終極購物絕技 - Priceline 訂拉斯ç¶


終極購物絕技 - Priceline 訂拉斯ç¶
憧眼石 - 美國生活攻略
終極購物絕技 - Priceline 訂拉斯ç¶-åŠ æ–¯æ—…é¤¨
2008/12/28, 週日
最後更新 2008/12/29, 週一
拉斯ç¶-åŠ æ–¯æ˜¯ç¾Žåœ‹çš„è‘—å••æ™¯é»žä¹‹ä¸€ï¼Œä»¥å¾€ä»¥è³-啚著稱,但隨著時間的發展,æ
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å› ç‚º Las Vegas
就僕之剕說的,畾在的 Las Vegas 丕用è³-也啯以很好玩,除了啄種活動è¨-施〕表演ç-‰ç
Vegas Strip çš„å‡±è–©é£¯åº—å•¤ç¾…é¦¬æ™‚ä»£çš„é¢¨æ ¼ã€•é£¯åº—å…§çš„å·¨å¤§å™´æ°´æ± ç-‰ç-‰ï¼ŒMandalay Bay æ
旅館飯店外镢的畅身人镢僕和金å-—å¡”é€ åž‹ç-‰ç-‰ï¼ŒThe Mirage 剕的畫山和裡镢的神秘花
20:00,毕整點與啊點,20:00 - 24:00,毕隔啕五分镘),還有許許多多丕啌的飯店,é
- 旅镊尕攻略:一美元暢è³-(Thanks shoha99)
怎麼啯以用一美元快樂暢è³-呢?畾在拉斯ç¶-åŠ æ–¯çš„å•ƒè§’å-•è€•è™Žå·²ç¶“進化很多了,
centï¼‰ï¼Œä¹Ÿå°±æ˜¯èªªï¼Œä½ è¦•æŒ‰äº†100æ¬¡æ‰•æœƒæŠŠä½ çš„ä¸€ç¾Žå…ƒä¸‹å…‰å–”ï¼•åœ¨è³ºéŒ¢èˆ‡è³ éŒ¢
- 一美元的調酒和啤酒(Thanks shoha99)
ç•¶ä½ å•šåœ¨è³-桌或是啃角å-•è€•è™Žæ©Ÿå‰•é•¢å•šæ®ºçš„時候,è³-å ´éƒ½æœƒæœ‰å…•è²»çš„èª¿é…’å’Œ
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- åŠ å…¥è³-啚俱樂部
è¨±å¤šæ—…é¤¨éƒ½æœ‰åŠ å…¥ä¸€å€‹è•¯å•ˆçš„è³-啚俱樂部,這個俱樂部會發會員啡給會員,
å•šçš„æ™‚é–“ã€•æ¬¡æ•¸å’Œé‡‘é¡•ä¾†ç©•åˆ†ï¼Œä½ å•¯ä»¥ç´¯ç©•ç©•åˆ†é»žæ•¸æ•›å•–å…•è²»ä½•å®¿ï¼Œä¹Ÿå•¯ä»¥è·¨é£¯åº—
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Priceline 地圖
Priceline Las Vegas 啀域地圖 (Source: Priceline)
在 Las Vegas çš„æ¨™åƒ¹çš„æ”»ç•¥æ˜¯ã€Œå•€åŸŸæ˜Ÿç´šå·®åˆ¥ã€•ï¼Œæœ€é•©å•ˆä½¿ç”¨çš„æƒ…æ³•æ˜¯ä½ æƒ³è¦•ä½• 4 æ
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建立者是: 15 March, 2017, 13:17
憧眼石 - 美國生活攻略
Vicinity North å•€åŸŸè¨‚äº”æ˜Ÿç´šçš„æ—…é¤¨ï¼Œä½ åŠ å…¥å•€åŸŸ 2. Convention Center - UNLV Area (啪有 1 - 4 æ˜
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1. Boulder Strip:(無法镸擇)
2. Convention Center - UNLV Area:1-4
Just east of the Strip with easy access via the Las Vegas Monorail, this area is the home of the University of Nevada, Las
Vegas campus and the Las Vegas Convention Center, one of the largest in the world. You'll find great options for dinner
along Restaurant Row on Flamingo Road and Paradise Road.
3. Fremont St. Vicinity:1-4
Fremont Street, one of the original Las Vegas gaming spots, has once again become a tourist delight with the famous
Fremont Street Experience, a promenade covered by a canopy over 5 blocks of the street. The Fremont Street
Experience features concerts and an astounding light and sound show - nothing beats free entertainment! East of
Fremont Street Experience is a cluster of great bars and clubs, shopping, antique stores and quaint eateries. Located in
the heart of downtown, this area is home to some of the most famous hotels and casinos in the city and just a short
distance from The Strip.
4. Henderson - Lake Las Vegas:1-4
Located west of McCarran International Airport and southwest of the Las Vegas Strip, this neighborhood includes hotels
in and around the small city of Henderson and near Lake Mead. The Hoover Dam is a half-hour's drive or less.
景點:McCarran International Airport, Las Vegas Strip, Hoover Dam, Lake Mead
5. Las Vegas Airport (LAS):1-3.5
Just a few minutes southwest of the World famous Las Vegas Strip, this neighborhood includes the Las Vegas McCarran
International Airport and is a mile northwest of the Belz Factory Outlet World -- where you'll find hundreds of stores with
incredible bargains on shoes, housewares, clothing and more!
景點:McCarran International Airport, Belz Factory Outlet
6. Las Vegas Strip Vicinity North:2-5
No matter the odds, you will find spectacular gaming and shopping along the north end of the Strip. This zone covers the
vicinity on or near the Strip north of Flamingo Road. The casinos along the strip offer great restaurants, exceptional
gaming, and a variety of entertaining shows. If the money you won is burning a hole in your pocket, come to the north
end of the Strip to experience the best shopping in Vegas. It also has multiple golf clubs nearby.
7. Las Vegas Strip Vicinity South:1-5
No matter the odds, you will find exceptional gaming and restaurants along the south end of the Strip. This zone covers
the vicinity on or near the Strip. It is home to the most recognizable of Las Vegas' casinos offering breath-taking views,
some of the best restaurants in Vegas, great gaming, and a variety of entertaining shows. It is also conveniently close to
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建立者是: 15 March, 2017, 13:17
憧眼石 - 美國生活攻略
the Bali Hai Golf Club and McCarran International Airport.
8. Nellis - Las Vegas Speedway:1-2.5
9. Summerlin - NW Las Vegas:1-3.5 with Resort
Northwest Las Vegas is located 9 miles northwest of the Las Vegas Strip. It is only 5 miles from the Nellis Air Force Base
and the Las Vegas Speedway. The Hoover Dam is 40 minutes from this neighborhood.
景點:Nellis Air Force Base, Las Vegas Speedway
10. West of Strip:1-4
You don't have to be on the Strip to feel the excitement of Las Vegas. The West of Strip neighborhood offers its own set
of great hotels and restaurants with easy access to all the action taking place on the Las Vegas Strip.
景點:Las Vegas Strip
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我們覕訂的日期是:Jan 11 - Jan 15 2009 å…±ä¸€å¤©é •è¨ˆæ˜¯ç«¶æ¨™å››æ˜Ÿç´šåœ¨ä¸Šè¿°çš„å•€åŸŸ6。
STEP 1.查詢基本標價
在 Hotwire上镢的地啀分類跟 priceline 丕太一樣,Hotwire 的 Central Strip 與 Priceline
啀域å…-大概最接近。查詢的價錢是四星飯店$59ä¸€å¤©ï¼ˆç¸½å…±å››å¤©ï¼ŒåŠ ä¸Š$27.91的稅
Hotwire 網啀:http://www.hotwire.com
ä½ å•¯ä»¥å¾žPricelineå®˜æ–¹çš„æ—…é¤¨å¾—æ¨™åœ°åœ–ä¸Šé•¸å•–åŸŽå¸‚ï¼Œä¸€å€‹æ–°è¦–çª—å°±æœƒè·³å‡ºå‘Šè¨´ä½ æ
Name Your Own Price Hotel - See Winning Bids in Top Cities!
STEP 2. Priceline 競標
Priceline 建è-°è©²å•€å››æ˜Ÿç´šå®šåƒ¹è¦• $143
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建立者是: 15 March, 2017, 13:17
憧眼石 - 美國生活攻略
6. Las Vegas Strip Vicinity North $40 (tax & fee: $25.17, Total: $185.17) - 失敗:
這是低於 15% 原則的 $50,如果以這個價錢得標,是我們覺得很丕錯而且啯ä»
競標 Summary
$40 並沒有被接啗,Priceline 給我們 $58 元的梕件,啪覕我們願愕用$58競標,就俕è-‰æ
Hotwire 的總價,所以我們就沒有接啗。
啀域 6. + 啀域 8. $45 (tax & fee: 27.48, Total $207.48) - 失敗。
啀域 6. + 啀域 8. + 啀域 9. $50 (tax & fee: 29.79, Total $229.79) - 戕功:
å› ç‚ºæˆ‘å€‘æ‰€åŠ å…¥çš„å•€åŸŸ 8 å’Œ 啀域 9 都沒有四星級,所以就算得標之後,也æ
「縮çŸ-何宿期陕〕敛啖競標次數,得標後 priceline
å•¯ä»¥è®“å¦³ä»¥å¾—æ¨™åƒ¹æ ¼å»¶é•·å±…ä½•å¤©æ•¸ï¼ˆä½†æ˜¯ä¸•è¶…é•Žå¦³åŽŸæœ¬ç«¶æ¨™å±…ä½•çš„å¤©æ•¸ï¼‰ã€‚ä
Priceline 標價網啀:Name Your Own Price & Save up to HALF OFF!
STEP 3. åŠ å…¥ä¿±æ¨‚éƒ¨æ‹¿ç•¾é‡‘å›žé¥‹
1. 剕镢說的延長何宿時間連絕(Extend your stay at the same nightly rateï¼‰æœƒé¡¯ç¤ºåœ¨é •é•¢ï¼Œè¨˜å¾—
2. 啳上角會有一個 Claim 10% cash back連絕。這個連絕就是終極購物絕技敕到的畾金回
Fun後,妳第一次啯以申請15%的畾金回饋(雖然連絕寫10%),而毕個月Great Fun啈æœ
å†•åŠ å…¥Great Funå¾Œï¼Œç¶²é •å•ˆè·³å‡ºäº†ä¸€å€‹åŠ å…¥ä¿±æ¨‚éƒ¨çš„é€£çµ•ã€‚åŠ å…¥å¾Œæœƒè´ˆé€•$20 American E
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建立者是: 15 March, 2017, 13:17
憧眼石 - 美國生活攻略
Las Vegas
Los Angeles
San Diego
San Francisco
Check-In Date:
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建立者是: 15 March, 2017, 13:17
憧眼石 - 美國生活攻略
Check-Out Date:
1 room
2 rooms
3 rooms
4 rooms
5 rooms
6 rooms
7 rooms
8 rooms
如果妳何在美國,妳也啯以啃考我們的「什麼是 cash back (畾金回饋)?〕。
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建立者是: 15 March, 2017, 13:17