Un contenitore polifunzionale che comincia dalla moda


Un contenitore polifunzionale che comincia dalla moda
Un contenitore polifunzionale che comincia dalla moda.
Una struttura moderna, giovane e dinamica, aperta alla moda, al design, all’arte, al food e a tanto altro
ProgettoCalabianaMilano, in via Calabiana 6, è uno spazio polifunzionale dedicato allo sviluppo del business
internazionale, nato da un’ idea creativa e imprenditoriale di M.Seventy che ha coinvolto Marina Salomon
Antonio Cappelli
(organizzatore teatrale), Carlo Mariani (owner progettista Exhibition Design), Massimiliano Bizzi (creatore di
White) e Mirko Rizzi (imprenditore e direttore artistico Marselleria) .
Focalizzato sul format temporary & conventional areas ProgettoCalabianaMilano mette a disposizione
seguire il proprio business in prima persona o di avvalersi di professionisti messi a disposizione dalla struttura
ProgettoCalabianaMilano è anche un incubatore di idee e di programmi per aiutare le aziende-partner nel repeProgettoCalabianaMilano è uno spazio espositivo funzionale e trasversale non solo per la moda, ma anche per
vo diritto di pubblicare, riprodurre e rivendere tutte le opere di Alessandro Manzoni”. Oggi, l’area post-industriale
Tagliavini dello store robertaebasta®.
Davide Paolini
ra di un residence inglobato nella stessa area.
Aqua Bland, Appartamento 50, Atalanta
Weller, Cangiari, Collection Privée?, Collection Privée? for Doucal’s, Daks London e Daks Sport,
Dom, Ester, Fabio Quaranta, Faustdrang, Hapter, JFK, Marchand Drapier, Memento II, Natural Born
Elegance, Numerozeta, Oyuna, VBC 1663, Voodoo. Come il DNA del progetto, di mutazione e a rotazione
Fabio Quaranta
Project Independence
King, Pizza e UnFlop Paper
che vede la partecipazione di Dust, Fantom, Le Dictateur, Ng™, Tar, Toilet Paper, Unpublished, Disegno,
Line e Forget Them.
SEVENTY SRL che fa capo ad Alchimia, la holding di Marina Salomon e a M.Seventy
Marina Salomon
riferimento di molte giovani aziende e il posto di lavoro di tanti ragazzi”.
Brenda Bellei
oltre 15 giovani a tempo indeterminato e dato lavoro a moltissimi artigiani milanesi e lombardi, dai fabbri ai fa-
+39 3453718094
[email protected]
Via Calabiana, 6 - 20139 Milano
www.progettocalabianamilano.com - [email protected]
ph +39 0233603416 - fax +39 0234592785
Sede Legale Via G. Prati, 9 - 20145 Milano - P IVA 02579511201
A polyfunctional showcase that starts from fashion.
A modern, young and dynamic structure, open to fashion, art, food and much more...
ProgettoCalabianaMilano, at 6 via Calabiana, is a polyfunctional space dedicated to the development of international
business, from a creative and entrepreneurial idea of M.Seventy which has involved Marina Salomon as a partner,
entrusting four creatives with the duty of designing and giving life to this area: Antonio Cappelli (theatre arranger), Carlo
Mariani (owner designer of Exhibition Design), Massimiliano Bizzi (creator of White) and Mirko Rizzi (entrepreneur and
artistic director at Marselleria).
Focused on the temporary & conventional areas format, ProgettoCalabianaMilano provides the companies with
9thousand squared metres (2thousand of which are dedicated to the events only) to showcase collections, deciding to
follow their own business or to rely upon professionals made available by the structure, providing for the following
services: reception, secretariat, press office, product advice, web strategy, photographers and not only.
ProgettoCalabianaMilano is also an incubator of ideas and programs to support the partner companies in finding raw
materials (the liaison with Lanificio Fratelli Cerruti is the first step), in the research of manufacturers or licensees for the
creation of samples, up to the setting up of style and sales teams.
ProgettoCalabianaMilano is a functional and transversal exhibition space not only consecrated to fashion, but also to
many other ventures, conceived by the accurate restyling of a paper factory that, according to some documents, had “the
exclusive right to publish, reproduce and re-sell all the works by Alessandro Manzoni”. Today, the post-industrial area,
heart of a quarter chosen by many important companies in the field of international fashion and design (Bottega Veneta,
Burberry, Dolce & Gabbana, Fondazione Prada, IED and gruppo Gibo), has kept the charm of the original external
structure unaltered. The interiors, luminous and rational, are enveloped by a glass membrane, frame of light of a macro
iron staircase that connects the three levels. The deco interiors have been selected by the Milanese antique dealer
Roberta Tagliavini, owner of the store robertaebasta®.
The areas dedicated to food & beverage are supervised by Davide Paolini, one of the main experts in the sector.
The restaurant will be managed by Cartabianca from Bologna. Guests will also be able to make use of the hotel
accommodation service of a residence incorporated within the area.
As of today, the brands present at the start-up of ProgettoCalabianaMilano are: Aqua Bland, Appartamento 50, Atalanta
Weller, Cangiari, Collection Privée?, Collection Privée? for Doucal’s, Daks London and Daks Sport,
Dom, Ester, Fabio Quaranta, Faustdrang, Hapter, JFK, Marchand Drapier, Memento II, Natural Born
Elegance, Numerozeta, Oyuna, VBC 1663, Voodoo. Just like the DNA of the project, characterised by mutation and
continuous rotation, typical of the temporary concept, linked to the showroom, tomorrow they might be different.
Fabio Quaranta’s fashion show will celebrate the opening of the space, on Sunday 13th January, followed by the party
offered by Project Independence, joining together ten independent headings: King, Pizza and UnFlop Paper, the three
leading magazines of the venture which sees the participation of Dust, Fantom, Le Dictateur, Ng™, Tar, Toilet Paper,
Unpublished, Disegno, Line and Forget Them.
For ProgettoCalabianaMilano an investment of 10 million euros was necessary; the project is owned by ALCHIMIAM.SEVENTY SRL which refers to Alchimia, the holding company of Marina Salomon and to M.Seventy, the company
whose CEO is Brenda Bellei.
“I deeply trust in this project” states Marina Salomon “which I consider an important opening to the worlds of excellence
born and represented in Milan, and that shall remain in Milan. In spite of those who would see this city to be in decline,
but which, on the contrary, in such a period of deep economic crisis, is becoming a reference for numerous young
companies with Calabiana, as well as the work place for many young people”.
“For ProgettoCalabianaMilano” explains Brenda Bellei “ in the period between beginning December and today, we have
employed more than 15 young with open-ended contracts, and we have hired several artisans from Milan and the
Lombardy region, from forgers to carpenters, to decorators, to glassmakers, all committed to the restyling of a space
which for us represents an incubator of new projects, already joined by numerous brands, both important and making
their debut”.