Relazione sull`attività scientifica del Dott. Ettore Recchi


Relazione sull`attività scientifica del Dott. Ettore Recchi
Professional address
Sciences Po
Observatoire Sociologique du Changement (OSC)
98 Rue de l’Université
75007 PARIS
Email : [email protected]
PhD in Social and Political Sciences (with distinction), European University Institute, Fiesole, 1996.
MA in Political Sciences (cum laude), University of Florence, 1990.
Professeur des Universités, Sciences Po, Paris (2014)
Full professor of political sociology, University of Chieti-Pescara (2009-2013).
Associate professor of urban sociology, University of Florence (2002-2009).
Assistant professor of sociology, University of Florence (1993-2002).
Researcher, European University Institute, Fiesole (1991-1993).
Researcher, CENSIS Foundation, Rome (1990-1991).
Sciences Po Paris (College de Reims): Social inequalities in Europe (2014).
University of Chieti-Pescara: Methods of social research (2009-2010). Sociology of international
relations (2010-2013). Sociology of migration (2011-2013).
University of Florence: Sociology (1993-2008). Sociology of international relations (2009-2010).
Sociology of ethnic relations (2001-2009). Sociology and politics of migration (2002-2011).
European social policies (2004-2005). Methods of social stratification research (2001-2004).
Sociology of organizations (1998-2001).
University of Michigan-University of Wisconsin-Duke University (International Program):
European societies (2003-2011).
Gonzaga University (International Program): Social change (1993-2002). Social and economic
development in Italy (1993-2002).
Associated Colleges of Midwest (International Program): Italian society and politics (1996-1997).
Co-director, Euro-Mediterranean School on Migration and Development, European University
Institute, Fiesole, 2005-2009.
Director, BA Program of Social Work, University of Florence, 2005-2008.
Member of the Steering Committee, PhD program in Sociology, University of Florence, 2005present.
Member of the Scientific Committee, Centro Interuniversitario di Sociologia Politica (CIUSPO),
University of Florence, 2003-2009.
Visiting Professor, Departamento de Historia Económica e Instituciones, Universidad Carlos III,
Madrid, March-December 2012.
Visiting Professor, Warsaw School of Social Psychology (WSPS), Warsaw, June 2006.
Visiting Professor, Centre for Survey Methodology and Research (ZUMA), Mannheim, September
Visiting Scholar, Department of Sociology, UCLA, Los Angeles, June-September 2005.
International projects
Director, research project The Europeanisation of Everyday Life: Cross-Border Practices and
Transnational Identities among EU and Third-Country Citizens (EUCROSS), European
Commission research grant, DG Research, 7th Framework Program. Partner institutions:
Aarhus University, GESIS (Mannheim), IBEI (Barcelona), University of York, University of
Bucharest. 2011-2014. € 1,744,000. Website:
Director, research project ‘All Citizens Now’: Intra-EU Mobility and Political Participation of
English, Germans, Poles and Romanians in Western and Southern Europe (MOVEACT),
European Commission research grant, DG Justice. Partner institutions: ELIAMEP (Hellenic
Foundations for European and Foreign Policy, Athens), University of Alicante, University of
Tours. 2011-2013. € 548,000. Website:
Director, research project Empirical Evidence on Geographic and Job Mobility in the European
Union, European Commission (DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities).
2006. € 44,500.
Director, research project Pioneers of Europe’s Integration ‘from Below’: Mobility and the
Emergence of European Identity among National and Foreign Citizens in the EU
(PIONEUR), European Commission research grant, 5th Framework Program. Partner
institutions: University of Oxford (Center for Socio-Legal Studies), University of Alicante,
Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques (Cevipof, Paris), Zentrum fűr Umfragen,
Methoden und Analysen (Mannheim). 2003-2006. € 1,095,000. Website:
Director, Italian section of comparative project Stratification in Higher Education, international
directors Yossi Shavit (Tel Aviv University), Richard Arum (New York University) and
Adam Gamoran (University of Wisconsin). 2001-2004.
National projects
Director, research project Nuovi e vecchi stili di rappresentanza della classe politica municipale
italiana, strategic national research project in the social sciences (PRIN), Italian Ministry of
Scientific Research. 2011-2013. € 23,000.
Director, research project Il reclutamento del ceto dirigente del PD tra continuità e innovazione,
strategic national research project in the social sciences (PRIN), Italian Ministry of Scientific
Research. 2008-2010. € 18,000.
Director, research project L’Europa come spazio sociale transnazionale. University of ChietiPescara research grant. 2011-2012. € 7,000.
Director, research project Da migranti a cittadini. Strategie della mobilità e dell’integrazione di
polacchi, bulgari e romeni, University of Florence grant. 2007-2008. € 9,000.
Director, research project Gli immigrati di seconda generazione tra integrazione ed esclusione
sociale: un approccio di rete, University of Florence and CESVOT foundation. 2007. €
Director, research project Le associazioni di e per gli immigrati in Toscana, University of Florence
and CESVOT foundation. 2004-2005. € 50,000.
Recchi, E. Senza frontiere. La libera circolazione delle persone in Europa, Il Mulino, Bologna,
Recchi, E., Bontempi, M. and Colloca, C. (eds) Metamorfosi sociali. Attori e luoghi del mutamento
nel mondo contemporaneo, Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli, 2013.
Recchi, E. and Favell, A. (eds) Pioneers of European Integration: Mobility and Citizenship in the
EU, Elgar, Cheltenham, 2009.
Recchi, E. Baldoni, E. and Mencarini, L. Un mondo in classe. Multietnicità e socialità nelle scuole
medie toscane, Cesvot, Firenze, 2008.
Recchi, E. (ed) L’arcobaleno della partecipazione. Immigrati e associazionismo in Toscana,
Cesvot, Firenze, 2006.
Bettin Lattes, G. and Recchi, E. (eds) Comparing European Societies: Towards a Sociology of the
EU, Monduzzi, Bologna, 2005.
Recchi, E. Giovani politici, Cedam, Padova, 1997.
Preiti, A., Italia, A., Paoli, L. and Recchi, E. Contro e dentro. Criminalità, istituzioni, società,
Angeli, Milano, 1992.
Refereed journal articles and book chapters
Recchi, E. and Baglioni, L.G. La classe media va in Europa? Transnazionalismo e stratificazione
sociale nell’Unione Europea, “SocietàMutamentoPolitica”, 2013, 4, 7, 47-70.
Recchi, E. and Kuhn, T. Europeans’ Space-Sets and the Political Legitimacy of the EU, in N.
Kauppi (ed), A Political Sociology of Transnational Europe, ECPR Press, Colchester, 2013,
Recchi, E. La libera circolazione e i suoi nemici, “Neodemos”, May 2013,
Recchi, E. Orizzonti in allargamento: space-set, mutamento sociale e integrazione europea, in E.
Recchi, M. Bontempi e C. Colloca (a cura di) Metamorfosi sociali. Attori e luoghi del
mutamento nella società contemporanea, Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli, 2013, 327-348.
Recchi, E. L’Europa si allarga, l’Europa si muove, “Neodemos”, February 2012,
Recchi, E. Mobilità, in G. Bettin Lattes and L. Raffini (eds) Manuale di sociologia, CEDAM,
Padova, 2011, 535-553.
Recchi, E., Baglioni, L.G. and Colloca, C. Veterani e neofiti in un partito nuovo: chi sono e in cosa
credono gli attivisti del Partito Democratico in Toscana, in A. Montanari (ed), In libera
uscita. La partecipazione politica nell’Italia di inizio millennio, Carocci, Roma, 2011, 163205.
Favell, A. and Recchi, E. Social Mobility and Spatial Mobility, in A. Favell and V. Guiraudon (eds)
Sociology of the European Union, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, 2011, 50-75.
Recchi, E. and Triandafyllidou, A. Crossing Over, Heading West and South: Mobility, Citizenship,
and Employment in the Enlarged Europe, in G. Menz and A. Caviedes (eds) Labour
Migration in Europe, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, 2010, 127-149.
Recchi, E. Gli italiani e l’Europa, in Associazione Italiana di Sociologia Mosaico Italia. Lo stato
del Paese agli inizi del XXI secolo, Angeli, Milano, 2010, 45-52.
Braun, M. and Recchi, E. Free-Moving Western Europeans: An Empirically Based Portrait, in H.
Fassmann, M. Haller and D. Lane (eds) Migration and Mobility in Europe: Trends, Patterns
and Control, Elgar, Cheltenham, 2009, 85-101.
Recchi, E. and Baldoni, E. Mobilità e migrazioni, in G. Bettin Lattes (ed) Europa: pensieri e parole
di sociologia, Monduzzi, Bologna, 2009, 187-205.
Braun, M. and Recchi, E. Keine Grenzen, mehr Opportunitäten? Migration und soziale Mobilität
innerhalb der EU, in P.A. Berger and A. Weiss (eds) Transnationalisierung sozialer
Ungleichheit, VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden, 2008, 161-183.
Recchi, E. Le lezioni di una ricerca pionieristica: dall’immigrazione interna all’immigrazione
internazionale in Liguria, in G. Bettin Lattes and P. Turi (eds) La sociologia di Luciano
Cavalli, Firenze University Press, 2008, 411-424.
Recchi, E. Cross-State Mobility in the EU: Trends, Puzzles and Consequences, “European
Societies”, 10, 2, 2008, 197-224.
Braun, M. and Recchi, E. Interethnic Partnerships of Western Europeans: Between Preferences and
Opportunities, “Revista del Observatorio Europeo de Tendencias Sociales”, 1, 1, 2008, 73-89.
Bettin Lattes, G. and Recchi, E. Pan d’un giorno, vin d’un anno: proverbi, morale e alimentazione
nella tradizione toscana, in C. Stroppa (ed), Cibo, società e scienza dell’alimentazione,
Aracne, Roma, 2007, 337-352.
Recchi, E. Italy: Expansion, Reform, and Social Inequality in Higher Education, in Y. Shavit, R.
Arum and A. Gamoran (eds) Stratification in Higher Education: a Comparative Study,
Stanford University Press, Stanford, 2007, 400-420.
Recchi, E. From Migrants to Movers: Citizenship and Mobility in the European Union, in M. P.
Smith and A. Favell (eds) The Human Face of Global Mobility, Transaction Books, New
Brunswick, NJ, 2006, 53-77.
Recchi, E. Pioneers of Europe’s integration from below. Mobility and the emergence of European
identity among national and foreign citizens, “Sociologia urbana e rurale”, 79, 2006, 27-35.
Recchi, E. Spazi low cost tra Europa e Africa, “Equilibri”, 9, 3, 2005, 515-522.
Recchi, E. and Baldoni, E. Partecipata e duale: la politica migratoria dell’Unione Europea, in L.
Leonardi and A. Varsori (eds) Lo spazio sociale europeo, Florence University Press, Firenze,
2005, 93-106.
Recchi, E. Partecipazione politica, istruzione e disuguaglianze sociali nell’Europa contemporanea,
in S. Rogari (ed) Partiti e movimenti politici fra Otto e Novecento, Centro Editoriale Toscano,
Firenze, 2004, volume II, 769-784.
Recchi, E. and Verzichelli, L. Italy: the Homeland of the Political Class, in J. Borchert and J. Zeiss
(eds) The Political Class in Advanced Democracies: A Comparative Handbook, Oxford
University Press, Oxford, 2003, 223-244.
Magnier, A. and Recchi, E. La struttura socio-economica della città e dei quartieri, in G. Amendola
(ed) Una città senza paure. Dalle politiche per la sicurezza a quelle per la vivibilità,
ComuneNetwork, Firenze, 2003, 59-64.
Recchi, E. La expansión de la educación superior y la participación política: una paradoja micromacro, in J. Benedicto and M. L. Morán (eds) Aprendiendo a ser ciudadanos. Experiencias
sociales y construcción de la ciudadanía entre los jóvenes, Injuve, Madrid, 2003, 141-158.
Recchi, E. I valori democratici e le nuove generazioni di Europei, in M. Dumoulin, C. Lombardo
and A. Varsori (eds) Governance: an Academic Contribution, European Parliament,
Bruxelles, 2002, 53-65.
Recchi, E. La questione etnica, in G. Bettin Lattes (ed) Mutamenti in Europa. Lezioni di sociologia,
Monduzzi, Bologna, 2002, 197-228.
Recchi, E. and Allam, M. L’assimilazione degli immigrati nella società italiana, in G. Sciortino and
A. Colombo (ed) Assimilati ed esclusi: stranieri in Italia, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2002, 119-141.
Recchi, E. L’entrée en politique des jeunes italiens: modèles explicatifs de l’adhesion partisane,
“Revue Française de Science Politique”, 51, 1-2, 2001, 155-175.
Recchi, E. Une Europe sans racines? La mosaïque des appartenances ethno-territoriales, in A.
Muxel and M. Cacouault (eds) Les jeunes d’Europe du Sud et la politique. Une enquête
comparative France Italie Espagne, L’Harmattan, Paris, 2001, 133-165.
Recchi, E. Disoccupazione, aspettative e valori: i costi culturali dei problemi di inserimento
lavorativo dei giovani istruiti, in G. Bettin Lattes (ed) Giovani Jeunes Jóvenes. Rapporto di
ricerca sulle nuove generazioni e la politica nell’Europa del Sud, Firenze University Press,
Firenze, 2001, 203-233.
Recchi, E. Il legame con il territorio tra sradicamento e bricolage, in G. Bettin Lattes (ed) Giovani
Jeunes Jóvenes. Rapporto di ricerca sulle nuove generazioni e la politica nell’Europa del
Sud, Firenze University Press, Firenze, 2001, 535-556.
Recchi, E. Appendice metodologica, in G. Bettin Lattes (ed) Giovani Jeunes Jóvenes. Rapporto di
ricerca sulle nuove generazioni e la politica nell’Europa del Sud, Firenze University Press,
Firenze, 2001, 585-590.
Recchi, E. Il lavoro che verrà. Le aspettative degli studenti universitari e delle loro famiglie, in G.
Bettin Lattes (ed) La politica acerba. Saggi sull’identità civica dei giovani, Rubbettino,
Soveria Mannelli, 2001, 123-150.
Recchi, E. Vecchie e nuove strade per diventare sindaco in Italia, in A. Magnier (ed) Elites e
comunità. I poteri locali nella transizione italiana, Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli, 2001, 89104.
Recchi, E. La vita quotidiana di un sindaco dell’ancien régime, in C. Marletti (ed) Politica e società
in Italia, Angeli, Milano, 2000, II vol., 544-561.
Recchi, E. Il rischio disoccupazione e i valori politici degli studenti universitari italiani, in G.
Bettin (ed) Giovani e democrazia in Europa, Cedam, Padova, 1999, volume II, 727-765.
Recchi, E. and Verzichelli, L. Italien: Kontinuität und Diskontinuität politischer
Professionalisierung, in J. Borchert (ed) Politik als Beruf. Die politische Klasse in westlichen
Demokratien, Leske und Budrich, Opladen, 1999, 255-282.
Recchi, E. Politics as Occupational Choice: Youth Self-selection for Party Careers in Italy,
“European Sociological Review”, 15, 1, 1999, 107-124.
Recchi, E. Le mosche bianche. Perché i giovani attivisti di partito sono pochi?, “Rivista italiana di
scienza politica”, 28, 3, 1998, 515-542.
Recchi, E. La formazione della classe politica parlamentare (1992-1996) e il "regime dei partiti":
permanenza o cambiamento?, in G. Bettin (ed) Politica e società. Saggi in onore di Luciano
Cavalli, Cedam, Padova, 1997, 367-384.
Recchi, E. Fishing From the Same Schools: Parliamentary Recruitment and Consociationalism in
the First and Second Italian Republics, “West European Politics”, 19, 2, 1996, 340-359.
Recchi, E. Primus et solus: il mutamento delle relazioni di ruolo del sindaco italiano, “Sociologia e
ricerca sociale”, 17, 51, 1996, 71-92.
Recchi, E. La vita associativa, in G. Bettin (ed) La società degli Europei, Monduzzi, Bologna,
1995, 171-202.
Recchi, E. Reciprocità. Un nome per tre concetti, “Stato e mercato”, 39, 1993, 467-500.
Recchi, E. Tipi di network politico e tipi di sindaco, in G. Bettin (ed) Classe politica e città, Cedam,
Padova, 1993, 227-253.
Recchi, E. Network politico e ordinamento istituzionale prima e dopo la riforma del 1990, in R.
Segatori (ed) Istituzioni e potere politico locale, Angeli, Milano, 1992, 131-142.
Recchi, E. Il network politico dell’amministratore comunale italiano, “Polis”, 5, 2, 1991, 243-265.
Working papers, reports and other publications
Recchi, E. and Paolini, F., L’immigrazione e il mismatch istruzione-lavoro nell’Unione Europea,
“Quaderni del Circolo Rosselli”, 33, 1, 2013, 47-66.
Salamonska, J. Baglioni, L.G. and Recchi, E. Navigating the European Space: Physical and Virtual
Forms of Cross-Border Mobility among EU Citizens, EUCROSS Working Paper no. 5,
Università di Chieti-Pescara, Chieti, 2013 (downloadable:
Recchi, E. (editor) ‘All Citizens Now’: Intra-EU Mobility and Political Participation of British,
Germans, Poles and Romanians in Western and Southern Europe, scientific report, European
Commission, Directorate General Justice, Freedom and Security (Directorate D: Fundamental
Rights and Citizenship), 2012 (downloadable:
Recchi, E. Transnational Practices and European Identity: From Theoretical to Policy Issues,
EUCROSS Working Paper no. 3, Università di Chieti-Pescara, Chieti, 2012 (downloadable:
Favell, A., Recchi, E., Kuhn, T., Solgaard Jensen, J. and Klein, J. The Europeanisation of Everyday
Life: Cross-Border Practices and Transnational Identifications Among EU and ThirdCountry Citizens. State of the Art Report, EUCROSS Working Paper no. 1, Università di
Chieti-Pescara, Chieti, 2011 (downloadable:
Recchi, E. and Pastore, F. I dilemmi della mobilità, “Aspenia”, 45, 2009, 145-152.
Baglioni, L.G. and Recchi, E., Giovani, partecipazione e ‘cittadinanza competente’ nell’area
fiorentina, “Quaderni del Circolo Rosselli”, 28, 2-3, 2008, 53-66.
Recchi, E., Baldoni, E., Francavilla, F., Mencarini, L. Geographic and Job Mobility in the EU,
Report for the DG Employment, European Commission, Brussels, 2006.
Recchi, E. Migrants and Europeans: An Outline of the Free Movement of Persons in the EU,
Academy of Migration Studies (AMID), Working Paper no. 38, Aalborg, 2005.
Recchi, E., and Nebe, T.M. Migration and Political Identity in the European Union: Research
Issues and Theoretical Premises, PIONEUR Working Paper no. 1, Ciuspo, Firenze, 2003.
Recchi, E., Tambini, D., Favell, A., Baldoni, E., Williams, D., Surak, K. Intra-EU Migration: A
Socio-Demographic Overview, PIONEUR Working Paper no. 3, Ciuspo, Firenze, 2003.
Of Moles and Beavers: Intra-EU Mobility, Denationalization and European Integration from
Below, keynote speech at the conference “Intra-Europese migratie of mobiliteit. Andere tijden,
nieuwe wegen?”, CEMIS, Antwerp University, 13 December 2013.
Bad Times at Home, Good Times to Move? The Changing Landscape of Intra-EU Migration (with
J. Salamonska), paper presented at the workshop “Europe's prolonged crisis: The making or
the unmaking of a political Union”, ARENA, Oslo, 5-6 December 2013.
Does Intra-EU Mobility Foster European Integration? Before and After Crisis Micro-Evidence
Compared, paper presented at the conference “Migration, Media and Intercultural Dialogue”,
United Nations University, Barcelona, 25-26 November 2013.
Europeans’ Space-Sets and the Political Legitimacy of the EU (with T. Kuhn), paper presented at
ECPR General Conference, Bordeaux, 5 September 2013.
Bowling-Alone European Style? The Social and Political Participation of EU Movers in Southern
Europe, paper presented at the American Sociological Association (ASA) Annual Meeting,
New York, 11 August 2013.
The Final Countdown? Changes in European Identification in Times of Crisis (with J.
Salamonska), paper presented at the American Sociological Association (ASA) Annual
Meeting, New York, 10 August 2013.
European Identity through Social Practices: Insights from the EUCROSS Project, paper presented
at the 20th Conference of the Council for European Studies, Amsterdam, 27 June 2013.
European Identity and the Crisis, Euro-visions public lecture series, Institute for International
Integration Studies (IIIS), Trinity College, Dublin, 22 February 2013.
Legitimacy in Global Governance: A Sociological Research Agenda, paper presented at the highlevel workshop “Object and Methodology of Global Governance”, Global Governance
Programme, European University Institute, Florence, 25 January 2013.
Citizenship for What? The Social and Political Participation of EU Movers in Southern Europe,
paper presented at the conference “Immigration and Well-Being: Research Frontiers”,
International Sociological Association (Research Committee 31), Tel Aviv University, Tel
Aviv, January 8, 2013.
Making European Citizenship Work: An Empirical Assessment of EU Movers’ Political
Participation in Southern Europe, paper presented at the conference of the ESA Research
Network 32 - Political Sociology, 2nd Midterm Conference, University of Milano, Milan, 30
November-1 December 2012.
Belonging: The Third Face of European Citizenship, paper presented at the conference “Building
the EU Citizen Pillar”, European Citizens Action Service (ECAS) - European Economic and
Social Committee, Bruxelles, November 5, 2012.
Free Movement: The Social Fabric of Europe’s Integration, keynote speech, Annual Conference of
the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), Barcelona, October 2527, 2012.
La partecipazione politica delle europee e degli europei mobili, paper presented at the conference
“Politica, democrazia e genere”, Associazione Italiana di Sociologia, Sezione di Sociologia
Politica, Università La Sapienza, Rome, October 6, 2012.
Citizens and/or Strangers: The Associations of EU Free Movers in Southern European Civil
Societies (with Luca Raffini), paper presented at the 2nd Forum of the International
Sociological Association, Research Committee 26, Buenos Aires, August 1-5, 2012.
Europe as Transnational Social Space: A Comparative Assessment, paper presented at the 2nd
Forum of the International Sociological Association, Research Committee 20, Buenos Aires,
August 1-5, 2012.
Transnational Practices and European Identity: Theoretical Foundations, Research Developments
and Policy Implications, keynote speech, conference “The Development of European
Identities: Policy and Research Issues”, European Commission, Brussels, February 9, 2012.
Sociology of the European Union, panel convenor and chair, 6th ECPR Conference, Reykjavik,
August 27, 2011.
Mobility, Citizenship and Employment in the Enlarged Europe (with A. Triandafyllidou), paper
presented at the International Studies Association (ISA) annual conference, Montreal, March
17, 2011.
Free Movement and the Regionalization of Labour Migration in Europe, keynote speech, “New
Migrations, New Challenges: Trinity Immigration Initiative International Conference”, Trinity
College, Dublin, July 1, 2010.
Mobility in the EU: What We Know and What We (Still) Ignore, keynote concluding speech, “Eures
@ 15 Conference”, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, European
Commission, Bruxelles, November 17, 2009.
Intra-EU Migration: An Overview, keynote speech, workshop “Intra-EU Migration: New Political
Realities”, European Policy Centre, Bruxelles, November 16, 2009.
The Changing Face of Intra-EU Migration after the Union’s 2004 and 2007 Enlargements, 9th
conference of the European Sociological Association, Research Network 32, Lisbon,
September 4, 2009.
Libera circolazione ed europeizzazione della cittadinanza: un’analisi della partecipazione politica
degli europei mobili, paper presented at the conference “Il gioco dei poteri nelle
trasformazioni della democrazia”, Sezione di Sociologia Politica – AIS, Università La
Sapienza, Rome, May 22, 2009.
Free-Moving Europeans: Old and New, paper presented at the conference A Transatlantic Dialogue
on Migration, New York University-Syracuse University-University of Florence, Palazzo
Vecchio (Florence), March 24, 2009.
Mobility in Europe, key-note speech, LabourNet and LAPPEA Institute Graduate Seminar,
University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, March 16, 2009.
The Social Forms of Human Mobility: Some Preliminary Remarks, workshop “Highly Skilled
Migrations in Europe”, Universidad de Alicante, Alicante, February 20-21, 2009.
Sketch of a Social Mobility Theory of International Migration, ISA-RC28 Spring Meeting, “Social
Stratification and Insiders/Outsiders: Cross-national Comparisons within and between
Continents”, Fiesole, European University Institute, May 15-18, 2008.
Comments to “Sociological Methods in Research on Diaspora and Transnationalism”, conference
“Diaspora and Transnationalism: Conceptual, Theoretical and Methodological Challenges”,
Fiesole, European University Institute, April 10-11, 2008.
How Similar, How Different: A Comparative Perspective on European Young People, closing
lecture of the conference “Youth and Work”, European Foundation for the Improvement of
Living and Working Conditions, Madrid, October 17, 2007.
Free-Moving Western Europeans: An Empirically Based Portrait, conference “Migration and
People Movement in Europe: Threat or Benefit?”, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna,
September 28-29, 2007.
Il transnazionalismo europeo, national conference of the Italian Sociological Association (AIS),
section of Political Sociology, Urbino, September 14, 2007.
Is Europe Going Flexy? Context- and Individual-level Determinants of Work Mobility in the EU
(1995-2005), ISA-RC28 Spring Meeting, Brno, May 24-27, 2007.
Nationality and Identity in Immigration, conference “Citizenship, Identity and Immigration in the
European Union”, Think & Act Event, APRE-European Commission, Rome, March 28, 2007.
Scientific expert, European Commission, DG Research, 2005-present.
Scientific expert, European Research Council, 2011-present.
Referee for international academic journals and research institutions (British Journal of Sociology,
European Societies, Ethnicities, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Comparative
Migration Studies, Journal of Common Market Studies, Law and Society Review,
Environment and Planning C, European Political Science Review, International Journal of
Contemporary Sociology, French Politics, Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica;
SocietàMutamentoPolitica, European Science Foundation, Austrian Academy of Sciences,
Estonian Science Foundation, Romanian Research Council, Dutch Research Council).
Fellow of the Transatlantic Forum on Migration and Integration, an international platform for
professionals dealing with migration and integration, coordinated by the German Marshall
Fund and Robert Bosch Stiftung, 2008-present.
Member of ISA Research Committee 28 (Social Stratification and Mobility), 1996-present.
Member of Steering Committee of AIS-Political Sociology Section (Associazione Italiana di
Sociologia), 2012-present.
Italian: native tongue (fluent in reading, speaking, writing).
English: near native (fluent in reading, speaking, writing).
Spanish: near native (fluent in reading, speaking, writing).
French: good in speaking, excellent in reading, sufficient in writing.
German: minimal in speaking, reading and writing.