

Translating Europe Forum 2015
common ground for young journalists and translators
Speaker: Jessica Mariani
Contact: [email protected]
Skype: jessica.mariani66
Ph.D Program in Modern Foreign Languages, Literatures and Cultures
University of Verona
Academic Tutor: Prof. Roberta Facchinetti
“Building a European Perspective in
News Translation”
Interdisciplinary Ph.D Project
Official Agreement with
European Parliament
Press Unit
to conduct the study
Research Focus
Role of translation in the information
flow from EU Institutions
to EU media and citizens
3 Years
News Translation
25 years of research
Stetting, K. – 1989
Caimotto M.C. - 2010
(University of Turin)
van Doorslaer L. - 2012
(KU Leuven)
Translator's version
La crisi dei migranti è un problema anche dell’America
My Re-translation:
(Migrant crisis is America's problem, too)
paesi europei perché non stanno facendo abbastanza per aiutare chi
affronta quei pericolosi viaggi nella speranza di trovare una vita migliore nel
vecchio continente.
My Re-translation
(European nations aren't doing more to help those making perilous journeys
in the hope of a better life in the continent)
Source: “Internazionale” (Issue 1119, 11-17th sept 2015)
Should Translation be visible in
the Information flow?
Should EU journalists be trained to
“Translation is the
language of Europe”
U.Eco – semiologist
[email protected]