Transforming democracy through Apprecia#ve Inquiry


Transforming democracy through Apprecia#ve Inquiry
Transforming democracy through Apprecia5ve Inquiry un workshop di Max Hardy (Twyfords Consultants, Australia) Firenze, presso ‘Il Fuligno’ Via Faenza n. 48 (a pochi passi dalla Stazione di S. Maria Novella) Sabato 11 o(obre 2014 -­‐ dalle 10 alle 17 Il seminario sarà tenuto in lingua inglese 12-­‐07-­‐2014 aip2 1 Transforming democracy through Apprecia?ve Inquiry Objec5ves: • Build an understanding of Apprecia5ve Inquiry (AI) principles and how they work in prac5ce • Demonstrate how AI can inform collabora5ve pathways • Build confidence in using AI by giving all par5cipants direct experience with the approach. Structure of Program • Intros and expecta5ons • A personal story about discovering the power of AI • An overview of AI and AI principles Break • Experiencing AI –  Paired interviews –  Iden5fying the posi5ve core –  Root causes for success and star5ng to dream. Break A workshop facilitated by Max Hardy • Embedding AI in collabora5ve governance ( former Cer:fied Iap2 • Co-­‐defining complex issues using AI Trainer) • Open frame session – poten5al for AI for transform democracy 12-­‐07-­‐2014 • Apprecia5ve stakeholder analysis aip2 2 Who would benefit from this workshop? • 
Project Managers/Execu5ves Community Engagement Prac55oners/Facilitators Policymakers/Senior Civil Servants Elected representa5ves Academics What you will get from this workshop? •  An understanding of Apprecia5ve Inquiry and how it generates posi5ve change. About Max Hardy ( • Max is a Director with Twyfords with a par5cular interest in delibera5ve democracy and apprecia5ve inquiry. • In 2005 Max played a major role in the prepara5on of the ‘Brisbane Declara5on on Engaging Communi5es’ which was presented to the United Na5ons. • In 2007 along with his colleagues, he published his first book 5tled “Beyond Public Mee5ngs: Connec5ng Community Engagement with Decision-­‐Making” and most recently, in June 2012, published their second book “ The Power of Co: The Smart Leaders’ Guide to Collabora5ve Governance.” •  Knowledge of case studies/experiments in democracy where it has made a difference. • In November 2007 along with the ACT Disability Advisory Council, he was awarded the IAP2 Award (Interna5onal) for ‘Project of the Year’ for the design and implementa5on of the Challenge 2014 Project, using a Ci5zens’ Jury model, presented in Arizona, USA. •  A working knowledge of Twyfords’ collabora5ve pathway. • In February 2009 he co-­‐facilitated Australia’s first Ci5zens’ Parliament, in old Parliament House Canberra. •  Insights into how collabora5ve governance represents a convergence of AI and delibera5ve democracy. • During 2013 Max along with colleague John Dengate, provided strategic advice, process design and facilita5on services with regard to the development of The Queensland Plan. •  A thoroughly enjoying and s5mula5ng day! 12-­‐07-­‐2014 aip2 3 Iscrizione Le quote di iscrizione cos5tuiscono un contributo alla copertura dei cos5 del seminario (si no5 che Aip2, associazione senza scopo di lucro, non è soggepo IVA). Le quote so(o indicate comprendono il pasto, che verrà organizzato da AIP2 nel loggiato del Fuligno per stare insieme in un clima piacevole. Sono disponibili 24 pos?. Le iscrizioni verranno acce(ate in ordine di arrivo. L’Associazione mepe a disposizione n.3 pos? gratui? per studen? universitari; gli interessa5 possono inviare richiesta scripa all’indirizzo email sopo indicato. La quota di iscrizione va versata sul cc di aip2 presso Banca E5ca, Filiale di Bologna – IBAN IT05O0501802400000000140547 Dopo aver effepuato il bonifico si prega di inviare comprova del pagamento e la scheda di iscrizione via email a: [email protected] Ulteriori informazioni ed un video di Max Hardy sono disponibili sul sito Entro il 11 se(embre Dopo il 11 se(embre Soci aip2 90,00 120,00 Non soci aip2 120,00 150,00 12-­‐07-­‐2014 aip2 4