Isieme Newsletter, Edition 1, February 2014


Isieme Newsletter, Edition 1, February 2014
edition 1 – 2014
Celebrating 36 years
of community
Just recently we have been advised that
Co.As.It. has been successful in gaining
extra funding from the Department of Social
Services to run services for many more people
in the community – this increased capability
will mean that once again we will have to find
additional space for our employees.
Our Community Visitors Scheme will also
be expanding with approval to have more
volunteers providing support to the elderly
living in their own home as well as the elderly
in residential facilities.
What a wonderful start we have had to 2014.
Co.As.It. is forging ahead with new programs,
new staff and bigger and better premises
to house our increasing numbers of skilled
The rebuilding of our Respite Centre Casa
Serena has started and we have had to
relocate the groups elsewhere while building
works are carried out.
We are also very proud to have been able
to refit the offices at Newmarket to hold both
Italian classes and activities for the community
and these premises will now become an
integral part of our service delivery.
If you have any spare time, please think about
volunteering within our community, it is such
a worthwhile cause and very rewarding when
you know you are making a difference in
someone’s life.
There are many activities happening this
quarter- the Diversity and Inclusion Program
is being happily attended by older persons
wishing to become technologically literate
and also participate in the numerous social,
recreational activities planned. Italian
language classes are restarting in February
and classes are filling quickly.
We announce also the move of our
administration offices on the South Coast
from the Italo-Australian Centre to Thomas
Drive, Chevron Island. The Day Care Respite
services will remain at Clear Island Waters.
Once again in celebration of International
Women’s Day we will be holding a Fashion
parade and High Tea on March 9th. Last year,
this event was attended by over 350 women
so book in early to share the fun!
35 dover street
albion qld 4010
po box 59
albion bc qld 4010
tel: 07 3262 5755
fax: 07 3262 9985
[email protected]
edition # one - february 2014
articles + editing | nella alba-calabrese
layout | alex favali – puntoitalia pty ltd ([email protected] |
Published four-monthly, INSIEME welcomes any contributions from readers and Co.As.It. members.
Unless otherwise instructed, submitted articles and photos will not be returned. All rights reserved.
INSIEME would like to thank and acknowledge the staff and members for their continued support and contributions to this publication.
Co.As.It. merely provides advertising space in the pages of this publication.
While Co.As.It. takes all reasonable care in compiling the advertisements in this publication, it makes no warranties in relation to the quality, suitability, safety
or legality of any of the terms or services advertised on these pages. All advertisements are accepted in good faith, however Co.As.It. does not warrant the
accuracy or truth of any representations contained in these pages.
Co.As.It. does not represent or warrant the items or services, advertised and the reader should make its own enquiries prior to relying on them.
insieme one – 2014
Sbalzi di umore, cinismo, irritabilità e
un senso crescente di arroganza – o
si tratta della “sindrome degli anziani
Ci possono
anche altri
nella vita di
un uomo, sia
al lavoro che
a casa: i figli
lasciano le mura
e arriva il
momento della
Di solito succede agli uomini nella fascia
di età fra i 50 e i 70 anni e oggi viene
definito come “Deficienza androgena”,
“Sindrome di irritabilità maschile” o
“Menopausa maschile”.
Ci sono ancora pensieri contrastanti sulla
condizione causata da un declino gradule
del livello di testosterone, dall’aumento
dei livelli di stress e da una perdita di
identità. In ogni caso, gli studi dimostrano
che la deficienza androgena colpisce 1
uomo su 10 e che, se ignorata, può avere
gravi conseguenze quali il diabete e la
Il livello di testosterone in molti uomini
sopra i 50 anni diminuisce del 2% ogni
anno, una spirale verso il basso che
può avere effetti negativi sul benessere,
sulla salute fisica e sulla psiche. Il
testosterone è l’ormone che produce
energia, metabolismo e che fornisce
carburante alla macchina sessuale
dell’uomo. La perdita di testosterone può
portare alla depressione, all’irritabilità e
alla fatica. I risultati non sono positivi: le
relazioni interpersonali si induriscono, la
comunicazione diventa più difficile e tutto
peggiora. Aumentano i dolori, disfunzioni
erettive, dolori alle ossa, artriti e difficoltà
nel dormire. Ci possono essere anche
altri cambiamenti nella vita di un uomo,
sia al lavoro che a casa: i figli lasciano
le mura domestiche e arriva il momento
della pensione. Sono momenti questi che
cambiano veramente la vita di un uomo e
non c’è da stupirsi se appare la “sindrome
degli anziani scorbutici”!
Quali soluzioni ci sono per migliorare
questa condizione? Ci sono ovviamente
dei trattamenti medici per rialzare il
livello di testosterone, ma la soluzione è
decisamente molto più semplice: basta
spostare l’energia e l’interesse verso
altre cose, ad esempio uno sport, un
passatempo, la ginnastica, perdere brutte
abitudine quali il bere ed il fumare. Ma
soprattutto, non c`è da rimpiangere la
versione più giovane di noi stessi, ma
bisogna invece abbracciare la “nuova” con
Se siete preoccupati consultate il vostro
medico di famiglia.
Estratto da “Un caso di menopausa
maschile” Ageless Dicembre 2013
insieme one – 2014
Vi siete mai trovati ad essere arrivati
a destinazione senza nemmeno
rendervene conto? Vi trovavate
ovviamente immersi nei vostri pensieri
e non vi siete accorti del tempo che
O forse, alle 3 del mattino, mentre il
mondo dorme serenamente, voi siete
svegli con la testa piena di pensieri?
Le ricerche scientifiche hanno confermato
che di media si passa più di metà delle
ore sveglie totalmente assorbiti nel nostro
mondo interno. Si tende a pensare
troppo e come tutti i “troppi”, si entra nel
Nel caso di troppi pensieri, i rischi sono
quelli di indecisione cronica, depressione
e insonnia.
Un sistema per evitare queste situazioni
è quello di renderci più “vicini alle cose
intorno a noi e ad ignorare i pensieri
Non è cosa facile, siamo d’accordo, ma
potremmo cominciare ad inserire qualche
momento positivo nelle nostre giornate.
Potremmo ad esempio iniziare a godere
della tazza di caffè che teniamo in mano,
il suo calore sulla pelle e il suo sapore
mentre scende in gola.
Dopo qualche settimana passata a
ridurre i pensieri negativi, vi sentirete
decisamente meglio e dormirete
altrettanto meglio.
Questi piccoli esercizi di meditazione
servono anche a ridurre gli stati d’ansia e
a migliorare la nostra abilità di ignorare i
pensieri e le sensazioni negative.
Immaginate i vostri pensieri come fossero
palloni che arrivano nella vostra mente:
una volta che li avete visti fateli sparire per
conto loro. Insomma, se l’idea di essere
meno stressati vi piace, provate questi
piccoli esercizi qualche volta al giorno e
noterete la differenza.
Nel caso di troppi
pensieri, i rischi
sono quelli di
indecisione cronica,
depressione e
insieme one – 2014
La colonna sonora
del viaggio è stata
caratterizzata da
musiche popolari
e dagli inni
nazionali dell’Italia
e dell’Australia
cantati con
passione da tutti i
Ancora una volta la nostra escursione
mensile ha visto la partecipazione
di 45 persone, dimostrando come
le nostre gite stiano diventando
così popolari da coinvolgere nuove
persone che trovano nuovi amici per
passare una giornata insieme.
La giornata è iniziata con molta euforia da
parte dei partecipanti che si scambiavano
sorrisi e saluti mentre salivano a bordo
del grande autobus che li avrebbe portati
in gita.
La colonna sonora del viaggio è stata
caratterizzata da musiche popolari e dagli
inni nazionali dell’Italia e dell’Australia
cantati con passione da tutti i partecipanti.
Alcuni, però, non sapevano le parole
dell’Inno Nazionale Australiano, così
l’autista si è offerto di cantare insieme a
loro finendo poi per cantare al microfono!
Durante il tragitto verso la Gold Coast
sono stati celebrati alcuni compleanni
di novembre rendendo così il tragitto
armonioso e corto, prima di arrivare alla
panetteria Saa Maria.
Quale occasione migliore per sgranchirsi
le gambe e fare uno spuntino! Caffé, dolci
di vario tipo, tra cannoli, panettone, ecc,
pizza e pane italiano sono stati serviti ed
apprezzati da tutti!
Il pranzo si è svolto nei ristoranti all’interno
del Casinò Jupiter, dove i partecipanti
hanno chiacchierato, fatto nuove amicizie
e si sono goduti l’atmosfera confortevole!
Presto l’orologio ha segnato le 3:00 del
pomeriggio, ora del ritorno. Il viaggio
di ritorno è stato altrettanto allegro ed
emozionante con altra musica messa alla
radio e cantata da tutti.
I partecipanti di questa gita erano così
contenti della giornata trascorsa che
hanno anche chiesto informazioni sulla
prossima escursione di dicembre.
È stata proprio una fantastica giornata!
insieme one – 2014
In Italy, celebrating a Patron Saint Day
is a very significant tradition, one that
is not as popular here in Australia.
However, last December, in collaboration
with the Sicilian Association of
Queensland, a large number of people
converged on the sanctuary at Marian
Valley to celebrate the feast day of Santa
Over three bus loads of pilgrims made
their way to the green valley to share in
Mass as well as a fine lunch prepared by
the Sicilian Association.
The beautiful weather contributed to a
spectacular day out, one spent in great
company and in beautiful, peaceful
insieme one – 2014
celebrating life
Put together Italians who have not
seen each other in a while and the
celebrations begin. This is what
happened when all of the social outing
groups got together in December for a
joint HACC social outing.
Coordinators organized three buses to
transport 80 clients to Mt Tambourine
for a relaxing tour of the local forested
area before heading off to Ashmore for a
sumptuous lunch at the steak and seafood
Much joviality followed as people caught
up with friends, ate to their hearts’ (and
their tummys’) content, exchanged jokes
and quips alike and generally had a
wonderful day out.
Il mondo non è pronto per la
Uno studio globale portato a termine
dalle Nazioni Unite ha rivelato che
il mondo sta invecchiando così
rapidamente che molti Paesi non sono
pronti a gestire il numero degli anziani.
Lo studio prende in esame 91 Paesi
e crea una classifica basata sul
benessere sociale ed economico degli
La Svezia è al primo posto, mentre
l’ultimo spetta all’Afghanistan.
Nel 2050, il numero delle persone sopra
i 60 anni sarà superiore al numero dei
bambini sotto i 15.
insieme one – 2014
The inaugural ‘Volunteer High Tea’ for
volunteers of the South Coast centre
based day care respite groups was
held on 6th December. The centre was
beautifully ‘dressed’ for the Christmas
period and the atmosphere was
definitely merry!
On this occasion, the volunteers
were pampered by Co.As.It.‘s DCRC
Coordinator and staff in appreciation for
their continued support throughout the
year. It was also an opportune moment
to celebrate the Festive season in ‘high’
As the volunteers attend on different days,
it isn’t very often that both volunteers and
staff can get together so this was a jolly
event to catch up with one another as well
as share some Christmas cheer.
Our volunteers not only give generously of
their time but also frequently donate items
to the Centre as well as contribute to the
many small fund raising raffles.
Their presence is essential support for
clients and staff alike and we would be
lost without them.
The mouthwatering menu was in keeping
with the traditional ‘high teas’ normally
served in high class venues and it was
with delight that everyone ‘tucked’ into
sparkling fruit cocktails, finger sandwiches,
tapenade toast, mini lemonade scones
and lemon curd tarts as well as chocolates
and rich chocolate tarts. All accompanied
by fragrant coffee and refreshing tea.
Co.As.It.’s one big happy family shared
the spirit of the season as well as the
Quite a number of the participants are
eagerly looking forward to the next
volunteer event – one that we will be
happy to share.
insieme one – 2014
The clients cut out and
decorated paper tree
ornaments to place on a
smaller tree for everyone to
The months leading up to Christmas
were a whirlwind of activities. October
saw us having picnics with each group,
morning teas at The Art Centre at
Bundall, then Evandale Park for games
of bocce and when it became too
windy, back at the Centre for the odd
game of tombola.
November was also an extremely busy
month, celebrating the Racing Spring
Carnival during the first week with
streamers and racing images and all
clients participating in the special activities
that were organized. We also celebrated
Co.As.It.’s 10 year anniversary with a
wonderful get together.
Outings were organized to the ‘Ashmore
Steak & Seafood’ restaurant for delicious
meals, little walks by Emerald Lakes
(where the statue of David was an ideal
location for some happy snaps) were also
enjoyed by the clients.
For the month of December, the Centre
was transformed into a Christmas
wonderland with Nativity scenes,
Christmas trees and decorations in any
available spaces - not to mention a few
Christmas teddy bears as well.
The clients cut out and decorated paper
tree ornaments to place on a smaller tree
for everyone to admire.
Friday 6th December was the inaugural
‘Volunteers High Tea’ which was organized
by the staff to thank the volunteers for
their time and contribution to Co.As.It.
throughout the year.
Instead of having one large party to
celebrate Christmas and the end of year,
each respite group had their own party
organized on their respite day, clients
made a special effort to dress in the
Christmas spirit and heartily participated in
singing Christmas carols and games.
insieme one – 2014
Santa made his
appearance in
full regalia (minus
the reindeer) to
distribute greetings,
good cheer and
It was a memorable week of Christmas
fun held over three days with the Day
Care Respite Groups.
Held at the Abruzzo Club, all clients
from Brisbane North, South and Bayside
groups enjoyed a sumptuous lunch,
dancing, traditional Italian folk music and
entertainment provided by Fortunato who
is always a big hit.
Co.As.It. President Cav. Nereo Brezzi
attended, presenting the special group of
people who make up our volunteer teams
with Gift Certificates in appreciation of
their assistance throughout the year.
They were not the only ones to be given
little gifts, Santa made his appearance
in full regalia (minus the reindeer) to
distribute greetings, good cheer and
Senior Coordinator Franca Rossi
acknowledged the contributions made
by both staff and volunteers and clients
were delighted with the raffles – prizes
that were items created by our clever craft
ladies throughout the year.
10 insieme one – 2014
insieme one – 2014
There have been so many special
moments for Italian residents in
nursing homes who are participating in
the CALD Activity groups.
Previous employee Rosalba Patane has
made a comeback to Co.As.It as a CALD
Activity Officer and together with Rosa
Basile, is making life for Italian residents
enjoyable and stimulating.
The two hour sessions may include
engaging Italian pastimes, games, Italian
coffee and treats but most of all the
residents have the chance to reconnect to
their Italian culture.
It is always gratifying to receive such
positive feedback from staff, family and
friends – all of whom are amazed at
the reactions to the residents’ familiar
language, music and the smell of Italian
If you have a family member or friend
living in one of these homes, please
ensure that they are also included in the
fortnightly activities.
mati ity
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For m he CALD e call
abou gram ple It.
Pro Co.As. 5
12 insieme one – 2014
The groups run regularly
at the following nursing homes:
Holy Spirit, Carseldine
Woodlands Park, Newmarket
Arcare, Browns Plains
Marycrest, Kangaroo Point
Parkview (Wheller Gardens), Chermside
St Martin’s, Taigum
Clifford House, Wooloowin
Windsor Aged Care, Windsor
Bellevue Care, Ferny Hills
RSL Treetops, New Farm
Ozcare Palm Lodge, New Farm
Carindale Court, Carindale
It is always a wonderful day when
we share time with friends, enjoy a
fabulous meal and catch up with other
volunteers of the valued Community
Visitors Scheme.
In celebration of Christmas and to thank
the CVS volunteers for their dedication in
visiting our elderly Italians living in nursing
homes, a jolly group of 25 descended on
well known Italian restaurant Gusto da
Gianni on the first Sunday in December.
This celebratory meal was enjoyed on the
banks of the Brisbane River with each
volunteer given a small gift as a token of
Co.As.It’s appreciation for volunteering.
Nucifora, Colomba Porcaro, Bruno
and Maria Pinto, Venerina Vosolo, Gay
Margaret Ward, and Caroline Matthews.
Many of these volunteers have been with
the CVS program for a number of years.
Co.As.It. thanks these special people for
volunteering throughout 2013 and we look
forward to another year of visiting that will
enrich an elderly person’s life.
Co.As.It. thanks
these special people
for volunteering
throughout 2013 and
we look forward to
another year of visiting
that will enrich an
elderly person’s life.
If anyone wishes to join the volunteer
crew, please contact Emanuela
at Co.As.It. on 3262 5755.
The CVS volunteer program has been
running for almost 20 years and Co.As.It.
has been very fortunate in having found
volunteers who are concerned about the
numerous elderly now living in nursing
homes who often suffer from loneliness
and isolation.
These older migrants made enormous
contributions to the Italian and wider
community in Brisbane, made many
sacrifices, worked hard and endowed
our cultural heritage to the Australian
It is a fitting way to remember their
presence by offering to visit, share time
and relieve the loneliness experienced by
these original migrants.
The volunteers in 2013 who have been
instrumental in enriching the lives of
these people have been Vilma Andriani,
Nino Battist, Rosetta Anna D’Alessandro,
Connie Di Bella, Frances Economides,
Maria Gagliardi, Antonietta Garcia, Paolina
Greco, Licia Guli, Josie Masciantonio,
Luciano Morselli, Renza Nave, Sarina
insieme one – 2014
Co.As.It. Community Services, under
the patronage of the Italian Consulate
for Queensland and Northern Territory,
held another of their splendid
community Christmas Concerts at the
Old Queensland Museum at Bowen
Hills on 15 December, 2013.
Attended by the Lord Mayor Graham
Quirk, Mr Robert Cavallucci MP,
Dott.ssa Tiziana Grasso (Acting Consul
for Queensland and Northern Territory)
and Mariangela Stagnitti (President of
Com.It.Es.), the afternoon was a joyful
celebration of all things Christmas.
A formal welcome by Co.As.It. President
Cav Nereo Brezzi introduced both
Dott.ssa Grasso and the Lord Mayor who
addressed the audience.
A wonderful array of performers created
that festive Christmas atmosphere in
one of Brisbane’s best known historical
Presented by host Rosemary Parisi,
the afternoon featured a number of
talented performers, including the
Brisbane Birralee Voices Choir that will
14 insieme one – 2014
be competing in April in the international
choral competition held in Riva Del Garda,
Singer/songwriters Nata Forte and Tiana
V mesmerised the crowd as did vocalist
Angelo Di Bella whilst popular soprana
Leslie Martin-Nightingale thrilled the
audience with her beautiful voice.
Ticket sales for raffles of bountiful baskets
of Christmas fare were strongly supported
by the participants.
The prizes were kindly donated by a
number of sponsors, namely Alf and Diane
Sorbello, KM Smith, TSF Constructions
Pty Ltd, Creative Stoneware (Maurizio
Falcone) and Merlo Coffee.
Following the various musical
performances, panettone and spumante
were shared with the guests.
A special thank you must be extended to
the many Co.As.It. staff and their family
members who volunteered on the day to
help with the organization of the event
coordinated by Carmel Paolino.
A wonderful array
of performers
created that
festive Christmas
atmosphere in one
of Brisbane’s best
known historical
insieme one – 2014
16 insieme one – 2014
insieme one – 2014
18 insieme one – 2014
The program continues to attract more
of our much loved members of the
Italian community.
The student’s corner at the Chermside
Library is abuzz with iPad users. We are
now sending emails and photos to each
other which makes for a fun couple of
hours of social interaction, laughter and
In March, these computer lessons will
begin at the Southport library - in the
Italian language.
On 21st November, we enjoyed a
wonderful morning with Dr Angelo De
Gioannis and Rossana Wullems who both
conducted discussions on mental and
emotional health and we had very positive
feedback on both these wonderful people.
Other very informative sessions included
eye health from the Macular Disease
Foundation as well as useful information
about transport options for Northside and
Southside residents.
Sergeant Kirsty O’Neill from Queensland
Police also spoke to us about personal
safety for seniors, especially during the
Christmas/ New Year holidays.
Join us for more easy technology classes,
interesting information sessions, line
dancing, zumba, movies, cards and bocce
and some wonderful outdoor activities.
All activities are aimed at promoting
healthy ageing, having fun and
maintaining social interaction.
Best of all, these activities are free as they
are proudly funded by the Department of
Social Services.
insieme one – 2014
At Rainworth State School, Monday,
9 December 2013 began with excited
anticipation as parents, teachers,
students and guests filed into the
school hall for the annual Christmas
Capers Concert.
The colourful Christmas decorations
certainly reflected the strong presence
of Rainworth’s Italian program with a
‘Buon Natale’ banner strung across the
stage, hanging boxes of ‘Panettone’ and a
‘Befana’ doll perched on the roof rafters.
Principal Adam Mathewson warmly
welcomed everyone before Master
of Ceremonies Mr Stephen Stocker
introduced the first act: the Junior &
Senior Strings orchestra playing ‘We wish
you a Merry Christmas’ and ‘Good King
A variety of toe-tapping songs followed,
with students singing in both English and
The Italian part of the program was
conducted by Italian teacher Alfredo
Ferranti and students demonstrated
perfect pitch and pronunciation with
Preps singing ‘La Notte di Natale’, Year
1 followed with ‘Ecco la Befana; Year 2
sang ‘Arriva per me’ and Year 3 concluded
the first part of the concert with a rousing
rendition of ‘Buon Natale’.
The Senior part of the concert kicked
off with Year 5 singing ‘Babbo Natale’
followed by a lively ‘Samba di Natale’ by
Yr 6.
The Year 4 students continued the
entertainment with ‘Natale per tutti’ and
finally, ‘La Befana Trullallà’ by the Year 7
seniors concluded the concert.
Staged and directed by Alfredo Ferranti
and Maryanne Filmer, Rainworth’s
Christmas Capers Concert filled the
audience with a warm festive spirit.
20 insieme one – 2014
On a warm summer afternoon in
Brisbane, the joyful sounds of Italian
Christmas carols could be heard
coming from the hall at St Joseph’s
Catholic Primary School in Bardon.
The occasion was the last assembly of the
year held on Friday 29 November 2013.
School Principal Ms Carolyn Hayes
welcomed assembled parents, students
and teachers before calling on Italian
teacher Jeanette Vanderzee to start the
Preps and Year 1s were soon spreading
the Christmas spirit by singing ‘Ecco
la Befana’, ‘Dov’è il Regalo’, Questo è
l’alberello’ and ‘Ecco gli animali’.
Then the Year 2s recited a play on the
legend of ‘La Befana’ who was an old
woman living around the time of the birth
of Jesus.
One night three wise men following a
bright star knocked on her door seeking
directions for Bethlehem where a special
child was born.
La Befana couldn’t help them but once the
wise men left to continue their journey she
wondered about this event and decided to
catch up to them to see for herself.
Unfortunately she never found the wise
men but from that day to this, La Befana
still searches. Every year, on the evening
of the Epiphany, whenever La Befana
sees a house where there is a child, she
drops in to see if it might be the one she
It never is, but La Befana leaves a gift
anyway as she has realized over the
years that her searching is not in vain,
because in a way, the Christ Child can be
found in all children.
This was followed by the charming nativity
play ‘La recita di Natale’ narrated by the
Year 3s. Soon the Italian Christmas carols
‘Tu scendi dale stelle’ and ‘Il primo natale’
were sung by the Year 4s and finally all
classes joined in the resounding ‘Ave
Maria’ and ‘Buon Natale’.
Highly commended:
Lily Beck
Sophia Ingham
Isabella Peters
Audience participation was encouraged
as songs in Italian and English were
projected onto the front wall for everyone
to join in.
Year 4 – Year 5 category:
1st prize Genevieve Moore
(prize $100 iTunes gift card, gold medal)
Highly commended:
Ali Tait Bermudez
Lily Shortis
Lucinda Horton
Chiara Masotti
Ella Cole
Bridie Roche
Jamie Adams
There was a strong student participation
in the recent ILC Poetic Calligram
Competition and ILC Program Officer
Rosella Dermedgoglou acknowledged
their achievements by handing out prizes,
medals and certificates to the worthy
Prep-Year 1 category:
1st place Max Beckmann
(prize $100 iTunes gift card, gold medal)
Highly commended:
Lilly McKenna
Sophie Watson
Charlotte Raward
Year 2-Year 3 category:
1st prize Tallulah Clarke
(prize $100 iTunes gift card, gold medal)
Year 6 - Year 7 category:
2nd prize Brianna Wakefield
(prize $50 iTunes gift card, silver medal)
Highly commended:
Amaya Tait Bermudez
Alyssa Di Michele
Josie Hawley
Charlize McArthur
Bella Franzman
Aurora Hagemann
Julia Christensen
insieme one – 2014
Il coro della scuola Rainworth State
School ha inaugurato la cerimonia
di premiazione del XIX° concorso
StuditaliA presso l’Education House
di Brisbane in data 22 novembre
2013, emozionando il pubblico con
una entusiasmante esibizione canora
dell’inno nazionale italiano e di quello
Il Premio StuditaliA è stato istituito nel
1994 con l’obiettivo di promuovere
e sostenere l’eccellenza nello studio
della lingua italiana in tutte le scuole
del Queensland, nonchè di premiare gli
studenti di italiano meritevoli della classe
Tale premio rappresenta inoltre l’impegno
da parte del Governo Italiano, del
Dipartimento dell’Istruzione, Formazione
e Lavoro del Queensland (Queensland
Department of Education. Training and
Employment) e della comunità italiana nel
Queensland nel mantenere la diffusione
della lingua e cultura italiana.
Grazie all’impegno e al sostegno offerto
dagli sponsor di questo evento, i quattro
studenti vincitori hanno ricevuto come
premio il soggiorno di un mese in
Italia, inclusa la frequenza alla scuola
secondaria di Cividale del Friuli, i biglietti
di andata e ritorno, e vitto e alloggio
presso il Convitto Nazionale Paolo
La cerimonia di premiazione, condotta da
Frank Paolino, è iniziata con i discorsi di
apertura da parte di Patrea Walton, Vice
Direttore del Dipartimento dell’Istruzione
del Queensland (Deputy Director-General
Education Queensland), e di Tiziana
Grasso, Console Italiano Generale
Reggente per gli stati del Queensland e
del Territorio del Nord.
Successivamente, i vincitori hanno
avuto l’opportunità di dimostrare le loro
abilità linguistiche in italiano attraverso
22 insieme one – 2014
I vincitori dell’edizione 2013 sono:
Nathalie Khan (Cairns State High School)
Thomas Hale (Brisbane State High School)
Tegan Buckingham (Ryan Catholic College)
Clara Barrs (Stanthorpe State High School).
una piccola presentazione della loro
interpretazione dell’argomento Ricerca,
Scoperta, Innovazione in Italia. La
presentazione dei vincitori di quest’anno
è stata accompagnata dai discorsi di
ringraziamento dei vincitori dell’edizione
di StuditaliA del 2012 (Theresa Fitzgerald,
Tobias Jurss-Lewis, Katharine Kachel
and Michaela Marcus) che hanno
ricordato il mese trascorso in Italia come
un’esperienza che ha cambiato le loro
I vincitori dell’edizione 2013 sono:
Nathalie Khan (Cairns State High
School), Thomas Hale (Brisbane State
High School), Tegan Buckingham
(Ryan Catholic College) e Clara Barrs
(Stanthorpe State High School).
Hanno quindi ringraziato il Governo
Italiano, il Dipartimento dell’Istruzione,
Formazione e Lavoro del Queensland
(Queensland Department of Education,
Training and Employment), sponsor
ufficiali dello scambio che hanno reso
possibile questo progetto.
La cerimonia di StuditaliA 2013 si è
conclusa con un bellissimo coro di voci dal
Rainworth State School che ha cantato
‘Santa Lucia’.
Gli ospiti di questo evento hanno avuto
anche la possibilità di ammirare i disegni
dei vincitori della Gara Poetica Artistica
organizzata dall’Italian Language Centre.
Questa gara, che prevedeva la creazione
di calligrammi, ovvero di immagini colorate
che reinterpetavano poesie italiane,
sono la prova di quanta passione ci sia
nell’insegnamento e nell’apprendimento
della lingua italiana nelle scuole di tutto il
L’ILC è orgoglioso di sponsorizzare
parzialmente il prestigioso Premio
StuditaliA. L’ILC offre corsi di lingua
italiana per i tutti i livelli, dall’elementare
insieme one – 2014
advocacy policy
regolamento della rappresentanza
Co.As.It. will encourage clients/care recipients to utilise an
advocate of their choice to ensure that clients/care recipients
receive the best possible service.
Il Co.As.It. incoraggerà i clienti ad utilizzare un rappresentante
di loro scelta per assicurare che i clienti ricevano il miglior
possibile servizio.
All clients/care recipients and potential clients/care recipients,
may choose to involve an advocate to represent his or her
interests at any time as accepted practice by this organisation.
È pratica accettata da questa organizzazione che tutti i clienti
e clienti potenziali possono scegliere un rappresentante che si
occupi dei loro interessi in qualsiasi momento.
The organisation:
• Offers each client/care recipient the opportunity to
nominate an advocate
• Offre a ogni cliente l’opportunità di nominare un proprio
• Accepts the involvement of an advocate of the client’s/care
recipient’s choice whenever this is the wish of the client/
care recipient
• Accetta la mediazione di un rappresentante scelto dal
cliente ogni volta che il cliente lo desidera.
• Has developed links with advocacy groups in its area and
informs clients/care recipients of the availability of such
• At point of first contact with the client/care recipient, prior
to assessment, clients/care recipients are verbally advised
of their right to have someone to represent their interests
and help them with complaints, disputes or any aspects of
service delivery if they wish
• An advocate may be a relative, friend, neighbour or
someone from an advocacy service
• The agency maintains a register of service providers and
agencies that provide advocacy services
• Clients/care recipients are to be reminded of their right to
use an advocate on subsequent visits and contacts, along
with their other rights associated with the services they may
• The agency documents informal feedback as a quality
assurance measure to ensure the service provided to the
client/care recipient meets their needs
24 insieme one – 2014
• Ha sviluppato legami con gruppi rappresentativi nell’area
di sua competenza e informa i clienti della disponibilità di
tale assistenza.
• Al primo contatto, prima della valutazione, i clienti sono
consigliati verbalmente del loro diritto di avere qualcuno
che rappresenti i loro interessi e che li aiuti nei loro ricorsi,
dispute, o per qualsiasi aspetto della prestazione di
servizio, qualora lo desiderano
• Il rappresentante può essere un parente, amico, vicino di
casa, o qualcuno di un servizio rappresentativo
• Il Co.As.It. tiene un registro dei prestatori di servizi e
agenzie che forniscono servizi di rappresentanza •
Ai clienti va ricordato, nel corso di visite e contatti
successivi, che hanno il diritto di impiegare un
rappresentante, ed anche degli altri diritti riguardanti i
servizi che possono ricevere
• Il Co.As.It. documenta le risposte informali riportate come
misura di garanzia di qualità onde assicurare che il
servizio prestato ai clienti soddisfi le loro esigenze
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insieme one – 2014
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