Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der Mathematik


Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der Mathematik
«Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der Mathematik» (suppl. Zeitschrift für Mathemtik und Physik),
Leipzig: B.G. Teubner, 1877, Heft 1.
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«Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der Mathematik», Leipzig: B.G. Teubner, 1879, Heft 2.
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«Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der Mathematik», Leipzig: B.G. Teubner, 1880, Heft 3.
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«Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der Mathematik», Leipzig: B.G. Teubner, 1882, Heft 4.
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«Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der Mathematik», Leipzig: B.G. Teubner, 1890, Heft 5.
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«Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der Mathematik», Leipzig: B.G. Teubner, 1892, Heft 6.
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«Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der Mathematik», Leipzig: B.G. Teubner, 1895, Heft 7.
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«Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der Mathematik», Leipzig: B.G. Teubner, 1898, Heft 8.
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«Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der Mathematik», Leipzig: B.G. Teubner, 1899, Heft 9.
«Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der mathematischen Wissenschaften mit Einschluss ihrer Anwendungen», Leipzig: B.G. Teubner, 1900, Heft 10.
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«Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der mathematischen Wissenschaften mit Einschluss ihrer Anwendungen», Leipzig: B.G. Teubner, 1901, Heft 11.
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«Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der mathematischen Wissenschaften mit Einschluss ihrer Anwendungen», Leipzig: B.G. Teubner, 1902, Heft 12.
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«Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der mathematischen Wissenschaften mit Einschluss ihrer Anwendungen», Leipzig: B.G. Teubner, 1902, Heft 13.
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«Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der mathematischen Wissenschaften mit Einschluss ihrer Anwendungen», Leipzig: B.G. Teubner, 1902, Heft 14.
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«Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der mathematischen Wissenschaften mit Einschluss ihrer Anwendungen», Leipzig: B.G. Teubner, 1902, Heft 15.
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«Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der mathematischen Wissenschaften mit Einschluss ihrer Anwendungen», Leipzig: B.G. Teubner, 1906, Heft 21.
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«Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der mathematischen Wissenschaften mit Einschluss ihrer Anwendungen», Leipzig: B.G. Teubner, 1907, Heft 22.
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«Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der mathematischen Wissenschaften mit Einschluss ihrer Anwendungen», Leipzig: B.G. Teubner, 1907, Heft 23.
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«Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der mathematischen Wissenschaften mit Einschluss ihrer Anwendungen», Leipzig: B.G. Teubner, 1907, Heft 24.
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«Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der mathematischen Wissenschaften mit Einschluss ihrer Anwendungen», Leipzig: B.G. Teubner, 1907, Heft 25.
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«Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der mathematischen Wissenschaften mit Einschluss ihrer Anwendungen», Leipzig: B.G. Teubner, 1910, Heft 26.
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«Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der mathematischen Wissenschaften mit Einschluss ihrer Anwendungen», Leipzig: B.G. Teubner, 1909, Heft 27.
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«Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der mathematischen Wissenschaften mit Einschluss ihrer Anwendungen», Leipzig: B.G. Teubner, 1910, Heft 28.
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«Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der mathematischen Wissenschaften mit Einschluss ihrer Anwendungen», Leipzig: B.G. Teubner, 1910, Heft 29.
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«Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der mathematischen Wissenschaften mit Einschluss ihrer Anwendungen», Leipzig: B.G. Teubner, 1913, Heft 30.
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Tomus 4. Continens scripta de scientiis mechanicis et opticis. Pars secunda, [8], 343, [1] pp.
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The elements of geometrie of the most auncient philosopher Euclide of Megara. Faithfully (now
first) translated into the Englishe toung, by H. Billingsley, citizen of London. Whereunto are annexed certaine scholies, annotations, and inuentions, of the best mathematiciens, both of time past,
and in this our age. With a very fruitfull praeface made by M. I. Dee, specifying the chiefe mathematicall scie[n]ces, what they are, and wherunto commodious: where, also, are disclosed certaine
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some of Euclid’s demonstrations are restored also the book of Euclid’s Data in lke manner corrected …, 6th ed. printed for J. Nourse London, and J. Balfour Edinburgh, 1781, 520 pp.
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Taisbak Christian M., Coulored quadrangles: A guide to the tenth book of Euclid’s Elements, Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum, 1982, 78 p.
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commentaire par B. Vitrac, Paris: PressesUniversitaires de France, 1998-2001, 432, 482 pp.
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Taisbak Christian M., Dedomena-Euclid’s Data, or, The Importance of Being Given, Greek text
with translation and commentary, Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press, 2003, 271 pp. (Acta
Historica Scientiarum Naturalium et Medicinalium)
Euclidis Data succincte demonstrata: una cum emendationibus quibusdam & additionibus ad elementa Euclidis nuper edita opera Mri. Is. Barrovv, Cantabrigiensis …, Cantabrigiae: Ex officina
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b) studi e bibliografie
Artmann Benno, Euclid: the creation of mathematics, New York: Springer, 1999, XVI, 343 pp.
Carroll Lewis, Euclid and his modern rivals, by Charles L. Dodgson, London: Macmillan, 1885
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Schönbeck Jürgen, Euklid um 300 v.Chr., Basel: Birkhäuser, 2003, x, 264 pp. (Vita Mathematica
Riccardi Pietro, Saggio di una bibliografia euclidea. Parte 1 e 2, Bologna: Tip. Gamberini e Parmeggiani, 1887, 125 pp. (Gia pubbl. in: Memorie della Reale Accademia delle scienze dell'Istituto
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Riccardi Pietro, Saggio di una bibliografia euclidea. Parte 4, Bologna: Tip. Gamberini e Parmeggiani, 1890, 60 pp. (Gia pubbl. in: Memorie della Reale Accademia delle scienze dell'Istituto di Bologna, s. 5., t. 1, letta nella sessione del 24 feb. 1889)
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Thomas-Stanford Charles, Early editions of Euclid's Elements, London, Printed for the Biblio30
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naturales, 1967, 163 pp.
Steck Max, Bibliographia Euclideana: Die gaisteslinien der Tradition in den Editionen der elemente des euklid […] nach dem Tode des Verfassers hrsg. von Menso Folkerts, Hildesheim: Gerstenberg, 1981, 444 pp. (Arbor scientiarum, Reihe C: Bibliographien 1)
Commento di Proclo:
Proclus Diadochus, Procli Diadochi ... In primum Euclidis Elementorum librum commentariorum
ad uniuersam mathematicam disciplinam principium eruditionis tradentium libri 4. A Francisco
Barocio patritio Veneto summa opera, cura, ac diligentia cunctis mendis expurgati: scholiis, et figuris, quae in graeco codice omnes desiderabantur aucti: - Primum iam Romanae linguae venustate donati, et nunc recens editi. Cum catalogo deorum, et virorum illustrium, atque autorum: elencho librorum, qui vel ab autore, vel ab interprete citati sunt: et indice locupleti notabilium omnium
in opere contentorum, Patavii: excudebat Gratiosus Perchacinus, 1560, 16, 272, pp.
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Friedlein, (Reprografischer Nachdr. der 1. Aufl. von 1873), Hildesheim, Olms, 1967, VIII, 507 pp.,
(Bibliotheca scriptorum graecorum et romanorum Teubneriana)
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a cura di Maria Timpanaro Cardini, Pisa: Giardini, 1978, 357 pp.
Proclus Diadochus, A commentary on the first book of Euclid's elements, transl. with introd. and
notes by Glenn R. Morrow, Princeton, NJ: Princeton Univ. Press, 1970, XLV, 355 pp.
Proclus Diadochus, Kommentar zum ersten Buch von Euklids "Elementen", Aus dem Griech. ins Dt.
übertr. und mit textkrit. Anm. vers. von Leander Schönberger. Eingel., mit Komm. und bibliogr.
Nachweisen vers. und in der Gesamted. besorgt von Max Steck, Halle (Saale), Dt. Akad. der Naturforscher, 1945, XXIV, 589 pp.
Proclus Diadochus, Les commentaires sur le premier livre des elements d'Euclide, traduits pour la
premiere fois du grec en francais avec une introduction et des notes par P. Ver Eecke, Bruges: Desclee de Brouwer et Cie, 1948, 372 pp.
Breton Stanislas, Philosophie et mathematique chez Proclus suivi de Principes philosophiques des
mathemathiques: d'apres le Commentaire de Proclus aux deux premiers livres des Elements
d'Euclides par N. Hartmann; traduit de l'allmand par Genevieve de Peslouan, Paris: Beauchesne,
1969, 246 pp.
a) opere
[Archimedous tou Syrakousiou, Ta mechri nun sozomena, hapanta]. Archimedis Syracvsani philosophi ac geometrae excellentissimi Opera. qu quidem extant, omnia, multis iam seculis desiderata, atque a quam paucissimis hactenus uisa, nuncque primum Grce Latine in lucem edita. Quorum
catalogum uersa pagina reperies. Adiecta quoque sunt Evtocii Ascalonitae in eosdem Archimedis
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Brixianum ... multis erroribus emendata, expurgata, ac in luce posita, ... Appositisque manu propria figuris quq graeco exemplari deformatae, ac deprauatae erant, ad rectissimam symetriam
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2: ed. stereotypa editionis anni 1913, Stutgardiae: in aedibus B.G. Teubneri, 1972, XVIII, 554 pp.
3: ed. stereotypa editionis anni 1915, Stutgardiae: in aedibus B.G. Teubneri, 1972, XCVIII, 448 pp.
Archimedes, Opera omnia, vol. 4: Ueber einander beruhrende Kreise, aus dem arabischen übersetzt und mit Anmerkungen versehen von Yvonne Dold-Samplonius, Heinrich Hermelink und Matthias Schramm, Stuttgart: B.G. Teubner, 1975, 68 p.
Archimede, Opere, a cura di Attilio Frajese, Torino: UTET, 1988, 638 p.
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commentary and critical edition of the diagrams by Reviel Netz, 1: The two books On the sphere
and the cylinder, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004, X, 375 pp.
Oeuvres d'Archimède, trad. littéralement, avec un commentaire, par F. Peyrard,.... suivies d'un Mémoire du traducteur sur un nouveau miroir ardent. et d'un autre Mémoire de M. Delambre sur
l'arithmétique des grecs..., Paris: F. Buisson, 1807, XLVIII-601 pp.
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Les oeuvres completes d'Archimede, traduites du grec en francais avec une introduction et des notes
par Paul Ver Eecke, Paris-Bruxelles: Desclee, De Brouwer and C., 1921, LIX, 553 p.
Archimedes, [Oeuvres d'Archimède], vol. 1: De la sphere et du cylindre, La mesure du cercle, Sur
les conoides et les spheroides, texte etabli et traduit par Charles Mugler, Paris: Les belles lettres,
1970, XXX, 258 p.
Archimedes, [Oeuvres d'Archimède], vol. 2: Des spirales, De l'equilibre des figures planes,
L'arenaire, La quadrature de la parabole, texte etabli et traduit par Charles Mugler, Paris: Les
belles lettres, 1971, 203 p.
Archimedes, [Oeuvres d'Archimède], vol. 3: Des corps flottants, Stomachion, La methode, Le livre
des lemmes, Le probleme des boeufs, texte etabli et traduit par Charles Mugler, Paris: Les belles letters, 1971, 180 p.
Archimedes, [Oeuvres d'Archimède], vol. 4: Commentaires d'Eutocius et fragments, texte etabli et
traduit par Charles Mugler, Paris : Les belles lettres, 1972, 223 p.
Archimedes, Werke, Uberstezt und mit Anmerkungen versehen von A. Czwalina, Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1983
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Ascalonitae in hanc commentarius cum versione & notis Joh. Wallis, Oxonii: E Theatro Sheldoniano, 1676, [5], 159, [50] pp.
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The Arenarius of Archimedes with glossary ed. by E.J. Dijksterhuis, Leiden: Brill, 1956, 24 p.
Rigaud Stephen Peter, On the Arenarius of Archimedes, Oxford: printed by S. Collingwood for the
Ashmolean Society, 1837, 32 pp.
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[…] begleitet von Karl Friderich Hauber, Tuebingen: J.G. Cotta, 1798, 150 pp.
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Gradara Enrico, Il metodo di Archimede, versione italiana con note e prefzione, Velletri: Tipografia
G. Zampetti, 1924, 93 pp.
Rufini Enrico, Il "Metodo" di Archimede e le origini dell' analisi infinitesimale nell' antichità, Roma: Casa editrice Alberto Stock,1926, 293 pp.
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Rufini E., Il metodo di Archimede e le origini del calcolo infinitesimale nell'antichita, Milano: Feltrinelli Editore, 1961, 265 pp. (Biblioteca scientifica Feltrinelli 4)
Clagett Marshall, Archimedes in the Middle Ages: volume one, Madison: University of Wisconsin
Press, 1964, xxix, 721 p. (Wisconsin publications in medieval science 6)
Clagett Marshall, Archimedes in the Middle Ages: volume two, parts I-II, the translation from the
Greek by William of Moerbeke, Philadelphia: The American Philosophical Society, 1976, x, 384 p.
(Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society 117)
Clagett Marshall, Archimedes in the Middle Ages: volume two, part III, the translation from the
Greek by William of Moerbeke, Philadelphia: The American Philosophical Society, 1976, P. 385698 (Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society 117)
Clagett Marshall, Archimedes in the Middle Ages: volume three, parts I-II, Philadelphia: The
American Philosophical Society, 1978, x, 294 p. (Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society
Clagett Marshall, Archimedes in the Middle Ages: volume three, part III, Philadelphia: The American Philosophical Society, 1978, P. 295-1246 (Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society
Clagett Marshall, Archimedes in the Middle Ages: volume three, part IV, Philadelphia: The American Philosophical Society, 1978. P. 1247-1542 (Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society
Clagett Marshall, Archimedes in the Middle Ages: volume four, part I, Philadelphia: The American
Philosophical Society, 1980, viii, 461 p. (Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society137)
Clagett Marshall, Archimedes in the Middle Ages: volume four, part II, Philadelphia: The American
Philosophical Society, 1980, P. 462-566 (Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society 137)
Clagett Marshall, Archimedes in the Middle Ages: volume five, Quasi-Archimedean geometry in the
thirteenth century: a supplementary volume comprising the Liber de Motu of Gerard of Brussels,
the Liber philotegni of Jordanus de Nemore together with its longer version known as the Liber de
triangulis Iordani, and an appended text of John Dee's Inventa circa illam coni recti atque rectanguli sectionem quae ab antiquis mathematicis parabola appellabatur, Philadelphia: The American
Philosophical Society, 1984, 2 v., 716 p. (Memoirs of the American philosophical society 157)
b) studi
Mazzucchelli GianMaria, Notizie istoriche e critiche intorno alla vita, alle invenzioni, ed agli scritti
di Archimede Siracusano, In Brescia: presso GianMaria Rizzardi, 1737
Favaro Antonio, Archimede, Genova: Formíggini, 1912, 83 p.
Favaro Antonio, Archimede, 2. ed., Milano: Bietti, 1940, 88 p.
Loria Gino, Archimede: la scienza che domino Roma, Milano : G. Agnelli, 1928, 70 p.
Archimede: mito, tradizione, scienza, [convegno] Siracusa-Catania, 9-12 ottobre 1989, a cura di
Corrado Dollo, Firenze: L. S. Olschki, 1992, VIII, 486 p.
Dijksterhuis E. J., Archimedes, Copenhagen: Ejnar Munksgaard Publishers, 1956, 422 pp. (Acta
historica scientiarium naturalium et medicinalium 12)
Bunte B., Ueber Archimedes, mit besonderer Beruecksichtung der Lebens- und Zeitverhältnisse,
sowie zweier von demselben herruehrenden mechanischen Kunstwerke, Programm der Königlichen
Realschule I. Ordnung zu Leer, Leer, 1877
Colerus Egmont, Archimedes in Alexandrien: Erzahlung, Berlin: Zsolnay, 1939, 196 p.
Schneider Ivo, Archimedes: Ingenieur, Naturwissenschaftler, und Mathematiker, Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1979, viii, 209 pp.
Souffrin Pierre, Trois études sur l‘oeuvre d‘Archimède: La quadrature de la parabole, Riguer et
heuristique dans De la methode, Sur le statut théoretique du centre de gravité, Paris: Centre de
Documentation Sciences Humaine, 1980, 32 pp.
Stein Sherman, Archimedes: What did he do besides cry eureka?, Washington: Mathematical
Association of America, 1999, x, 155 pp.
a) opere
Apollonii Pergei... opera per doctissimum philosophum Joannem Baptistam Memum... de graecon
latinum traducta, Venetiis: per Bernardinum Bindonum, 1537, 83 pp.
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Apollonii Pergaei Conicorum libri quattuor una cum Pappi Alexandrini lemmatibus, et commentariis Eutocii Ascalonitae; Sereni Antinsensis libri duo nunc primum in lucem ed.; quae omnia nuper
Federicus Commandinus Urbinas mendis quamplurimis expurgata e graeco convertit, & commentariis illustravit, Bononiae: Ex officina A. Benatii, 1566
Apollonii Pergaei Conicorum libri IV cum commentariis R. PP. Claudii Richardi, Antverpiae: Hieronymum & Joannembapt. Verdussen, 1655, [78], 398, [2] pp.
Apollonii Pergaei Conicorum lib. V, VI, VII paraphraste Abalphato Asphahanensi, nunc primum
editi. Additus in calce Archimedis Assumptorum liber ex codicibus Arabicis m.ss. ... Abrahamus
Ecchellensis ... Latinos reddidit; Io. Alfonsus Borellus ... curam in geometricis versioni contulit &
notas uberiores in uniuersum opus adiecit, Florentiae: ex Typographia Iosephi Cocchini ..., 1661,
[36], 415, [1] pp.
Apollonii Conica methodo nova illustrata, et succincte demonstrata per Isaacum Barrow …, Londoni: Excudebat Guil. Godbid, voeneunt apud Robertum Scott ..., 1675, 104 pp.
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Oxoniae: e theatro Sheldoniano, 1710
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medesime sezioni, In Firenze: nella Stampp. di S.A.R. per li Tartini e Franchi, 1722, [4], 151, [3]
Apollonii Pergaei quae graece exstant cum commentariis antiquis, ed. et latine interpretatus est I.
L. Heiberg, Stuttgart: B. G. Teubner, 1974, 2 vol., (Bibliotheca scriptorum graecorum et romanorum Teubneriana)
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Apollonius of Perga, Conics: books V to VII: the Arabic translation of the lost Greek original in the
version of the Banu Musa, edited with translation and commentary by G.J. Toomer, New York:
Springer, c1990, 2 v. (XCV, 888 pp.)
Apollonius of Perga, Conics. Books I-III, translation by R. Catesby Taliaferro, diagrams by William
H. Donahue, introduction by Harvey Flaumenhaft, New rev. ed., Santa Fe: Green lion press, 1998,
XXXVIII, 284 pp.
Apollonius of Perga, Conics. Book IV, translation, introduction and diagrams by Michael N. Fried,
first English edition, Santa Fe: Green lion press, c2002, XXXI, 69 pp.
Les coniques d'Apollonius de Perge, oeuvres traduites pour la première fois du grec en français
avec une introduction et des notes par Paul Ver Eecke, Bruges: Desclée, de Brouwer, 1923, L, [2],
656 pp.
Des Apollonius von Perga sieben Bücher über Kegelschnitte: nebst dem durch Halley wieder hergestellten achten Buche, Deutsch bearbeitet von H. Balsam, Berlin: G. Reimer, 1861, 89 pp.,
Die Kegelschnitte des Apollonios, uebersetzt von Arthur Czwalina, München: R. Oldenburg, 1926.
Ghetaldi Marini... Apollonius rediuiuus, seu Restituta Apollonii Pergaei inclinationum geometria,
Venetiis: apud Bernardum Iuntam, 1607, [8], 23, [1] pp.
Marini Ghetaldi ...Apollonius redivivus, seu Restitutae Apollonii Pergaei De inclinationibus geometriae liber secundus, Venetiis: apud Baretium Baretium, 1613
Elsner Bernd, Apollonius Saxonicus: die Restitution eines verlorenen Werkes des Apollonius von
Perga durch Joachim Jungius, Woldeck Weland und Johannes Müller, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck &
Ruprecht, 1988, 429 pp.
Apollonii Pergaei De sectione rationis libri duo accedunt ejusdem De sectione spatii libri duo restituti; opus analyseos geometricae studiosis apprime utile; praemittitur Pappi Alexandrini praefatio
ad Viimum collectionis mathematicae nunc primum graece edita; cum Lemmatibus ejusdem Pappi
ad hos Apollonii libros; opera et studio Edmundi Halley ex arabico msto latine versi, Oxonii: e
Theatro Sheldoniano, 1706, liii, 168 pp.
Des Apollonius von Perga zwei Bücher vom Verhältnissschnitt, de sectione rationis, aus dem
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Hieronymi Cardani ... Opera omnia tam hactenus excusa hic tamen aucta & emendata quam numquam alias visa ac primum ex auctoris ipsius autographis eruta Cura Caroli Sponii, Lugduni: sumptibus Ioannis Antonii Huguetan & Marci Antonii Ravaud, 1663, 10 v.
(rist. anast. Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt : Friedrich Frommann Verlag, 1966 and New York, London:
Johnson reprint corp., 1967)
Hieronimi C. Cardani ... Practica arithmetice, & mensurandi singularis. In quaque preter alias continentur, versa pagina demonstrabit, Milano: Io. Antonius Castellioneus Mediolani imprimebat impensis Bernardini Calusci, 1539, 376 pp.
Hieronymi Cardani ... Artis magnae, siue de regulis algebraicis, lib. unus. Qui et totius operis de
arthmetica, quod opus perfectum inscripsit, est in ordine decimus, Norimbergae: per Joh. Petreium
excusum, 1545, 81, 1 pp.
Cardano Girolamo, Ars magna or the rules of algebra translated and edited by T. Richard Witmer;
with a foreword by Oystein Ore, (Unabridged republication), New York: Dover, 1993, XXIV, 267
Hieronymi Cardani ... Opus nouum de proportionibus numerorum, motuum, ponderum, sonorum,
aliarumqu'e rerum mensurandarum, non solum geometrico more stabilitum, sed etiam uarijs experimentis & obseruationibus rerum in natura, solerti demonstratione illustratum, ad moltiplices
usus accomodatum, & in 5 libros digestum. Praeterea. Artis magnae; sive de regulis algebraicis,
liber vnus, abstrusissimus & inexhaustus plane totius arithmeticae thesaurus, ab authore recens
multis in locis recognitus & auctus. Item De aliza regula liber, hoc est, algebraicae logisticae suae,
numeros recondita numerandi subtilitate, secundum geometricas quantitates inquirentis, necessaria
coronis, nunc demum in lucem edita ..., Basileae: Heinrich Petri (Basileae: ex officina Henricpetrina, 1570 mense Martio), 3 pt. (16, 271, 1; 163, 1; 8, 111, 1 pp.)
Cardano Girolamo, Liber de ludo aleae a cura di Massimo Tamborini, Milano: Franco Angeli,
c2006, 239 pp.
Cardano Girolamo, The book on games of chance = Liber de ludo aleae, translated by Sidney
Henry Gould; foreword by Samuel S. Wilks, New York : Holt, Rineheart and Winston, c1961, VI,
57 pp.
La tenuta della contabilità secondo Girolamo Castiglione Cardano a cura di Pietro Bonazza, Brescia: Penta, 2002, VIII, 55 pp.
Fierz Markus, Girolamo Cardano (1501-1576): Arzt, Naturphilosoph, Mathematiker, Astronom,
und Traumdeuter, Basel: Birkhäuser, 1977, 138 pp.
Fierz Markus, Girolamo Cardano (1501-1576): Physician, natural philosopher, mathematician, astrologer, and interpreter of dreams, transl. By Helga Niman, Boston: Birkhäuser, 1983, 202 pp.
Maurolico Francesco, Arithmeticorum libri duo, nunc primum in lucem editi, Venetiis: F. Franciscium Senensem, 1575, [6]-175-[19] pp.
[ http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k83056z/f2.table ]
Maurolico,Francesco, Opuscula mathematica, nunc primum in lucem edita, Venetiis: F. Franciscium Senensem, 1575, [18]-285 pp.
[ http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k83055m ]
Admirandi Archimedis syracusani monumenta omnia mathematica quae extant quorumque catalogum inversa pagina demonstrat ex traditione doctissimi viri D. Francisci Maurolyci, nobilis siculi,
abbatis Sanctae Mariae a Partu. Opus praeclarissimum, non prius a typis commissum, a matheseos
vero studiosis enixe desideratum, tandemque e fuligine temporum accurate excussum. Ad Illust. et
Religiosissimum virum Fr. Simonem Rondinelli, ... Panormi, apud D. Cyllenium Hesperium, cum licentia Superiorum, MDLXXXV. Sumpt. Antonini Giardinae, bibliopolae Panorm., 296 pp.
Francisci Maurolyci Messanensis, Emendatio, et restitutio conicorum Apollonij Pergaei nunc primum typis excusae, vbi primi quatuor eiusdem Apollonij libri mendis, quibus foede scatebant, expurgantur, nouisque interdum demonstrationibus illustrantur: quintus vero sextusue liber, quorum
tituli dumtaxat habebantur, maximo labore, summaque industria denuo restituuntur, Messanae :
typis haeredum Petri Breae, 1654.
Le sezioni coniche di Maurolico, (a cura di) Rocco Sinisgalli, Salvatore Vastola, Fiesole: Cadmo,
2000, 153 pp.
Francisci Maurolyci Opera mathematica: per una edizione nazionale, Pisa : Giardini, 2007, 14,
[14] pp.
Vita dell'Abate del Parto d. Francesco Maurolyco. Scritta dal baron della Foresta, ad istanza
dell'Abate di Roccamatore d. Siluetro Maruli fratelli, di lui nipoti, In Messina: per Pietro Brea,
1613, [8], 56 [i.e. 55], [1] pp.
Vita dell'abbate del Parto d. Francesco Maurolico: scritta dal baron della Foresta, ad istanza
dell'abbate di Roccamatore d. Silvestro Maruli fratelli, di lui nipoti Francesco Maurolico jun.; ed.
con introduzione e note a cura di Rosario Moscheo, Messina: Societa messinese di storia patria,
2001, XLIX, 159 pp.
Macrì Giacomo, Francesco Maurolico nella vita e negli scritti, Messina: Tipografia D'Angelo,
1901, lxxxii, 280 pp.
Rossi Giuseppe, Francesco Maurolico e il risorgimento filosofico e scientifico in Italia nel secolo,
XVI , Messina, Pergola [printed], 1888, 217 pp.
Scinà Domenico, Elogio di Francesco Maurolico, a cura di Umberto Bottazzini e Pietro Nastasi.,
Caltanissetta [etc.]: S. Sciascia, 1994, 185 pp.
Miscellanea in onore di Francesco Maurolico nel quinto centenario della nascita (1494-1575),
Messina: EDAS, 1994, 225 pp.
Pavone Mario, Saggio critico sulle opere di Francesco Maurolico, [S.l. : s.n.], 1987 (Ragusa: Tip.
Leggio e Diquattro), 73 pp.
Moscheo Rosario, Francesco Maurolico tra Rinascimento e scienza galileana. Materiali e ricerche,
Messina: Sicietà messinese di storia patria, 1988.
Moscheo Rosario, Mecenatismo e scienza nella Sicilia del '500: i ventimiglia di Geraci ed il matematico Francesco Maurolico, Messina: Società messinese di storia patria, 1990, VII, 246 pp.
An arithmeticall militare treatise, named Stratioticos: compendiously teaching the science of
nu[m]bers, as vvell in fractions as integers, and so much of the rules and aequations algebraicall
and arte of numbers cossicall, as are requisite for the profession of a soldiour. Together with the
moderne militare discipline, offices, lawes and dueties in euery wel gouerned campe and armie to
be obserued: long since atte[m]pted by Leonard Digges Gentleman, augmented, digested, and
lately finished, by Thomas Digges, his sonne, At London: Printed by Henrie Bynneman, Anno
Domini 1579.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V10228 ]
An arithmeticall vvarlike treatise named Stratioticos: compendiously teaching the science of
nombers as well in fractions as integers, and so much of the rules and aequations algebraicall, and
art of nombers cossicall, as are requisite for the profession of a soldier. Together with the moderne
militare discipline, offices, lawes and orders in euery well gouerned campe and armie inuiolably to
be obserued. First published by Thomas Digges Esquire anno salutis 1579. and dedicated unto the
right Honorable Earle of Leicester, lately reviewed and corrected by the author him selfe, and also
augmented with sundry additions. Aswell concerning the science or art of great artillerie, as the offices of the Sergeant Maior Generall …, At London: Imprinted by Richard Field, 1590.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V10229 ]
Of the art of great artillery, viz. The explanation of the most excellent and necessary definitions,
and questions, pronounced and propounded, by that rare souldier and mathematician, Thomas
Digges Esquire: and by him published, in his Stratiaticos, and Pantometria, concerning great ordinance, and his theorems thereupon. Together, vvith certaine expositions, and answers thereunto
adioyned: written by Robert Norton gunner. And by him dedicated, to the worshipfull Iohn Reinolds
Esquire, master gunner of England, London: Printed by Edw. Allde, for Iohn Tap, and are to bee
sold at his shop, at the corner of Saint Magnus Church, 1624.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V20147 ]
A boke named Tectonicon: briefely shewynge the exacte measurynge, and speady reckenynge all
maner lande, squared tymber, stone, steaples, pyllers, globes. [et]c. Further, declaringe the perfecte makinge and large vse of the carpenters ruler, conteyninge a quadrant geometricall: comprehendinge also the rare vse of the squire. And in thende a lyttle treatise adioyned, openinge the composicion and appliancie of an instrument called the profitable staffe. With other thinges pleasaunt
and necessary, most conducible for surueyers, landemeaters, ioyners, carpenters, and masons. Published by Leonarde Digges gentleman, in the yere of our Lorde. 1556, Imprynted at London: By
Thomas Gemini, dwellynge within the Blacke Friers: who is there ready exactly to make all the instrumentes apperteynynge to this booke, Anno. 1562.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V16586 ]
A boke named tectonicon: briefly shewinge the exacte measuring, and spedye reckonynge all maner
of lande, squares, tymber, stone, steaples, pyllers, globes etc.: further, declaringe the perfecte makinge and large vse of the carpenters ruler, contayninge a quadrante geometricall, comprehendinge
also the rare vse of the squire: and in thende [sic] a lytle treatise adioyned, openinge the composition and appliancie of an instrument called the profitable staffe: with other thinges pleasaunt and
necesarye, most conducible for surueyers, landemeaters, jointers, carpenters, and masons published by Leonarde Digges gentleman, in the yeare of our Lorde, 1556, [London]: Imprinted at
London in Fletestreate neare to S. Dunstones Churche, by Thomas Marshe, 1570.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V25345 ]
A booke named Tectonicon: briefly shewing the exact measuring, and spedie reckoning all maner of
land, squares, timber, stone, steeples, pillers, globes, etc. Further, declaring the perfect making and
large vse of the carpenters ruler, conteining a quadrant geometricall: comprehending also the rare
vse of the squire. And in the end a little treatise adioyning, opening the composition and appliancie
of an instrument, called the profitable staffe. With other things pleasant and necessarie, most conducible for surueyers, landmeaters, ioyners, carpenters, and masons. Published by Leonard Digges
Gentleman, in the yeare of our Lord, 1556, Imprinted at London: By Thomas Orwin, dwelling in
Pater noster Rowe, ouer agaynst the Checker, 1592.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V14485 ]
A booke named tectonicon: briefly shewing the exact measuring, and speedie reckening all maner
of land, squares, timber, stone, steeples, pillers, globes etc.: further, declaring the perfect making
and large vse of the carpenters ruler, conteining a quadrant geometricall, comprehending also the
rare vse of the squire: and in the end a little treatise adioyning, opening the composition and appliancie of an instrument called the profitable staffe : with other things pleasant and necessarie, most
conducible for surueyers, landmeaters, ioyners, carpenters, and masons published by Leonard
Digges gentleman, in the yeare of our Lord, 1556, Imprinted at London: By Felix Kingston, dwelling in Pater noster Rowe, ouer against the signe of the Checker, 1599.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V25841 ]
A booke named Tectonicon: brieflie shewing the exact measuring, and speedie reckoning all manner of land, squares, timber, stone, steeples, pillers, globes, etc. Further, declaring the perfect making and large vse of the carpenters ruler, containing a quandrant geometricall: comprehending
also the rare vse of the squire. And in the end a little treatise adioyning, opening the composition
and appliancie of an instrument, called the profitable staffe. With other things pleasant and necessarie, most conducible for surueyers, landmeaters, ioyners, carpenters, and masons. Published by
Leonard Digges Gentleman, in the yeere of our Lord, 1556, Imprinted at London: By Felix Kyngston, dwelling in Pater-noster row, ouer against the signe of the Checker, 1605.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V5505 ]
A booke named Tectonicon: brieflie shewing the exact measuring, and speedie reckoning all manner of land, squares, timber, stone, steeples, pillers, globes, etc. Further, declaring the perfect making and large vse of the carpenters ruler, conteining a quadrant geometricall: comprehending also
the rare vse of the squire. And in the end a little treatise adioyning, opening the composition and
appliancie of an instrument, called the profitable staffe. With other things pleasant and necessarie,
most conducible for surueyers, landmeaters, ioyners, carpenters, and masons. Published by Leo56
nard Digges Gentleman, in the yeare of our Lord, 1556, At London: Imprinted by Felix Kyngston,
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V17682 ]
A booke named Tectonicon: briefly shevving the exact measuring, and speedie reckoning all manner of land, squares, timber, stone, steeples, pillers, globes, etc. Further, declaring the perfect making and large vse of the carpenters ruler, containing a quadrant geometricall: comprehending also
the rare vse of the squire. And in the end a little treatise adioyning, opening the composition and
appliancie of an instrument, called the profitable staffe. With other things pleasant and necessarie,
most conducible for surueyers, landmeaters, ioyners, carpenters, and masons. Published by Leonard Digges Gentleman, in the yeere of our Lord, 1556, At London: Imprinted by Felix Kyngston,
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V17685 ]
A booke named tectonicon: briefly shewing the exact measuring, and speedie reckning all manner
of land, squares, timber, stone, steeples, pillers, globes etc.: further, declaring the perfect making
and large vse of the carpenters rule, containing a quadrant geometricall, comprehending also the
rare vse of the squire: and in the end a little treatise adioyning, opening the composition and appliancie of an instrument called the profitable staffe: with other things pleasant and necessary, most
conducible for surueyers, landmeaters, ioyners, carpenters, and masons published by Leonard
Digges gentleman, in the yeere of our Lord, 1556, At London: Imprinted by Felix Kyngston, and
are to be sold by Robert Allott, at the signe of the Grey-hound in Paules Church-yard, 1626.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V26771 ]
A booke named tectonicon: briefly shewing the exact measuring, and speedie reckoning all manner
of land, squares, timber, stone, steeples, pillers, globes etc.: further, declaring the perfect making
and large vse of the carpenters ruler, containing a quadrant geometricall, comprehending also the
rare vse of the squire: and in the end a little treatise adioyning, opening the composition and appliancie of an instrument called the profitable staffe: with other things pleasant and necessary, most
conducible for surueyers, landmeaters, ioyners, carpenters, and masons published by Leonard
Digges gentleman, in the yeere of our Lord, 1556, At London: Imprinted by Felix Kyngston, 1630.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V25842 ]
A booke named Tectonicon: briefly shewing the exact measuring, and speedie reckoning all manner
of land, squares, timber, stone, steeples, pillers, globes, etc. Further, declaring the perfect making
and large vse of the carpenters ruler, containing a quadrant geometricall: comprehending also the
rare vse of the squire. And in the end a little treatise adioyning, opening the composition and appliancy of an instrument called the profitable staffe. With other things pleasant and necessary, most
conducible for surueyers, land-meaters, ioyners, carpenters and masons. Published by Leonard
Digges Gentleman, in the yeere of our Lord, 1556, London: Imprinted by Felix Kyngston, 1634.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V10232 ]
A booke named Tectonicon: briefly shewing the exact measuring and speedie reckoning all manner
of land, squares, timber, stone, steeples, pillers, globes, etc.: further declaring the perfect making
and larg [sic] use of the carpenters ruler, containing a quadrant geometricall, comprehending also
the rare use of the squire : and ... opening the composition and applyancy of an instrument called
the profitable staffe ... published by Leonard Digges, Gentleman, in the yeare of our Lord, 1556,
London: Imprinted by Felix Kingston, 1647.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V97953 ]
Tectonicon: briefly shewing the exact measuring and speedy reckoning all manner of land, squares,
timber, stone, steeples, pillers, globes, etc.: furthermore declaring the perfect making and large use
of the carpenters ruler, containing a quadrant geometricall, comprehending also the rare use of the
squire: and ... opening the composition and appliancy of an instrument called the profitable staffe
... published by Leonard Digges, Gentleman, in the yeare of our Lord, 1556, London: Imprinted by
Richard Hodgkinsonne, 1656.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V105274 ]
Tectonicon, or, The art of measuring of land, squares, timber, stones, pillers, globes, boards and
glass, with the carpenters rule, geometrical quadrant, and two useful tables: also a scale for bringing waters from a spring-head or fountain to a distant place, and rules to know the goodness of waters: likewise the use of the instrument called the profitable staff, fit for surveyors, joyners, carpenters and masons, etc. by Leonard Digges, Esq., London: Printed for William Miller, 1692.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V61594 ]
A geometrical practise, named Pantometria: diuided into three bookes, longimetra, planimetra, and
stereometria, containing rules manifolde for mensuration of all lines, superficies and solides: with
sundry straunge conclusions both by instrument and without, and also by perspectiue glasses, to set
forth the true description or exact plat of an whole region: framed by Leonard Digges gentleman,
lately finished by Thomas Digges his sonne. Who hathe also thereunto adioyned a mathematicall
treatise of the fiue regulare Platonicall bodies, and their Metamorphosis or transformation into fiue
other equilater vniforme solides Geometricall, of his owne inuention, hitherto not mentioned of by
any geometricians, Imprinted at London: By Henrie Bynneman, Anno. 1571.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V11955 ]
A geometrical practical treatize named Pantometria: diuided into three bookes, longimetria, planimetria, and stereometria, containing rules manifolde for mensuration of all lines, superficies and
solides: with sundrie strange conclusions both by instrument and without, and also by glasses to set
forth the true description or exact platte of an whole region. First published by Thomas Digges Esquire, and dedicated to the graue, wise, and honourable, Sir Nicholas Bacon ... With a mathematicall discourse of the fiue regular platonicall solides, and their metamorphoses into other fiue compound rare geometricall bodyes, conteyning an hundred newe theoremes at least of his owne inuention, neuer mentioned before by anye other geometrician, At London: Printed by Abell Ieffes,
Anno. 1591.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V7767 ]
Noua corpora regularia: seu, Quinque corporum regularium simplicium, in quinque alia regularia
composita, metamorphosis. Inventa ante annos 60 a Thoma Diggseio Armigero, jam, prolematibus
additis nonnullis, demonstrata a nepote, Londini: Apud Thomam Harperum, M. DC. XXXIV.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V17097 ]
The grou[n]d of artes: teachyng the worke and practise of arithmetike, moch necessary for all
states of men. After a more easyer [and] exacter sorte, then any lyke hath hytherto ben set forth:
with dyuers newe additions, as by the table doth partly appeare. Robert Recorde, Imprynted at
London: In Powls church yarde at the sygne of the Brasen serpent by R. Wolfe, In the yeare of our
Lord Christ M. D. xliii. in October.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V4838 ]
The ground of artes: teachyng the worke and practise of arithmetike, bothe in whole numbres and
fractions after a more easyer and exacter sorte than any lyke hath hytherto been sette forth: with
diuers new additions as by the table doeth partely appeere made by M. Robert Recorde …, Imprinted at London: By Reynold Wolff, 8. Octobre. 1552, 395 pp.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V27029 ]
The grounde of artes: teaching the worke and practise of arithmetike, both in whole numbres and
fractions, after a more easyer and exacter sorte then any like hath hitherto been sette forthe made
by M. Robert Recorde doctor of physik; and now of late ouerseen and augmented with new & necessarie additions, [London]: Imprinted at London in Paules churchyarde at the signe of the Brasen
serpent by Reginalde VVolfe, M.D.LXI.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V25591 ]
The grounde of artes: teaching the perfect vvorke and practise of arithmetike, both in whole
nu[m]bers and fractions, after a more easie ane exact sort, than hitherto hath bene set forth. Made
by M. Robert Recorde, D. in Physick, and afterwards augmented by M. Iohn Dee. And now lately
diligently corrected, [and] beautified with some new rules and necessarie additions: and further
endowed with a thirde part, of rules of practize, abridged into a briefer methode than hitherto hath
bene published: with diverse such necessary rules, as are incident to the trade of merchandize.
Whereunto are also added diuers tables [and] instructions ... By Iohn Mellis of Southwark, scholemaster, [London]: Imprinted by I. Harrison, and H. Bynneman, Anno Dom. 1582.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V2279 ]
The ground of arts, teachyng the perfect worke and practice of arithmetike: tables of xc., xc., xc. by
M. Robert Recorde, Imprinted at London in Pauls church yarde, at the Signe of the Brasen Serpent:
By R. Wolfe, Anno Domini M.D.LXXIII.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V28262 ]
Records arithmeticke: contayning the ground of arts: in which is taught the generall parts, rules,
and operations, of the same in whole numbers and fractions, after a more easie and exact methode
then euer heretofore: first written by Robert Record, Doctor in Phisicke. Since corrected and beautified by many notations, and augmented with most briefe rules of practise and others; necessarie in
the trade of merchandise. Whereunto is added certaine tables of the valuation of all coynes ... with
diuers other tables and their explication. Very profitable and delightfull vnto all marchants, gentlemen, and others, as by the contents of this booke doth appeare. By Iohn Mellis. Also the art and
application of decimall arithmeticke: a table of board and timber measure, and the vse thereof. The
extraction and demonstration of the square and cubicke roots, with necessary questions and tables
for interest after ten in the hundreth is newly therevnto adioyned. By R.N., London: Printed by
T[homas] S[nodham] for Roger Iackson, 1615.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V16247 ]
The ground of arts: teaching the perfect worke and practice of arithmeticke, both in whole numbers
and fractions, after a more easie and exact sort, than hitherto hath bene set forth. Made by M.
Robert Record D. in Physicke And now lately diligently corrected and beautified with sundry new
rules and necessarie additions: and further endowed with a third parte of rules of practise,
abridged into a briefer method than hitherto hath bene published: with diuerse such necessarie
rules as are incident to the trade of merchandise. Whereunto are also added diuerse tables and instructions that will bring great profit and delight vnto marchants, gentlemen, & others, as by the
contents of this treatise shall appeare. By Iohn Mellis, London: Printed [by N. Okes] for Iohn Harison dwelling in Paternoster Row, at the signe of the Greyhound, 1607.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V13288 ]
The ground of arts: teaching the perfect worke and practise of arithmeticke, both in whole numbers
and fractions, after a more easie and exact forme then in former time hath beene set foorth: made
by Mr. Robert Record Dr. in Physicke. Afterwards augmented by Mr. Iohn Dee. And since enlarged
with a third part of rules of practise, abridged into a briefer method then hitherto hath beene published, with diuers necessary rules incident to the trade of merchandise: with tables of the valuation
of all coynes as they are currant at this present time. By Iohn Mellis. Whereunto is added a com59
pendium of interest, with a table of board and timber measure. Calculated by R.N. Gent. And now
diligently perused, corrected, illustrated and inlarged; with an appendix of figurate numbers, and
the extraction of their rootes: by Robert Hartwell, philomathematicus, At London: Printed by I[ohn]
B[eale] for Roger Iackson, 1618
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V16166 ]
The ground of arts: teaching the perfect worke and practise of arithmeticke, both in whole numbers
and fractions, after a more easie and exact forme then in former time hath beene set foorth: made
by Mr. Robert Record Dr. in Physick. Afterwards augmented by Mr. Iohn Dee. And since enlarged
with a third part of rules of practise, abridged into a briefer method then hitherto hath been published, with diuers necessary rules incident to the trade of merchandise: with tables of the valuation
of all coynes as they are currant at this present time: by Iohn Mellis. Whereunto is added a compendium of interest ... with a table of board and timber measure calculated by R.N. And now the
second time diligently perused, corrected, illustrated and inlarged ... by Robert Hartwell, philomathematicus. New tables of interest vpon interest ... with the true value of annuities to be bought
or sold, present, respited, or in reuersion: by R.C., At London: Printed by Iohn Beale for Roger
Iackson, 1623.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V16178 ]
The ground of arts: teaching the perfect worke and practise of arithmeticke, both in whole numbers
and fractions, after a more easie and exact forme then in former time hath beene set forth: made by
Mr. Robert Record Dr. in Physick. Afterward, augmented by Mr. Iohn Dee. And since enlarged with
a third part of rules of practise, abridged into a briefer method then hitherto hath beene published,
with diuers necessary rules incident to the trade of merchandise: with tables of the valuation of all
coynes as they are currant at this present time: by Iohn Mellis. And now diligently perused, corrected, illustrated and enlarged; ... with tables of board and timber measure; and new tables of interest vpon interest, after 10 and 8 per 100; with the true value of annuities to be bought or sold
present, respited, or in reuersion: the first calculated by R.C. but corrected, and the latter diligently
calculated by Robert Hartwell, philomathemat, London: Printed by Tho. Harper, for Iohn Harison,
and are to be sold by Richard More, in S. Dunstans Church-yard in Fleet-street, 1631
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V22298 ]
The ground of arts : teaching the perfect worke and practise of arithmeticke, both in whole numbers
and fractions after a more easie and exact forme then in former time hath beene set forth made by
M. Robert Record ...; afterward, augmented by Mr. Iohn Dee; and since enlarged with a third part
of rules of practise ... by Iohm [sic] Mellis ; and now diligently perused, corrected, illustrated and
[e]nlarged ... with the true value of annuities ... first calculated by R.C. but corrected ... by Robert
Hartwell …, London: Pri[nte]d by Tho: Harper, for Iohn Harison, and are [to] be sold at his shop in
Pater noster Row, at the signe of the Unicorne, 1632.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V25061 ]
The ground of arts: teaching the perfect worke and practise of arithmeticke, both in whole numbers
and fractions, after a more easie and exact forme then in former time hath beene set forth: made by
M. Robert Record D. in Physick. Afterward, augmented by Mr. Iohn Dee. And since enlarged with a
third part of rules of practise, abridged into a briefer method then hitherto hath been published,
with diuers necessary rules incident to the trade of merchandise: with tables of the valuation of all
coynes, as they are currant at this present time: by Iohn Mellis. And now diligently perused, corrected, illustrated and enlarged; with an appendix of figurate numbers ... with tables of board and
timber measure; and new tables of interest vpon interest ... with the true value of annuities to be
bought or sold present, respited, or in reuersion: the first calculated by R.C. but corrected, and the
latter diligently calculated by Robert Hartwell, philomathemat, London: Printed by Thomas Harper,
for Iohn Harison, and are to be sold at his shop in Pater noster Row, at the signe of the Unicorne,
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V16189 ]
The ground of arts: Teaching the perfect worke and practise of arithmeticke, both in whole numbers
and fractions, after a more easie ane exact forme than in former time hath been set forth: Made by
M. Robert Record, D. in Physick. Afterward, augmented by Mr. John Dee. And since enlarged with
a third part of rules of practise, abridged into a briefer methode than hitherto hath been published,
with divers necessary rules incident to the trade of merchandise. With tables of the valuation of all
coynes, ... By Iohn Mellis. And now diligently perused, corrected, illustrated and enlarged; ... with
tables of board and timber measure, and a new table of interest upon interest, ... the first calculated
by R. C. ... and the latter diligently calculated by Rob: Hartwell …, London: Printed by J. Raworth,
[and J. Okes,] for John Harison, and are to be sold at his shop in Pater noster Row, at the signe of
the Unicorne, 1640.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V2291 ]
Records arithmetick, or, The grovnd of the arts: Teaching the perfect work and practice of arithmetick, both in whole numbers and fractions, after a more easie and exact form then in former time
hath been set forth: made by Robert Record; afterward augmented by John Dee; and since
enlarged with a third part of Rules of practice ... by John Mellis; and now diligently perused, corrected, illustrated & enlarged, with an appendix of figurate numbrs ... calculated by R.C. but corrected ... by Ro. Hartwell, London: Printed by M.F. for John Harrison and are to be sold by Geo:
Whittington, and Nath: Brooks, at the sign of the Angell in Corn-hill., [1646].
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V42279 ]
Records arithmetick: or, The ground of arts: teaching the perfect work and practice of arithmetick,
both in whole numbers and fractions, after a more easie and exact forme then in former time hath
been set forth: made by M. Robert Record, D. in Physick. Afterwards, augmented by M. John Dee.
And since enlarged with a third part of rules of practice, abridged into a briefer method then hitherto hath been published, ... by John Mellis. And now diligently perused, corrected, illustrated and
enlarged; with an appendix of figurate numbers, ... and new tables of interest ... the first calculated
by R.C. ... and the latter diligently calculated by Ro. Hartwell, Philomathemat, London: printed by
M. F. for John Harison, and are to be sold by Nath. Brooks, at the signe of the Angell in Corn-hill,
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V36545 ]
Records arithmetick: or, The ground of arts: teaching the perfect work and practice of arithmetick,
both in whole numbers and fractions, after a more easie and exact form then in former time hath
been set forth: made by M. Robert Record ... . Afterward, augmented by M. John Dee. And since
enlarged with a third part of rules of practice, abridged into a briefer method then hitherto hath
been published, with divers necessary rules incident to the trade of merchandise: with tables of the
valuation of all coyns, as they are currant at this present time. By John Mellis. And now diligently
perused, corrected, illustrated and enlarged; with an appendix of figurative numbers, and the extraction of their roots, ... and new tables of interest ... the first calculated by R.C. ... and the latter
diligently calculated by Ro. Hartwell, ..., London: printed by J. Flesher, for John Hurrison; and are
to be sold by Edw. Dod and Nath. Ekins in Ivy-lane at the sign of the Gun, 1652.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V35001 ]
Record's Arithmetick, or, The ground of arts: teaching the perfect work and practise of arithmetick,
both in whole numbers and fractions, after a more easie and exact form then in former time hath
been set forth made by Mr. Robert Record, ...; afterward augmented by Mr. John Dee; and since
enlarged with a third part of rules of practise abridged into a briefer method then hitherto hath
been published, with divers necessary rules incident to the trade of merchandise ; with tables of the
valuation of all coynes, as they are currant [sic] at this present time, by John Mellis, and now diligently perused, corrected, illustrated and enlarged, with an appendix of figurative numbers, and the
extraction of their roots, according to the method of Christian Urstius ; with tables of board and
timber measure, and new tables of interest, after 10 and 8 per 100 ; with the true value of annuities
to be bought or sold, present, respited, or in reversion ; the first calculated by R.C. but corrected,
and the latter diligently calculated by Ro. Hartwell, philomathemat, London: Printed by James
Flesher, and are to be sold by Edward Dod ..., 1654.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V94042 ]
Records arithmetick, or, The ground of arts: teaching the perfect work and practice of arithmetic
both in whole numbers and fractions after a more easie and exact form then in former time hath
been set forth made by M. Robert Record ...; afterward augmented by M. John Dee ; and since
enlarged with a third part of rules of practice abridged into a briefer method then hitherto hath
been published ... by John Mellis; and now diligently perused, corrected, illustrated and enlarged
with an appendix of figurative numbers ... and new tables of interest ... the first calculated by R.C.
... and the latter diligently calculated by Ro. Hartwell …, London: Printed by James Flesher and are
to be sold by Joseph Crawford ..., 1658.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V99633 ]
Records arithmetick, or, The ground of arts : teaching the perfect work and practice of arithmetick,
both in whole numbers and fractions, after a more easie and exact forme than in former time hath
been set forth made by M. Robert Record; afterward, augmented by M. John Dee; and since
enlarged with a third part of rules of practice ... by John Mellis; and new diligently perused, corrected, illustrated, and inlarged, with an appendix of figurative numbers and the extraction of their
roots …, London: Printed by James Flesher, and are to be sold by Joseph Crawford ..., 1662.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V100273 ]
Record's arithmetick, or, The ground of arts: the perfect work and practice of arithmetick, both in
whole numbers and fractions, after a more easie and exact form then in former time hath been set
forth made by Robert Record ; afterwards augmented by John Dee; and since enlarged with a third
part of rules of practice ... by John Mellis; and now diligently perused, corrected, illustrated and
inlarged, with an appendix of figurative numbers and the extraction of their roots ... diligently calculated by Ro. Hartwell, London: Printed by James Flesher, and are to be sold by Robert Boulter,
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V46185 ]
Record's arithmetick, or, The ground of arts: teaching the perfect work and practice of arithmetick,
both in whole numbers and fractions, after a more easie and exact form than in former time hath
been set forth made by Robert Record ; afterwards augmented by John Dee; and since enlarged
with a third part of Rules of practice ... by John Mellis; and now diligently perused, corrected, illustrated and inlarged, with an appendix of figurative numbers ... calculated by R.C., but corrected ...
by Ro. Hartwell,London: Printed by E. Flesher, and are to be sold by Robert Boulter, 1673.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V41091 ]
A mathematicall apendix,[sic]: containing many propositions and conclusions mathematicall: with
necessary obseruations both for mariners at sea, and for cherographers and surueyors of land; together with an easie perspectiue mechanicall way, to deline at sunne dyalls vpon any wall or plane
giuen, be it direct, inclyning, declyning, or reclyning, for the horizon, or meridian, in any region or
place of knovvne latitude. With other things pleasant and profitable for the weale publick, not heretofore extant in our vulgar: partly collected out of foreigne moderne writers, and partlie inuented
and practised by the author. Written by R.N. Gent, London: Printed by R. B[radock?] for Roger
Iackson, and are to be sold at his shoppe in Fleet-street, ne[ar the con]duit, 1604.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V20645 ]
Of the art of great artillery, viz. The explanation of the most excellent and necessary definitions,
and questions, pronounced and propounded, by that rare souldier and mathematician, Thomas
Digges Esquire: and by him published, in his Stratiaticos, and Pantometria, concerning great ordinance, and his theorems thereupon. Together, vvith certaine expositions, and answers thereunto
adioyned: written by Robert Norton gunner. And by him dedicated, to the worshipfull Iohn Reinolds
Esquire, master gunner of England, London: Printed by Edw. Allde, for Iohn Tap, and are to bee
sold at his shop, at the corner of Saint Magnus Church, 1624.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V20147 ]
The principal works of Simon Stevin edited by Ernst Crone ... [et al.], Amsterdam: Swets & Zeitlinger, 1955-1966, 5 v.
2: Mathematics edited by D. J. Struik, Amsterdam: Swets & Zeitlinger, 1958, V, 455 pp.
2b: Mathematics edited by D. J. Struik, Amsterdam: Swets & Zeitlinger, 1958, III, pp. 459-976
The hauen-finding art, or The vvay to find any hauen or place at sea, by the latitude and variation.
Lately published in the Dutch, French, and Latine tongues, by commandement of the right honourable Count Mauritz of Nassau, Lord high Admiral of the vnited Prouinces of the Low countries, enioyning all seamen that take charge of ships vnder his iurisdiction, to make diligent obseruation, in
all their voyages, according to the directions prescribed herein: and now translated into English,
for the common benefite of the seamen of England, Imprinted at London: By G. B[ishop] R.
N[ewberry] and R. B[arker], 1599.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V18373 ]
Stevin Simon, Hypomnemata mathematica, hoc est eruditus ille pulvis, in quo se exercuit (...) Mauritius, princeps Auraïcus a Simone Stevino conscripta, et a belgico in latinum a Wil. Sn. conversa. Tomus secundus mathematicorum hypomnematum, de geometriae praxi, quo comprehenduntur ea
in quibus sese exercuit (...) Mauritius, princeps Auraïcus (...) conscriptus a Simone Stevino, trad.
Wisconstighe Ghedachtenissen, Lugduni Batavorum: J. Patii, 1605-1608, 2 vol.
[ tomo 1: http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k1095532 tomo 2: http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k109554f ]
Stevin Simon, Les oeuvres mathematiques de Simon Stevin de Bruges: ou sont inserées les memoires mathematiques, esquelles s'est exercé le tres-haut & tres-illustre prince [Maurice] de [Nassau] ... , le tout reveu, corrigé, et augmenté, par Albert Girard, Leyde: B.& A. Elsevier, 1634
Disme: the art of tenths, or decimall arithmetike: teaching how to perform all computations whatsoeuer, by whole numbers without fractions, by the foure principles of common arithmeticke:
namely addition, subtraction, multiplication, and diuision. Inuented by the excellent mathematician,
Simon Steuin. Published in English with wholesome additions by Robert Norton, Gent., Imprinted at
London: By S. S[tafford] for Hugh Astley, and are to be sold at his shop at Saint Magnus corner,
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V4828 ]
The art of tens, or Decimall arithmeticke: Wherein, the art of arithmeticke is taught in a most exact
and perfit method, auoyding the intricacie of fractions. Exercised by Henry Lyte Gentleman, and by
him set forth for his countries good, London: Printed by Edward Griffin dwelling in the little Old
Bayly neere the signe of the Kings head, 1619.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V8732 ]
Simon Stevin: Science in the Netherlands around 1600, The Hague, Nijhoff, 1970, 145 pp.
Simon Stevin (1548-1620): l'emergence de la nouvelle science, Bibliotheque royale de Belgique,
Turnhout: Brepols, 2004, 184 pp.
a) opere
Viète François, Canon mathematicus seu ad triangula cum appendicibus, Lutetiae: apud Joannem
Mettayer, 1579, [232] pp.
[ http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k52673b ]
Francisci Vietaei opera mathematica: in quibus tractatur canon mathematicus, seu ad triangula.
Item Canonion triangulorum laterum rationalium: vna cum vniuersalium inspectionum ad
Canonem mathematicum, libro singulari, Londini: Apud Franciscum Bouuier, M.D.LXXXIX.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V2243 ]
Viète François, In artem analyticem isagoge seorsim excussa ab Opere restitutae mathematicae
analyseos, seu Algebra nova, Turonis: apud J. Mettayer, 1591, 9 ff.
[ http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k108865t ]
Viète François, L'algèbre nouvelle trad. en françois par A. Vasset, Paris: chez Pierre Rocolet, 1630,
186 pp.
[ http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k108864f ]
Viète François, Opera mathematica: in unum volumen congesta ac recognita opera atque studio
Francisci a Schooten, Lugduni Batavorum : ex officina B. et A. Elzeviriorum, 1646, [X]-554 pp.
[ http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k107597d ]
b) studi
Fillon B., Ritter F., .Notice sur la vie et les ouvrages de François Viete, Nantes: Impr. de C. Gailmard, 1849
Freguglia Paolo, Ars analytica: matematica e methodus nella seconda metà del Cinquecento, Busto
Arsizio: Bramante, [1988], 119 pp.
Allégret A., Eloge de Viète. Discours prononcé à la distribution solennelle des prix du lycée impérial de Poitiers, le 10 août 1867, Poitiers : Impr. de Dupré, 1867
Bongo Pietro, Numerorum mysteria, hersg. Und eingeleitet von Ulrich Ernst, Hildesheim; Olms,
1983 (repr. Ed. Bergamo, 1599)
Azcárate Giménez carmen, Las matemáticas de Galileo: Estudio histórico sobre ‘la nueva ciencia
del movimento’, Bellaterra: Seminario de Historia de las Ciencias, Univ. Autónoma de barcelona,
1984, 264 pp.
Frajese Attilio, Galileo matematico, Roma: Studium, 1964
Bonaventura Cavalieri, Lo specchio ustorio overo trattato delle Settioni coniche et alcuni loro mi64
rabili effetti intorno al lume, caldo, freddo, suono, e moto ancora…, Bologna: presso Clemente Ferroni, 1632, 223 pp.
[ http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k51250b/f2.table ]
Piola Gabrio, Elogio di Bonaventura Cavalieri, con note, postille matematiche, Milano: Coi tipi di
Giuseppe bernardoni di Giovanni, 1844, 155 pp.
#PPR3,M1 ]
Giusti Enrico, Bonaventura Cavalieri and the theory of indivisibles, Bologna: Cremonese, 1980, 95
A description of the admirable table oe [sic] logarithmes: with a declaration of the most plentiful,
easy, and speedy vse thereof in both kindes of trigonometrie, as also in all mathematicall calculations invented and published in Latin by that honorable L. Iohn Nepair ... ; and translated into
English by the late learned and famous mathematician Edward Wright; with an addition of an instrumentall table to finde the part proportionall, inuented by the translator, and described in the
end of the booke by Henry Brigs ...; all perused and approued by the author, and published since
the death of the translator, London: Printed by Nicholas Okes, 1616.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V27880 ]
Mirifici logarithmorum canonis descriptio: ejusque usus, in utraque trigonometria; ut etiam in omni logistica mathematica, amplissimi, facillimi, et expeditissimi explicatio. Authore ac inventore,
Ioanne Nepero, Barone Merchistonii, etc. Scoto, Edinburgi: Ex officina Andreae Hart bibliopolae,
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V13067 ]
A description of the admirable table of logarithmes: with a declaration of the most plentifull, easie,
and speedy vse thereof in both kinds of trigonometry, as also in all mathematicall calculations. Inuented and published in Latine by that honourable Lord Iohn Nepair, Baron of Marchiston, and
translated into English by the late learned and famous mathematician, Edward Wright. With an addition of the instrumentall table to finde the part proportionall, intended by the translator, and described in the end of the booke by Henrie Brigs geometry-reader at Gresham-house in London. All
perused and approued by the authour, and published since the death of the translator. Whereunto is
added new rules for the ease of the student, London: printed for Simon Waterson, 1618.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V152088 ]
Mirifici logarithmorum canonis descriptio, ejusque usus, in utraque trigonometria: ut etiam in omni
logistica mathematica, amplissimi, facillimi, et expeditissimi explicatio, accesserunt opera postuma
... autore ac inventore Ioanne Nepero …, Edinburgi: Excudebat Andreas Hart, 1619.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V29082 ]
A mathematicall manuel: wherein is handled arithmeticke, planimetry, stereometry, and the embattelling of armies. Whereby any man that can but add and subtract, may learne to multiply and divide in two houres by rabdologie, without any trouble at all to the memorie. Whereunto is annexed
the measuring of superficies, solids, the gageing of caske, with inuention of proportionall numbers,
fitted to the subdiuisions of gageing rods; and the embattelling of armies according to the discipline
now in vse. Written by Iohn Dansie student in the mathematiques, London: Printed by William
Iones for Richard Cartwright, 1627.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V17170 ]
Enneades arithmeticae: The numbring nines, or, Pythagoras his table extended to all whole numbers under 10000 : and the numbring rods of the Right Honourable John, Lord Nepeer : enlarged
with 9999 fixt columns, or rods ... with a new sort of double and moveable rods for the ... easie performance of multiplication, division, and extraction of roots …, London: Printed for Joseph Moxon,
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V45516 ]
Rabdologiae, seu Numerationis per virgulas libri duo: cum appendice de expeditissimo multiplicationis promptuario. Quibus accessit et arithmeticae localis liber vnus. Authore et inventore Ioanne
Nepero, Barone Merchistonii, etc. Scoto, Edinburgi: Excudebat Andreas Hart, 1617.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V13448 ]
Rabdologia, or, The art of numbring by rods: whereby the tedious operations of multiplication, and
division, and of extraction of roots, both square and cubick, are avoided, being for the most part
performed by addition and subtraction: with many examples for the practice of the same : first invented by the Lord Napier, Baron of Marchiston ... by Seth Partridge …, London: Printed by
Robert White, and are to be sold by John Partridge ..., 1648.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V94398 ]
Napier John, Kessler Franz, Künstliches Rechenstäblein …, Straßburg: Niclaus Wyriot, 1618
[ http://dz-srv1.sub.uni-goettingen.de/sub/digbib/loader?ht=VIEW&did=D287506 ]
Knott Cargill Gilston, Napier tercentenary memorial volume, being papers contributed to the tercentenary congress held at Edinburgh in July 1914. Edited by C. G. K., New York: Longmans,
1915, XII, 441 pp.
[ http://historical.library.cornell.edu/cgi-bin/cul.math/docviewer?did=02300001&seq=7 ]
Gladstone-Millar Lynne, John Napier: Logarithm John, Edinburgh: National Museums of Scotland
Publishing, 2003, vii, 52 pp.
The circles of proportion and the horizontall instrument. Both invented, and the vses of both written
in Latine by Mr. W.O. Translated into English: and set forth for the publique benefit by William
Forster, London: Printed [by Augustine Mathewes] for Elias Allen maker of these and all other
mathematical instruments, and are to be sold at his shop ouer against St Clements church with out
Temple-barr, 1632.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V13983 ]
An addition unto the use of the instrument called the circles of proportion, for the working of nauticall questions: Together with certaine necessary considerations and advertisements touching navigation. All which, as also the former rules concerning this instrument are to bee wrought not onely
instrumentally, but with the penne, by arithmeticke, and the canon of triangles. Hereunto is also
annexed the excellent use of two rulers for calculation, London: Printed by Augustine Mathewes,
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V6135 ]
The circles of proportion and the horizontall instrument both invented and the uses of both written
in Latine by Mr. W.O.; translated into English and set forth for the publique benefit by William
Forster, London: Printed for Elias Allen maker of these and all other mathematical instruments, and
are to be sold at his shop ouer against S. Clements church with out Temple-barr, 1639.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V26968 ]
The nevv artificial gauging line or rod: together with rules concerning the use thereof: invented and
written by William Oughtred. who in all due and respective observance praesenteth the same to the
Right Honourable LL. Sir Nicolas Rainton Lord Major of London for this praesent yeare, and Ralfe
Freeman Alderman Lord Major elect for the yeare now ensuing. and to the Worshipfull George
Ethrege the late Master, and Captaine Iohn Miller the praesent Master of the Company of Vinteners. And to the whole body of that right worshipfull societie, London: Printed by Aug. Mathewes,
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V13860 ]
The solution of all sphaerical triangles both right and oblique by the planisphare: whereby two of
the sphaerical partes sought, are at one position most easily found out published with consent of the
author, by Christopher Brookes …, Oxford: Printed by Leonard Lichfield ..., 1651, 28 pp.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V63320 ]
Arithmeticae in numeris et speciebus institutio: quae tum logisticae, tum analyticae, atque adeo
totius mathematicae, quasi clavis est. Ad nobilissimum spectatissimumque iuvenem Dn. Guilelmum
Hovvard, ordinis, qui dicitur, Balnei Equitem, honoratissimi Dn. Thomae, Comitis Arundeliae &
Surriae, Comitis Mareschalli Angliae, &c. filium, Londini: Apud Thomam Harperum,
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V10734 ]
Clavis mathematica denuo limata, sive potius fabricata: cui accedit tractatus de resolutione aequationum qualitercunque adfectarum in numeris: et declaratio tum decimi elementi Euclidis de lateribus incommensurabilibus: tum decimi tertii & decimi quarti elementi de quinque solidis regularibus, atque hic passim logisticae decimalis, et logarithmorum doctrina intexitur autore Gulielmo
Oughtredo …, Londini: Excudebat Thomas Harper, sumptibus Thomae Whitakeri ..., 1648.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V63414 ]
Clavis mathematicae denuo limata, sive, Potius fabricata: cum aliis quibusdam ejusdem commentationibus, quae in sequenti pagina recensentur Guilelmi Oughtred, Oxoniae: Excudebat Leon. Lichfield, 1652.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V45984 ]
Clavis mathematicae denuo limata, sive, Potius fabricata: cum aliis quibusdam ejusdem commentationibus, quae in sequenti pagina recensentur Guilelmi Oughtred, Oxoniae: Typis Lichfieldianis,
acad. typog. veneunt apud Joh. Crosley & Amos Curteyne, 1667.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V47788 ]
Clavis mathematicae denuo limata, sive, Potius fabricata: cum aliis quibusdam ejusdem commentationibus, quae in sequenti pagina recensentur Guilelmi Oughtred aetonensis quondam Collegii Regalis in Cantabrigia Socii, Oxoniae: Excudebat Leon. Lichfield, 1693.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V45985 ]
Gulielmi Oughtred aetonensis: quondam collegii regalis in Cantabrigia socii, clavis mathematicae
denuo limata, sive potius fabricata. Cum aliis quibusdam ejusdem commentationibus, quae in sequenti pagina recensentur. Editio quinta auctior et emendatior. Ex recognitione D. Johannis Wallis, S.T.D. Geometriae professoris saviliani, Oxoniae: typis Leon. Lichfield: impensis Tho. Leigh
ad insigne pavonis juxta ecclesiam S. Dunstani, Lond., 1698.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V36183 ]
The key of the mathematicks new forged and filed: together with a treatise of the resolution of all
kinde of affected aequations in numbers: vvith the rule of compound usury, and demonstration of
the rule of false position : and a most easie art of delineating all manner of plaine sun-dyalls geometrically taught by VVill. Oughtred, London: Printed by Tho. Harper for Rich. Whitaker ..., 1647.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V60166 ]
Mr. William Oughtred's Key of the mathematicks newly translated from the best edition, with notes
rendring it easie and intelligible to less skilful readers: in which also, some problems left vnanswer'd by the author are resolv'd: absolutely necessary for all gagers, surveyors, gunners, military
officers, mariners, etc., London: Printed for John Salusbury ..., 1694.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V63814 ]
The description and use of the double horizontall dyall, London: Printed by M. Flesher, M DC
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V28220 ]
Description and use of the double horizontall dyall: whereby not onely the hower of the day is
shewne; but also the Meridian line is found: and most astronomical questions, which may be done
by the globe, are resolved. Invented and written by W.O., London: Printed by Miles Flesher,
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V3048 ]
Dialling performed instrumentally by our hemisphere in plane: projected and first fitted by Mr. William Oughtred and laid down according to his method formerly published for this very subject: together with twentie one several diagrams or schemes demonstratively shewing the reason and
ground-work of all dialling as also how to know, distinguish and set down the hour-lines for both
faces of all planes at one working by a practitioner in the same art, London: Printed by William duGard and are to bee sold by William Hope, 1652.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V45665 ]
Guilelmi Oughtred aetonensis ... Opuscula mathematica hactenus inedita, Oxonii: E Theatro Sheldoniano, 1677.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V98475 ]
Horological dialogves in three parts: shewing the nature, use, and right managing of clocks and
watches: with an appendix containing Mr. Ovghtred's method for calculating of numbers: the whole
being a work very necessary for all that make use of these kind of movements by J. S. …, London:
Printed for Jonathan Edwin ..., 1675.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V97744 ]
Mathematicall recreations. Or, A collection of many problemes, extracted out of the ancient and
modern philosophers: as secrets and experiments in arithmetick, geometry, cosmographie, horologiographie, astronomie, navigation, musick, opticks, architecture, statick, mechanicks, chemistry,
water-works, fire-works, &c. Not vulgarly manifest till now. Written first in Greeke and Latin,
lately compi'ld in French, by Henry Van Etten, and now in English, with the examinations and
augmentations of divers modern mathematicians whereunto is added the description and use of the
generall horologicall ring: and the double horizontall diall. Invented and written by William
Oughtred, London: printed for William Leake, at the signe of the Crown in Fleetstreet, between the
two Temple Gates, M D C LIII.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V33730 ]
Mathematical recreations, or, A collection of many problems extracted out of the ancient and modern philosophers as secrets and experiments: in arithmetick, geometry, cosmography, horolog68
iography, astronomy, navigation, musick, opticks, architecture, statick, mechanicks, chymistry, water-works, fire-works & c.: not vulgarly manifest till now / written first in Greek and Latin; lately
compil'd in French by Henry Van Etten and now in English; with the examinations and augmentations of divers modern mathematicians; whereunto is added The description and use of the double
horizontal dyal and the general horological ring invented and written by William Oughtred, London: Printed for William Leake and John Leake ..., 1674.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V47515
http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V47516 ]
To the English gentrie, and all others studious of the mathematicks: which shall bee readers hereof.
The just apologie of Wil. Oughtred, against the slaunderous insimulations of Richard Delamain, in
a pamphlet called Grammelogia, or the mathematicall ring, or mirisica logarithmorum projectio
circularis, [London: A. Mathewes, 1634?].
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V20059 ]
Trigonometria: hoc est, Modus computandi triangulorum latera et angulos, ex canone mathematico
traditus et demonstratus: una cum tabulis sinuum, tangent[ium] et secant[ium] etc. autore ... Willelmo Oughtred ..., Londini: Typis R. et L.W. Leybourn, impensis Thomae Johnson ..., 1657.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V63448 ]
Cajori Florian, William Oughtred, a Great Seventeenth-Century Teacher of Mathematics, Chicago:
The Open Court Publishing Company, 1916, vi, 100 pp.
[ http://historical.library.cornell.edu/cgi-bin/cul.math/docviewer?did=04380001&seq=7 ]
Barrow Isaac, The mathematical works, edited by W. Whewell, Nachdr. der Ausg. Cambridge
1860, Hildesheim: G. Olms, 1973, XIX, 414, 320 pp.
Isaaci Barrow, mathematicae professoris lucasiani, lectiones habitae in scholis publicis Academiae
Cantabrigiensis: An. dom. MDCLXV, Londini: Typis J. Playford, pro Georgio Wells ..., 1684, 388
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V52012 ]
Isaaci Barrow, lectiones mathematicae XXIII, in quibus principia matheseos generalia exponuntur:
habitae Cantabrigiae A.D. 1664, 1665, 1666, accesserunt ejusdem lectiones IV, in quibus theoremata et problemata Archimedis De sphaera et cylindro, methodo analytica eruuntur, Londini:
Typis J. Playford, pro Georgio Wells ..., 1685, 151 pp.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V54198 ]
Lectio reverendi et doctissimi viri D. Isaaci Barrow beatae memoriae: in qua theoremata Archimedis De sphaera et cylindro, per methodum indivisibilium investigata, ac breviter demonstrata
exhibentur, Londini: Typis J. Redmayne, prostant autem apud J. Williams ... D. Pauli, & J. Dunmore ..., 1678, 22 pp.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V98691 ]
Lectiones geometricae: in quibus (praesertim) generalia curvarum linearum symptomata declarantur auctore Isaaco Barrow …, Londini: Typis Gulielmi Godbid, & prostant venales apud Johannem
Dunmore, 1670, 147 pp.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V98546 ]
Lectiones geometricae: in quibus (praefertim) generalia curvarum linearum symptomata declarantur auctore Isaaco Barrow, Londini: Typis Gulielmi Godbid et prostant venales apud Gualterum
Kettilby, 1672, 147 pp.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V45235 ]
Lectiones XVIII, Cantabrigiae in scholis publicis habitae: in quibus opticorum phaenomenon genuinae rationes investigantur, ac exponuntur: annexae sunt lectiones aliquot geometricae ab Issaco
Barrow, Londini: typis Gulielmi Godbid, et prostant venales apud Johannem Dunmore, et oetavianum Pullelyn juniorem, 1669, 147 pp.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V50927 ]
Lectiones XVIII, Cantabrigiae in scholis publicis habitae: in quibus opticorum phaenomenon genuinae rationes investigantur, ac exponuntur: annexae sunt lectiones alinquot geometricae ab Isaaco Barrow, Londini: Typis Gulielmi Godbid, et protestant venales apud Gualterum Kettilby, 1672,
147 pp.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V41918 ]
Lectiones opticae et geometricae : in quibus phaenomenon opticorum genuinae rationes investigantur, ac exponuntur et generalia curvarum linearum symtomata declarantur auctore Isaaco Barrow
…, Londini: Typis Guilielmi Godbid, et prostant venales apud Robertum Scott ..., 1674, 151 pp.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V98385 ]
The geometrical lectures of Isaac Barrow, translated, with notes and proofs ... by J. M. Child, Chicago: Open Court, 1916
[ http://historical.library.cornell.edu/cgi-bin/cul.math/docviewer?did=05080001&seq=7 ]
Lectiones habitae in scholis publicis Academiae Cantabrigiensis, An. Dom. M.DC.LXIV Isaaci
Barrow …, Londini: Typis J. Playford pro Georgio Wells ..., 1683, 151 pp.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V53983 ]
Barrow Isaac, The Usefulness of Mathematical Learning Explained and Demonstrated: Being
Mathematical Lectures, London: Stephen Austen, 1734, 440 pp.
[ http://www.google.com/books?id=AGQSAAAAIAAJ&pg=PR7&dq=%22barrow%22&as_brr=1&hl=it#PPR1,M1 ]
Feingold Mordechai edited by, Before Newton: the life and times of Isaac Barrow, Cambridge
[etc.]: Cambridge University press, 1990, XI, 380 pp.
Maierù Luigi, Fra Descartes e Newton: Isaac Barrow e John Wallis, prefazione di Imre Toth, Soveria Mannelli : Rubbettino, 1994, 172 pp. (Collana di storia delle idee)
Neal Katherine, From discrete to continuous: the broadening of number concepts in early modern
England, Dordrecht : Kluwer, c2002, 174 pp. (Napier and Briggs, Isaac Barrow, John Wallis)
Johannis Wallisii, SS. Th. D. geometriae professoris Saviliani in celeberrima academia Oxoniensi,
operum mathematicorum pars altera: qua continentur de angulo contactus et semicirculi, disquisitio geometrica. De sectionibus conicis tractatus. Arithmetica infinitorum: sive de curvilineorum
quadratura, etc. Ecclipseos Solaris observatio, Oxonii: typis Leon: Lichfield academiae typographi,
veneunt apud Octav. Pullein Lond. Bibl., 1656.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V37666 ]
Johannis Wallisii, S.S. Th.D., geometriae professoris Saviliani in celeberrima Academia Oxoniensi
Operum mathematicorum pars prima, Oxonii: Typis Leon Lichfield Academiae typographi. Impensis Tho. Robinson, 1657.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V56323 ]
Johannis Wallis S.T.D., geometriae professoris Saviliani, in celeberrima Academia Oxoniensi Opera mathematica, Oxoniae: E Theatro Sheldoniano, 1695-99, 3 v.
1-2 vol:
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V98063 ]
3 vol:
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V98064 ]
Johannis Wallis S.T.D. geometriae professoris Saviliani, in celeberrima Academia Oxoniensi, Operum mathematicorum: volumen tertium. Quo continentur Claudii Ptolemaei Porphyrii Manuelis
Bryennii harmonica: Archimedis arenarius, et dimensio circuli; cum Eutocii commentario: Aristarchi Samii, de magnitudinibus et distantiis solis et lunae, liber: Pappi Alexandrini, libri secundi collectaneorum, hactenus disiderati, fragmentum: Graece et Latine edita, cum notis. Accedunt epistolae nonnullae, rem mathematicam spectantes; et opuscula quaedam miscellanea, Oxoniae: e Theatro Sheldoniano, an. Dom. MDCXCIX.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V35846 ]
Hobbes, Thomas, Examinatio et emendatio mathematicae hodiernae qualis explicatur in libris Johannis Wallisii geometriae professoris saviliani in academia oxoniensi: distributa in sex dialogos,
Londini: excusum sumptibus Andrea Crooke, 1660, 187 pp.-[4 pl.]
[ http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k1088755 ]
Thomae Hobbes quadratura circuli, cubatio sphaerae, duplicatio cubi; (Secundo edita,) denuo refutata. Authore Johanne Wallis S.T.D. Geometriae professore Saviliano, Oxoniae: typis Lichfieldianis acad. typograph. Impensis Tho. Gilbert, a.D. 1669,.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V35300 ]
Thomae Hobbes quadratura circuli, cubatio sphaere, duplicatio cubi, confutata authore Johanne
Wallis, Oxoniae: Typis Lichfieldianis acad. typograph. Impensis Tho. Gilbert ..., 1669.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V56319 ]
Three papers presented to the Royal Society against Dr. Wallis: together with considerations on
Dr. Wallis his Answer to them by Tho. Hobbes, London: Printed for the author, 1671.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V42220 ]
Tractatus duo: prior, de cycloide et corporibus inde gentis: posterior, epistolaris in qua agitur de
cissoide, et corporibus inde gentis, et de curvarum ... Johannes Wallisi, Oxoniae: Typis Academicis Lichfieldianis, 1659.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V41206 ]
Cono-cuneus, or, The shipwright's circular wedge: that is, a body resembling in part a conus, in
part a cuneus, geometrically considered by John Wallis ..., in a letter to the honourable Sir Robert
Moray …, London: Printed by John Playford for Richard Davis ..., 1684.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V102624 ]
A treatise of angular sections by John Wallis .., London: Printed by John Playford for Richard
Davis ..., 1684.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V97370 ]
A proposal about printing A treatise of algebra, historical and practical : written by the Reverend
and learned Dr. John Wallis (Savilian Professor of Geometry in the University of Oxford), containing not only a history, but an institution of algebra, according to several methods hitherto in practice; with many additions of his own, [Oxford? : s.n., 1683].
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V34406 ]
A treatise of algebra, both historical and practical: shewing the original, progress, and advancement thereof, from time to time, and by what steps it hath attained to the heighth at which it now is :
with some additional treatises ... by John Wallis …, London: Printed by John Playford, for Richard
Davis ..., 1685, 374 pp.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V101918 ]
Johannis Wallis S.T.D., Geometriae Professoris Saviliani, in celeberrima Academia Oxoniensi De
algebra tractatus: historicus & practicus: anno 1685 Anglice editus, nunc auctus Latine: cum variis
appendicibus, partim prius editis Anglice, partim nunc primum editis: operum mathematicorum
volumen alterum, Oxoniae: E Theatro Sheldoniano, MDCXCIII.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V106446 ]
Scott J.F., The mathematical work of John Wallis D.D., F.R.S. (1616-1703), with a foreword by
E.N. da C. Andrade, London: Taylor and Francis, 1938
Wallis John, The arithmetic of infinitesimals (1656), translated from Latin to English with an introduction by Jacqueline A. Stedall, New York: Springer, 2004, XXXIII, 192 pp.
Commercium epistolicum de quaestionibus quibusdam mathematicis nuper habitum inter
Gulielmum Vicecomitem Brouncker ... [et al.]; editit Johannes Wallis. Oxonii: Excudebat A. Lichfield, Impensis Tho. Robinson, 1658.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V41204 ]
Beeley Philip, Scriba Christoph J. Editors, The correspondence of John Wallis, Oxford: Oxford
university press, 2003-2005, 2 v.
Scriba Christoph J., Studien zur Mathematik des John Wallis (1616-1703): Winkelteilungen, Kombinationslehre und Zahlentheoretische Probleme, im Anhang die Bücher und Handschriften von
Wallis, Stuttgart : F. Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH, 1966
Jesseph Douglas M., Squaring the circle: the war between Hobbes and Wallis, Chicago: The University of Chicago press, 1999, XIV, 419 pp.
Stedall Jacqueline A., A discourse concerning algebra: English algebra to 1685, Oxford: Oxford
university press, 2002, XII, 294 pp.
Neal Katherine, From Discrete to Continuous: The Broadening of Number Concepts in early Modern England, Dordrecht: Kluwer, 2002, 256 pp.
John Pell (1611-1685) and His Correspondence with Sir Charles Cavendish: The Mental Word of
an Early Modern Mathematicians, ed. by Noel Malcom and Jacqueline A. Stedall, Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 2005, 657 pp.
Stedall Jacqueline A., A Discourse Concerning Algebra: English Algebra to 1685, New York: Oxford University Press, 2002, 256 pp.
Miscellanies, or Mathematical lucubrations of Mr. Samuel Foster published and many of them
translated into English by the care and industry of John Twysden, London: Printed by R. & W.
Leybourn, 1659.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V45281 ]
Shirley John W. (ed.), Thomas Harriot: Renaissance scientist, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1974, X,
181 pp.
Shirley John W., Thomas Harriot: a biography, Oxford: Clarendon press, 1983, XII, 508 pp.
Stedall Jacqueline A., Greate Invention of Algebra: Thomas Harriot’s Treatise on equations, Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2003, xi, 322 pp.
Moores arithmetick: discovering the secrets of that art in numbers and species: in two bookes: the
first, teaching (by precept and example) the ordinary operations in numbers whole and broken ...
the second, the great rule of algebra in species, resolving all arithmeticall questions by supposition
with a canon of the powers of numbers ... by Jonas Moore …, London: Printed by Thomas Harper
for Nathani[el] Brookes ..., 1650.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V55543 ]
Moore's Arithmetick: in four books: treating of vulgar arithmetick in all its parts, with several new
inventions to ease the memory, by logarithms, decimals, etc., fitted for the use of all persons: together with Arithmetick in species or Algebra whereby all difficult questions receive their analytical
laws and resolutions, made very plain and easie for the use of scholars, and the more curious by
Jonas Moore …, London: Printed by R.H. for Obadiah Blagrave ..., 1688.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V94887 ]
A new systeme of the mathematicks ... composed by Sir Jonas Moore ... and designed for the use of
the Royal Foundation of the Mathematical School in Christ-Hospital, London: Printed by A. Godbid and J. Playford for Robert Scott ..., MDCLXXXI.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V47545 ]
A mathematical compendium, or, Useful practices in arithmetick, geometry, and astronomy, geography and navigation, embattelling, and quartering of armies, fortification and gunnery, gauging
and dyalling: explaining the logarithms, with new indices, Nepairs's rods or bones, making of
movements, and the application of pendulums : with the projection of the sphere for an universal
dyal, etc. by Sir Jonas Moore …, London: Printed for Robert Harford ..., 1681.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V94885 ]
A mathematical compendium; or, Useful practices in arithmetick, geometry, and astronomy, geography and navigation, embattelling, and quartering of armies, fortification and gunnery, gauging
and dyalling: Explaining the logarithms, with new indices; Nepair's rods or bones; making of
movements, and the application of pendulums; with the projection of the sphere for an universal
dyal, etc. By Sir Jonas Moore Knight, late Surveyor General of His Majesties ordinance, London:
printed for Richard Mount at the Postern on Tower-Hill, 1693.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V29577 ]
Resolutio triplex cujusdam problematis a Dno Jean de Montfert omnibus in Anglia mathematicis
propositi, geometrice facta per Jonam Moore …, Londini: Typis J.G. prostant venales ... per Nath.
Brookes, 1658.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V99195 ]
Willmoth Frances, Sir Jonas Moore: Practical mathematics and restoration science, Woodbridge,
Eng.: Boydell Press, 1993, xi, 244 pp.
Mathematicall magick, or, The vvonders that may be performed by mechanicall geometry: in two
books, concerning mechanicall povvers, motions, being one of the most easie, pleasant, usefull (and
yet most neglected) part of mathematicks, not before treated of in this language by I.W[inkins]. …,
London: Printed by M.F. for Sa. Gellibrand ..., 1648.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V99132 ]
Mathematical magick, or, The wonders that may be performed by mechanical geometry: in two
books: concerning mechanical powers, motions ... by J. Wilkins …, London: Printed for Edw.
Gellibrand ..., 1680.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V99125 ]
Mathematical magick, or, The wonders that may be performed by mechanical geometry: in two
books: concerning mechanical [brace] powers, motions ... by J. Wilkins …, London: Printed for
Ric. Baldwin ..., 1691.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V96740 ]
Wilkins John, The Mathematical and Philosophical Works of the Right Rev. John Wilkins, London:
printed by C. Whittingham, 1802, 2 v.
1, 261 pp.
l=it#PPR1,M1 ]
2, 266 pp.:
The path-vvay to knovvledge: containing the whole art of arithmeticke, both in whole numbers and
fractions; with the extraction of roots; as also a briefe introduction or entrance into the art of cossicke numbers, with many pleasant questions wrought thereby. Digested into a plaine and easie
methode by way of dialogue, for the better vnderstanding of the learners thereof. Wherewith is also
adioyned a briefe order for the keeping of marchants bookes of accompts, by way of debitor and
creditor, At London: Printed by Th: Purfoot, for Tho: Pauier, An. 1613.
[ http://eebo.chadwyck.com/search/full_rec?SOURCE=pgimages.cfg&ACTION=ByID&ID=V4846 ]
The path-vvay to knovvledge: contayning the whole art of arithmeticke, both in whole numbers, and
fractions; with the extraction of roots; as also a briefe introduction or entrance into the art of cossicke numbers, with many pleasant questions wrought thereby. Digested into a plaine and easie
methode by way of dialogue, for the better understanding of the learners thereof. Wherewith is also
adioyned a briefe order for the keeping of marchants bookes of accompts, by way of debitor and
creditor, At London: Printed by Thomas Purfoot, for Tho: Pauier, An. 1621.
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[ http://www.gwlb.de/Leibniz/Leibnizarchiv/Veroeffentlichungen/TranskriptionenIIIA.pdf ]
Leibniz Gottfried Wilhelm, Saemtliche Schriften und Briefe 1672-1676, herausgegeben von der
Berlin-Branderburchischen Akademie der wissenschaften und der Akademie der Wissenschaften in
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Leibniz Gottfried Wilhelm, Saemtliche Schriften und Briefe 1672-1676, herausgegeben von der
Berlin-Branderburchischen Akademie der wissenschaften und der Akademie der Wissenschaften in
Goettingen, siebente Reihe, mathematischer Schrften, IIer Band, Berlin 1996
Leibniz Gottfried Wilhelm, Saemtliche Schriften und Briefe 1672-1676, herausgegeben von der
Berlin-Branderburchischen Akademie der wissenschaften und der Akademie der Wissenschaften in
Goettingen, siebente Reihe, mathematischer Schrften, IIIer Band, 2003 (copyright)
[ http://www.gwlb.de/Leibniz/Leibnizarchiv/Veroeffentlichungen/VII3A.pdf ]
[ http://www.gwlb.de/Leibniz/Leibnizarchiv/Veroeffentlichungen/VII3B.pdf ]
[ http://www.gwlb.de/Leibniz/Leibnizarchiv/Veroeffentlichungen/VII3C.pdf ]
Leibniz Gottfried Wilhelm, Saemtliche Schriften und Briefe 1672–1673 Infinitesimalrechnung,
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Akademie der Wissenschaften in Goettingen, siebente Reihe, mathematischer Schrften, IVer Band,
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[ http://www.gwlb.de/Leibniz/Leibnizarchiv/Veroeffentlichungen/VII4.pdf ]
Leibniz Gottfried Wilhelm, Saemtliche Schriften und Briefe 1674–1676 Infinitesimalrechnung,
herausgegeben von der Berlin-Branderburchischen Akademie der wissenschaften und der
Akademie der Wissenschaften in Goettingen, siebente Reihe, mathematischer Schrften, Ver Band,
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[ http://www.gwlb.de/Leibniz/Leibnizarchiv/Veroeffentlichungen/VII5A.pdf ]
[ http://www.gwlb.de/Leibniz/Leibnizarchiv/Veroeffentlichungen/VII5B.pdf ]
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Leibniz Gottfried Wilhelm, De quadratura arithmetica circuli ellipseos et hyperbolae cujus corollarium est trigonometria sine tabulis; kritisch herausgegeben und kommentiert von Eberhard
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Boringhieri, 2006, XXXVII, 219 pp., (Universale Bollati Boringhieri 512)
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Tabacco Marco, Leibniz e la numerazione binaria, Roma: Edizioni associate, 2004, 174 pp.
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