

blisterZine R.I.P. Real Italian Patriot
148 X 210 mm
12 pictures
it is about a historycal recostruction of a battle conducted by Garibaldi and his men fighting against austrian
si tratta della ricostruzione storica di una battaglia
condotta da Garibaldi e i suoi uomini contro gli Austriaci
svoltasi nella zona paludosa della Piallassa.
blisterZine suburban / RGB
148 X 210 mm
black 8 pictures
white 12 pictures
it is about a gang of young skateboarders who train their
abilities in the suburban area.
abbiamo seguito e fotografato un gruppo di giovani skaters
che si ritrovano negli skatepark della periferia ravennate,
blisterZine I folk U
148 X 210 mm
12 pictures
it is about local folk dancers who play the whiplash being
in time with the music.
dedicata ai locali danzatori folk che suonano la frusta a
tempo di musica.
blisterZine salt marsh predators
148 X 210 mm
16 pictures
3D glasses
it is a collection of stuffed animals held in the local
Natural Museum. to see them alive it is enough that you
wear the 3D glasses.
e’ la collezione di animali imbalsamati presenti nel locale Museo di Scienze Naturali. per vederli animati è sufficiente indossare gli occhiali 3D.
It’s a book with its own book trailers about an imaginary
alien invasion. Are they real? Are they among us? Or maybe
we are the alien who want to destroy our land and our people? The phobia of the unknown, of terrorists in general,
makes us feel unconfortable and allow our governments to
control anything they want.
The diffusion of fear helps economy in some way.
blisterZine they are among us
148 X 210 mm
13 pictures
defense mirror
E’ un libro con il relativo book trailers su un’invasione
immaginaria di alieni. E’ reale? Sono tra noi? Oppure noi
siamo gli alieni e vogliamo distruggere la nostra terra e
la nostra gente? La fobia dell’ignoto, del terrorismo in
generale, ci rende a disagio e permette ai governi di fare
e controllare ciò che vogliono. La diffusione della paura
aiuta l’economia in qualche modo.
blisterZine lilliput
148 X 210 mm
12 pictures
“The country around appeared like a continued garden,
and the enclosed fields, which were generally forty feet
square, resembled so many beds of flowers.These fields were
intermingled with woods of half a stang,and the tallest
trees,as I could judge, appeared to be seven feet high.
I viewed the town on my left hand, which looked like the
painted scene of a city in a theatre.” Jonathan Swift
(Gulliver’s Travels, into several remote nations of the
We were asked to document an old and uninhabited flat in
the centre of Milan, there we found old posters, dirty
and destroyed wallpapers and dust everywhere. this is spazio_Morris.
148 X 210 mm
spazio_Morris, Milano
Siamo stati incaricati di documentare un vecchio appartamento abbandonato nel centro di Milano. lì abbiamo tropvato vecchi posters, fatiscente carta da parati e polvere
The pictures selected were photographed during a Residency
Programme at the National Center of
Contemporary Art in Kronstadt (St. Petersburg).
Борщ is a part of an artistic project titled Nicht Gerettet chapt. III, which was completed in
Kronstadt by NASTYNASTY©.
Борщ (Borsh)
148 X 210 mm
16 pictures manually attached, leather cover and gold
Il libro è stato realizzato con fotografie eseguite durante
una Residenza presso il National Centre of Contemporary
Art di San Pietroburgo. Борщ fa parte di un progetto artistico intitolato Nicht Gerettet chap. III, completato a
Kronstadt da NASTYNASTY©
Go Humam Not Ape is a series of portraits of ape-men represented in cinema and television in the twentieth century. The book provides an opportunity to reflect on the
animal origin of the human being and on the ape-man as a
metaphor of the alien and uncivilized.
Go Human Not Ape
by Francesco Spampinato
148 x 210 mm
44 pages, full color, softcover
Go Humam Not Ape consiste in una serie di ritratti di uomini scimmia rappresentati al cinema e in televisione nel
XX secolo. Il libro fornisce l’occasione per riflettere
sull’origine animale dell’essere umano e sull’uomo scimmia come metafora dello straniero e dell’incivile.
Flaneur consists of a series of posters showing a metropolitan and mimetic mantle built through the overlapping of
materials and graphisms. All the posters appear like urban
maps drawn through an exploration which is completely free
and not hasty. The images reveal themselves thanks to an
active participation of the reader of the book.
by Alessandro Roma
148 x 210 mm
5 posters
Flaneur consiste in una serie di posters raffiguranti un
mimetico manto metropolitano costruito attraverso sovrapposizioni di materiali e grafismi. I posters si presentano come mappe del tessuto urbano tracciate grazie ad
un’esplorazione non affrettata e libera. Immagini che si
rivelano grazie ad un’attiva partecipazione del fruitore
del libro.
BlisterZine -made in Italy
blisterZine is a project by NASTYNASTY© (Emiliano Biondelli and Valentina Venturi), multimedia artists active
as a duo since 2008.
blisterZine is a collection of little format photographic
works on specific topics of our land: Romagna, where we
live. These monographs are made instinctively, they derive from a strong demand to prove and to document slices
of reality as a reportage of the daily life; even so,
while we’re trying to document, pictures evoke new stories and inevitably images give life to different works
of fiction. The name of this fanzine is from its packaging
which is a transparent envelope.
We work with video to make a sort of a trailer of a story
based on our pictures, but also we can say that videos
for us are complementary to the books.
blisterZine m’eat art, a new publishing project by NASTYNASTY©, is born from the desire to collaborate with
artists and promote the book as art object.
R.I.P. Real Italian Patriots, 2010
Suburban / R.G.B., 2010
I folk U, 2010
Salt marsh predators (3D), 2010
They are among us, 2011
lilliput, 2011
blisterZine m’eat art:
Go Human Not Ape
- 2010 oct: WM art book, SATUS, exhibition in Milano at
spazio_Morris, curated by Alessandro Roma and Marta Pierobon
- 2010 dec: Fahrenheit 39, Galleria Ninapì, Ravenna, curated by Emilio Macchia and Associazione Strativari
- 2011 may: R.I.P. Real Italian Patriot -chapter II,
videoinstallation, Fotografia Europea 011, Reggio Emilia
curated by Cristian Scarola e Annalisa Trapani
- 2011 dec: SWEET SHEETS IV, Zelle Arte Contemporanea,
Palermo curated by Guillaume Von Holden
- 2011 dec: Fahrenheit 39 II° ed, Galleria Ninapì, Ravenna, curated by Emilio Macchia and Associazione Strativari
- 2012 apr: Fahrenheit 39 II° ed, Centro de Arte Mutuo,
Barcelona, curated by Emilio Macchia, Associazione Strativari and SHS Publishing
- 2012 jul: FLANEUR, art book in collaboration with Alessandro Roma, O’ Milano, Italy
- 2012 aug: DIY: Photographers and books, Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, curated by Sheri Walter
- 2012 sep: The N.Y. Art Book Fair, zines exhibitors,
PS1, N.Y. curated by Printed Matter
special project:
WM, 2010
Борщ (Borsh), 2012