CURRICULUM VITAE: Dott. Carlo Salvarani Data di nascita: 14


CURRICULUM VITAE: Dott. Carlo Salvarani Data di nascita: 14
CURRICULUM VITAE: Dott. Carlo Salvarani
Data di nascita: 14 novembre 1954.
Luogo di nascita: Reggio Emilia, Italia.
Casa: Via Dal Verme N3, 42100 Reggio Emilia, Italia.
Lavoro: Servizio di Reumatologia, Azienda Ospedaliera Arcispedale S.Maria Nuova,
V.le Risorgimento N 90, 42100 Reggio Emilia, Italia.
Laurea in Medicina, 1980, Università di Parma.
Specialista in Medicina Interna, 1985, Università di Parma.
Specialista in Reumatologia, 1989, Università di Ferrara.
Laurea, Magna cum Laude, 1980, Università di Parma.
Specialista in Reumatologia, Magna cum Laude, 1989, Università di Ferrara.
Speaker invitato (1997), Divisione di Reumatologia, Mayo Clinico
Presidente 8th International Congress on Behçet's disease (Reggio Emilia 1998)
Attività Postlaurea (per specifiche attività lavorativa nel Servizio Sanitario vedi
allegato stato di servizio):
1980-81: Interno, 2" Divisione di Medicina Interna, Arcispedale S.Maria Nuova, Reggio
1981-82: Assistente a tempo pieno, Divisione di Medicina, Ospedale S.Anna, Castelnuovo
1982-96: Assistente a tempo pieno, 2" Divisione di Medicina Interna, Unità
Reumatologica, Arcispedale . S.Maria Nuova, Reggio Emilia.
Dal 8-1-1993 al 7-1-1994 comandato presso la Divisione di Reumatologia, Mayo Clinic,
Rochester, MN, USA per aggiornamento in clinica e epidemiologia delle artriti
infiammatorie e vasculiti. Successivamente periodi periodi si studio della durata di 6-8
settimane negli anni 1994, 1995, 1996, 1998, 1999,2000,2001, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2007,
2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 come "Visiting Clinician" investigatore principale di progetti di
ricerca clinici sulle vasculiti (vedi per i progetti collaborazioni scientifiche)
1996- tutt'oggi: Medico 2 livello Dirigenziale Reumatologia e quindi Direttore, Struttura
Complessa di Reumatologia, Arcispedale S.Maria Nuova, Azienda Ospedaliera di Reggio
Attività didattica presso Scuole di Specialità
Per gli anni 2007-2008, 2008-2009, 2009-2010, 2011-2012 contratto insegnamento
integrativo “Le vasculiti dei grossi vasi” a titolo oneroso di ore 5 annuali presso la Scuola
di Specializzazione di Reumatologia dell’Università di Bologna
Società mediche di appartenenza:
Società Italiana di Reumatologia (membro del Consiglio Direttivo dal 2004 al 2007).
Società Italiana di Medicina Interna.
American College of Rheumatology (International Member).
Altre Attività:
Revisore di Riviste Internazionali:
Journal of Rheumatology
Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology
Arthritis & Rheumatism
Arthritis Care & Research
Scandinavian Joumal of Rheumatology
The Annals of Rheumatic Diseases
New England Journal of Medicine
Editorial Board
Arthritis Care & Research
Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology (Editor of the Supplement on Vasculitides)
Current Opinion in Rheumatology
Principali interessi scientifici:
Vasculiti (in particolare arterite temporale, malattia di Takayasu, malattia di Behçet e
vasculite isolata del sistema nervoso centrale)
Spondiloartriti (in particolare artropatia psoriasica, artrite enteropatica e spondilite
Polimialgia reumatica, sindrome RS3PE e artrite reumatoide dell'anziano
Trials clinici
Collaborazioni scientifiche attive (membro nazionale/internazionale):
Divisione di Reumatologia e Diagnostica Vascolare, Mayo Clinic, USA: Polimialgia
reumatica e Arterite Temporale
Divisioni di Reumatologia e Diagnostica Vascolare, Dipartimento di Patologia, Mayo Clinic,
USA: vasculite del sistema gastrointestinale
Divisioni di Reumatologia , Neurologia, e Diagnostica vascolare, Dipartimenti di Patologia
e di Statistica, Mayo Clinic, USA: Vasculite isolata del Sistema Nervoso Centrale
The European Collaborative Study on Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Manifestazioni
muscolo-scheletriche delle malattie infiammatorie intestinali
Progetto ITAKA (Italian Takayasu arteritis) (Mari Negri, Villa Camozzi): Arterite di
Takayasu nella popolazione Italiana
Polymyalgia Rheumatica and Giant CelI Arteritis Intemational Study Group: criteri
diagnostici della Polimialgia Reumatica
ASsessment in Ankylosing Spondylitis (ASAS) Working Group: definizione di criteri di
valutazione dell' efficacia della terapia nelle spondiloartriti
lntemational multicenter validation of diagnostic criteri a for psoriatic artbritis (CASPAR):
definizione e validazione dei criteri diagnostici per l' artropatia psoriasica
Group for Research and Assessment of Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis (GRAPPA)
Raccomandazioni EULAR per la terapia della malattia di Behçet
Raccomandazioni EULAR per la terapia della vasculiti
EULAR and ACR Diagnostic and Classification criteria in vasculitis
Gruppo multidisciplinare sui farmaci biologici in Reumatologia Regione Emilia Romagna
con definizione di registro regionale
Articoli su riviste con Impact Factor:
1. A.Bellelli, B.Tumiati, C.Salvarani et al.: Sindrome di Reynolds. Caso clinico e revisione
della letteratura. Analogia con GVHD. Giornale di Clinica Medica, 62:656-64,1981.
2. A.Bellelli, C.Azzarito, C.Salvarani et al.:.Sarcoma di Kaposi in corso di terapia
cortisonica. Descrizione di un caso clinico. Giornale di Clinica Medica, 63:614-21,1982.
3. I.Portioli, C.Fantesini, C.Salvarani et al.: Morbo di Paget del cranio complicato da
demenza idrocefalica: diagnosi precoce con la TAC cerebrale e remissione dopo
intervento chirurgico. Medicina, 3:44-6, 1983.
4. C.Salvarani, I.Iori, F .Rossi et al.: Neurologic involvement as ftrst sign ofBeh~et's
syndrome. Clin Exp Rheumatol, 2:353-4, 1984.
5. C.Salvarani, I.Iori, F .Rossi et al: Hypersensitivity to diclofenac with acute hepatitis,
immune-hemolitic anemia, thrombocytopenia and renal involvement. Ital Joumal
Gastroenterol, 16:54-6, 1984.
6. C.Salvarani, PL.Macchioni, F .Rossi et al.: Nephrotic syndrome induced by tiopronin:
association with HLA-DR3 antigen. Arthritis Rheum, 28:595-6, 1985.
7. C.Salvarani, l.Iori, S.Prandi et al: Gold-induced severe apI asti c anemia: medullary
autologous reconstitution after immunosuppression. J Rheumatol, 2:387, 1985.
8. C.Salvarani, G.Massai, PL.Macchioni et al: Infarto cerebrale e trombocitopenia in un
caso fatale di LES cerebrale: associazione con anticorpi anticardiolipina e lupus
anticoagulante. Medicina, 5:426-7, 1985.
9. C.Salvarani, PL.Macchioni, F .Rossi et al.: HLA typing, platelet associated
immunoglobulins and anticardiolipin antibodies. J Rheumatol, 5:988-90, 1986.
10. C.Salvarani, G.Massai, PL.Macchioni et al.: Anticardiolipin antibodies in a case
ofNeuro-Behçet with superior vena cavaI occlusion. Clin Rheumatol, 1:88-91, 1987.
11. C.Salvarani, PL.Macchioni, PL. Tartoni et al.: Polymyalgia rheumatica and giant celI
arteritis: a 5-year epidemiologic and clinical study in Reggio Emilia, Italy. Clin Exp
Rheumatol, 5:205-15, 1987.
12. C.Salvarani, PL.Macchioni, F.Rossi et al.: Synovitis in polymyalgia rheumatica: a 5year followup study in Reggio Emilia, Italy. J Rheumatol, 14:1209-10, 1987.
13. C.Salvarani, PL.Macchioni, F.Rossi et al.: Arterite giganto-cellulare: uno studio
epidemiologico, clinico e patologico durante un periodo di 5 anni in Reggio Emilia.
Reumatismo, 40:113-6, 1988.
14. C.Salvarani, L.Ghirelli, C. Di Lecce et al.: Differenti quadri capillaroscopici, clinici ed
anticorpali nei pazienti con fenomeno di Raynaud. Reumatismo, 40:183-6,1988.
15. C.Salvarani, N.Marcello, PL.Macchioni et al.: Hypothyroidism simulating polymyositis.
Scand J Rheumatol, 17:147-9, 1988.
16. C.Salvarani, PL.Macchioni, F .Zizzi et al.: Clinical subgroups and HLA antigens in
Italian patients with psoriatic arthritis. Clin Exp Rheumatol, 7:391-6, 1989.
17. C.Salvarani, N.Capozzoli, R.Baricchi et al.: Autoimmune disease in hairy-cellleukemia:
systemic vasculitis and anticardiolipin syndrome. Clin Exp Rheumatol, 7:329-30,1989.
18. C.Salvarani, F .Zizzi, PL.Macchioni et al.: Clinical response to auranofm in patients
with psoriatic arthritis. Clin Rheumatol, 8:54-7,1989.
19. C.Salvarani, F.Rossi, PL.Macchioni et al.: Bartter's syndrome and chondrocalcinosis: a
possible role far hypomagnesemia in the deposition of calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate
(CPPD) crystals. Clin Exp Rheumatol, 7:415-20,1989.
20. P.Sottilotta, C.Salvarani, M.Veneziani et al.: Aspetti psicosociali a disabilità al lavoro
nell'artrite reumatoide: studio su un campione di pazienti della provincia di Reggio Emilia.
Reumatismo, 42:192-5, 1990.
21. C.Salvarani, PL.Macchioni, F.Zizzi et al.: Low incidence ofproteinuria in RA after gold
thiosulfate treatment. JRheumatol., 17:271-2, 1990.
22. C.Salvarani, PL.Macchioni, M. Veneziani et al: Upper limb lymphedema in psoriatic
arthritis. J Rheumatol., 17:273-4, 1990.
23. C.Salvarani, F .Zizzi, PL.Macchioni, et al.: Uno studio clinico dell'artrite reumatoide
dell'anziano. Confronto con un gruppo di pazienti con malattia insorta prima dei 60 anni. Il
Reumatologo, 3:107-112;1990.
24. C.Salvarani, PL.Macchioni, F.Zizzi et al.: Reply to: Low incidence oftoxicity from gold
thiomalate in Hong Kong chinese patients with rheumatoid arthritis. J Rheumatol, 18:63032, 1991.
25. C.Salvarani, B.Casali, D.Salvo et al.: The role of interleukin 1, erythropoietin and red
cells bound immunoglobulins in the anaemia ofrheumatoid arthritis. Clin. Exp. Rheumatol.,
26. C.Salvarani, PL.Macchioni, L.Lodi et al.: Sjogren's syndrome in human
immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection: association with HLA-DR3 and CD8 lymphocytosis
in an ltalian patient. Clin. Exp. Rheumatol., 9:437-438, 1991.
27. C.Salvarani, D.Lasagni, B.Casali et al.: Recombinant human erythropoietin therapy in
patients with rheumatoid arthritis with the anemia of chronic disease. J Rheumatol18:
1168-71; 1991.
28. C.Salvarani, PL.Macchioni, F .Zizzi, et al.: Epidemiologic and immunogenetic aspects
of polymyalgia rheumatica and giant celI arteritis in Northem ltaly. Arthritis Rheum, 34:351-
356; 1991.
29. R.Baricchi, R.Carbognani, L.Vecchia, C.Salvarani, et al.:Determinazione degli
isoenzimi della fosfatasi alcalina
mediante elettroforesi su gel di agarosio in 13 pazienti affetti da sindrome di Sjogren
primitiva. Notiziario Clinico, 4: 17- 19; 1991.
30. C.Salvarani, PL.Macchioni, T.Cremonesi et al.: The cervical spine in psoriatic arthritis:
a clinical, radiological and immunogenetic study. Ann. Rheum. Dis., 51:73-77,1992.
31. C.Salvarani, PL.Macchioni, L.Boiardi et al.: Low dose cyclosporine A in psoriatic
arthritis: relation between soluble interleukin 2 receptors and response to therapy. J
Rheumatol, 19:74-79,1992.
32. L.Boiardi, C.Salvarani, PL.Macchioni, et al.: Immunologic effects in patients with
psoriatic arthritis treated with cyclosporine A. J Rheumatol, 19:1933-37; 1992.
33. C.Salvarani, R.Baricchi, PL.Macchioni, et al.: Anticardiolipin antibodies in Northem
ltalian population with PMR/GCA. Aro J Med, 92:712-713; 1992.
34. R.Baricchi, L.Boiardi, C.Salvarani, et al.: Anticorpi anticardiolipina e ischemia
miocardica. Il Patologo Clinico, 7:614-617; 1992.
35. C.Salvarani, PL.Macchioni, L.Boiardi, et al.: Soluble interleukin 2 receptors in
polymyalgia rheumatica/giant celI arteritis. Clinical and Laboratory correlations. J
RheumatoI19:1100-1106; 1992.
36. C.Salvarani, PL.Macchioni, W.Mantovani et al.: Extraarticular manifestations of
rheumatoid arthritis and HLA antigens in Northem ltaly. J Rheumatol, 19:242-46, 1992.
37. C.Salvarani, F .Rossi, PL.Macchioni et al.: Synovitis in polymyalgia rheumatica: an
immunogenetic study. Brit J Rheumatol, 1:720; 1992.
38. C.Salvarani, PL.Macchioni, L.Boiardi et al.: Reply to Gonzalez-Gay et al. letter on"
Temporal arteritis in Northwestern Spain". Arthritis Rheum (letter), 35:1250,1992.
39. C.Salvarani, PL.Macchioni, W.Mantovani et al.: Polymyalgia rheumatica and
seronegative rheumatoid arthritis: some considerations based on a Northem Italian
population. J Rheumatol, 20:756-57, 1993.
40. C.Salvarani, L.Boiardi, M.Casadei Maldini, et al.: High dose immunoglobulin therapy in
a case of inclusion body myositis: clinical and immunologic aspects. J Rheumatol,
20:1455-56; 1993.
41. C.Salvarani, B.Casali, L.Boiardi, et al.: Low molecular weight IgM in primary Sjogren's
syndrome. Clin Exp Rheumatol 639-642,1993.
42. PL.Macchioni, L.Boiardi, C.Salvarani et al.: Lymphocyte subpopulations analysis in
peripheral blood in polymyalgia rheumatica/giant celI arteritis. Br J Rheumatol, 32:66-670,
43. C. Salvarani: L'anemia nell'artrite reumatoide. Il Reumatologo, 14:229-231; 1993.
44. L.Boiardi, P .Macchioni, C.Salvarani, et al.: Se rum soluble interleukin-2 receptor
levels in rheumatoid arthritis: corre la ti o n with clinical and immunological parameters and
with the response to auranofm treatment. Clin Exp Rheumatol, 12:357-362, 1994.
45. C.Salvarani, L.Boiardi, PL.Macchioni, et al.: Serum soluble CD4 and CD8 levels in
polymyalgia rheumatica. JRheumatol, 21:1865-69,1994.
46. PL.Macchioni, L.Boiardi, R.Meliconi, C.Salvarani, et al.: Elevated soluble intercellular
adhesion mole cuI e 1 in the serum of patients with polymyalgia rheumatica: influence of
steroid treatment. J Rheumatol, 21: 1860-64; 1994.
47. C.Salvarani, SE Gabriel, MA Gertz et al.: Primary systemic amyloidosis presenting as
giant celI arteritis and polymyalgia rheumatica. Arthritis Rheum, 37:1621-26, 1994.
48. P.Nurchis, C.Salvarani, F.Zizzi et al.: Rheumatoid arthritis in the elderly: frequency
ofside effects ofparenteral and oral chrysotherapy. Eur J Int Med, 5:27-32, 1994.
49. C.Salvarani, SE Gabriel, WM O'FalIon, GG Hunder: Epidemiolgy ofpolymyalgia
rheumatica in OIrosted County, Minnesota, 1970-1991. Arthritis Rheum, 38:369-73,1995.
50. C.Salvarani: Upper limb lymphedema in inflammatory arthropathy. J Rheumatol,
22:370, 1995.
51. C.Salvarani, L.Boiardi, PL.Macchioni et al.: On the utility of CD8 levels assessment in
the diagnosis of polymyalgia rheumatica/giant celI arteritis. Clin Exp Rheumatol, 13:12930, 1995.
52. C.Salvarani, L.Boiardi, PL.Macchioni, et al.: The role ofperipheral CD8+ lymphocytes
and soluble IL-2 receptor in predicting the duration of corticosteroid treatment in
polymyalgia rheumatica and giant celI arteritis, Ann Rheum Dis, 54:640-44,1995.
53. C.Salvarani, SE Gabriel, WM O'Fallon, GG Hunder: The incidence of giant celI arteritis
in OIrosted County, Minnesota, apparent fluctuations in a cyclic pattem. Ann Intem Med,
123:192-194, 1995.
54. Salvarani, G. Lo Scocco, PL. Macchioni, et al.: Prevalence ofpsoriatic arthritis in Italian
psoriatic patients. J Rheumatol, 12:1499-1503, 1995.
55. C.Salvarani, R.Baricchi, D.Lasagni et al.: Chronic disease anemia associated with
rheumatoid arthritis: effects of desferrioxamine therapy on anemia and clinical status.
Rheumatology Intemational, 16:45-48, 1996.
56. R. Meliconi, C.Salvarani, PL. Macchioni, et al.: Leucocyte infiltration in synovial tissue
from the shoulder of patients with polymyalgia rheumatica. Arthritis Rheum, 39:1199-1206,
57. C.Salvarani, S.Gabriel, GG.Hunder: Reply. Giant cell arteritis and amyloidosis:
comment on the article by Salvarani et al. Arthritis Rheum, 39:1073, 1996.
58. L.Boiardi, C.Salvarani, PL.Macchioni et al.: CD8 lymphocyte subsets in active
polymyalgia rheumatica: comparison with elderly-onset and adult rheumatoid arthritis and
influence of prednisone therapy. Br J Rheumatol, 35:642-48, 1996.
59. C.Salvarani, L.Boiardi, PL.Macchioni et al.: Polymyalgia rheumatica. Lancet, 348:550551,1996.
60. C.Salvarani, S.Gabriel, GG.Hunder: DistaI extremity swelling with pitting edema in
polymyalgia rheumatica. Report ofnineteen cases. Arthritis Rheum, 3'9:73-80,1996.
61. C.Salvarani, S.Gabriel, GG.Hunder: Reply. Il Comparison of polymyalgia rheumatica
and remitting seronegative symmetrical synovitis with pitting edema syndrome: comment
on the article by Salvarani et al. Arthritis Rheum, 39:1931-1932,1996.
62. C. Salvarani, I. Olivieri, F .Cantini, L.Barozzi: E' la sindrome "RS3PE" una entità
autonoma. Reumatismo, 48:201-204, 1996.
63. M.Massari, C.Salvarani, I.Portioli, et al.: Polyarteritis nodosa and mv infection: no
evidence of a direct pathogenic role of HIV. Infection, 24:159-61,1996.
64. I.Olivieri, C.Salvarani, F.Cantini: Remitting distaI extremity swelIing with pitting edema:
a distinct syndrome or a clinical feature of different inflammatory rheumatic diseases? J
Rheumatol, 24:249-52; 1997.
65. C.Salvarani, F .Cantini, I.Olivieri et al.: Isolated peripheral enthesitis andlor dactylitis: a
subset of psoriatic arthritis. J Rheumatol, 24:1106-10; 1997.
66. C.Salvarani, F.Cantini, I.Olivieri et al.: Proximal bursitis in active polymyalgia
rheumatica. Ann Intem Med, 127:27-31, 1997.
67. C.Salvarani, PL Macchioni, L.Boiardi: Polymyalgia rheumatica. Lancet, 350:43-47,
68. F.Cantini, L.Emmi, C.Salvarani, et al.: Lack of association between chronic hepatitis c
virus infection and Behçet's disease. Clio Exp Rheumatol, 15:338-339, 1997.
69. SE Gabriel, J Sunku, C.Salvarani et al.: Long-term outcome of anti-inflammatory
therapy among patients with polymyalgia rheumatica. Arthritis Rheum, 40: 1873-8, 1997.
70. R.Meliconi, L.PulsatelIi, C.Salvarani, et al.: Synovial expression of celI adhesion
molecules in polymyalgia rheumatica. ClinExplmmunol; 107:494-500, 1997.
71. I.Olivieri, F.Cantini, C.Salvarani: Diagnostic and classification criteria for
spondyloarthropathies, clinical and functional assessment, and therapeutic advances. Curr
Opin Rheumatol; 9:284-90, 1997.
72. I.Olivieri, C.Salvarani, F. Cantini, et al.: Therapy with cyclosporine in psoriatic arthritis.
Semin Arthritis Rheum ; 27:36-43, 1997.
73. I.Olivieri, C.Salvarani, F .Cantini: Is Behçet's disease part of spondyloarthritis
complex? J Rheumatol; 24:1870-2, 1997.
74. F.Cantini, L.Niccoli, C.Salvarani, et al.: Remitting distaIlower extremity swelIing with
pitting oedema in acute sarcoidosis. Ann Rheum Dis; 56:565-6, 1997.
75. I.Olivieri, C.Salvarani, F .Cantini et al.: DistaI extremity swelIing with pitting edema in
polymyalgia rheumatica: a case studied with MRI. Clin Exp Rheumatol; 15:710-1, 1997.
76. C.Salvarani, PL.Macchioni, W.Mantovani et al.: HLA-DRBI alleles associated with
rheumatoid arthritis in Northem ltaly. Correlation with disease severity. British J
Rheumatol; 37:165-9, 1998.
77. F .Cantini, I.Olivieri, C.Salvarani: More on remitting seronegative symmetrical synovitis
with pitting edema as a paraneoplastic syndrome: J Rheumatol; 25:188-9,1998.
78. P .Macchioni, L.Boiardi, C.Salvarani, et al.: Serum chemokines in patients with
psoriatic arthritis treated with cyclosporin A. J Rheumatol; 25:320-5, 1998.
79. F .Cantini, C.Salvarani, I.Olivieri et al.: Possible association between eosinophilic
fasciitis and subcutaneous heparin use. J Rheumatol; 25:383-5, 1998.
80. A.Padula, C.Salvarani, L.Barozzi, et al: Dactylitis also involving the synovial sheaths in
the palm ofthe hand: two more cases studied by magnetic resonance imaging. Ann
Rheum Dis; 57:61-2,1998.
81. F .Cantini, C.Salvarani, I.Olivieri: Erythrocyte sedimentation rate and C-reactive
protein in the diagnosis of polymyalgia rheumatica. Ann Intern Med; 128:873-4, 1998.
82. L.Pulsatelli, R.Meliconi, C.Salvarani, et al.: Elevated serum concentrations of the
chemokine RANTES in patients with polymyalgia rheumatica. Clin Exp Rheumatol;
16:263-8, 1998.
83. F .Cantini, C.Salvarani, I.Olivieri, et al.: Tuberculous spondylitis as a cause of
inflammatory spinal pain: a report of 4 cases. Clin Exp Rheumatol; 16:305-8, 1998.
84. C.Salvarani, F .Cantini, P .Macchioni, et al.: DistaI musculoskeletal manifestations in
polymyalgia rheumatica: a prospective followup study. Arthritis Rheum; 41:1221-6, 1998.
85. P .Macchioni, L.Boiardi, C.Salvarani, et al.: The relationship between serum-soluble
interleukin-2 receptor and radiological evolution in psoriatic arthritis patients treated with
cyclosporin-A. Rheumatol Int; 18:27-33, 1998.
86. I.Olivieri, L.Barozzi, C.Salvarani, et al.: Retrocalcaneal bursitis in spondyloarthropathy:
assessment by ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging. J Rheumatol; 25:13527,1998.
87. C.Salvarani, I.Olivieri, F.Cantini, et al.: Psoriatic arthritis. Curr Opin Rheumatol;
10:299-305, 1998.
88. F .Cantini, C.Salvarani, L.Niccoli, et al.: Behçet's disease with unusual cutaneous
lesions. J Rheumatol; 25:2469-72, 1998.
89. C.Salvarani, I.Olivieri, F.Cantini, GG. Hunder: Classification ofinflammatory arthritis.
Lancet; 352:1938,1998.
90. Salvarani C, Macchioni L, Olivieri I, Cantini F, Boiardi L. Diagnosis and management
of polymyalgia rheumatica/giant cell arteritis. BioDrugs. 1998; 9:25-32.
91. A.Padula, F .Belsito, C.Salvarani, et al.: Isolated tenosynovitis associated with
psoriasis triggered by physical injury. Clin Exp Rheumatol;
17:103-4, 1999.
92. C.Salvarani, F .Cantini, I. Olivieri, GG. Hunder: Polymyalgia rheumatica: a disorder of
extraarticular synovial structures. J Rheumatol; 26:517-21,1999.
93. C.Salvarani, L.Boiardi, V.Mantovani, et al.: HLA-DRBI alleles associated with
polymyalgia rheumatica in northem ltaly: correlation with disease severity. Ann Rheum
Dis; 58:303-8, 1999.
94. F.Cantini, C.Salvarani, I.Olivieri, et al.: Remitting seronegative symmetrical synovitis
with pitting oedema (RS3PE) syndrome: a prospective follow-up and magnetic resonance
imaging study. Ann Rheum Dis; 58:230-6,1999.
95. C.Salvarani, GG.Hunder: Musculoskeletal manifestations in a population-based cohort
ofpatients with giant celI arteritis. Arthritis Rheum; 42:1259-66, 1999.
96. MA. Gonzalez-Gay, C. Garcia-Porrua, C.Salvarani, GG. Hunder: Diagnostic approach
in a patient presenting with polymyalgia. Clin Exp Rheumatol; 17:276-8, 1999.
97. F.Cantini, C.Salvarani, L.Niccoli, et al: Treatment of thrombophlebitis of Behçet's
disease with low dose cyclosporin A. Clin Exp Rheumatol; 17:391-2, 1999.
98. C.Salvarani, F .Cantini, I.Olivieri, et al.: Distal extremity swelling with pitting edema in
psoriatic arthritis: evidence of 2 pathological mechanisms. J Rheumatol; 26:1831-4,1999.
99. L.Boiardi, P .Macchioni, C.Salvarani, et al.: Relationship between serum RANTES
levels and radiological progression in rheumatoid arthritis patients treated with
methotrexate. Clin Exp Rheumatol; 17:419-25, 1999.
100. F .Cantini, C.Salvarani, I.Olivieri, et al.: Hip bursitis in active polymyalgia rheumatica:
report of a case. Clin Exp Rheumatol; 17:512-3, 1999.
101. A.Padula, L.Barozzi, C.Salvarani, et al: Involvement oftransitionallumbosacraljoints in
spondyloarthritis. Clin Exp Rheumatol; 17:636-7, 1999.
102. C.Salvarani, L.Boiardi, V.Mantovani, et al.: HLA-DRBl, DQAl and DQBl alleles
associated with giant celI arteritis in northem Italy. J Rheumatol; 26:2395-9,1999.
103. F.Cantini, C.Salvarani, I.Olivieri: Shoulder sonographic fmdings in polymyalgia
rheumatica. J Rheumatol; 26:2501-2, 1999.
104. F .Cantini, C.Salvarani, I.Olivieri: Paraneoplastic remitting seronegative symmetrical
synovitis with pitting edema. Clin ExpRheumatol; 17: 741-4,1999.
105. C.Salvarani, K.Calamia, M.Silingardi, et al.: Thrombosis associated with the
prothrombin G-A20210 mutation in Behçet's disease. J Rheumatol; 27:515-6, 2000
106. C. Salvarani, B. Casali, L.Boiardi, et al.: Intercellular adhesion molecule 1 gene
polymorphisms in polymyalgia rheumatica/giant celI arteritis: association with disease risk
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153. Salvarani C., Cantini F., Olivieri I., et al : Efficacy of infliximab in resistant psoriatic
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159. Gonzalez-Gay MA., Garcia-Porrua C., Salvarani C., et al. Cutaneous vasculitis : a
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165. Cantini F., Niccoli L., Salvarani C., et al: Are polymyalgia rheumatica and giant celI
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185. Salvarani C, Cantini F, Niccoli L, Macchioni P, Consonni D, Bajocchi G, Vinceti M,
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193. Boiardi L, Casali B, Farnetti E, Pipitone N, Nicoli D, Cantini F, Macchioni P, Bajocchi
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194. Chen Q, Casali B, Pattacini L, Boiardi L, Salvarani C. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha
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197. Cantini F, Niccoli L, Benucci M, Chindamo D, Nannini C, Olivieri I, Padula A,
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198. Boiardi L, Casali B, Farnetti E, Pipitone N, Nicoli D, Macchioni P, Cimino L, Bajocchi
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199. Salvarani C, Giannini C, Miller DV, Hunder G. Giant cell arteritis: Involvement of
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200. Pulsatelli L, Dolzani P, Silvestri T, De Giorgio R, Salvarani C, Macchioni P, Frizziero
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201. Salvarani C, Pipitone N, Catanoso MG, Cimino L, Tumiati B, Macchioni P, Bajocchi
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203. Olivieri I, Garcia-Porrua C, Padula A, Cantini F, Salvarani C, Gonzalez-Gay MA. Late
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204. Bajocchi G, Zamorani G, Cavazza A, Pipitone N, Versari A, Boiardi L, Salvarani C.
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207. Niccoli L, Nannini C, Benucci M, Chindamo D, Cassarà E, Salvarani C, Cimino L,
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209. Pattacini L, Casali B, Boiardi L, Pipitone N, Albertazzi L, Salvarani C. Angiotensin II
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211. Cantini F, Niccoli L, Nannini C, Chindamo D, Bertoni M, Cassarà E, Salvarani C.
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212. Atzeni F, Boiardi L, Casali B, Farnetti E, Sarzi-Puttini P, Pipitone N, Olivieri I, Cantini
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213. Salvarani C, Brown RD Jr, Calamia KT, Christianson TJ, Weigand SD, Miller DV,
Giannini C, Meschia JF, Huston J 3rd, Hunder GG. Primary central nervous system
vasculitis: analysis of 101 patients. Ann Neurol. 2007; 62:442-51.
214. Salvarani C, Casali B, Farnetti E, Pipitone N, Formisano D, Nicoli D, Macchioni P,
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215. Catanoso MG, Macchioni P, Boiardi L, Pipitone N, Salvarani C. Treatment of
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216. Vaglio A, Palmisano A, Corradi D, Salvarani C, Buzio C. Retroperitoneal fibrosis:
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217. Salvarani C, Pipitone N, Catanoso MG. Clinical assessment in psoriatic arthritis.
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218. Pipitone N, Salvarani C. Established and new treatments of the idiopathic
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219. Salvarani C, Hunder GG. Tumor necrosis factor blocking agents in polymyalgia
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220. Salvarani C, Brown RD, Calamia KT, Huston III J, Meschia JF, Giannini C, Miller DV,
Hunder GG. Efficacy of TNF-α blockade in primary central nervous system vasculitis
resistant to immunosuppressive treatment. Arthritis Rheum 2008; 59:291-6.
221. Salvarani C, Brown RD, Calamia KT, Christianson TJH, Huston III J, Meschia JF,
Giannini C, Miller DV, Hunder GG. Primary central nervous system vasculitis with
prominent leptomeningeal enhancement. A subset with a benign outcome. Arthritis Rheum
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222. Pipitone N, Olivieri I, Padula A, D’Angelo S, Nigro A, Zuccoli G, Salvarani C.
Infliximab for the treatment of Neuro-Behçet’s disease: a case series and review of the
literature. Arthritis Rheum 2008; 59:285-90.
223. Pipitone N, Salvarani C. Improving therapeutic options for patients with giant cell
arteritis. Curr Opinion Rheumatol 2008; 20:17-22.
224. Vaglio A, Palmisano A, Ferretti S, Alberici F, Casazza L, Salvarani C, Buzio C.
Peripheral inflammatory arthritis in patients with chronic periaortitis: report of five cases
and review of the literature. Rheumatology (Oxford) 2008; 47:315-8.
225. D' Angelo S, Padula A, Nigro A, Cantini F, Matucci-Cerinic M, Modena V, Punzi L,
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management of ankylosing spondylitis: the 3E Initiative in Rheumatology. Clin Exp
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226. Pipitone N, Salvarani C. Role of imaging in vasculitis and connective tissue diseases.
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227. Pipitone N, Macchioni P, Zuccoli G, Salvarani C. Focal myositis of the calf muscles.
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228. Pipitone N, Salvarani C. The role of infectious agents in the pathogenesis of
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229. Salvarani C, Brown RD Jr, Huston J 3rd, Hunder GG. Prominent perivascular
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230. Ghinoi A, Pipitone N, Nicolini A, Salvarani C. Cranial giant cell arteritis evolving into
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231. Ghinoi A, Zuccoli G, Nicolini A, Pipitone N, Macchioni L, Bajocchi GL, Nicoli F,
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232. Vaglio A, Corradi D, Maestri R, Callegari S, Buzio C, Salvarani C. Pericarditis
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233. Salvarani C, Brown RD Jr, Calamia KT, Christianson TJ, Huston J 3rd, Meschia JF,
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235. Salvarani C, Brown RD Jr, Calamia KT, Christianson TJ, Huston J 3rd, Meschia JF,
Giannini C, Miller DV, Hunder GG. Primary central nervous system vasculitis: comparison
of patients with and without cerebral amyloid angiopathy. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2008,
236. Olivieri I, de Portu S, Salvarani C, Cauli A, Lubrano E, Spadaro A, Cantini F, Cutro
MS, Mathieu A, Matucci-Cerinic M, Pappone N, Punzi L, Scarpa R, Mantovani LG; PACE
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237. Pulsatelli L, Boiardi L, Pignotti E, Dolzani P, Silvestri T, Macchioni P, Cantini F,
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240. Cimmino MA, Salvarani C, Macchioni P, Gerli R, Bartoloni Bocci E, Montecucco C,
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241. Doria A, Bajocchi G, Tonon M, Salvarani C. Pre-pregnancy counselling of patients
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242. Salvarani C, Brown RD Jr, Calamia KT, Christianson TJ, Huston J 3rd, Meschia JF,
Giannini C, Miller DV, Hunder GG. Primary CNS vasculitis with spinal cord involvement.
Neurology. 2008 ; 70:2394-400.
243. Olivieri I, Scarano E, Padula A, D'Angelo S, Salvarani C, Cantini F, Niccoli L, Barozzi
L. Fast spin echo-T2-weighted sequences with fat saturation in toe dactylitis of
spondyloarthritis. Clin Rheumatol. 2008; 27:1141-5.
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245. Salvarani C, Pipitone N, Boiardi L, Hunder GG. Do we need treatment with tumour
necrosis factor blockers for giant cell arteritis? Ann Rheum Dis. 2008;67:577-9.
246. Cantini F, Niccoli L, Nannini C, Cassarà E, Pasquetti P, Olivieri I, Salvarani C.
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requiring second-line drugs. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2008; 47:872-6.
247. Cantini F, Niccoli L, Nannini C, Bertoni M, Salvarani C. Diagnosis and treatment of
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248. Pipitone N, Versari A, Salvarani C. Role of imaging studies in the diagnosis and
follow-up of large-vessel vasculitis: an update. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2008; 47:403-8.
249. Pipitone N, Salvarani C. Improving therapeutic options for patients with giant cell
arteritis. Curr Opin Rheumatol. 2008; 20:17-22. Review.
250. Hatemi G, Silman A, Bang D, Bodaghi B, Chamberlain AM, Gul A, Houman MH,
Kötter I, Olivieri I, Salvarani C, Sfikakis PP, Siva A, Stanford MR, Stübiger N, Yurdakul S,
Yazici H; EULAR Expert Committee. EULAR recommendations for the management of
Behçet disease. Ann Rheum Dis. 2008; 67:1656-62.
251. Pipitone N, Olivieri I, Padula A, D'angelo S, Nigro A, Zuccoli G, Boiardi L, Salvarani
C. Infliximab for the treatment of Neuro-Behçet's disease: a case series and review of the
literature. Arthritis Rheum. 2008; 59:285-90. Review.
252. Vaglio A, Palmisano A, Ferretti S, Alberici F, Casazza I, Salvarani C, Buzio C.
Peripheral inflammatory arthritis in patients with chronic periaortitis: report of five cases
and review of the literature. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2008; 47:315-8.
253. Salvarani C, Barozzi L, Cantini F, Niccoli L, Boiardi L, Valentino M, Pipitone N,
Bajocchi G, Macchioni P, Catanoso MG, Olivieri I, Hunder GG. Cervical interspinous
bursitis in active polymyalgia rheumatica. Ann Rheum Dis. 2008; 67:758-61.
254. Salvarani C, Casali B, Farnetti E, Pipitone N, Nicoli D, Macchioni PL, Cimino L,
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256. Salvarani C, Hunder GG. Tumor necrosis factor blocking agents in polymyalgia
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257. Dasgupta B, Salvarani C, Schirmer M, Crowson CS, Maradit-Kremers H, Hutchings
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Development of Classification Criteria for PMR. Developing classification criteria for
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258. Lubrano E, Marchesoni A, Olivieri I, D'Angelo S, Spadaro A, Parsons WJ, Cauli A,
Salvarani C, Mathieu A, Zaccara E, Ferrara N, Helliwell PS. The radiological assessment
of axial involvement in psoriatic arthritis: a validation study of the BASRI total and the
modified SASSS scoring methods. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2009; 27:977-80.
259. Olivieri I, Pipitone N, D' Angelo S, Padula A, Salvarani C. Late-onset rheumatoid
arthritis and late-onset spondyloarthritis. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2009; 27(4 Suppl 55):S139-
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GL, Catanoso MG, Pattacini L, Ghinoi A, Restuccia G, Salvarani C. Toll-like receptor 4
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261. Boiardi L, Atzeni F, Casali B, Farnetti E, Nicoli D, Pipitone N, Catanoso MG, Olivieri I,
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262. Ghinoi A, Boiardi L, Atzeni F, Casali B, Farnetti E, Nicoli D, Pipitone N, Olivieri I,
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263. Marchesoni A, Altomare G, Matucci-Cerinic M, Balato N, Olivieri I, Salvarani C, Lotti
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264. Macchioni P, Catanoso MG, Pipitone N, Boiardi L, Salvarani C. Longitudinal
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265. Chandran V, Gottlieb A, Cook RJ, Duffin KC, Garg A, Helliwell P, Kavanaugh A,
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nails, and dactylitis. Arthritis Rheum. 2009; 61:1235-42.
266. Cantini F, Niccoli L, Nannini C, Cassarà E, Pasquetti P, Olivieri I, Salvarani C.
Criteria, frequency, and duration of clinical remission in psoriatic arthritis patients with
peripheral involvement requiring second-line drugs. J Rheumatol Suppl. 2009; 83:78-80.
267. Salvarani C, Boiardi L, Macchioni P, Pipitone N, Catanoso M, Pigatto P.
Multidisciplinary focus on cyclosporin A. J Rheumatol Suppl. 2009; 83:52-5.
268. Nannini C, Cantini F, Niccoli L, Cassarà E, Salvarani C, Olivieri I, Lally EV. Singlecenter series and systematic review of randomized controlled trials of malignancies in
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anti-tumor necrosis factor alpha therapy: is there a need for more comprehensive
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269. Salvarani C, Fries W. Clinical features and epidemiology of spondyloarthritides
associated with inflammatory bowel disease. World J Gastroenterol. 2009; 15:2449-55.
270. Dijkmans B, Emery P, Hakala M, Leirisalo-Repo M, Mola EM, Paolozzi L, Salvarani
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271. Lubrano E, Marchesoni A, Olivieri I, D'Angelo S, Spadaro A, Parsons WJ, Cauli A,
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index: a modified index for radiologic assessment of axial involvement in psoriatic arthritis.
J Rheumatol. 2009; 36:1006-11.
272. Salvarani C, Della Bella C, Cimino L, Macchioni P, Formisano D, Bajocchi G,
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ischaemic events in an Italian population-based cohort of patients with giant cell arteritis.
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273. Lubrano E, Marchesoni A, Olivieri I, D'Angelo S, Spadaro A, Parsons WJ, Cauli A,
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of axial involvement in psoriatic arthritis: a validation study of the BASRI total and the
modified SASSS scoring methods. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2009; 27:977-80.
274. Olivieri I, Pipitone N, D' Angelo S, Padula A, Salvarani C. Late-onset rheumatoid
arthritis and late-onset spondyloarthritis. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2009; 27(4 Suppl 55):S13945.
275. van der Heijde D, Schiff MH, Sieper J, Kivitz AJ, Wong RL, Kupper H, Dijkmans BA,
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276. Miller DV, Salvarani C, Hunder GG, Brown RD, Parisi JE, Christianson TJ, Giannini
C. Biopsy findings in primary angiitis of the central nervous system. Am J Surg Pathol.
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277. Boiardi L, Casali B, Farnetti E, Pipitone N, Nicoli D, Macchioni P, Cimino L, Bajocchi
GL, Catanoso MG, Pattacini L, Ghinoi A, Restuccia G, Salvarani C. Toll-like receptor 4
(TLR4) gene polymorphisms in giant cell arteritis. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2009;27(1 Suppl
278. Hatemi G, Silman A, Bang D, Bodaghi B, Chamberlain AM, Gul A, Houman MH,
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279. Mukhtyar C, Guillevin L, Cid MC, Dasgupta B, de Groot K, Gross W, Hauser T,
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medium vessel vasculitis. Ann Rheum Dis. 2009; 68:310-7.
280. Mukhtyar C, Guillevin L, Cid MC, Dasgupta B, de Groot K, Gross W, Hauser T,
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281. Basu N, Watts R, Bajema I, Baslund B, Bley T, Boers M, Brogan P, Calabrese L, Cid
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282. Cimino L, Boiardi L, Aldigeri R, Casali B, Nicoli D, Farnetti E, Salvarani C, Cirone D,
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283. Salvarani C, Calamia KT, Crowson CS, Miller DV, Broadwell AW, Hunder GG,
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series. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2010 Apr 1. [Epub ahead of print]
284. Cimino L, Aldigeri R, Salvarani C, Zotti CA, Boiardi L, Parmeggiani M, Casali B,
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285. Spadaro A, Punzi L, Marchesoni A, Lubrano E, Mathieu A, Cantini F, Olivieri I,
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M, Valesini G. Switching from infliximab or etanercept to adalimumab in resistant or
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implications. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2010 Feb 25. [Epub ahead of print].
287. Pattacini L, Boiardi L, Casali B, Salvarani C. Differential effects of anti-TNF-alpha
drugs on fibroblast-like synoviocyte apoptosis. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2010; 49:480-9.
288. Pipitone N, Salvarani C, Peter HH. [Chronic periaortitis]. Internist (Berl). 2010 Jan;
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289. Scarpato S, Antivalle M, Favalli EG, Nacci F, Frigelli S, Bartoli F, Bazzichi L, Minisola
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291. Dejaco C, Duftner C, Cimmino MA, Dasgupta B, Salvarani C, Crowson CS, MaraditKremers H, Hutchings A, Matteson EL, Schirmer M; and members of the International
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292. Hunder GG, Salvarani C, Brown RD Jr. Primary central nervous system vasculitis: Is
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293. Salvarani C, Brown RD Jr, Calamia KT, Christianson TJ, Huston J 3rd, Meschia JF,
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vasculitis. Rheumatology (Oxford) 2010 Oct 19. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 20959356.
294. Ghinoi A, Zuccoli G, Pipitone N, Salvarani C. Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody
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295. Pulsatelli L, Peri G, Macchioni P, Boiardi L, Salvarani C, Cantini F, Mantovani A,
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296. Magnani A, Pattacini L, Boiardi L, Casali B, Salvarani C. Reelin levels are increased
in synovial fluid of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Clin Exp Rheumatol 2010; 28:546-8.
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297. Vaglio A, Pipitone N, Salvarani C. Chronic periaortitis: a large-vessel vasculitis? Curr
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298. Ciccia F, Alessandro R, Rizzo A, Principe S, Raiata F, Cavazza A, Guggino G,
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C, Triolo G. Expression of interleukin-32 in the inflamed arteries of patients with giant cell
arteritis. Arthritis Rheum. 2011 Jul;63(7):2097-104. doi: 10.1002/art.30374.
299. Cauli A, Gladman DD, Mathieu A, Olivieri I, Porru G, Tak PP, Sardu C, Ujfalussy I,
Scarpa R, Marchesoni A, Taylor WJ, Spadaro A, Fernàndez-Sueiro JL, Salvarani C,
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AW, Catanoso MG, Gruenke M, Peluso R, Parsons WJ, Ferrara N, Contu P, Helliwell PS,
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300. Boiardi L, Vaglio A, Nicoli D, Farnetti E, Palmisano A, Pipitone N, Maritati F, Casali B,
Martorana D, Moroni G, Gallelli B, Buzio C, Salvarani C. CC chemokine receptor 5
polymorphism in chronic periaortitis. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2011 Jun;50(6):1025-32.
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301. Salvarani C, Pipitone N, Marchesoni A, Cantini F, Cauli A, Lubrano E, Punzi L,
Scarpa R, Spadaro A, Matucci-Cerinic M, Olivieri I. Recommendations for the use of
biologic therapy in the treatment of psoriatic arthritis: update from the Italian Society for
Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2011 May-Jun;29(3 Suppl 66):S28-41. Epub 2011 Jul 26.
302. Caporali R, Conti F, Alivernini S, Atzeni F, Seriolo B, Cutolo M, Valesini G, Ferraccioli
G, Sarzi-Puttini P, Salvarani C, Guiducci S, Zampogna G, Gremese E, Pipitone N, Scrivo
R, Bugatti S, Montecucco C, Matucci-Cerinic M. Recommendations for the use of biologic
therapy in rheumatoid arthritis: update from the Italian Society for Rheumatology I.
Efficacy. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2011 May-Jun;29(3 Suppl 66):S7-14. Epub 2011 Jul 26.
303. Restuccia G, Cavazza A, Boiardi L, Pipitone N, Macchioni P, Bajocchi G, Catanoso
MG, Muratore F, Ghinoi A, Magnani L, Cimino L, Salvarani C. Small-vessel vasculitis
surrounding an uninflamed temporal artery and isolated vasa vasorum vasculits of the
temporal artery: Two subsets of giant cell arteritis. Arthritis Rheum. 2011 Sep 27. doi:
10.1002/art.33362. [Epub ahead of print]
304. Sawalha AH, Hughes T, Nadig A, Yılmaz V, Aksu K, Keser G, Cefle A, Yazıcı A,
Ergen A, Alarcón-Riquelme ME, Salvarani C, Casali B, Direskeneli H, Saruhan-Direskeneli
G. A putative functional variant within the ubiquitin-associated domain-containing protein 2
gene (UBAC2) is associated with increased risk of Behçet's disease. Arthritis Rheum.
2011 Aug 30. doi: 10.1002/art.30604. [Epub ahead of print]
305. Germanò G, Versari A, Muratore F, Pipitone N, Bajocchi GL, Catanoso MG,
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Isolated vasculitis of the lower extremities in a patient with polymyalgia rheumatica and
giant cell arteritis. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2011 Jan-Feb;29(1 Suppl 64):S138-9. Epub 2011
May 11. No abstract available.
306. Zuccoli G, Pipitone N, Haldipur A, Brown RD Jr, Hunder G, Salvarani C.
Imaging findings in primary central nervous system vasculitis. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2011
Jan-Feb;29(1 Suppl 64):S104-9. Epub 2011 May 11. Review.
307. Salvarani C, Valli R, Boiardi L, Pipitone N, Nicoli F, Muratore F. IgG4-associated
sclerosing mesenteritis. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2011 Jan-Feb;29(1 Suppl 64):S79-80. Epub
2011 May 11.
308. Salvarani C, Pipitone N. Treatment of large-vessel vasculitis: where do we stand?
Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2011 Jan-Feb;29(1 Suppl 64):S3-5. Epub 2011 May 11.
309. Pipitone N, Salvarani C. Idiopathic aortitis: an underrecognized vasculitis.
Arthritis Res Ther. 2011 Jul 22;13(4):119. [Epub ahead of print]
310. Magnani L, Versari A, Salvo D, Casali M, Germanò G, Meliconi R, Pulsatelli L,
Formisano D, Bajocchi G, Pipitone N, Boiardi L, Salvarani C. .[Disease activity
assessment in large vessel vasculitis]. Reumatismo. 2011;63(2):86-90.
311. Vaglio A, Palmisano A, Alberici F, Maggiore U, Ferretti S, Cobelli R, Ferrozzi F,
Corradi D, Salvarani C, Buzio C. Prednisone versus tamoxifen in patients with idiopathic
retroperitoneal fibrosis: an open-label randomised controlled trial. Lancet. 2011 Jul
23;378(9788):338-46. Epub 2011 Jul 4.
312. Pipitone N, Versari A, Vaglio A, Salvarani C. Role of 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron
emission tomography in the workup of retroperitoneal fibrosis. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2011
Jan-Feb;29(1 Suppl 64):S72-8. Epub 2011 May 11.
313. Lubrano E, Spadaro A, Marchesoni A, Olivieri I, Scarpa R, D'Angelo S, Salvarani C,
Mathieu A, Cauli A, Ferrara N, Helliwell P. The effectiveness of a biologic agent on axial
manifestations of psoriatic arthritis. A twelve months observational study in a group of
patients treated with etanercept. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2011 Jan-Feb;29(1):80-4. Epub
2011 Feb 23.
314. Salvarani C, Calamia KT, Matteson EL, Hunder GG, Pipitone N, Miller DV,
Warrington KJ.
Vasculitis of the gastrointestinal tract in chronic periaortitis. Medicine (Baltimore). 2011
315. Palazzi C, Salvarani C, D'Angelo S, Olivieri I. Aortitis and periaortitis in ankylosing
spondylitis. Joint Bone Spine. 2011 Oct;78(5):451-5. Epub 2010 Dec 24.
316. Vaglio A, Pipitone N, Salvarani C. Chronic periaortitis: a large-vessel vasculitis?
Curr Opin Rheumatol. 2011 Jan;23(1):1-6. Review.
317. Dejaco C, Duftner C, Cimmino MA, Dasgupta B, Salvarani C, Crowson CS, MaraditKremers H, Hutchings A, Matteson EL, Schirmer M; International Work Group for PMR
and GCA.
Definition of remission and relapse in polymyalgia rheumatica: data from a literature
search compared with a Delphi-based expert consensus. Ann Rheum Dis. 2011
Mar;70(3):447-53. Epub 2010 Nov 19. Review.
318. Catanoso MG, Pipitone N, Magnani L, Boiardi L, Salvaranic C. New indications for
biological terapie. Intern Emerg med 2011; 6 (Suppl 1):S1-S9.
In Pubblicazione
319. Salvarani C, Brown RD Jr, Hunder GG. Primary Central Nervous System Vasculitis.
Lancet, Review.
320. Salvarani C, Brown RD Jr, Calamia KT, Christianson TJ, Huston J 3rd, Meschia JF,
Giannini C, Miller DV, Hunder GG. Primary central nervous system vasculitis presenting
with intracranial hemorrhage. Arthritis Rheum.
321. Carlo Salvarani, Robert D. Brown Jr, Gene G. Hunder. Adult primary central nervous
system vasculitis: an update. Current Opinion Rheumatol, in press.
Linee guida terapeutiche nazionali/internazionali
1. A cura del Gruppo multidisciplinare sui Farmaci Biologici in Reumatologia Regione
Emilia-Romagna. Trattamento sistemico dell’Artrite Reumatoide nell’adulto con particolare
riferimento ai farmaci biologici. Direzione Generale alla Sanità e alle Politiche Sociali,
Regione Emilia Romagna. Linee guida terapeutiche n.2, marzo 2010.
2. Olivieri I., Salvarani C., Cantini F., et al : Recommendations for starting anti- TNF-alpha
in patients with ankylosing spondylitis. Reumatismo; 55 :220-3,2003.
3. Salvarani C, Olivieri I, Cantini F, Marchesoni A, Punzi L, Scarpa R, Matucci-Cerinic M.
Recommendations for the appropriate use of anti-TNFalpha therapy in patients with
psoriatic arthritis. Italian Rheumatology Society. Reumatismo. 2004; 56:133-4
4. Salvarani C, Olivieri I, Pipitone N, Cantini F, Marchesoni A, Punzi L, Scarpa R,
Matucci-Cerinic M; Italian Society for Rheumatology. Recommendations of the Italian
Society for Rheumatology for the use of biologic (TNF-alpha blocking) agents in the
treatment of psoriatic arthritis. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2006;24:70-8.
5. Salvarani C, Pipitone N, Marchesoni A, Cantini F, Cauli A, Lubrano E, Punzi L, Scarpa
R, Spadaro A, Matucci-Cerinic M, Olivieri I. Recommendations of the Italian Society for
Rheumatology for the use of biologic (TNF-α blocking) agents in the treatment of psoriatic
arthritis: 2009 update. Clin Exp Rheumatol, in press
6. Mukhtyar C, Guillevin L, Cid MC, Dasgupta B, de Groot K, Gross W, Hauser T, Hellmich
B, Jayne D, Kallenberg CG, Merkel PA, Raspe H, Salvarani C, Scott DG, Stegeman C,
Watts R, Westman K, Witter J, Yazici H, Luqmani R; European Vasculitis Study Group.
EULAR recommendations for the management of primary small and medium vessel
vasculitis. Ann Rheum Dis. 2009; 68:310-7.
7. Mukhtyar C, Guillevin L, Cid MC, Dasgupta B, de Groot K, Gross W, Hauser T, Hellmich
B, Jayne D, Kallenberg CG, Merkel PA, Raspe H, Salvarani C, Scott DG, Stegeman C,
Watts R, Westman K, Witter J, Yazici H, Luqmani R; European Vasculitis Study Group.
EULAR recommendations for the management of large vessel vasculitis. Ann Rheum Dis.
2009; 68:318-23.
8. Hatemi G, Silman A, Bang D, Bodaghi B, Chamberlain AM, Gul A, Houman MH, Kötter
I, Olivieri I, Salvarani C, Sfikakis PP, Siva A, Stanford MR, Stübiger N, Yurdakul S, Yazici
H; EULAR Expert Committee. EULAR recommendations for the management of Behçet
Ann Rheum Dis. 2008; 67:1656-62.
Partecipazione a Textbook internazionali di Reumatologia
EULAR Compendium on Rheumatic Diseases. Pipitone N, Hazleman B, Salvarani C.
Polymyalgia rheumatica and giant cell arteritis. Editor JWJ Bijlsma. BMJ Publishing Group
and European league Against Rheumatism 2009.
Chapter: Large vessel vasculitis/giant cell arteritis. Oxford Textbook of Rheumatology 4th
edition. Editors: Richard Watts, Philip Conaghan, Christopher Denton, Helen Foster, John
Isaacs & Ulf Müller-Ladner. In press.
Progetti ricerca finalizzata 2009 finanziati:
Principale investigatore del progetto proposto dalla Regione Emilia Romagna dal titolo: “
Diagnosis and treatmet of inflammatory arthropathies in the Regione Emilia Romagna: a
prospective population-based study”.
Progetti ricerca finalizzata 2010 proposti:
Principale investigatore del progetto: Epigenetic determinants of psoriasis and psoriasi
arthritis: diagnostic and prognostic values of DNA methylation pattern
Partecipazione a corsi, congressi, convegni e seminari
Negli ultimi 10 anni ho sempre partecipato come relatore invitato ai convegni della Società
Italiana di Reumatologia (SIR), American College of Rheumatology (Società Americana di
Reumatologia) e European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR). Sono inoltre stato
invitato a parlare a numerosi corsi o seminari organizzati dalle stesse Società.