Experiential Training


Experiential Training
Hope Training Centre
Experiential Training
                                             课程秕类<!1. 体验引å
Leadership2)     领导啊戕功å-¦åŸ¹è®-课程: a.飞鹰课程  b. 鸿雕课程 <!-2. 身心畵课程â
个人内在戕长课程~能釕舞动工作啊〕内在尕å-©ç–—愈工作啊2)  亲密关系课程~爱æƒ
Trainingä¸€ï¼‰ç´ è´¨æ‹“å±•å•Šå›¢é˜ŸåŸ¹è®-è¯¾ç¨‹ï¼šÂ ä½•è°“ç´ è´¨æ‹“å±•åŸ¹è®-ï¼ŸÂ ç´ è´¨æ‹“å±•åŸ¹è®-是一秕以敕é
¼Œä»¥æ„Ÿæ‚Ÿä¸ºç›®çš„ã€‚å› æ-¤ï¼Œè¿™ç§•åŸ¹è®-方引戕为个人å-¦ä¹ 生活绕验〕体验社会教育〕å½
è¦•çš„ä¸€çŽ¯ã€‚Â ç´ è´¨æ‹“å±•åŸ¹è®-课程的好处: <!--[if !supportLists]-->1.        <!--[endif]-->激啑个人æ½
!supportLists]-->2.        <!--[endif]->æ••é«˜æ²Ÿé€šäº¤æµ•çš„ä¸»åŠ¨æ€§å’ŒæŠ€å·§æ€§ï¼Œæ ‘ç«‹ç›¸äº’é…•å•ˆã€•ç›¸äº’æ”¯æŒ•çš„å›¢é˜Ÿç²¾ç¥žï¼Œæž•å¤§å¢žå
!supportLists]-->Ø       <!--[endif]-->认识到自身的潜能<!--[if !supportLists]-->Ø       <!--[endif]-->
>Ø       <!--[endif]-->é¢†è¢–ç´ è´¨çš„åŸ¹å…»<!--[if !supportLists]-->Ø       <!--[endif]-->啑展情感智æ
>人际互动<!--[if !supportLists]-->Ø       <!--[endif]-->奉献精神与自我价值的敕啇<!--[if !supportLi
!supportLists]-->Ø       <!--[endif]-->团队啈作<!--[if !supportLists]-->Ø       <!--[endif]->啌赢的沟通〕三赢的关系方引:团体互动课程简介 二)戕功å-¦åŸ¹è®-课程: (一
>阶段引的å-¦ä¹ ,æ-¥æ-¥åŠ 深,从表象到深度心畆层镢,使å-¦ä¹ 者更容易掌敡戕功çš
>使å-¦ä¹ 者æ-£ç¡®çœ‹å¾…困境〕金钱〕工作〕啕利啊敃利,努力进啖,敕高对生活的戕
>使å-¦ä¹ è€…å•‘å±•å•¥å…¨çš„äººæ ¼ï¼Œæ‹¥æœ‰æ›´è‰¯å¥½çš„äººé™…å…³ç³»ï¼Œè¾¾åˆ°äººã€•æˆ‘ã€•ä»–çš„å’Œè°•ã€‚
>使å-¦ä¹ 者å-¦ä¼šè‡ªå-¦ï¼ŒåŸ¹å…»çŸ¥è¯†æ›´æ–°çš„能力和敜寻有用信敯的能力。<!--[if !supportLists
!supportLists]-->6.        <!--[endif]-->使å-¦ä¹ 者具备利用所å-¦çŸ¥è¯†å’Œæ–¹æ³•ï¼Œåˆ†æž•ä¸€äº›ç”Ÿæ´»
>1.        <!--[endif]-->鸿雕课程所有培è®-以活动体验引为主导。<!--[if !supportLists]-->2. Â
>综啈了30年最尖端的心畆å-¦ä¸´åºŠå®žè¯•çš„ç ”ç©¶ï¼Œè¯¾ç¨‹ç³»ç»Ÿä»¥æŽ¢ç´¢ã€•çª•ç ´å•Šå®žè·µé”»ç‚¼ä¸‰ä¸ªä
>3.        <!--[endif]-->课程的内容逕æ-¥æ¸—逕深度心畆层镢,使å-¦ä¹ 者更清楚觉知å
>4.        <!--[endif]-->使å-¦ä¹ 者更勇于活出自己,从过去的创伤ä¸-走出敥,放下心ç
->使å-¦ä¹ è€…å…·æœ‰æ›´æ¸…æ™°çš„äººç”Ÿç›®æ ‡ï¼Œæ›´å‘¨å…¨çš„è®¡åˆ’ï¼Œæ›´æœ‰æ•ˆçš„è¡ŒåŠ¨å•Šæ›´å•šå®šçš„
1. 找出生命ä¸-å•¡ä½•çš„éƒ¨åˆ†ï¼Œçª•ç ´å†…å¿ƒçš„éšœç¢•
2.Â å¤„ç•†å†…åœ¨æ·±å±‚å †ç§¯çš„åˆ›ä¼¤ï¼Œç–•è§£æƒ…ç»ªåŽ‹åŠ›
3. 接纳自己〕建立自信,寻回自己内在的勇气与力釕,活出自己的払啎与天赋课程
1. 接触自己的感觉〕释放情绪压力
2.Â è‡ªæˆ‘æŽ¥çº³ã€•å»ºç«‹è‡ªä¿¡ã€•çˆ±è‡ªå·±æœ¬æ•¥çš„æ ·å-•
3. 打开自己内在的能釕〕展现个人自信与é-…力
4. 打开事业能釕〕金钱能釕〕啥康能釕〕人际与亲密关系能釕
5.Â æ¿€å•‘åˆ›é€ åŠ›ï¼Œæ‰¾åˆ°è‡ªå·±å†…åœ¨çš„æ½œèƒ½ä¸ŽåŠ›é‡•è¯¾ç¨‹ç‰¹ç‚¹ï¼šÂ
这三天的体验引课程, 将让å-¦å‘˜è·Ÿè‡ªå·±çš„心更贴近,逕过身心内在的觉醒, 敕高自我
1. 自我觉察与内在探索
2. 释放敕惧〕愤怒与哀伤
3. 疗愈内在创伤(与父毕和解,镢对敃娕,罪敶感,å-¤ç‹¬æ„Ÿï¼Œå®‰å…¨æ„Ÿä¸Žä¿¡ä»»ï¼
4.Â çª•ç ´è‡ªæˆ‘å±€é™•
5. 内在的釕建与完整课程导师:
林月蕕耕师  Jessie Lim
~资深身心畵导师〕拥有超过20å¹´èº«å¿ƒç•µç ”ç©¶ç»•éªŒ
~心畆治疗师〕注册培è®-师〕注册心畆咨商师〕艺术治疗身心畵导师〕NLPè¯¾ç¨‹å•ˆæ ¼
领袖培è®-课程 Email:  [email protected]
更多详情:  www.hopetrainingcentre. <!--[if !supportLists]-->4 HOPE TRAING CENTRE ACE YOUR LIFE – AN E
Does your organization train employees the same way year after year? Do eyes roll when you announce another
mandatory training class? Do your employees scatter like rats when released from the training room for a break? If you
answered yes to these questions, your organization might be ripe for something new: Experiential training. What Does It
Mean?The term "experiential" denotes a method used to train employees, not a type of training, notes Megan
McDonough, president of both Megan R. McDonough Company of Hardwick, Massachusetts, and the Central
Massachusetts Chapter of the American Society of Training and Development. "Experiential training is learning by doing,
which causes an inner click -- an 'aha' moment," she explains. More Than Outward BoundWhen you mention the words
"experiential learning," many people first think of Outward Bound, the oldest, largest and most recognized wilderness
education organization in the world. Participants in the Outward Bound program learn by doing the unfamiliar, the difficult
and the adventurous. But you don't have to swing through trees to put some adventure into your training programs.You
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Generated: 29 September, 2016, 23:35
Hope Training Centre
can keep things simple by adding a small experiential component to your current program. For example, if you are
teaching repair professionals how to fix a piece of equipment, include a hands-on segment where participants take the
equipment apart and put it back together.Spice Up Your TrainingDavid "Tree" Krell, president of Santa Fe-based Cookin'
Up Change, believes learning should be fun. The theory behind adult learning is that experience is key to assimilating
knowledge. What better way to get hands-on experience than in the kitchen? Imagine the look of surprise on your
employees' faces when they open their training workbooks to find food recipes.Team cooking is one of Cookin' Up
Change's specialties. Through prep work and cooking, participants learn planning, communication, change management
(the instructor introduces the changes), effective use of resources and celebrating accomplishments -- all while preparing
a meal together. Participants never leave hungry, and are ravenous for more knowledge.No Talking Heads HereValerie
Davisson, senior director of worldwide staffing for Tricon Global Restaurants in Louisville, advocates experiential training.
"Engaging the hearts, hands and minds of individuals isn't done with an overhead projector," Davisson says. "Everyone
is usually working from the same foundation, and the barriers of experience and hierarchy are eliminated."American
Honda Motor Company in Torrance, California, has been using experiential training for some time. Mike Berdine, the
company's manager of warranty and information technology, believes in the method after participating in outdoor
courses, scavenger hunts and cooking classes.Berdine acknowledges that these courses can be a bit expensive, since
they are usually conducted off-site and may last several days. But he prefers this method of training to the talking-head
classroom style. "Experiential training pushes the comfort envelopes of participants, making the material more
memorable," he says.The skills acquired can be easily integrated back into the organization, since team building and
open communication are critical success factors in any organization. Experiential Training ProgramWhat is the
Experiential Training Program?The University of Michigan College of Pharmacy Experiential Training Program provides
Doctor of Pharmacy students with a structured, supervised program of participation in the practice of pharmacy. The goal
of the various introductory and advanced pharmacy practice experiences is to help students acquire practice skills and
judgment and develop the level of confidence and responsibility needed for entry into the pharmacy profession.
Introductory pharmacy practice experiences are spread throughout the first three years of the Doctor of Pharmacy
program; the entire final year of the program is devoted to advanced experiences (also referred to as "clerkships" or
"rotations").    The Experiential Training Program encompasses more than 175 practice sites that represent the breadth
of professional opportunities available to pharmacists. Although the majority of sites are located in southeastern
Michigan, the College has affiliations with practice sites throughout the country. At all sites, students work under the
close supervision of licensed pharmacists (known as "preceptors") who help students understand how to apply
classroom learning to daily practice. All preceptors hold regular or adjunct faculty appointments with the College of
Pharmacy.To ensure the primacy of appropriate student/teacher relationships, students do not receive any financial
compensation or reimbursement for their participation in the Experiential Training Program. Expenses that may arise
from lodging, food, transportation, and other incidental costs in conjunction with the Experiential Training Program are the
student's obligation.The University of Michigan College of Pharmacy Experiential Training Program provides all of the
internship hours required for licensure in the state of Michigan. The majority of these hours are earned during the final
professional year. Other states may have different internship requirements, and students who are planning to seek
licensure outside of Michigan are encouraged to acquaint themselves with each state's rules and regulations as early as
possible during the professional program.  Experiential Training Program   Pharmacy practice has changed since its
origins in the dim days of human history, but one aspect has remained constant. As long as there have been
pharmacists, there have been pharmacy preceptors: working professionals who transfer their knowledge, insights, and
professional standards to the novices following in their footsteps.Â
This tradition is alive and well at the University of Michigan College of Pharmacy.Â
With over 300 preceptors offering more than 175 different practice experiences, our preceptors are one of the great
strengths of our professional degree program. When you consider that the whole fourth year of the PharmD curriculum is
based upon a continuous, 40-week experience of direct contact with practicing pharmacists, you appreciate just how
significant a role preceptors have in the education of our P-4 students.
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Generated: 29 September, 2016, 23:35

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