Fast Food and Environment - Liceo Statale "Benedetto Croce


Fast Food and Environment - Liceo Statale "Benedetto Croce
21 ottobre 2016
• Il cibo è un bisogno umano fondamentale, e una dieta sana è uno degli
elementi chiave per la nostra salute e il nostro benessere. Nel tempo
però, e con il fenomeno della globalizzazione, si è andato sviluppando un
sistema mondiale di produzione e fornitura dei beni alimentari, al fine di
soddisfare una crescente domanda di cibo .
• Piatti pronti, di produzione industriale, oltre che rappresentare un danno
diretto per la nostra salute, sono fonte di emissioni dannose per
l’ambiente, con alti livelli di CO2.
• McDonald's, la multinazionale del panino, è in assoluto il simbolo più
riconoscibile della globalizzazione, del fast food e della
industrializzazione alimentare che ha inoltre portato ad una
standardizzazione degli alimenti , una vera minaccia per le singole
tradizioni culinarie. Di fronte a questa mcdonaldizzazione mondiale
sono nate associazioni a difesa delle cucine nazionali e locali come Slow
• Slow Food interviene a favore delle tradizioni culinarie locali, delle
produzioni tipiche e della difesa di specie animali e vegetali che rischiano
l’estinzione perché usate in quantità industriali per la produzione di
• Cambiare le nostre abitudini alimentari puo’ quindi migliorare in primis
la nostra salute, la salute dell’ambiente e conservare le tradizioni
alimentari e culturali proprie di ogni popolo.
Fast Food,Environment and
-What is fast food?
Fast food is a type of mass-produced food
that is prepared and served very quickly. It
was popularized in 1950s in the USA and
now it is spread all over the world thanks
to the globalization
Junk Food
-What is Junk Food?
Junk food includes chips,hot pies, pastries, sandwiches,
burgers, croissants, kebabs,pizzas,chicken. It also
includes drinks ,milkshakes and soft drinks.
What are the most important Fast
Food all over the world?
-The most important fast food restaurants are: Mc Donald’s
126 countries and over 36,000 restaurants. Burger King with
11,100 restaurants in more than 65 countries. Taco Bell has 278
restaurants. Old wilde west and Kentucky fried chicken in 25
Fast Food and the impact on health
Too many calories
Fast food is unhealthy because contains too many
calories due to sugar and fats. Too much sugar leads to
Too much fat
Fast food contains too much fat because of the cooking
process and high level of satured fats particurlarly .
These ones lead to the obesity and create a much
higher risk of heart diseases.
Too many additives
Most fast food contains food additives and
preservatives,flavoring agents,pesticides and
hormones,some of them can lead to cancer.
Fast Food and the impact on
Fast food uses a lot of packaging: the boxes,the
bags,the wrappers, plastic-ware, and the Styrofoam
count 40% of all litter. The styrofoam is the most
common food waste and it takes 900 years to
breakdown in landfill!
2.Greenhouse gases
Fast food affects the environment for its whole chain of
production.First,fast food places sell an awful lot of meat
that,together with eggs,diary products,are produced at factory
farms. Intensive animal livestock (beef,chicken,etc) mostly grown
on industrial factory farms,is responsible for 18 percent of all
greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to the global warming
and then to the climate change.
3. Transportation
The trasportation for long distances of
burgers,chips,ready meals by trucks contributes to the
4.Water Contamination
All the hormones,drugs and fertilizers used to produce
fast food seep into groundwater,in this way water
quality has suffered dramatically.
5. Deforestation
The livestock makes the world’s largest use of agricultural land
because of the pasture and the production of feed crops for
animals. Then the deforestation play an important role for
pasturelands and for speculative and economic interests of the
multinational industry.
In sum,as you can see,fast food is definitely far from
the best choice for you, animals and the planet. So
instead, opt for a home-prepared meal of locally-grown
foods and eat more fruit and vegetables.
• Liceo economico Sociale B. Croce
• Anno scolastico 2016/17
• Montaggio Alessandra Di Mizio
• Coordinamento: prof.ssa Irma