20TH November 2016 - St monica`s ParishMoonee Ponds


20TH November 2016 - St monica`s ParishMoonee Ponds
First Reading
2 Sm 5:1-3
A reading from the second book of Samuel
All the tribes of Israel came to David at Hebron. ‘Look’
they said ‘we are your own flesh and blood. In days past
when Saul was our king, it was you who led Israel in all
their exploits; and the Lord said to you, “You are the man
who shall be shepherd of my people Israel, you shall be the
leader of Israel.”’ So all the elders of Israel came to the
king at Hebron, and King David made a pact with them at
Hebron in the presence of the Lord, and they anointed
David king of Israel.
The word of the Lord.
Thanks be to God.
Responsorial Psalm
Ps 121:1-5. R. see v.2
(R.) Let us go rejoicing to the house of the Lord.
I rejoiced when I heard them say:
‘Let us go to God’s house.’
And now our feet are standing
within your gates, O Jerusalem. (R.)
Jerusalem is built as a city
strongly compact.
It is there that the tribes go up,
the tribes of the Lord. (R.)
For Israel’s law it is,
there to praise the Lord’s name.
There were set the thrones of judgement
of the house of David. (R.)
Second Reading
Col 1:12-20
A reading from the letter of St Paul to the Colossians
We give thanks to the Father who has made it possible for
you to join the saints and with them to inherit the light.
Because that is what he has done: he has taken us out of
the power of darkness and created a place for us in the
kingdom of the Son that he loves, and in him, we gain our
freedom, the forgiveness of our sins.
He is the image of the unseen God
and the first-born of all creation,
for in him were created
all things in heaven and on earth:
everything visible and everything invisible,
Thrones, Dominations, Sovereignties, Powers –
all things were created through him and for him.
Before anything was created, he existed,
and he holds all things in unity.
Now the Church is his body,
he is its head.
As he is the Beginning,
he was first to be born from the dead,
so that he should be first in every way;
because God wanted all perfection
to be found in him
and all things to be reconciled through him and for him,
everything in heaven and everything on earth,
when he made peace
by his death on the cross.
St. Monica’s Parish
Moonee Ponds
Presbytery: 22 Robinson St., Moonee Ponds 3039
Telephone: (03) 9370 5035 - Facsimile: (03) 9370 6335
Email: [email protected] Website: www.stmonicasparish.com.au
Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9.00am—3.00pm
Parish Priest: Rev Fr Tony Feeney
Assistant Priest: Rev Fr Minh Tran
Parish Secretary: Lesley-Ann Wilson Parish Assistant : Sonya Bading
School Principal: Mr. Peter Moore — School Phone No: 9375 1132
The Word of the Lord.
Thanks be to God.
Gospel Acclamation
Alleluia, alleluia!
Blessed is he who inherits the kingdom of David our
blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.
19/20 NOVEMBER 2016
Weekend Masses
Saturday: (Vigil for Sunday): 6:30pm — Sunday: 8:00am, 9:15am ( Italian) 10:30 am, 5:30 pm
Monday: Liturgy of the Word with Holy Communion: 7.00am
Tuesday to Friday: 7:00am & 9:15am Mass
Saturday & Holidays: 8:00am Mass
Reconciliation on Saturday: 10:00am - 11:00am, 6:00pm – 6:20pm
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
after 8am Saturday Mass
Lk 23:35-43
A reading from the holy Gospel according Luke
The people stayed there before the cross watching Jesus.
As for the leaders, they jeered at him. ‘He saved others,’
they said, ‘let him save himself if he is the Christ of God,
the Chosen One.’ The soldiers mocked him too, and when
they approached to offer him vinegar they said, ‘If you
are the king of the Jews, save yourself.’ Above him there
was an inscription: ‘This is the King of the Jews.’
One of the criminals hanging there abused him. ‘Are you
not the Christ?’ he said. ‘Save yourself and us as well.’
But the other spoke up and rebuked him. ‘Have you no
fear of God at all?’ he said. ‘You got the same sentence as
he did, but in our case we deserved it: we are paying for
what we did. But this man has done nothing wrong.
Jesus,’ he said, ‘remember me when you come into your
kingdom.’ ‘Indeed, I promise you,’ he replied, ‘today you
will be with me in paradise.’
1st Collection : For the upkeep of the Parish Church and all the works of the Church.
2nd Collection : For the running of the Presbytery and support of the 2 priests
(as well as contributing to look after retired priests such as Mons Kenny.)
How worthy is the Lamb who was slain,
to receive power and divinity,
and wisdom and strength and honour.
To him belong glory and power for ever and ever.
The Lord sits as King for ever.
The Lord will bless his people with peace.
The Gospel of the Lord.
Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ
Minister of the Word
Minister of the Eucharist
Next week 26/27 November
6.30pm C. Lynch
P. O’Farrell
Next week 26/27 November
6.30pm A. Basil
D. Besterwitch
R. Gonsalves
8.00am M. Mogg
R. Mogg
9.15am C. Munafo
S. Maurici
S. T. Maurici
10.30am E. Connors
T. Connors
A. Kendall
D. Mc Lean
A.M. Catalfamo
A. Stivala
10.30am J. Henderson
A. Cukavac
5.30pm A. Savino
K. Sherwood
L. Anticevic
B. Clancy
R. Legudi
Readings this weekend
Carmela Giansiracusa
e Fam
Prossima Settimana
Fam Barbera
Church Linen
Maria Ballato
Our Lord Jesus Christ, King
of the Universe
2 Sm 5:1-3
Col 1:12-20
Lk 23:35-43
Readings next weekend
First Sunday of Advent
Church Vacuuming
Thursday 24th
Team 1
Is 2:1-5
Rom 13:11-14
Mt 24:37-44
Grief is the loudest silence ever heard
Giuseppe (Joe) D’Andrea
Our hearts are with you at this difficult time
Anniversaries at this time
Bless the space between us
Kevin Doherty; Peter Coughlan; Eugene Sheey
James Daniel Holcombe
Remy Earl
Perry Earl
Tiana Taggert
Zoe Ava Denino
Zara Spiteri
Aldo Orlando Caccamo
Will Paul Stanko
Weddings next Weekend
26th November
Kandyce Grech and Adam Garofalo
will be married at St Moninca’s at
1.30pm Saturday
The Parish wishes the Bride and
Groom , their family and guests a
wonderful day!
Sunday 20th– 10.30am Childrens Liturgy in the
Symons Centre (under school age children must be
accompanied by a parent)
Monday 21st is a School Closure Day
Thursday 24th Lesley-Ann Wilson’s last day as
Parish Secretary
Sunday 27th at 10.30am is the Year 1 Family Mass
Saturday 3rd– International Day of Persons with
Sunday 4th-5.30pm Childrens Liturgy in the Symons
Centre (under school age children must be
accompanied by a parent)
Wednesday 7th at 11am will be an Golden Oldies
Christmas Mass. Followed by a light lunch and
refreshments in the Symons Centre.
Monday 12th at 6.00pm is the Yr 6 Graduation Mass
Family Healing Prayer – 1st Sunday of the month in
the Church Mary Chapel after 10.30 Mass
The Card Group meet on the 1st Monday of the
month @ 12noon in the Symons Centre. Enquiries to
Gina Stolfo on 0421788087
Italian Prayer Group every Tuesday @ 10am in the
Symons Centre.
The Golden Oldies Mass-1st Wednesday of the month
@11am in the Symons Centre. BYO Plate.
Gamblers Anonymous every Wednesday @7pm in
the Parish Hall .
The charismatic prayer group meets in the Symons
Centre every Thursday at 7.45pm.Enquiries to Adrian
93372051 or Russell 93820840
The Social Dance - 2nd Friday of each month @
7.30pm in the Symons Centre .Enquiries to Renus
Burke on 0430392152.
Parish Playgroup– Every Wednesday in school
term in the Hall from 9-10.30am
Monday Morning 7.30-8.45
Volunteers are desperately needed to count
Thanksgiving money
2 of our 4 counters need to retire
(due to age and health)
Please ring Rita on 9370 2458 or Sheila on 9370 3873
Launch of New Website Features for St Monica’s Parish
Over this past month I have been working on
encorporating more features and flexibility into the St
Monica’s Website which now has online forms and features our churches magnificent stained glass windows—
I have just completed Stage 1 of this website which is
computer/ ipad and mobile phone friendly . Stage 2 will
involve adding details for all the volunteer groups/ adding
secure online roster releases and making active the online
wedding application facility which is done but inactive
while we change our internal processes. The website
address is www.stmonicasparish.com.au
I would like to acknowledge the brilliant assistance of
Mark Ripper of the Pastoral Council for all his assistance
and collaboration in making the website a reality.
Regards Lesley-Ann Wilson
ST. Columba’s College Essendon
The Beatlez
Night Success
and Thank You
Wednesday 9 November at 4.00pm
will night
be held
in the
120 people
dancing shoes on and relived the 60’s and 70’s
go to theBand
Sisters of Charity
to raised
Altogether for
to give
take to
Nepal to donate
to poor.
the orphanage “Shalom”.
Thanks to Renus Burke and the 5.30pm Choir who
organized the event and all the Parishioners who
supported it.
New 2017 Daily Mass Books
have arrived!
$24 each
Columban Calendars
$9 each
Christmas Cards
$4 for pack of 8
Lots of beautiful
Christmas Decorations
to come and see.
November is the month to remember all those who have
gone before us. There are
envelopes for those who would like a Mass to be said for
their deceased relatives, friends and loved ones. November
Mass Offering Envelopes are available in the church foyer.
Envelopes can be placed in the first collection plate. There
are also A4 sheets to take home and return with the names
of the deceased loved ones.
Notizie Italiane
Se qualcuno vorrebbe inserire qualche notizia sul bollett
no, per favore manda una copia in italiano per email a
mooneeponds @cam.org.au
Per essere inclusa sul bollettino della settimana corrente è
importante che sia inviata prima di mezzogiorno il
Per ulteriori informazioni per il gruppo di preghiera
italiana che si riunisce ogni martedì dalle ore 10 alle ore
12 nel centro Symons (la sala accanto alla chiesa)
contattate Maria Giardina 93702047
o Connie Munafò 93751980.
Messe per tutte le anime nel mese di novembre.
In particolare, ricordiamo, nel mese di novembre, i nostri
cari defunti. Ci sono delle buste per chi vuole offrire una
messa per i suoi cari. Queste buste sono disponibili
nell'ingresso della chiesa. Le buste saranno offerte nella
prima colletta. Ci sono anche dei fogli che potete portare a
casa per scrivere i nomi dei vostri cari defunti, e poi
riportarli in chiesa.
Si cercano volontari ogni lunedì mattina dalle 7.30 alle 8.45
per contare la moneta raccolta la domenica. Due dei
quattro volontari si devono ritirare per ragioni di salute o
anzianità. Se siete disposti ad aiutare perfavore telefonate a
Rita 93702458 o Sheila 93703873.
Giubileo di Misericordia
8 dicembre 2015 – 20 novembre 2016
Domenica 20 novembre, alle 11am
La Cattedrale di San Patrizio,Cathedral Place ,
East Melbourne. Per coincidenza con la chiusura della
Porta Santa nella Basilica di San Pietro in Vaticano, la
Porta Santa della Misericordia nella Cattedrale di San
Patrizio sarà chiusa dall'arcivescovo Denis Hart, il 20
novembre, festa di Cristo Re. Chi desidera passare
attraverso la Porta Santa per l'ultima volta può farlo prima
dell'inizio della Messa, dopo la quale l'arcivescovo Hart
ufficialmente chiuderà la porta.
Aggiornamemento dell'ufficio parrocchiale
Dopo aver pregato e contemplato molto sulle parole di
Santa Mary MacKillop, 'ricordate che siamo, solo,
viaggiatori qui', e nello spirito di queste parole ho offerto le
mie dimissioni dal ruolo di Segretaria Parrocchiale qui a
Santa Monica da finire il 24 novembre. So di aver lavorato
duro e so che ho fatto del mio meglio nel corso degli ultimi
2 anni. Ho davvero apprezzato affrontare le sfide di attuare
i cambiamenti necessari per i processi e i sistemi
parrocchiali. Però ho dovuto affrontare la realtà che il ruolo
di segretaria ha dimostrato di richiedere piu giorni di lavoro
alla settimana, piu di quelli, che io sono in grado di lavorare
a questo punto nella mia vita. Vorrei ringraziare tutti i
volontari che ho conosciuto personalmente e mi sento
orgogliosa di chiamarli i miei amici. Li ringrazio per il loro
incredibile appoggio e per i loro atti di ispirazioni dedicati
alla parrocchia. Spero che durante il mio tempo in questo
ruolo sono stata di sostegno nel realizzare i vostri sforzi.
Voglio anche ringraziare Padre Tony, Padre Minh e Peter
Moore per la loro grande amicizia. Ringrazio anche il
Consiglio Pastorale e il Consiglio delle Finanze per il loro
gentile appoggio. Con la mia famiglia io continuerò a
frequentare Santa Monica come parrocchiana e non vedo
l'ora di essere coinvolta in maniera meno diretta. A Sonya
Bading i miei più sinceri auguri nel suo ruolo di assistente
parrocchiale. Vi saluto e vi ringrazio, Lesley-Ann Wilson.
Festa della Madonna Immacolata
11 dicembre, 2016Un invito a tutti I
parrocchiani di partecipare con parenti e
amici a questa festa. La preparazione
spirituale inizia con la Novena venerdì, 2 dicembre alle 7pm
nel Centro Symons (la sala accanto alla chiesa).Il programma
è ora disponibile ad ogni ingresso della chiesa. Si prega di
prendere uno e portarlo a casa.Il sorteggioCi sono ancora
disponibili, biglietti per il sorteggio. Se ne volete rivolgetevi a
Connie Priscoglio, Angela Stivala o Maria Giardina.