager and of the AIS’s companies to manage
operations in conformity with the law
Ability to integrate the environmental, economic and social perspectives
related to the development of the industrial area activities
Efficient and sustainable use of local natural resources, energy and
water; waste prevention, reuse, recycling and revitalization processes
To forward efficient and economically viable transports with low
environmental impact
Use of innovative technologies with a low environmental impact
To design, build and maintain area infrastructures and sheds with a low
environmental impact (for activities and materials used)
Capacity to gain new financial resources, funds and assets
Biodiversity conservation in the industrial and surrounding area
Capacity to re-invest financial resources into the system (enterprises,
area, citizens) by goods and services acquisition
Increase of the economic value of productive settlement and
Sharing of the economic benefits within the system (enterprises, local
community); introduction of cohesion and fairness elements also from
the inter-generational point of view
Respect for the employees rights, safeguard for the job conditions,
application of the international principles of social ethics
Preservation of cultural diversities and valorisation of
the local
Improvement/conservation of local population life standards, both at
individual and collective level (health, services to the persons, etc.)
Development of educational programs to foster a sustainability
behaviour of citizens and economic operators; creation of new
professionals involved in sustainable development
Stakeholder participation in the industrial areas choices
Transparency with the interested parts
Ability to attract enterprises which valorise the natural, cultural and
economic vocation of the area
Allegato 3 – Risposte ricevute
1 Lancadcres, France
suite à votre mail du 10 octobre 2005 dont nous vous remercions, nous vous adresserons une
documentation sur ce que nous avons réalisé à Boulogne/mer dans le domaine des parcs
paysagers d'activités. Nous sommes prêts également à vous faire part de nos suggestions sur
votre projet dès que nous l'aurons reçu. Nous sommes intéressés par une participation
éventuelle à votre workshop.
Sincères salutations.
Secrétaire Général Adjoint
Tél. : 03 21 99 44 44
Fax : 03 21 99 44 45
2 Kalundborg - The Symbiosis Institute, Denmark
Dear Arianna,
thank you very much for your mail and request to the Kalundborg eco-park. Your project is
very interesting as well and I hope for collaboration as well in practice in e.g. workshop. Will
you have a chance to call me on phone to discuss details and your question during next week?
All best
Noel Brings Jacobsen
Steering Committee, Kalundborg IS center
3 Progetto Ecopadev (Eco-industrial parks development) Fundacion Gaiker (Gaiker), Zamudio (Bizkaia), Spain
Dear Mr. Tarantini,
attending your request, I send you forward all the existing public information regarding
ECOPADEV project: summary of Deliverable 1, D2, D3, and the four newsletters published.
You can also revise the web page of the project:
On the other hand, I would like to ask you to send us some information regarding the LIFE
project you are developing; we find it very interesting and on line with some of our research
Both for sending the information but also in case you have any comment please contact with
Oscar Salas ([email protected]).
Thanks in advance for your attention,
best regards,
Ekhine Zumeta
Dear Arianna,
it is nice to detect the interest of some people in the subject, it is difficult to determine our
participation in the workshop, but you could consider GAIKER as a present and future
collaborator in the subject.
Please Keep us informed, and good luck
Oscar Salas
4 Dyfi Eco - Parc
thank you for your enquiry about Eco-Parks. I work for the Welsh Development Agency: we
have built an environmentally-friendly business park in the town of Machynlleth, Wales,
called “Dyfi Eco-Parc”.
I tried to attach a description of Dyfi Eco-Parc, unfortunately the file appears to be too large
for the e-mail system. I will post this separately.
Together with my colleague Mike Bacigalupo, and on behalf of the Welsh Development
Agency, I have prepared a presentation on the sustainability, development, marketing, and
occupancy terms of the sustainable industrial park for a European audience of “green”
business park developers, in France.
We would be pleased to attend your workshop. However, I do not have the authority to accept
your invitation: could I suggest that you write to my executive director: Dr Geraint Davies,
WDA, Ladywell House, Newtown, Powys SY16 1JB, UK, asking him if he would like us to
represent the WDA at your workshop.
John Thomas
Head of Construction
5 Leipzig University
Dear Mario,
in the ISIE 2005 you asked me about possible references on how the chemical industrial parks
in Germany are certified according to EMAS. Actually there used to be few chemical parks
which were at least to some extent certified according to EMAS but most of the parks have
given up the process mainly because of their heterogenic structures regarding the size of
companies, differences in company cultures, costs etc., i.e. basically because it s a difficult
task. However, as I already mentioned there is still one chemical park in Germany which uses
an integrated EMAS.
This is the Chemical Park Marl managed by Infracor ( It is one
of the case study sites in my PhD research exactly because of this speciality, but I will visit
them only next September. Nevertheless, I asked them if they had any materials on their
EMAS procedure but unfortunately even the environmental report is only in German.
That’s too bad because it s an interesting case. Well, some information will at least be
available in English in my dissertation but unfortunately only in a year. In Chemical Park
Marl all the big companies such as Degussa, Bayer etc. have agreed upon a common
environmental policy, which has been a very challenging task. Since all the companies which
settle down in the chemical park have to sign the so called site regulations established by the
park management, in Marl most of the EMAS requirements were already included into these
regulations. This way the companies on the site were obliged to follow them and since the
land of the site and the site infrastructure are owned by the park managing company also these
get certified. They have also developed some sort of a site monitoring system, which I m not
familiar with yet.
I m afraid this is everything I m able to tell you about the procedure at the moment. If I find
some further information I’ll let you know.
Tiina Salonen
University of Leipzig - Faculty of Economics, Chair of Environmental Technology and
Management, Marschnerstraße 31, 04109 Leipzig, Germany
Tel.: +49 341 9733873
Fax: +49 341 9733879
[email protected]
6 Department of Geography, University of Hull - England
Dear Mario,
many thanks for the project details, I will read these through and get back to you if I have any
comments. I cannot remember if I sent you copies of our recent papers from the project – I
attach two papers in any case for information.
I would definitely be interested in attending any workshop that you are organising, so keep
me informed.
Best wishes
Professor David Gibbs
Department of Geography - University of Hull, Hull, HU6 7RX
Tel.: 01482 465330
Fax: 01482 466340
Mobile: 0784 0869355
[email protected]
7 ValuePark, Germany
Dear Mr. Tarantini,
The ValuePark® is a private organized concept for an Industrial-/Chemical park.
The main orientation is economical but as we are the direct "neighbour" of four communities,
we have a strong environmental and residents-friendly orientation, to maintain the high level
of acceptance of chemical industry in the region. So of course we have agreed a land use plan
between our company and all surrounding communities where is included:
the volume and the location of green areas within the industrial area;
the construction rules for new investments;
the emission level which could have impact on the residents.
By this way we have signed a jointly agreed plan with exact defined development measures.
I highly appreciate your project to integrate the sustainability princips in the planning of
further development of industrial areas close to populated areas.
If you will organize a workshop I would be interested to participate and I'm ready to present
the experience of the ValuePark® .
Best regards
Klaus-Dieter Heinze - ValuePark Manager, Industry Development, Site Schkopau
Phone: 0049-3461 / 497062
[email protected]
8 Hartberg Oko Park, Austria
Dear Sirs,
thank you for your e-mail from 10th of October 2005.
I will give your e-mail to our director Mister Rainhard Fink.
Yours sincerely
Barbara Gotthard - Ecopark Hartberg, Am Ökopark 10, 8230 Hartberg, Austria
Phone: 0049/3332/622 50 - 156
[email protected]