
Department of Business Administration, Finance, Management and Law
Via R. Bicocca degli Arcimboldi, 8
20126 Milano, Italy
University of Milano-Bicocca
Phone: 02 6448 3182 Fax: 02 6448 3165
E-mail: [email protected]
Academic Role
She is PhD Assistant Professor in Business Administration at the Department of Business
Administration, Management, Finance & Law, University of Milano-Bicocca. She teaches Financial
Accounting and Business Administration. Her main research interests are: Intangibles and Intellectual
Capital, International Accounting, Performance Measurement Models, Integrated Reporting, Corporate
Governance and Accounting History. She is author and co-author of several articles and books on above
mentioned research areas. She attends as a speaker at many international conferences, such as EIASM
workshops and the annual EAA congress. She collaborates with some research teams, such as the
Network for the Italian Business Reporting (NIBR), AIAF working group Mission Intangibles and
SIDREA academic group on business valuation. Ordinary member of the “European Accounting
Association” (EAA).
Scientific publications
La previsione delle insolvenze mediante l’analisi discriminante univariata: differenti approcci,
(The bankruptcy prediction by discriminant univariate analysis different approaches) in
Poddighe F., Madonna S. (ed.), I modelli di previsione delle crisi aziendali: possibilità e limiti
(Models of companies’ crises previsions: possibilities and limits), Milano, Giuffrè, 2006, pagg.
149-208, ISBN 88-14-13102-3.
La teoria personalistica del conto. Aspetti evolutivi ed approfondimenti critici (The theory of
personalistic account. Evolutionary aspects and critical studies), Milano, Giuffrè, 2007, pagg.
1-720, ISBN 88-14-13677-7.
with Verona R., Il pensiero di Pietro D’Alvise versus la concezione zappiana dell'Economia
Aziendale (Tthe thought of Pietro D’Alvise towards the concept of Business Economics), in
Conference Proceedings SISR, Perugia, 27-28 September 2007, Roma, RIREA, 2008, pagg. 127, ISBN 978-88-96004-17-3.
L’evoluzione del personalismo contabile: la transizione da Francesco Marchi a Giuseppe
Cerboni (the evolution of accounitng personalism: the transition from Francesco Marchi to
Giuseppe Cerboni), in Contabilità e Cultura Aziendale, 2008, Volume VIII, n. 2, pagg. 57-95,
ISSN 1721-5242.
La mandatory disclosure sugli intangible assets: verso una prospettiva gestionale della
reportistica economico finanziaria (The mandatory disclosure on intangible assets: towards a
management perspective of financial reporting) in Comuzzi E., Marasca S., Olivotto L. (ed.),
Intangibles. Profili di gestione e di misurazione, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2009, pagg. 255-280,
ISBN 978-88-568-1277-0.
with Poddighe F., (2010). La disclosure obbligatoria e volontaria sugli intangible assets delle
aziende del segmento STAR (The mandatory and voluntary disclosure on the intangible assets of
the companies of the Star segment) In: AIDEA Accademia Italiana di Economia Aziendale. Le
risorse immateriali nell’economia delle aziende Vol. II. Profili di misurazione e di
comunicazione, Ancona, 2009, Bologna: Il Mulino, pagg. 99-110, ISBN 978-88-15-13928-3.
with Inghirami I.E., Strategy Management System e XBRL: mutui rapporti ed interconnessioni,
(Strategy Management System and XBRL: mutual relations and interconnections) in S. Zambon
(ed.): XBRL e informativa aziendale: traiettorie, innovazioni e sfide. Contributi di analisi
dell’Accademia Italiana di Economia Aziendale, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2010, pagg 264-289,
ISBN 978-88-568-2314-1.
with Inghirami I.E., XBRL and strategic information. Exploiting XBRL in BSC modeling., Series
of paper n. 12, University of Milano-Bicocca, Department of Management & Business
Administration, Milano, Giuffrè, 2011, pagg.1-46, ISBN 88-14-15685-9.
with Taplin R.H., Verona R., The process of convergence IFRS/US-GAAP. An empirical
analysis on IFRS-compliant and US GAAP-compliant financial statements, Abstract, in
Conference Proceedings, EAA 2012, Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana, edited by
Aljosa Valentincic et al., 2012, pag. 363, ISBN 978-961-240-233-4.
with Verona R., Giuseppe Cerboni e l’Unità d’Italia. La definizione di un nuovo Modello
Aziendale e di un Metodo Contabile unitario per le aziende private e pubbliche, la
Logismografia, (Giuseppe Cerboni and the Unification of Italy. The definition of a new Business
Model and an unitary Method of Accounting for private and public companies) in Conference
proceedings XI Convegno Nazionale di Storia della Ragioneria, Roma, RIREA, 2012, pagg. 134, ISBN 978-88-6659-000-2.
I modelli di misurazione della performance nel settore biofarmaceutico: il caso Kedrion,
RIREA, Roma, 2012, pagg. 1-53, ISBN 978-88-6659-054-5.
with Inghirami I.E., EBR Enhanced Business Reporting, University of Milano-Bicocca,
Department of Management & Business Administration, Milano, Giuffrè, 2012, n. 17, pagg. 142, ISBN 88-14-17601-9.
La financial accounting americana nel Novecento: le riflessioni comparative di Antonio
Amaduzzi, (The american financial accounting: the comparative reflections of Antonio
Amaduzzi) in Rossi C., Rusconi G., Servalli S., (ed.), Saggi di storia delle discipline aziendali e
delle dottrine economiche. Scritti in onore di Antonio Amaduzzi Professore Emerito, RIREA,
Roma, 2012, pagg. 395-415, ISBN 978-88-6659-021-7.
with Gasperini A., Il report integrato nel settore di estrazione dei minerali preziosi delle società
quotate sul mercato sudafricano di Johannesburg (JSE), in Gasperini A., Il vero bilancio
integrato, Storie di creazione di valore a breve, medio e lungo periodo, IPSOA Gruppo Wolters
Kluwer, Milano, 2013, pp. 234-263, ISBN 978-88-217-4383-2.
The new income statement format. New trends from the adoption of International Financial
Reporting Standards (IFRS) and Extensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) in
Conference Proceedings, Vol. 1, 1st Annual International Interdisciplinary Conference, AIIC
2013, 24-26 April 2013, Azores Islands, Portugal, EGALITE (Department European Scientific
Institute), Republic of Macedonia, June 2013, pp. 95- 105, ISBN 978-608-4642-03-9.
The new income statement format. New trends from the adoption of International Financial
Reporting Standards (IFRS) and Extensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL), European
Scientific Journal ESJ June 2013, Special Issue Edition No. 1, ISSN 1857-7881 (Print), 18577431 (Online), pp. 95-105.
Performance measurement models in the biopharmaceutical sector. The Tableau de Bord
approach: a case study, International Academy of Business and Economics (IABE) Eleventh
Annual Las Vegas Fall Conference, October 13-15 2013, Best Paper Awards, European Journal
of Management (EJM), Vol. 13, Number 3, 2013, pp. 45-75, ISSN 1555-4015.
with Orlandini P., Vallone C., Cecchetti R., Quality indicators for success and excellence of
franchisee network, 16th Toulon-Verona International Conference: Quality and service sciences,
Ljubljana, 29-30 Agosto 2013. Conference Proceedings on CD ISBN 9788890432736.
with Verona R., Rossetti S., The performance reporting choices in Europe and USA. A survey
on the “successful” convergence IFRS/US GAAP after the adoption of the IAS 1-revised 2007,
AIDEA Bicentenary Conference, Lecce 19-21 September 2013, Track 3 Accounting. The paper
has been presented in the Accounting Session, Track 3.2 “The possible role of financial
reporting in supporting economic growth” (in collaboration with Financial Reporting, FR).
Conference Proceedings CD, ISBN 978-88-6611-294-5, pp. 1-43.
with Gasperini A., The integrated report and the financial analysts’ perception, 9th
Interdisciplinary Workshop on Intangibles, Intellectual Capital and extra-financial information,
Copenhagen Business School, Denmark, 26-27 Settembre 2013, The paper has been presented in
the parallel session on “Integrated reporting” Conference Proceedings USB, ISSN 2295-1679,
pp. 1-22.
with Gasperini A., South Africa: I pionieri del bilancio integrato (South Africa: the pioneers of
integrated reporting), in Amministrazione & Finanza, 10/2013, pp. 21-31, ISSN 1971-5013.
with Gasperini A., Bilancio integrato: cosa chiedono gli analisti finanziari? (Integrated
reporting, what do financial analysts ask?), in Amministrazione & Finanza, 11/2013, pp. 24-31,
ISSN 1971-5013.
with Fortuna F., Corporate Governance Code in South Africa. What’s new after the adoption of
the integrated report? 16th International Academy of Management and Business (IAMB)
Conference, Washington 6-7 November 2013, Conference Proceedings on CD e on line, ISSN
1949-9094, p. 1-21.
Ragioneria versus Economia Aziendale nella prima metà del XX secolo: differenti proposte per
la definizione di nuovi confini teoretici e dottrinali (Accounting towards Business Economics,
diffrent proposals of new theoretical and doctrinal boundaries) XII Convegno Nazionale Società
di Storia della Ragioneria (12th National Conference on Accounting History), Ragioneria e
Accounting fra XIX e XX secolo: profili evolutivi e concettuali a confronto, Parma 28-29
Novembre 2013, Conference proceedings on CD ISBN 88 7898 076 5 pp. 114-142.
Common cost in twentieth century Italian business economic thinking, in University of MilanoBicocca, Department of Management & Business Administration, Series of paper 22, Milano,
Giuffrè, 2014, pp. 1-30 ISBN 978-8814-18318-8.
International conferences and workshops
Presentation at 20th XBRL International Conference – Academic Track, XBRL: Linking
Businesses, Public Regulators & Citizens, (20-22 April 2010, Roma Sheraton Hotel Conference)
of paper (co-author Dott. Inghirami) “XBRL and strategic information. Exploiting XBRL in
BSC modeling”.
Presentation at 6th Conference on Performance Measurement and Management Control, (7-9
September 2011 Nice, Francia) organized by EIASM session Financial Performance
Measurement of paper entitled: “Performance Measurement Model: the role of IAS/IFRS
standards and XBRL language”.
Presentation at International Accounting Conference entitled Accounting Renaissance. Lessons
from the Crisis and Looking into the Future. Learning from Histories and Institutions organized
by University of Ca’ Foscari Venice, by IAAER and the journal Financial Reporting, (3-5
November 2011) University Ca’ Foscari of paper (co-authors Prof. R.H. Taplin, Prof. R.
Verona) “The process of convergence IFRS/US-GAAP. An empirical analysis on IFRScompliant and US GAAP-compliant financial statements”.
Presentation at Management Control Journal Workshop on Controlling and Reporting for
Strategy (Pisa, 2-3 February 2012) of paper entitled “Performance Measurement Models in the
pharmaceutical sector: the Kedrion case”.
Presentation at 35th Annual Congress European Accounting Association (EAA) (Ljubljana,
Slovenia, 9-11 May 2012) of paper (co-authors Prof. R.H. Taplin, Prof. R. Verona) “The process
of convergence IFRS/US-GAAP. An empirical analysis on IFRS-compliant and US GAAPcompliant financial statements”.
Presentation at Third Accounting History International Emerging Scholars’ Colloquium (Paris,
8-10 July 2012) of research proposal (co-author Prof. R. Verona) entitled: “Giuseppe Cerboni
and the Italian Unification. Principal and Agent: a new concept of business and a new concept of
accounting method”.
Presentation at 8th Interdisciplinary Workshop on Intangibles, Intellectual Capital and extrafinancial information, organized by EIASM, Grenoble, Francia il 27-28 September 2012 (coauthors Gasperini A., Pavone P.) of the paper entitled “The integrated report in the South
African mining companies listed on the JSE Stock Exchange: analysis of non-financial
information and impacts on external disclosure”.
Presentation at 36th Annual Congress European Accounting (EAA) (Paris, France 6-8 Maggio
2013) of the paper (co-authors Gasperini A., Pavone P.) entitled “The integrated report in the
South African mining companies listed on the JSE Stock Exchange: analysis of non-financial
information and impacts on external disclosure”. Il paper oggetto di presentazione è stato
sottoposto al processo di doppio referaggio ed il relativo abstract è stato inserito nei Conference
Presentazione al 16th Toulon-Verona International Conference: Quality and service sciences
(Ljubljana, Slovenia, 29-30 Agosto 2013) del paper dal titolo “Quality indicators for success
and excellence of franchisee network” (co-autori Orlandini P., Vallone C., Cecchetti R.). Il
paper oggetto di presentazione è stato sottoposto al processo di doppio referaggio ed è stato
inserito nei Conference Proceedings.
Presentazione all’AIDEA Bicentenary Conference (Lecce, 19-21 September 2013) of the paper
“The performance reporting choices in Europe and USA. A survey on the “successful”
convergence IFRS/US GAAP after the adoption of IAS 1 revised (co-authors Verona R.,
Rossetti S.).
Presentation at 9th Interdisciplinary Workshop on Intangibles, Intellectual Capital and extrafinancial information organizzato da EIASM del paper “The integrated report and the financial
analysts’ perception” Copenhagen Business School, Denmark, 26-27 September 2013, The
paper has been presented in the parallel session “Integrated reporting”.
Reviewer of the following journals:
Rivista Italiana di Ragioneria e di Economia Aziendale (RIREA) )Italian Journal of Accounting and
Business Economics)
Financial Reporting (in english).
Contabilità e Cultura Aziendale (Accounting and corporate culture).