Christ the King rules from the cross, a seemingly


Christ the King rules from the cross, a seemingly
Next Sunday, March 19th, our new zone Auxiliary
Bishop, Most Reverend Robert Kasun will officially
install Fr. Francesco as Pastor of St. Clare’s Parish
at the Noon Mass. Afterwards, we invite you to
join us in the Hall for a nice Spaghetti lunch!
Tickets are $20 a person and can be purchased
after the Masses or at the office during office
Next weekend’s 2nd collection will be taken up for the
monthly maintenance of our church. Thanks for your
constant support!
Lenten Confessions
Confessions will be available on Wednesday evenings from
7 – 9 p.m. until April 5th inclusive!
Stations of the Cross
A Pilgrimage to “Rediscover Jesus”
Join us on Thursday, April 27th for a one-day
Pilgrimage to Niagara Falls, Ontario where we will
"Rediscover Jesus." There are 100 seats available and
the cost is $50 a person. Lunch will be included.
Please call the office to register!
Italian Lenten Mission
There will be a Lenten Mission in Italian at St. Nicholas of
Bari Church on Monday, March 20 & Wednesday, March
22nd at 6:00 p.m.
Preparation for Confirmation
Just a reminder to all young people who have registered for
the Sacrament of Confirmation this year. There will be an
Enrolment Ceremony on Saturday, March 25th at the 5
p.m. Mass, following by a Pray & Play Evening in the
Parish Hall from 6 – 8 p.m.
Classes for those who attend Catholic School are scheduled
every Saturday afternoon from April 1st – 29th, at 3:00 p.m.
in the Parish Hall, followed by 5:00 p.m. Mass in church.
Please join us in the church as we observe the traditional
Lenten devotion of the Stations of the Cross, every Friday
during Lent at 7:30 p.m. They are celebrated bilingually.
For those attending Private or Public schools, Classes are
scheduled every Saturday afternoon from April 1st – May
13th, at 3:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall, followed by 5:00 p.m.
Mass in church.
55+ Group
A Retreat Day has also been scheduled for Saturday, May
27th from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall.
The 55+ group will be getting together in the Parish Hall
this Thursday, March 16th at 9:30 a.m. for some
refreshments and a game of Bingo. All the young at heart
are invited!
Bible Study
Please join us in the church for a series of three Bible Study
sessions at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 16, 23 & 30.
On the weekend of March 18/19th, the SVDP truck will be
parked in the small staff parking lot near the rectory, off of
Westmount Ave. If you have any good used items that
you’d like to donate, please bring them to the truck then.
Thanks for your ongoing support!
Confirmation takes place on Saturday, June 3rd; 10:30 a.m.
for students of St. Clare School and at 2:00 p.m. for all
other schools
Are you being called to a
Religious Life?
Peter, James and John had a mountaintop experience
with Jesus by witnessing His transfiguration. We too can
have a mountaintop experience when we open our
minds and hearts to following God's Will for our life. If
God is calling you to serve him as a priest, deacon,
brother or sister, please contact Fr. Chris Lemieux,
Vocation Director, Archdiocese of Toronto 416-968-0997;
[email protected];
“Baby Bottles for Life” campaign was a great success!
If you have not yet returned your bottles please be sure to
do by next weekend, even if they are not full. Aid to
Women tries to minimize costs by reusing their bottles for
future campaigns. Aid to Women would like to thank all
those who gave generously. Your donations do save lives!
PLEASE NOTE: the small rectory parking lot is
for staff and parishioners who are attending
meetings in Church or at the office. As of April
1st, 2017, any car parked while no meeting is
going on, will be towed at owner's expenses.
Saturday, March 11
5:00 – Elia Grasso
Sunday, March 12
9:00 – Pro Popolo
10:30 – Arduino e Guglielma Iaboni, Vincenzo e Cateria
Petrolo e Tommaso Marino
12:00 – Theresa McGowan
Monday, March 13
9:00 – José Pacleb Jr.
7:00 – Arturo Galli (ϯ 1 mo. Memorial)
Tuesday, March 14
9:00 – Mary Tenuta
Wednesday, March 15
9:00 – Domenico Bertucci
7:00 – Elena Platì Sorbara (ϯ 1 mo. Memorial)
7 – 9 p.m. – CONFESSIONS
Thursday, March 16
9:00 – Felix Barbieri
Friday, March 17
9:00 – Barbara Adamczyk
7:30 – STATIONS OF THE CROSS (Bilingual)
Saturday, March 18
5:00 – Silvia Tropiano & Domenic Pileggi
There is a promise of
marriage between:
Maciek Zausz & Ashley Finley (April 8)
Nel weekend del 18/19 marzo il camion di San Vincenzo de
Paoli sarà posteggiato nel parcheggio affianco l’ufficio su
Westmount Ave. Se avete articoli in buone condizioni e che
non vi sono più utili, portateli tale weekend!
NOTA BENE: il piccolo parcheggio della canonica (133
Westmount Ave) e' a disposizione di chiunque
partecipi ad un incontro parrocchiale o in ufficio. A
partire dal primo Aprile 2017, qualsiasi macchina
parcheggiata fuori da orari di incontri, verra' rimossa
a spese vostre.
Domenica prossima, 19 marzo, il nostro vescovo
ausiliare di Toronto, il Reverendissimo Robert Kasun
celeberà l’insediamento di Don Francesco come
parroco di S. Chiara, celebrando la Messa di
Mezzogiorno. Subito dopo, siete invitati a scendere in
sala per una spaghettata! I biglietti sono $20 a
persona e sono in vendita dopo la Messa oppure
all’ufficio durante gli orari regolare.
La seconda colletta del prossimo weekend sarà per la
manutenzione della nostra chiesa. Grazie del vostro
Confessioni in chiesa ogni mercoledì di
Quaresima, dalle 7 PM alle 9 PM.
Via Crucis
La Via Crucis sarà celebrata ogni
Venerdì sera durante la Quaresima alle
ore 7:30 e sarà bilingue.
Gruppo 55 e Più
Il Gruppo 55 anni e più si riunisce giovedì, 16 maggio
alle 9:30 a.m. nella Sala Parrocchiale per un rinfresco
e un gioco di Bingo. Un cordiale benvenuto a tutti.
Missione Quaresimale in Lingua Italiana
Una missione quaresimale in lingua Italiana si terrà nella
parrocchia di San Nicola, tenuta dal predicatore don
FRANCESCO ARMENTI, ben conosciuto e stimato. La
Missione avrà luogo lunedì, 20 marzo e mercoledì, 22
marzo alle 6:00 p.m. Cerchiamo di partecipare e di
invitare altri ad arricchirsi spiritualmente di questa
Pellegrinaggio a Niagara, "Riscopri Gesu”
Unitevi a noi giovedì, 27 aprile per un giorno di
pellegrinaggio a Niagara Falls, per Riscoprire Gesù! Ci
sono 100 posti disponibili. I biglietti sono $50 ciascuno e
il pranzo sarà incluso.
Chiamate l’ufficio oggi per