Prof. Andrea Locatelli


Prof. Andrea Locatelli
Ricercatore a tempo determinato (Assistant Professor) – Università Cattolica di Milano.
Assegnista di ricerca (research fellow) – Università Cattolica di Milano.
Post doctoral fellow – Università di Bologna.
Scholar-in-Residence – Center for European Studies, Carleton University, Ottawa.
Dottorato di ricerca (Ph.D.) in Political Science – Università di Firenze.
Scuola di specializzazione in Economia e Relazioni Internazionali (M.A. in International Relations
and Economics) – ASERI, Postgraduate School of Economics and International Relations, Università
Cattolica di Milano.
Laurea in Scienza Politica indirizzo internazionale (B.A. in Political Science; minor in International
Relations) – Università di Bologna (Forlì Campus).
Visiting Student – Georgetown University, Department of Government
Summer School in “Nuclear Weapons in the New International Context: Hopes of Reduction, Risks of
Proliferation” organizzata da Isodarco, Andalo (Italy).
Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis – University of Essex.
Visiting Student – Duke University.
Tecnologia militare e guerra. Gli Stati Uniti dopo la rivoluzione negli affari militari (Military Technology and War.
The US after the Revolution in Military Affairs), Milan, Vita&Pensiero, 2010.
Edited Books:
International Relations Theory and European Security: We Thought we Knew (tentative title), co-edited with Lorenzo
Cladi, Abingdon, Routledge, forthcoming 2015.
Understanding Terrorism. A Socio-Economic Perspective, co-edited with Raul Caruso, Bingley, Emerald, 2014.
L’onda lunga delle primavere arabe. Implicazioni teoriche e sfide geopolitiche (The Long Wave of the Arab Springs:
Theoretical Implications and Geopolitical Challenges), co-edited with Vittorio E. Parsi, Milano, Vita&Pensiero, 2013.
L’Europa sicura. Le politiche di sicurezza dell’Unione Europea (Securing Europe. The European Union Security
Policies), co-edited with Serena Giusti, Milano, Egea, 2008.
Key Challenges to the Global System. Thoughts, Ideas and Essays on ASERI’s Tenth Anniversary, co-edited with
Vittorio E. Parsi, Milano, Vita&Pensiero, 2007.
Esiste ancora la comunità transatlantica? Europa e Stati Uniti tra crisi e distensione (Does the Transatlantic
Community still Exist? US and Europe amidst crisis and detente), co-edited with Vittorio E. Parsi e Serena Giusti,
Milano, Vita&Pensiero, 2006.
Articles on Refereed Journals:
Worth a Shot: A Note on the Explanatory Power of Bandwagoning in Transatlantic Relations, with Lorenzo Cladi, in
“Contemporary Security Policy”, Vol. 34, No. 2, 2013, pp. 374-381.
Bandwagoning, Not Balancing: Why Europe Confounds Realism, with Lorenzo Cladi, in “Contemporary Security
Policy”, Vol. 33, No. 2, 2012, pp. 264-288.
Company Survey Series II: Finmeccanica amid International Market and State Control. A Survey of Italian Military
Industry, with Raul Caruso, in “Defence and Peace Economics”, Vol. 24, No. 1, 2013, pp. 89-104, available online on 2010. Impact Factor: 0.348. Listed in ISI-Social
Science Citation Index.
Intra-Allied Competition and Alliance Durability. The Case for Promoting a Division of Labour among NATO Allies,
with Michele Testoni, in “European Security”, Vol. 18, No. 3, 2009, pp. 345-362.
Una gara al massacro: incentivi, premi e prestazioni dei gruppi terroristici legati ad al Qaeda (Deadly contests:
incentives, rewards and performance of al-Qaeda related terrorist groups), with Raul Caruso, in “Il Politico”, Vol. 221,
No. 2, 2009, pp. 63-91.
Deadly Contests: An Economic Note on al Qaeda’s Reward System, with Raul Caruso, in “The Economics of Peace and
Security Journal”, Vol. 3, No. 2, 2008, pp. 62-67.
The Technology Gap in Transatlantic Relations: A Cause of Tension or a Tool of Cooperation?, in “Journal of
Transatlantic Studies”, Vol. 5, No. 2, Fall 2007, pp. 133-154.
Invited articles:
The Offense/Defense Balance in Cyberspace, ISPI Analysis, No. 203, October 2013.
Le risorse militari dell’egemonia americana (On the military foundations of American hegemony), ISPI Analysis, No.
92, January 2012.
La Quadrennial Defense Review 2010, ISPI Analysis, No. 8, aprile 2010.
Lo stato dell’arte sulla teoria delle alleanze. Una riflessione sull’analisi dei rapporti inter-alleati (The state of the art
on alliance theory. Considerations on the analysis of inter-allied relationships), in “Quaderni di Scienza Politica”, Vol.
15, No. 2, 2008, pp. 145-161.
Le false promesse della Rivoluzione negli Affari Militari (The broken promises of the Revolution in Military Affairs),
Centro Argentino de Estudios Internacionales, Programa Teoría de las Relaciones Internacionales, Working paper No.
26, 23 dicembre 2006, disponibile su:
Chapters in edited books:
Structural Realism: Balancing, Bandwagoning, or What?, in Lorenzo Cladi, Andrea Locatelli (eds.), International
Relations Theory and European Security: We Thought we Knew (tentative title), Abingdon, Routledge, forthcoming
Introduction, with Raul Caruso, in Raul Caruso, Andrea Locatelli (eds.), Understanding Terrorism. A Socio-Economic
Perspective, Bingley, Emerald, 2014, pp. ix-xx.
What is terrorism? Concepts, definitions and classifications, in Raul Caruso, Andrea Locatelli (eds.), Understanding
Terrorism. A Socio-Economic Perspective, Bingley, Emerald, 2014, pp. 1-23.
Some insights on the link between terrorism, organised crime and ‘new wars’, with Carla Monteleone, Raul Caruso, in
Raul Caruso, Andrea Locatelli (eds.), Understanding Terrorism. A Socio-Economic Perspective, Bingley, Emerald,
2014, pp. 237-254.
La guerra in Libia. Un’analisi sulle conseguenze dell’intervento militare sulla guerra civile (The war in Lybia. the
effects of military intervention on the civil war), with Stefano Costalli, in Andrea Locatelli, Vittorio E. Parsi (eds.),
L’onda lunga delle Primavere Arabe. Implicazioni teoriche e sfide geopolitiche, Vita e Pensiero, Milano, 2013, pp. 95116.
Gli accordi di sicurezza di Francia, Germania e Gran Bretagna (Security arrangements between France, Germany and
Great Britain), in Marco Clementi (ed.), Gli accordi di sicurezza nel sistema internazionale contemporaneo (19892010), Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2012, pp. 135-160. ISBN: 978-88-498-3603-5.
Politica estera e politica di difesa di una potenza egemonica. Gli Stati Uniti nel periodo post-bipolare (foreign policy
and defense policy of an hegemonic power. The US in the post-bipolar period), in Carla Monteleone (ed.), Politiche di
sicurezza e cambiamento globale, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2012, pp. 76-94, ISBN 978-88-204-0790-2.
Security through Technology? Defense Transformation and Technological Hubris, in Craig Nation, Giampiero
Giacomello (eds.), Security in the West, Milano, Vita&Pensiero, 2009, pp. 215-237.
Guerra, terrorismo e ordine internazionale nel momento unipolare (War, terrorism and international order in the
unipolar moment), in G. John Ikenberry, Vittorio E. Parsi (eds.), Manuale di relazioni internazionali, seconda edizione,
Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2009, pp. 274-300.
L’Unione Europea e l’integrazione delle politiche di difesa (The EU and defence policy integration), in Serena Giusti,
Andrea Locatelli (eds.), L’Europa sicura. Le politiche di sicurezza dell’Unione Europea, Milano, Egea, 2008, pp. 7388.
Warfare and Security in the 21st Century, in Vittorio E. Parsi, Andrea Locatelli (eds.), Key Challenges to the Global
System. Thoughts, Ideas and Essays on ASERI’s Tenth Anniversary, Milano, Vita&Pensiero, 2007.
La rivoluzione negli affari militari e le relazioni transatlantiche: tendenze, problemi e prospettive (The Revolution in
Military Affairs and Transatlantic Relations: trends, problems and forecasts), in Vittorio E. Parsi, Serena Giusti, Andrea
Locatelli (eds.), Esiste ancora la comunità transatlantica? Europa e Stati Uniti tra crisi e distensione, Milano,
Vita&Pensiero, 2006, pp. 163-185.
Unpublished papers:
The Italian Defence Policy after the Cold War. Europeanisation, American Influence, or Strategic Adjustment?, paper
presented at the annual meeting of the Standing Group in International Relations of the Società Italiana di Scienza
Politica (SISP), Trento, 27 June 2014.
Total Eclipse of the Heart. NATO’s Failure to Engage Azerbaijan, with Andrea Carati, paper presented at the annual
meeting of the Transatlantic Studies Association, Cork (IR), 11 July 2012.
Il mito della guerra tecnologica. Le lezioni apprese (e fraintese) dalle operazioni militari americane nel post-guerra
fredda, paper presented at the annual meeting of the Società Italiana di Scienza Politica (SISP), Palermo, 10 September
Why Europe is not balancing the United States: a Critique of Realist Explanations of EU Integration, with Lorenzo
Cladi, paper presented at the annual meeting of the Transatlantic Studies Association, Dundee (UK), 12 July 2011.
The Evolution of European Defence Policies after the Cold War. Europeanization, American Influence, or Strategic
Adjustment?, paper presented at the annual meeting of the Società Italiana di Scienza Politica (SISP), Venezia, 17
September 2010.
The Evolution of European Defence Policies after the Cold War. Europeanization, American Influence, or Strategic
Adjustment?, paper presented at the annual meeting of the Transatlantic Studies Association, Durham (UK), 14 July
L’evoluzione delle politiche di difesa in Europa nel post-Guerra fredda. Europeizzazione o strategic adjustment?, paper
presented at the annual meeting of the Standing Group in International Relations of the Società Italiana di Scienza
Politica (SISP), Milano, 19 November 2009.
Taking Waltz beyond Waltz: Socialization as an Intervening Variable in Structural Realism, with Pier Domenico
Tortola, paper presented at the annual meeting of the Società Italiana di Scienza Politica (SISP), Roma, 19 September
Intra-Allies Competition and Alliance Durability. The Case for a Functional Division of Labor among NATO Allies,
with Michele Testoni, paper presented at the annual meeting of the Transatlantic Studies Association, Canterbury (UK),
15 July 2009.
Una gara al massacro: incentivi, premi e prestazioni dei gruppi terroristici legati ad al Qaeda, with Raul Caruso, paper
presented at the annual meeting of the Società Italiana di Scienza Politica (SISP), Pavia, 6 September 2008.
Una gara al massacro: incentivi, premi e prestazioni dei gruppi terroristici legati ad al Qaeda, with Raul Caruso, paper
presented at the annual meeting of the Standing Group in International Relations of the Società Italiana di Scienza
Politica (SISP), Bertinoro, 28 June 2008.
Feeding Terror: How Bin Laden Rewards Terrorist Groups, with Raul Caruso, paper presented at the annual meeting of
the Transatlantic Studies Association, Cork (IR), 10 July 2007.
Military Innovation in Europe and the US. Risks and Opportunities of the Technology Gap, paper presented at the
annual meeting of the Transatlantic Studies Association, Dundee (UK), 15 June2006.
Beyond the Revolution in Military Affairs: The Impact of Information and Communication Technologies on the
American Armed Forces, paper presented at the annual meeting of the Società Italiana di Scienza Politica (SISP),
Cagliari, 22 September, 2005.
Le Implicazioni politiche del technology gap sulle relazioni tra Stati Uniti ed Europa, paper presented at the annual
meeting of the Società Italiana di Scienza Politica (SISP), Padova, 16 September 2004.
Lecturer – IULM. Course held: “Policies of the European Union” (14 hours; in Italian).
Lecturer – Università Cattolica di Milano. Course held: Introduction to Political Science
(60 hours; in Italian)
Lecturer – ISPI, Milano, Winter School on EU Foreign Relations. Lectures on “The European Security
Strategy, EU defence cooperation and EU counter-terrorism”. (6 hours; in Italian)
Lecturer – Università Cattolica di Milano. Course held: Strategic Studies.
(60 hours; in Italian).
Lecturer – Università Cattolica di Milano. Course held: Strategic Studies.
(60 hours; in Italian).
Lecturer – Università di Pavia. Course held: Theories of International Conflict and Cooperation.
(20 hours; in Italian).
Visiting Professor – Legon Center for International Affairs (LECIA), University of Ghana, Accra.
Course held: “EU and Italian Foreign Policy” (30 hours).
Scholar-in-Residence – Center for European Studies, Carleton University, Ottawa.
Course held: “European Integration and European Security” (36 hours).
Visiting Lecturer – Centro Interuniversitario Italiano – Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest.
Course held: “Technology and War in the Post-Cold War Era” (12 hours).
Visiting lecturer – Novosibirsk State University.
Course held: “Introduction to International Relations” (20 hours).
Teaching Assistant – Università Cattolica di Milano for the Undergraduate course in International
Relations held by Prof. Vittorio E. Parsi.
Discussant – panel 5 – STRAT-GROUP, annual meeting of the Standing Group in International Relations
of the Società Italiana di Scienza Politica (SISP), Trento, 27 June 2014.
Discussant – panel 4: The EU Foreign Policy: Challenges and Perspectives”, annual meeting of the
Standing Group in International Relations of the Società Italiana di Scienza Politica (SISP), Trento, 21
June 2013.
Referee – “Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy”.
Referee – “Journal of Transatlantic Studies”.
Discussant – panel 8.11 “STRAT-GROUP* LAUNCH PANEL: from Afghanistan to Libya: The “political
science” of Western military intervention (I)”, Annual meeting of Società Italiana di Scienza Politica
(SISP), Roma, 14 September 2012.
Referee – “Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy”.
Referee – “European Security”.
Co-chair – panel 8.7 “Realism Reloaded. The Role of Realist Thinking in the Current IR Debate”, Annual
meeting of Società Italiana di Scienza Politica (SISP), Venezia, 18 settembre 2010.
Referee – “Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica”.
Chair – panel 8.6 “Risorse naturali, conflitto e stabilità internazionale”, Annual meeting Società Italiana di
Scienza Politica (SISP), Roma, 19 settembre 2009.
Referee – “Quaderni di Scienza Politica”.
SISP – Società Italiana di Scienza Politica.
TSA – Transatlantic Studies Association.