Donatella Usai Curriculum vitae, Gennaio 2017 Informazioni


Donatella Usai Curriculum vitae, Gennaio 2017 Informazioni
Donatella Usai
Curriculum vitae, Gennaio 2017
Informazioni Generali
Conoscenze Linguistiche: Inglese (parlato e scritto, discreto), Arabo (parlato e scritto, base)
Conoscenze informatiche: Word, Excel, Access, Dbase, Photoshop, CorelDraw per PC; Page, Numbers,
Photoshop, Adobe-Illustrator, iWeb per Mac
Formazione accademica
1997, Dottorato di Ricerca in Africanistica, conseguito presso l’Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli.
Titolo della tesi: Problemi di transizione culturale nell'Africa nord-orientale durante l'Olocene Antico e
Medio. Misura della variabilità sincronica e diacronica dei litocomplessi.
1988, Laurea in Lettere (Maximum cum Laude), conseguita presso l’ Università di Roma “La Sapienza”.
Titolo della tesi: Modelli d'insediamento nel Sarrabus (Sardegna Sud-orientale) dal Neolitico all'Età del
Area d’interesse geografico: Valle del Nilo (Egitto, Sudan), Penisola Aarabica, Vicino e Medio Oriente
Oggetto d’interesse: adattamento economico e sociale ai cambiamenti ambientali, transizione
Mesolitico/Neolitico. La produzione litica nel Palaeolitico, Mesolitico e Neolitico: variabilità tecnologica,
tipologica e funzionale.
Finanziamenti e contributi alla ricerca, borse di studio
MAE per il progetto “Il villaggio Mesolitico di Al-Khiday 1 ed il cimitero di Al-Khiday 2””Archeologia nel Sudan Centrale, El Salha”
IsIAO (Istituto Italiano per l’Africa e l’Oriente) per il progetto ““Il villaggio Mesolitico di
Al-Khiday 1 ed il cimitero di Al-Khiday 2”-”Archeologia nel Sudan Centrale, El Salha”
Università di Parma per il progetto “Il villaggio Mesolitico di Al-Khiday 1 ed il cimitero di
Al-Khiday 2”-”Archeologia nel Sudan Centrale, El Salha”
Università di Padova per il progetto “Il villaggio Mesolitico di Al-Khiday 1 ed il cimitero di
Al-Khiday 2”-”Archeologia nel Sudan Centrale, El Salha”
CeVeSCO (Centro Veneto Studi Classici e Orientali) per il progetto “Il villaggio Mesolitico
di Al-Khiday 1 ed il cimitero di Al-Khiday 2”-”Archeologia nel Sudan Centrale, El Salha”
SARS Grant per lo studio e la pubblicazione dei materiali litici della ricognizione nella IV
Cateratta del Nilo in Sudan
Michela Schiff Giorgini Foundation Grant per il progetto “Investigating Late Meroitic/PostMeroitic non-funerary evidence at al-Khiday, White Nile, Central Sudan”
Michela Schiff Giorgini Foundation Grant per il progetto “From chemistry to social via
archaeology. Deciphering Nubian prehistoric and protohistoric social behaviour”
Michela Schiff Giorgini Foundation Grant per il progetto “The Mesolithic of Central Sudan:
New perspectives, The El Salha Project”
Michela Schiff Giorgini Foundation Grant per il progetto “Dynamic of ancient peopling in
CNR-NATO Fellowship, usufruita presso il British Museum
Michela Schiff Giorgini Foundation Grant per il progetto “Rescue archaeology in Central
Sudan: The El Salha Project”
Annual Polish Scholarship, for a study project at the Polish Academy of Science
Direzione progetti e scavi
Dal 2000 sino ad oggi, direzione del progetto “Il villaggio Mesolitico di Al-Khiday 1 ed il cimitero di AlKhiday 2-Archeologia nel Sudan Centrale, El Salha”, attualmente come CSSeS (Centro Studi Sudanesi e
Sub-Sahariani), precedentemente come Is.I.A.O. (Istituto Italiano per l’Africa e l’Oriente). Al progetto
collaborano: per la geomorfologia, A. Zerboni, Università di Milano; per l’archeometria, G. Artioli, L.
Maritan, I. Angelini, Università di Padova; per la geochimica, P. Iacumin, Università di Parma; per la
genetica, Ron Pinhasi, University College Dublin; per l’antropologia fisica, J. Irish, Liverpool John Moore
University, e Tina Jakob, Durham University; per l’archeozoologia, Veerle Linseele, Katholike Universitet
Leuven; per la paleo-botanica, M. Madella, Università Pomepu Fabra Barcellona.
Tra il 2000-2005, direzione dello scavo del sito Neolitico GAS1-Wadi Shab, Sultanato dell’Oman,
all’interno del “Joint Hadd Project”, CNRS-Is.I.A.O. (Direttori del Progetto: S. Cleuziou and M. Tosi).
Tra il 2000-2003, co-direzione del progetto “Dynamics of ancient peopling in Sudan”, CE.VE.S.C.O.
(Centro Veneto Studi Civiltà Classiche Orientali, Direttore del progetto, S. Salvatori).
Dal 2008, collaborazione al progetto “Aswan-Kom Ombo Archaeological Project”, diretto dalla Dr M.C.
Gatto, Leicester University, con competenza sulle industrie litiche dell’antico e medio Olocene della regione.
2016 Salvatori S., D. Usai and Y. Lecointe (eds), Ghaba. An Early Neolithic Cemetery in Central Sudan.
Africa Magna Verlag, Frankfurt.
2009 Usai D. and S. Salvatori, “NUBAI. Viaggio attraverso l’archeologia del Sudan”, Museo Archeologico
di Pordenone, Pordenone.
2008 Salvatori S. and D. Usai (eds), A Neolithic cemetery in the Northern Dongola Reach (Sudan):
Excavation at Site R12, London, The Sudan Archaeological Research Society Publications.
1999 Kabacinski J. and D. Usai, Late Palaeolithic chert assemblages from the Upper Egyptian Nile Valley,
African Archaeological Records, Vol. 1.
Articoli peer-reviewed
Forthcoming, 25-01-2017 Usai D., L. Maritan, G. Dal Sasso, G. Artioli, S. Salvatori, T. Jakob, T. Salviato,
“Late Pleistocene/Early Holocene evidence of prostatic stones at Al Khiday, Central Sudan”, PLOS
In press, Usai D., “Middle Holocene Oman Jewels: thoughts on soft-stone earrings production”. In
Simpson St.J. and C. Phillips (eds), “Softstone in Arabia and Iran”, The British Museum Press &
Society for Arabian Studies, London, Archaeopress.
2016 Dal Sasso G., M. Lebon, I. Angelini, L. Maritan, D. Usai, G. Artioli, “Bone diagenesis variability
among multiple burial phases at Al Khiday (Sudan) investigated by ATR-FTIR spectroscopy”,
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 463, 168-179.
2016 Usai D., “A picture of Prehistoric Sudan: the Mesolithic and Neolithic periods”, Oxford Handbook
Online, DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199935413.013.56, invited paper.
2016 Bortolussi C., A. Zoleo, L. Maritan, A. Collauto, M. Brustolon, M. Marrale, A. Parlato, D. Usai,
“Electron Paramagnetic Resonance and petrographic analysis for dating Mesolithic and Neolithic
pottery from Al Khiday (Sudan)”, Radiation Measurements 89, 89-98.
2016 Iacumin P., A. Di Matteo, D. Usai, S. Salvatori and G. Venturelli, “Stable Isotope Study on Ancient
Populations of Central Sudan: Insights on their Diet and Environment”, American Journal of Physical
Anthropology, 160 (3), 498-518.
2016 Out W.A., P. Ryan, J.J. García-Granero, J. Barastegui, L. Maritan, M. Madella, D. Usai, “Plant
exploitation in Neolithic Sudan: A review in the light of new data from the cemeteries R12 and Ghaba”,
Quaternary International 412, 36-53.
2015 Williams M.A.J., D. Usai, S. Salvatori, F.M. Williams, A. Zerboni, L. Maritan and V. Linseele, “Late
Quaternary environments and prehistoric occupation in the lower White Nile valley, central Sudan”,
Quaternary Science Reviews, 130, 72-88.
2014 Usai D., S. Salvatori, T. Jakob and R. David, “The Al Khiday cemetery in Central Sudan and its
“Classic/Late Meroitic” period graves, Journal of African Archaeology 12 (2), 183-204
2014 Madella M., J.J. Garcia-Granero, W.A. Out, P. Ryan and D. Usai, “Microbotanical evidence of
domestics cereals in Africa 7000 years ago”, PLoSONE 9, 10, e110177
2014 S. Buckley, D. Usai, T. Jakob, A. Radini and K. Hardy, “Dental calculus reveals unique insights into
food items, cooking and plant processing in prehistoric Central Sudan”, PLoSONE 9, 7, e100808.
2014 Dal Sasso G., L. Maritan, G. Artioli and D. Usai, “Bone diagenesis at the micro-scale: variability of
bone alteration patterns among multiple burial phases at Al Khiday (Khartoum, Sudan) between the
Early Holocene and the II century AD.”, Paleogeography, Paleoclimatology, Paleoecology 416, 30-42.
2011 Salvatori S., D. Usai, A. Zerboni, “Mesolithic site formation and palaeoenvironment along the White
Nile (Central Sudan)”, African Archaeological Review, 28, 177-211.
2008 Usai D., “Tracing the movements of the Western desert dwellers. Site 11-I-13 in Wadi Karagan,
Sudanese Nubia, closely akin to El Ghorab or El Nabta”, Journal of African Archaeology 6 (2), 219232.
2008 Usai D. and A. Cavallari, “Perforators, scrapers and more from the lithic industry of Wadi Shab, a
Middle Holocene site on the Oman coast”, Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy 19, 120-132.
2007 Usai D., “Geographic Overviews, Africa (North): Nubia”. In D.M. Pearsall (ed.) Encyclopedia of
Archaeology, Academic Press, New York, 49-56.
2007 Salvatori S. and D. Usai, “The oldest representation of a Nile boat”, Antiquity 81 (314) (Antiquity
2006 Usai D., “A IV millennium BC Oman site and its context: Wadi Shab-GAS1”, Proceedings of the
Seminar for Arabian Studies 36, 275-288.
2005 Usai D., “Early Holocene seasonal movements between the Desert and the Nile Valley. Details from
the lithic industry of some Khartoum Variant and some Nabta/Kiseiba sites”, Journal of African
Archaeology 3 (1), 103-115.
2005 Gaultier M., H. Guy, O. Munhoz, M. Tosi and D. Usai, “Living structures and death rituals at Wadi
Shab-GAS1, Sultanate of Oman. Report on 2002 and 2003 field seasons”, Arabian Archaeology and
Epigraphy 16, 1-20.
2005 Usai D., “Chisels or perforators? The lithic industry of Ras al-Hamra 5 (Muscat, Oman)”,
Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 35, 293-301.
2003 Tosi M. and D. Usai, “Preliminary report on the excavations at Wadi Shab. Area 1”, Arabian
Archaeology and Epigraphy 14, 8-23.
Non refereed articles (selezione)
2016 Zerboni A., D. Usai and M. Meyer, “The Middle Palaeolithic/Middle Stone Age site of Al Jamrab in
Central Sudan”, Antiquity Gallery,
2015. Banks K.M, J.S. Snortland, L.S. Cummings, M.C. Gatto, D. Usai, “The Terminal Late Palaeolithic in
Wadi Kubbaniya, Egypt”, Antiquity Project Gallery
2011 Gatto M.C., J.C. Darnell, M. De Dapper, C. Gallorini, R. Gerisch, S. Giuliani, E. Hart, S. Hendrickx,
T. Herbich, H. Joris, I. Klose, C.M. Manassa, M. Marée, H-A. Nordström, M. Pitre, G. Pyke, D. Raue,
S. Roma, P. Rose, D. Swiech, and D. Usai, “Archaeological Investigation in the Aswan-Kom Ombo
Region (2007-2008)”, MDAIK Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts Abteilung Kairo
65, 9-45.
2010 Usai D., S. Salvatori, P. Iacumin, A. Di Matteo, T. Jakob, A. Zerboni, “Excavating a unique preMesolithic cemetery in Central Sudan”, Antiquity Gallery 84, 323.
2009 Gatto M.C., M. De Dapper, R. Gerisch, E. Hart, S. Hendrickx, T. Herbich, H. Joris, H-Å. Nordström,
M. Pitre, S. Roma, D. Swiech, and D. Usai, “Predynastic settlement and cemeteries at Nag el-Qarmila,
Kubbaniya”, Archéo-Nil, 19, 187-206.
2009 Salvatori S. and D. Usai, “El Salha Project 2005: New Khartoum Mesolithic sites from Central
Sudan”, KUSH 19, 87-96.
2007 Salvatori S. and D. Usai, “The Sudanese Neolithic revisited”. In "Mélanges en l'honneur de Francis
Geus", CRIPEL 26, edited by Institut de Papyrologie et d'Egyptologie, 323-333.
2006 Usai D. and S. Salvatori, “Archaeological research south of Omdurman. A preliminary assessment on
ceramic and lithic materials from 10-X-6 multistratified mound site along the western bank of the
White Nile in Central Sudan”, Archéologie du Nil Moyen X, 203-220.
2005 Usai D. and S. Salvatori, “The IsIAO archaeological project in the El Salha area (Omdurman South,
Sudan): results and perspectives”, AFRICA LX (3-4), 474-493.
2005 Usai D., “The Mesolithic and Neolithic periods in the Sudanese Nile Valley. Problems and
perspectives”, AFRICA LX (3-4), 544-554.
2004 Salvatori S. and D. Usai, “Cemetery R12 and a possible periodisation of the Nubian Neolithic”, Sudan
& Nubia 8, 33-37.
2003 Usai D., “The Is.I.A.O. El Salha Project”, Kush XVIII, 173-182.
2002 Tosi M., M. Cattani, A. Curci, L.P. Marcucci and D. Usai, Missione archeologica nel Sultanato di
Oman Joint Hadd Project Campagna di ricerca 2000-2001, OCNUS 9-10, 357-366.
2002 Usai D. and S. Salvatori, “The IsIAO el-Salha Archaeological Project”, Sudan & Nubia 6, 67-72.
2002 Salvatori S. and D. Usai, “The Second Excavation Season at R12, a Late Neolithic Cemetery in the
Northern Dongola Reach”, Sudan & Nubia 6, 2-7.
2002 Usai D., “Work in progress: the Gash Group lithic industry”, Archeologie du Nil Moyen, IX, 183-193.
2002 Salvatori S. and D. Usai, “Graves with Calyciform Beakers at the Neolithic Cemetery of R12 in the
Northern Dongola Reach (Kawa), Sudan)”, Rivista di Archeologia XXVI, 5-7.
2002 Usai D., “Dalle prime comunità agricole alle società complesse: Africa. Il processo di formazione
delle società agro-pastorali”, Enciclopedia Archeologica Treccani.
2002 Usai D., “Il Mesolitico in Africa”, Enciclopedia Archeologica Treccani.
2001 Salvatori S. and D. Usai, “First Season of Excavation at the R-12 Late Neolithic Cemetery in the
Kawa Area”, Sudan & Nubia, 5, 11-20.
2000 Usai D., “New Prehistoric sites from Ras al’Hadd-Ras al’Junaiz cost, Oman”, Arabian Archaeology
and Epigraphy 11, 1-8.
1998 Usai D., "Prehistoric evidences from the Letti Basin Area", Archeologie du Nil Moyen VIII, 145-156.
1992 Usai D., I materiali Litici, in A. N. Rigoni (Ed), "Indagini archeologiche nell'area della fortificazione
medioevale di Castelciés (Cavaso del Tomba), Quaderni di Archeologia del Veneto VIII, 67-68.
1990 Usai D., "Modelli d'insediamento nel Sarrabus dal Neolitico all'Età del Bronzo", Quaderni della
Soprintendenza Archeologica per le Province di Cagliari e Oristano 7, 117-134.
Capitoli in libri e contributi a convegni (selezione)
In press Usai D., “The Mesolithic and the Neolithic”. In G. Emberling and B. Williams (eds), Oxford
Handbook of Ancient Nubia, Oxford University Press, invited paper.
In press Salvatori S. and D. Usai, “The Mesolithic and Neolithic in Sudan”. In D. Raue (ed.), Handbook of
Ancient Nubia, DeGruyter/Germany, invited paper.
In press Usai D., “The Palaeolithic/Stone age”. In D. Raue (ed.), Handbook of Ancient Nubia,
DeGruyter/Germany, invited paper.
In press Zerboni A., S. Salvatori and D. Usai, “Late Quaternary paleoenvironment and site formation at Al
Khiday (Central Sudan)”. 27th IAS Meeting of Sedimentology - Alghero, Italy 20-23 September 2009.
In press Salvatori S., D. Usai and A. Zerboni, “New evidence from the prehistoric sites at al-Khiday and alJamrab”, International Symposium “Desert and the Nile. Late Prehistory of the Nile Basin and the
Sahara” Poznan, 01-04 July 2015.
In press Usai D., “Prehistory in Central Sudan”, invited paper at the 13th International Conference for
Nubian Studies, Neuchatel, 1-6 September 2014.
2016 Usai D., “Beads-making in Neolithic Sudan”. In Salvatori S., D. Usai and Y. Lecointe (eds), Ghaba.
An Early Neolithic Cemetery in Central Sudan, Africa Magna Verlag, Frankfurt, 59-70.
2016 Salvatori S., D. Usai and Y. Lecointe, “The discovery and the excavation of the cemetery”. In Salvatori
S., D. Usai and Y. Lecointe (eds), Ghaba. An Early Neolithic Cemetery in Central Sudan, Africa Magna
Verlag, Frankfurt, 3-10.
2016 Salvatori S. and D. Usai, “Neolithic graves: general attributes”. In Salvatori S., D. Usai and Y.
Lecointe (eds), Ghaba. An Early Neolithic Cemetery in Central Sudan. Africa Magna Verlag, Frankfurt,
2016 Salvatori S. and D. Usai, “Pottery description and typology”. In Salvatori S., D. Usai and Y. Lecointe
(eds), Ghaba. An Early Neolithic Cemetery in Central Sudan. Africa Magna Verlag, Frankfurt, 17-48.
2016 Salvatori S. and D. Usai, “Other personal ornaments”. In Salvatori S., D. Usai and Y. Lecointe (eds),
Ghaba. An Early Neolithic Cemetery in Central Sudan. Africa Magna Verlag, Frankfurt, 71-74.
2016 Salvatori S. and D. Usai, “Ghaba in context”. In Salvatori S., D. Usai and Y. Lecointe (eds), Ghaba. An
Early Neolithic Cemetery in Central Sudan. Africa Magna Verlag, Frankfurt, 121-133.
2016 Ryan P., W.A. Out, J.J. Garcia-Granero, M. Madella and D. Usai, “Plant microremains from the white
deposits and dental calculus from Ghaba and R12 cemeteries. Identification and implication”. In
Salvatori S., D. Usai and Y. Lecointe (eds), Ghaba. An Early Neolithic Cemetery in Central Sudan.
Africa Magna Verlag, Frankfurt, 109-120.
2014 Usai D., “Recent advances in understanding the Prehistory of Central Sudan”. In J.R. Anderson and
D.A Welsby (eds), The Fourth Cataract and beyond. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference
of Nubian Studies, Peeters Publishers, Leuven, 31-44.
2014 Salvatori S., D. Usai, M. A. Faroug, A. Di Matteo, P. Iacumin, V. Linseele and M. Khalid Magzoub,
“Archaeological evidence at Al Khiday. New insight on the prehistory and history of Central Sudan”.
In J.R. Anderson and D.A Welsby (eds), The Fourth Cataract and beyond. Proceedings of the 12th
International Conference of Nubian Studies, Peeters Publishers, Leuven, 243-257.
2013 Usai D., “Stone from Kordofan”. In B. Gratien (ed.), Abou Sofyan et Zankor. Prospection dans le
Kordofan occidental (Soudan), Presse Universitaires du Septentrion Villeneuve d’Ascq, 172-202 (Pl.
2012 Usai D., “The lithic collection”. In A. Manzo ed., Italian Archaeological Expedition to the Eastern
Sudan of the University of Naples “l’Orientale”. Report of the 2011 field season. Università degli
Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale”, 71-87.
2008 Salvatori S. and D. Usai, “A Neolithic cemetery in the Northern Dongola Reach (Sudan): Excavations
at site R12”. In S. Salvatori and D. Usai (eds), “A Neolithic cemetery in the Northern Dongola Reach
(Sudan): Excavation at Site R12”, London, The Sudan Archaeological Research Society Publications,
chapter 1.
2008 Salvatori S. and D. Usai, “Bright and colourful: The jewellery of R12”. In S. Salvatori and D. Usai
(eds), “A Neolithic cemetery in the Northern Dongola Reach (Sudan): Excavation at Site R12”,
London, The Sudan Archaeological Research Society Publications, chapter 3.
2008 Usai D., “Lunates and micro-lunates, cores and flakes: The lithic industry of R12”. In S.Salvatori and
D. Usai (eds), “A Neolithic cemetery in the Northern Dongola Reach (Sudan): Excavation at Site R12”,
London, The Sudan Archaeological Research Society Publications, chapter 4.
2008 Usai D., “Other stone tools: Axes, Mace-heads and Grinding stones”. In S. Salvatori and D. Usai
(eds), “A Neolithic cemetery in the Northern Dongola Reach (Sudan): Excavation at Site R12”,
London, The Sudan Archaeological Research Society Publications, chapter 5.
2008 Salvatori S. and D. Usai, “R12 and the Neolithic of Sudan: New perspectives”. In S. Salvatori and D.
Usai (eds), “A Neolithic cemetery in the Northern Dongola Reach (Sudan): Excavation at Site R12”,
London, The Sudan Archaeological Research Society Publications, chapter 14.
2008 Iacumin P., J. Irish, M. Judd, N. Poellath, S. Salvatori and D. Usai, “Summary and conclusions”. In S.
Salvatori and D. Usai (eds), “A Neolithic cemetery in the Northern Dongola Reach (Sudan):
Excavation at Site R12”, London, The Sudan Archaeological Research Society Publications, chapter
2008 Salvatori S. and D. Usai with contributions by M. Judd and N. Poellath, “A Neolithic cemetery in the
Northern Dongola Reach (Sudan): Graves catalogue”. In S. Salvatori and D. Usai (eds), “A Neolithic
cemetery in the Northern Dongola Reach (Sudan): Excavation at Site R12”, London, The Sudan
Archaeological Research Society Publications, chapter 16.
2008 Salvatori S. and D. Usai, “Site formation and the Mesolithic in the El Salha region, White Nile”.
Paper presented at the 8th International Dymaczewo Meeting Prehistory of Northeastern Africa – new
ideas and discoveries”, July 2007.
2008 Usai D., “Wadi Shab, a Middle Holocene occupation along the Oman Coast”, International
Symposium “Magan, the Early Arabian Civilization of Oman and the First Maritime Trade between
India and the Near East, Muscat”, April 24-28, 2004.
2007 Salvatori S. and D. Usai, “A Late Neolithic Cemetery in the Northern Dongola Reach”. In I. Caneva
and A. Roccati (eds), ACTA NUBICA, Proceedings of the X International Conference of Nubian
Studies, Rome, September 2002, 197-201.
2007 Usai D. and S. Salvatori, “Survey and excavations in Central Sudan: the El-Salha project”. In I.
Caneva and A. Roccati (eds), ACTA NUBICA, Proceedings of the X International Conference of
Nubian Studies, Rome, September 2002, 117-124.
2007 Cremaschi M., S. Salvatori, D. Usai and A. Zerboni, “A further tessera to the huge mosaic: studying
the ancient settlement pattern of the El Salha region (south-west of Omdurman, Central Sudan)”. In K.
Kroeper, M. Chlodnicki and M. Kobusiewicz (eds) “Archaeology of the Earliest North-eastern Africa.
Poznan Archaeological Museum, 39-48.
2006 Usai D., “The El Salha Project, Sudan”. Actes of the XIVth Congress of the U.I.S.P.P., Liège,
Belgium, 2-8 September 2001, general Sessions and Posters, BAR International Series 1522, 207-212.
2006 Usai D., “Early and Middle Holocene cultural change in the Nile Valley (Egypt and Sudan)”. Actes of
the XIVth Congress of the U.I.S.P.P., Liège, Belgium, 2-8 September 2001, general Sessions and
Posters, BAR International Series 1522, 93-99.
2004 Usai D., “Early Khartoum and related groups”. In T. Kendall (ed.) Proceedings of the Ninth
International Conference of Nubian Studies, Museum of Fine Arts and Northeastern University,
Boston, August 20-26, 1998. Department of African-American Studies Northeastern University
Boston, 419-435.
2003 Usai D., “The lithic industries”. In D.A. Welsby (ed), Survey Above the Fourth Nile Cataract,
London, 79-110.
2001 Usai D., “Short note on Early-Khartoum-related sites from Letti Basin, Nubia”. In L. Bongrani
Fanfone and S. Giuliani (eds.), “Atti Prima Giornata di studi Nubiani” Rome, 17-24.
1997 Usai D., “Preliminary analysis of Mahal Teglinos lithic material. (Kassala, Sudan)”. Proceedings of
the 8th International Conference of the Society for Nubian Studies, Lille 12-17, September 1994.
C.R.I.P.E.L. 17/2, 89-97.
1993 Usai D., “Preliminary Analysis on Tell el-Farkha Lithic Industry”, Sixth International Congress of
Egyptology. Atti, Torino, vol. I, 610-624.
Peer-Reviewer per riviste scientifiche
Current Anthropology; Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy; Journal of African Archaeology; African
Archaeological Review; Sudan & Nubia.
Insegnamento e supervision tesi di laurea e dottorato
1997/2001/2002/2005/2007/2013: Seminari all’Università di Ravenna, Venezia, Padova e Parma sulle
industrie litiche e sulla preistoria della penisola Arabica e della valle del Nilo.
Negli scorsi dieci anni sono stata supervisore per tre tesi di laurea e una di dottorato di studenti delle
università di Ravenna e Padova.
Altre attività professionali
Progetto scientifico e supervisione (con Dr. Nicoletta Rigoni e Dr. Sandro Salvatori) delle mostra “Noubai.
Viaggio attraverso l’archeologia del Sudan”, al Museo Archeologico di Pordenone, Maggio-Settembre
Contratti di lavoro a tempo determinate press il British Museum, Department of Ancient Egypt and Sudan,
in 2004 and 2005, come curatrice di due importanti collezioni litiche della Valle del Nilo, “Wendorf and
Colorado lithic collections”.
Contratto di lavoro, nel 1990, con la Soprintendenza Archeologica per le Province di Cagliari e Oristano
per la catalogazione di materiale archeologico.
Conferenze pubbliche
Venezia 03/10/2016, Ca’ Focsari, “I cacciatori-raccoglitori-pescatori della valle del Nilo e i siti di Al
Khiday”, Giornata di Studi Egittologici e Cafoscarini.
Kartum 14/12/2015, Khartoum National Museum, “The Mesolithic and Neolithic periods in Sudan”.
Kartum 07/12/2014, Khartoum University, “New data on the subsistence economy of Sudan prehistoric
Kartum 20/11/2012, The Greek Community Cultural Center, “Al Khiday in the prehistoric context”.
Barcellona 06/09/2012, Institucio Milà I Fontanals, Salon de Actos de la Delegacion del CSIC/Egipciàques
15, “Pots, pits and graves: Early and Middle Holocene history of Central Sudan”.
Khartoum 26-11-2011, Greek Center, joint lecture with M.A.J. Williams, “Environment and the Al Khiday
sites” and “Prehistoric environment in the Nile Valley”.
Kartum 12-12-2009, National Museum, “Bio-archaeology and palaeo-enviroment: the prehistoric sites of
Al Khiday, South of Omdurman. The Is.I.A.O. Arcaheological Project.”
Roma 18-05-2009, Istituto Italiano per l’Africa e l’Oriente, “L’articolato villaggio Mesolitico di Al Khiday
1 e la sua complessa necropoli. Un progetto Is.I.A.O.”.
Roma 20-05-2008, Istituto Italiano per l’Africa e l’Oriente, “Strutture abitative complesse e rituali funerari
inusuali. Il progetto El Salha rinnova il quadro della Preistoria del Sudan”.
Padova 18-03-2008, Palazzo Moroni-Sala del Podestà, “La preistoria del Sudan alla luce delle recenti
ricerche archeologiche italiane.
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