Personal Information Education Additional Training


Personal Information Education Additional Training
First Name Chiara
Last Name Marchina
Home address Via J.W.Mario, 8 45026 Lendinara (Rovigo) - ITALY
Telephone +39 348 4237843
E-mail [email protected]
[email protected]
Date and place of birth 03/09/1985, Badia Polesine (Rovigo)
Sex Female
Title and qualification 04/03/2015 - Ph.D. In Geochemistry XVII Cycle Doctor Eurpoeus;
awarded Title: Geochemical and isotopic investigation on the Po river waters from Monviso sources to its delta: natural and
anthropogenic components;
English degree from the Cambridge English Preliminary (PET) (2012) at the Esol Centre Exams inlingua School of
Languages srl;
06/10/2011 2° cycle - Master's degree - in Earth Science (score 110/110) at the University of Ferrara;
Title: Geochemical and Isotopic Characterization of surface water of the Po river near Ferrara;
19/03/2008 1° cycle – Bachelor- in Technologies for Cultural Heritage (score 110/110 with honour);
Title: Petrographic Characterization of wall plaster of ‘PALATIUM VETUS’ in Alessandria (Piedmont);
Name and type of
University of Ferrara
XI Corso di Idrologia Isotopica, Pisa, IGG- CNR ,May 18-20 2011;
School of “Isotope mass spectrometry”, S.Michele all’Adige, Fondazione E.Mach, April 11-13 2012;
Summer School “Monitoraggio di Sistemi Idro-Agro-Ambientali”, Ferrara, July 9-11 2012
Master “EUROPROGETTAZIONE +Europa 2020”, Bologna, December 3-7 2012;
Summer School “Innovative technologies for sustainable management and pollution reduction of water
resources”, Ferrara 2-6 September 2013 (invited talk);
December 12;
Short course “Analisi Geospaziale dei Dati Ambientali”, performed by Prof. G.Ciotli. Ferrara December 2014, 911.
Flash course: Integrazione del codice MODFLOW (USGS) in QGIS: il modulo per la simulazione del flusso
delle acque sotterranee nell’ambiente FREEWAT. Scuola Sant’Anna, Pisa 2016, April 20.
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Last Update: 2016, June, 13
2015 November – present postdoctoral fellow at the Institute of Life Sciences, Scuola Speriore Sant’Anna
(Pisa) with the projects FP7 MARSOL, PHAR-SWAP MED and LIFEREWAT.
2015 May – October Fellowship at the Institute of Life Sciences, Scuola Speriore Sant’Anna (Pisa) in the
framework of the European Project IMPROWARE.
2014 July– September visiting research geochemist at the Department of Earth Sciences, University of
New Hampshire, Durham (USA).
2013 and 2014 Teaching Assistant in Geochemistry at the Physics and Earth Science Department,
University of Ferrara.
2013 March - July Internship at the “Helmholtz centre for Environmental Research - UFZ” di Halle (Germany)
“LLP/Erasmus Placement” fellowship.
Personal skills and
Mother tongue Italian
Other languages Deutsch (working knowledge) and English
European Level (*)
Spoken interaction and
(*) Common European framework for languages
course in laser spectroscopy to use the Off-axis CRDS LWIA 24d, performed by Doc. F.
Technical skills and Training
Manassero (ETG risorse e tecnologia);
competencies Basic Instrument Training EA – IRMS and Basic Application Training EA – IRMS, to use the
instrument Isoprime 100; performed by Doc. F. Volders (Elementar).
Basic Instrument Training MC- ICP-MS and to use the Nu Plasma II at the New Hampshire
Technical skills:
• Surface water and groundwater monitoring, sampling and in situ analyses (temperature, pH,
electrical conductivity, TDS, dissolved oxygen, redox, alkalinity);
• Liquid chromatography (Dionex ICS-1000);
• Isotopic analyses of hydrogen and oxygen with laser spectroscopy (Off-axis CRDS LWIA 24d,
LOS GATOS and Picarro);
• Isotope analyses of nitrogen in water samples using the denitrified method, acquired during
training at the Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung (UFZ), Halle, Germany;
• Isotope analyses of carbon and sulphur in water and solid samples;
• Isotope analyses of strontium, acquired during training at the IGG-CNR in Pisa;
• Trace metals and isotope geochemistry at Department of Earth Sciences, UNH (USA);
• Elemental and isotopic analyses of C and N with Mass spectrometer ISOPRIME 100.
Computer skills and ECDL license high school, excellent knowledge of Office packages (Word, Excel, Access), Photoshop,
competencies Lightroom, Canvas and Illustrator. Elaboration of data statistical programs (“R” and “Past”) related to
my PhD project, QGIS.
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Last Update: 2016, June, 13
Additional Information
Professional organization
Teaching experiences
Plans for the future
Goldschmidt 2015, student Helper, Prague, 16 – 21 August;
Goldschmidt 2013, student Helper, Florence, 25 – 30 August;
Ferrara Summer School 2012, 2013, co-organizer;
5th Partner Meeting in GENESIS 2011, student Helper, Ferrara, 11-14 April.
During the Ph.D at the Physic and Earth Sciences Department I co-supervised several bachelor and
master thesis on Environmental Geochemistry related to water chemistry, dissolved components and
suspended matter in river water;
Teaching at the Summer School IUSS 2013 Innovative technologies for the sustainable management
and pollution reduction of water resources. Ferrara, 2-6 September.
Short course in “Stable isotopes application in groundwater studies” at ARPA Emilia Romagna
(Bologna), June 25, 2015.
Join CIRF (Centro Italiano Riqualificazione Fluviale)
Participate to the IDRAIM course (a method to analyse and evaluate of the hydromorphological status of
rivers) – next year.
List of Publication
Peer reviewed
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Marchina Chiara
Marchina C., Bianchini G., Knöller K, Natali C., Pennisi M., Colombani N. (2016) Natural and
anthropogenic variations in the Po river waters (northern Italy): insights from a multi-isotope approach.
Isotopes Environmental Health Studies 16:1-24.
Natali C, Bianchini G, Marchina C, Knöller K. (2016) Geochemistry of the Adige River water from the
Eastern Alps to the Adriatic Sea (Italy): evidences for distinct hydrological components and water-rock
interactions. Environmental Sciences and Pollution Research 23(12): 11677 – 94, doi: 10.1007/s11356016-6356-3.
Corazzari L., Bianchini G., Billi P., Marchina C., Natali C. (2016) A preliminary note on carbon and
nitrogen elemental and isotopic composition of Po River suspended load. Rendiconti Lincei: Scienze
Fisiche e Naturali, 27(1): 89-93.
Marchina C., Bianchini G., Natali C., Knöller K. (2016) Geochemical and isotopic analyses on the Po
Delta water: insights to understand a complex riverine ecosystem. Rendiconti Lincei: Scienze Fisiche e
Naturali. 27(1): 83-88.
Marchina C. (2015) Geochemical and Isotopic investigations on the Po river waters from Monviso
Sources to its Delta: natural and anthropogenic components, Special Issue of the European Journal of
Mineralogy Plinius 41:94-101.
Belete A., Beccaluva L., Bianchini G., Colombani N., Fazzini M., Marchina C., Natali C., Rango T. (2015)
Water–Rock Interaction and Lake Hydrochemistry in the Main Ethiopian Rift. In Landscapes and
Landforms of Ethiopia, Chapter 18 in Billi P. (Ed);
Marchina C., Bianchini G., Natali C., Pennisi M., Colombani N., Tassinari R., Knöller K. (2015). The Po
river water from Monviso source to the Adriatic Sea (Italy): new insights from geochemical and isotopic
(18O/16O - 2H/1H) data. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 22:5184–5203;
Natale M., Bianchini G., Colombani N., Flaim G., Marchina C., Tassinari R. (2013). Geochemical and
isotopic investigation of lakes in the Trento province (Italy). EQA (International Journal of Environmental
Quality) Vol. 10, pag. 11-22 (DOI: 10.6092/issn.2281-4485/3929);
Picone F., Bianchini G., Italiano F., Martelli M., Marchina C., Colombani N., Tassinari R. (2013).
Geochemical Characterization of the San Calogero Thermal Spring (Lipari): indicators of active juvenile
contributions. Atti del 32° Convegno Nazionale GNGTS (Gruppo Nazionale di Geofisica della Terra
Solida), Tema 1 pag. 273-277.
Last Update: 2016, June, 13
Abstract Conferences
Conference talks
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Marchina C., Barbagli A., Bonari E., Rossetto R. (2016) Monitoring Water quality in Induced RiverBank
Filtration: The case study of the Sant’Alessio plant (Italy). Accepted abstract for 60-IAH conference in
Montpellier (September, 25-29)
Marchina C. (2016) The project LIFE- REWAT: sustainable water management in the lower Cornia water.
LIFE Water Platform Meeting; Manchester, May, 24-25, poster.
Marchina C., Knöller K, Natali C., Bianchini G. (2016) CNS stable isotopes in the Adige river waters:
insights on natural and anthropogenic components. Conference abstract, IRMS day; S.Michele all’Adige
(TN), May, 9-11, oral communication.
Marchina C., Bianchini G., Natali C., Fusetti M. (2016) Extremely dry and warm conditions in Northern
Italy during the year 2015: effects on the Po river water. XXVI Giornata Mondiale dell’Acqua,
Accademia dei Lincei; Roma, 21 Marzo 2016, poster.
Marchina C., Bianchini G., Knöller K. Natali C., Pennisi M., Colombani N. (2015) Tracing geogenic and
anthropogenic sources in the Po river dissolved load with a multi isotope approach. Conference abstract,
Goldschmidt; Prague, August 16–21, oral communication.
Rossetto R., Barbagli A., Marchina C., Sabbatini T., Silvestri N., Bonari E. (2015) The San Niccolo’
(Vecchiano, Italy) experimental area for studying the hydrology of coastal Mediterranean wetland.
Conference abstract Plant-Soil-Water interfaces in riverine hydromorphic-subaqueous ecosystems;
Imola, 23-25 June, poster;
Marchina C., Bianchini G., Knöller K., Natali C., Corazzari L. (2015) Carbon and Nitrogen budget in the
Po river water. Conference Abstract Massa2015; Alghero, 10-12 June (Best presentation award);
Corazzari L., Bianchini G., Billi P., Marchina C., Natali C. (2015) Carbon and nitrogen elemental and
isotopic composition of fine particles suspended in the Po river waters. XXV Giornata Mondiale
dell’Acqua, Accademia dei Lincei; Roma, 20 Marzo 2015 (Best poster award);
Marchina C., Bianchini G., Natali C., Knöller K. (2015) Geochemical and isotopic analyses on the Po delta
water: insights to understand a complex riverine ecosystem. Giornata Mondiale dell’Acqua, Accademia
dei Lincei; Roma, March 20 2015, oral communication;
Marchina C., Bianchini G., Natali C., Pennisi M., Colombani N., Tassinari R., Knoeller K. (2014) Origin
and evolution of Po river water (Northern Italy): insights from geochemical and isotopic (δ18O-δD) data.
Conference abstract, FIST Geoitalia; Milano September 10-12, poster;
Marchina C., Bianchini G., Natali C., Pennisi M., Colombani N., Tassinari R., Knöller K. (2014) The Po
river Waters: geochemical-isotopic perspective. Conference abstract, Eu.watercenter - Climate changes
and water security in the Po river basin; Parma, June 27, poster;
Marchina C., Knoeller K., Bianchini G., Pennisi M. (2013)The geochemical composition of Po River water,
with emphasis to the C-N-O-H isotopic signature Conference abstract, FIST Geoitalia; Pisa, September
16-18, oral communication.
Natale M., Bianchini G., Marchina C. (2013) Geochemical and isotopic characterization of the lakes in the
Trento Province”. Conference abstract, FIST Geoitalia; Pisa, September 16-18, poster;
Bianchini G., Marchina C., Knöller K., Pennisi M. (2013) The River Po: Geochemical Fluxes and Related
Insights on Weathering Processes and Erosion Rate”. Conference abstract, Goldschmidt; Firenze,
August 25–30, poster;
Marchina C., Vaccaro C., Fazzini M., Di Roma A., Bianchini G. (2013) Isotopic Composition of
Precipitation in Ferrara Province. Conference abstract, Goldschmidt; Firenze, August 25–30, poster;
Marchina C., Knoeller K., Bianchini G., Pennisi M. (2013) “The geochemical composition of Po River
water, with emphasis to the C-N-O-H isotopic signature”. Conference abstract, FIST Geoitalia; Pisa,
September 16-18;
Marchina C., Bianchini G., Natali C. (2011) “The geochemical features of Po river water in the Mantova,
Ferrara and Rovigo provinces” Conference abstract, FIST, Geoitalia; Torino, September 19-23, Epitome
4, 20, poster.
IRMS day in S.Michele all’Adige (TN), 2016 May, 9-11 with the title: CNS stable isotopes in the Adige
river waters: insights on natural and anthropogenic components.
LIFE Kick off Meeting in Amadora (Portugal), 2015 November, 13 with the title: The project LIFEREWAT: sustainable water management in the lower Cornia water.
Goldschmidt in Prague, 2015 August 16–21, with the title Tracing geogenic and anthropogenic sources
in the Po river dissolved load with a multi isotope approach.
Massa2015 in Alghero, 2015 10-12 June with the title: Carbon and Nitrogen budget in the Po river water.
Giornata Mondiale dell’Acqua, in Rome, 2015 March 20, with the title Geochemical and isotopic
analyses on the Po delta water: insights to understand a complex riverine ecosystem.
Geoitalia in Pisa, September 16-18 2013 with the title: The geochemical composition of Po River water,
with emphasis to the C-N-O-H isotopic signature.
Last Update: 2016, June, 13
Notable achievements
Best PhD thesis (XVII cicle) award in geosciences at the University of Ferrara
Special Mention in Natta and Copernico award XIII Edition 2015 for the Best Ph.D thesis in Earth
Fellowship from the Società Chimica Italiana to participate at the conference MASSA2015, Alghero
June 10-12, 2015;
Elementar Best presentation award at MASSA2015 Conference, Alghero, June 10-12 2015;
5x1000 for young researchers for the year 2014 provided by the University of Ferrara;
Erasmus Placement Scholarship edition 2013.
For references contact:
Prof. Gianluca Bianchini
Physics and Earth Sciences Department,
University of Ferrara
e-mail: [email protected]
Dott. Maddalena Pennisi
e-mail: [email protected]
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Marchina Chiara
Last Update: 2016, June, 13
Dott. Kay Knöller
Department of Catchment Hydrology
Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ
e-mail: [email protected]