attivita` scientifica e pubblicazioni


attivita` scientifica e pubblicazioni
ANNO 1975
1) BianchiPorro G, Lazzaroni M, Petrillo M: La cirrhose du foie ascitogene. Action de l'amiloride sur
le metabolism hydroelectrolitique.
La nouv Pres Med 14,1043
2) BianchiPorro G, Lazzaroni M, Petrillo M et al. L'amiloride un nuovo diuretico risparmiatore di
potassio nel trattamento della cirrosi epatica ascitogena
Il Fegato 21, 313-316
3) BianchiPorro G, Ferrara A, Lazzaroni M et al Attività della tritiozina (ISF 2001) sull.a secrezione
gastrica notturna. Studio cross-over doppio cieco
Minerva Gastroenterologica 1975,23,22-25
4) BianchiPorro G, Ferrara A, Lazzaroni M et al: Effetti della tritiozina sulla secrezione acida
notturna nell'uomo.
Da La ricerca scientifica nell'industria farmaceutica In Italia
Ferro ed. 833-837,1975
ANNO 1977
5) Bevilacqua M, Lazzaroni M, Giovannetti G et al : Il comportamento della frazione libera
dell'aldosterone plasmatico nella cirrosi epatica. Da: Le malformazioni delle vie biliari
CEPI ed, 225-230
6) Lazzaroni M, Benassai D, Bosisio E et al: Confronto tra amiloride e spironolattone quali
risparmiatori di potassio nel trattamento dell'ascite da cirrosi epatica.
Da: Le malformazioni delle vie biliari CEPI ed, 231-240
ANNO 1978
7) Petrillo M, Lazzaroni M, Prada A et al: Farmaci antiflogistici e stomaco
Boll AIGO, suppl 4, 443-448
ANNO 1979
8) Petrillo M, Caruso I, Fumagalli M, Montrone F, Lazzaroni M: Diflunisal, aspirin anfd gastric
Lancet 1979, 2, 638
9) Petrillo M, Benassai D, Lazzaroni M et al: Cimetidine in long term treatmenty of recurrent peptic
ulcer disease.
Drug Exptl Clin Res, 107-111
10) BianchiPorro G, Petrillo M, Lazzaroni M et al: Pirenzepine versus cimetidine in the treatment of
duodenal ulcer
Scand J gastroenterol 14, suppl 57,41-45
11) Lazzaroni M, Grossi E, Petrillo M et al: L'impiego della bumetanide nella cirrosi epatica
ascitogena. Confronto con la furosemide
Farmaci, 3, suppl 3,33-38
ANNO 1980
12) Petrillo M, Lazzaroni M, Saponati G et al: The use of rociverine as premedication for endoscopy
of the upper gastrointestinal tract: a double blind controlle d clinicalò trial
Curr Med Res Opin 1980,7,73-77
13) Grossi E, Lazzaroni M, Miglioli G: Il carbenoxolone: farmacocinetica e farmacologia clinica. In:
La malattia peptica. Barbara G, BianchiPorro G eds, 1980, 135
14) BianchiPorro G, Petrillo M, Grossi E, Lazzaroni M: Smoking and duodenal ulcer
Gastroenterology 1980,78,180
15) Petrillo M, Lazzaaroni M, Prada A et al: Oxmetidina vs cimetidina nel trattamento dell'ulcera
Ital J gastroenterol 12, suppl 52
16) Grossi E, Petrillo M, Lazzaroni M et al: La titolazione intragstrica, perfezionamento del metodo
e risultyati preliminari
17) Lazzaroni M, Petrillo M, Prada A: Effetto del fumo sulla recidiva ulcerosa in corso di terapia di
mantenimento in pazienti portatori di ulcera duodenale
ANNO 1981
18) Lazzaroni M, Petrillo M, DElla Vedova G et al: L'acido tienilico nel trattamento della cirrosi
epatica ascitogena
L'Ospedale Maggiore 1981, 76,152
19) BianchiPorro G, Petrillo M, Lazzaroni M et al: Healing of duodenal ulcer with twice daily
In: Cimetidine in the 80s, Baron JH ed, Churchill Livingstone 27
20) Lazzaroni M, Petrillo M, BianchiPorro G et al: Trattamento a lungo termine con amiloride ed
idroclorotiazide in pazienti con cirrosi epatica ascitogena
Epatologia 1981, 27,57
21) BianchiPorro G, Lazzaroni M, pEtrillo M: Carcinoma gastrico ed endoscopia digestiva alta.
Atti ( giornate di Gastroenterologia medica e chirurgica Ospedale S carlo, Milano
Il pensiero Scientifico 1981, 60
22) BianchiPorro G, Prada A, Lazzaroni M: Women and duodenal ulcer.
Brit Med J:283,235
23) BianchiPorro G, Prada A, Parente F, Sangaletti O, Lazzaroni M: The effect of pirenzepine on
meal stimulated gastric acid secretion, gastrin release and gastric emptying
Scand J Gastroenterol 1981, 17, suppl 72,159
24) BianchiPorro G, PetrilloM, Lazzaroni M: ranitidine in the short term treatment of duodenal
ulcer; a multicentre endoscopic double blind trial. In: The clinical use of ranitidine, Medicine
Publishing Foundation, 1981, 136
25) BianchiPorro G, Prada A, Petrillo M, Lazzaroni M: gastric acid secretion, smoke and duodenal
ulcer healing
Gastroenterology 1981,82;394
ANNO 1982
26) DalMonte PR, D'Imperio N, Giuliani Piccari G, Lazzaroni M et al: Pirenzepine for short and long
term treatment of duodenal ulcer. In: Peptic ulcer disease: advances in pathogenesis and
treatmemt. BianchiPorro G, Bardhan KD eds, Cortina, 1982, 137
27) BianchiPOrro G, Petrillo M, Lazzaroni M et al: The longer term treatment of duodenal ulceration
with cimetidine
Ibidem, 1982, 107
28) BianchiPorro G, Lazzaroni M, Petrillo M: Gastroscopy on elderly patients
Curr Med Res Op 1982,7,96
29) Bianchiporro G, Lazzaroni M: Analysis of costs benefits in gastroenterology. In: Progress in
Clinical Pharmacy, Ostino G, Martini N, Van der Klejin eds, Elsevier Biomedical Press, 1982,27
30) BianchiPorro G, Lazzaroni M, Guidi G: Influenza di recenti progressi terapeutici sull'evoluzione
della malattia ulcerosa.
Farmaci 6, suppl 1, 51
31) BianchiPorro G, Lazzaroni M, Petrillo M et al: Il carcinoma del moncone gastrico.
Rec Progr Med 1982,72,159
32) Lazzaroni M, BianchiPorro G: Recenti acquisizioni in tema di fisiopatogenese e diagnosi delle
Rec Prog Med 1982, 72,71
33) Petrillo M, Lazzaroni M, Prada A et al: A controlled trial of pirenzepin versus carbenoxolone in
the treatment of gatsric ulcer. In: Advances in gastroenterology with the selective antimuscarinic
compound pirenzepine. Excerpta Medica, 1982, 205
34) Lazzaroni M, Petrillo M, Prada A et al: Secrezione acida gastrica e rischio di recidiva in corso di
trattamento a luingo termine con cimetidina
Boll AIGO suppl 1982, 5, 213
35) Prada A, Lazzaroni M, Petrillo M et al: Effetto della ranitidina sulla secrezione acida gastrica
Boll AIGO 1982,suppl 5,219
36) Petrillo M, Lazzaroni M, Parente F et al: Terapia a lungo termine continuativa ( 3 anni) con
cimetidina nell'ulcera duodenale. Risultati preliminari
Boll AIGO, 1982,suppl 5, 219
37) BianchiPorro G, Petrillo M, Lazzaroni M et al: Ranitidine in the treatment of gastric lesions
induced antiinflammatory drugs
Hepato-gastroenterology 1982, 29,86
38) BianchiPorro G, lazzaroni M: I farmaci per le malattie infiammatorie. farmacologia clinica e
principi di terapia
Atti IX giornate Di gastroeneterologia Ospe S Carlo Borromeo, Milano, 1982, 93
ANNO 1983
38) BianchiPorro G, Lazzaroni M, Petrillo M: Rising female predominance in incidence of gastric
Brit Med J 1983, 286,393
40) Petrillo M, Lazzaroni M, DeNicola C et al: Impiego della ranitidina nella terapia delle lesioni
gastriche e duodenali secondarie a farmaci antiglogistici. Risultati preliminari.
In: ranitidina il nuovo H2 antagonista. Barbara L, Dobrilla G eds, Libreria Cortina, Verona,
41) Mazzacca G, Sabbatini F, Barbara L, Miglioli G, BianchiPorro G, Lazzaroni M et al: Trattamento
dell'ulcera duodenale con ranitidina: studio a lungo termine.
In: ranitidina il nuovo H2 antagonista. Barbara L, Dobrilla G eds, Libreri Cortina, Verona, 1983, 183
42) BianchiPorro,G, Prada A, Lazzaroni M et al: Smoking and gastric inhibition by H2 antagonists
Lancet 1983,1,584
43) BianchiPorro G, lazzaroni M, Lodola E: Blood levels of cimetidine in patients with liver cirrhosis
Intern J Clin Pharmac Ther Toxic 21,374
44) BianchiPorro G, Lazzaroni M, Petrillo M: Gastric carcinoma and duodenal ulcer
Amer J gastroenterol 78,463
45) Albano O, Barbara L, Bianchiporro G, Biasco G, Borgonovi E, Cheli R, Circella A, Dallamano R,
Lazzaroni M et al: Scelte organizzative e modelli di assistenza: il caso del day hospital. In L'analisi
costi benefici, F Angeli ed, Milano, 65
46) Parente F, Sangaletti O, DellaVEdova G, Lazzaroni M et al: La misurazione dell'H2 espirato: un
metodo indiretto nella diagnosi del malassorbimento di lattosio
Clinica E laboratorio 7,171-179
47) Lazzaroni M, Petrillo M,, DeNicola G et al: DeNol liquid and cimetidine twice daily in the
treatment of duodenal ulcer. A preliminary study
Brit J Clin Pract 1983, 37,71
48) BianchiPorro G, Lazzaroni M, Petrillo M: Effect of cimetdine on surgery for duodenal ulcer in
Ital J gastroenterol 15,274
49)BianchiPorro G, Lazzaroni M: Critical notes on recent progress in gastroenterology
Medicina 1983, 3,173
50) BianchiPorro G, Lazzaroni M, Petrillo M: Il valore dell'endoscopia nella diagnosi di linfoma
primitivo gastrico. Atti 6 Congresso Collegium Internationale Chirurgiae Digestivae,
Maraffetti e Pollini ed, 377
51) Lazzaroni M, BianchiPorro G: Gli ormoni gastroenterici nella diagnostica funzionale del
Atti 10 giornate di Gastroenterologia medica e chirurgica Ospedale S carlo, Milano, Libreria
ANNO 1984
52) BianchiPorro G, Lazzaroni M, Petrillo M et al: Relapse rates in duodenal ulcer patients formerly
treated with bismuth subcitrate or maintained with cimetidine. Lancet 1984, 2,698
53) BianchiPorro G, Grossi E, Sangaletti O, Lazzaroni M et al: Gli antiacidi. In: I farmaci delle
malattie gastroenteriche. BianchiPorro G, Tognoni G eds, Il Pensiero Scientifico, Roma, 38, 1984
54) Lazzaroni M, Prada A, BianchiPorro G: Gli anticolinergici. In.I farmaci delle malattie
gastroenteriche.BianchiPorro G, Tognoni G eds, Il pesnsiero Scientifico, Roma, 67, 1984
55) BianchiPorro G, Lazzaroni M, Petrillo M: Gli antagonisti dei recettori H2 gastrici ( cimetidina e
In.I farmaci delle malattie gastroenteriche.
BianchiPorro G, Tognoni G eds, Il pesnsiero Scientifico, Roma, 92, 1984
56) BianchiPorro G, Lazzaroni M, Parente F: I farmaci della barriera mucosa. In.I farmaci delle
malattie gastroenteriche. BianchiPorro G, Tognoni G eds, Il pesnsiero Scientifico, Roma, 150,1984
57) Lazzaroni M, BianchiPorro G: I più recenti antiulcera.
In.I farmaci delle malattie gastroenteriche.
BianchiPorro G, Tognoni G eds, Il pesnsiero Scientifico, Roma, 191,1984
58) Petrillo M, Lazzaroni M, BianchiPorro G: Gli antiodiarroici In.I farmaci delle malattie
BianchiPorro G, Tognoni G eds, Il pesnsiero Scientifico, Roma, 315,1984
59) Petrillo M, Lazzaroni M, BianchiPorro G: I lassativi
In.I farmaci delle malattie gastroenteriche.
BianchiPorro G, Tognoni G eds, Il pesnsiero Scientifico, Roma, 308, 1984
60) BianchiPorro G, Lazzaroni M, Sangaletti O: Effects of nifedipine on gastric acid secretion and
gastrin release in man
Ital J gastroenterol 16,56
61) BianchiPorro G, Petrillo M, DeNicola C, Lazzaroni M: A double blind endoscopic study with
DeNol tablets and cimetdine for duodenal ulcer Scand J gastroenterol 1984, 19,905
62) BianchiPorro G, Lazzaroni M: Pancreatiti croniche
Enciclopedia Medica Italiana, USES, 11,892,1984
63) DalMonte PR, Giuliani Piccari G, D'Imperio N, BianchiPorro G, Lazzaroni M et al: Pirenzepine for
the treatment of non ulcer dyspepsia: results of a double blind multicentre trial
Symposium Pirenzepine: new aspects in research and therapy
Lisbon, 93
64) Pace F, Lazzaroni M, BianchiPorro G: La pHmetria esofagea
Notiziario Chirurgico 5,255
65) Lazzaroni M: Storia naturale dell'ulcera duodenale silente
Atti VI giornate gastroenterologiche Osped L sacco, 1984,27
66) Bianchi Porro G, Lazzaroni M, Petrillo M: Giant duodenal ulcers
Am J gastroenterol 1984,29:781
ANNO 1985
67) Parente F, Imbimbo B, Lazzaroni M et al: The use of cimetropii bromide as premedication for
endoscopy of the upper gastrointestinal tract: a double blind controlled study
I Intern Med Res 13,332
68) Lazzaroni M, Parente F, Mailland F et al: Timepidium bromide as premedication before
Curr Ther Res 37,277
69) BianchiPorro G, Lazzaroni M: Tre nuovi farmaci antulcera: omeprazolo, famotidina, bismuto
colloidale. Esperienze preliminari. International Symposium: New Trends in ulcer disease:
heterogeneity subclinical markers, treatment
Padova, 27 settembre,1985
70) Lazzaroni M, Sangaletti O, Del Soldato P et al: Effect of pirenzepine and atropine on peptone
meal stimulated gastric secretion and plasma gastrin in healthy volunteers, patients with duodenal
ulcer and vagotomized patients
Digestion 32,267
71) BianchiPorro G, Lazzaroni M, Grossi E et al: Effect of maprotiline on pentagastrin stimulated
acid secretion in man
Scand J gastroenterol 20,912
72) Parente F, lazzaroni M, Sangaletti O et al: Cigarette smoking, gastric acid secretion and serum
pepsinogen 1 concentrations in duodenal ulcer patients
Gut 26,1327
73) Paoluzi P, Torsoli A, BianchiPorro G, Lazzaroni M et al: Famotidine in the treatment of gastric
ulcer. Results of a multicentre double blind controlled trial
Digestion 32, suppl 1,38,1985
74) Barbara L, Corinaldesi R, BianchiPorro G, Lazzaroni M et al: Famotidine in the management of
duodenal ulcer. Experience in Italy
Digestion 32, suppl 1, 24,1985
75) BianchiPorro G, Petrillo M; Lazzaroni M et al: Comparison of pirenzepine and carbenoxolone in
the treatment of chronic gastric ulcer: A double blind endoscopic trial
Hepatogastroenterology, 32, 283
ANNO 1986
76) BianchiPorro G, Dal Monte PR, Lazzaroni M et al: Pirenzepine and ranitidine for crhonic gastric
ulcer: a comparison in short term and maintenance treatment
Curr Ther Res 1986, 39,149
77) BianchiPorro G, parente F, Lazzaroni M et al: Medium dose antacids versus cimetidine in the
short term treatment of dudoenal ulcer
J Clin Gastroenterol 1986,8,141
78) Lazzaroni M, Parente F, Prada A et al: Colloidal bismuth subcitrate as coated tablets: four
times versus twice daily dosage in duodenal ulcer
Scand J gastroenterol 21, suppl 122, 51
79) BianchiPorro G, Parente F, Lazzaroni M et al: Colloidal bismuth subcitrate and two different
dosages of cimetidine in the treatment of resistant duodenal ulcer
Scand J Gastroenterol 21, suppl 122,39
80) Antonioli A, Gandolfo M, Rigo GP, BianchiPorro G, Cheli R, Brancato F. Lazzaroni M et al:
Somatostatin and cimetidine in the control of acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding. A controlled
multicenter study
Hepatogastroenterology 33,71
81) Lazzaroni M, Petrillo M, Sangaletti O et al : Effect of nifedipine on gastric acid secretion and
gastrin release in man
Hepatogastroenterology 33,257
82) BianchiPOrro G, Lazzaroni M, Parente F et al: Th einfluence of colloidal bismuth subcitrate on
duodenal ulcer relapse
Scand J gastroenterol, 21, suppl 122,35
83) Parente F,Lazzaroni M, Petrillo M et al: Colloidal bismuth subcitrate and ranitidine in the short
term treatment of benign gastric ulcer
Scand J Gastroenterol 21, suppl 122, 42
84) Lazzaroni M, Sangaletti O, Parente F BianchiPorro G:
Inhibition of food stimulated acid secretion by
association of pirenzepine and ranitidine in duodenal ulcer
Int J Clin Phar. Ther. Toxicol., 24,685-688,1986
85) BianchiPorro G, Lazzaroni M, Pace F
Long-term low dose antacid versus cimetidine therapy in the
treatment of duodenal ulcer recurrence.
Scand J gastroenterol., 21,1144-1146,1986.
86) BianchiPorro G., Lazzaroni M.: Colloidal bismuth subcitrate.
Medicina, 6,415-417,1986.
87) Bardhan KD, BianchiPOrro G, Bose K, Daly M, Hinchliffe RFC, Jonsson E, Lazzaroni M et al: A
comparison of two different doses of omeprazole versus ranitidine in treatment of duodenal ulcers.
J Clin Gastroenterol 8:408-413
88) BianchiPoro G., Lazzaroni M., Parente F.: Ranitidina,
cimetidina, famotidina.
Estratto dal volume 13 Enciclopedia Medica Italiana,
Uses Edizioni,130/150,1986
89)Lazzaroni M, parente F, petrillo M. Progressi in terapia antiulcera.
In: New Trends in Ulcer disease. Di Mario, Battaglia, Vianello eds Piccin, 237-246
90) Parente f, Baroni S, Lazzaroni M: Influenza del fumo di sigaretta sulla terapia acuta e di
mantenimento dell'ulcera duodenale
In: New Trends in Ulcer disease. Di Mario, Battaglia, Vianello eds Piccin, 153-161
ANNO 1987
91) BianchiPorro G., Lazzaroni M., Parente F.:The use of
antimuscarinic drugs in upper gastrointestinal tract endoscopy.
Am J gastroenterol., 82,916,1987
92) Parente F., Lazzaroni M., Panza E.,Ardizzone A.,
BianchiPorro G.: Sucralfate in the treatment of duodenal ulcer. A double blind endoscopic
controlled short-term study versus placebo.
In: Topics in peptic ulcer disease. Bianchi Porro G., Bardhan KD eds., Cortina International,
93)BianchiPorro G., Lazzaroni M., Parente F., Petrillo M.:
Medical treatment of duodenal ulcer. Presente status.
In: Topics in pepticulcer disease. BianchiPorro G., Bardhan KD eds .Cortina International,3568,1987.
94)BianchiPorro G., Lazzaroni M., Pagliaro L et al.:
Maintenance treatment with cimetdine in peptic ulcer disease for up to 3 years. Experience in Italy.
In: Topics in peptic ulcer disease. BianchiPorro G., Bardhan KD eds. Cortina International,175180,1987.
95) Lazzaroni M., Sangaletti O., Ghirardosi C., ArdizzoneS.,
BianchiPorro G.: Effect of esaprazole on sham-feeding stimulated
and pentagastrin stimulated acid secretion in humans.
Curr Ther Res., 41,290-297,1987.
96) BianchiPorro G, Parente F., Lazzaroni M.:Tripotassium
dicitrato bismuthate (TDB) versus two different dosages of
cimetidine in the treatment of resistant duodenal ulcers.
Gut, 28,907-911,1987.
97)BianchiPorro G., Lazzaroni M., Cortvriend WRE.: Maintenance
therapy with colloidal bismuth subcitrate in duodenal ulcer
disease. Digestion,37, suppl 2,47-52,1987.
98) Petrillo M., lazzaroni M., Fuccella L., Sassella D.,
BianchiPorro G.: Gastric antisecretory and cytoprotective
activity of MDL 646. A 16 Methyl-16 methoxy prostaglandin E1
analog in man. Hepato-gastroenterol., 34,117-119,1987.
99) BianchiPorro G.,Lazzaroni M., Imbimbo B et al.: Action of
mifentidine on the secretory response to sham feeding and
pentagastrin and on serum gastrin in duodenal ulcer patients.
Eur J Clin Pharmacol., 32,555-558,1987.
100) Lazzaroni M., Ardizzone S., Imbimbo B., Sangaletti O.,
Ghirardosi C., BianchiPorro G.: Effect of mifentidine, a new
H2 antagonist on pentagastrin stimulated acid secretion in
healthy subjects.
Inter J Clin Pharmacol. Ther. Toxicol.,25, 218-221,1987.
101)BianchiPorro G., Lazzaroni M.: Famotidina.
102) Lazzaroni M.,Sangaletti O., BianchiPorro G.: Effect of
cisapride on gastric emptying and ileal transit time of balanced
liquid meal in healthy subjiects.Digestion,110-113,1987.
103) BianchiPorro G, Pace F, lazzaroni M: Esophagitis healing
with ranitidine Gastroenterology 92,2051-2052
ANNO 1988
104) BianchiPorro G., Lazzaroni M.: Terapia di mantenimento
dell'ulcera peptica.
Gastroenterologia Clinica, 17,1-15,1988
105) BianchiPorro G., Imbimbo B., Lazzaroni M.: Effect of
mifentidine on peptone meal-stimulated gasric acid secretion and
plasma gastrin levels in duodenal ulcer patients.
Agents and Action,25, 22-26,1988.
106) Lazzaroni M.: Studio multicentrico sull'efficacia del CBS
bid nella terapia dell'ulcera peptica.
Nuovi Argomenti Medicina., 4,331-333,1988.
107) Lazzaroni M., Parente F., petrillo M., BianchiPorro G.:
Confronto tra bismuto colloidale (DeNol) bid e qid nella
terapia a breve termine dell'ulcera duodenale.
Argomenti gastroenterologia Clinica., 1,37-41,1988.
108) BianchiPorro G., lazzaroni M., Barbara L. et al.:
Tripotassium dicitrate bismuthate and ranitidine in duodenal
ulcer. Scand J Gastroenterol., 1988,23,1232-1236
109) BianchiPorro G, lazzaroni M: Terapia a lungo termine
dell'ulcera peptica.Jama, 5, suppl 7,1-8
110) Lazzaroni M, Imbimbo B, Sangaletti O: gastric acid and
pepsin secretion after single oral doses of mifentidine in healthy
subjects. Scand J gastroenterol,23,788-792
111) BianchiPorro G, Baroni S, Parente F, Lazzaroni M: midazolam
versus diazepam as premedication for upper gastrointestinal
endoscopy: a randomized, doubleblind, cross-over study.
Gastrointest Endosc,34,252-254
112) BianchiPorro G, Lazzaroni M: Clinica e terapia della
sindrome dell'intestino irritabile. Il Polso,8/9, supplemento,
113) BianchiPorro G, Lazzaroni M: Campylobacter pylori and ulcer recurrence
Lancet 1,593,1988
ANNO 1989
114) BianchiPorro G., Lazzaroni M: Helicobacter pylori, luci ed ombre
Atti del XXVII Congresso Nazionale SIGE, Monguzzi ed., 29-39
115) Bianchi Porro G, Lazzaroni M: Sucralfate: a new broad
spectrum antiulcer drug ?. In: Treatment of digestive disease with sucralfate.
BianchiPorro G., Hollander D eds, Cortina International, 13-6
116) BianchiPorro G., lazzaroni M et al: famotidina o ranitidina
nella profilassi della recidiva dell'ulcera duodenale.
Arg Gastroenterol Clin, 2, 105-114
117) BianchiPorro G, Lazzaroni M: Ruolo della dieta in
Acta medica, 27,221-233
118) Lazzaroni M., Bianchi Porro G: Campylobacter pylori
epatologia della mucosa gastroduodenale: revisione critica dei
contributi clinico-sperimentali e terapeutici.
Medicina, 9,9-18
119) Lazzaroni M., BianchiPorro G: The effect of an oral morning
dose of nizatidine and ranitidine on gastric acid secretion in
duodenal ulcer patients.
120) BianchiPorro G, Lazzaroni M, battocchia A: Ulcera
Enciclopedia Medica Italiana, 15, 961-1000
121) BianchiPorro G., Lazzaroni M: Campylobacter pylori and
peptic ulcer therapy
Gastroenterol Clin Biol, 13,107-111
122) Lazzaroni M, Petrillo M, BianchiPorro G: comparison of qid andbid administration of DeNol in
the short term treatment of duodenal ulcer.
Brit J Clin Pract, 43,1-5
123) BianchiPorro G, lazzaroni M.: H2 blockers
Adis Press,1990, 1-8
ANNO 1990
124) BianchiPorro G, Lazzaroni M et al: Combined ranitidine and
pirenzepine in the treatment of duodenal ulcer: a multicentre
double blind study using endoscopy
J Intern Med Res, 18,341-350
125) Lazzaroni M, Grossi E, BianchiPorro G: The effect of
intravenous doxofylline or aminophylline on gastric secretion
in duodenal ulcer patients
Aliment Pharmacol therap, 4,643-649
126) Sabbatini F, Lazzaroni M, Petrillo M et al: comparative
study of mifentedine and ranitidine in the short term treatment
of duodenal ulcer
Eur J Clin Pharmacol, 39,515-517
127) Euler Ar, Krawiec J, Odes H,Gilat T, Garcia L, Rachmilewitz D Dabryelewicz A, Gibinski K, Bass
D, Barbara L, BianchiPorro G,
LAZZARONI M et al:An evaluation of Arbaprostil at multiple
doses for the treatment of acute duodenal ulcer: a randomized
double blind placebo controlled international trial.
Am J gastroenterol, 85, 145-149
ANNO 1991
128) BianchiPorro G, Lazzaroni M: Premedication for upper
gastrointestinal endoscopy: still a matter for debate ?
129) BianchiPorro G., lazzaroni M, Barbara L et al: famotidine
vs ranitidine hs in acute duodenal ulcer. A multicentre endoscopic
It J Gastroenterol., 23,65-69
130) BianchiPorro G, Lazzaroni M., Barbara L et al: A controlled
study of 20 mg famotidine nocte vs 150 mg ranitidine nocte for the
prevention of duodenal ulcer relapse.
Aliment Pharmacol therap, 5,181-189
131) Pace F., Lazzaroni M, BianchiPorro g: failure of sucralfate
in the treatment of refractory esophagitis versus high dose
Scand J gastroenterol, 26,491-494
132) D'Adda T, Pilato F, Lazzaroni M et al: Ultrastructural
morphometry of gastric endocrine cells before and after
omeprazole.A study in the oxyntic mucosa of duodenal ulcer
gastroenterology, 100,1563-1570
133) Bardhan KD, Naesdal J, BianchiPorro G, Lazzaroni M et al:
treatment of refractory peptic ulcer with omeprazole or
continued H2 receptor antagonists:a controlled clinical trial
Gut, 32, 435-438
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144) Lazzaroni M, Sangaletti O, BianchiPorro G: Gastric acid secretion and plasma gastrin during
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145) D'Adda T, Bordi C, Lazzaroni M, BianchiPorro G: Long term omeprazole monotherapy is
ineffective against helicobacter pylori infection
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146) Negrini R, Zanella I, Savio A, Poiesi C, Verardi R, Ghielmi S, Albertini A, Sangaletti O,
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153) BianchiPorro G, Parente F, Lazzaroni M: Short and long term outcome of Helicobacter pylori
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154) BianchiPorro G, Lazzaroni M: Prevention and treatment of non steroidal gastrointestinal
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155) BianchiPorro G, Lazzaroni M: Prescribing policy for antiulcer treatment in the elderly
Drugs-Aging 1993,3:308-319
156) Lazzaroni M, Imbimbo B, Bargiggia S et al: Effects of magnesium aluminum idroxide antacid
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157) Lazzaroni M, BianchiPorro G: The relationship between duodenal ulcer disease and
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158) Lazzaroni M, BianchiPorro G: Il trattamento dell'ulcera peptica nell'anziano
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159) BianchiPorro G, Lazzaroni M: Ulcer healing with drugs that do no affect acid
Practical gastroenterology 1993, 12, S40-S48
160) Lazzaroni M, Petrillo M, Desideri S, BianchiPorro G: Efficacy and tolerability of poliethylene
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inflammatory bowel disease for colonoscopy
Aliment Pharmacol Ther 1993;7,655-659
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163) BianchiPorro G, Lazzaroni M: Approaches to the treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection. In:
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164) Lazzaroni M, BianchiPorro G: Preparation, premedication and surveillance in gastrointestinal
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166) Solcia E, Villani L, Fiocca R, Luinetti O, Boldorini R, Trespi E, Perego M, Alvisi C, Lazzaroni M,
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169) Lazzaroni M, Maconi G, Bargiggia S et al: Efficacy of omeprazole combined with antibiotics for
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170) Lazzaroni M, Canali A, BianchiPorro G: Double blind, randomized trial of roxatidine 150 mg in
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Aliment Pharmacol Ther 1995; 9:425-431
171) Solcia E, Villani L, Fiocca R, Luinetti O, Boldorini R, Trespi E, Perego M, Alvisi C, Lazzaroni M,
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173) Lazzaroni M, Sangaletti O, Bargiggia S et al: Twenty four hour intragastric acidity following
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178) Lazzaroni M, BianchiPorro G: Treatment of peptic ulcer in the elderly
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180) Lazzaroni M, Bargiggia S, BianchiPorro G: Triple therapy with ranitidine or lansoprazole in the
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181) BianchiPorro G, LazzaroniM, Petrillo M: Double blind, double dummy, endoscopic comparison
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injury to the stomach and duodenum in rheumatic patients
Am J Gastroenterol, 1997;92:663-667
182) Lazzaroni M, BianchiPorro G, Perego M et al: Helicobacter pylori eradication in the healing
and recurrence of benign gastric ulcer: a two year, double blind, placebo controlled study
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183) Scarpignato C, Lazzaroni M, BianchiPorro G: Inibitori selettivi della cicloossigenasi-2: mito o
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184) BianchiPorro G, Lazzaroni M. Manzionna G, Petrillo M: Omeprazole and sucralfate in the
treatment of NSAID induced gastric and duodenal ulcers
Aliment Pharmacol Ther, 1998, 12:355-360
185) BianchiPorro, Lazzaroni M, Petrillo M et al: Peptic ulcer therapy with cimetidine cs
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188) G BianchiPorro, M Lazzaroni: The conflicting relationship between Helicobacter Pylori and
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189) M Lazzaroni, G BianchiPorro: Premedication, preparation, surveillance Endoscopy,1999 31; 28
190) BianchiPorro, Montrone F, Lazzaroni M, caruso I; Clinical and gastroscopic evaluation of
amtolmetin guacyl versus diclofenac in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
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191) Lazzaroni M, Sainaghi M, BianchiPorro G: Non-steroidal antiinflammatory drug gastropathy:
clinical results with antacids and sucralfate
Ital J Gastroenterol Hepatol 1999: 31, supll 1: 48-53
192) Lazzaroni M, BianchiPorro G: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory gastropathy: clinical results
with H2 antagonists and proton pump inhibitors
Ital J Gastroenterol Hepatol 1999; 31: suppl 1: 73-78
ANNO 2000
193) BianchiPorro G, Lazzaroni M, Imbesi V, Montrone F, Santagada T: Efficacy of pantoprazole in
the prevention of peptic ulcers, induced by non-steroidal anti-infmattory drugs: a prospective,
ploacebo controlled, double blind, parallel group study
Dig Liv Dis 2000;32: 201-8
194) M Lazzaroni, G Bianchi Porro: Ulcera gastroduodenale
Enciclopedia Medica Italiana: 2000; 3: 6107-6114
195) Lazzaroni M, BianchiPorro G: NSAIDs and upper gastrointestinal injury: update on
pathogenesis, prevention and treatment
Duodenitis & upper GI tract disease, 2000;2:10-16
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196) Lazzaroni M. Bianchi Porro G: Non-steroidal antiinflammatory drug gastropathy and
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Am J Med 2001: 109: 1-5
197) Lazzaroni M, BianchiPorro G: Preparation, premedication, surveillance.
Endoscopy 2001; 33:103-108
198) Lazzaroni M, Anderloni A, BianchiPorro G: The effects on gastroduodenal mucosa of a new
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, amtometin guacyl, versus piroxicam in heatly volunteers: a
short term, double blind, endoscopically controlled study
Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2001; 13: 833-9
199) M Lazzaroni, G Bianchi Porro: Review article: helicobacter pylori and NSAID gastropathy
Aliment Pharmacol Ther 2001: 15, suppl 1-6
200) Lazzaroni M, Bianchi Porro G.
Prophylaxis and treatment of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug-induced upper gastrointestinal
Dig Liver Dis. 2001 Dec;33 Suppl 2:S44-58. Review.
PMID: 11827362 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
ANNO 2002
201) Lazzaroni M, Petrillo M, Tornaghi R, Massironi E, Sainaghi M, Principi N,Bianchi Porro G.
Upper GI bleeding in healthy full-term infants: a case-control study.
Am J Gastroenterol. 2002 Jan;97(1):89-94.
PMID: 11808975 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
ANNO 2003
202) Lazzaroni M, Bianchi Porro G.
Preparation, premedication and surveillance.
Endoscopy. 2003 Feb;35(2):103-11. Review.
PMID: 12561003 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
ANNO 2004
203) Lazzaroni M, Bianchi Porro G.
Gastrointestinal side-effects of traditional non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and new
Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2004 Jul;20 Suppl 2:48-58. Review.
PMID: 15335413 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
ANNO 2005
204) Parente F, Molteni M, Anderloni A, Lazzaroni M, Bianchi Porro G, Danelli PG, Sampietro G,
Zerbi P. Carcinoid mimicking ileal Crohn's disease.
Gastrointest Endosc. 2005 Jan;61(1):105-6. No abstract available.
PMID: 15672068 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
205) Lazzaroni M, Bianchi Porro G.
Preparation, premedication, and surveillance.
Endoscopy. 2005 Feb;37(2):101-9. Review.
PMID: 15692924 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
206) Parente F, Anderloni A, Zerbi P, Lazzaroni M, Sampietro G, Danelli P, Bianchi Porro G.
Intermittent small-bowel obstruction caused by gastric adenocarcinoma in a Meckel's diverticulum.
Gastrointest Endosc. 2005 Jan;61(1):180-3. No abstract available.
PMID: 15672086 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
207) Lazzaroni M, Casini V, Bianchi Porro G.
Role or carbon dioxide-releasing suppositories in the treatment of chronic functional constipation:
a double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial.
Clin Drug Investig. 2005;25(8):499-505.
ANNO 2007
208) Foschi D, Corsi F, Lazzaroni M, Sangaletti O, Riva P, La Tartara G, Bevilacqua M, Osio M,
Alciati A, Bianchi Porro G, Trabucchi E.
Treatment of morbid obesity by intraparietogastric administration of botulinum toxin: a
randomized, double-blind, controlled study.
Int J Obes (Lond). 2007 Apr;31(4):707-12. Epub 2006 Sep 26.
209) Greco S, Maconi G, Lazzaroni M, Pastore L, Porro GB.
An unsuspected cause of chronic diarrhoea.
Gut. 2007 May;56(5):605, 668. No abstract available.
210) Lazzaroni M, Battocchia A, Bianchi Porro G.
COXIBs and non-selective NSAIDs in the gastroenterological setting: what should patients and
physicians do?
Dig Liver Dis. 2007 Jun;39(6):589-96.
ANNO 2008
211) Lazzaroni M, BianchiPorro G
Management of NSAID-induced Gastrointestinal Toxicity: Focus on Proton Pump Inhibitors
Drugs, 2008, in press
212) Foschi D, Lazzaroni M, Sangaletti O, Corsi F, Trabucchi E, Bianchi Porro G.
Effects of intramural administration of Botulinum Toxin A on gastric emptying and eating capacity
in obese patients.
Dig Liver Dis. 2008 Aug;40(8):667-72.
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