FP 08/01 - Istituto di Fisica del Plasma


FP 08/01 - Istituto di Fisica del Plasma
Dipartimento Energia e Trasporti
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Elenco delle pubblicazioni scientifiche
dalle origini al 2007
A cura di Augusta Airoldi
FP 08/01
Febbraio 2008
Via R. Cozzi 53 - 20125 Milano (Italy)
L’elenco che viene qui presentato comprende tutti i lavori
scientifici pubblicati su rivista e nei rendiconti di Conferenze.
L’articolo del prof. Piero Caldirola, pubblicato nel 1961 e’ sempre
stato considerato (in primis dal suo stesso autore) il progenitore
dell’attivita’ di ricerca che, nel corso degli anni, ha condotto
all’attuale Istituto di Fisica del Plasma.
P. Caldirola - Sull'eccitazione dell'airglow per mezzo di radioonde - Suppl. al Nuovo
Cimento 19, 235 (1961)
P. Caldirola, O. De Barbieri - Some Effects Caused by Radiowaves in the Ionosphere Alta Frequenza 32, 510 (1962)
F. Beonio Brocchieri, P. Caldirola, U. Federighi, C. Maroli - Campo elettrico attorno ad un
satellite in moto nella ionosfera - Alta Frequenza 32, 258 (1963)
P. Caldirola, O. De Barbieri - On Some Nonlinear Phenomena in the Ionospheric Plasma
- Radio Science 69D, 33 (1965)
P. Caldirola, V. Agnello, U. Finzi, M. Fontanesi, E. Sindoni - Plasma Resonances as a
Diagnostic Method - Applied Phys. Letters 7, 300 (1965)
P.Caldirola, V. Agnello, N. Barassi, M. Fontanesi, E. Sindoni - Resonance Effects in a Low
Pressure Weakly Ionized Plasma - Proc. VIIth I.C.P.I.G., Belgrado 1965, 1, 475
P. Caldirola - Fenomeni non lineari nella ionosfera - Congressi, Convegni e Simposi
Scientifici indetti dal C.N.R. 8, 87 (1965)
A. Airoldi, O. De Barbieri - Relazione di dispersione non lineare per il plasma ionosferico
- Congressi, Convegni e Simposi Scientifici indetti dal C.N.R. 8, 111 (1965)
P. Caldirola, M. Cutolo, O. De Barbieri, E. Sindoni - Risultati preliminari su di un nuovo
tipo di scarica provocata da radioonde in un gas a bassa pressione - Congressi,
Convegni e Simposi Scientifici indetti dal C.N.R. 8, 129 (1965)
F. Beonio Brocchieri, P. Caldirola, C. Maroli - Campo elettrostatico attorno ad un satellite
in moto nella ionosfera - Congressi, Convegni e Simposi Scientifici indetti dal C.N.R. 8, 143
P. Caldirola, V. Agnello, N. Barassi, U. Finzi, E. Sindoni - Studio di una scarica a
radiofrequenza in presenza di un campo magnetico - Atti del Congresso AIDA-AIR,
Napoli, 121 (1965)
P. Caldirola, V. Agnello, U. Finzi, M. Fontanesi, E. Sindoni - Una sonda coassiale a
radiofrequenza per determinare le risonanze di un plasma magnetoattivo - Atti del
Congresso AIDA-AIR, Napoli, 130 (1965)
P. Caldirola, O. De Barbieri, C. Maroli - Sulla propagazione delle onde elettromagnetiche
in un plasma debolmente ionizzato - Atti del Congresso AIDA-AIR, Napoli, 136 (1965)
C. Maroli - Teoria cinetica del regime di breakdown in una scarica in risonanza ad alta
frequenza - Atti del Congresso AIDA-AIR, Napoli, 570 (1965)
P. Caldirola, V. Agnello, N. Barassi, U. Finzi, M. Fontanesi, E. Sindoni - Some R.F. and
Spectroscopic Diagnostic Methods of a Helium Plasma in Magnetic Field - P r o c .
AGARD Meeting, Pisa 1965, I, 325
P. Caldirola, O.De Barbieri, C. Maroli - Electromagnetic Wave Propagation in a Weakly
Ionized Plasma - Proc. AGARD Meeting, Pisa 1965, II, 587
C. Maroli - Kinetic Theory of High-Frequency Resonance Gas Discharge Breakdown Nuovo Cimento 41B, 208 (1966)
P. Caldirola, O.De Barbieri, C. Maroli - Electromagnetic Wave Propagation in a Weakly
Ionized Plasma (I) - Nuovo Cimento 42B, 266 (1966)
V. Agnello, N. Barassi, P.Caldirola, U. Finzi, M. Fontanesi, E. Sindoni - Experimental Study
of Radiofrequency Plasma in a Steady Magnetic Field - Nuovo Cimento 43B, 361 (1966)
P. Franchi, A. Orefice - The Near-Field of an Antenna in a Magnetoactive Plasma - Nuovo
Cimento 44B, 95 (1966)
U. Finzi - On the Physical Mechanism of the Radiofrequency Plasma - Nuovo Cimento
45B, 45 (1966)
O. De Barbieri, C. Maroli, A. Orefice - On the High-Frequency Conductivity of a PlasmaProc. EURATOM Symposium - Varenna 1966, III, 21
O. De Barbieri, C. Maroli - On Some Aspects of Quasilinear Propagation in Slightly
Ionized Plasmas - Proc. EURATOM Symposium - Varenna 1966, III, 151
M. Fontanesi, S. E. Segre - Strong Ionizing Fronts in an Oblique Magnetic Field - Plasma
Physics 9, 479 (1967)
O. De Barbieri, C. Maroli - On the Dynamics of Weakly Ionized Gases - Ann. Phys. 42, 315
O. De Barbieri, C. Maroli - Interaction of Electromagnetic Fields with Warm, Slightly
Ionized Magnetoplasmas - J. Plasma Phys. 1, 473 (1967)
O. De Barbieri, C. Maroli, A. Orefice - Electromagnetic Wave Propagation in a Weakly
Ionized Plasma (II) - Nuovo Cimento 48B, 378 (1967)
O. De Barbieri, P. Franchi, A. Orefice - Electromagnetic Wave Propagation in a Weakly
Ionized Plasma (III) - Nuovo Cimento 48B, 394 (1967)
P. Caldirola - Attivita' italiana nel campo della fisica dei plasmi - Suppl. al Nuovo Cimento
5, 1361 (1967)
R. Pozzoli - On the Collision Term of Boltzmann Equation for a Lorentz Plasma - Nuovo
Cimento 50B, 137 (1967)
O. De Barbieri - On the Oscillations of an Inhomogeneous Plasma - Proc.Conf. Physics of
Quiescent Plasmas, Frascati 1967, II, 511
A. Airoldi Crescentini, P. Caldirola, C. Maroli, E. Sindoni - Energy Distribution of the
Electrons of a High-Frequency Discharge - Proc. VIIIth Int. Conf. on Phenomena in
Ionized Gases - Vienna 1967, 168
P. Caldirola, O. De Barbieri, C. Maroli - Quasi-linear Propagation of Electromagnetic
Field in a Warm, Slightly Ionized Magnetoplasma - Proc. VIIIth I.C.P.I.G. - Vienna 1967,
E. Canobbio, U. Finzi - Shock Waves and Particle Acceleration in a Stationary Plasma
Flow - Proc. VIIIth I.C.P.I.G. - Vienna 1967, 391
V. Agnello, N. Barassi, P. Caldirola - Dielectric Properties of a Plasma in Magnetic Field
and Electron Density Determination - Proc. VIIIth I.C.P.I.G. - Vienna 1967, 493
A. Airoldi Crescentini, C. Maroli - Effects of Inelastic Collisions in Low-Temperature,
Diffusion Dominated Discharges - J. Plasma Phys. 2, 581 (1968)
B. Bertotti, O. De Barbieri - Anomalous High-Frequency Conductivity of a Turbulent
Plasma - J. Plasma Phys. 2, 465 (1968)
O. De Barbieri, E. Montaldi, R. L. Guernsey - Kinetic Equation for an Inhomogeneous
Plasma in a Magnetic Field - Ann. Phys. 48, 221 (1968)
P.Caldirola - Some Remarks on Space-Charge Acceleration of a Plasma in an Axially
Nonuniform Magnetic Field - Nuovo Cimento 58B, 372 (1968)
O. De Barbieri - Sulla relazione di dispersione del plasma - La Ricerca Scientifica 38, 102
O.De Barbieri, C. Maroli - Negative Conductivity in a Neon Plasma - Phys. Letters 26A,
442 (1968)
G. Lisitano, P. Caldirola, N. Barassi, M. Fontanesi, E. Sindoni - Production of a Hot Plasma
at High Levels of Radiofrequency Power Densities - Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. on Plasma
Physic and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research, Novosibirsk 1968, II, 415
G. Lisitano, S. Bernabei, E. Sindoni - Observation of Drift Waves in a Radiofrequency
Plasma - Lettere al Nuovo Cimento 2, 109 (1969)
G. Lisitano, S. Bernabei, E. Sindoni - Self-excited Ion Acoustic Waves in a
Radiofrequency Plasma - Phys. Letters 29A, 613 (1969)
M. Fontanesi, E. Sindoni - Some Features of a Plasma Beam Produced by a H.F. Slotted
Line and Trapped in a Nonhomogeneous Magnetic Field - Il Nuovo Cimento X 64B, 88
R. De Dionigi, M. Fontanesi, G. Lisitano - Stabilization of a Hot Electron Plasma by
Homogeneous Temperature Effects - Phys. Review Letters 23, 822 (1969)
C. Maroli, R. Pozzoli - Penetration of High Frequency Electromagnetic Waves into a
Slightly Ionized Plasma - Il Nuovo Cimento X 61B, 277 (1969)
A. Orefice - On Some Acceleration Processes of a Charged Particle by Electromagnetic
Waves in a Static Uniform Magnetic Field - Il Nuovo Cimento X 63B, 638 (1969)
P. Caldirola, S. Bernabei, M. Fontanesi, G. Lisitano, E. Sindoni - Magnetic Mirror Effects in
a Collisionless Radiofrequency Plasma - Proc. 3rd European Conference on Controlled
Fusion and Plasma Physics. Utrecht 1969, 72
P. Caldirola, S. Bernabei, M. Fontanesi, E. Sindoni - Production of a Collisionless R.F.
Plasma in a Magnetic Mirror at Low Pressure - Proc. IXth I.C.P.I.G. - Bucharest 1969, 223
A. Orefice, R. Pozzoli - Excitation of a Plasma by a Slow-Wave Structure - Proc. IXth
I.C.P.I.G. - Bucharest 1969, 228
P. Caldirola, S. Bernabei, R. De Dionigi, M. Fontanesi, G. Lisitano, E. Sindoni - Self Excited
Ion Acoustic and Drift Waves in a Radiofrequency Plasma - Proc. Int. Conf. on Quiescent
Plasmas. Parigi 1969, I, 15
A. Airoldi Crescentini, C. Maroli - Collision-induced Amplification Effects in a Slightly
Ionized Plasma - Proc. Int. Conf. on Quiescent Plasmas, Parigi 1969, II, 91
G. Lisitano, M. Fontanesi, E. Sindoni - Non Resonant R.F. Source of High Density
Quiescent Plasma - Proc. Int. Conf. on Quiescent Plasmas, Parigi 1969, III, 35
G. Lisitano, M. Fontanesi, E. Sindoni - Non Resonant Absorption of Electromagnetic
Waves in a High Density Plasma - Appl. Physics Letters 16, 122 (1970)
A. Orefice, R. Pozzoli - Analysis of a Radiofrequency Structure used for Plasma
Production and Heating - J. Appl. Phys. 41, 3739 (1970)
A. Orefice, R. Pozzoli - A Korteweg-De Vries Equation for Drift Waves in a Collisionless
Plasma - Physics Letters 33A, 228 (1970)
E. Sindoni, H. P. Eubank - High Intensity Ion Beam for Plasma Injection - Proc. IVth
European Conf. on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Roma 1970, 97
S. Bernabei, R. De Dionigi, M. Fontanesi, G. Lisitano - Reflection and Damping of E.C.
Waves in a High Density Plasma - Proc. IVth European Conf. on Controlled Fusion and
Plasma Physics, Roma 1970, 130
A. Orefice, R. Pozzoli - Propagation of Solitary Drift Waves of Small Amplitude in a
Collisionless Plasma - Proc. IVth European Conf. on Controlled Fusion and Plasma
Physics, Roma 1970, 175
A. Orefice, R. Pozzoli - Analysis of the Interaction with a Magnetoplasma of an Axially
Slotted Delay Line - Proc. Int. Conf. Gas Discharges, Londra 1970,197
G. Lisitano, M. Fontanesi, S. Bernabei - Propagation of Electron Cyclotron Waves along
a Magnetic Beach - Phys. Rev. Letters 26, 747 (1971)
C. Maroli - Multiple-Times Technique Applied to the Nearly Linear Propagation of a
Long-Wave Packet in Dispersive Plasma - Lettere al Nuovo Cimento 1, 295 (1971)
A. Airoldi Crescentini, R. Pozzoli - Resonant and Nonresonant Energy Gain of a Charged
Particle in a Modulated Electromagnetic Field - Physics Letters 34A, 258 (1971)
R. De Dionigi, M. Fontanesi, G. Lisitano, E. Sindoni - Nonresonant Large Diameter R.F.
Plasma - Proc. Xth I.C.P.I.G., Oxford 1971, 141
G. Casati, C. Maroli - Nonlinear Resonant Mode Conversion in a Plasma at the Upper
Hybrid Frequency - Proc. Xth I.C.P.I.G., Oxford 1971, 325
A. Airoldi Crescentini, A. Orefice, R. Pozzoli - Interaction of a Magnetoplasma with High
Frequency Electromagnetic Waves Modulated in Gyrofrequency - Proc. Xth I.C.P.I.G.,
Oxford 1971, 342
U. Tartari - Optical Spectroscopy Measurements in a Plasma Beam - Proc. Xth I.C.P.I.G.,
Oxford 1971, 408
H. P. Eubank, E. Sindoni - Production of Intense Ion Beams by High Frequency Electric
Fields - J. Plasma Phys. 7, 435 (1972)
R. De Dionigi, M. Fontanesi, G. Lisitano, E. Sindoni - Large Diameter R.F. Plasma for
Preionization in Confinement Devices - Appl. Phys. Letters 19, 19 (1971)
A. Airoldi Crescentini, A. Orefice, R. Pozzoli - Plasma Heating by two High Frequency
Waves Beating in Gyroresonance - Physics Letters 36A, 331 (1971)
G. Casati, E. Lazzaro - Some Remarks on Three-Waves Interaction - J. Math. Physics 13,
1584 (1972)
C. Maroli - Three Weakly Coupled Oscillators as a Model for Resonant Mode Interaction
in a Mildly Inhomogeneous Plasma - Lettere al Nuovo Cimento 2, 904 (1971)
M. Dobrowolny, A. Orefice, R. Pozzoli - Effects of Electrostatic Turbulence on Trapped
Particles in Toroidal Plasmas - Vth European Conference on Controlled Fusion and
Plasma Physics, Grenoble 1972, I, 35
W. M. Hooke, S. Bernabei - Observation of Non-Linear Effects near the Lower Hybrid
Resonance Frequency - Vth European Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma
Physics, Grenoble 1972, I, 118
M. Dobrowolny, A. Orefice, R. Pozzoli - Trapped Particle Scattering by Electrostatic
Turbulence in Toroidal Plasmas - Nuclear Fusion 13, 485 (1973)
E. Lazzaro, C. Maroli - Lower-Hybrid Resonance in an Inhomogeneous Cold and
Collisionless Plasma Slab - Il Nuovo Cimento 16B, 44 (1973)
G. Casati, C. Maroli, G. Uttica - Resonant Interaction of a Continuum of Weakly-coupled
Modes in a Dispersive Medium - Physica 68, 624 (1973)
S. Bernabei, R. De Dionigi, M. Fontanesi - Microwave Power Absorption by a Plasma
outside the Electron Cyclotron Resonance Region - Appl. Phys. Letters 22, 85 (1973)
C. Maroli - Interaction between Three Modes in a Non-Homogeneous Plasma - J.
Plasma Phys. 10, 165 (1973)
E. Sindoni - Il Simposio sul riscaldamento del plasma - Energia Nucleare 20, 25 (1973)
G. Casati, M. Dobrowolny, E. Lazzaro, A. Orefice - Effect of Magnetic Field Irregularities
on Plasma Diffusion - Proc. VIth European Conf. on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics,
Mosca 1973, Contributed Papers, 33
S. Cirant - Electron Energy Distribution Function Determined by Interpolation of an
Electrostatic Probe Curve - Proc. XIth I.C.P.I.G., Praga 1973, Contributed Papers, 428
M. Dobrowolny, A. Orefice, R. Pozzoli - Interaction of Particles Trapped in a magnetic
field with coherent Electrostatic Waves - Plasma Physics 16, 479 (1974)
B. Coppi, R. Pozzoli - Three Electron Population Model for Current Carrying Plasmas Plasma Phys. 16, 223 (1974)
A. Airoldi Crescentini, C. Maroli - Cold Plasma Resonances outside the W.K.B.
Approximation - Plasma Phys. 16, 769 (1974)
G. Casati, E. Lazzaro, A. Orefice - Effect of Magnetic Field Space Perturbations in
Toroidal Plasmas in the Intermediate Diffusion Regime - Phys. Fluids 17, 847 (1974)
U. Carretta, E. Sindoni, U. Tartari - Ion Acceleration by High Frequency Electric Fields Lettere al Nuovo Cimento 9, 650 (1974)
M. Brusati, G. Cima, M. Fontanesi, E. Sindoni - Lower Hybrid Resonance and Parametric
Decay Excited by a Slow-Wave Device - Lettere al Nuovo Cimento 10, 67 (1974)
U. Carretta, U. Tartari - An Apparatus for Plasma Spectroscopic Investigation in the
Visible Spectrum - Lettere al Nuovo Cimento 10, 615 (1974)
M. Brusati, G. Cima, M. Fontanesi, E. Sindoni - Lower Hybrid Resonance and Parametric
Decay Instability Excited by a Slow Wave Device - Proc. Symp. Plasma Heating in
Toroidal Devices, Varenna 1974, pag. 123
R. Pozzoli - Splitting of the Electron Distribution by the Electric Field in a Toroidal
Plasma - Proc. Symp. Plasma Heating in Toroidal Devices, Varenna 1974, pag. 225
A. Orefice, R. Pozzoli - Introduzione alla Fisica dei Plasmi Termonucleari Toroidali Edizioni La Viscontea 1974
A. Airoldi Crescentini, C. Maroli - Cold Wave-Propagation in Resonance Regime - Il Nuovo
Cimento 25B, 85 (1975)
M. Bagliani, M. Fontanesi, G. Ramponi - Electrostatic Waves near the Electron Cyclotron
Harmonics - Il Nuovo Cimento 26B, 31 (1975)
B. Coppi, G. Lampis, F. Pegoraro, L. Pieroni, S. Segre - Quasi-Resistive Regimes in
Magnetically Confined Plasmas - Physics Letters 55A, 221 (1975)
R. N. Franklin, S. M. Hamberger, G. Lampis, G. J. Smith - Nonlinear Behaviour of a Finite
Amplitude Electron Plasma Wave. I - Electron Trapping Effects - Proc. Roy. Soc. A347,
1 (1975)
R. N. Franklin, S. M. Hamberger, G. Lampis, G. J. Smith - Nonlinear Behaviour of a Finite
Amplitude Electron Plasma Wave. II - Wave-wave Interactions - Proc. Roy. Soc. A347,
25 (1975)
E. Lazzaro - Resonance Cone Structure Excited at the Lower Hybrid Frequency in
Bounded Plasma - Plasma Phys. 17, 1033 (1975)
A. Airoldi, P. Caldirola, R. Fiocchi - Flux of an Isotopic Mixture in Channels with Porous
Walls - Energia Nucleare 22, 18 (1975)
A. Airoldi Crescentini, P. Caldirola, R.Fiocchi - Laminar Flow of an Isotopic Mixture in a
Porous Cylindrical Duct - Energia Nucleare 22, 449 (1975)
P. Caldirola - Prospettive e sviluppi della fusione termonucleare controllata - L a
Termotecnica XXIX, 121 (1975)
B. Coppi, R. Pozzoli, G.Rewoldt, T.Schep - Anomalous Transport Process in High
Temperature Plasma - Proc. 5th Int.Conf. on Plasma Physics and Contr. Nuclear Fusion
Res. - Tokyo 1974, IAEA (Vienna) I, 549 (1975)
S. Corti, M. Fontanesi, G. Grosso, E. Sindoni - Plasma Heating Produced by Parametric
Decay Instability above the Lower Hybrid Resonance - Proc. XIIth I.C.P.I.G., Eindhoven
1975, Contributed Papers, pag 319
A. Airoldi Crescentini, E. Lazzaro, A. Orefice - Early Stages of the Evolution of the
Electron Distribution Function under an Applied Electric Field - Proc. VIIth European
Conf. on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics - Lausanne 1975, I, 171
B. Coppi, F. Pegoraro, R. Pozzoli, G. Rewoldt - Slide-Away Distribution and Relevant
Collective Modes in High Temperature Plasmas - Nuclear Fusion 16, 309 (1976)
R. Bonifacio, L. A. Lugiato, A. Airoldi - Discussion of Mean-field Theory, Amplifier Theory,
and Experiments on Superfluorescence - Phys. Rev. A13 1648 (1976)
B. Coppi, G. Lampis, F. Pegoraro - Anomalous Transport Model in High Density Regimes
of Confined Plasmas - Physics Letters 59A, 118 (1976)
B. Coppi, G. Lampis, F. Pegoraro, L. Pieroni, S. Segre - Saturation of Lower Hybrid Modes
in the Slide-Away Regime - Lettere al Nuovo Cimento 15, 88 (1976)
A. Airoldi Crescentini, E. Lazzaro, A. Orefice - Analysis of a Model for a Current Carrying
Plasma - Lettere al Nuovo Cimento 15, 373 (1976)
P. Caldirola - On the Approach to Statistical Equilibrium of a Quantum Macrosystem - Il
Nuovo Cimento 34B, 5 (1976)
Laboratorio di Fisica del Plasma del CNR, P. A. Worsnop, B. S. Ingram, A. J. Hoskins THOR Tokamak-Engineering Design and Experimental Programme - 9th Symposium on
Fusion Technology, Garmisch 1976, pg. 281
A. Airoldi, R. Pozzoli - Electron Distribution in the Slide-Away Regime - Proc. 3rd
Symposium on Plasma Heating in Toroidal Devices, Varenna 1976, pg. 235
M. Bornatici, E. Lazzaro - Peripheral Parametric Excitation for Lower Hybrid Heating Proc. 3rd Symposium on Plasma Heating in Toroidal Devices, Varenna 1976, pg. 140
A. Orefice, R. Pozzoli - Electrostatic Modes leading to Ion Heating in the Slide-Away
Regime - Proc. 3rd Symposium on Plasma Heating in Toroidal Devices, Varenna 1976, pg.
G. Lampis, E. Lazzaro - Prevision of the Plasma Parameters and Regimes in the THOR
Tokamak - Proc. 3rd Symposium on Plasma Heating in Toroidal Devices, Varenna 1976, pg.
P. Brossier, A. E. Costley, G. Ramponi, S. Tamor - Electron Cyclotron Radiation Losses
in Tokamaks: Experiment and Computation - Proc. 6th Int. Conference on Plasma
Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research, Berchtesgaden 1976 - IAEA vol. I, 409
G. Bonizzoni, M. Fontanesi, G. Grosso, E. Lazzaro, E. Sindoni - Observation of Parametric
Decay Instability near the Lower Hybrid Resonance - Plasma Physics 19, 1163 (1977)
R. Pozzoli, D. Ryutov - Modulational Instability Produced by Langmuir Turbulence in a
Magnetic Field - Proc. 8th European Conf. on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics,
Prague 1977 Vol. I, pg 143
G. Casati, E. Lazzaro, C. Perini - Velocity Space Selection Properties of Magnetic
Divertor Configurations - Proc. 8th European Conf. on Controlled Fusion and Plasma
Physics, Prague 1977 Vol. I, pg 28
A. Airoldi Crescentini, A. Orefice, R. Pozzoli - Quasi-Linear Processes in the Slide-Away
Regime of a Toroidal Plasma - Proc. 8th European Conf. on Controlled Fusion and Plasma
Physics, Prague 1977 Vol. I, pg 16
S. Corti, F. De Luca, G. Grosso - A Method for the Evaluation of Density Fluctuations
from Interferometric Measurements - Proc. XIIIth International Conf. on Phenomena in
Ionized Gases, Berlin (D.D.R) 1977
G. Ramponi, P. Brossier, I. Fidone - Non-Thermal Emission at the Plasma Frequency Proc. Workshop on Plasma Transport, Heating and MHD Theory, Varenna 1977, Published
by Pergamon Press pg. 41
R. Pozzoli, D. Ryutov - Modulational Instability in a Magnetic Field - Proc. Workshop on
Plasma Transport, Heating and MHD Theory, Varenna 1977, Published by Pergamon Press
pg. 33
A. Orefice, A. Airoldi Crescentini, R. Pozzoli - Quasi-Linear Theory of a Toroidal Plasma in
the Slide-Away Regime - Proc. Workshop on Plasma Transport, Heating and MHD Theory,
Varenna 1977, Published by Pergamon Press pg. 149
C. Maroli, M. Bornatici - Wave Propagation and Absorption near the Electron-Cyclotron
Layer in the THOR Device - Proc. Workshop on Plasma Transport, Heating and MHD
Theory, Varenna 1977, Published by Pergamon Press pg. 243
E. Lazzaro - Stochastic Heating of an Ion Beam by Lower Hybrid Waves - Proc.
Workshop on Plasma Transport, Heating and MHD Theory, Varenna 1977, Published by
Pergamon Press pg. 263
G. Lampis, E. Lazzaro - Prevision of the Plasma Parameters and Regimes in the THOR
Tokamak - Proc. Workshop on Plasma Transport, Heating and MHD Theory, Varenna 1977,
Published by Pergamon Press pg. 329
S. Corti, F. De Luca, G. Grosso - RF Preionization in Tokamak THOR - Lettere al Nuovo
Cimento 22, 379 (1978)
F. De Luca, C. Maroli - Ray-tracing in the electron-cyclotron frequency region - J .
Plasma Physics 20, 299 (1978)
R. Pozzoli, E. Sindoni - Theoretical and Experimental Aspects of Thermonuclear Fusion
by Magnetic Confinement - Scientia 113, 633 (1978)
E. Lazzaro - Stochastic Heating of a Ion Beam by Lower Hybrid Waves - Lettere al
Nuovo Cimento 22, 625 (1978)
I. Fidone, G. Ramponi, P. Brossier - Non Thermal Emission at the Plasma Frequency Phys.of Fluids 21, 237 (1978)
I. Fidone, G. Granata, R. L. Meyer, G. Ramponi - Wave Absorption near the Electron
Cyclotron Frequency - Phys. of Fluids 21, 645 (1978)
R. Pozzoli, E. Sindoni, T. Stringer - The Course and Workshops on the Theory of
Magnetically Confined Plasmas - Energia Nucleare 25, 151 (1978)
M. Fontanesi, E. Lazzaro - La fusione termonucleare e il Tokamak - Energia Nucleare 25,
451 (1978)
E. Lazzaro - Stochastic Interaction of an Ion Beam with Localized Waves in a Closed
Confinement System - Proc. 3rd Topical Conference on Radio Frequency Plasma Heating,
Pasadena 1978, Paper G1
E. Lazzaro, C. Maroli - Antenna Impedance in the Lower Hybrid Region - Proc. Symp. on
Heating in Toroidal Plasmas, Grenoble 1978, Vol. 1 pg. 167
S. Corti, F. De Luca, G. Grosso - RF Preionization in Tokamak THOR: Effect of Subharmonics of Ω0 on the Absorption of the Wave - Proc. Symp. on Heating in Toroidal
Plasmas, Grenoble 1978, Vol. 1 pg. 225
R. Pozzoli, D. D. Ryutov - Modulational Instability Produced by Langmuir Turbulence in
a Magnetic Field - The Physics of Fluids 22, 1782 (1979)
F. De Luca, C. Maroli, V. Petrillo - Bernstein Rays in a Tokamak Plasma in the Electron
Cyclotron Heating Conditions - Plasma Physics 21, 1067 (1979)
E. Lazzaro, M. Mauri - Power Flow and Electron Landau Damping of Lower Hybrid
Waves in Cylindrical Plasma - Il Nuovo Cimento 52B, 129 (1979)
F. De Luca, C. Maroli, V. Petrillo - Geometrical Optics for Vlasov Plasmas in Tokamak
Machines. I - General Statement of the Problem - Il Nuovo Cimento 53B, 181 (1979)
F. De Luca, C. Maroli, V. Petrillo - Geometrical Optics for Vlasov Plasmas in Tokamak
Machines. II - An Application to Electron-Cyclotron Frequency Heating - Il Nuovo
Cimento 53B, 195 (1979)
A. Airoldi Crescentini, G. Grosso, G. Lampis, E. Lazzaro - Model for Description of
Transient Behaviour of a Tokamak Discharge - Il Nuovo Cimento 54B, 426 (1979)
M. Fontanesi, E. Sindoni - Diagnostica dei plasmi per esperienze di fusione
termonucleare controllata - Energia Nucleare 26, 143 (1979)
B. Coppi, R. Pozzoli, E. Sindoni, A.Taroni - L'ignizione termonucleare mediante macchine
compatte - Energia Nucleare 26, 573 (1979)
E. Lazzaro, S. Nowak - Interaction of Trapped Particles in a Tokamak with Amplitude
Modulated R.F. Fields - Proc. 9th European Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma
Physics. Oxford 1979, pg.540
G. Bonizzoni, S. Cirant, M. Fontanesi - Time Evolution of Residual Gases and Impurities
in the Tokamak THOR - Proc. 6th National Congress on Vacuum Science and Technology,
Bari 1979, Vol.I, pg.3
G. Bonizzoni - Vacuum System in the Tokamak THOR - Proc. 6th National Congress on
Vacuum Science and Technology, Bari 1979, Vol.II, pg.590
G. Casati, E. Lazzaro, S. Nowak - Stochastic Effects of Pulsed R.F. on the Trapped
Particles of a Tokamak - Proceedings International Workshop on Intrinsic Stochasticity in
Plasmas, Cargese 1979, pg.274
A. Airoldi Crescentini, A. Orefice - Quasi-Linear Approach to the Problem of Propagation
of Bernstein Waves in an Inhomogeneous Magnetoactive Plasma - Journal of Plasma
Physics 23, 209 (1980)
E. Lazzaro, A. Orefice - Relativistic Dispersion Relation for Electron Bernstein Waves The Physics of Fluids, 23, 2230 (1980)
I. Fidone, G. Granata, R. L. Meyer, G. Ramponi - Wave Damping near the Electron
Cyclotron Frequency - Plasma Physics 22, 203 (1980)
U. Carretta, A. Jacchia, G. Lampis, A. Orefice, R. Pozzoli, U. Tartari - Analysis of the
Electron Distribution Function in a Tokamak Discharge - Il Nuovo Cimento, 55B, 229
E. Lazzaro, V. N. Pavlenko, V. V. Musalevsky - Echo in a Semibounded Plasma with
Boundary Defined by Electrostatic Potential Profiles - Il Nuovo Cimento, 56B, 137 (1980)
G. Bonizzoni, S. Cirant, M. Fontanesi - Wall Conditioning of the Thor Tokamak - Il Nuovo
Cimento 57B, 82 (1980)
C. Maroli, V. Petrillo - Character of the Electrostatic Bernstein Dispersion Relation for
Oblique Propagation - Lettere al Nuovo Cimento 28, 81 (1980)
M. Lontano, L. S. Pekker, R. Pozzoli - Anti Loss-Cone Instability in a Tandem Mirror
Device - Sov. J. Plasma Phys. 6, 432 (1980)
S. Corti - The Problem of Abel Inversion in the Determination of Plasma Density from
Phase Measurements - Lettere al Nuovo Cimento 29, 25 (1980)
M. Lontano, R. Pozzoli - Ponderomotive Effects and Modulational Instability in a
Magnetoactive Plasma - Il Nuovo Cimento 58B, 45 (1980)
P. Caldirola - Nuclear Fusion: Present State and Future Prospects - in "Physics and
Contemporary Needs" Vol.4, pg.79-119, Plenum Publ. Co. 1980
M. Lontano, R. Pozzoli, M. Scovenna - Quasilinear Effects Produced by Electron
Cyclotron Waves - Joint IVth Int. Conf. on Plasma Theory and IVth Int. Congress on Waves
and Instabilities in Plasmas. Nagoya 1980 Paper 7P-I-29
M. Lontano, L. S. Pekker, R. Pozzoli - Instability of anti loss-cone Ion Distribution in
Tandem Mirrors - Int.Symp.on Physics in Open Ended Fusion Systems. Tsukuba 1980,
A. Airoldi, E. Lazzaro, M. Lontano, C. Maroli, A. Orefice, V. Petrillo, R. Pozzoli, G. Ramponi Linear and Quasilinear theory of ECRH by Extraordinary Waves - Proc. 2nd Joint
Varenna-Grenoble Symp. on Heating in Toroidal Plasmas, Como 1980, Vol. I, pg.127
D. Farina, M. Lontano, R. Pozzoli - Electron Cyclotron Waves in Superthermal Plasmas Proc. 2nd Joint Varenna-Grenoble Symp. on Heating in Toroidal Plasmas. Como 1980 - Vol.
I, pg.219
A. Airoldi Crescentini, E. Lazzaro, A. Orefice - Relativistic Theory of Electron Cyclotron
Waves - Proc. 2nd Joint Varenna-Grenoble Symp. on Heating in Toroidal Plasmas. Como
1980 - Vol. I, pg.225
E. Lazzaro, G. Ramponi - Coupling Conditions for the Extraordinary Wave with the
Quasi Electrostatic Wave near the Second Harmonic of the Electron Cyclotron
Frequency - Proc. 2nd Joint Grenoble-Varenna Int. Symp. on Heating in Toroidal Plasmas.
Como 1980 - Vol. I, pg.233
P. Buratti, M. Lontano, R. Pozzoli, M. Scovenna - Cyclotron Emission from a Tokamak
Runaway Discharge - Proc. 2nd Joint Varenna-Grenoble Symp. on Heating in Toroidal
Plasmas. Como 1980 - Vol. I, pg.253
L. Argenti, G. Bonizzoni, S. Cirant, S. Corti, G. Grosso, G. Lampis, L. Rossi, U. Carretta, A.
Jacchia, F. De Luca, M. Fontanesi - The Thor Tokamak Experiment - Proc. 2nd Joint
Varenna-Grenoble Symp. on Heating in Toroidal Plasmas. Como 1980, Vol. II, pg.1015
A. Airoldi, G. Grosso, G. Lampis, L. Lanzavecchia, E. - Start up Phase and Compression
in the Ignitor Tokamak - Proc. 2nd Joint Varenna-Grenoble Symp. on Heating in Toroidal
Plasmas. Como 1980 - Vol. II, pg.1059
U. Carretta, G. Grosso, M. Malacarne, R. Pozzoli - Simulation of Runaway Dynamics in a
Toroidal Discharge - Proc. 2nd Joint Varenna-Grenoble Symp. on Heating in Toroidal
Plasmas. Como 1980 - Vol. II, pg. 1163
A. Airoldi, E. Lazzaro, M. Lontano, C. Maroli, A. Orefice, V. Petrillo, R. Pozzoli, G. Ramponi Propagation and Heating by Electron Cyclotron Waves in a Toroidal Plasma - VIIIth Int.
Conf. on Plasma Phys. and Controlled Nuclear Fusion. Bruxelles 1980, Vol. II, pg.537, Paper
G. Bonizzoni, S. Cirant - Ultra High Vacuum Fast Opening Valve - Proc. 8th International
Vacuum Congress, Cannes 1980, Vol. II, pg.136
E. Lazzaro, G. Ramponi - Finite Density Effects near the second Harmonic of the
Electron Cyclotron Frequency - Proc. Joint Workshop on ECE and ECRH, Oxford 1980,
A. Airoldi Crescentini, E. Lazzaro, A. Orefice - Kinetic Description of a Plasma under
Constant Current Conditions - Phys. of Fluids 24, 1399 (1981)
U. Carretta, S. Corti, M. Fontanesi, R. Pozzoli - Resistive Behaviour in Runaway
Discharges of Thor Tokamak - Physics Letters 85A, 334 (1981)
M. Bornatici, F. Engelmann, C. Maroli, V. Petrillo - Propagation and Absorption of the
Extraordinary Mode at Frequencies around the Second Harmonic of the Electron
Cyclotron Frequency in a High-density Plasma - Plasma Physics 23, 89 (1981)
M. Bornatici, F. Engelmann, C. Maroli, V. Petrillo - Propagation of Electrostatic Electron
Cyclotron Waves at oblique Angles - Plasma Physics 23, 229 (1981)
C. Maroli, V. Petrillo - Anomalous Behaviour of the Group Velocity for Ordinary Waves
in the Electron-Cyclotron Region - Plasma Physics 23, 671 (1981)
E. Lazzaro, G. Ramponi - Coupling Conditions for the Extraordinary Wave with the
Quasi Electrostatic Wave near the Second Harmonic of the Electron Cyclotron
Frequency - Plasma Physics 23, 53 (1981)
S. Cirant, I. Piacentini - A new 2-kV Common Mode Voltage Wide-Band Isolation
Amplifier - IEEE Trans. on Instrumentation and Measurement, IM-30, 155 (1981)
G. Casati, E. Lazzaro - Stochastic Instability induced in Toroidal Plasma by Pulsed
Radio Frequency - Plasma Physics 24, 1570 (1981)
C. Maroli, V. Petrillo - Numerical Calculation of the Weakly Relativistic Dielectric Dyadic
for a Vlasov Plasma - Physica Scripta 24, 955 (1981)
L. Argenti, G. Bonizzoni, S. Cirant, S. Corti, G. Grosso, G. Lampis, L. Rossi, U. Carretta, A.
Jacchia, F. De Luca, M. Fontanesi - The Thor Tokamak Experiment - Il Nuovo Cimento
63B, 471 (1981)
M. Lontano, R. Pozzoli, E. V. Suvorov - Cyclotron Emission from a Toroidal Plasma with
an Isotropic Two-temperature Electron Distribution - Il Nuovo Cimento 63B, 529 (1981)
A. Airoldi Crescentini, G. Lampis, E. Lazzaro, P. M. Trezzi - Macroscopic Dynamics of a
Tokamak Discharge under E.C. Heating Conditions - Il Nuovo Cimento 63B, 616 (1981)
A. Orefice - Electromagnetic Dispersion Relation for Electron Cyclotron Waves at
Normal Incidence - Lettere al Nuovo Cimento 31, 112 (1981)
E. Lazzaro, G. Ramponi, G.Giruzzi - Transmission and Reflection of the Extraordinary
Wave at the Second Electron-Cyclotron Harmonic in a High-density Tokamak Plasma Proc. IV Topical Conf.on Radio Frequency Plasma Heating, Austin (Texas), 1981, Paper D5
C. Maroli, V. Petrillo - ECR Absorption of Extraordinary Waves in a Low Density Plasma
- Proc. IV Topical Conf. on Radio Frequency Plasma Heating, Austin (Texas), 1981, Paper
U. Carretta, S. Corti, G. Grosso, M. Lontano, R. Pozzoli - Alpha-Particles Dynamics in a
Toroidal Plasma Close to Ignition - Proc. Xth European Conf. on Controlled Fusion and
Plasma Physics, Mosca 1981, Vol. I, Paper G-1
E. Lazzaro, G. Ramponi, G.Giruzzi - Full-Wave Propagation Analysis for the X-Mode at
the Second Electron Cyclotron Harmonic - Proc. Xth European Conf. on Controlled
Fusion and Plasma Physics, Mosca 1981, Vol. I, Paper K-1
D. Farina, M. Lontano, R. Pozzoli - Electron Cyclotron Absorption for a TwoTemperature Electron Distribution - Proc. Xth European Conf. on Controlled Fusion and
Plasma Physics, Mosca, 1981, Vol. I, Paper K-9
A. Airoldi, A. Orefice - Relativistic dielectric tensor of a Maxwellian plasma for electron
cyclotron waves at arbitrary propagation angles - J. Plasma Physics 27, 515 (1982)
E. Lazzaro, G. Ramponi, G. Giruzzi - Effective Opacity of Dense Tokamak Plasma at the
Second Electron Cyclotron Harmonic - The Phys. of Fluids 25, 1220 (1982)
F. De Luca, A. Jacchia, E. Lazzaro, G. Ramponi - Current Drive by Electron Cyclotron
Waves and Tearing Mode Configurations - Nucl. Fusion 22, 1664 (1982)
D. Farina, M. Lontano, R. Pozzoli - Propagation of Electron Cyclotron Waves in the
Presence of Anisotropic Electron Distributions - Physics Letters 90A, 67 (1982)
A. Airoldi, A. Orefice, A. Jacchia, E. Sindoni - Comments on Ignitor - Il Nuovo Cimento 67B,
111 (1982)
E. Lazzaro, G. Ramponi - Absorption and Emission at the second Harmonic of the
Electron Cyclotron Frequency in a Toroidal Plasma with Temperature Anisotropy Lettere al Nuovo Cimento 34, 42 (1982)
A. Airoldi, A. Orefice - Quasilinear and Collisional Effects induced by Electron Cyclotron
Wave Absorption - Proc. 3rd Joint Varenna-Grenoble Int. Symposium on Heating in
Toroidal Plasmas, Grenoble 1982 - Vol. III, pg.943
D. Farina, M. Lontano, R. Pozzoli - Some effects due to non-Maxwellian distributions on
electron cyclotron emission and absorption - Workshop on Diagnostics for Fusion
Reactor Conditions, Varenna 1982 - EUR 8351-II EN, pg.163
G. Ramponi, G. Giruzzi - On the possibility of studying the parameters of a
superthermal electron distribution by ECE - Workshop on Diagnostic for Fusion Reactor
Conditions, Varenna 1982 - EUR 8351-II EN, pg.219
A. Jacchia, A. Reggiori, G. Cima - A shock tube device for pellet injection. Preliminary
experimental results - Workshop on Diagnostic for Fusion Reactor Conditions, Varenna
1982 - EUR 8351-II EN, pg.249
S. Cirant, G. Rui, A. Jacchia - Basic magnetic measurements on IGNITOR tokamak Workshop on Diagnostic for Fusion Reactor Conditions, Varenna 1982 - EUR 8351 - II EN,
V. Krivenski, A. Orefice - Weakly relativistic dielectric tensor and dispersion functions of
a Maxwellian plasma - J. Plasma Physics 30, 125 (1983)
D. Farina, M. Lontano, R. Pozzoli - Current generation by electron cyclotron waves - Il
Nuovo Cimento 75B, 78 (1983)
A. A. Bizjukov, V. I. Farenik, N. N. Junakov, G. Lampis, E. Lazzaro - Vzaimoeisviesbie
bveshnego, b'isokochastotnogo signalas periferi'im sloem vrashchaiuishcheinia
plasmi - Ukrainskyi Fizychnyi Zhurnal 28, 308 (1983)
A. Airoldi, L. Argenti, S. Cirant, A. Orefice, G. Ramponi - Numerical simulation of the
electron cyclotron absorption in THOR plasma - Proc. XI European Conference on
Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics. Aachen (FRG) 1983, Contributed Papers, Part I,
A. Airoldi, A. Orefice, G. Ramponi - ECE simulation for a toroidal plasma and its
applications to JET - Proc. XI European Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma
Physics. Aachen (FRG) 1983, Contributed Papers, Part II, pg.69
E. Minardi - Plasma circuit instability and current disruption - Proc. XI European
Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics. Aachen (FRG) 1983, Contributed
Papers, Part II, pg.339
U. Carretta, D. Farina, M. Lontano, E. Minardi, R. Pozzoli - Burn optimization in a
thermonuclear reactor - Proc. XI European Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma
Physics. Aachen (FRG) 1983, Contributed Papers, Part II, pg.531
G. Bonizzoni - Il sistema da vuoto per l'esperimento IGNITOR - VIII Congresso Nazionale
Associazione Italiana del Vuoto, L'Aquila, 1983 - Vol. 2, pg.653
G. Bonizzoni, A. De Luca, L. Lanzavecchia, G. Rubinacci, D. Scovenna - La camera da
vuoto per il tokamak IGNITOR - VIII Congresso Nazionale Associazione Italiana del Vuoto,
L'Aquila, 1983 - Vol. 2, pg.669
G. Bonizzoni, A. Moriggio - La nuova camera da vuoto per il tokamak THOR - VIII
Congresso Nazionale Associazione Italiana del Vuoto, L'Aquila, 1983 - Vol. 2, pg.683
G. Bonizzoni, C. Rizzello - Problemi connessi all'utilizzo del trizio nel tokamak IGNITOR
- VIII Congresso Nazionale Associazione Italiana del Vuoto, L'Aquila, 1983 - Vol. 2, pg.697
A. Airoldi Crescentini, E. Lazzaro, M. Lontano, C. Maroli, A. Orefice, V. Petrillo, R. Pozzoli, G.
Ramponi - Teoria dell'iniezione di onde di ciclotrone nel tokamak THOR - II Congresso
Nazionale di Elettronica Quantistica e Plasmi, Palermo 1980, Quaderni de "La ricerca
scientifica", n.111, pag.343 (1983)
M. Lontano, L. Pekker, R. Pozzoli - Instabilita' di tipo 'anti loss-cone' in un tandem mirror
- II Congresso Nazionale di Elettronica Quantistica e Plasmi, Palermo 1980, Quaderni de "La
ricerca scientifica", n.111, pag.351 (1983)
U. Carretta, G. Grosso, M. Malacarne, R. Pozzoli - Dinamica degli elettroni runaway in
una scarica toroidale - II Congresso Nazionale di Elettronica Quantistica e Plasmi, Palermo
1980, Quaderni de "La ricerca scientifica", n.111, pag.363 (1983)
L. Argenti, G. Bonizzoni, S. Cirant, S. Corti, G. Grosso, U. Carretta, A. Jacchia, F. De Luca,
M. Fontanesi, L. Rossi - L'esperimento THOR - II Congresso Nazionale di Elettronica
Quantistica e Plasmi, Palermo 1980, Quaderni de "La ricerca scientifica", n.111, pag.383
G. Bonizzoni, S. Cirant, M. Fontanesi - Scariche di cleaning nel tokamak THOR - II
Congresso Nazionale di Elettronica Quantistica e Plasmi, Palermo 1980, Quaderni de "La
ricerca scientifica", n.111, pag.421 (1983)
M. Lontano, R. Pozzoli, D. Ryutov, G. Stupakov - The Effect of Ponderomotive Forces on
the Equilibrium in Non-Axisymmetric Tandem mirrors - Nuclear Fusion 24, 493 (1984)
E. Minardi - Plasma Circuit Instability and Density Limit in Tokamaks - Plasma Physics
and Contr. Fusion 26, (1984)
G. Bonizzoni - Vacuum System in a Compact D-T Burning Experiment (Ignitor) - J.
Nuclear Materials 128&129, (1984)
G. Bonizzoni - The Vacuum System Design for the Ignitor Experiment - Vuoto, Scienza e
Tecnologia XIV, 11 (1984)
C. Da Cunha Rapozo, S. Aihara, U. Carretta, G. Lampis - Effect of Radiofrequency on the
Sheath-Plasma Resonance in a Low Density Plasma - Il Nuovo Cimento 3D, 1001 (1984)
V. Krivenski, A. Orefice - Relativistic Dielectric Tensor of a Maxwellian Current-Carrying
Magnetized Plasma - Proc. 1983 College on Plasma Physics, ICTP, Trieste 1983 - Vol. II,
E. Minardi - The Thermodynamics of the Vlasov Equilibria - Proc. Workshop on the
Mathematical Aspects of Fluid and Plasma Dynamics, Trieste, 1984
R. Pozzoli - Electron Cyclotron Resonant Interaction in Mirrors - Proc. Course "Mirrorbased and Field-reversed Approaches to Magnetic Fusion", Varenna 1983, EUR8961*EN,
CEC, Brussels - Vol. I, 303 (1984)
D. Farina, M. Lontano, R. Pozzoli - Electron Cyclotron Absorption in a Mirror Confined
Plasma - Proc. Workshop "Mirror-based and Field-reversed Approaches to Magnetic
Fusion", Varenna 1983, EUR8961*EN, CEC, Brussels, Vol. II, 207 (1984)
E. Minardi - The Thermodynamic Hyerarchy of the Magnetic Equilibria: Force Free
Configurations vs. the Tokamak - Proc. Workshop "Mirror-based and Field-Reversed
Approaches to Magnetic Fusion", Varenna 1983, EUR8961*EN, CEC, Brussels, pg. 41
G. Lampis, C. Maroli, V. Petrillo, F. Rasa' - Absorption of Ordinary Waves in a Tokamak
at the Electron Cyclotron Frequency outside the WKB Scheme for Arbitrary Meridian
Incidence - Proc. 4th Int. Symp. on Heating in Toroidal Plasmas, Roma 1984, Vol. II, pg. 895
R. Cano, H. Capes, M. Dubois, L. Th. M. Ornstein, W. J. Schrader, A. B. Sterk, A. M. Van
Ingen, A. G. A. Verhoeven, D. Farina, C. Maroli, V. Petrillo - Physics and Technical
Aspects of the ECRH Experiment on TFR - Proc. 4th Int. Symp. on Heating in Toroidal
Plasmas, Roma 1984, Vol. II, pg. 853
D. Farina, M. Lontano, R. Pozzoli - Electron Cyclotron Current Drive in Ohmic
Discharges - Proc. 4th Int. Symp. on Heating in Toroidal Plasmas, Roma 1984, Vol. II, pg.
A. Airoldi, A. Orefice, G. Ramponi - ECE Simulation for D-shaped Toroidal Plasmas and
its relevance to JET - Proc. 4th International Workshop on ECE and ECRH, Roma-Frascati,
1984, pg. 15
D. Farina, M. Lontano, R. Pozzoli - Suprathermal Electrons in ECRH - Proc. 4th
International Workshop on ECE and ECRH, Roma-Frascati, 1984, pg. 77
G. Cima, G. Ramponi, A. Simonetto - Fast Multichannel Heterodine Radiometry on THOR
Tokamak - Proc. 4th International Workshop on ECE and ECRH, Roma-Frascati, 1984, pg.
U. Carretta, D. Farina, M. Lontano, C. Maroli, E. Minardi, V. Petrillo, R. Pozzoli - E C R
Strategies in the Start-up Phase of the Tokamak Reactor and Position-Burn Control Xth IAEA Conference on Plasma Physics and Nuclear Controlled Fusion Research, Londra
1984, Paper IAEA-CN-44/H-I-1
JET Joint Undertaking, Euratom-FOM Ass.,Euratom-IPP Ass., Euratom-UKAEA Ass.,
Euratom-RISO Ass., Euratom-ENEA Ass., Euratom-CNR Ass.(G. Grosso), Euratom-Suisse
Ass., University of Dusseldorf, Imperial College of London - First Experiment in JET - Xth
IAEA Conference on Plasma Physics and Nuclear Controlled Fusion Research, Londra 1984,
Paper CN-44/A-I-1 and Nuclear Fusion, Supplement 1985, Vol.1,pg.11
G. Lampis, C. Maroli, V. Petrillo, F. Rasa' - Wave Propagation in a Tokamak at the
Electron Cyclotron Frequency, outside the WKB Scheme - Proc. 1984 Int. Conf. on
Plasma Physics, Lausanne - Vol. II, Paper P27-3, pg.341 (1984)
D. Farina, M. Lontano, R. Pozzoli - Generazione di corrente mediante onde di ciclotrone
elettroniche nei plasmi - 4 Congresso Nazionale di Elettronica Quantistica e Plasmi, Capri,
1984; Pubbl. da ENEA, Serie Simposi, Vol.1, pg.19
A. Orefice - Relazione di dispersione relativistica per un plasma magnetoattivo non
termico - 4 Congresso Nazionale di Elettronica Quantistica e Plasmi, Capri, 1984; Pubbl. da
ENEA, Serie Simposi, Vol.1,pg.55
A. Airoldi, A. Orefice, G. Ramponi - Assorbimento e emissione alle girofrequenze
elettroniche in un plasma toroidale - 4 Congresso Nazionale di Elettronica Quantistica e
Plasmi, Capri, 1984; Pubbl. da ENEA, Serie Simposi, Vol.1, pg.183
G. Cima, G. Ramponi, A. Simonetto - Radiometria multicanale sul tokamak Thor - 4
Congresso Nazionale di Elettronica Quantistica e Plasmi, Capri, 1984; Pubbl. da ENEA,
Serie Simposi, Vol.1, pg.195
A. Airoldi - Struttura e potenzialita' del codice Eceair- 4 Congresso Nazionale di
Elettronica Quantistica e Plasmi, Capri, 1984; Pubbl. da ENEA, Serie Simposi, Vol.1, pg.199
A. Orefice - Resonant Interaction of Electron Cyclotron Waves with a Plasma
Containing Arbitrary Drifting Suprathermal Electrons - J. Plasma Physics 34, 319 (1985)
G. Cima, G. Ramponi, A. Simonetto - Multichannel Heterodyne Radiometer with
Computer Control for Electron Cyclotron Emission Measurements of a Tokomak
Plasma - Rev. Scientific Instruments 56, 1870 (1985)
A. Airoldi, A. Orefice, G. Ramponi - Effect of Refraction on Power Deposition Profiles
during Electron Cyclotron Wave Injection in a Toroidal Fusion Plasma - Lettere al
Nuovo Cimento 43, 340 (1985)
A. Airoldi, A. Orefice, G. Ramponi - Electron Cyclotron Wave Propagation in
Axisymmetric Plasmas with General Equilibrium Surfaces - Il Nuovo Cimento 6D, 527
M. Fontanesi, G. Lampis, P. Pinoschi, C. Maroli, V. Petrillo - Simulation of RF-assisted
Discharge Launching in a Tokamak - Il Nuovo Cimento 87B, 23(1985)
JET Joint Undertaking, Euratom-CEA Ass ., Euratom-ENEA Ass., Euratom-EB Ass. EuratomIPP Ass., Euratom-RISO Ass., JAERI, Naka-Gun, Euratom-CNR Ass.(G. Grosso) Preliminary ICRF Results from JET - Plasma Physics, 27(12A), 1379 (1985)
G. Bonizzoni and the IGNITOR Study Group - Vacuum vessel and limiter design for the
IGNITOR fusion device - Vuoto XV, 165 (1985)
S. Orsini, T. Terrana, F. Merluzzi, L. Argenti - Metal Detector. Metodo di misura
dell'esposizione a campi elettromagnetici e valutazione della densita' di corrente
indotta nel corpo umano - Archivio di Scienza del Lavoro 1, 217 (1985)
S. Corti, G. Bracco, M. Brusati, A. Gondhalekar, G. Grosso, F. Hendriks, S. Segre, V. Zanza
- Analysis of Neutral Particles in JET - Proc. 12th European Conference on Controlled
Fusion and Plasma Physics, Budapest, 1985, European Conf. Abstracts, Vol. 9 Part I, pg.
F. R. Hansen, J. P. Lynov, C. Maroli, V. Petrillo - Full-Wave Calculations of the O-X Mode
Conversion Process - Proc. 12th European Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma
Physics, Budapest, 1985, European Conf. Abstracts, Vol.9 Part II, pg.36
A. Airoldi, G. Cenacchi, A. Orefice, G. Ramponi - Electron Cyclotron Heating Simulation
in Tokamaks by Combined Codes - Proc. 12th European Conference on Controlled Fusion
and Plasma Physics, Budapest, 1985, European Conf. Abstracts, Vol.9 Part II, pg. 84
L. Argenti, G. Cima, S. Cirant, F. De Luca, A. Jacchia, P. Mantica, G. Ramponi, A.
Simonetto, U. Tartari - Effects of ECW Injection into the THOR Tokamak Plasma - Proc.
12th European Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Budapest, 1985,
European Conf. Abstracts, Vol.9 Part II, pg. 300
E. Minardi, V. Toschi - Metastable States in Tokamaks - Proc. 12th European Conference
on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Budapest, 1985, European Conf. Abstracts, Vol.9
Part II, pg. 378
L. Argenti, G. Cima, S. Cirant, F. De Luca, A. Jacchia, P. Mantica, G. Ramponi, A.
Simonetto, U. Tartari - 28 GHz E.C. Waves in Thor Tokamak Plasma - Proc. Course and
Workshop on Applications of RF Waves to Tokamak Plasmas, Varenna, 1985, Vol.II, pg. 811
A. Airoldi, S. Cirant, F. De Luca, D. Farina, A. Jacchia, M. Lontano, E. Minardi, A. Orefice, R.
Pozzoli, G. Ramponi - Proposal for High Density ECRH Experiment on FTU - Proc.
Course and Workshop on Applications of RF Waves to Tokamak Plasmas, Varenna, 1985,
Vol.II, pg. 898
U. Carretta, E. Minardi, N. Bacelli - Plasma Position Control in a Tokamak Reactor
around Ignition - Nuclear Fusion, 26, 599 (1986)
D. Farina, M. Lontano, R. Pozzoli - Analysis of the Parail-Pogutse Instability in the
Presence of Lower Hybrid and Electron Cyclotron Waves - Nuclear Fusion, 26, 1733
C. Maroli, V. Petrillo, G. Lampis, F. Engelmann - Wave-Dynamical Treatment of the
Ordinary Electron Cyclotron Mode Propagating Perpendicularly to the Magnetic Field
across the Resonance Region - Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 28, 615 (1986)
E. Minardi, V. Toschi - Metastable States in Tokamaks - Plasma Physics and Controlled
Fusion, 28,793 (1986)
M. Lontano - Summary of the Course and Workshop on Basic Physical Processes of
Toroidal Fusion Plasmas, Varenna, Italy, 1985 - Fusion Technology, 10, 154, (1986)
A. Orefice - Quasilinear Relativistic Treatment of Electron Cyclotron Fluctuations in a
Magnetized Plasma - Il Nuovo Cimento, 8D, 318 (1986)
G. Lampis, C. Maroli, V. Petrillo - Wave-Dynamical Analysis of Electron Cyclotron Waves
Propagating in a Plasma Slab across both Electron Cyclotron and Upper-hybrid
Resonances - 13th European Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Heating,
Schliersee, 1986, Vol. II, pg. 243
D. Farina, M. Lontano, R. Pozzoli - Tail Mode Stabilization by Electron Cyclotron Waves
in a Lower Hybrid Sustained Plasma - 13th European Conference on Controlled Fusion
and Plasma Heating, Schliersee, 1986, Vol. II, pg. 239
D. Farina, M. Lontano, R. Pozzoli - Parail-Pogutse Instability in the Presence of Lower
Hybrid and Electron Cyclotron Waves - IAEA INTOR-Related Specialist's Meeting on NonInductive Current Drive, Garching, NET-PM-86-003, pg. 502 (1986)
D. Farina, M. Lontano, R. Pozzoli - Radiofrequency Current Drive in a Weakly Ionized
Plasma - Nuclear Fusion, 27, 155 (1987)
U. Carretta, E. Minardi - Localizability of a Toroidal Burning Plasma in the PressurePosition Space - Nuclear Fusion, 27, 973 (1987)
V. Petrillo, G. Lampis, C. Maroli - Global Wave Treatment of Mode Conversion and Wave
Damping for Perpendicular Propagation across the Electron Cyclotron and Upperhybrid Resonances - Plasma Physics and Contr. Fusion, 29, 877 (1987)
E. Minardi - Plasma Relaxation to Force-Free States - Plasma Physics and Contr. Fusion,
29, 945 (1987)
G. Lampis, C. Maroli, V. Petrillo - Oblique Extraordinary and Bernstein Electron
Cyclotron Waves in a Wave Dynamical Approach - Plasma Physics and Contr. Fusion,
29, 1137 (1987)
B. Coppi, L. Lanzavecchia, A. Airoldi, G. Ambrosino, A. Angelini, K. J. Benz, E. Bittoni, G.
Bonizzoni, R. Brunner, G. Burchi, G. Celentano, G. Cenacchi, A. De Luca, C. Di Nicola, C.
Ferro, S. Francesio, A. Fubini, F. Garofalo, K. J. Greve, M. Haegi, J. Kaelnne, A. Koch, I.
Ehrman, F. Magistrelli, P. Moreau, M. Nassi, R. Nicoletta, P. R. Oliva, E. Pedretti, J. Rauch,
C. Rizzello, G. Rubinacci, W. Schminke, D. Scovenna, R. A. Terry, P. H. Titus, G. Volta Compact Ignition Experiments: Physics and Design Issues - Comments on Plasma
Physics and Controlled Fusion, Vol.XI, 47 (1987)
V. Petrillo, C. Maroli, G. Lampis - Oblique Injection of Electron Cyclotron Waves in a
Tokamak Plasma. Part I: The WKB Approach - Il Nuovo Cimento, 10D, 1073 (1987)
V. Petrillo, C. Maroli, G. Lampis - Oblique Injection of Electron Cyclotron Waves in a
Tokamak Plasma. Part II: The Wave Dynamical Treatment - Il Nuovo Cimento, 10D, 1089
Carretta U., Grosso G. - Major Steps towards the Controlled Thermonuclear Fusion Vuoto, XVII, 158 (1987)
Bonizzoni G. - Vacuum Systems in the Presence of Gaseous Mixtures Containing
Tritium: Problems and Possible Solutions for the Ignitor Tokamak - Vuoto, XVII, 179
Amedeo P., Bonizzoni G., Boschetti G., Ghezzi F. - Sistema di controllo temporale del
flusso gassoso di iniezione mediante programmazione computerizzata della curva P(t)
desiderata in ambienti sottovuoto - Vuoto, XVII, 194 (1987)
Bonizzoni G., Ghezzi F., Giffanti F., Moriggio A., Nassi M. - Impianto di purificazione
dell'atmosfera di una glove-box per la manipolazione del trizio mediante leghe getter
assorbenti - Vuoto, XVII, 198 (1987)
Bonizzoni G., Gervasini G., Ghezzi F., Nassi M., Reiter F. - Application of Response
Surface Methodology to the Analysis of Tritium Transport in the First Wall of a Fusion
Reactor - Vuoto, XVII, 205 (1987)
D. J. Campbell, D. V. Bartlett, V. P. Bhatnagar, M. Bures, G. A. Cottrell, P. A. Duperrex, C. D.
Challis, J. C. Cordey, A. W. Edwards, C. Gormezano, E. C. Gowers, R. S. Granetz, J. H.
Hamnen, T. Hellsten, J. Jacquinot, E. Lazzaro, P. J. Lomas, N. Lopes Cardozo, P. Mantica,
J. A. Snipes, D. F. H. Start, D. Stork, P. E. Stott, P. R. Thomas, K. Thomsen, G. Tonetti, J. A.
Wesson - Transient Stabilization of Sawteeth by Additional Heating in JET - Proc. 14th
European Conf. Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Madrid 1987 - ECA Vol.11D, part I,
pg. 21
L. Argenti, S. Cirant, P. Mantica, U. Tartari - Particle Balance during ECW Injection in
THOR Tokamak - Proc. 14th European Conf. Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Madrid
1987 - ECA Vol.11D, part III, pg. 819
A. Airoldi, L. Argenti, G. Cima, S. Cirant, F. De Luca, A. Jacchia, P. Mantica, G. Ramponi, U.
Tartari - Interaction Regimes and Suprathermal Effects in ECRH Experiments on THOR
Tokamak - Proc. 14th European Conf. Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics , Madrid 1987 ECA Vol.11D, part III, pg. 823
A. Airoldi, P. Buratti, G. Cenacchi, S. Cirant, F. De Marco, F. De Luca, D. Farina, A. Jacchia,
M. Lontano, E. Minardi, A. Orefice, L. Pieroni, R. Pozzoli, G. Ramponi - High Density ECRH
Experiment on FTU - Proc. 14th European Conf. Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics,
Madrid 1987 - ECA Vol.11D, part III, pg. 976
V. Petrillo, C. Maroli, G. Lampis - Global Wave Analysis of Plasma Heating in Large Size
Tokamaks by Oblique Extraordinary EC Waves - Proc. 14th European Conf. Controlled
Fusion and Plasma Physics, Madrid 1987 - ECA Vol.11D, part III, pg. 980
D. Farina, M. Lontano, R. Pozzoli - Interaction of EC and LH Waves with High Energy
Electrons in FTU - Proc. 14th European Conf. Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics,
Madrid 1987 - ECA Vol.11D, part III, pg. 984
E. Minardi - Entropy Principle and Privileged Magnetic Equilibria of the Plasma - Proc.
14th European Conf. Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Madrid 1987 - ECA Vol.11D,
part III, pg. 1068
D. Farina, M. Lontano, R. Pozzoli - Dynamics of High Energy Test Electrons under the
Action of EC and LH Waves - Proc. EC6 Joint Workshop on ECE and ECRH, Oxford 1987
S. Cirant, P. Mantica - Particle Confinement and Microturbulence in Thor Tokamak
during ECRH - Proc. EC6 Joint Workshop on ECE and ECRH, Oxford 1987
Orefice A. - Relativistic Theory of Absorption and Emission of Electron Cyclotron
Waves in Anisotropic Plasmas - J. Plasma Phys. 39, 61 (1988)
Campbell D.J., Start D.F.H., Wesson J.A., Bartlett D.V., Bhatnagar V.P., Bures M., Cordey
J.G., Cottrell G.A., Dupperex P.A., Edwards A.W., Challis C.D., Gormezano C., Gowers
C.W., Granetz R.S., Hamnen J.H., Hellsten T., Jacquinot J., Lazzaro E., Lomas P.J., Lopes
Cardozo N., Mantica P., SnipesJ.A., Stork D., Stott P.E., Thomas P.R., Thompson E.,
Thomsen K., Tonetti G. - Stabilization of Sawteeth with Additional Heating in the JET
Tokamak - Phys. Rev. Letters 60, 2148 (1988)
Lazzaro E., Mantica P. - Determination of Equilibrium Global Parameters from External
Magnetic Measurements in JET Discharges with Auxiliary Heating - Nuclear Fusion 28,
913 (1988)
Petrillo V., Lampis G., Maroli C. - Absorption of Electron Cyclotron Extraordinary Waves
in Large Size, High Density Plasmas - Plasma Physics and Contr. Fusion 30, 609 (1988)
Airoldi A., Argenti L., Cima G., De Luca F., Jacchia A., Mantica P., Ramponi G., Tartari U. Suprathermal Effects in ECRH Experiments on THOR Tokamak - Plasma Physics and
Contr. Fusion 30, 681 (1988)
Farina D., Lontano M., Pozzoli R. - Electron Cyclotron Interaction in the Lower Hybrid
Heating Regime - Plasma Physics and Contr. Fusion 30, 879 (1988)
Minardi E. - Bifurcating States of the Tokamak Related to Auxiliary Power and to
Resistive Effects - Plasma Physics and Contr. Fusion 30, 1701 (1988)
Lazzaro E., Mantica P. - Experimental Identification of Tokamak Equilibrium Using
Magnetic and Diamagnetic Signals - Plasma Physics and Contr. Fusion 30, 1735 (1988)
Carretta U.R., Minardi E. - Existence and Accessibility of Igniting States in a Tokamak
Inferred from its Performances in Tritiumless Discharges - Fusion Technology 14, 320
Airoldi A., Orefice A., Ramponi G. - Polarization Change of High-Frequency
Electromagnetic Waves in Magnetically Sheared Plasmas - Il Nuovo Cimento 10D, 1143
Minardi E. - Resistive Bifurcating States Related to Auxiliary Power in a Tokamak Proc. 15th European Conf. on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Heating, Dubrovnik, May 16-20
1988, ECA Vol.12B, Part I, pg. 274
Bruschi A., De Luca F., Jacchia A. - Effect of the Electron Energy Transport Coefficient
on the Stability of the Tearing Modes - Proc. 15th European Conf. on Controlled Fusion
and Plasma Heating, Dubrovnik, May 16-20 1988, ECA Vol.12B, Part I, pg. 429
Mantica P., Argenti L., Cirant S., Hugill J., Millar W. - Experimental Investigation of
Magnetic Field Oscillations on DITE Tokamak - Proc. 15th European Conf. on Controlled
Fusion and Plasma Heating, Dubrovnik, May 16-20 1988, ECA Vol.12B, Part II, pg. 815
Cirant S., Argenti L., Cima G., Mantica P., Maroli C., Petrillo V. - Preionization and Start-up
Experiments with ECRH on THOR Tokamak - Proc. 15th European Conf. on Controlled
Fusion and Plasma Heating, Dubrovnik, May 16-20 1988, ECA Vol.12B, Part II, pg. 831
Pozzoli R. - Absorption and Propagation of ECRH Pulses in the Presence of Strongly
Distorted Electron Distributions - Proc. 15th European Conf. on Controlled Fusion and
Plasma Heating, Dubrovnik, May 16-20 1988, ECA Vol.12B, Part II, pg. 866
Cardinali A., Lontano M., Sergeev A.M. - Dynamical Self-focusing of the High Power FEL
Radiation in a Magnetized Plasma - Proc. 15th European Conf. on Controlled Fusion and
Plasma Heating, Dubrovnik, May 16-20 1988, ECA Vol.12B, Part III, pg. 976
Farina D., Finardi S. - Propagation, Absorption and Current Generation by EC Waves in
the LH Current Drive Regime - Proc. 15th European Conf. on Controlled Fusion and
Plasma Heating, Dubrovnik, May 16-20 1988, ECA Vol.12B, Part III, pg. 1043
Tartari U., Lontano M. - Investigations on ECRH via 140 Ghz Collective Scattering in
aTokamak Plasma - Proc. 15th European Conf. on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Heating,
Dubrovnik, May 16-20 1988, ECA Vol.12B, Part III, pg. 1107
Airoldi A., Orefice A., Ramponi G. - Polarization Change of Electromagnetic Waves
Passingthrough Toroidal Sheared Plasmas - Proc. 15th European Conf. on Controlled
Fusion and Plasma Heating, Dubrovnik, May 16-20 1988, ECA Vol.12B, Part III, pg. 1135
Fasoli A., Galassi A., Longari C, Maroli C., Petrillo V. - Electrostatic Dispersion Relation in
the Ion Cyclotron Regime - Proc. 15th European Conf. on Controlled Fusion and Plasma
Heating, Dubrovnik, May 16-20 1988, ECA Vol.12B, Part III, pg. 1217
Minardi E. - Privileged magnetic equilibria of the plasma based on the entropy
principle - Proc Workshop on Theory of Fusion Plasma, Lausanne, Oct 3-7, 1988, Editrice
Compositori, pg. 25
Farina D., Pozzoli R. - Up shifted and down shifted electron cyclotron resonances in
the lower hybrid current drive regime - Proc Workshop on Theory of Fusion Plasma,
Lausanne, Oct 3-7, 1988, Editrice Compositori, pg. 639
Petrillo V., Maroli C., Riccardi C., Lampis G. - Bernstein modes in the E.C. second
harmonic range in a wave dynamical approach - Proc Workshop on Theory of Fusion
Plasma, Lausanne, Oct 3-7, 1988, Editrice Compositori, pg. 647
Farina D., Pozzoli R. - Emission in non linear electron cyclotron heating - Proc Workshop
on Theory of Fusion Plasma, Lausanne, Oct 3-7, 1988, Editrice Compositori, pg. 683
Tartari U., Carretta U., Grosso G., Lontano M. - Diagnostiche di funzioni di distribuzione
con scattering Thomson collettivo a onde millimetriche - 5 Congresso Nazionale di
Elettronica Quantistica e Plasmi, Firenze, 16-19 Nov. 1988, Editrice Compositori, pg. 463
Farina D., Pozzoli R. - Risonanza ciclotronica down-shifted e up-shifted nei regimi di
generazione di corrente mediante onde ibride inferiori - 5 Congresso Nazionale di
Elettronica Quantistica e Plasmi, Firenze, 16-19 Nov. 1988, Editrice Compositori, pg. 479
Cardinali A., Khimich A. V., Lontano M., Rakova E. I., Sergeev A. M. - Dinamica non lineare
di un fascio di onde elettromagnetiche ad alta potenza in un plasma magnetizzato - 5
Congresso Nazionale di Elettronica Quantistica e Plasmi, Firenze, 16-19 Nov. 1988, Editrice
Compositori, pg. 487
Farina D., Pozzoli R. - Radiazione di ciclotrone in regimi di riscaldamento non lineare 5 Congresso Nazionale di Elettronica Quantistica e Plasmi, Firenze, 16-19 Nov. 1988,
Editrice Compositori, pg. 491
Petrillo V., Maroli C., Riccardi C., Lampis G. - Studio delle onde di Bernstein elettroniche,
nel range della seconda armonica di ciclotrone, in uno slab di plasma, mediante
equazioni globali - 5 Congresso Nazionale di Elettronica Quantistica e Plasmi, Firenze, 1619 Nov. 1988, Editrice Compositori, pg. 511
Fasoli A., Fontanesi M., Galassi A., Longari C., Maroli C., Petrillo V., Sindoni E. - Relazione
di dispersione di onde elettrostatiche ioniche di ciclotrone in un magnetoplasma
toroidale stazionario - 5 Congresso Nazionale di Elettronica Quantistica e Plasmi, Firenze,
16-19 Nov. 1988, Editrice Compositori, pg. 551
Petrillo V., Maroli C., Lampis G. - Role of the Bernstein modes in the electron cyclotron
second-harmonic wave absorption - Phys. Fluids B 1, 238 (1989)
Farina D., Pozzoli R. - Electron cyclotron power absorption and current drive in the
lower hybrid heating regime - Phys. Fluids B 1, 816 (1989)
Lontano M., Sergeev A.M., Cardinali A. - Dynamical self-focusing of high power free
electron laser radiation in a magnetized plasma - Phys. Fluids B 1, 901 (1989)
Farina D., Pozzoli R. - Absorption and current drive by electron cyclotron waves at
upshifted and downshifted resonances in the lower hybrid current drive regime - Phys.
Fluids B 1, 1042 (1989)
Petrillo V., Lampis G., Maroli C., Riccardi C. - Wave-dynamical analysis of conversion and
absorption of oblique extraordinary and Bernstein modes near the second electroncyclotron harmonic - Phys. Fluids B 1, 1396 (1989)
Airoldi A., Orefice A., Ramponi G. - Polarization and energy evolution of electromagnetic
waves in sheared toroidal plasmas - Phys. Fluids B 1, 2143 (1989)
Minardi E. - The Stability of the Force-free States in the Light of the Entropy Principle Plasma Phys & Contr. Fusion 31, 229 (1989)
Bruschi A., Jacchia A., De Luca F. - Impact of tearing modes on electron temperature
profiles in tokamaks - Plasma Phys. & Contr. Fusion, 31, 1029 (1989)
Lontano M., Tartari U. - Collective scattering of electromagnetic waves in the presence
of suprathermal electrons - Plasma Phys. & Contr. Fusion, 31, 1933 (1989)
Petrillo V., Riccardi C., Maroli C., Lampis G. - Study of the O-X-Q-B conversion process at
the second harmonic of the electron cyclotron frequenct in hot and dense plasmas - J.
Physical Society Japan 58, 2402 (1989)
Cardinali A., Khimich A.V., Lontano M., Rakova E.I., Sergeev A.M. - Non linear dynamics of
free electron laser radiation in a magnetized plasma - Physics Letters A137, 47 (1989)
Lontano M. - Report on the 16th European Conference held at Venice, Italy, 13-17
March 1989 - Nuclear Fusion 29, 1403 (1989)
Tanga A., Bures M., Garriba M., Green B.J., How J., Jacquinot J., Last J., Lomas P., Lowry
C.G., Malacarne M., Mantica P., Mondino P.L., Noll P., Rebut P.H., Santagiustina A.,
Schueller F.C., Snipes J., Thomas P.R., Tubbing B. - Operation at high plasma current in
JET - Proc. 16th European Conf. on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Venezia, 13-17
March 1989, ECA Vol. 13B, Part I, 103 (1989)
Cripwell P., Edwards A., Galvao R., Gottardi N., Harbour P., Haynes P., Hender T.C., Joffrin
E.H., Malacarne M., Mantica P., Salmon N., Snipes J.A., Tagle A., Zasche D. - An
interpretation of the structure of ELMS and the H to L transition on JET - Proc. 16th
European Conf. on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Venezia, 13-17 March 1989, ECA
Vol. 13B, Part I, 225 (1989)
Airoldi A., Cenacchi G. - Expected Ignitor performance - Proc. 16th European Conf. on
Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Venezia, 13-17 March 1989, ECA Vol. 13B, Part I,
367 (1989)
Mantica P., Cirant S., Hugill J., Matthews G.F., Pitts R.A., Vayakis G. - Edge broad-band
fluctuations and particle transport during ECRH in DITE - Proc. 16th European Conf. on
Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Venezia, 13-17 March 1989, ECA Vol. 13B, Part III,
967 (1989)
Farina D., Pozzoli R. - Up-shifted and down-shifted electron cyclotron interaction with a
suprathermal electron tail - Proc. 16th European Conf. on Controlled Fusion and Plasma
Physics, Venezia, 13-17 March 1989, ECA Vol. 13B, Part III, 1119 (1989)
Cardinali A., Khimich A.V., Lontano M., Rakova E.I., Sergeev A.M. - Non linear dynamics of
free electron laser radiation in a magnetized plasma - Proc. 16th European Conf. on
Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Venezia, 13-17 March 1989, ECA Vol. 13B, Part III,
1123 (1989)
Bishop C.M., Connor J.W., Cox M., Deliyanakis N., Hugill J., Robinson D.C., Ashraf M., Lean
H.W., Mantica P., Millar W., Parham B.J., Pitts R.A., Simonetto A., Vayakis G. - Density
modulation during modulated ECRH in DITE - Proc. 16th European Conf. on Controlled
Fusion and Plasma Physics, Venezia, 13-17 March 1989, ECA Vol. 13B, Part III, 1131
Petrillo V., Maroli C., Riccardi C., Lampis G. - Oblique ordinary wave propagation and
absorption at the electron cyclotron secon harmonic in a wave-dynamical approach Proc. 16th European Conf. on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Venezia, 13-17 March
1989, ECA Vol. 13B, Part III, 1135 (1989)
Pozzoli R., Ronzio D. - Nonlinear interaction of intense electron cyclotron wave pulses
with a plasma - Proc. 16th European Conf. on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics,
Venezia, 13-17 March 1989, ECA Vol. 13B, Part III, 1159 (1989)
Lontano M., Tartari U. - Collective scattering of electromagnetic waves in the presence
of suprathermal electrons - Proc. 16th European Conf. on Controlled Fusion and Plasma
Physics, Venezia, 13-17 March 1989, ECA Vol. 13B, Part IV, 1501 (1989)
Airoldi A., Orefice A., Ramponi G. - Numerical simulation of electron cyclotron emission
and absorption in tokamak plasmas during LH current drive experiments - Eighth
Topical Conference on Radio-Frequency Power in Plasmas, AIP Conference Proceedings,
190, pg.32 (1989)
Farina D., Pozzoli R. – Linear interaction of electron cyclotron waves with a
suprathermal electron tail - Phys. Fluids B 2, 574 (1990)
Minardi E., Lampis G. – Maximum entropy tokamak configurations – Plasma Phys. &
Contr. Fusion 32, 819 (1990)
Bonizzoni G., Ghezzi F., Nassi M., Succi M. – New getter clean-up system for tritiated
glove box atmosphere – J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 8, 961 (1990)
Bonizzoni G., Conte A., Gatto G., Gervasini G., Ghezzi F., Rigamonti M. – Tritium storage
plant based on a combination of St707 and St737 getter alloy beds for high field fusion
machines – Vacuum 41, 1500 (1990)
Bonizzoni G., Gnesotto F., Sonato P., Vitturi S. – The vacuum and gas inlet system for the
RFX fusion experiment – Vacuum 41, 1503 (1990)
Bonizzoni G. – The vacuum and tritiumt system for the fusion experiment Ignitor –
Vacuum 41, 1565 (1990)
Maroli C., Petrillo V., Lampis G. – Propagation of electron cyclotron waves in a weakly
relativistic plasma with steep density and temperature profiles – Il Nuovo Cimento D 12,
1005 (1990)
Orefice A. – Absorption and emission of electron cyclotron waves in plasmas with
electron momentum anisotropies both along and across the external magnetic field – Il
Nuovo Cimento D 12, 1575 (1990)
Nardone C., De Luca F., Hansen P.M., Jacchia A., Mantica P., Thomsen K. – Dynamic
response of plasma energy and broad-band magnetic fluctuations to additional
heating in JET - Proc. 17th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics,
Amsterdam, 25-29 June 1990, ECA Vol. 14B, Part I, 166 (1990)
Bruschi A., De Luca F., Gorini G., Jacchia A., Lopes Cardozo N.J., Mantica P. – Analysis
of heat pulse propagation in plasmas using Fourier methods - Proc. 17th EPS
Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Amsterdam, 25-29 June 1990, ECA
Vol. 14B, Part I, 170 (1990)
Gentle K.W., Austin M.E., Brower D.L., Castle G., Cima G., Gandy R., Li W.L., Luhmann
N.C., McCool S.C., Patterson D.M., et al. – Particle and thermal transport in TEXT from
perturbation experiments - Proc. 17th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma
Physics, Amsterdam, 25-29 June 1990, ECA Vol. 14B, Part I, 174 (1990)
Airoldi A., Cenacchi G. – Sensitivity of ignition conditions to plasma parameters for a
compact tokamak - Proc. 17th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics,
Amsterdam, 25-29 June 1990, ECA Vol. 14B, Part II, 813 (1990)
Minardi E. – Tokamak density profiles associated with vanishing entropy production Proc. 17th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Amsterdam, 25-29
June 1990, ECA Vol. 14B, Part II, 857 (1990)
Farina D., Pozzoli R. – Nonlinear heating by a spatially localized electron cyclotron
waves - Proc. 17th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics,
Amsterdam, 25-29 June 1990, ECA Vol. 14B, Part III, 1088 (1990)
Airoldi A., Cirant S., Nowak S. – Calculated power deposition profiles during ECRH on
the FTU tokamak - Proc. 17th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics,
Amsterdam, 25-29 June 1990, ECA Vol. 14B, Part III, 1108 (1990)
Argenti L., Bruschi A., Cirant S., Gorini G., Granucci G., Lucca F., Mantica P., Silari M.,
Simonetto A., Solari G. – Microwave break-down of the neutral gas around EC
resonance in high power transmission lines for ECRH - Proc. 17th EPS Conference on
Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Amsterdam, 25-29 June 1990, ECA Vol. 14B, Part
III, 1112 (1990)
Sing D.C., Schultz J., Richards B., Austin M.E., Brower D.L., Chen J.Y., Cima G., gentle K.,
Hickok R.L., Li W.L., Luhmann N.C., Peebles W.A., Phillips P.E., et al. – Recent electron
cyclotron heating results on TEXT - Proc. 17th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion
and Plasma Physics, Amsterdam, 25-29 June 1990, ECA Vol. 14B, Part III, 1133 (1990)
Galbiati S., Lontano M., Tartari U. – Collective scattering spectra with anisotropic
distributions of fast ions - Proc. 17th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma
Physics, Amsterdam, 25-29 June 1990, ECA Vol. 14B, Part IV, 1636 (1990)
Gorini G., Kallne J., Rollet S. – Physics studies of compact ignition plasmas using
neutron measurements - Proc. 17th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma
Physics, Amsterdam, 25-29 June 1990, ECA Vol. 14B, Part IV, 1652 (1990)
Ramponi G., Airoldi A., Bartlett D., Brusati M., Nowak S., Orefice A., Rimini F. – Diagnostic
potentialities of electron cyclotron waves in LH current drive experiments - Proc. 17th
EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Amsterdam, 25-29 June 1990,
ECA Vol. 14B, Part IV, 1709 (1990)
Lontano M., Lunin N. – Propagation of electromagnetic waves in a modulated density
plasma - Proc. 17th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics,
Amsterdam, 25-29 June 1990, ECA Vol. 14B, Part IV, 1762 (1990)
Airoldi A., Orefice A., Ramponi G. – Non thermal cyclotron emission from a lower
hybrid heated plasma - Proc. 7th Joint Workshop and IAEA Technical Committee Meeting
on Electron Cyclotron Emission and Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating, Hefei, China,
9-11 May 1989, Published by IAEA, Vienna, pg. 20 (1990)
Nowak S., Cirant S., Argenti A., Bruschi A. – Quasi-optical launchers of EC waves at 140
Ghz, 1.6 MW for FTU tokamak - Proc. 7th Joint Workshop and IAEA Technical Committee
Meeting on Electron Cyclotron Emission and Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating, Hefei,
China, 9-11 May 1989, Published by IAEA, Vienna, pg. 405 (1990)
De Luca F., Gorini G., Jacchia A., Mantica P. – An interpretative model for
electrontemperature modulation experiments - Proc. Int. Lausanne-Varenna Workshop
on Theory of Fusion Plasmas, Varenna, Italy, 27-31 August 1990, Published by SIF,
Bologna, pg. 203 (1990)
Pozzoli R., Farina D., Mennella A., Ronzio D. – Nonlinear plasma interaction with high
power electron cyclotron waves - Proc. Int. Lausanne-Varenna Workshop on Theory of
Fusion Plasmas, Varenna, Italy, 27-31 August 1990, Published by SIF, Bologna, pg. 283
Farina D., Pozzoli R. – Electron cyclotron power absorption in nonlinear regimes Proc. Int. Lausanne-Varenna Workshop on Thery of Fusion Plasmas, Varenna, Italy, 27-31
August 1990, Published by SIF, Bologna, pg. 381 (1990)
Mantica P., Vayakis G., Hugill J., Cirant S., Pitts R.A., Matthews G.F. – Broadband
fluctuations and particle transport in the edge plasma during ECRH in DITE - Nuclear
Fusion 31, 1649 (1991)
Airoldi A., Cenacchi G. – Sensitivity studies on ignition in Ignitor – Fusion Technology 19,
78 (1991)
Lontano M., Lunin N. – Propagation of electromagnetic waves in a density-modulated
plasma – J. Plasma Physics 45, 173 (1991)
Airoldi A., Cenacchi G. – Ignition prospects for Ignitor – Plasma Phys. & Contr. Fusion 33,
91 (1991)
Farina D., Pozzoli R., Ronzio D. – Nonlinear absorption of a localized electron cyclotron
wave - Plasma Phys. & Contr. Fusion 33, 485 (1991)
Galbiati S., Lontano M., Tartari U. – Collective scattering spectra with anisotropic
distribution of fast ions - Plasma Phys. & Contr. Fusion 33, 1049 (1991)
Farina D., Pozzoli R. – Power absorption at the cyclotron harmonics in the adiabatic
weakly nonlinear regime - Physics Letters A 154, 84 (1991)
Maroli C., Petrillo V. – Transition from ion-cyclotron to ion-acoustic longitudinal waves
in a Maxwellian plasma – Physics Letters A 154, 160 (1991)
Farina D., Pozzoli R. – Nonlinear electron-cyclotron power absorption - Physics of Fluids
B 3, 1570 (1991)
Jacchia A., Mantica P., De Luca F., Gorini G. – Determination of diffusive and
nondiffusive transport in modulation experiments in plasmas - Physics of Fluids B 3,
3033 (1991)
Farina D., Pozzoli R., Romè M. – Adiabatic nonlinear interaction of a localized electron
cyclotron wave with a plasma - Physics of Fluids B 3, 3065 (1991)
Airoldi A., Orefice A., Ramponi G. – Diagnostic possibilities of electron cyclotron waves
in lower hybrid current drive experiments - Il Nuovo Cimento, 13D, 517 (1991)
Maroli C., Petrillo V. – Computation of the dielectric tensor of a magnetized maxwellian
plasma in the case of large Larmor radius effects – Il Nuovo Cimento, 13D, 881 (1991)
Orefice A. – Relativistic electron cyclotron theory, revisited - Il Nuovo Cimento, 13D,
1141 (1991)
Pozzoli R., Farina D. – Nonlinear interaction of a plasma with an intense electron
cyclotron wave - Proc. Quantum Electronics and Plasma Physics, Roma, Italy, November
1990, SIF Conference Proceedings 29, 421 (1991)
Airoldi A., Cenacchi G., Rulli M. – Ignition achievement in high field tokamaks - Proc.
18th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Berlin, 3-7 June 1991,
ECA Vol. 15C, Part I, 157 (1991)
Berton F., Bruschi A., Buratti P., Imperiali C., Romanelli F., Tudisco O. – Determination of
the electron heat diffusivity from temperature perturbations in FT and FTU tokamaks
- Proc. 18th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Berlin, 3-7 June
1991, ECA Vol. 15C, Part I, 209 (1991)
De Luca F., Gorini G., Jacchia A., Mantica P., Hogeweij G.M.D., Lopes Cardozo N.J. –
Analysis of coupled temperature and density perturbations using Fourier methods Proc. 18th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Berlin, 3-7 June
1991, ECA Vol. 15C, Part I, 277 (1991)
Nardone C., Bhatnagar V.P., Campbell D., Gottardi N., Lazzaro E., O’Brien D., Tanga A.,
Weisen H. – Power treshold for L-H mode transition in JET - Proc. 18th EPS Conference
on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Berlin, 3-7 June 1991, ECA Vol. 15C, Part I, 377
Maroli C., Petrillo V., Lampis G., Basilico F. – Extraction of energy from intense electron
beam in hot plasmas by electron cyclotron waves - Proc. 18th EPS Conference on
Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Berlin, 3-7 June 1991, ECA Vol. 15C, Part IV, 1
Minardi E. – State diagrams of tokamaks and scaling laws - Proc. 18th EPS Conference
on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Berlin, 3-7 June 1991, ECA Vol. 15C, Part IV, 197
Lazzaro E., Lucca F., Nardone C., Tanga A. – Neoclassical poloidal flow bifurcation in
the H mode transition - Proc. 18th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma
Physics, Berlin, 3-7 June 1991, ECA Vol. 15C, Part IV, 201 (1991)
Lazzaro E., Ramponi G. – Twin E-mode reflectometry for magnetic field measurements
in tokamaks - Proc. 18th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Berlin,
3-7 June 1991, ECA Vol. 15C, Part IV, 225 (1991)
Tartari U., Lontano M. – Potential of millimeter-wavelength collective scattering in high
field tokamaks - Proc. 18th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics,
Berlin, 3-7 June 1991, ECA Vol. 15C, Part IV, 293 (1991)
Carli C., Lontano M. – Nonlinear propagation of high amplitude electromagnetic waves
in a strongly magnetized plasma - Proc. XX International Conference on Phenomena in
Ionized Gases, Barga, Italy 8-12 July 1991, Contributed Papers Vol. 1, 202 (1991)
Ciucci A., Casini M., De Rosa M., Famà F. Palleschi V., Singh D.P., Vaselli M., Lontano M.,
Lunin N. – Propagation of electromagnetic waves in non homogeneous plasma - Proc.
XX International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, Barga, Italy 8-12 July 1991,
Contributed Papers Vol. 3, 697 (1991)
Simonetto A., Solari G. – PARFUM-CW: a program to analyze radiated fields using
minimization in terms of circular waveguide modes - Proc. 16th International Conference
on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Lausanne 26-30 August 1991, SPIE Vol. 1476, 602 (1991)
Lontano M. – Collective scattering spectra in thermonuclear plasmas – 10th European
School on Plasma Physics, Tbilisi, 2-15 September 1990, Published by World Scientific, pg.
344 (1991)
D’Avanzo J., Lontano M., Bortignon P.F. – Fast-ion deposition in dense plasmas with
two-ion correlation effects – Phys. Review A 45, 6126 (1992)
Farina D., Pozzoli R. – Nonlinear adiabatic reflection of electrons by an electromagnetic
wave in a plasma – Phys. Review A 45, R575 (1992)
Shmayda W.T., Kherani N.P., Ghezzi F., Bonizzoni G. – St737 for tritium service: an
experimental evaluation – Fusion Technology 21, 1024 (1992)
Nave M.F.F., Edwards A.W., Hirsch K., Hugon M., Jacchia A., Lazzaro E., Salzmann H.
Smeulders P. – Observation of MHD structures in JET temperature profiles – Nuclear
Fusion 32, 825 (1992)
Kovanen M.A., Reichle R., Lazzaro E., Summers D.D.R., Taylor T.S. – Modelling of the
observed particle and heat fluxes in the X-point region in JET – Nuclear Fusion 32, 863
Simonetto A., Solari G. – PARFUM-CW: a program to analyze radiated fields using
minimization in terms of circular waveguide modes – Int. J. of Infrared and Millimeter
Waves 13, 529 (1992)
Lontano M., Lunin N. – Density-modulation effects on the propagation of an
electromagnetic wave in a plasma – J. Plasma Physics 48, 209 (1992)
Minardi E. – Thermodynamic of Vlasov equilibria – J. Plasma Physics 48, 281 (1992)
Minardi E. – Lagrangian description and entropy of magnetic Vlasov systems – J .
Plasma Physics 48, 309 (1992)
Maroli C., Petrillo V., Lampis G., Basilico F. – Energy extraction from intense electron
beams in hot plasmas by electron cyclotron waves – Physics of Fluids B 4, 1836 (1992)
Minardi E. – State diagrams of tokamaks and state transitions – Plasma Phys. & Contr.
Fusion 34, 301 (1992)
Huysmans G.T.A., Hender T.C., Kwon O.J., Goedbloed J.P., Lazzaro E., Smeulders P. –
MHD stability analysis of high β JET discharges - Plasma Phys. & Contr. Fusion 34, 487
Hogeweij G.M.D., Lopes Cardozo N.J., De Luca F., Gorini G., Jacchia A., Mantica P. – The
analysis of coupled heat and particle transport in tokamaks by means of Fourier
transforms - Plasma Phys. & Contr. Fusion 34, 641 (1992)
Lazzaro E., Lucca F., Nardone C., Tanga A. – Neoclassical poloidal flow bifurcation in
the H mode transition - Plasma Phys. & Contr. Fusion 34, 893 (1992)
Minardi E. – Energy production, scaling laws and state transitions in tokamaks –
Plasma Phys. & Contr. Fusion 34, 989 (1992)
Airoldi A., Cenacchi G. – Effects of sawtooth activity in Ignitor – Plasma Phys. & Contr.
Fusion 34, 1493 (1992)
Alladio F., Berton F., Bracco G., Buratti P., Tudisco O. and FTU Team, Bruschi A., De Luca
F., Jacchia A., Mantica P. – Energy confinement of FTU ohmic plasma - Proc. 19th EPS
Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Innsbruck, June 29 - July 3, 1992,
ECA Vol. 16C, Part I, 23 (1992)
Hogeweij G.M.D., Lopes Cardozo N.J., Peters M. and the RTP Team, De Luca F., Gorini
G., Jacchia A., Mantica P. – Perturbative transport analysis in RTP - Proc. 19 th EPS
Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Innsbruck, June 29 - July 3, 19912,
ECA Vol. 16C, Part I, 75 (1992)
Lazzaro E., Simonetto A., Tanga A. – Plasma characteristic during soft disruptions Proc. 19 th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Innsbruck, June 29 July 3, 1992, ECA Vol. 16C, Part I, 443 (1992)
Ramponi G., Airoldi A., Bartlett D., Brusati M., Froissard P., Gormezano C., Rimini F., Da
Silva R.P. and Tanzi C.P. – Characterization of LH induced current carrying fast
electrons in JET - Proc. 19th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics,
Innsbruck, June 29 - July 3, 1992, ECA Vol. 16C, Part II, 973 (1992)
Tartari U., Castiglioni S. and Lontano M. – Effects of the ohmic plasma current on
collective scattering spectra - Proc. 19th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and
Plasma Physics, Innsbruck, June 29 - July 3, 1992, ECA Vol. 16C, Part II, 1087 (1992)
Minardi E. – Pedestal sustenance and heat transport at the edge in the H-transition Proc. 19 th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Innsbruck, June 29 July 3, 1992, ECA Vol. 16C, Part II, 1465 (1992)
Brusati M., Airoldi A., Bartlett D., Froissard P., Gormezano C., Jacquinot J., Ramponi G.,
Rimini F., Da Silva R.P. and Tanzi C.P. – Characterization of LH induced current
carrying fast electrons in JET - Proc. European Topical Conference on RF Heating and
Current Drive on Fusion Devices, Brussels, July 3-10, 1992, ECA Vol. 16E, 225 (1992)
Lazzaro E., Lucca F. and Minardi E. – Temperature pedestal sustenance and poloidal
rotation at the H-mode transition - Proc. Joint Varenna-Lausanne Int. Workshop on
Theory of Fusion Plasmas, Varenna, Aug. 24-28, 1992, Ed. Compositori-SIF, ISPP, 12, 305
Farina D., Pozzoli R. and Romè M. – Electron energy diffusion in a stochastic regime
induced by a cyclotron wave - Proc. Joint Varenna-Lausanne Int. Workshop on Theory of
Fusion Plasmas, Varenna, Aug. 24-28, 1992, Ed. Compositori-SIF, ISPP, 12, 317 (1992)
Farina D., Pozzoli R. – Ponderomotive effects on the electron dynamics by an
electromagnetic wave - Proc. Joint Varenna-Lausanne Int. Workshop on Theory of Fusion
Plasmas, Varenna, Aug. 24-28, 1992, Ed. Compositori-SIF, ISPP, 12, 407 (1992)
Farina D., Pozzoli R. and Ryutov D. – Effect of the magnetic field geometry on the flutelike perturbations near the divertor X-point – Nuclear Fusion 33, 1315 (1993)
Cox M., Deliyanakis N., Hugill J., Robinson D.C., Ashraf M., Fielding S.J., Lean H.W.,
Mantica P., Millar W., O’Brien M.R., Parham B.J., Pitts R.A., Simonetto A. and Vayakis G. –
Thermal waves studies of electron transport using modulated ECRH – Nuclear Fusion
33, 1657 (1993)
Minardi E. – Entropy of Vlasov equilibria and Hamilton’s principle – J. Plasma Physics
50, 505 (1993)
Gorini G., Mantica P., Hogeweij G.M.D., De Luca F., Jacchia A., Konings J.A., Lopes
Cardozo N.J. and Peters M. – Simultaneous propagation of heat waves induced by
sawteeth and ECH power modulation in the RTP tokamak - Physical Review Letters 47,
2038 (1993)
Farina D., Pozzoli R. and Romè M. – Limited stochastic electron acceleration induced by
an intense cyclotron wave in a plasma – Physical Review E 47, R2995 (1993)
D'Avanzo J., Lontano M. and Bortignon P.F. - Fast-ion Interaction in dense plasmas with
two-ion correlation effects - Physical Review E 47, 3574 (1993)
Farina D., Pozzoli R., Mennella A. and Ronzio D. – Stochastic energy diffusion of electron
cyclotron wave – Physics of Fluids B 5, 104 (1993)
Core W.G.F. and Lazzaro E. – Orbit effects on the particles and energy flow in the
poloidal null region of a tokamak axisymmetric divertor – Physics of Fluids B 5, 1173
Nowak S. and Orefice A. – Quasi-optical treatment of electromagnetic Gaussian beams
in inhomogeneous and anisotropic plasmas – Physics of Fluids B 5, 1945 (1993)
Farina D., Pozzoli R. and Ryutov D. – Flute instability in a plasma confined by perfectly
reflecting end walls – Physics of Fluids B 5, 4055 (1993)
Farina D., Pozzoli R. and Ryutov D. – Resonance phenomena accompanying the
injection of a periodically pulsed neutral beam into a tokamak – Plasma Phys. & Contr.
Fusion 35, 1243 (1993)
Farina D., Pozzoli R. and Ryutov D. – Effect of the limiter configuration on the electron
temperature gradient instability in the tokamak scrape-off-layer – Plasma Phys. & Contr.
Fusion 35, 1271 (1993)
Castiglioni S., Lontano M. and Tartari U. – Effect of the ohmic current on collective
scattering spectra – Plasma Phys. & Contr. Fusion 35, 1395 (1993)
Minardi E. – Plasma transport in tokamaks – Plasma Phys. & Contr. Fusion 35, 1669
Boffito C., Bonizzoni G., Conte A., Ghezzi F. and Venkataramani N. – Poisoning and
saturation of St737 getter alloy in the catalytic conversion of isotopic waters to
isotopic hydrogen – J. Nuclear Materials 200, 343 (1993)
Venkataramani N., Ghezzi F. and Bonizzoni G. – Anew flow behaviour of gases and
vapours in vacuum at very low flow rates – J. Vacuum Science and Technology 11, 245
Dalla S. and Lontano M. – On the maximum longitudinal electric field of a large
amplitude electron plasma wave excited by a short electromagnetic radiation pulse Physics Letters A 173, 456 (1993)
Segre S.E. and Nowak S. – Analytic expression for the influence of plasma
birefringence on Faraday-rotation measurements in a tokamak plasma - Il Nuovo
Cimento, 15D, 909 (1993)
Airoldi A. and Ramponi G. – Analysis of electron cyclotron emission by lower-hybrid
current drive plasmas - Il Nuovo Cimento, 15D, 1009 (1993)
D'Avanzo J., Lontano M. and Bortignon P.F. – Non-linear potential wake and stopping
power of swift ions in a classical electron plasma - Il Nuovo Cimento, 106A, 1797 (1993)
D'Avanzo J., Tomè E., Lontano M. and Bortignon P.F. – Stopping power of heavy ions in
classical dense plasmas - Il Nuovo Cimento, 106A, 1803 (1993)
Bonizzoni G. – Tecnologie ad arco plasma per il trattamento dei rifiuti tossici e la
produzione di metalli – Ric-Mac Magazine VI, 17 (1993)
Lopes Cardozo N.J., Hogeweij G.M.D., Jasper R.J.E., Konings J.A., Oomens A.A.M.,
Peters M., Schokker B.C., Schoeller F.C., Gorini G., Mantica P., De Luca F., Jacchia A.,
Barth C.J., Box F.M.A., Da Cruz D.F., Donnè A.J.H., Van Gelder J.F.M., et al. – ECRH
modulation experiments on RTP - Proc. 14th IAEA Conference on Plasma Physics and
Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research, Wurzburg, Sept. 30 – Oct. 7, 1992, IAEA Vol. 1, 271
Argenti L., Bruschi A., Cirant S., Granucci G., Mirizzi F., Nowak S., Simonetto A. and Solari
G. – Design review of the millimeter-wave system for ECRH on the FTU tokamak Proc. VII Int. Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Pasadena, Dec. 14-17, 1992,
SPIE 1929, 108 (1993)
Argenti L., Bruschi A., Cirant S., Granucci G., Mirizzi F., Simonetto A. and Solari G. –
Polarization sensitive reflectors made by grids of thick wires - Proc. VII Int. Conference
on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Pasadena, Dec. 14-17, 1992, SPIE 1929, 425 (1993)
Argenti L., Bruschi A., Cirant S., Granucci G., Mirizzi F., Nowak S., Simonetto A. and Solari
G. – ECRH scenarios at high magnetic field and electron density on the FTU tokamak
- Proc. X Topical Conference on Radiofrequency Power in Plasmas, Boston, Apr. 1-3, 1993,
AIP Conf. Proc. 289, 173 (1993)
De Luca F., Gorini G., Hogeweij G.M.D., Jacchia A., Konings J.A., Lopes Cardozo N.J.,
Mantica P. and Peters M. – ECRH modulation experiments on RTP - Proc. 20th
Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Lisboa, July 26-30, 1993, ECA Vol.
17C, Part I, 119 (1993)
D’Antona G. and Lazzaro E. – Space phasor representation of rotating resistive modes
- Proc. 20th Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Lisboa, July 26-30,
1993, ECA Vol. 17C, Part I, 243 (1993)
Lazzaro E., Bernardinello A. and Lampis G. – Linear theory of ion viscosity effects on
edge tearing modes - Proc. 20th Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics,
Lisboa, July 26-30, 1993, ECA Vol. 17C, Part II, 827 (1993)
Argenti L., Bruschi A., Cirant S., Granucci G., Nowak S., Orefice A., Simonetto A., Solari G.
and Figueiredo A. – ECRH experiment at 140 Ghz on FTU tokamak: status and recent
developments - Proc. 20th Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Lisboa,
July 26-30, 1993, ECA Vol. 17C, Part III, 1033 (1993)
Varandas C.A.F., Cabral J.A.C., Figueiredo A., Moreira A., Belo J., Cirant S., Nowak S. and
Orefice A. – Electron cyclotron heating and current drive in scenarios for the tokamak
ISTTOK - Proc. 20th Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Lisboa, July
26-30, 1993, ECA Vol. 17C, Part III, 1049 (1993)
Airoldi A. and Ramponi G. – Effects of peripheral physical phenomena on ECE spectra
- Proc. 20th Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Lisboa, July 26-30,
1993, ECA Vol. 17C, Part III, 1223 (1993)
Airoldi A. and Cenacchi G. – A dynamical model for the Ignitor experiment - Proc. 20th
Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Lisboa, July 26-30, 1993, ECA Vol.
17C, Part IV, 1339 (1993)
Minardi E. – Plasma transport in tokamaks - Proc. 20th Conference on Controlled Fusion
and Plasma Physics, Lisboa, July 26-30, 1993, ECA Vol. 17C, Part IV, 1383 (1993)
Minardi E., Gervasini G. and Lazzaro E. – Neoclassical transport, poloidal rotation and
radial electric field at the L-H transition - Proc. 20th Conference on Controlled Fusion
and Plasma Physics, Lisboa, July 26-30, 1993, ECA Vol. 17C, Part IV, 1435 (1993)
Casagrande F., Colombo U., Farina D. and Pozzoli R. – Phase-space analysis of the
transition to high-gain regime in a Compton FEL amplifier – Proc. IV European Quantum
Conference and VII Italian Conference on Quantum Electronics, Firenze, Sept. 10-13, 1993,
Technical Digest Vol. I, 226 (1993)
Pozzoli R. and Farina D. – Nonlinear dynamics of electrons interacting with an electron
cyclotron wave - Proc. VIII Joint Workshop on Electron Cyclotron Emission and Electron
Cyclotron Resonance Heating, Gut Ising, Oct. 19-21, 1993, Max Planck IPP Report III/186,
Vol I, 53 (1993)
Lontano M. and Tartari U. – Propagation of electromagnetic radiation beams in the
quasi-optical approximation - Proc. VIII Joint Workshop on Electron Cyclotron Emission
and Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating, Gut Ising, Oct. 19-21, 1993, Max Planck IPP
Report III/186, Vol I, 71 (1993)
Nowak S. and Orefice A. – Gaussian beam propagation in quasi-optical systems and
magnetoactive plasmas - Proc. VIII Joint Workshop on Electron Cyclotron Emission and
Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating, Gut Ising, Oct. 19-21, 1993, Max Planck IPP Report
III/186, Vol I, 85 (1993)
Airoldi A. and Ramponi G. – Prospects of electron cyclotron emission for diagnosing
non thermal distribution functions - Proc. VIII Joint Workshop on Electron Cyclotron
Emission and Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating, Gut Ising, Oct. 19-21, 1993, Max
Planck IPP Report III/186, Vol I, 99 (1993)
Peters M., Lopes Cardozo N.J., Hogeweij G.M.D., De Luca F., Gorini G., Jacchia A.,
Mantica P. and RTP Team – Errors in transient electron temperature measurements Proc. VIII Joint Workshop on Electron Cyclotron Emission and Electron Cyclotron
Resonance Heating, Gut Ising, Oct. 19-21, 1993, Max Planck IPP Report III/186, Vol I, 223
Brusati M., Bartlett D.V., Ekedahl A., Froissard P., Airoldi A., Ramponi G., da Silva R.P. and
Peysson Y. – Determination of the suprathermal electron distribution function during
lower hybrid current drive in JET - Nuclear Fusion 34, 23 (1994)
Minardi E. – Self-excitation of magnetic islands - Nuclear Fusion 34, 1567 (1994)
Jacchia A., De Luca F., Hogeweij G.M.D., Gorini G., Konings J.A., Lopes Cardozo N.J.,
Mantica P. and Peters M. – Simultaneous analysis of ECH modulation and sawtooth
activity in the plasma core of the RTP tokamak - Nuclear Fusion 34, 1641 (1994)
Nowak S. and Orefice A. – Three-dimensional propagation and absorption of high
frequency Gaussian beams in magnetoactive plasmas – Physics of Plasmas 1, 1242
Farina D., Pozzoli R. and Romè M. – Quasilinear stochastic electron energy diffusion
driven by an intense cyclotron wave in oblique propagation – Physics of Plasmas 1,
1871 (1994)
Airoldi A. and Cenacchi G. – Ignited and high-Q plasmas in Ignitor – Fusion Technology
25, 278 (1994)
Dalla S. and Lontano M. – Resonant and quasi-resonant excitation of plasma waves by
means of sequence of laser pulses – Plasma Phys. & Contr. Fusion 36, 1987 (1994)
The JET Team (including Lazzaro E.) – First results with the modified JET – Plasma
Phys. & Contr. Fusion 36, B39 (1994)
The JET Team (including Lazzaro E.) – JET divertor research in support of ITER –
Plasma Phys. & Contr. Fusion 36, B241 (1994)
Alladio F., Apicella M.L., Apruzzese G., Bartiromo R., Borra M., Bracco G., Buceti G.,
Buratti P., Centioli C., Ciotti M., Cocilovo V., Condrea I., Crisanti F., De Angelis R., Esposito
B., Ferro C., Franzoni G., Frigione D., Gabellieri L., Giovannozzi E., Granucci G., et al. –
Plasma characteristics in FTU with different plasma facing materials – Plasma Phys. &
Contr. Fusion 36, B253 (1994)
The JET Team (including Lazzaro E.) – Improved tokamak concepts for JET and the
future – Plasma Phys. & Contr. Fusion 36, B301 (1994)
Farina D., Casagrande F., Colombo U. and Pozzoli R. – Hamiltonian analysis of the
transition to the high-gain regime in a Compton FEL amplifier – Physical Review E 49,
1603 (1994)
Dalla S. and Lontano M. – Large amplitude wave excitation by means of sequence of
short laser pulses – Physical Review E 49, R1819 (1994)
Farina D., Pozzoli R. and Ryutov D. – The electron temperature gradient instability in
presence of a limiter with tilted plates – Contributions to Plasma Physics 34, 254 (1994)
Ghezzi F., Venkataramani N., Caterino A.L., Bonizzoni G., Gervasini G. and Conte A. –
Hydrogen retention and release behaviour during full life use of Zr-V-Fe alloy for
isotopic water processing – J. Nuclear Materials 212-215, 981 (1994)
Gervasini G. and Reiter F. – Hydrogen isotopes transport in fusion reactor first wall
materials – J. Nuclear Materials 212-215, 1379 (1994)
Ghezzi F., Conte A., Venkataramani N. and Bonizzoni G. – Hydrogen release and
behaviour during decomposition of water vapour by metallic getter – Zeit. für Physik.
Chemie 183, 1449 (1994)
Bruschi A., Cirant S., Granucci G., Simonetto A. and Solari G. – Conditioning optics for
astigmatic Gaussian beams at 140 Ghz, 0.5 MW – Int. J. of Infrared anad Millimeter
Waves 15, 1413 (1994)
Busatti E., Ciucci A., De Rosa M., Palleschi V., Lontano M. and Lunin N. – Propagation of
electromagnetic waves in inhomogeneous plasmas – J. Plasma Physics 52, 443 (1994)
Lazzaro E., Lampis G. and Bernardinello A. – Effects of nonvanishing ion viscosity on
the linear stability of drift tearing modes in a tokamak – J. of Phys. Soc. Japan 63, 4373
Venkataramani N., Ghezzi F. and Bonizzoni G. – Tritiated water reduction on metal bed
– Vuoto XXIII, (2), 18 (1994)
Reiter F., Forcey K.S. and Gervasini G. – Tritium-material interaction properties in
fusion reactor materials – Vuoto XXIII, (2), 48 (1994)
Ghezzi F., Bonizzoni G. and Venkataramani N. – Nature of rate limiting step in the
reaction of cracking water molecules on metallic surface – Vuoto XXIII, (2), 108 (1994)
Caterino A.L., Bonizzoni G., Ghezzi F. and Venkataramani N. – Sistemi da vuoto
connessi in condizioni dinamiche: relazione tra le pressioni e caratterizzazione del
flusso – Vuoto XXIII, (3), 25 (1994)
Venkataramani N., Ghezzi F. and Bonizzoni G. – On the parameters of dependence in a
getter based continuous converter reactor – Vuoto XXIII, (3), 32 (1994)
Venkataramani N., Bonizzoni G. and Ghezzi F. – Role of wall residence time of
molecules on the nature of gas flow in vacuum – Vuoto XXIII, (3), 37 (1994)
Farina D., Pozzoli R. and Romè M. – The local quasilinear approximation in the
stochastic diffusion driven by a single wave in a plasma – Proc. Workshop on Transport,
Chaos and Plasma Physics, Marseille, July 5-9, 1993, Published by World Scientific, pg. 374
Hogeweij G.M.D., De Luca F., Gorini G., Jacchia A., Konings J.A., Lopes Cardozo N.J.,
Mantica P., Peters M. and RTP Team – Scaling of incremental heat diffusivity with
input power, Te and ∇T e - Proc. 21st EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma
Physics, Montpellier, 27 June-1 July, 1994, ECA Vol. 18B, Part I, 66 (1994)
Jacchia A., De Lauri A., De Luca F., Gorini G., Hogeweij G.M.D., Konings J.A., Lopes
Cardozo N.J., Mantica P., Peters M. and RTP Team – On- and off-axis ECH modulation
experiments on RTP - Proc. 21st EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma
Physics, Montpellier, 27 June-1 July, 1994, ECA Vol. 18B, Part I, 146 (1994)
Peters M., Hartfuss H.J., Stroth U., De Luca F., Erckmann V., Giannone L., Gorini G.,
Hogeweij G.M.D., Jacchia A., Konings J.A., Lopes Cardozo N.J., Maassberg H. and
Mantica P. – A comparative heat pulse propagation study on RTP and W7-AS - Proc.
21st EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Montpellier, 27 June-1
July, 1994, ECA Vol. 18B, Part I, 158 (1994)
Minardi E. – Self-excitation of magnetic islands - Proc. 21st EPS Conference on
Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Montpellier, 27 June-1 July, 1994, ECA Vol. 18B,
Part III, 1418 (1994)
Cirant S., Nowak S. and Orefice A. – Self-diffractive effects in the propagation and
absorption of electron cyclotron Gaussian beams in toroidal plasmas - Proc. Joint
Varenna-Lausanne Int. Workshop on Theory of Fusion Plasmas, Varenna, 22-26 August,
1994, Published by Editrice Compositori, pg. 131 (1994)
Farina D., Lasca S., Nassigh A. and Pozzoli R. – Stochasticity of magnetic field lines in
the scape-off layer of a divertor configuration - Proc. Joint Varenna-Lausanne Int.
Workshop on Theory of Fusion Plasmas, Varenna, 22-26 August, 1994, Published by
Editrice Compositori, pg. 385 (1994)
Hogeweij G.M.D., De Luca F., Gorini G., Jacchia A., Konings J.A., Lopes Cardozo N.J.,
Mantica P., Peters M. and RTP Team – Studies of transport in the RTP tokamak - Proc.
Workshop on Transport in Fusion Plasmas, Goteborg, 13-16 June, 1994, Report CTHIEFT/PP-1994-26, paper T8
Lontano M. and Raimondi F. - Stopping Power of Nonmonochromatic Heavy-ion
Clusters with Two-correlation Effects - Physical Review E 51, R2755 (1995)
Smolyakov A. I., Hirose A., Lazzaro E., Re G.B. and Callen J.D. - Rotating Nonlinear
Magnetic Islands in a Tokamak Plasma - Phys. Plasmas 2, 1581 (1995)
Jacchia A., Mantica P., De Luca F., Galli P. and Gorini G. - Nonlocal Diffusivity: Impact
on Transient Transport Studies - Phys. Plasmas 2, 4589 (1995)
D'Avanzo J., Lontano M., Tomè E. and Bortignon P.F. - Heavy-ion Interaction in a
Nonisothermal Plasma with Two-ion Correlation Effects - Physical Review E 52, 919
Hogeweij G.M.D., De Luca F., Gorini G., Jacchia A., Konings J.A., Lopes Cardozo N.J.,
Mantica P., and Peters M. - Studies of Transport in RTP Tokamak - Physica Scripta 51,
627 (1995)
Gervasini G., Lazzaro E. and Minardi E. - Neoclassical Transport and Poloidal Rotation
at the L-H Transition - Physica Scripta 52, 417 (1995)
Cirant S., Nowak S. and Orefice A. - Wave Dispersion and Resonant Deposition Profiles
of Electron-Cyclotron Gaussian Beams in Toroidal plasmas - J. Plasma Physics 53,
345 (1995)
Ghezzi F., Shmayda W.T., Venkataramani N. and Bonizzoni G. - Efficient HTO Reduction
Using a Zr-Fe-Mn Alloy - Fusion Engineering and Design 28, 367 (1995)
Ghezzi F., Venkataramani N., Conte A., Bonizzoni G. and Shmayda W.T. - Isotopic Water
Handling and Hydrogen Isotope Recovery for Fusion Application by Using the
Zr(V0.5Fe0.5) 2 Alloy - Fusion Technology 27, 458 (1995)
Peters M., Gorini G. and Mantica P. - Optical Thickness Corrections to ECE Transient
Electron Temperature Measurements in Tokamak and Stellarator Plasmas - Nuclear
Fusion 35, 873 (1995)
Gervasini G. and Reiter F. - Tritium-Material Interaction in First Walls and Plasma
Facing Components of Fusion Reactors - Proc. International Workshop on Physics and
Technology of Tritium for Fusion Reactors, Varenna, Italy, September 6-14, 1993,
Published on Transaction of Fusion Technology, 27, 2T, FUSTE8, 30 (1995)
Venkataramani N., Ghezzi F. and Bonizzoni G. - Zirconium Based Alloy Reactor Beds
for Tritiated Water in Air - Proc. International Workshop on Physics and Technology of
Tritium for Fusion Reactors, Varenna, Italy, September 6-14, 1993, Published on
Transaction of Fusion Technology, 27, 2T, FUSTE8, 62 (1995)
The JET Team incl. Mantica P. - Studies of Energy and Particle Transport in JET - Proc.
15th Jnt. Conf. on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion Research, Seville, 1994, 1, 307,
Published by IAEA, Wien (1995)
Oomens A.A.M. et al. incl. De Luca F., Gorini G., Jacchia A. and Mantica P. - Plasma
Filamentation and first Results of 110 GHz ECH in RTP Tokamak - Proc. 15th Jnt. Conf.
on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion Research, Seville, 1994, 1, 481, Published by
IAEA, Wien (1995)
Cirant S., Bruschi A., Granucci G., Simonetto A., Solari G. and FTU Team - First Results
of the 140 GHz, 0.5 MW ECRH Experiment on the FTU Tokamak - Proc. 15th Jnt. Conf.
on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion Research, Seville, 1994, 2, 159, Published by
IAEA, Wien (1995)
Cirant S., Bruschi A., Granucci G., Simonetto A., Solari G., Buratti P., Santinelli M., Tudisco
O. and FTU Team - Operation of a 140 GHz, 0.5 MW System for ECRH Experiments on
the FTU Tokamak - Proc. 9th Joint Workshop on Electron Cyclotron Emission and Electro
Cyclotron Heating, Borrego Springs, California, 23-26 January, 1995, pg.105
Nowak S. and Orefice A. - Electromagnetic Gaussian Beams Close to Optical
Discontinuities - Proc. 9th Joint Workshop on Electron Cyclotron Emission and Electro
Cyclotron Heating, Borrego Springs, California, 23-26 January, 1995, pg.343
Cirant S., Bruschi A., Buratti P., Granucci G., Orefice A., Nowak S., Simonetto A., Solari G.
and Tudisco O. - High Power Heating of the FTU Tokamak Plasma at the Fundamental
Electron Cyclotron Resonance of 140 Ghz - Proc. 11th Topical Conference on Radio
Frequency Power in Plasmas, Palm Springs, California, May 1995, AIP Conference
Proceedings 355, 159
Airoldi A., Cenacchi G., Granucci G. and the ECRH Team - Numerical Simulation of the
Performed and Planned ECRH Experiments on the FTU Tokamak Proc. 11th Topical
Conference on Radio Frequency Power in Plasmas, Palm Springs, California, May 1995,
AIP Conference Proceedings 355, 163
Lazzaro E. and Ramponi G. - Theory and Calculation of Current Profile Control Near
Rotational Surfaces in a Tokamak by E.C. Waves - Proc. 11th Topical Conference on
Radio Frequency Power in Plasmas, Palm Springs, California, May 1995, AIP Conference
Proceedings 355, 329
Hogeweij G.M.D., Chu C.C., da Cruz D.F., De Luca F., Gorini G., Jacchia A., Lopes
Cardozo N.J., Mantica P., Oomens A.A.M. Peters M., Pijper F.J., and Polman R.W. Strongly Inhomogeneous Electron Heat Diffusivity in RTP - Proc. 22nd EPS
Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Bournemouth, 27 June-1 July 1995,
ECA Vol. 19C, Part II, 13 (1995)
Jacchia A., De Luca F., Gorini G., Mantica P., Delyianakis N., Erba M. and Porte L. Sawtooth Heat Pulse Propagation in Tokamaks: Ballistic Response and Fourier
Analysis - Proc. 22nd EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics,
Bournemouth, 27 June-1 July 1995, ECA Vol. 19C, Part III, 9 (1995)
De Angelis R., Delyianakis N., De Luca F., Giannella R., Gorini G., Jacchia A., Jackel H.,
Mantica P., Porte L., Parail V., Springmann E. and Taroni A. - Analysis of Cold Pulse
Produced by Impurity Injection in JET - Proc. 22nd EPS Conference on Controlled
Fusion and Plasma Physics, Bournemouth, 27 June-1 July 1995, ECA Vol. 19C, Part III, 53
Lazzaro E. and Ramponi G. - Theory and calculation of current profile control near
rotational surfaces in a tokamak by electron cyclotron waves - Phys. Plasmas 3, 978
Bulanov S.V., Lontano M., Esirkepov T.Zh., Pegoraro F. and Pukhov A.M. - Electron
vortices produced by ultraintense laser pulses - Phys. Review Letters 76, 3562 (1996)
Antozzi P., Gorini G., Källne J. and Ranström E. - Neutron wall emission in tokamaks and
diagnostic effects - Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. A368 457 (1996)
Lazzaro E., Ramponi G. and Figueiredo A. - Calculation of electron cyclotron current
drive consistent with tokamak transport - Nuclear Fusion 36, 689 (1996)
De Luca F., Galli P., Gorini G., Jacchia A., Mantica P., Deliyanakis N., Erba M. and Porte L. Sawtooth heat pulse propagation in tokamaks: ballistic response and Fourier analysis
- Nuclear Fusion 36, 909 (1996)
Wilhelmsson H., Lazzaro E. and Cirant S. - Sensitivity of Fusion Plasma Temperature
Profiles to Localized and Distributed Heat Sources - Physica Scripta 54, 385 (1996)
Lazzaro E. and Minardi E. - Comment on 'Minimum Entropy Production Principle due to
Ohmic Dissipation in Tokamaks and Determination of Non-inductive Current Density
Profiles on JET' by DiVita and Brusati - Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 38, 1083 (1996)
D'Avanzo J., Hofmann I. and Lontano M. - Effective Charge in Heavy Ion Stopping in
Classical Collisionless Plasmas - Phys. Plasmas 3, 3885 (1996)
Simonetto A., Muzzini V., Bruschi A., Cirant S., Granucci G. and Sozzi C. - An Inexpensive
Instrument to detect Radio-frequency leakage from Transmission lines at millimeter
Wavelengths for Personnel Safety - Rev. Sci. Instrum. 67, 4333 (1996)
Mantica P., Peters M., De lauri A.,De Luca F., Gorini G., Hogeweij G.M.D., Jacchia A., Lopes
Cardozo N.J. and the RTP Team - Radial profile and q-dependence of the electron
diffusivity measured with ECH modulation in RTP - Nuclear Fusion 36, 1317 (1996)
Källne J. and NPF Collaboration, incl. Gorini G. - Neutron spectrometry for ITER - Proc.
Workshop on Diagnostics for Experimental Thermonuclear Fusion Reactors, Varenna, Italy,
1995 – Published by Plenum Company, New York, 1996, pg.397
Traneus E and NPF Collaboration, incl. Gorini G. - Advanced neutron camera with
spectrometer functions - Proc. Workshop on Diagnostics for Experimental Thermonuclear
Fusion Reactors, Varenna, Italy, 1995 - Published by Plenum Company, New York, 1996,
Ericsson G. and NPF Collaboration, incl. Gorini G. - The MPR neutron spectrometer
project - Proc. Workshop on Diagnostics for Experimental Thermonuclear Fusion Reactors,
Varenna, Italy, 1995 - Published by Plenum Company, New York, 1996, pg.413
Frenje J. and the NPF Collaboration, incl. Gorini G. - The MPR neutron diagnostic at JET An ITER prototype study - Proc. Workshop on Diagnostics for Experimental Thermonuclear
Fusion Reactors, Varenna, Italy, 1995 - Published by Plenum Company, New York, 1996,
Gorini G.and the NPF Collaboration - Detailed ion temperature information from the
neutron emission spectrum - Proc. Workshop on Diagnostics for Experimental
Thermonuclear Fusion Reactors, Varenna, Italy, 1995 - Published by Plenum Company,
New York, 1996, pg.421
Galli P., Cherubini A., Deliyanakis N., De Luca F., Erba M., Giannella R., Gorini G., Jacchia
A., Jackel H. J., Mantica P., Parail V. V., Porte L. and Taroni A. - Nonlocal response of JET
H-mode discharges to temperature perturbations induced by impurity injection - Proc.
23rd European Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Kiev, 1996 - ECA Vol
20C, Part I, 135 (1996)
Alladio F., Acitelli L., et al. (including Bruschi A., Cirant S., Granucci G., Nowak S., Orefice
A., Simonetto A., Solari G. and Sozzi C.) - Additional heating and reversed magnetic
shear in the FTU tokamak - Proc. 16th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Montreal, 7-11
October 1996 -Vol III, 283, Published by IAEA (1997)
Coppi B., Airoldi A., Bombarda F., Carpignano F., Cenacchi G., Daughton W., Detragiache
P., Ferro C., Gasparotto M., Haegi M., Lanzavecchia L., Maggiora R., McCracken G. M.,
Migliuolo S., Pizzuto A., Riccitelli M., Roccella M., Snipes J.A., Sugiyama L.E., Vecchi G. and
the Ignitor Project Group - The Ignitor Experiment and its Perspectives - Proc. 16th IAEA
Fusion Energy Conference, Montreal, 7-11 October 1996 -Vol III, 579, Published by IAEA
Airoldi A. and Ramponi G. - Thermal and nonthermal electron cyclotron emission by
high-temperature tokamak plasmas - Rev. Sci. Instrum. 68, 509 (1997)
Gorini G., Källne J. and Ballabio L. - Neutron spectrometry for plasma rotation - Rev. Sci.
Instrum. 68, 561 (1997)
Askaryan G. A., Bulanov S. V., Dudnikova G. I., Esirkepov T. Zh., Lontano M., Meyer-terVehn J., Pegoraro F., Pukhov A. M. and Vshivkov V. A. - Magnetic interaction of ultrashort
high-intensity laser pulses in plasmas - Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 39, A137 (1997)
Gorini G., Ballabio L. and Källne J. - Neutron spectrometry diagnostic of triton burn-up in
deuterium fusion plasmas - Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 39, 61 (1997)
Airoldi A. and Cenacchi G. - Approach to ignition in the Ignitor experiment - Nuclear
Fusion 37, 1117 (1997)
Lazzaro E., Campbell D., Debenedetti M., Savrukhin P. and Smolyakov A. I. - Density
scaling of the threshold for locked mode instability in the presence of toroidal field
ripple in a tokamak - Phys. Plasmas 4, 4017 (1997)
Bulanov S., Lazzaro E. and Sakai J. - Classical and quantum motion of charged particles
in the vicinity of neutral surface of a magnetic field - J. Phys. Soc. Japan 66, 3696-3699
D’Avanzo J., Lontano M. and Bortignon P.F. - Conditions for the observation of two-ion
correlation effects in the interaction of a fast ion beam with a plasma target - Il Nuovo
Cimento D 19, 685 (1997)
Bulanov S.V., Lontano M. and Sasarov P.V. - Ionization rate in the presence of runaway
electrons - Phys. Plasmas 4, 931 (1997)
Bulanov S.V., Esirkepov T. Zh., Lontano M. and Pegoraro F. - The stability of single and
double vortex films in the framework of the Hasegawa-Mima equation - Plasma Phys.
Reports 23, 660 (1997)
Castaldo C., Lazzaro E., Lontano M. and Sergeev A.M. - Spectral broadening of lower
hybrid waves due to ponderomotiv effects - Physics Letters A 230, 336 (1997)
Lontano M. and Raimondi F. - Reply to Comment on: “Stopping power of
nonmonochromatic heavy-ion clusters with two-ion correlation effects” - Phys. Rev. E
56, 6211 (1997)
Castaldo C., Lazzaro E. Lontano M., Sergeev A.M. and Ramponi G. - Ponderomotive
coupling and scattering of lower hybrid waves by density fluctuations in a tokamak
plasma - Proc. 12th Topical Conference on Radio Frequency Power in Plasmas, Savannah,
1-3 April 1997 - AIP Conf. Proceeding 403, 347 (1997).
Nowak S., Lazzaro E. and Ramponi G. - Quasi-optical effects of microwave beams for
current drive - Proc. Tenth Joint Workshop on Electron Cyclotron Emission and Electron
Cyclotron Heating, Ameland, The Netherlands, 6-11 April 1997, pg. 5 (1997)
Nowak S., Lazzaro E. and Ramponi G. - Comments on the paper “Comparison of
methods for description of diffraction in an anisotropic plasma” by A.G. Peters, G.V.
Pereverzev and E. Westerhof - Proc. Tenth Joint Workshop on Electron Cyclotron Emission
and Electron Cyclotron Heating, Ameland, The Netherlands, 6-11 April 1997, pg. 25 (1997)
Cirant S., Bozzi R., Bruschi A., Gandini F., Granucci G., Mellera V., Muzzini V., Simonetto A.,
Sozzi C., Spinicchia N., Zerbini M. and the FTU Team - Long pulse ECRH experiments at
140 Ghz on FTU tokamak - Proc. 10th Joint Workshop on Electron Cyclotron Emission and
Electron Cyclotron Heating, Ameland, The Netherlands, 6-11 April 1997, pg. 369 (1997)
Galli P., Gorini G., Mantica P., De Luca F., Jacchia A., de Baar M.R., Hogeweij G.M.D. and
Lopes Cardozo N.J. - Further evidence of a thermal transport barrier near the q=1
rational surface in the RTP tokamak - Proc. 10th Joint Workshop on Electron Cyclotron
Emission and Electron Cyclotron Heating, Ameland, The Netherlands, 6-11 April 1997, pg.
379 (1997)
Mantica P., Cherubini A., De Luca F., Erba M., Galli P., Giannella R., Gorini G., Jacchia A.,
Jackel H.J., Parail V. V., Porte L., Taroni A. - Plasma response to edge cooling in JET and
relation to plasma confinement - Proc. 24th European Conference on Controlled Fusion
and Plasma Physics, Berchtesgaden, 9th-13th June 1997 - ECA Vol 21A, Part I, 105 (1997)
Coelho R., Nave M.F.F., Serra F., Lazzaro E., Manso M.E. - The influence of mode
coupling on the rotation and locking of tearing modes - Proc. 24th European Conference
on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Berchtesgaden, 9th-13th June 1997 - ECA Vol
21A, Part I, 401 (1997)
de Baar M. R., Galli P., Hogeweij G.M.D., Lopes Cardozo N.J., Mantica P., Oomens A.A.M.,
Schuller F.C. and the RTP team - Transport barriers and bifurcations in off-axis ECR
heated discharges in RTP - Proc. 24th European Conference on Controlled Fusion and
Plasma Physics, Berchtesgaden, 9th-13th June 1997 - ECA Vol 21A, Part II, 585 (1997)
Lazzaro E., Gianoli L., Valdettaro L. and Cercignani C. - Linear frequency response of
reconnecting perturbations - Proc. 24th European Conference on Controlled Fusion and
Plasma Physics, Berchtesgaden, 9th-13th June 1997 - ECA Vol 21A, Part III, 1181 (1997)
Pericoli Ridolfini V., Cirant S., Kroegler H., Panaccione L., Podda S., et al. (including Bruschi
A., Granucci G., Simonetto A. , Sozzi C.) - Current drive experiments at high density in
the FTU tokamak - Proc. 24th European Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma
Physics, Berchtesgaden, 9th-13th June 1997 - ECA Vol 21A, Part III, 1157 (1997)
Barbato E., Cirant S., Crisanti F., Gabellieri L., Tuccillo A.A., et al. (including Bruschi A.,
Granucci G., Simonetto A. , Sozzi C.) - Analysis of shear reversal formation scenarios on
FTU by lower hybrid current drive - Proc. 24th European Conference on Controlled Fusion
and Plasma Physics, Berchtesgaden, 9th-13th June 1997 - ECA Vol 21A, Part III, 1161
Buratti P., Tudisco O., Panaccione L., Acitelli L., et al. (including Bruschi A., Cirant S.,
Granucci G., Simonetto A. , Sozzi C.) - Sawtooyh stabilisation on the FTU tokamak Proc. 24th European Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Berchtesgaden,
9th-13th June 1997 - ECA Vol 21A, Part III, 1173 (1997)
Frigione D., Cirant S., Giovannozzi E., Micozzi P., et al. (including Bruschi A., Granucci G.,
Simonetto A. , Sozzi C.) - Improved confinement on FTU sustained by multiple pellet
injection - Proc. 24th European Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics,
Berchtesgaden, 9th-13th June 1997 - ECA Vol 21A, Part III, 1177 (1997)
Minardi E., Lazzaro E. - Dissipative saturation structure and transport effects of selfexcited microislands in tokamaks - Proc. 24th European Conference on Controlled Fusion
and Plasma Physics, Berchtesgaden, 9th-13th June 1997 - ECA Vol 21A, Part III, 1305
Lontano M., Castaldo C., Lazzaro E. and Sergeev A.M. - Ponderomotive coupling of lower
hybrid waves with low frequency plasma oscillations - Proc. 24th European Conference
on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Berchtesgaden, 9th-13th June 1997 - ECA Vol
21A, Part III, 1309 (1997)
Lontano M., Kim A.V. and Sergeev A.M. - Propagation of femtosecond laser pulses in
gases and the ionization induced self-guiding effect - Proc. 24th European Conference
on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Berchtesgaden, 9th-13th June 1997 - ECA Vol
21A, Part III, 1313 (1997)
Mantica P., de Baar M. R., de Cloe J., De Luca F., Galli P., Gorini G., Hogeweij G.M.D.,
Jacchia A., Lopes Cardozo N.J., Oomens A.A.M., and the RTP team - Non-local plasma
response induced by peripheral perturbations in the RTP tokamak - Proc. 24th
European Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Berchtesgaden, 9th-13th
June 1997 - ECA Vol 21A, Part IV, 1953 (1997)
Cenacchi G. and Airoldi A. - Considerations on the Ignitor performances - Proc. Seventh
European Fusion Theory Conference, Julich, Germany, 8-10 October 1997 -Vol I, 215 (1997)
Sergeev A.M., Lontano M., Kim A.V., Gildenburg V.B., Chernobrovtseva M.D.,
Pozdnyakova V.I. and Shereshevskii I.A. - Ionization-induced leaking-mode channeling
of intense short laser pulses in gases - Laser and Particle Beams 17, 129-138(1998).
Califano F. and Lontano M. - Vlasov simulations of strongly nonlinear oscillations in a
one-dimensional electron-ions plasma - Physical Review E 58, 6503-6511 (1998)
Minardi E. - The relation between current density and pressure in the ohmic tokamak Physics Letters A 240, 70-72 (1998)
Bobrova N.A., Bulanov S., Farina D., Pozzoli R., Razinikova T.L., Sakai J. and Sasorov P.V.
- Dissipative MHD simulation of capillary plasmas for guiding of intense ultrashort
laser pulses - J. Phys. Soc. Japan 67, 3437-3442 (1998)
Bobrova N.A., Bulanov S., Farina D., Pozzoli R., Razinikova T.L., Sakai J. and Sasorov P.V.
- MHD simulations of capillary plasmas and capillary wall ablation - Plasma Physics
Reports 24, 1-8 (1998)
Farina D., Pozzoli R., and Tsidulko Yu.A. - MHD wave dynamics close to a current sheet
- Electromagnetic Waves & Electronic Systems 3, 46-50 (1998)
Farina D., Pozzoli R., and Tsidulko Yu.A. - Regular and chaotic dynamics of
magnetoacoustic waves close to a current sheet - Physica Scripta T75, 138- (1998)
Califano F. and Lontano M. - Vlasov-Maxwell numerical simulations of large amplitude
Langmuir wave dynamics - Physica Scripta T75, 208-212 (1998)
Lontano M., Bortignon P. F., D’Avanzo J., Malerba L. and Raimondi F. - Collective effects
in the slowing down of heavy ions in a collisionless plasma - Physica Scripta T75, 276279 (1998)
Minardi E., Lazzaro E. - Dissipative saturation structure and transport effects of selfexcited microisland in tokamaks - Nuclear Fusion 38, 1161-1176 (1998)
Lazzaro E., Gianoli L. and Valdettaro L. - Linear frequency response of reconnecting
perturbations - Plasma Phys. Contr. Fusion b, 1327-1334 (1998)
Lazzaro E. and Wilhelmsson H. - Fast heat propagation in hot plasmas - Physics of
Plasmas 5, 2830-2835 (1998)
Galli P., Cherubini A., De Angelis R., De Luca F., Erba M., Giannella R., Gorini G., Jacchia
A., Jackel H., Mantica P., Parail V.V., Porte L., and Taroni A. - Transient heat transport
studies using laser ablated impurity injection in JET - Nuclear Fusion 38, 1355-1371
Gervasini G., Bonizzoni G., Laine A.D., Cepek C., Magnano E. and Sancrotti M. Characterization studies on low martensitic steels for fusion reactors - J of Vacuum
Science 48, 423-426 (1998)
Ghezzi F., Venkataramani N. and Bonizzoni G. - Nature of rate limiting step in the
reaction of cracking water molecules on a metallic - Vacuum 48, 423-426 (1998)
Bersanelli M., Mattaini E., Sant'Ambrogio E., Simonetto A., Cirant S., Gandini F., Sozzi C.,
Mandolesi N. and Villa F. - A low-sidelobe, high frequency corrugated feed horn for
CMB observations - Experimental Astronomy 8, 231-238 (1998)
D'Avanzo J., Hofmann I. and Lontano M. - Charge dependence of nonlinear stopping
power - Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Phys. Res. A 415, 632-636 (1998)
Ghezzi F., Sancrotti M., Narducci E., Kovac J. and Venkataramani N. - Tritiated water
reduction by Zr[V0.5Fe0.5] 2 getter alloy: near surface chemistry investigation via XPS Vuoto XXVII/1, 29-32 (1998)
Ghezzi F. - Getter bed for tritium handling: temperature evolution during loading
sequences - Vuoto XXVII/2, 13-16 (1998)
Beretta F.E. and Bonizzoni G. - Enthalpy probe for the determination of thermal
plasmas parameters - Vuoto XXVII (3), 5-8 (1998)
Gervasini G. - Quantitative analysis in mass spectrometry: the identification of N 2 and
CO with a quadrupole - Vuoto XXVII (4), 19-22 (1998)
Sergeev A.M., Gildenburg V.B., Kim A.V., Lontano M. and Quiroga-Teixeiro M. - Few
optical-cycle pulse interactions with plasmas: models and nonlinear effects Proc.First Int. Conference Superstrong Fields in Plasmas, Varenna, 27 August-2 September
1997; AIP Conference Proc. 426, 15-31 (1998)
Lontano M., Chernobrovsteva M.D., Kim A.V. and Quiroga-Teixeiro M. - Ionization
induced self-guiding of femtosecond laser pulses in gases - Proc.First Int. Conference
Superstrong Fields in Plasmas, Varenna, 27 August-2 September 1997; AIP Conference
Proc. 426, 85-90 (1998)
Pegoraro F., Bulanov S.V., Califano F., Esirkepov T.Zh., Lontano M., Naumova N.M.,
Pukhov A.M. and Vshivkov V.A. - Ultra intense magnetic fields in laser plasma
interaction: their generation an influence on light propagation - Proc.First Int.
Conference Superstrong Fields in Plasmas, Varenna, 27 August-2 September 1997; AIP
Conference Proc. 426, 113-122 (1998)
Lazzaro E., Coelho R. and Nave M.F. - Aspects of driven reconnection of low order
modes in tokamaks - Proc. Seventh European Fusion Theory Conference, Jülich,
Germany 8-10 October 1997, Vol 1, 99-102 (1998)
Lontano M., D’Avanzo J. and Ryutov D. - Long-range perturbations produced by a
packet of ion-acoustic waves in a plasma - Proc. 7th European Fusion Theory
Conference, Jülich, Germany 8-10 October 1997, Vol 1, 167-170 (1998)
Cenacchi G. and Airoldi A. - Considerations on the Ignitor performances - Proc. 7 th
European Fusion Theory Conference, Jülich, Germany 8-10 October 1997, Vol 1, 215-218
Lontano M., Kim A.V. and Sergeev A.M., Bulanov S. V., Esirkepov T. Zh., Pegoraro F. and
Pukhov A. M. - Interaction of short super-intense laser pulses with dense gases and
plasmas - Proc. des Journees Maxwell 97, Bordeaux, 20-23 May 1997, CEA/DAM/CESTA,
Le Barp, France, pg 91-103 (1998)
Pericoli-Ridolfini V., Cirant S., Barbato E., Borra M., Bruschi A., Buratti P., Granucci G.,
Nowak S., Pacella D., Panaccione L., Podda S., Simonetto A., Sozzi C., Tuccillo A.A.,
Zerbini M., Alladio F., Angelini B., et al. - High density operation in the FTU tokamak
with LH and ECRH - Proc. 2nd Europhysics Topical Conference on Radio Frequency
Heating and Current Drive of Fusion Devices, Brussels (Belgium), January 20-23 1998 ECA Vol 22A, 157 (1998)
Petrzilka V., Fuchs V., Krlin L., Tataronis J.A., M. Lontano, Pavlo P. and Soeldner F.X. Enhancement of electron acceleration in front of the LH grills by random field Effects
- Proc. 2nd Europhysics Topical Conference on Radio Frequency Heating and Current
Drive of Fusion Devices, Brussels (Belgium), January 20-23 1998 - ECA Vol 22A, 149
Cirant S., Bracco G., Bruschi A., Buratti P., De Luca F., Gandini G., Granucci G., Jacchia
A., Nowak S., Simonetto A., Sozzi C., Tudisco O., Zanza V., Zerbini M. - ECRH at 140 Ghz
on the FTU tokamak - Proc. 2nd Europhysics Topical Conference on Radio Frequency
Heating and Current Drive of Fusion Devices, Brussels (Belgium), January 20-23 1998 ECA Vol 22A, 205 (1998)
Ramponi G., Lazzaro E., Nowak S. - Quasi-optical calculations of Electron Cyclotron
Current Drive for ITER - Proc. 2nd Europhysics Topical Conference on Radio Frequency
Heating and Current Drive of Fusion Devices Brussels (Belgium), January 20-23 1998 ECA Vol 22A, 277 (1998)
Lazzaro E., Wilhelmsson H. - Fast heat pulse propagation in hot plasmas - Proc. 1998
ICCPP & 25th European Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Praha, 20
June- 3 July 1998 - ECA Vol 22C, 43 (1998)
Galli P., Gorini G., Hogeweij G.M.D., de Kloe J., Lopes Cardozo N.J., Mantica P., and the
RTP team - Non-local electron heat transport effects probed by modulated ECH in the
RTP tokamak - Proc. 1998 ICCPP & 25th European Conference on Controlled Fusion and
Plasma Physics, Praha, 20 June- 3 July 1998 - ECA Vol 22C, 738 (1998)
Cirant S., Buratti P., Bracco G., Bruschi A., De Luca F., Granucci G., Jacchia A., Nowak S.,
Simonetto A., Sozzi C., Tudisco O., Zerbini M., Acitelli L., Alladio F., Angelini B., et al. Transport studies during ECRH in monotonic-q and shear-reversed FTU plasmas Proc. 1998 ICCPP & 25th European Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics,
Praha, 20 June- 3 July 1998 - ECA Vol 22C, 850 (1998)
Buratti P., Alladio F., Bracco G., Bruschi A., Cirant S., Frigione D., Giovannozzi E., Granucci
G., Micozzi P., A., Nowak S., Simonetto A., Sozzi C., Zerbini M., Acitelli L., Angelini B.,
Apicella M.L., et al. - Internal MHD modes in FTU plasmas with high core confinement Proc. 1998 ICCPP & 25th European Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics,
Praha, 20 June- 3 July 1998 - ECA Vol 22C, 854 (1998)
Pacella D., Gregory B.C., Leigheb M., …, Bruschi A., …, Cirant S., …, Granucci G., …,
Simonetto A., Sozzi C., et al. - Edge and bulk variations of plasma induced by Kr and
Ar injection in FTU - Proc. 1998 ICCPP & 25th European Conference on Controlled Fusion
and Plasma Physics, Praha, 20 June- 3 July 1998 - ECA Vol 22C, 862 (1998)
Cirant S., Airoldi A., Bertalot L., Bracco G., Bruschi A., Buratti P., Cenacchi G., Esposito B.,
Gervasini G., Granucci G., Lazzaro E., Nowak S., Ramponi G., Simonetto A., Sozzi C., et
al. - Sawteeth stabilization and ion temperature enhancement by localized ECRH in
FTU plasmas - Proc. 1998 ICCPP & 25th European Conference on Controlled Fusion and
Plasma Physics, Praha, 20 June- 3 July 1998 - ECA Vol 22C, 1174 (1998)
Lazzaro E., Minardi E. - Privileged negative magnetic shear equilibria in auxiliary
heated tokamaks - Proc. 1998 ICCPP & 25th European Conference on Controlled Fusion
and Plasma Physics, Praha, 20 June- 3 July 1998 - ECA Vol 22C, 1864 (1998)
Coelho R., Lazzaro E., Nave M.F., Serra F. and Buratti P. - Analysis of the three-wave
resonance between tearing modes - Proc. 1998 ICCPP & 25th European Conference on
Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Praha, 20 June- 3 July 1998 - ECA Vol 22C, 2284
Simonetto A., Bruschi A., Bozzi R., Cirant S., Gandini F., Granucci G., Mantovani S.,
Mellera V., Muzzini V., Nardone A., Sozzi C. and Spinicchia N. - Low and medium power
tests on 4 beams launching optics for the 1.6MW ECRH experiment at 140Ghz on the
FTU tokamak - Proc. 23rd Int. Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Colchester,
UK, 7-11 September 1998 - pg 122-123, Eds. T.J. Parker, S.R.P.Smith, ISBN 0 9533839 0
Bruschi A., Bozzi R., Cirant S., Gandini F., Granucci G., Mantovani S., Mellera V., Muzzini
V., Nardone A., Simonetto A., Sozzi C. and Spinicchia N. - Test of the quasi-optical ECRH
launching system for Frascati Tokamak Upgrade - Proc. 20th Symposium on Fusion
Technology, Marseille (France), 7-11 September 1998 - Vol 1, 379-382 (1998)
Granucci G., Sozzi C., Berardi B., Bozzi R., Bruschi A., Ciccone G., Cirant S., Di Giovenale
S., Gandini F., Lupini S., Mellera V., Muzzini V., Nardone A., Simonetto A., Spinicchia N.
and Zerbini M. - Operation of the RF-system for ECRH experiments on FTU tokamak 45
Proc. 20th Symposium on Fusion Technology, Marseille (France), 7-11 September 1998 Vol 1, 399-402 (1998)
Ghezzi F. - Getter bed for tritium handling:temperature evolution during loading
sequences - Proc. 20th Symposium on Fusion Technology, Marseille (France), 7-11
September 1998 - Vol 2, 933-936 (1998)
Beretta F.E. and Vassallo E. - Organo-halogenated substances treatment by plasma
torch - Proc.XIV Congresso dell’Associazione Italiana del Vuoto, Vicenza, 5-8 Maggio
1998- pg 145-151, Editrice Compositori, Bologna (1998)
Beretta F.E. e Vassallo E. - Impianto al plasma per la distruzione di rifiuti tossici Proc.XIV Congresso dell’Associazione Italiana del Vuoto, Vicenza, 5-8 Maggio 1998- pg
153-158, Editrice Compositori, Bologna (1998)
Gervasini G., Amedeo P. and De Angeli M. - An experiment for hydrogen separation and
recovery from the impurities of a tokamak exhaust mixture - Proc.XIV Congresso
dell’Associazione Italiana del Vuoto, Vicenza, 5-8 Maggio 1998- pg 169-173, Editrice
Compositori, Bologna (1998)
Pericoli-Ridolfini V., Barbato E., Cirant S., …, Bruschi A., Buceti G., Buratti P., ..., Granucci
G., …, Nowak S., …, Sassi M., Segre S.E., Simonetto A., Sozzi C., et al. - High plasma
density density Lower-Hybrid Current Drive in the FTU tokamak - Physical Review
Letters 82, 93-96 (1999)
Califano F. and Lontano M. - Vlasov-Poisson simulations of strong wave-plasma
interaction of relevance for radiofrequency plasma heating - Phys. Rev. Letters 83, 9699 (1999)
Buratti P., Barbato E., Bracco G., Cirant S., Crisanti F., Granucci G., Tuccillo A.A., Zanza
V., Zerbini M., Acitelli L., Alladio F., Angelini B., Apicella M.L., Apruzzese G., Bertalot L.,
Bertocchi A., Borra M., Bruschi A., …., Nowak S., …, Simonetto A., Sozzi C., et al. - High
core electron confinement regimes in FTU plasmas with low- or reversed-magnetic
shear and high power density Electron-Cyclotron-Resonance heating - Physical
Review Letters 82, 560-563 (1999)
Orsitto F., Brusadin A., Brodsky Yu., Filchenkov S., Grosso G., Giovannozzi E.,Lubyako L.,
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results of the collective Thomson scattering system on FTU tokamak - Review of
Scientific Instruments 70, 1158-1161 (1999)
Tartari U., Grosso G. and Nowak S. - Polarization in millimeter-wavelength collective
Thomson scattering on FTU tokamak - Review of Scientific Instruments 70, 1162-1166
Coelho R., Lazzaro E., Nave M.F. and Serra F. - Nonlinear coupling of rotating magnetic
island triplets - Physics of Plasmas 6, 1194-1202 (1999)
Lontano M. and Califano F. - Fluid and kinetic (Vlasov) numerical simulations of the
wave-plasma interaction in conditions of relevance for RF heating - Czech. J. Phys.
49/S3, 141-154 (1999)
Connor J.W., Buratti P., Cordey J.G., Hidalgo C., Jacchia A., Stroth U. and Suttrop W. - EUUS workshop on transport in fusion plasmas - Plasma Phys. Control Fusion 41, 693-707
Bulanov S., Farina D. and Pozzoli R. - Magnetic field stochasticity in the presence of
current sheets - Physics of Plasmas 6, 3097-3101 (1999)
Mantica P., Galli P., Gorini G., Hogeweij G.M.D., de Kloe J., Lopes Cardozo N.J. and RTP
Team - Nonlocal transient transport and thermal barriers in Rijnhuizen Tokamak
Project plasmas - Physical Review Letters 82, 5048-5051 (1999)
Coelho R., and Lazzaro E. - External current treshold for the unlocking of an island in
the presence of a resistive wall - Nuclear Fusion 39, 969-972 (1999)
Ramponi G., Lazzaro E., and Nowak S. - On the stabilization of neoclassical tearing
modes by electron cyclotron waves - Physics of Plasmas 6, 3561-3570 (1999)
Galli P., Gorini G., Mantica P., Hogeweij G.M.D., de Kloe J., Lopes Cardozo N.J. and RTP
Team - Nonlocal response of RTP ohmic plasmas to peripheral perturbations Nuclear Fusion 39, 1355-1368 (1999)
Cirant S., Airoldi A., Bertalot L., Bracco G., Bruschi A., Buratti P., Cenacchi G., Coelho R.,
Crisanti F., Esposito B., Gabellieri L., Gandini F., Granucci G., Lazzaro E., Kroegler H.,
Nowak S., Pacella D., Panaccione L., Ramponi G., Simonetto A., Sozzi C., et al. Transport and MHD studies at high Te in FTU tokamak - Plasma Physics and Controlled
Fusion 41, B351-366 (1999)
Ghezzi F. and De Angeli M. - Problems of determining true equilibrium pressures of
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Farina D., Kotelnikov I. and Pozzoli R. - Dynamics of fast magnetosonic perturbations
close to an X-X separatrix - J. Plasma Physics 61, 761-770 (1999)
Minardi E. - Transition tresholds and transport properties of the H state in the light of
the magnetic entropy concept - J. Plasma Physics 62, 319-343 (1999)
De Angeli M. and Ghezzi F. - Solution for pressure measurement problems in finding
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Bonizzoni G. - Destruction of organo-halogenated compounds by DC non-transferred
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Petrzilka V., Tataronis J.A., Califano F., Fuchs V., Goniche M., Klima R., Krlin L., Lontano
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September 1998 - ISPP Vol 18, 95-108 (1999)
Coelho R. and Lazzaro E. - Relevance of plasma inertia on the non-linear coupling
between tearing modes - Proc. Joint Varenna-Lausanne Int. Workshop Theory of Fusion
Plasmas, Varenna, 31 August-4 September 1998 - ISPP Vol 18, 395-402 (1999)
Farina D., Bulanov S. and Pozzoli R. - Magnetic field stochasticity in the presence of
current sheets - Proc. Joint Varenna-Lausanne Int. Workshop Theory of Fusion Plasmas,
Varenna, 31 August-4 September 1998 - ISPP Vol 18, 461-466 (1999)
Editrice Compositori, Bologna (1999)
Lontano M. and Ryutov D. - Long-range prturbations produced by a localized ionacoustic wave-packet - Proc. Joint Varenna-Lausanne Int. Workshop Theory of Fusion
Plasmas, Varenna, 31 August-4 September 1998 - ISPP Vol 18, 543-548 (1999)
Lontano M. and Califano F. - Vlasov-Maxwell 1D simulations of large amplitude
electrostatic perturbations in an electron-ion plasma - Proc. Joint Varenna-Lausanne
Int. Workshop Theory of Fusion Plasmas, Varenna, 31 August-4 September 1998 - ISPP
Vol 18, 549-554 (1999)
Beretta F.E., Vassallo E., Cola M. and Bonizzoni G. - Toxic waste destruction treatments
by non transferred arc plasma torch - Proc.Fifth International Thermal Plasma
Processing Conference, St Petersburg, Russia, July 13-16, 1998; Published by Begell
House, NY, pg.745-751 (1999)
Cirant S., Airoldi A., Bertalot L., Bruschi A., Bracco G., Buratti P., Cenacchi G., Coelho R.,
Crisanti F., Esposito B., Gabellieri L., Gandini F., Granucci G., Lazzaro E., Kroegler H.,
Nowak S., Pacella D., Panaccione L., Ramponi G., Simonetto A., Sozzi C., et al. - High
power heating and current drive experiments with EC waves in FTU tokamak - Proc.
13th Topical Conf. “Radio frequency power in plasmas”, Annapolis, Maryland, April 1999 AIP Conference Proc Vol 485, 221-228 (1999)
Ramponi G., Airoldi A., Bruschi A., Buratti P., Cenacchi G., Cirant S., Gandini F., Granucci
G., Kroegler H., Lazzaro E., Nowak S., Panaccione L., Simonetto A., Sozzi C., Tudisco O.
and Zerbini M. - Sawteeth and m=1 mode evolution during ECRH/ECCD on FTU
tokamak - Proc. 13th Topical Conf. “Radio frequency power in plasmas”, Annapolis,
Maryland, April 1999 - AIP Conference Proc Vol 485, 265-268 (1999)
Nowak S., Airoldi A., Bruschi A., Buratti P., Cirant S., Gandini F., Granucci G., Lazzaro E.,
Panaccione L., Ramponi G., Simonetto A., Sozzi C., Tudisco O. and Zerbini M. - 140 Ghz
EC waves propagation and absorption for normal/oblique injection on FTU tokamak Proc. 13th Topical Conf. “Radio frequency power in plasmas”, Annapolis, Maryland, April
1999 - AIP Conference Proc Vol 485, 269-272 (1999)
Sozzi C., Berardi B., Bozzi R., Bruschi A., Ciccone G., Cirant S., Di Giovenale S., Gandini
F., Granucci G., Iannone F., Lupini S., Mantovani S., Mellera V., Muzzini V., Nardone A.,
Pesci E., Simonetto A., and Spinicchia N. - “High power system for ECRH at 140Ghz,
2MW, 0.5s on FTU tokamak - Proc. 13th Topical Conf. “Radio frequency power in
plasmas”, Annapolis, Maryland, April 1999 - AIP Conference Proc Vol 485, 462-465 (1999)
Mantica P., Gorini G., Hogeweij G.M.D., de Kloe J., Lopes Cardozo N.J. and the RTP team
– ‘Cold Pulse’ experiments in RTP ohmic and ECRH plasmas - Proc. 26th EPS Conf. on
Contr. Fusion and Plasma Physics, Maastricht, 14-18 June 1999 - ECA Vol 23J, 65-68
Tudisco O., Bracco G., Buratti P., Zanza V., Crisanti F., Cirant S., Granucci G., Giruzzi G.,
Krivenski V., Bruschi A., Nowak S., Simonetto A., Sozzi C., et al. - Electron Cyclotron
Heating experiments during the current ramp-up in FTU - Proc. 26th EPS Conf. on
Contr. Fusion and Plasma Physics, Maastricht, 14-18 June 1999 - ECA Vol 23J, 101-104
Lazzaro E., Airoldi A., Bruschi A., Buratti P., Cirant S., Coelho R., Granucci G., Kroegler H.,
Nowak S., Panaccione L., Ramponi G., Simonetto A., Sozzi C., et al. - Internal m=1 mode
and magnetic reconnection stabilization with off-axis ECRH at 800kW on FTU
tokamak - Proc. 26th EPS Conf. on Contr. Fusion and Plasma Physics, Maastricht, 14-18
June 1999 - ECA Vol 23J, 381-384 (1999)
Tardocchi M., Ballabio L., Conroy S., Ericsson G., Frenje J., Gorini G., Henriksson H.,
Källne J. and Traneus E. - Neutron spectrometry study of RF heated DT plasmas - Proc.
26th EPS Conf. on Contr. Fusion and Plasma Physics, Maastricht, 14-18 June 1999 - ECA
Vol 23J, 573-576 (1999)
Ericsson G., Ballabio L., Conroy S., Frenje J., Gorini G., Henriksson H., Källne J., Tardocchi
M. and Traneus E. - Plasma diagnostics using composite neutron emission spectra Proc. 26th EPS Conf. on Contr. Fusion and Plasma Physics, Maastricht, 14-18 June 1999 ECA Vol 23J, 585-588 (1999)
Mantica P., Gorini G., Hogeweij G.M.D., Lopes Cardozo N.J. and the RTP team Modulated ECH experiments in off-axis heated RTP plasmas - Proc. 26th EPS Conf. on
Contr. Fusion and Plasma Physics, Maastricht, 14-18 June 1999 - ECA Vol 23J, 1109-1112
Lazzaro E., Airoldi A., Bruschi A., Buratti P., Cirant S., Coelho R., Granucci G., Kroegler H.,
Nowak S., Panaccione L., Ramponi G., Simonetto A., Sozzi C., et al. - Tearing modes and
electron temperature/pressure profile during strong electron heating with ECRH on
FTU tokamak - Proc. 26th EPS Conf. on Contr. Fusion and Plasma Physics, Maastricht,
14-18 June 1999 - ECA Vol 23J, 1113-1116 (1999)
Pacella D., May M., Fournier K.B., …, Granucci G., Marinucci M., Sozzi C., …, Bruschi A.,
Nowak S., Simonetto A., Mellera V., Muzzini V., Gandini F., Bozzi R. and Spinicchia N. Impurity transport studies of intrinsic Mo and injected Ge in high temperature ECRH
heated FTU tokamak plasmas - Proc. 26th EPS Conf. on Contr. Fusion and Plasma
Physics, Maastricht, 14-18 June 1999 - ECA Vol 23J, 1117-1120 (1999)
Cenacchi G., Airoldi A. and Coppi B. - Main issues on the approach to ignition in
Deuterium-Tritium plasmas - Proc. 26th EPS Conf. on Contr. Fusion and Plasma Physics,
Maastricht, 14-18 June 1999 - ECA Vol 23J, 1121-1124 (1999)
Bruschi A., Sozzi C., Airoldi A., Bertalot L., Bracco G., Cirant S., Esposito B., Gabellieri L.,
Granucci G., Kroegler H., Nowak S., Pacella D., Simonetto A., Zanza V., Zerbini M., FTU
Group and IFP/ECRH Group - Thermal transport and global energy confinement during
ECRH at 140 Ghz, on steady-state discharges of FTU tokamak - Proc. 26th EPS Conf.
on Contr. Fusion and Plasma Physics, Maastricht, 14-18 June 1999 - ECA Vol 23J, 11771180 (1999)
Alladio F., Angelini B., Apicella M.L., …, Bruschi A., Buceti G., Buratti P., ..., Cirant S.,
Cocilovo V., Crisanti F., ..., Granucci G., Gregory B.C., Grolli M., ..., Simonetto A., Sozzi C.,
et al. - Overview of the FTU results - Proc. 17th IAEA Conference, Yokohama, Japan 1824 October 1998, Fusion Energy 1998, 1, 229-242, Published by IAEA, Wien (1999)
Pericoli-Ridolfini V., Panaccione L., ..., Bruschi A., Buceti G., Buratti P., ..., Cirant S.,
Cocilovo V., Crisanti F., ..., Granucci G., Gregory B.C., Grolli M., ..., Simonetto A., Sternini
E., Sozzi C., et al. - High density lower hybriod current drive and ion Bernstein waves
heating experiments on FTU - Proc. 17th IAEA Conference, Yokohama, Japan 18-24
October 1998, Fusion Energy 1998, 2, 635-638, Published by IAEA, Wien (1999)
Cirant S., Buratti P., Bracco G., ..., Bruschi A., Granucci G., Simonetto A., Sozzi C., Airoldi
A., Cenacchi G., Lazzaro E., Nowak S., Ramponi G. - Electron Cyclotron Heating at 140
Ghz on FTU tokamak in steady-state conditions and during current ramp-up - Proc.
17th IAEA Conference, Yokohama, Japan 18-24 October 1998, Fusion Energy 1998, 2,
647-650, Published by IAEA, Wien (1999)
Bracco G., Buratti P., Cianfarani C., Cirant S., Crisanti F., Frigione D., Granucci G.,
Marinucci M., Sozzi C., ..., Bruschi A., ..., Nowak S., ..., Simonetto A., et al. - Energy
transport analysis of high temperature and high density FTU plasma discharges Proc. 17th IAEA Conference, Yokohama, Japan 18-24 October 1998, Fusion Energy 1998,
2, 761-764, Published by IAEA, Wien (1999)
Buratti P., Alladio F., Bracco G., Cirant S., ..., Bruschi A., ..., Granucci G., ..., Nowak S., ...,
Simonetto A., Sozzi C., et al. - MHD studies in FTU plasmas with low and negative
magnetic shear - Proc. 17th IAEA Conference, Yokohama, Japan 18-24 October 1998,
Fusion Energy 1998, 3, 821-824, Published by IAEA, Wien (1999)
Coppi B., Airoldi A., Bombarda F., Celentano G., Cenacchi G., Cucchiaro A., Detragiache
P., Ferrari G., Ferro C., Gasparotto M., Lanzavecchia L., Maggiora R., Migliuolo S., Pizzuto
A., Riccitelli M., Roccella M., Rollet S., Sugiyama L.E., Valli G., Vecchi G. - Recent results
relevant to ignition physics and machine design issues - Proc. 17th IAEA Conference,
Yokohama, Japan 18-24 October 1998, Fusion Energy 1998, 4, 1273-1277, Published by
IAEA, Wien (1999)
Beretta F.E. and Vassallo E. - Design criteria for integrated injection systems in a d.c.
plasma source - Proc. 14th Int. Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, Prague, Czech Republic,
August 2-6, 1999 , Vol V 2429-2434 (1999)
Lazzaro E. and Minardi E. - Privileged negative- or low-magnetic-shear equilibria in
auxiliary heated tokamaks - J. Plasma Physics 63, 1-19 (2000)
Nave M.F.F., Coelho R., Lazzaro E. and Serra F. - The influence of mode coupling on
the non-linear evolution of tearing modes - Eur. Phys. J. D 8, 287-297 (2000)
Lontano M., Lazzaro E. and Ryutov D. - Dispersion of long MHD waves in a finely
structured plasma - Physica Scripta T84, 52-56 (2000)
Pegoraro F., Bulanov S.V., Califano F., Esirkepov T.Zh., Lisejkina T.V., Lontano M.,
Naumova N.M., Ruhl H., Sakharov A.S and Vshivkov V.A. - Coherent electromagnetic
structures in relativistic plasmas - Physica Scripta T84, 89-93 (2000)
Bulanov S., Lazzaro E. and Sakai J. K. - Quantum effects on the motion of charged
particles near the neutral surface of an ultrasonic magnetic field - Physica Scripta T84,
147-150 (2000)
Lazzaro E., Ferrero M., Gianoli L. and Valdettaro L. - Four-Field description of fast
nonlinear reconnection of m=1, n=1 modes - Physica Scripta 61, 624-627 (2000)
Gorini G., Mantica P., Hogeweij G. M. D., de Kloe J., Lopes Cardozo N. J. and the RTP
team - Transient transport barriers in ohmic and electron cyclotron heated RTP
plasmas: relation with rational magnetic surfaces - Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 42,
A161-A168 (2000)
Lazzaro E., Lontano M., and Ryutov D. - Linear magnetohydrodynamic waves in a finely
stratified plasma - Physical Review E 61, 3069-3077 (2000)
Lontano M., and Califano F. - Induced plasma nonuniformities and wave vector
cascade in the strong wave-plasma interaction - Physical Review E 61, 4336-4346
Lazzaro E., Airoldi A., Bruschi A., Buratti P., Cirant S., Coelho R., Granucci G., Nowak S.,
Ramponi G., Simonetto A., Sozzi C., et al. - Dynamics of tearing modes during strong
electron cyclotron heating on the FTU tokamak - Physical Review Letters 84, 6038-6041
Farina D., Lontano M., Bulanov S. - Relativistic solitons in magnetized plasmas Physical Review E 62, 4146-4151 (2000)
Källne J., Ballabio L., Frenje J., Conroy S., Ericsson G., Tardocchi M., Traneus E., Gorini G.
- Observation of the alpha particle"Knock-On" neutron emission from magnetically
confined DT fusion plasmas - Physical Review Letters 85, 1246-1249 (2000)
Hogeweij G.M.D., Mantica P., Gorini G., de Kloe J., Lopes Cardozo N.J. and the RTP team
- Record non-local temperature rise in the RTP tokamak - Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion
42, 1137-1144 (2000)
Coelho R. and Lazzaro E. - External field treshold for the unlocking of magnetic
islands in the presence of resistive wall effects and toroidal mode coupling - Physica
Scripta 62, 393-398 (2000)
Ballabio L., Frenje J., Källne J., Conroy S. W., Ericsson G., Tardocchi M., Traneus E.,
Gorini G. - Measurement and interpretation of the spectrum of the triton burnup
neutron emission from deuterium tokamak plasmas - Nuclear Fusion 40, 21-33 (2000)
Ryter F., Neu R., Dux R., Fahrbach H.-U., Leuterer F., Pereverzev G., Schweinzer J.,
Stober J., ASDEX Upgrade team, De Luca F., Jacchia A., Kinsey J.E. - Propagation of
cold pulses and heat pulses in ASDEX Upgrade - Nuclear Fusion 40, 1917-1932 (2000)
Mantica P., Gorini G., Hogeweij G.M.D., Lopes Cardozo N.J. and Schilham A.M.R. - Heat
convection and transport barriers in low-magnetic-shear Rijnhuizen Tokamak Project
plasmas - Physical Review Letters 85, 4534-4537 (2000)
Ghezzi F., Dell'Era F., Shmyda W.T. and Sancrotti M. - Electron spectroscopic study of
plasma assisted amorphous carbon deposition - Thin Solid Films 373, 261-265 (2000)
Vranjes J., Kono M., Lazzaro E., and Lontano M. - Electromagnetic vortices in streaming
pair plasmas - Phys of Plasmas 7, 4872-4877 (2000)
Bobrova N.A., Bulanov S.V., Farina D., Pozzoli R., Razinkova T.L., Sakai J.I., Sasorov P.V.
and Sokolov I.V. - MHD simulations of plasma dynamics in pinch discharges in
capillary plasmas - Laser and Particle Beams 18, 623-638 (2000)
Ciattaglia S., Angelini B., Buceti A., Cesario R., Chuilon P., Cirant S., Cocilovo V., Crisanti
F., Frigione D., Gravanti F., Maddaluno F., Mazzitelli G., Panella M., Pericoli V., Romanelli
F., Sternini E., Tuccillo A., Vitale V., FTU Team, ECRH Team - Frascati tokamak upgrade
recent results and future programme - Fusion Engineering and Design, Vol. 51-52, 10331037 (2000)
Vassallo E., Gittini G. - Torcia al plasma con sistema di iniezione integrato per la
distruzione di sostanze tossiche alogenate - Vuoto 1-2, 34-36 (2000)
Cirant S., Airoldi A., Bertalot L., Bozzi R., Bruschi A., Bracco G., Buratti P., Ciccone G.,
Cenacchi G., Crisanti F., Di Giovenale S., Esposito B., Gabellieri L., Gandini F., Granucci
G., Iannone F., Kroegler H., Lazzaro E., Lupini S., Mantovani S., Mellera V., Muzzini V.,
Nardone A., Nowak S., Pacella D., Panaccione L., Pesci E., Ramponi G., Simonetto A.,
Sozzi C., Spinicchia N., Tudisco O., Zerbini M., FTU Group - ECRH/ECCD experiments at
140GHz on FTU tokamak - Proc. of the Int. Workshop on "Strong Microwaves in Plasmas",
Nizhny Novgorod, 2-9 August 1999 - Vol 1, 95-113 (2000)
Nowak S., Cirant S., Lazzaro E., and Ramponi G. - Electron cyclotron current drive
control of neoclassical nonlinear tearing modes - Proc. of the10th Int. Toki Conference
on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion, Toki-city, January 18-22, 2000, Japan,
J. of Plasma and Fusion Research SERIES, Vol. 3, 376-378 (2000)
Nowak S., Bruschi A., Cirant S., Gandini F., Granucci G., Simonetto A. and Sozzi C. Measurements and modeling of transmitted power of EC waves propagating for
normal and oblique injection in FTU tokamak during ECRH experiments at 140 Ghz Proc. of the10th Int. Toki Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion,
Toki-city, January 18-22, 2000, Japan, J. of Plasma and Fusion Research SERIES, Vol. 3,
452-455 (2000)
Farina D. and Pozzoli R. - Stochasticity in the beam-plasma system - Proc. of the10th
Int. Congress on Plasma Physics (ICPP 2000), Quebec City, 23-27 October, 2000, Canada,
Vol. I, 5-8 (2000)
Lazzaro E., Lontano M., Ryutov D. and Platania P. - Propagation and damping of long
MHD waves in a strongly non-uniform plasma - Proc. 27th EPS Conf. on Contr. Fusion
and Plasma Physics, Budapest, 12-16 June 2000 - ECA Vol 24B, 133-136 (2000)
Platania P., Bersanelli M., Burigana C. and Lazzaro E. - Inhomogeneous Comptonization
of CMB by cosmological blastwaves - Proc. 27th EPS Conf. on Contr. Fusion and
Plasma Physics, Budapest, 12-16 June 2000 - ECA Vol 24B, 272-275 (2000)
Weisen H. and Minardi E. - Evidence for role of magnetic entropy in stationary ohmic
tokamak discharges - Proc. 27th EPS Conf. on Contr. Fusion and Plasma Physics,
Budapest, 12-16 June 2000 - ECA Vol 24B, 688-691 (2000)
Mantica P., Gorini G., Hogeweij G.M.D., Lopes Cardozo N.J., Schilman A.M.R. and the RTP
team - Heat transport barriers in RTP: diffusive or convective? - Proc. 27th EPS Conf.
on Contr. Fusion and Plasma Physics, Budapest, 12-16 June 2000 - ECA Vol 24B, 936-939
Coelho R. and Lazzaro E. - Unlocking static coupled magnetic islands in the presence
of resistive wall effects and external resonant magnetic fields - Proc. 27th EPS Conf.
on Contr. Fusion and Plasma Physics, Budapest, 12-16 June 2000 - ECA Vol 24B, 10961099 (2000)
Nave M.F.F., Lazzaro E., Coelho R., Borba D., Nowak S. and Serra F. - Effect of mode
coupling on the triggering and control of neo-classical tearing modes - Proc. 27th
EPS Conf. on Contr. Fusion and Plasma Physics, Budapest, 12-16 June 2000 - ECA Vol
24B, 1100-1103 (2000)
Minardi E. and Weisen H. - Stationary magnetic entropy in ohmic tokamak plasmas:
experimental evidence from the TCV device - Nuclear Fusion 41, 113-130 (2001)
Henriksson H., Ballabio L., Conroy S., Ericsson G., Gorini G., Hjalmarsson A., Källne J. and
Tardocchi M. - Neutron emission study of DT plasmas heated with tritium neutral
beams - Rev. Sci. Instruments 72, 832-835 (2001)
Tardocchi M., Ballabio L., Conroy S., Ericsson G., Gorini G., Henriksson H., Hjalmarsson A.
and Källne J. - Time resolved neutron emission spectroscopy of DT plasmas with ion
cyclotron resonance heating - Rev. Sci. Instruments 72, 836-840 (2001)
Hjalmarsson A., Conroy S., Ericsson G., Henriksson H., Källne J., Thun J. and Gorini G. Neutron time-of-flight spectrometer for high rate diagnosis of deuterium plasmas Rev. Sci. Instruments 72, 841-844 (2001)
Cirant S., Airoldi A., Bertalot L., Bruschi A., Bracco G., Buratti P., Cenacchi G., Esposito B.,
Granucci G., Kroegler H., Lazzaro E., Nowak S., Ramponi G., Simonetto A., Sozzi C.,
Tudisco O., Zerbini M., IFP Group, FTU Team - ECRH at high heating power density in
FTU tokamak - Fusion Engineering and Design 53, 301-308 (2001)
Nowak S., Airoldi A., Bruschi A., Cirant S., Gandini F., Granucci G., Lazzaro E., Ramponi
G., Simonetto A., Sozzi C. - Measurements of residual power of EC waves propagating
in FTU tokamak during ECRH experiments at 140 Ghz - Fusion Engineering and Design
53, 315-320 (2001)
Bruschi A., Bozzi R., Cirant S., Gandini F., Granucci G., Mantovani S., Mellera V., Muzzini
V., Nardone A., Nowak S., Simonetto A., Sozzi C. and Spinicchia N. - ECRH antenna at
140 GHz on FTU tokamak - Fusion Engineering and Design 53, 431-441 (2001)
Connor J. W., Bracco G., Buttery R. J., Hidalgo C., Jacchia A., Peeters A. G. and Stroth U. EU-US transport task force workshop on transport in fusion plasmas, transport
barrier physics - Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 43, 355-368 (2001)
Farina D., Lontano M., Murusidze I.G. and Solomon V.M. - Hydrodynamic approach to
the interaction of a relativistic ultrashort laser pulse with an underdense plasma Phys. Review E 63, 056409-1/10 (2001)
Airoldi A. and Cenacchi G. - Consistency of the pressure profile at ignition in Ignitor Nuclear Fusion 41, 687-693 (2001)
Sauter O., Angioni C., Coda S., Gomez P., Goodman T.P., Henderson M.A., Hofmann F.,
Hogge J.-P., Moret J.-M., Nikkola P., Pietrzyk Z.A., Weisen H., Alberti S., Appert K., Bakos
J., Behn R., Blanchard P., Bosshard P., …, Minardi E., Mlynar J., Paris P.J., Perez A.,
Peysson Y., Piffl V., et al. - Steady-state fully noninductive operation with electron
cyclotron current drive and current profile control in the tokamak à configuration
variable (TCV) - Physics of Plasmas 8, 2199-2207 (2001)
Farina D. and Bulanov S. V. - Relativistic electromagnetic solitons in the electron-ion
plasma - Physical Review Letters 86, 5289-5292(2001)
Coelho R., Lazzaro E. - An innovative interpretation of rotating tearing mode locking
to an external static current - Nuclear Fusion 41, 813-816 (2001)
Porcelli F., Airoldi A., Angioni C., Bruschi A., Buratti P., Califano F., Cirant S., Furno I.,
Grasso D., Lazzaro E., Martynov A.A., Ottaviani M., Pegoraro F., Ramponi G., Rossi E.,
Sauter O., Tebaldi C., Tudisco O. - Modelling of macroscopic magnetic islands in
tokamaks - Nuclear Fusion 41, 1207-1218 (2001)
Coppi B., Airoldi A., Bombarda F., Cenacchi G., Detragiache P., Sugiyama L.E. - Optimal
regimes for ignition and the Ignitor experiment - Nuclear Fusion 41, 1253-1257 (2001)
Farina D. and Bulanov S. V. - Slow Electromagnetic Solitons in Electron-Ion Plasmas Plasma Physics Reports 27, 641-651 (2001)
Naumova N. M., Bulanov S. V., Esirkepov T. Zh., Farina D., Nishihara K., Pegoraro F., Ruhl
H. and Sakharov A.S. - Formation of electromagnetic postsolitons in plasmas Physical Review Letters 87, 185004.1-185004.4 (2001)
Simonetto A., Solari G., Gandini F., Granucci G., Muzzini V. and Sozzi C. - Directional
coulpers-polarimeters for high-power corrugated waveguide transmission lines Fusion Science and Technology 40, 247-252 (2001)
Campbell D.J., Garbet X., Hogeweij G.D.M., Mantica P., Peeters A., Saibene G.,
Shimomura Y. and Watkins M.L. - Report on the 8th European Fusion Physics
Workshop, Leysin, Switzerland, 13-15 December 2000 - Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion
43, 985-999 (2001)
Farina D. and Bulanov S. V. - Dark solitons in electron-positron plasmas - Phys. Review
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Weisen H. and Minardi E. - Evidence for the role of magnetic entropy and turbulent
equipartition in stationary ohmic tokamak discharges - Europhysics Letters 56, 542-548
Smolyakov A.I., Lazzaro E., Azumi M., Kishimoto Y. - Stabilization of magnetic islands
due to the sheared plasma flow and viscosity - Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 43, 16611669 (2001)
Ryter F., Angioni C., Beurskens M., Cirant S., Hoang G.T., Hogeweij G.M.D., Imbeaux F.,
Jacchia A., Mantica P., Suttrop W. and Tardini G. - Experimental studies of electron
transport - Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 43, A323-A338 (2001)
Lontano M., Bulanov S. V. and Koga J. - One-dimensional electromagnetic solitons in a
hot electron-positron plasma - Physics of Plasmas 8, 5113-5120 (2001)
Bruschi A., Gandini F., Muzzini V., Spinicchia N., Cirant S., Gittini G., Granucci G., Mellera
V., Nardone A., Simonetto A. and Sozzi C. - Calorimetric loads for high power
transmission lines at millimiter wavelengths - Fusion Engineering and Design 56-57,
649-654 (2001)
Sozzi C., Nardone A., Mellera V., Bruschi A., Cirant S., Gandini F., Gittini G., Granucci G.,
Muzzini V., Simonetto A. and Spinicchia N. - Infrared monitor of barrier window
temperature during high power RF pulses - Fusion Engineering and Design 56-57, 661665 (2001)
Gandini F., Cirant S., Hirsch M., Laqua H. P., Nowak S., Bruschi A., Granucci G., Erckmann
V., Mellera V., Muzzini V., Nardone A., Simonetto A., Sozzi C., and Spinicchia N. - The
detection of the non-absorbed millimiterwave power during EC heating and current
drive - Fusion Engineering and Design 56-57, 975-979 (2001)
Lopes Cardoso N., De Baar M., Barth R., Beurskens M., Gorini G., Hogeweij D., Karelse F.,
Mantica P., Van Der Meiden H. and Shilham A. - Fine scale structures in the RTP
tokamak plasma, measured with high resolution Thomson scattering - J. Plasma
Fusion Res. SERIES 4, 91-98 (2001)
Weisen H., Alberti S., Angioni C., Appert K., Bakos J., Behn R., Blanchard P., Bosshard P.,
Chavan R., Coda S., .., Minardi E., Mlynar J., Moret J.-M., Nikkola P., Paris P.J., et al. Overview of TCV results - 18th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, paper OV5/1, Sorrento,
Italy 4-10 October 2000, Published by IAEA,Vienna, (2001)
Cirant S., Lazzaro E., Bruschi A., Buratti P., Coelho R., DeBenedetti M., Granucci G.,
Jacchia A., Nowak S., Pucella G., Ramponi G., Smeulders P., Smolyakov A., Sozzi C., …,
Gandini F., ..., Simonetto A., et al. - Mode coupling trigger of tearing modes in ECW
heated discharges in FTU tokamak - 18th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, paper EX3/3,
Sorrento, Italy 4-10 October 2000, Published by IAEA, Vienna, (2001)
Bracco G., Bruschi A., Buratti P., Cirant S., Crisanti F., Esposito B., Frigione D.,
Giovannozzi E., Giruzzi G., Granucci G., Krivenski V., Sozzi C., …., Nowak S., ….,
Simonetto A., et al. - ECRH results during current ramp-up and post-pellet injection in
FTU plasma - 18th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, paper EX6/3, Sorrento, Italy 4-10
October 2000, Published by IAEA, Vienna, (2001)
Sozzi C., Cirant S., Airoldi A., Bracco G., Bruschi A., Buratti P., Gandini F., Granucci G.,
Jacchia A., Kroegler H., Lazzaro E., Nowak S., Ramponi G., Tudisco O., Angelini B., ...,
Simonetto A., et al. - Energy confinement and sawtooth stabilization by ECRH at high
electron density in FTU tokamak - 18th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, paper EXP5/13,
Sorrento, Italy 4-10 October 2000, Published by IAEA,Vienna, (2001)
Mantica P., Gorini G., Hogeweij G.M.D., de Kloe J., Lopes Cardozo N.J., Schilham A.M.R.
and RTP Team - Transient transport experiments in Rijnhuizen Tokamak Project:
transport barriers, heat convection and 'non-local' effects - 18th IAEA Fusion Energy
Conference, paper EXP5/14, Sorrento, Italy 4-10 October 2000, Published by IAEA, Vienna,
Barbato E., Bruschi A., Candela G., Cesario R., Chuillon P., Cirant S., …, Granucci G.,
Gormezano C., Lazzaro E., Maddaluno G., Marinucci M., Mazzitelli G., Nowak S.,
Papastergiou S., Pericoli-Ridolfini V., Pieroni L., Ramponi G., …., Sozzi C., et al. - The
FTU-D project - 18th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, paper FTP2/11, Sorrento, Italy 4-10
October 2000, Published by IAEA, Vienna, (2001)
Coppi B., Airoldi A., Bombarda F., Cenacchi G., Detragiache P., Sugiyama L.E. - Optimal
regimes for ignition and the Ignitor experiment - 18th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference,
paper ICP/08, Sorrento, Italy 4-10 October 2000, Published by IAEA, Vienna, (2001)
Porcelli F., Airoldi A., Angioni C., Bruschi A., Buratti P., Califano F., Cirant S., Furno I.,
Grasso D., Lazzaro E., Martynov A.A., Ottaviani M., Pegoraro F., Ramponi G., Rossi E.,
Sauter O., Tebaldi C. and Tudisco O. - Macroscopic Coherent Magnetic Islands - 18th
IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, paper TH3/1, Sorrento, Italy 4-10 October 2000,
Published by IAEA, Vienna, (2001)
Mantica P., Sarazin Y., Coffey I., Dux R., Garzotti L., Gorini G., Ingesson L.C., Kissick M.,
Kinsey J.E., Parail V., Sozzi C., Walden A. - Cold pulse propagation experiments in ITB
plasmas of JET - Proc. 28th EPS Conf. on Contr. Fusion and Plasma Physics, Madeira,
Portugal 18-22 June 2001 – ECA Vol. 25A, Paper P2.004
Gorini G., Joffrin E., Mantica P., Sarazin Y., Challis C.D., Coffey I., Kinsey J.E., Litaudon X.,
Sozzi C., Walden A., Zastrow K.D. - Peripheral plasma perturbations and transient
improved confinement in JET optimized shear discharges - Proc. 28th EPS Conf. on
Contr. Fusion and Plasma Physics, Madeira, Portugal 18-22 June 2001 - ECA Vol. 25A,
Paper P2.00
Nowak S., Bruschi A., Cirant S., Lazzaro E., Ramponi G., Elzendoorn B.S.Q., Verhoeven
A.G.A., Chavan R. - Optimisation of multiple EC-beam injection system for NTM
stabilization in JET-EP and ITER-FEAT - Proc. 28th EPS Conf. on Contr. Fusion and
Plasma Physics, Madeira, Portugal 18-22 June 2001 - ECA Vol. 25A, Paper P2.086
Coelho R. and Lazzaro E. - An innovative interpretation of tearing mode locking to an
external resonant static current - Proc. 28th EPS Conf. on Contr. Fusion and Plasma
Physics, Madeira, Portugal 18-22 June 2001 - ECA Vol. 25A, Paper P3.025
Marchetto C., Califano F., Lontano M. - Radiofrequency driven ion flows in a
magnetized plasma - Proc. 28th EPS Conf. on Contr. Fusion and Plasma Physics,
Madeira, Portugal 18-22 June 2001 - ECA Vol. 25A, Paper P3.055
Granucci G., Pericoli Ridolfini V., Barbato E., Bruschi A., Buratti P., Dumont R., Esposito B.,
Farina D., Gandini F., Giruzzi G., Gormezano C., Nowak S., Panaccione L., Peysson Y.,
Podda S., Savaliev A.N., Sozzi C., TU Team and ECH Team - Combined LH and EC
waves injection in FTU tokamak - Proc. 28th EPS Conf. on Contr. Fusion and Plasma
Physics, Madeira, Portugal 18-22 June 2001 - ECA Vol. 25A, Paper P3.056
Sozzi C., Cirant S., Bracco G., Bruschi A., De Luca F., Granucci G., Jacchia A., Lazzaro E.,
Minardi E., Nowak S., Tudisco O. - Temperature-related profile stiffness during
localized ECRH in FTU tokamak - Proc. 28th EPS Conf. on Contr. Fusion and Plasma
Physics, Madeira, Portugal 18-22 June 2001 - ECA Vol. 25A, Paper P3.059
Tudisco O., de la Luna E., Krivenski V., Giruzzi G., Amadeo P., Bruschi A., Gandini F.,
Granucci G., Muzzini V., Simonetto A., FTU and ECRH Group - Oblique ECE
measurements during strong ECH at 140 GHz in FTU - Proc. 28th EPS Conf. on Contr.
Fusion and Plasma Physics, Madeira, Portugal 18-22 June 2001 - ECA Vol. 25A, Paper
Laqua H.P., Hirsch M., W7-AS Team and Gandini F. - The distribution of the ECRH stray
radiation in fusion device - Proc. 28th EPS Conf. on Contr. Fusion and Plasma Physics,
Madeira, Portugal 18-22 June 2001 - ECA Vol. 25A, Paper P3.099
Lazzaro E., Buttery R.J., Hender T.C., Bigi M., Bolzonella T., Coelho R., De Benedetti M.,
Nowak S., Sauter O., Stamp M., Zanca P. - Rotation effects on error field locked modes,
modelling and scaling law predictions - Proc. 28th EPS Conf. on Contr. Fusion and
Plasma Physics, Madeira, Portugal 18-22 June 2001 - ECA Vol. 25A, Paper P5.032
Minardi E., Lazzaro E., Cirant S., De Luca F., Jacchia A., Sozzi C. - Critical gradient and
profile consistency in steady magnetic entropy states of ECW heated tokamaks Proc. 28th EPS Conf. on Contr. Fusion and Plasma Physics, Madeira, Portugal 18-22 June
2001 - ECA Vol. 25A, Paper P5.003
Ferro C., Airoldi A., Bombarda F., Cenacchi G., Coppi B., Pitcher C.S. - Limiter and Xpoint configurations in ignition experiments - Proc. 28th EPS Conf. on Contr. Fusion
and Plasma Physics, Madeira, Portugal 18-22 June 2001 - ECA Vol. 25A, Paper P5.107
Pericoli Ridolfini V., Barbato E., Bruschi A., Dumont R., Gandini F., Giruzzi G., Gormezano
C., Granucci G., Panaccione L., Peysson Y., Podda S., Saveliev A. N., FTU Team and ECH
Team - Synergy between LH and ECH waves in the FTU tokamak - Proc. 14th Topical
Conference on Radio Frequency Power in Plasmas, Oxnard, California, 7-9 May 2001, AIP
Conference Proceedings 595, 225-232
Pericoli Ridolfini V., Podda S., Mailloux J., Sarazin Y., Baranov Y., Bernabei S., Cesario R.,
Cocilovo V., Ekedahl A., Erents K., Granucci G., Imbeaux F., Leuterer F., Mirizzi F.,
Matthews G., Panaccione L., Rimini F., Tuccillo A.A. and EFDA-JET Contributors - LHCD
coupling during H-mode and ITB in JET plasmas - Proc. 14th Topical Conference on
Radio Frequency Power in Plasmas, Oxnard, California, 7-9 May 2001, AIP Conference
Proceedings 595, 245-248
Ramponi G., Giruzzi G., Nowak S., Lazzaro E. and Bosia G. - Calculations of NTM
stabilization in ITER-FEAT by ECCD with realistic antenna geometry - Proc. 14th
Topical Conference on Radio Frequency Power in Plasmas, Oxnard, California, 7-9 May
2001, AIP Conference Proceedings 595, 330-333
Cirant S., Sozzi C., Lazzaro E., Minardi E., Bracco G., Bruschi A., De Luca F., Gandini F.,
Granucci G., Jacchia A., Kroegler H., Nowak S., Tudisco O., ECRH Group and FTU Team Impact on MHD stability and energy confinement of localized ECRH on FTU tokamak 56
Proc. 14th Topical Conference on Radio Frequency Power in Plasmas, Oxnard, California,
7-9 May 2001, AIP Conference Proceedings 595, 338-341
Jacchia A., De Luca F., Bruschi A., Cirant S., Granucci G., Sozzi C. and Tudisco O. Gradient length driven transport in EC heated FTU tokamak - Proc. 14th Topical
Conference on Radio Frequency Power in Plasmas, Oxnard, California, 7-9 May 2001, AIP
Conference Proceedings 595, 342-345
Gandini F., Hirsch M., Cirant S., Erckmann V., Granucci G., Kasparek W., Laqua H.P.,
Muzzini V., Nowak S. and Radau S. - Measurement of stray EC radiation on W7-AS Proc. 14th Topical Conference on Radio Frequency Power in Plasmas, Oxnard, California,
7-9 May 2001, AIP Conference Proceedings 595, 358-361
Smolyakov A.I., Lazzaro E., Coelho R. and Ozeki T. - Role of the shear flow profile on
the stability of magnetic islands - Physics of Plasmas 9, 371-374 (2002)
Bonizzoni G. and Vassallo E. - Plasma physics and technology; industrial applications
- Vacuum 64, 327-336 (2002)
Ghezzi F. and De Angeli M. - On the dependence of true hydrogen equilibrium
pressure on the granular size distribution of the Zr(Fe 0.5Mn0.5) 2 getter alloy - J. Alloys
and Compounds 330-332, 76-80 (2002)
Weisen H., …, Minardi E., …, Zabolotsky A. - Shape dependence of sawtooth inversion
radii and profile peaking factors in TCV L mode plasmas - Nuclear Fusion 42, 136-142
Lontano M. and Ryutov D. - Long-range perturbations produced by a localized packet
of ion-acoustic waves in a collisionless plasma - The European Physical Journal D 18,
347-351 (2002)
Lazzaro E. and Coelho R. - Generic structure of externally driven tearing modes
instabilities - The European Physical Journal D 19, 97-101 (2002)
Lontano M., Bulanov S.V., Koga J., Passoni M. and Tajima T. - A kinetic model for the
one-dimensional electromagnetic solitons in an isothermal plasma - Physics of
Plasmas 9, 2562-2568 (2002)
Lazzaro E. - Response of reconnecting perturbations to external helical magnetic
fields - J. of Magnetohydrodynamics, Plasma and Space Research 11, 115-130 (2002)
Airoldi A. and Cenacchi G. - Comment on the article: Ignitor physics assessment and
confinement projections - Nuclear Fusion 42, 933-933 (2002)
Sakai J., Saito S., Mae H., Farina D., Lontano M., Califano F., Pegoraro F. and Bulanov
S.V. - Ion acceleration, magnetic field line reconnection, and multiple current filament
coalescence of a relativistic electron beam in a plasma - Physics of Plasmas 9, 29592970 (2002)
Jacchia A., De Luca F., Cirant S., Sozzi C., Bracco G., Bruschi A., Buratti P., Podda S. and
Tudisco O. - Gradient length driven electron heat transport study in modulated
electron cyclotron heating FTU tokamak - Nuclear Fusion 42, 1116-1123 (2002)
Tala T.J.J., Parail V.V., Becoulet A., Challis C.D., Corrigan G., Hawkes N.C., Heading D.,J.,
Mantsinen M.J., Nowak S., and contributors to the EFDA-JET work programme - Impact of
different heating and current drive methods on the early q-profile evolution in JET Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 44, 1181-1202 (2002)
Henriksson H., Conroy S., Ericsson G., Gorini G., Hjalmarsson A., Källne J., Tardocchi M.
and contributors to the EFDA-JET Workprogramme - Neutron emission from JET DT
plasmas with RF heating on minority hydrogen - Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 44,
1253-1261 (2002)
Joffrin E., Gorini G., Challis C. D., Hawkes N. C., Hender T. C., Howell D. F., Maget P.,
Mantica P., Mazon D., Sharapov S. E., Tresset G. and contributors to the EFDA-JET
Workprogramme - Triggering of internal transport barrier in JET - Plasma Phys. Control.
Fusion 44, 1739-1752 (2002)
Lazzaro E., Buttery R. J. and Hender T.C., Zanca P., Fitzpatrick R., Bigi M., Bolzonella T.,
Coelho R., DeBenedetti M., Nowak S., Sauter O., Stamp M. and contributors to the EFDAJET work programme - Error field locked modes thresholds in rotating plasmas,
anomalous braking and spin-up - Physics of Plasmas 9, 3906-3918 (2002)
Tardocchi M., Conroy S., Ericsson G., Gorini G., Henriksson H. and Källne J. - Neutron
emission spectroscopy of radio frequency heated (D)T plasmas - Nuclear Fusion 42,
1273-1288 (2002)
Mantica P., Gorini G., Imbeaux F., Kinsey J., Sarazin Y., Budny R., Coffey I., Dux R.,
Garbet X., Garzotti L., Ingesson C., Kissick M., Parail V., Sozzi C., Walden A. and
contributors to the EFDA-JET Workprogramme - Perturbative transport experiments in
JET low or reverse magnetic shear plasmas - Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 44, 21852215 (2002)
Platania P., Burigana C., De Zotti G., Lazzaro E., and Bersanelli M. - Sunyaev-Zeldovich
effect from Quasar-driven Blast-waves - Monthly Notices Roy. Astr. Society 337, 242247(2002)
Bertocchi A., Buceti G., Centioli C., Granucci G., Iannone F., Lupini S., Mazza G., Panella
M. and Vitale V. - New digital waveform reference for ECRH on FTU - F u s i o n
Engineering and Design 60, 389-395 (2002)
Villa F., Sandri M., Mandolesi N., Nesti R., Bersanelli M., Simonetto A., Sozzi C.,
D’Arcangelo O., Muzzini V., Mennella A., Guzzi P., Radaelli P., Fusi R. and Alippi E. - High
performance corrugated feed horns for space applications at millimetre wavelengths
- Experimental Astronomy 14, 1-15 (2002)
de la Luna E., Krivenski V., Tudisco O., Amadeo P., Bruschi A., Gandini F., Granucci G.,
Muzzini V., FTU and ECRH groups - Diagnosing the electron distribution function with
oblique electron cyclotron emission on FTU - Proc. 12th Joint Workshop on Electron
Cyclotron Emission and Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating, Aix-en-Provence (France),
May 13-16, 2002, 177-182
Leuterer F., Dux R., Gantenbein G., Goodman T., Hobirk J., Imbeaux F., Kirov K., Mantica
P., Maraschek M., Mück A., Neu R., Peeters A.G., Pereverzev G., Ryter F., Stober J.,
Suttrop W., Tardini G., Westerhof E., Zohm H. and AUG Team - Recent ECRH Results in
ASDEX Upgrade - Proc. 12th Joint Workshop on Electron Cyclotron Emission and Electron
Cyclotron Resonance Heating, Aix-en-Provence (France), May 13-16, 2002, 267-276
Cirant S., Gandini F., Tudisco O. - Detection of EC absorption radius for real-time
control applications - Proc. 12th Joint Workshop on Electron Cyclotron Emission and
Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating, Aix-en-Provence (France), May 13-16, 2002, 323328
Nowak S., Bruschi A., Ramponi G., Cirant S., Lazzaro E., Verhoeven A.G.A., Zohm H. Impact of ECRH launcher flexibility on NTM stabilization and advanced scenarios in
large toroidal configurations as JET plasmas - Proc. 12 th Joint Workshop on Electron
Cyclotron Emission and Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating, Aix-en-Provence (France),
May 13-16, 2002, 329-334
Cirant S., Bracco G., Bruschi A., Buratti P., De Luca F,. Gandini F., Giovannozzi E.,
Granucci G., Jacchia A., Lazzaro E., Minardi E., Nowak S., Ramponi G., Sozzi C., Tudisco
O. - Physics studies with the ECH system on FTU tokamak - Proc. 12 th Joint Workshop
on Electron Cyclotron Emission and Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating, Aix-enProvence (France), May 13-16, 2002, 335-340
Granucci G., Barbato E., Bruschi A., Castaldo C., Cesario C., Cirant S., Esposito B., Farina
D., Gandini F., Giruzzi G., Marinucci M., Panaccione L., Pericoli-Ridolfini V., Podda S.,
Saveliev A.N., Simonetto A., Sozzi C. - Experiments of ECCD and ECRH in a LHCD
sustained plasma on FTU tokamak - Proc. 12th Joint Workshop on Electron Cyclotron
Emission and Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating, Aix-en-Provence (France), May 1316, 2002, 341-346
Jacchia A., De Luca F,. Cirant S., Sozzi C., Bracco G., Bruschi A., Buratti P., Tudisco O. Heat transport study by modulated ECH on FTU tokamak - Proc. 12th Joint Workshop on
Electron Cyclotron Emission and Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating, Aix-en-Provence
(France), May 13-16, 2002, 389-394
Verhoeven A.G.A., Bongers W.A., Elzendoorn B.S.Q., Graswinckel M., Hellingman P.,
Kamp J.J., Kooijman W., Kruijt O.G., Maagdenberg J., Ronden D., Stakenborg J., Sterk
A.B., Tichler J., Alberti S., Goodman T., Henderson M., Hoekzema J.A., Oosterbeek J.W.,
Fernandez A., Likin K., Bruschi A., Cirant S., Nowak S., Piosczyk B., Thumm M., Bindslev
H., Kaye A., Fleming C., Zohm H. - The 113 GHz ECRH system for JET - Proc. 12th Joint
Workshop on Electron Cyclotron Emission and Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating, Aixen-Provence (France), May 13-16, 2002, 511-516
Bruschi A., Cirant S., Gandini F., Mellera V., Muzzini V., Nardone A., Simonetto A., Sozzi
C., Spinicchia N. - Matched calorimetric loads for high power, long pulse millimiterwave gyrotrons - Proc. 12 th Joint Workshop on Electron Cyclotron Emission and Electron
Cyclotron Resonance Heating, Aix-en-Provence (France), May 13-16, 2002, 559-564
Castaldo C., Barbato E., Cardinali A., Cesario R., Esposito B., Giovannozzi E., Leigheb M.,
Marinucci M., Nowak S., Panaccione L., Pericoli-Ridolfini V., Romanelli M., Sozzi C.,
Tudisco O., FTU Group and ECRH Group - Electron internal transport barriers with
ECRH and LHCD in the FTU tokamak - Proc. 29 th EPS Conference on Plasma Phys. and
Contr. Fusion, Montreux, Suisse, 17-21 June 2002, ECA 26B, O-1.04
Henriksson H., Conroy S., Ericsson G., Gorini G., Hjalmarsson A., Kallne J., Tardocchi M.,
Weiszflog M. and contributors to the EFDA-JET Workprogramme - Neutron emission
studies of NB heated JET DT plasmas - Proc. 29th EPS Conference on Plasma Phys. and
Contr. Fusion, Montreux, Suisse, 17-21 June 2002, ECA 26B, O-5.01
Marchetto C., Califano F. and Lontano M. - A new fast and accurate kinetic code for the
study of the low frequency dynamics in a magnetised plasma, driven by an
electrostatic pump - Proc. 29 th EPS Conference on Plasma Phys. and Contr. Fusion,
Montreux, Suisse, 17-21 June 2002, ECA 26B, D-5.014
Pegoraro F. and Califano F. - Nonlinear kinetic evolution of high frequency electron
tearing modes - Proc. 29th EPS Conference on Plasma Phys.and Contr. Fusion, Montreux,
Suisse, 17-21 June 2002, ECA 26B, P-1.009
Garzotti L., Corrigan G., Garbet X., Heading D., Jones T.T.C., Lang P., Mantica P.,
Nordman H., Parail V., Pegourie B., Spence J., Strand P., Valovic M., Weiland J. and
contributors to the EFDA-JET Work programme - Particle transport and density profile
analysis of different JET plasmas - Proc. 29th EPS Conference on Plasma Phys. and
Contr. Fusion, Montreux, Suisse, 17-21 June 2002, ECA 26B, P-1.035
Califano F. and Lontano M. - Vlasov-Maxwell simulations of a finite amplitude, high
frequency longitudinal wave in a magnetized plasma - Proc. 29th EPS Conference on
Plasma Phys. and Contr. Fusion, Montreux, Suisse, 17-21 June 2002, ECA 26B, P-2.086
Granucci G., Bruschi A., Cirant S., Esposito B., Farina D., Gandini F., Giruzzi G., Marinucci
M., Nowak S., Panaccione L., Pericoli-Ridolfini V., Podda S., Simonetto A., Sozzi C. and the
FTU and ECRH Teams - Enhanced CD with u-shift and down-shift damping of EC
waves on fast electrons in FTU - Proc. 29th EPS Conference on Plasma Phys. and Contr.
Fusion, Montreux, Suisse, 17-21 June 2002, ECA 26B, P-4.038
Podda S., Granucci G., Bruschi A., Frigione D., Mirizzi F., Panaccione L., Pericoli-Ridolfini
V., Peysson Y. and the FTU and ECRH Teams - Heating and current drive by lower
hybrid waves injection in high density plasmas of FTU tokamak - Proc. 29th EPS
Conference on Plasma Phys. and Contr. Fusion, Montreux, Suisse, 17-21 June 2002, ECA
26B, P-4.039
Jacchia A., De Luca F., Cirant S., Sozzi C., Bracco G., Bruschi A., Buratti P., Podda S.,
Tudisco O. - Application of modulated ECH to electron heat transport study on FTU
tokamak - Proc. 29 th EPS Conference on Plasma Phys. and Contr. Fusion, Montreux,
Suisse, 17-21 June 2002, ECA 26B, P-4.040
Marchetto C., Califano F. and Lontano M. - Transverse ion flow induced by Cherenkov
absorption of a driven electrostatic wave in a magnetized plasma: the results of
Vlasov-Maxwell kinetic simulations - Proc. 29th EPS Conference on Plasma Phys. and
Contr. Fusion, Montreux, Suisse, 17-21 June 2002, ECA 26B, P-5.076
Lazzaro E., Hender T.C., Zanca P. and contributors to the EFDA-JET work programme Anomalous braking and shear modification of plasma rotation in a tokamak - Proc.
29th EPS Conference on Plasma Phys. and Contr. Fusion, Montreux, Suisse, 17-21 June
2002, ECA 26B, P-5.079
Sozzi C., Minardi E., Cirant S., Lazzaro E. - Profile consistency theory based on the
constant magnetic entropy concept: theory and observation - Proc. 29th EPS
Conference on Plasma Phys. and Contr. Fusion, Montreux, Suisse, 17-21 June 2002, ECA
26B, P-5.085
Lontano M., Bulanov S.V., Califano F., Esirkepov T.Zh., Farina D., Koga J., Liseikina T.V.,
Mima K., Nakajima K., Naumova N.M., Nishihara K., Passoni M., Pegoraro F., Ruhl H.,
Sentoku Y., Tajima T., and Vshivkov V.A. - Relativistic Electromagnetic Solitons
Produced by Ultrastrong Laser Pulses in Plasmas - The Seventh International
Symposium of the Graduate University for Advanced Studies “Science of Super Strong
Field Interactions”, Hayama, 13-15 March 2002, AIP Conf. Proc. 634, 87-98
Lontano M., Passoni M. and Bulanov S.V. - Theory of Relativistic Electromagnetic
Solitons in Hot Multi-component Plasmas - Proceedings of the 17th National Symposium
on Plasma Science and Technology, “Plasma 2002”, Coimbatore, India, December 16-19,
2002, pag.34-44
Lazzaro E. - Physics of driven reconnection and rotation in tokamak plasmas Proceedings of the Joint Varenna-Lausanne Internation Workshop on “Theory of Fusion
Plasmas”, Varenna, Italy 27-30 August 2002, ISSP 20, pg 59-72
Tskhakaya D., Kuhn S., Petrzíka V., Krlín L., Pavlo P., Stöckel J., Zacek F., Fuchs V.,
Goniche M., Gunn J. and Lontano M. - Particle-in-cell and fluid simulations of particle
acceleration in front of lower-hybrid grills - Proceedings of the Joint Varenna-Lausanne
Internation Workshop on “Theory of Fusion Plasmas”, Varenna, Italy 27-30 August 2002,
ISSP 20, pg 209-222
Califano F., Lontano M. and Marchetto C. - Interaction of electrostatic waves with
magnetized plasmas:the results of Vlasov-Maxwell simulations - Proceedings of the
Joint Varenna-Lausanne Internation Workshop on “Theory of Fusion Plasmas”, Varenna,
Italy 27-30 August 2002. ISSP 20, pg 405-410
Zohm H. and the ASDEX Upgrade Team (…Jacchia A., ….., Mantica P. ) - Overview of
ASDEX Upgrade results - 19th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Lyon, France, October
14-19, 2002, paper OV/2-1
Pamela J. and JET-EFDA Contributors (…Bruschi A., .…, Gorini G.,…., Granucci G.,….,
Lazzaro E.,…., Mantica P.,…., Nowak S.,…., Sozzi C.) - Overview of JET results - 19 th
IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Lyon, France, October 14-19, 2002, paper OV/1-4
Angelini B., …, Bruschi A., …, Cirant S., …., Gandini F., …, Granucci G., …, Lazzaro E., …,
Nowak S., …, Simonetto A., …, Sozzi C., … and Zonca F. - Overview of the FTU results 19th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Lyon, France, October 14-19, 2002, paper OV/4-5
Mantica P., Coffey I., Dux R., Garbet X., Garzotti L., Gorini G., Imbeaux F., Joffrin E.,
Kinsey J., Mantsinen M., Mooney R., Parail V., Sarazin Y., Sozzi C., Suttrop W., Tardini G.,
Van Eester D. and JET EFDA contributors - Transient heat transport studies in JET
conventional and advanced tokamak plasmas - 19th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference,
Lyon, France, October 14-19, 2002, paper EX/P1-04
Pericoli Ridolfini V., Barbato E., Buratti P., Castaldo C., Cesario R., Cocilovo V., Esposito
B., Giovannozzi E., Giruzzi G., Gormezano C., Granucci G., Leigheb M., Marinucci M.,
Mirizzi F., Nowak S., Panaccione L., Podda S., Peysson Y., Romanelli M., Saveliev A.N.,
Smeulders P., Sozzi C., Tudisco O., FTU and ECRH teams - Progress Towards Internal
Transport Barriers at High Plasma Density Sustained by Pure Electron Heating and
Current Drive in the FTU Tokamak - 19th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Lyon, France,
October 14-19, 2002, paper EX/C3-6
Ryter F., Tardini G., De Luca F., Fahrbach H.-U., Imbeaux F., Jacchia A., Kirov K.K.,
Leuterer F., Mantica P., Peeters A.G., Pereverzev G., Suttrop W. and ASDEX Upgrade
Team - Electron heat transport in ASDEX Upgrade: experiment and modeling - 19th
IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Lyon, France, October 14-19, 2002, paper EX/C4-2Ra
Cirant S., Bruschi A., De Benedetti M., De Luca F., Esposito B., Gandini F., Granucci G.,
Jacchia A., Lazzaro E., Minardi E., Nowak S., Sozzi C., Tudisco O., ECRH Group and FTU
Team - Experiments on electron temperature profile resilience in FTU tokamak with
continuous and modulated ECRH - 19th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Lyon, France,
October 14-19, 2002, paper EX/C4-2Rb
Garbet X., Baranov Y., Bateman G., Benkadda S., Beyer P., Budny R., Crisanti F., Esposito
B., Figarella C., Fourment C., Ghendrih P., Joffrin E., Kinsey J., Kritz A., Litaudon X., Maget
P., Mantica P., Moreau D., Sarazin Y., Parail V., Peeters A.G., Tala T., Tardini G.,
Thyagaraja C., Voitsekhovitch I., Weiland J., Wolf R. and contributors to the EFDA-JET
Work programme - Micro-stability and transport modelling of internal transport
barriers in JET - 19th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Lyon, France, October 14-19, 2002,
paper TH/2-1
Litaudon X., ..., Gorini G., ..., Mantica P., …, and contributors to the EFDA-JET Work
programme - Progress towards steady-state operation and real time control of internal
transport barriers in JET - 19th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Lyon, France, October
14-19, 2002, paper EX/C3-4
Porcelli F., Annibaldi S., Borgogno D., Coelho R., Grasso D., Buratti P., Giovannozzi E.,
Califano F., Pegoraro F., Lazzaro E., Ottaviani M., Ramos J., Verastegui R., Rossi E. and
Smolyakov A. - Predicting the Behaviour of Magnetic Reconnection Processes in
Fusion Burning Plasma Experiments - 19th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Lyon,
France, October 14-19, 2002, paper TH/4-6
Joffrin E., Challis C.D., Conway G.D., Garbet X., Gude A., Guenther S., Hawkes N.C.,
Hender T.C., Howell D., Huysmans G.T.A., Lazzaro E., Maget P., Marachek M., Peeters
A.G., Pinches S.D., Sharapov S. and the JET EFDA contributors - Internal transport
barrier triggering by rational magnetic flux surfaces in tokamaks - 19th IAEA Fusion
Energy Conference, Lyon, France, October 14-19, 2002, paper EX/P1-13
Giovannozzi E., Annibaldi S., Buratti P., Frigione D., Lazzaro E., Panaccione L. and O.
Tudisco - Island Structure and Rotation after pellet injection in FTU - 19th IAEA Fusion
Energy Conference, Lyon, France, October 14-19, 2002, paper EX/P4-11
Hender T.C., ..., Lazzaro E., ..., Nowak S., ..., and the JET EFDA contributors - Sawtooth,
Neo-Classical Tearing Mode and error field studies in JET - 1 9th IAEA Fusion Energy
Conference, Lyon, France, October 14-19, 2002, paper EX/S1-2
Coppi B., Firpo M.C., Sugiyama L.E., Bombarda F., Cenacchi G., Detragiache P., Ferro C.,
Airoldi A., Horton W., Aydemir A., Wong H.V., Van Dam J., Berk H.L., Hu B., Porcelli F.,
Duk-In Choi, Kwon J.M. - Physical Regimes Accessible to the Ignitor Experiment and
Relevant Theoretical Developments - 1 9th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Lyon,
France, October 14-19, 2002, paper FT/P2-10
Lontano M. and Murusidze I.G. - Dynamics of space-time self-focusing of a
femtosecond relativistic laser pulse in an underdense plasma - Optics Express 1 1,
248-258 (2003)
Marchetto C., Califano F. and Lontano M. - Vlasov-Maxwell kinetic simulations of radiofrequency-driven ion flows in magnetized plasmas - Phys. Review E 67, 026405/1-9
Lontano M., Passoni M. and Bulanov S.V. - Relativistic electromagnetic solitons in a
warm quasineutral electron-ion plasma - Physics of Plasmas 10, 639-649 (2003)
Nave M.F.F., Lazzaro E., Coelho R., Belo P., Borba D., Buttery R.J. Nowak S., Serra F. and
EFDA-JET Contributors - Triggering of neo-classical tearing modes by mode coupling Nuclear Fusion 43, 179-187 (2003)
Minardi E., Lazzaro E., Sozzi C. and Cirant S. - Profile consistency based on the
magnetic entropy concept: theory and observation - Nuclear Fusion 43, 369-384 (2003)
Califano F. and Lontano M. - Vlasov-Maxwell simulations of high-frequency
longitudinal waves in a magnetized plasmas - Phys. Review E 67, 056401-5 (2003)
Lazzaro E. and Zanca P. - Effects of a non-resonant m=0, n=1 perturbation driven by
coupling to the m=2, n=1 mode in an elongated tokamak - Physics of Plasmas 10,
2399-2411 (2003)
Connor J.W., Garbet X., Giannone L., Greenwald M., Hidalgo C., Loarte A. and Mantica P. EU-US transport task force workshop on transport in fusion plasmas: transport near
operational limits - Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 45, 455-468 (2003)
Pericoli Ridolfini V., Barbato E., Buratti P., Castaldo C., Cesario R., Cocilovo V., Esposito
B., Giovannozzi E., Giruzzi G., Gormezano C., Granucci G., Leigheb M., Marinucci M.,
Mirizzi F., Nowak S., Panaccione L., Podda S., Peysson Y., Romanelli M., Saveliev A.N.,
Smeulders P., Sozzi C., Tudisco O., FTU and ECRH Teams - Progress towards internal
transport barriers at high plasma density sustained by pure electron heating and
current drive in the FTU tokamak - Nuclear Fusion 43, 469-478 (2003)
Litaudon X., Bécoulet A., Crisanti F., …., Gorini G., Hawkes N.C., Hellsten T., Hender T.C.,
..., Mantica P., Mantsinen M.J., Mazon D., Moreau D., Parail V., et al. - Progress towards
steady-state operation and real-time control of internal transport barriers in JET,
Nuclear Fusion 43, 565-572 (2003)
Garbet X., Garzotti L., Mantica P., Nordman H., Valovic M., Weisen H. and Angioni C. Turbulent particle transport in magnetized plasmas - Phys. Review Letters 91, 0350011,5 (2003)
Garbet X., Baranov Y., Bateman G., Benkadda S., Beyer P., Budny R., Crisanti F., Esposito
B., Figarella C., Fourment C., Ghendrih P., Imbeaux F., Joffrin E., Kinsey J., Kritz A.,
Litaudon X., Maget P., Mantica P., Moreau D., Sarazin Y., Pankin A., Parail V., Peeters A.,
Tala T., Tardini G., Thyagaraja A., Voitsekhovitch I., Weiland J., Wolf R. and JET EFDA
contributors - Micro-stability and transport modeling of internal transport barriers on
JET - Nuclear Fusion 43, 975-981 (2003)
Joffrin E., Challis C.D., Conway G.D., Garbet X., Gude A., Gunter S., Hawkes N.C., Hender
T.C., Howell D.F., Huysmans G.T.A., Lazzaro E., Maget P., Marachek M., Peeters A.G.,
Pinches S.D., Sharapov S.E. and JET-EFDA contributors - Internal transport barrier
triggering by rotational magnetic flux surfaces in tokamaks - Nuclear Fusion 43, 11671174 (2003)
Cirant S., Bracco G., Bruschi A., Buratti P., De Luca F., Esposito B., Gandini F.,
Giovannozzi E., Granucci G., Jacchia A., Lazzaro E., Minardi E., Nowak S., Ramponi G.,
Sozzi C., Tudisco O. and FTU Team and ECRH Group - Transport studies with the ECH
system on FTU tokamak - Nuclear Fusion 43, 1384-1395 (2003)
Westerhof E., Hoekzema J.A., Hogeweij G.M.D., Jaspers R.J.E., Schuller F.C., Barth C.J.,
Bongers W.A., Donn A.J.H., Dumortier P., van der Grift A.F., van Gorkom J.C., Kalupin D.,
Koslowski H.R., Kramer-Flecken A., Kruijt O.G., Lopes Cardozo N.J., Mantica P., van der
Meiden H.J., Merkulov A., Messiaen A., Oosterbeek J.W., Oyevaar T., Poelman A.J.,
Polman R.W., Prins P.R., Scholten J., Sterk A.B., Tito C.J., Udintsev V.S., Unterberg B.,
Vervier M., van Wassenhove G. and TEC Team - Electron cyclotron resonance heating
on TEXTOR - Nuclear Fusion 43, 1371-1383 (2003)
Ryter F., Tardini G., De Luca F., Fahrbach H.-U., Imbeaux F., Jacchia A., Kirov K.K.,
Leuterer F., Mantica P., Peeters A.G., Pereverzev G., Suttrop W. and ASDEX Upgrade
Team - Electron heat transport in ASDEX Upgrade: experiment and modeling Nuclear Fusion 43, 1396-1404 (2003)
Verhoeven A.G.A., Bongers W.A., Elzendoorn B.S.Q., Graswinckel M., Hellingman P.,
Kooijman W., Kruijt O.G., Maagdenberg J., Ronden D., Stakenborg J., Sterk A.B., Tichler J.,
Alberti S., Goodman T., Henderson M., Hoekzema J.A., Oosterbeek J.W., Fernandez A.,
Likin K., Bruschi A., Cirant S., Nowak S., Piosczyk B., Thumm M., Bindslev H., Kaye A.,
Fleming C. and Zohm H. - The design of an ECRH system for JET-EP - Nuclear Fusion
43, 1477-1486 (2003)
Bruschi A., Cirant S., Gandini F., Granucci G., Mellera V., Muzzini V., Nardone A.,
Simonetto A., Sozzi C. and Spinicchia N. - Design of a high-power load for millimetrewave gaussian beams, Nuclear Fusion 43, 1513-1519 (2003)
Pamela J., Solano E.R., and JET EFDA Contributors (Including Bruschi A., Gorini G.,
Granucci G., Lazzaro E., Mantica P., Nowak S., Sozzi C., Tardocchi M.) - Overview of JET
results - Nuclear Fusion 43, 1540-1554 (2003)
Zohm H., Angioni C., Arslanbekov R., Atanasiu C., …, A. Jacchia, M. Jakobi, F. Jenko, A.
Kallenbach, …, Mantica P., M. Maraschek, E. Martines, K.-F. Mast, P. McCarthy, et al. Overview of ASDEX Upgrade results - Nuclear Fusion 43, 1570-1582 (2003)
Angelini B., Apicella M.L., Apruzzese G., Barbato E., Bertocchi A., Bracco G., Bruschi A.,
…, Cirant S., …, Gandini F., …, Granucci G., Grolli M., Iannone F., Kroegler H., Lazzaro
E., …, Simonetto A., Smeulders P., Sternini E., Sozzi C., et al. - Overview of the FTU
results - Nuclear Fusion 43, 1632-1640 (2003)
Garzotti L., Garbet X., Mantica P., Parail V., Valovic M., Corrigan G., Heading D., Jones
T.T.C., Lang P., Nordman H., Pegourie B., Saibene G., Spence J., Strand P., Weiland J.
and contributors to the EFDA-JETWorkprogramme - Particle transport and density
profile analysis of different JET plasmas - Nuclear Fusion 43, 1829-1836 (2003)
Mantsinen M.J., Eriksson L-G., Gauthier E., …, Mantica P., Nave M.F.F., Noterdaeme J-M.,
Petty C.C., Sauter O. and Sharapov S.E. - Application of ICRF waves in tokamaks
beyond heating - Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 45, A445-A456 (2003)
Bruschi A., Muzzini V., Spinicchia N., Benocci R., Carcano G., Cirant S., Gandini F., Gittini
G., Granucci G., Leuterer F., Mellera V., Monaco F., Muenich M., Nardone A., Schuetz H.,
Signorelli E., Simonetto A. and Sozzi C. - Matched calorimetric loads for high power
millimeter-wave gyrotrons - Fusion Eng. & Design 66-68, 549-554 (2003)
Verhoeven A.G.A., Bongers W.A., Elzendoorn B.S.Q., Graswinckel M., Hellingman P.,
Kooijman W., Kruijt O.G., Maagdenberg J., Ronden D., Stakenborg J., Sterk A.B., Tichler J.,
Alberti S., Henderson M., Hoekzema J.A., Fernandez A., Likin K., Bruschi A., Cirant S.,
Nowak S., Piosczyk B., Thumm M., Guigon A., Damiani C., Pamela J., Kaye A., Fleming C.
and Zohm H. - Design and R&D of an ECRH system on JET - Fusion Eng. & Design 6668, 645-649 (2003)
Lontano M., Borghesi M., Bulanov S., Esirkepov T., Farina D., Naumova N., Nishihara K.,
Passoni M., Pegoraro F., Ruhl H., Sakhorov A.S. and Willi O., Nondrifting relativistic
electromagnetic solitons in plasmas, Laser and Particle Beams 21, 541-544 (2003)
Hjalmarsson A., Conroy S., Ericsson G., Giacomelli L., Gorini G., Henriksson H., Källne J.,
Tardocchi M. and Weiszflog M. - The TOFOR spectrometer for 2.5 MeV neutron
measurement at JET - Rev. Scientific Instr. 74, 1750-1752 (2003)
D'Arcangelo O., Garavaglia S., Simonetto A., Sozzi C., Bersanelli M., Mennella A., Villa F. Measurements of Beam Pattern Perturbation in Corrugated Feed Horn Arrays for CMB
Observations - Experimental Astronomy 16, 165-187 (2003)
Spinicchia N., Benocci R., Bruschi A., Muzzini V. and Simonetto A. - Study to improve the
absorbing coating in bolometric loads for high power microwave nuclear fusion
applications - 16th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, Taormina, Italy, June
22-27, 2003, paper ISPC-246
Vassallo E., Cremona A., Laguardia L. and Spinicchia N. - Electrical characterization of a
d.c. non-transferred plasma torch - 1 6th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry,
Taormina, Italy, June 22-27, 2003, paper ISPC-569
Mantica P., Garbet X., Imbeaux F., Mantsinen M., Van Eester D., de Baar M., Knight P.,
Parail V., Ryter F., Saibene G., Sartori R., Sozzi C., Thyagaraja A. and JET-EFDA
Contributors - Heat wave propagation experiments and modelling at JET: L-mode, Hmode and ITBs - Proc. 30th EPS Conference on Plasma Phys. and Contr. Fusion, St.
Petersburg, Russia, July 7-11 2003, ECA 27A, O-3.1A
Gildenburg V.B. and Lazzaro E. - Ionisation-induced instability of an electromagnetic
wave in a highly rarefied gas - Proc. 30th EPS Conference on Plasma Phys. and Contr.
Fusion, St. Petersburg, Russia, July 7-11 2003, ECA 27A, P-1.30
Sozzi C., Minardi E., Lazzaro E., Mantica P., and JET-EFDA Contributors - JET profiles
analysis based on SME - Proc. 30th EPS Conference on Plasma Phys. and Contr. Fusion,
St. Petersburg, Russia, July 7-11 2003, ECA 27A, P-1.94
Asp E., Weiland J., Garbet X., Mantica P., Parail V., Suttrop W. and the EFDA-JET
Contributors - Te/Ti effects on JET Plasma Confinement - Proc. 30 th EPS Conference on
Plasma Phys. and Contr. Fusion, St. Petersburg, Russia, July 7-11 2003, ECA 27A, P1.103
Jacchia A., De Luca F., Ryter F., Bruschi A., Leuterer F., Neu R., Pereverzev G., Suttrop
W., Wagner D. and ASDEX Upgrade Team - Perturbative electron transport studies by
means of laser blow off induced cold pulses in ASDEX-Upgrade - Proc. 30th EPS
Conference on Plasma Phys. and Contr. Fusion, St. Petersburg, Russia, July 7-11 2003,
ECA 27A, P-1.117
Mantica P., Capuano C., Ryter F., Thyagaraja A., Weiland J., Angioni C., Knight P.,
Leuterer F., Tardini G., Wagner D. and ASDEX Upgrade Team - Investigation of heat
pinch effects in ASDEX-Upgrade - Proc. 30th EPS Conference on Plasma Phys. and
Contr. Fusion, St. Petersburg, Russia, July 7-11 2003, ECA 27A, P-1.119
Rantamaki K.M., Petrzilka V., Ekedahl A., Erents K., Fuchs V., Goniche M., Granucci G.,
Karttunen S.J., Mailloux J., Mayoral M.L., Zacek F. and the EFDA-JET Contributors - Hot
spots generated by lower hybrid waves on JET - Proc. 30 th EPS Conference on Plasma
Phys. and Contr. Fusion, St. Petersburg, Russia, July 7-11 2003, ECA 27A, P-1.190
Granucci G., Ekedahl A., Mailloux J., Erents K., Hron M., Joffrin E., Lomas P.J., Mantsinen
M., Noterdaeme J.M., Pericoli-Ridolfini V., Petrzilka V., Rantamaki K.M., Sartori R., Silva C.,
Tuccillo A.A., McDonald D. and JET-EFDA Contributors - Recent results of LCHD
coupling experiments with near gas injection in JET - Proc. 30 th EPS Conference on
Plasma Phys. and Contr. Fusion, St. Petersburg, Russia, July 7-11 2003, ECA 27A, P1.191
Califano F., Lontano M. and Marchetto C. - Ion distribution function and momentum
transfer in the presence of an electrostatic pump wave in a magnetized plasma - Proc.
30th EPS Conference on Plasma Phys. and Contr. Fusion, St. Petersburg, Russia, July 7-11
2003, ECA 27A, P-1.198
Borgogno D., Califano F., Farina D., Grasso D., Pegoraro F. and Porcelli F. - 3D effects on
collisionless magnetic reconnection - Proc. 30th EPS Conference on Plasma Phys. and
Contr. Fusion, St. Petersburg, Russia, July 7-11 2003, ECA 27A, P-2.7
Garbet X., Mantica P., Weisen H., Zabolotsky A., Garzotti L. Nordman H., Valovic M. and
the JET-EFDA Contributors - Theoretical investigation of anomalous particle pinch and
comparison with JET experimental results - Proc. 30th EPS Conference on Plasma Phys.
and Contr. Fusion, St. Petersburg, Russia, July 7-11 2003, ECA 27A, P-2.87
Gorini G., Kallne J., Popovichev S., Conroy S., Ericsson G., Giacomelli L., Henriksson H.,
Hjalmarsson A., Palma D., Sjostrand H., Sozzi C., Tardocchi M., Weiszflog M. and JETEFDA Contributors - Triton burn up studies at JET - Proc. 30th EPS Conference on
Plasma Phys. and Contr. Fusion, St. Petersburg, Russia, July 7-11 2003, ECA 27A, P-2.90
Garzotti L., Challis C., de Baar M., Frigione D., Corrigan G., Garbet X., Mantica P., Parail
V., Pégourié B., Zabeo L. and Contributors to the EFDA-JET work programme - Particle
deposition and transport in pellet fuelled ITB plasmas at JET - Proc. 30th EPS
Conference on Plasma Phys. and Contr. Fusion, St. Petersburg, Russia, July 7-11 2003,
ECA 27A, P-2.92
Minardi E. - A possible excitation mechanism of peeling modes - Proc. 30th EPS
Conference on Plasma Phys. and Contr. Fusion, St. Petersburg, Russia, July 7-11 2003,
ECA 27A, P-2.102
Lazzaro E., Joffrin E., Zanca P., Coelho R., Gervasini G., Mantica P., Smolyakov A.I.,
Varischetti M.C. and the EFDA-JET Contributors - Modification of E ×B shear near
rational surfaces in response to magnetic driven reconnection due to mode coupling
or external fields - Proc. 30th EPS Conference on Plasma Phys. and Contr. Fusion, St.
Petersburg, Russia, July 7-11 2003, ECA 27A, P-2.105
Coelho R. and Lazzaro E. - Bifurcation of generic metastable tearing modes interacting
with resonant magnetic fields - Proc. 30 th EPS Conference on Plasma Phys. and Contr.
Fusion, St. Petersburg, Russia, July 7-11 2003, ECA 27A, P-2.107
Airoldi A., Cenacchi G. and Coppi B. - Steady state conditions in sub-ignited plasmas Proc. 30th EPS Conference on Plasma Phys. and Contr. Fusion, St. Petersburg, Russia,
July 7-11 2003, ECA 27A, P-2.140
Gormezano C., Pericoli Ridolfini V., Barbato E., Esposito B., Giovannozzi E., Marinucci M.,
Mirizzi F., Panaccione L., Podda S., Romanelli M., Zonca F., Apicella M.L., Buratti P.,
Cardinali A., Granucci G., Leigheb M., Romanelli F., Smeulders P. and Tudisco O. - High
density electron transport barriers in the FTU tokamak - Proc. 30th EPS Conference on
Plasma Phys. and Contr. Fusion, St. Petersburg, Russia, July 7-11 2003, ECA 27A, P2.145
Romanelli M., Esposito B., Marinucci M., Giovannozzi E., Leigheb M., Monari G., Nowak S.,
Sozzi C., Tudisco O., Cesario R., Frigione D., Gormezano C., Granucci G., Panaccione L.,
Pericoli Ridolfini V., Pieroni L. - Plasma energy confinement in advanced scenarios on
F T U - Proc. 30 th EPS Conference on Plasma Phys. and Contr. Fusion, St. Petersburg,
Russia, July 7-11 2003, ECA 27A, P-2.146
Bobrova N.A., Lazzaro E. and Sasorov P.V. - MHD equations for a multicomponent
plasma - Proc. 30th EPS Conference on Plasma Phys. and Contr. Fusion, St. Petersburg,
Russia, July 7-11 2003, ECA 27A, P-2.159
Berrino J., Cirant S., D’Antona G., Gandini F., Granucci G., Iannone F. and Lazzaro E. Real time identification and control of magnetic islands in a tokamak - Proc. 30th EPS
Conference on Plasma Phys. and Contr. Fusion, St. Petersburg, Russia, July 7-11 2003,
ECA 27A, P-4.78
Mennella A., Bersanelli M., Cappellini B., Maino D., Platania P., Garavaglia S., Butler R.C.,
Mandolesi N., Pasian F., D'Arcangelo O., Simonetto A. and Sozzi C. - The low frequency
instrument in the ESA Planck mission - Plasmas in the Laboratory and in the Universe New Insights and New Challenges, Como, Italy 16-19 september 2003, AIP Conference
Proceedings 703, 401-404
Simonetto A., Sozzi C., D'Arcangelo O., Muzzini V., Garavaglia S., Villa F., Sandri M.,
Valenziano L., Cuttaia F., Bersanelli M., Mennella A. and Guzzi P. - Millimeterwave
techniques for fusion plasmas and for experimental cosmology - Plasmas in the
Laboratory and in the Universe - New Insights and New Challenges, Como, Italy 16-19
september 2003, AIP Conference Proceedings 703, 455-460
Mantsinen M.J., Mayoral M.-L., Van Eester D., Alper B., Barnsley R., Beaumont P.,
Bucalossi J., Coffey I., Conroy S., de Baar M., de Vries P., Erents K., Figueiredo A.,
Gondhalekar A., Gowers C., Hellsten T., Joffrin E., Kiptily V., Lamalle P.U., Lawson K.,
Lyssoivan A., Mailloux J., Mantica P., Meo F., Milani F., Monakhov I., Murari A., Nguyen F.,
Noterdaeme J.-M., Ongena J., Petrov Yu., Rachlew E., Riccardo V., Righi E., Rimini F.,
Stamp M., Tuccillo A.A., Zastrow K.D., Zerbini M. and JET EFDA contributors - Localized
bulk electron heating with ICRF mode conversion in the JET tokamak - Nuclear Fusion
44, 33-46 (2004)
Giovannozzi E., Annibaldi S.V., Buratti P., Frigione D., Lazzaro E., Panaccione L. and
Tudisco O. – Magnetic island structures and their rotation after pellet injection in FTU
- Nuclear Fusion 44, 226-231 (2004)
Porcelli F., Annibaldi S.V., Borgogno D., Buratti P., Califano F., Coelho, R., Giovannozzi E.,
Grasso D., Lazzaro E., Pegoraro F, Ottaviani M. and Smolyakov A.I. - Predicting the
behaviour of magnetic reconnection processes in fusion burning plasma
experiments - Nuclear Fusion 44, 362-371 (2004)
Martin-Solis J.R., Esposito B., Sanchez R. and Granucci G. - Runaway electron
behaviour during electron cyclotron resonance heating in the Frascati Tokamak
Upgrade - Nuclear Fusion 44, 974-981 (2004)
Bulanov S.V., Esirkepov T.Zh., Koga J. and Farina D. - Concerning the Maximum Energy
of Ions Accelerated at the Front of a Relativistic Electron Cloud Expanding into
Vacuum - Plasma Physics Reports 30, 18-29 (2004)
Smetanin I.V., Farina D., Koga J., Nakajima K. and Bulanov S.V. - Evolution of an intense
elliptically polarized electromagnetic wave in underdense plasmas - Physics Letters A
320, 438-445 (2004)
Coelho R. and Lazzaro E. - Bifurcation of generic metastable tearing modes interacting
with resonant magnetic fields - Physics of Plasmas 11, 1440-1444 (2004)
Passoni M., Tikhonchuk V.T., Lontano M. and Bychenkov V.Yu. - Charge separation
effects in solid targets and ion acceleration with a two-temperature electron
distribution - Physical Review E 69, 026411-1, 026411-11 (2004)
Tardocchi M., Gorini G., Henriksson G. and Källne J. - Ion temperature and plasma
rotation manifestations in the neutron emission from plasmas - Rev. Scientific Instr.
75, 661-668 (2004)
Gormezano C., Buratti P., Apicella M.L., Barbato E., Bracco G., Cardinali A., Castaldo C.,
Cesario R., Cirant S., Crisanti F., De Benedetti M., Esposito B., Frigione D., Gabellieri L.,
Giovannozzi E., Granucci G., Kroegler H., Leigheb M., Marinucci M., Pacella D.,
Panaccione L., Pericoli-Ridolfini V., Pieroni L., Podda S., Fomanelli F., Romanelli M.,
Smeulders P., Sozzi C., Tuccillo A.A. and Tudisco O. - Highlights of the physics studies
in the FTU - Fusion Science and Technology 45, 302-322 (2004)
Barbato E., Pericoli-Ridolfini V., Castaldo C., Esposito B., Giovannozzi E., Gormezano C.,
Granucci G., Leigheb M., Marinucci M., Mirizzi F., Panaccione L., Podda S., Romanelli M.,
Smeulders P. Sozzi C. - Internal transport barrier studies in the FTU - Fusion Science
and Technology 45, 323-338 (2004)
Buratti P., Airoldi A., Alladio F., Annibaldi V., Bruschi A., Cirant S., Coelho R.M., Gandini F.,
Giovannozzi E., Lazzaro E., Micozzi P., Nowak S., Porcelli F., Ramponi G. and Smeulders
P. - Magnetohydrodynamic studies in the FTU - Fusion Science and Technology 45,
350-369 (2004)
Esposito B., Buratti P., Cirant S., Leigheb M., Bracco G., Carraro L., Cocilovo V., Gabellieri
L., Gandini F., Giovannozzi E., Gormezano C., Jacchia A., Lazzaro E., De Luca F.,
Marinucci M., Minardi E., Nowak S., Pacella D., Panaccione L., Romanelli M., Sozzi C. and
Tudisco O. - Transport studies in the FTU - Fusion Science and Technology 45, 370-386
Granucci G., Airoldi A., Barbato E., Bruschi A., Cardinali A., Castaldo C., Cesario R., Cirant
S., Esposito B., Farina D., Gandini F., Giruzzi G., Gormezano C., Leigheb M., Marinucci M.,
Mirizzi F., Nowak S., Panaccione L., Pericoli-Ridolfini V., Podda S., Ramponi G., Ravera
G.L., Saveliev A.N., Simonetto A., Sozzi C., Tuccillo A.A. and Zonca F. - Radio-frequency
wave physics in the FTU - Fusion Science and Technology 45, 387-401 (2004)
Tudisco O., Apruzzese G.M., Buratti P., Cantarini L., Canton A., Carraro L., Cocilovo V., De
Angelis R., De Benedetti M., Esposito B., Gabellieri L., Granucci G., Grosso L.A., Grosso
G., Innocente P., Kroegler H., Leigheb M., Monari G., Pacella D., Panaccione L., PericoliRidolfini V., Pizzicaroli G., Podda S., Puiatti M.E., Rocchi G., Sibio A., Simonetto A..
Smeulders P., Tartari U., Tartoni N., Tilia B., Valisa M., Zanza V. and Zerbini M. -The
diagnostic systems in the FTU - Fusion Science and Technology 45, 402-421 (2004)
Aquilini M., Baldi L., Bibet P., Bozzi R., Bruschi A., Cesario R., Cirant S., Ferro C., Gandini
F., Di Giovenale S., Granucci G., Fortunato T., Maddaluno G., De Marco F., Maffia G.,
Marra A., Mellera V., Mirizzi F., Muzzini V., Nardone A., Orsini A., Papalini M., Papitto P.,
Pericoli-Ridolfini V., Petrolini P., Petrosino S., Podda S., Ravera G.L., Righetti G.B., Roccon
M., Santini F., Sassi M., Simonetto A., Sozzi C., Spinicchia N., Tuccillo A.A. and Zampelli P.
- The heating and current drive systems of the FTU - Fusion Science and Technology
45, 459-482 (2004)
Cuttaia F., Valenziano L., Bersanelli M., Butler R.C., D'Arcangelo O., Kettle D., Levin S.,
Mandolesi N., Mennella A., Morgante G., Morigi G., Roddis N., Simonetto A., Terenzi L.,
Tomasi M. and Villa F. - Analysis of the radiometer-reference load system on board the
Planck/LFI instrument - Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A 520, 396401 (2004)
Passoni M. and Lontano M. - One-dimensional model of the electrostatic ion
acceleration in the ultraintense laser-solid interaction - Laser and Particle Beams 22,
163-169 (2004)
Garbet X., Mantica P., Ryter F., Cordey G., Imbeaux F., Sozzi C., Manini A., Asp E., Parail
V., Wolf R. and the JET EFDA Contributors - Profile stiffness and global confinement Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion46, 1351-1373 (2004)
Smolyakov A.I. and Lazzaro E. - On neoclassical effects in the theory of magnetic
islands - Physics of Plasmas 11, 4353-4360 (2004)
Farina D. and Pozzoli R. - Large-amplitude oscillations and chaos in a Hamiltonian
plasma system with many degrees of freedom - Physical Review E 70, 036407-1/5
Esposito B., Marinucci M., Romanelli M., Bracco G., Castaldo C., Cocilovo V., Giovannozzi
E., Leigheb M., Monari G., Nowak S., Sozzi C., Tudisco O., Cesario R., Frigione D.,
Gormezano C., Granucci G., Panaccione L., Pericoli-Ridolfini V., Pieroni L. and FTU and
ECRH teams - Transport analysis of ohmic, L-mode and improved confinement
discharges in FTU - Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 46, 1793-1804 (2004)
Garbet X., Mantica P., Angioni C., Asp E., Baranov Y, Bourdelle C., Budny R., Crisanti F.,
Cordey G., Garzotti L., Kirneva N., Hogeweij D., Hoang T., Imbeaux F., Joffrin E., Litaudon
X., Manini A., McDonald D.C., Nordman H., Parail V., Peeters A., Ryter F., Sozzi C., Valovic
M., Tala T., Thyagaraja A., Voitsekhovitch I., Weiland J., Weisen H., Zabolotsky A. and the
JET EFDA Contributors - Physics of transport in tokamaks - Plasma Phys. Control.
Fusion 46, B557-B574 (2004)
Giruzzi G., Artaud JF., Dumont RJ., Imbeaux F., Bibet P., Berger-By G., Bouquey F., Clary
J., Darbos C., Ekedahl A., Hoang GT., Lennholm M., Maget P., Magne R., Segui JL.,
Bruschi A. and Granucci G. - Synergy of electron-cyclotron and lower-hybrid current
drive in steady-state plasmas - Physical Review Letters 93, 255002-255002_4 (2004)
Grasso D., Borgogno D., Califano F., Farina D., Pegoraro F, Porcelli F. – Numerical
solution of a reduced model of collisionless magnetic reconnection in two and three
dimensions – Computer Physics Communications 164, 23-28 (2004)
Bombarda F., Coppi B., Airoldi A., Cenacchi G., Detragiache P. and the Ignitor Project
Group – Ignitor: Physics and progress towards ignition – Brazilian Journal of Physics
34, 1786-1791 (2004)
Tardocchi M., Gorini G., Palma D., Sozzi C., Källne J., Conroy S., Ericsson G., Giacomelli
L., Glasser W., Henriksson G., Hjalmarsson A., Ronchi E., Sjostrand H., Weiszflog M. and
Popovichev S. – TI control and monitoring system for fusion neutron spectroscopy on
the Joint Euroipean Torus - Rev. Scientific Instr. 75, 3543-3546 (2004)
de la Luna E., Blanchard P., Bruschi A., Cientioli C., Conway G., Felton R., Fessey J.,
Gowers C., Joffrin E., Mazon D., Murari A., Nowak S., Riva M., Simonetto A., Sozzi C.,
Sanchez J., Zerbini M. and JET-EFDA contributors - Recent developments of ECE
Diagnostics at JET - Proc. 13th Joint Workshop on Electron Cyclotron Emission and
Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, May 17-20 2004
Nowak S., Farina D. and Ramponi G. - Astigmatic Gaussian Beams in Plasmas - Proc.
13th Joint Workshop on Electron Cyclotron Emission and Electron Cyclotron Resonance
Heating, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, May 17-20 2004
Ramponi G., Farina D. and Nowak S. - ITER ECRF Upper Launcher Optimisation
Studies - Proc. 13 th Joint Workshop on Electron Cyclotron Emission and Electron Cyclotron
Resonance Heating, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, May 17-20 2004
Zohm H., Farina D., Heidinger R., Lloyd B., Nowak S., Poli E., Ramponi G., Saibene G.,
Sauter O., Verhoeven A.G.A., Volpe F. and Westerhof E. - The ITER ECRH Upper
Launcher – Physics Goals and Design Requirements - Proc. 13th Joint Workshop on
Electron Cyclotron Emission and Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating, Nizhny Novgorod,
Russia, May 17-20, 2004, p.267-272
Berrino J., Cirant S., D'Antona G. and Lazzaro E. - Radial identification of tearing modes
in a tokamak - Proc. 21st IEEE, Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference,
IMTC 2004, Como, May 18-20, Vol 2, 1424-1427, 10.1109/IMTC.2004.1351333
Califano F. and Lontano M. - Finite amplitude electrostatic disturbance in an
inhomogeneous plasma - Proc. 31 st EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, London, 28th
June – 2nd July 2004, ECA 28G, P-1.062
Mantica P., Tala T., Imbeaux F., Nora M., Parail V., Weiland J.and the JET EFDA
contributors - Predictive modelling of electron temperature modulation experiments in
JET L- and H-mode plasmas - Proc. 31st EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, London,
28th June – 2nd July 2004, ECA 28G, P-1.153
Mantica P., Imbeaux F., Mantsinen M., Van Eester D., Marinoni A., Hawkes N., Joffrin E.,
Kiptily V., Pinches S., Salmi A., Sharapov S., Voitsekhovitc I., de Vries P., Zastrow K.-D.
and the JET EFDA contributors - Power modulation experiments in JET ITB plasmas Proc. 31 st EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, London, 28th June – 2nd July 2004, ECA
28G, P-1.154
Gorini G., Källne J., Voitsekhovitch I., Adams M., Bertalot L., Budny R., Conroy S., Ericsson
G., Giacomelli L., Hawkes N., Henriksson H., Hjalmarsson A., Joffrin E., Popovichev S.,
Sjöstrand H., Tardocchi M., de Vries P., Weiszflog M., Yavorskij V., Zastrow K.-D. and
EFDA-JET contributors - Neutron emission from beam-injected fast tritons in JET
plasmas with reversed or monotonic magnetic shear - Proc. 31st EPS Conference on
Plasma Physics, London, 28th June – 2nd July 2004, ECA 28G, P-1.156
Voitsekhovitch I., McDonald D.C., Zastrow K.-D., Baranov Yu., Budny R., Garbet X.,
McCune D., Ongena J., Stork D., Adams M., Belo P., Bertalot L., Bonheure G., Conroy S.,
Cordey J.G., Garzotti L., von Hellermnann M., Mantica P., Parail V., Popovichev S., Valovic
M. and EFDA-JET contributors - Transport analysis of trace Tritium experiments on
JET using TRANSP code and comparison with theory-based transport models - Proc.
31st EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, London, 28th June – 2nd July 2004, ECA 28G, P1.158
Pericoli Ridolfini V., Apicella M.L., Barbato E., Bibet Ph., Buratti P., Calabro’ G., Cardinali
A., Granucci G., Mirizzi F., Panaccione L., Podda S., Sozzi C., and Tuccillo A.A. Experimental test of an ITER-like Passive Active Multijunction Lower Hybrid RF,
launcher on the FTU tokamak - Proc. 31st EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, London,
28th June – 2nd July 2004, ECA 28G, P-2.105
Coppi B., Lazzaro E., Lontano M. and Marchetto C. - Ion temperature gradient modes in
the presence of a sheared ion flow - Proc. 31st EPS Conference on Plasma Physics,
London, 28th June – 2nd July 2004, ECA 28G, P-2.120
Passoni M., Antonicci A., Batani D., Bochkarev S.G., Bychenkov V.Yu., Lontano M.,
Novikov V.N. and Tikhonchuk V.T. - Charge separation effects at the solid-vacuum
interface and ion acceleration with two electron populations - Proc. 31 st EPS
Conference on Plasma Physics, London, 28th June – 2nd July 2004, ECA 28G, P-4.010,
Airoldi A., Cenacchi G. and Coppi B. - Onset of the thermonuclear instability and
oscillatory states near ignition - Proc. 31 st EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, London,
28th June – 2nd July 2004, ECA 28G, P-5.178
Verhoeven A.G.A., Bongers W.A., Bruschi A., Cirant S., Elzendoorn B.S.Q., Gantenbein G.,
Graswinckel M.F., Heidinger R., Kasparek W., Kruyt O.G., Lamers B., Piosczyk B., Plaum
B., Ronden D.M.S., Saibene G., and Zohm H. - Design of the mm-Wave System of the
ITER ECRH Upper Launcher - Proc. of 2004 Joint 29th Int. Conf. on Infrared and Millimeter
Waves and 12th Int. Conf. on Terahertz Electronics, Karlsruhe (TH), Germany, Sept 27-Oct
1, 2004, IEEE Catalog 04EX857, ISBN 0-7803-8490-3 pg. 289
Gantenbein G., Erckmann V., Kasparek W., Plaum B., Laqua H.P., Michel G., Schwörer K.,
Bruschi A., Cirant S., Gandini F., Verhoeven A.G.A., ECRH groups at IPP Greifswald and
IPF Stuttgart - First High-Power Tests of a Remote Steering Concept for ECRH/ECCD
at ITER - Proc. of 2004 Joint 29th Int. Conf. on Infrared and Millimeter Waves and 12th Int.
Conf. on Terahertz Electronics, Karlsruhe (TH), Germany, Sept 27-Oct 1, 2004, IEEE
Catalog 04EX857, ISBN 0-7803-8490-3, pg. 291
Simonetto A., D'Arcangelo O., Figini L., Sozzi C., Guzzi P., Battaglia P., Villa F., Sandri M.
and Bersanelli M. - Millimeterwave Tests on Passive Components of PLANCK-LFI Proc. of 2004 Joint 29th Int. Conf. on Infrared and Millimeter Waves and 12th Int. Conf. on
Terahertz Electronics, Karlsruhe (TH), Germany, Sept 27-Oct 1, 2004, IEEE Catalog
04EX857, ISBN 0-7803-8490-3, pg. 435
Gandini F., Bruschi A., Cirant S., Gittini G., Muzzini V. - Short-Pulse Calorimetric Load for
High Power Millimeter-Wave Beams - Proc. of 2004 Joint 29th Int. Conf. on Infrared and
Millimeter Waves and 12th Int. Conf. on Terahertz Electronics, Karlsruhe (TH), Germany,
Sept 27-Oct 1, 2004, IEEE Catalog 04EX857, ISBN 0-7803-8490-3, pg. 673
Simonetto A., Sozzi C., Cirant S., Bruschi A. and JET-EFDA contributors - Design of the
Quasi Optical Interface System for JET's new Microwave Access - Proc. of 2004 Joint
29th Int. Conf. on Infrared and Millimeter Waves and 12th Int. Conf. on Terahertz
Electronics, Karlsruhe (TH), Germany, Sept 27-Oct 1, 2004, IEEE Catalog 04EX857, ISBN
0-7803-8490-3, pg. 705
Califano F., Lontano M. - Electron Hole Generation and Propagation in a
Inhomogeneous Collisionless Plasma - Phys. Rev.Letters 95, 245002 (2005)
Jacchia A., De Luca F., Ryter F., Bruschi A., Leuterer F., Neu R., Pereverzev G., Suttrop W.,
Wagner D. and ASDEX Upgrade Team - Nonlinear pertubative electron heat transport
study in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak - Nuclear Fusion 45, 40-47 (2005)
Minardi E. - The magnetic entropy concept - J. Plasma Physics 71, 53-80 (2005)
Bobrova N.A., Lazzaro E. and Sasarov P.V. - Magnetohydrodynamic two-temperature
equations for multicomponent plasma - Physics of Plasmas 12, 022105 (2005)
Borgogno D., Grasso D., Porcelli F., Califano F., Pegoraro F. and Farina D. - Aspects of
three-dimensional magnetic reconnection - Physics of Plasmas 12, 032309 (2005)
Weiland J., Asp E., Garbet X., Mantica P., Parail V., Thomas P., Suttrop W., Tala P. and the
JET EFDA Contributors - Effects of temperature ratio on JET transport in hot ion and
hot electron regimes - Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 47, 441-449 (2005)
Asp E., Weiland J., Garbet X., Mantica P., Parail V., Suttrop W. and the JET EFDA
Contributors - JETTO simulations of Te/Ti effects on plasma confinement - Plasma Phys.
Control. Fusion 47, 505-519 (2005)
Garbet X., Mantica P., Ryter F., Cordey G., Imbeaux F., Sozzi C., Manini A., Asp E., Parail
V., Wolf R. and the JET EFDA Contributors - Profile stiffness and global confinement Plasma Phys. Controlled Fusion, 47, 957-958 (2005)
Rantamaki K.M., Petrzilka V., Andrew P., Coffey I., Ekedahl A., Erents K., Fuchs V., Goniche
M., Granucci G., Joffrin E., Karttunen S.J., Lomas P., Mailloux J., Mantsinen M., Mayoral
M.L., McDonald D.C., Noterdaeme J.M., Parail V., Tuccillo A.A. and Zacek F. - Bright spots
generated by lower hybrid waves on JET - Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 47, 1101-1108
Henriksson H., Conroy S., Ericsson G., Giacomelli L., Gorini G., Hjalmarsson A., Källne J.,
Tardocchi M. and M. Weiszflog - Systematic spectral features in the neutron emission
from NB heated JET DT plasmas - Plasma Phys. Controlled Fusion, 47, 1763-1786 (2005)
Farina D. and Bulanov S.V. - Dynamics of relativistic solitons - Plasma Phys. Control.
Fusion 47, A73-A80 (2005)
Murari A., Bertalot L., Bonheure G., Conroy S., Ericsson G., Kiptily V., Lawson K.,
Popovichev S., Tardocchi M., Afanasyiev V., Angelone M., Fasoli A., Källne J., Mironov M.,
Mlynar J., Testa D., Zastrow K. D. and JET-EFDA Contributors - Burning plasma
diagnostics for the physics of JET and ITER - Plasma Phys. Controlled Fusion, 47, B249B262 (2005)
Pericoli-Ridolfini V., Barbato E., Buratti P., …, Granucci G., Leigheb M., Marinucci M.,
Marocco D., Mazzotta C., Mirizzi F., Nowak S., Panaccione L., Regnoli G., Romanelli M.,
Smeulders P., Sozzi C., …, Bruschi A., Cardinali A., Carraro L., Centioli C., Cesario R.,
Cirant S., …., Gandini F., Giovannozzi E., Iannone F., Kroegler H., Lazzaro E., ...., Simonetto
A., et al. - High density internal transport barriers for burning plasma operation Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion, 47, B285–B301, (2005)
Tuccillo A. A., Barbato E., Bae Y. S Becoulet A., …, Cirant S., Crisanti F., Ekedahl A.,
Eriksson L-G., Farina D., …, Granucci G., …, Mirizzi F., Nowak S., …, Sozzi C., Suzuki T. Progress in LHCD: a tool for advanced regimes on ITER - Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion,
47, B363–B377, (2005)
Figueiredo N., Bersanelli M., Childers J., D'Arcangelo O., Halevi D., Janssen M., Kedward K.,
Lemaster N., Lubin P., Mandolesi N., Marvil J., Meinhold P., Mejia J., Mennella A., Natoli P.,
O'Neil H., Pina A., Pryor M., Sandri M., Simonetto A., Sozzi C., Tello C., Villa F., Villela T.,
Williams B., Wuensche C. - The Optical Design of the Background Emission Anisotropy
Scanning Telescope (BEAST) - The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 158, 118123, (2005)
Voitsekhovitch I., Garbet X., McDonald D. C., Zastrow K.-D., Adams M., Baranov Yu., Belo
P., Bertalot L., Budny R., Conroy S., Cordey J. G., Garzotti L., Mantica P., McCune D.,
Ongena J., Parail V., Popovichev S., Stork D., Whiteford A.D., and JET EFDA contributors Density dependence of trace tritium transport in H-mode Joint European Torus plasma
- Phys. Plasmas 12, 052508 (2005)
Ekedahl A., Granucci G., Mailloux J., Baranov Y., Erents S.K., Joffrin E., Litaudon X., Loarte
A., Lomas P.J., McDonald D.C., Petrzilka V., Rantamaki K.M., Rimini F.G., Silva C., Stamp
M., Tuccillo A.A. - Long distance coupling of lower hybrid waves in JET plasmas with
edge and core transport barriers - Nucl. Fusion 45, 351-359, (2005)
DeBoo J.C., Cirant S., Luce T. C., Manini A., Petty C. C., Ryter F., Austin M.E. Baker D. R.,
Gentle K. W., Greenfield C. M., Kinsey J. E., Staebler G. M. - Search for a critical electron
temperature gradient in DIII-D L-mode discharges - Nucl. Fusion 45, 494-501 (2005)
Pericoli Ridolfini V.P., Mirizzi F., Apicella M.L., Barbato E., Buratti P., Calabro' G., Cardinali
A., Granucci G., Panaccione L., Podda S., Tuccillo A.A. - LHCD and coupling experiments
with an ITER-like PAM launcher on the FTU tokamak - Nucl. Fusion 45, 1085-1093,
Giacomelli L., Hjalmarsson A., Sjöstrand H., Glasser W., Källne J., Conroy S., Ericsson G.,
Gatu Johnson M., Gorini G., Henriksson H., Popovichev S., Ronchi E., Sousa J., Sundén
Andersson E., Tardocchi M., Thun J., Weiszflog M. and contributors to the JET-EFDA work
program - Advanced neutron diagnostics for ITER fusion experiments - Nucl. Fusion, 45,
1191-1201 (2005)
Alberti S., Arnoux G., Porte L., Hogge J.-P., Marletaz B., Marmillod P., Martin Y., Nowak S.
and TCV Team - Third-harmonic, top-launch, ECRH experiments on TCV tokamak Nucl. Fusion 45, 1224-1231 (2005)
Houlberg W. A., Gormezano C., Artaud J. F., Barbato E., Basiuk V., Becoulet A., Bonoli P.,
Budny R. V., Eriksson L. G., Farina D., Gribov Yu., Harvey R. W., Hobirk J., Imbeaux F.,
Kessel C. E., Leonov V., Murakami M., Polevoi A., Poli E., Prater R., John H. St., Volpe F.,
Westerhof E., Zvonkov A., ITPA Steady State Operation Topical Group and ITPA
Confinement Database and Modeling Topical Group - Integrated modelling of the current
profile in steady-state and hybrid ITER scenarios - Nucl. Fusion 45,1309-1320 (2005)
Berrino J., Lazzaro E., Cirant S., D'Antona G., Gandini F., Minardi E. and Granucci G. Electron cyclotron emission temperature fluctuations associated with magnetic
islands and real-time identification and control system - Nucl. Fusion 45, 1350-1361,
Martin-Solis J.R., Esposito B., Sanchez R., Granucci G. and Panaccione L. - Comparison of
runaway dynamics in LH and ECRH heated discharges in the Frascati Tokamak
Upgrade - Nucl. Fusion 45, 1524-1533, (2005)
Günter S., Angioni C., Apostoliceanu M., Atanasiu C., Balden M., Becker G., Becker W.,
Behler K., Behringer K., …., Cirant S., Conway G., Coster D., Dannert T., Dimova K., Drube
R., Dux R., …., Jacchia A., Jakob M., Jenko F., Kallenbach A., …., Mantica P., et al. Overview of ASDEX Upgrade results-development of integrated operating scenarios
for ITER - Nucl. Fusion 45, S98-S108 (2005)
Angelini B., Annibaldi S.V., Apicella M.L., …., Bruschi A., Buratti P., Calabrò G., Cardinali A.,
…., Cirant S., Cocilovo V., Crisanti F., De Angelis R., …., Gandini F., Garzotti L.,
Giovannozzi E., Gormezano C., Gravanti F., Granucci G., Hoang G.T., Iannone F., Kroegler
H., Lazzaro E., …., Nowak S., Orsitto F., Pacella D., Panaccione L., …., Simonetto A.,
Smeulders P., Sternini E., Sozzi C., et al. - Overview of the FTU results - Nucl. Fusion 45,
S227-S238 (2005)
Weisen H., Zabolotsky A., Angioni C., Furno I., Garbet X., Giroud C., Leggate H., Mantica P.,
Mazon D., Weiland J., Zabeo L., Zastrow K.-D. and the JET EFDA Contributors Collisionality and shear dependence of density peaking in JET and extrapolation to
ITER - Nuclear Fusion 45, L1-L4 (2005)
Mantica P., Thyagaraja A., Weiland J., Hogeweij G. M. D., Knight P. J. - Heat pinches in
electron-heated tokamak plasmas: theoretical turbulence models versus experiments Phys.Rev.Letters 95, 185002, (2005)
Karas V.I., Fainberg Y.B., Alisov A.F., Artamoshkin A.M., Bingham R., Gavrilenko I.V.,
Levchenko V.D., Lontano M., Mirny V.I., Potapenko I.F., Starostin A.N. - Interaction of
microwave radiation undergoing stochastic phase jumps with plasmas or gases –
Plasma Physics Reports 31, 748-760, (2005)
Bruschi A., Cirant S., Gandini F., Gittini G., Granucci G., Mellera V., Muzzini V., Nardone A.,
Simonetto A., Sozzi C., Spinicchia N., Angella G., Signorelli E. - Development of CW and
short-pulse calorimetric loads for high power millimeter-wave beams - Fusion
Engineering and Design 74, 289-293 (2005)
Bibet P., Beaumont B., Belo J.H., Delpech L., Ekedahl A., Granucci G., Kazarian F., Litaudon
X., Mailloux J., Mirizzi F., Pericoli V., Prou M., Rantamaki K., Tuccillo A. - Toward a LHCD
system for ITER – Fusion Engineering and Design, 74, 419-423 (2005)
Verhoeven A.G.A., Bongers W.A., Bruschi A., Cirant S., Elzendoorn B.S.Q., Gatenbein G.,
Graswinckel M.F., Heidinger R., Kasparek W., Kruyt O.G., Lamers B., Piosczyk B., Plaum B.,
Ronden D.M.S., Saibene G., Stuivinga M. and Zohm H. – Design of the mm-wave system
of the ITER ECRH upper launcher - Fusion Engineering and Design, 74, 431-435 (2005)
Ronden D.M.S., Bruschi A., Danilov I., Elzendoorn B.S.Q., Graswinckel M.F., Heidinger R.,
Ramponi G., and Verhoeven A.G.A. – Digital mock-up design of the remote steerable
ITER ECRH launching system - Fusion Engineering and Design, 74, 443-447 (2005)
Sozzi C., Bruschi A., Simonetto A., De La Luna E., Fessey J., Riccardo V. and JET-EFDA
Contributors - Optical design of the oblique ECE antenna system for JET - Fusion
Engineering and Design, 74, 691-696 (2005)
Cupido L., De La Luna E., Antonucci C., Guigon A., van Amerongen F.J., Bongers W.A.,
Donnè A.J.H., Graswinckel M.F., Bruschi A., Cirant S., Simonetto A., Sozzi C., Wagner D.,
Manso E., Meneses L., Silva F., Varela P., Balshaw N., Chareau J.M., Conway G., Fessey
J., Hanks S., Pearce R., Ricardo V., Sands D., Starky D., Tisconia T., JET-EFDA
Contributors - New millimeter-wave access for JET reflectometry and ECE - Fusion
Engineering and Design, 74, 707-713 (2005)
Weber S., Lontano M., Passoni, M., Riconda C., Tikhonchuk V.T. - Electromagnetic
solitons produced by stimulated Brillouin pulsations in plasmas - Physics of Plasmas
12, 112107 (2005)
Minardi E. - Thermodynamics of reactive marginal instabilities - Journal of Plasma
Physics, 71, 753-767, (2005)
Cremona A., Laguardia L., Vassallo E., Ambrosone G., Coscia U., Orsini F. and Poletti G. Optical and structural properties of siliconlike films prepared by plasma-enhanced
chemical-vapor deposition - J. Applied Physics, 97, 023533 (2005)
Simonetto A., D'Arcangelo O., Figini L. - Effect of Cable Length in Vector Measurements
of Very Long Millimeter-Wave Components - IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory
and Techniques 53, 3731-3734 (2005)
Marchetto C., Califano F., Lontano M. - Turbulence healing via plasma-wave interaction:
the results of a study via kinetic codes - Computer Physics Communications 169, 207209, (2005)
Bardi U., Chenakin S. P., Ghezzi F., Giolli C., Goruppa A., Lavacchi A., Miorin E., Pagura C.,
Tolstogouzov A. - Higth-temperature oxidation of CrN/A1N multilayer coatings - Applied
Surface Science 252, 1339-1349 (2005)
Mejia J., Bersanelli M., Burigana C., Childers J., Figuereido N., Kanga M., Lubin P., Maino
D., Mandolesi N., Marvil J., Meinhold P., O'Dwyer I., O'Neill H., Platania P., Seiffert M.,
Stebor N., Tello C., Villela T., Wandelt B. and Wuensche C.A. - Galactic Foreground
Contribution to the BEAST Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropy Maps Astrophys. Jour. Suppl. Series 158-1, 109-117 (2005)
Laguardia L., Vassallo E., Cappitelli F., Mesto E., Cremona A., Sorlini C., Bonizzoni G. Investigation of the effects of plasma treatments on biodeteriorated ancient paper Applied Surface Science, 252/4, 1159-1166 (2005)
Spinicchia N., Angella G., Benocci R., Bruschi A., Cremona A., Gittini G., Nardone A.,
Signorelli E., Vassallo E. - Study of plasma sprayed ceramic coatings for high density
power microwave loads - Surf. Coat. Technol., 200/1-4, 1151 (2005)
Giacomelli L., Conroy S., Ericsson G., Gorini G., Henriksson H., Hjalmarsson A., Källne J.
and Tardocchi M. - Comparison of neutron emission spectra for D and DT plasmas with
auxiliary heating - The European Physical Journal D, 33, 235 (2005)
Bruschi A., Cirant S., Moro A., Platania P., Sozzi C. - Advanced Optics for the Remote
Steering ITER ECRH Upper Launcher - Journal of Physics Conference Series 25, 112-119
Henderson M., Chavan R., Nikkola P., Ramponi G., Saibene G., Sanchez F., Sauter O.,
Shidara H., Zohm H. - The Physics performance of the Front Steering Launcher for the
ITER ECRH Upper Port - Journal of Physics Conference Series 25, 143-150 (2005)
Sozzi C., Granucci G., Nowak S., Bruschi A., Farina D., Gandini F., Panaccione L., PericoliRidolfini V., Angelini B., …, Castaldo C., Cirant S., De Benedetti M., Berrino J., Bertocchi A.,
…., Lazzaro E., Leigheb M., Marinucci M., Marocco D., …., Simonetto A., et al. - ITB
formation with counter ECCD and LHCD and Suprathermal ECCD experiments on FTU
in ITER relevant conditions - Journal of Physics Conference Series 25, 198-209 (2005)
Alberti S., Arnoux G., Porte L., Bortolon A., Karpushov A., Martin Y., Nowak S., Pitts R. and
the TCV Team - Third-harmonic X-mode, real-time controlled top-launch ECW
experiments on TCV Tokamak - Journal of Physics Conference Series 25, 210-222 (2005)
Cirant S., Berrino J., Gandini F., Granucci G., Iannone F., Lazzaro E., D’Antona G., Farina
D., Koppenburg K., Nowak S., Ramponi G. - Crucial issues of multi-beam feed-back
control in fusion plasmas - Journal of Physics Conference Series 25, 223-233 (2005)
Zohm H., Heidinger R., Henderson M., Poli E., Ramponi G., Saibene G., Verhoeven A.G.A. Comparison of the performance of different options for ITER ECRH Upper Launcher Journal of Physics Conference Series 25, 234-242 (2005)
Ramponi G., Farina D. and Nowak S. - Capabilities of the ITER ECRH Upper Launcher at
low magnetic fields - Journal of Physics Conference Series 25, 243-251 (2005)
Hogge J. P., Alberti S., Arnold A., Bariou D., Benin P., Bonicelli T., Bruschi A., Chavan R.,
Cirant S., Dumbrajs O., Fasel D., Gandini F., Giguet E., Goodman T., Heidinger R.,
Henderson M., Illy S., Jin J., Lievin C., Magne R., Marmillod P., Mondino P.-L., Perez A.,
Piosczyk B., Porte L., Rzesnicki T., Santinelli M., Thumm M., Tran M.Q., Yovchev I. Development of a 2-MW, CW Coaxial Gyrotron at 170 GHz and Test Facility for ITER Journal of Physics Conf. Series, 25, 33-44, (2005)
Plaum B., Gantenbein G., Kasparek W., Schwörer K., Grünert M., Braune H., Erckmann V.,
Hollmann F., Jonitz L., Laqua H., Michel G., Noke F., Purps F., Bruschi A., Cirant S., Gandini
F., Verhoeven A.G.A., ECRH groups at IPP Greifswald, FZK Karlsruhe and IPF Stuttgart 75
High-power tests of a remote steering launcher mock-up at 140 Ghz - Journal of Physics
Conf. Series, 25, 120-129, (2005)
D'Arcangelo O., Battaglia P., Bersanelli M., Figini L., Mari G., Nesti R., Pecora M., Sandri
M., Simonetto A., Sozzi C., Villa F. - Performance of the Planck-LFI feed horns
Qualification Model - Proc. of the 28th ESA Antenna Workshop on Space Antenna
Systems and Technologies, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 31 May - 3 June 2005, WPP-247,
Part 2, pp 965-971, (2005)
Yavorskij V., Kiptily V., Goloborod'ko V., Gorini G., Hawkes N., Reznik S., Schoepf K.,
Sharapov S., Stork D., Voitsekhovitch I. and contributors to the JET-EFDA work program Relaxation of Fusion Alpha Distributions in Tritium NBI Experiments - Proc. 32nd EPS
Conference on Plasma Phys. and Contr. Fusion Tarragona (Spain) 27 th June-1st July 2005,
ECA Vol.29C, O-2.004 (2005)
Puiatti M.E., Valisa M., Angioni C., Carraro L., Coffey I., Garzotti L., Mantica P., Mattioli M.,
Sozzi C. and contributors to the EFDA-JET workprogramme – Analysis of metallic
impurity density profiless in low collisionality JET H-mode plasmas - 3 2nd EPS
Conference on Plasma Physics, Tarragona (Spain), 27th June-1st July 2005, ECA Vol.29C,
O-2.007 (2005)
Nowak S., Granucci G., Sozzi C., Bruschi A., Esposito B., Gandini F., Panaccione L.,
Tudisco O., Buratti P., Cirant S., Farina D., Giovannozzi E., Mazzotta C., Ramponi G.,
Smeulders P., ECRH and FTU team - Electron Cyclotron Current Drive experiments in
the FTU tokamak - 3 2nd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Tarragona (Spain), 27th
June-1st July 2005, ECA Vol.29C, P-1.095 (2005)
Granucci G., Aquilini M., Bin W., Bruschi A., Buratti P., Calabrò G., Di Giovenale S., Farina
D., Gandini F., Gormezano C., Grossetti G., Mazzotta C., Mellera V., Mirizzi F., Moro A.,
Muzzini V., Nowak S., Panaccione L., Pericoli Ridolfini V., Petrolini P., Podda S., Sozzi C.,
Tuccillo A., Tudisco O., ECRH and FTU team - Quantification of suprathermal current
drive on FTU - 32nd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Tarragona (Spain), 27 th June-1st
July 2005, ECA Vol.29C, P-1.098 (2005)
Cenacchi G., Coppi B., Airoldi A., Bombarda F., Detragiache P., Farina D., Romanelli M. The Scientific Program of the Ignitor Experiment - 32nd EPS Conference on Plasma
Physics, Tarragona (Spain), 27 th June-1st July 2005, ECA Vol.29C, P-1.108 (2005)
Califano F., Galeotti L., Lontano M. - Propagation of finite amplitude disturbances in an
inhomogeneous magnetized plasma - 32nd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics,
Tarragona (Spain), 27 th June-1st July 2005, ECA Vol.29C, P-2.141 (2005)
Weber S., Lontano M., Passoni M., Riconda C., Tikhonchuk V. T. - Plasma Cavitation and
Standing Solitons due to Stimulated Brillouin Pulsations - 32nd EPS Conference on
Plasma Physics, Tarragona (Spain), 27thJune-1st July 2005, ECA Vol.29C, O-4.021 (2005)
Regnoli G., Romanelli M., Bourdelle C., De Benedetti M., Marinucci M., Pericoli V.,
Granucci G., Sozzi C., Tudisco O., Giovannozzi E., ECRH, LH and FTU Team Microstability analysis of e-ITBs in high density FTU plasmas - 32nd EPS Conference
on Plasma Physics, Tarragona (Spain), 27 th June-1st July 2005, ECA Vol.29C, P-4.034
Esposito B., Granucci G., Martin-Solis J.R., Leigheb M., Gabellieri L., Gandini F., Marocco
D., Mazzotta C., Smeulders P. - Mitigation of disruption-generated runaways by means
of ECRH - 32nd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Tarragona (Spain), 27 th June-1st July
2005, ECA Vol.29C, P-5.072 (2005)
Vassallo E., Laguardia L., Ricci D. and Bonizzoni G. - Innovative plasma processes for
consolidation of biodeteriorated ancient papers – Proc. 2nd AIV Int. Workshop “Science,
Technology and Cultural Heritage”, Catania, 9-11Nov. 2005, Macromolecular Symposia 238,
46-51, (2006)
Verhoeven A.G.A., Elzendoorn B.S.Q, Bongers W.A, Bruschi A., Cirant S., Danilov I.,
Fernandez A., Gantenbein G., Graswinckel M.F., Heidinger R., Kasparek W., Kleefeldt K.,
Kruijt O.G., Lamers B., Piosczyk B., Plaum B., Ronden D.M.S., Saibene G. and Zohm H. Design of the Remote Steerable ECRH launching system for the ITER upper ports Journal of Physics Conference Series 25, 33-44 (2005)
Plaum B., Gantenbein G., Kasparek W., Schwörer K., Grünert M., H Braune, Erckmann V.,
Hollmann F., L Jonitz, Laqua H., Michel G., Noke F., Purps F., Bruschi A., Cirant S.,
Gandini F., Verhoeven A.G.A., et al. - High-power tests of a remote steering launcher
mock-up at 140 Ghz - Journal of Physics Conference Series 25, 120-129 (2005)
Ronden D.M.S., Bongers W.A, Bruschi A., Elzendoorn B.S.Q, Graswinckel M.F., Lamers B.,
Moro A., Poli E. and Verhoeven A.G.A. - Integration of a dog-leg beam routing for the
remote steering upper port launcher for ITER - Journal of Physics Conference Series 25,
103-111 (2005)
Mantica P., Van Eester D., Garbet X., Imbeaux F., Laborde L., Mantsinen M., Marinoni A.,
Mazon D., Moreau D., Hawkes, Joffrin E., Kiptily V., Pinches S., Salmi A., Sharapov S.,
Thyagaraja A., Voitsekhovitch I., de Vries P.N., and Zastrow K.-D. - Probing Internal
Transport Barriers with Heat Pulses in JET - Physical Review Letters 96, 095002 (2006)
Mantica P., Ryter F., Capuano C., Fahrbach H.U., Leuterer F., Suttrop W., Weiland J. and
ASDEX-Upgrade Team - Investigation of electron heat pinch in ASDEX-Upgrade Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 48, 385-406, (2006)
Marinoni A., Mantica P., Van Eester D., Imbeaux F., Mantsinen M., Hawkes N., Joffrin, E.
Kiptily V., Pinches S.D., Salmi A., Sharapov S., Voitsekhovitch I., de Vries P., Zastrow K.-D.
and JET-EFDA contributors - Analysis and modelling of power modulation experiments
in JET plasmas with internal transport barriers - Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 48, 14691487, (2006)
Sjostrand H., Giacomelli L., Andersson Sunden E., Conroy S., Ericsson G., Gatu Johnson
M., Hellesen C., Hjalmarsson A., Källne J., Ronchi E., Weiszflog M., Wikstrom G., Gorini G.,
Tardocchi M., Murari A., Kaveney G., Popovichev S., Sousa J., R. Pereira C., Combo A.,
Cruz N. and JET EFDA contributors - New MPRu Instrument for Neutron Emission
Spectroscopy at JET - Rev. Sci. Instr., 77, 10E717 (2006)
Giacomelli L., Andersson Sunden E., Conroy S., Ericsson G., Gatu Johnson M., Hellesen C.,
Hjalmarsson A., Källne J., Ronchi E., H. Sjoestrand, Weiszflog M., Gorini G., Tardocchi M.,
Murari A., Popovichev S., Sousa J., Pereira R.C., Combo A., Cruz N. and JET EFDA
contributors - Development and Characterization of the Proton Recoil Detector for the
MPRu Neutron Spectrometer - Rev. Sci. Instr., 77, 10E708 (2006)
Gatu Johnson M., Giacomelli L., Hjalmarsson A., Weiszflog M., Andersson Sunden E.,
Conroy S., Ericsson G., Hellesen C., J. Källne, Ronchi E., Sjöstrand H., Gorini G., Tardocchi
M., Murari A., Popovichev S., Sousa J., Pereira R.C., Combo A., Cruz N. and JET EFDA
contributors - The TOFOR Neutron Spectrometer and its First Use at JET - Rev. Sci.
Instr., 77, 10E702 (2006)
Tardocchi M., Gorini G., Andersson Sundén E., Conroy S., Ericsson G., Gatu Johnson M.,
Giacomelli L., Hellesen C., Hjalmarsson A., Källne J., Ronchi E., Sjöstrand H., Weiszflog M.,
Johnson T., Lamalle P.U. and JET EFDA contributors - Modeling of neutron emission
spectroscopy in JET discharges with fast tritons from (T) D ion cyclotron heating Rev. Sci. Instr., 77, 126107 (2006)
Lazzaro E., Joffrin E., Coelho R., Mantica P., Smolyakov A.I., Zanca P., Gervasini G., and
Varischetti M.C. - Effect of electrodynamic braking force localized on rational surfaces
- Phys. Scripta. 73, 129-136 (2006)
Garzotti L., Garbet X., Thyagaraja A., M. R. de Baar, D. Frigione, Mantica P., Parail V., B.
Pegourie, L. Zabeo and JET EFDA contributors - Simulations of JET pellet fuelled ITB
plasmas - Nucl. Fusion 46, 73-81, (2006)
Tuccillo A.A., Crisanti F., Litaudon X., Baranov Yu.F., Becoulet A., Becoulet M., Bertalot L.,
Castaldo C., Challis C.D., Cesario R., De Baar M.R., de Vries P.C., Esposito B., Frigione D.,
Garzotti L., Giovannozzi E., Giroud C., Gorini G., Gormezano C., Hawkes N.C., Hobirk J.,
Imbeaux F., Joffrin E., Lomas P.J., Mailloux J., Mantica P., Mantsinen M.J., Mazon D.,
Moreau D., Murari A., Pericoli-Ridolfini V., Rimini F., Sips A.C.C., Sozzi C., Tudisco O., Van
Eester D., Zastrow K-D. and JET-EFDA work-programme contributors - Development on
JET of advanced tokamak operations for ITER - Nucl. Fusion 46, 214-224, (2006)
Henriksson H., Conroy S., Ericsson G., Gorini G., Hjalmarsson A., Källne J., Tardocchi M.,
Weiszflog M. and JET-EFDA contributors - Synergetic RF and NB heating effects in JET
DT plasmas studied with neutron emission spectroscopy - Nucl. Fusion 4 6, 244-253
Lamalle P.U., M. Mantsinen J., Noterdaeme J.M., Alper B., Beaumont P., Bertalot L.,
Blackman T., Bobkov Vl.V., Bonheure G., Brzozowski J., Castaldo C., Conroy S., de Baar M.,
de la Luna E., de Vries P., Durodi' F., Ericsson G., Eriksson L.G., Gowers C., Felton R.,
Heikkinen J., Hellsten T., Kiptily V., Lawson K., Laxåback M., Lerche E., Lomas P.,
Lyssoivan A., Mayoral M.L., Meo F., Mironov M., Monakhov I., Nunes I., Piazza G.,
Popovichev S., Salmi A., Santala M.I.K., Sharapov S., Tala T., Tardocchi M., Van Eester D.,
Weyssow B. and JET EFDA contributors - Expanding the operating space of ICR on JET
with a view to ITER - Nucl. Fusion 46, 391-400 (2006)
Romanelli M., De Benedetti M., Esposito B., Regnoli G., Bombarda F., Bourdelle C.,
Frigione D., Gormezano C., Giovannozzi E., Hoang G.T., Leigheb M., Marinucci M.,
Marocco D., Mazzotta C., Sozzi C. and Zonca F. - Confinement and turbulence study in
the Frascati Tokamak Upgrade high field and high density plasmas - Nucl. Fusion 46,
412-418 (2006)
Cirant S., Alberti S., Gandini F., Behn R., Goodman T. P., Nikkola P. and the TCV team Shear modulation experiments with ECCD on TCV - Nucl. Fusion 46, 500-511 (2006)
Tartari U., Grosso G., Granucci G., Lubyako L.V., Shalashov A.G., Suvorov E.V., Orsitto
F.P., Simonetto A., Nowak S., Volpe F., Bruschi A., Gandini F., Muzzini V., Garavaglia S. and
Grossetti G. - Critical issues highlighted by Collective Thomson Scattering below
electron cyclotron resonance in FTU - Nucl. Fusion 46, 928-940 (2006)
Garzotti L., M. Valovic, Garbet X., Mantica P., Parail V. and JET EFDA contributors Simulations of source and anomalous pinch effects on the density profile peaking of
JET H-mode plasmas - Nucl. Fusion 46, 994-1000 (2006)
Manini A., Angioni C., Peeters A.G., Ryter F., Jacchia A., Maggi C.F., Suttrop and the
ASDEX Upgrade Team – Role of Te/Ti and ∇vtor in ion heat transport of ASDEX Upgrade
H-mode plasmas - Nuclear Fusion 46, 1047-1053 (2006)
Lontano M., Passoni M., Riconda C., Tikhonchuk V.T., Weber S. - Electromagnetic
solitary waves in the saturation regime of stimulated Brillouin backscattering - Laser
and Particle Beams 24, 125-129, (2006)
Vassallo E., Cremona A., Laguardia L. and Mesto E. - Preparation of plasma-polymerized
SiOx-like thin films from a mixture of hexamethyldisiloxane and oxygen to improve the
corrosion behaviour - Surf. Coat. Technol. 200/9 3035, (2006)
Lontano M., Passoni M. - Electrostatic field distribution at the sharp interface between
high density matter and vacuum - Physics of Plasmas 13, 042102, (2006)
Berrino J., Cirant S., Gandini F., Granucci G., Lazzaro E., Jannone F., Smeulders P. and
D'Antona G. - Automatic Real-time Tracking and Stabilization of Magnetic Islands in a
Tokamak using Temperature Fluctuations and ECW Power - IEEE Transactions of
Nuclear Science 53, No. 3, (2006)
Spinicchia N., Angella G., De Angeli M., Gervasini G., Signorelli E. - Growth of thin films
and hydrogen production in a cusp plasma device - Surface & Coatings Technology 200,
6434-6437, (2006)
Passoni M., Lontano M., Riconda C., Tikhonchuk V.T., Weber S. and Ghizzo A. Electromagnetic droplets created by stimulated Brillouin backscattering - J. Phys. IV
France 133, 265-269, (2006)
Puiatti M. E., Valisa M., Angioni C., Garzotti L., Mantica P., Mattioli M., Carraro L., Coffey I.,
Sozzi C. and JET-EFDA contributors - Analysis of metallic impurity density profiles in
low collisionality Joint European Torus H-mode and L-mode plasmas - Physics of
Plasmas 13, 042501, (2006)
Vassallo E., Cremona A., Ghezzi F., Dell'Era F., Laguardia L., Ambrosone G. and Coscia U.
- Structural and optical properties of amorphous hydrogenated silicon carbonitride
films produced by PECVD - Applied Surface Science 252/22, 7993-8000, (2006)
Minardi E. - Microislands and transport in tokamaks - J. Plasma Physics 72, 547-569,
Mantica P. and Ryter F. - Pertubative studies of turbulent transport in fusion plasmas C. R. Physique 7, 634 (2006)
Berrino J., Centioli C., Cirant S., Esposito B., Gandini F., Granucci G., Jannone F., et al. Real-time control of magnetic islands in FTU – Fusion Engineering and Design, 81, 19171921 (2006)
Plaum, B. Gantenbein G., Kasparek W., Schwörer K., Grünert M., Braune H., Erckmann V.,
Hollmann F., Jonitz L., Laqua H., Michel G., Noke F., Purps F., Bruschi A., Cirant S.,
Gandini F., Verhoeven A.G.A., ECRH Groups - High-power tests of a remote-steering
antenna at 140 GHz – Fusion Science & Technology, 50, 1-14 (2006)
de Vries P.C., Rantamaki K.M., Giroud C., Asp E., Corrigan G., Eriksson A., de Greef M.,
Jenkins I., Knoops H.C.M., Mantica P., Nordman H., Strand P., Tala T., Weiland J., Zastrow
K.D. and JET EFDA Contributors - Plasma rotation and momentum transport studies at
JET - Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 48, 1693-1708 (2006)
Ryter F., Camenen Y., DeBoo J. C., Imbeaux F.,, Mantica P., Regnoli G., Sozzi C., Stroth
U., ASDEX Upgrade, DIII-D, FTU, JET-EFDA contributors, TCV, Tore Supra and W&-AS
Teams - Electron heat transport studies - Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 48, 12B, B453B463 (2006)
Cirant S., Berrino J., D’Antona G., Lazzaro E., Gandini F., Buratti P., Granucci G., Iannone,
E. Mellera V., Muzzini V., Smeulders P., Tudisco O. - Dynamic control of the current
density profile and MHD instabilities by ECH/ECCD In tokamaks - Proc. of 14th Joint
Workshop on Electron Cyclotron Emission and Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating, pg.
75, Santorini, Greece, May 2006
Granucci G., Cirant S., Esposito B., Nowak S., Aquilini M., Berrino J., Bin W., Bruschi A.,
Buratti P., Calabrò G., D’Antona G., Di Giovenale S., Farina D., Gabellieri L., Gandini F.,
Grossetti G., Iannone E., Lazzaro E., Leigheb M., Marocco D., Martin-Solis J.R., Mazzotta
C., Mellera V., Mirizzi F., Moro A., Muzzini V., Panaccione L., Pericoli-Ridolfini V., Petrolini
P., Podda S., Simonetto A., Sozzi C., Smeulders P., Tuccillo A.A., Tudisco O. - Application
of ECRH/ECCD on FTU: an overview of recent results - Proc. of 14th Joint Workshop on
Electron Cyclotron Emission and Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating, pg. 101, Santorini,
Greece, May 2006
Sozzi C., Simonetto A., Garavaglia S. and EFDA-JET Contributors - The Multichannel
Extension Of The Martin-Puplett Interferometer For Perpendicular And Oblique ECE
Measurements On JET - Proc. of 14th Joint Workshop on Electron Cyclotron Emission and
Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating, pg. 157, Santorini, Greece, May 2006
Simonetto A., Sozzi C., Garavaglia S., and EFDA-JET Contributors - Conceptual Design
Of The Optical Scheme For A Multichannel Martin Puplett Interferometer For
Perpendicular And Oblique ECE Measurements On JET - Proc. of 14th Joint Workshop
on Electron Cyclotron Emission and Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating, pg. 238,
Santorini, Greece, May 2006
Farina D. - GRAY: a quasi-optical beam tracing code for EC absorption and current
drive - Proc. of 14th Joint Workshop on Electron Cyclotron Emission and Electron Cyclotron
Resonance Heating, pg. 289, Santorini, Greece, May 2006
Poli E., Farina D., Henderson M.A., Ramponi G., Saibene G., Zohm H. - Performance
studies for the ITER ECRH launchers – Proc. of 14th Joint Workshop on Electron
Cyclotron Emission and Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating, pg. 301, Santorini, Greece,
May 2006
R. Prater, Farina D., Gribov Yu., Harvey R.W., Poli E., Smirnov A.S., Volpe F., Westerhof
E., Zvonkov A. and ITPA Steady State Operation Topical Group - Benchmarking of ECH
codes for ITER - Proc. of 14th Joint Workshop on Electron Cyclotron Emission and Electron
Cyclotron Resonance Heating, pg. 312, Santorini, Greece, May 2006
Ramponi G., Farina D., Henderson M.A., Poli E., Saibene G., Zohm H. - Capabilities of the
ITER ECRH/ECCD systems for extended physics application - Proc. of 14th Joint
Workshop on Electron Cyclotron Emission and Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating, pg.
351, Santorini, Greece, May 2006
Kasparek W., Petelin M., Erckmann V., Shchegolkov D., Bruschi A., Cirant S., Thumm M.,
Plaum B., Grünert M., Malthaner M., ECRH groups at IPP Greifswald, FZK Karlsruhe, and
IPF Stuttgart - Fast Switching of High-Power Millimetre Waves Between Two
Launchers: Concepts, Numerical Investigations and First Experiments - Proc. of 14th
Joint Workshop on Electron Cyclotron Emission and Electron Cyclotron Resonance
Heating, pg. 424, Santorini, Greece, May 2006
Shidara H., Henderson M.A., Chavan R., Farina D., Poli E., Ramponi G. - ECRH Beam
Optics Optimization for ITER Upper Port Launcher - Proc. of 14th Joint Workshop on
Electron Cyclotron Emission and Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating, pg. 436, Santorini,
Greece, May 2006
Henderson M.A., Ramponi G., Campbell D., Chavan R., Farina D., Poli E., Saibene G.,
Sakamoto K., Sauter O., Serikov A., Shidara H., Takahashi K., Zohm H., Zucca C. Synergy Study of the Equatorial and Upper Port ITER ECH Launchers for an
Enhanced Physics Performance - Proc. of 14th Joint Workshop on Electron Cyclotron
Emission and Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating, pg. 460, Santorini, Greece, May 2006
Verhoeven A.G.A., Bongers W.A., Bruschi A., Cirant S., Danilov I., Elzendoorn B.S.Q.,
Fernández Curto Á., Gantenbein G., Graswinckel M.F., Heidinger R., Kasparek W., Kruijt
O.G., Lamers B., Plaum B., Ronden D.M.S., Schüller F.C., Westerhof E. and Zohm H. Design of the Remote-Steering ITER ECRH Upper-Port Launcher - Proc. of 14th Joint
Workshop on Electron Cyclotron Emission and Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating, pg.
471, Santorini, Greece, May 2006
Moro A., Bruschi A., Platania P., Sozzi C. - Sources Of Aberrations In The Optics For
The Remote Steering ITER ECRH Upper Launcher - Proc. of 14th Joint Workshop on
Electron Cyclotron Emission and Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating, pg. 490, Santorini,
Greece, May 2006
Henderson M.A., Chavan R., Bertizzolo R., Campbell D., Danilov I., Dolizy F., Farina D.,
Kleefeldt K., Heidinger R., Landis J.-D., Poli E., Ramponi G., Saibene G., Sanchez F.,
Sauter O., Serikov A., Shidara H., Spaeh P., Zohm H., Zucca C. - The ITER ECH FS
Launcher design for an optimized Physics Performance - Proc. of 14th Joint Workshop
on Electron Cyclotron Emission and Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating, pg. 558,
Santorini, Greece, May 2006
Bruschi A., Cirant S., Moro A., Simonetto A. - High-Power Millimetre-Wave Components
Combining Quasi-Optics With Oversized Rectangular Corrugated Waveguide - Proc.
of 14th Joint Workshop on Electron Cyclotron Emission and Electron Cyclotron Resonance
Heating, pg. 564, Santorini, Greece, May 2006
D’Arcangelo O., Figini L., Simonetto A., Garavaglia S., Mari G., Battaglia P., Bersanelli M.,
Pecora M., Sozzi C. and Villa F. - Reflection-Transmission measurements of very long
millimetre-wave reciprocal components - Proc. of the 4th ESA Workshop on Millimetre
Wave Technology and Application, the 8th Topical Symposium on Millimeter WavesTSMMW2006, the 7th MINT Millimeter- Wave International Symposium, Finland 15-17
February 2006, pg 147-152, (2006)
Platania P., D’Arcangelo O., Figini L., Sandri M., Sozzi C. and Villa F. - Preliminary
simulations of LFI Main Beam using measured Feed Horn patterns - Proc. of Science
of CMB and Physics of the Early Universe, CMB2006 (051), International Conference, 2022 April 2006, Ischia, Italy
Mennella A., Aja B., Artal E., …., Bersanelli M., Blackhurst E., Boschini L., Burigana C.,
Butler C., Cappellini B., Colombo F., Cuttaia F., D’Arcangelo O., Donzelli S., …., Figini L.,
Fogliani S., Franceschet C., Franceschi E., Gaier T., Galeotta S., Garavaglia S., ….,
Platania P., ….., Simonetto A., Sozzi C., Stringhetti L., Terenzi L., Tomasi M., Tuovinen J.,
Valenziano L., Varis J., Villa F., Wilkinson A., Winder F. and Zacchei A. - Calibration and
testing of the Planck-LFI QM instrument - Proc. of SPIE Conference on Astronomical
Telescope and Instrumentation 6265 (2006)
Ericsson G., Andersson-Sundén E., Sjöstrand H., Conroy S., M. Gatu-Johnson, Giacomelli
L., Hellesen C., Hjalmarsson A., Källne J., Ronchi E., Weiszflog M., G. Wikström, Gorini G.,
Tardocchi M., R. Pereira C., Combo A., Cruz N., Sousa J., C. Correia, S. Popovichev and
JET EFDA contributors - Upgrade of the Magnetic Proton Recoil (MPRu) spectrometer
for 1.5-18 MeV neutrons for JET and the next step - Conference on Fast Neutron
Detection and Applications (Capetown, April 2006), Proc. of Science FNDA2006(039)
Verhoeven A.G., Elzendoorn B.S.Q., Bongers W.A., Bruschi A., Cirant S., Danilov I.,
Fernandez A., Gantenbein G., Graswinckel M.F., Heidinger R., Kasparek W., Kleefeldt K.,
Krujit O.G., Lamers B., Piosczyk B., Plaum B., Ronden D.M.S., Saibene G. and Zohm H. Millimiter-wave design of the ITER ECRH launcher - International Workshop on: Strong
Microwaves in Plasmas, Nyzhny Novgorod, Russia, 25 July - 1 August 2006, Russian
Academy of Sciences, Institute of Applied Physics, Vol. 2, 499 (2006)
Tartari U., Grosso G., Granucci G., Nubyako L.V., Shalashov A.G., E. Suvorov V., Orsitto
F.P., Simonetto A., Nowak S., Volpe F., Muzzini V., Garavaglia S., Grossetti G. - Evidence
of Gyrotron Perturbation in Collective Thomson Scattering below Gyroresonance in
FTU - International Workshop on: Strong Microwaves in Plasmas, Nyzhny Novgorod,
Russia, 25 July - 1 August 2006, Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Applied
Physics, Vol. 2, 518 (2006)
Lazzaro E., Berrino J., Cirant S., Gandini F., Granucci G. - Real-Time ECE identification
and ECRH/ECCD control of magnetic islands in a tokamak - International Workshop on:
Strong Microwaves in Plasmas, Nyzhny Novgorod, Russia, 25 July - 1 August 2006,
Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Applied Physics, Vol. 2, 524 (2006)
Cirant S., Bin W., Bruschi A., Gandini F., Granucci G., Mellera V., Spinicchia N., Sozzi C. A family of calorimetric loads for high power millimetric wavelength beams International Workshop on: Strong Microwaves in Plasmas, Nyzhny Novgorod, Russia, 25
July - 1 August 2006, Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Applied Physics, Vol. 2,
586 (2006)
Cardinali A., Esposito B., Rimini F., Brambilla M., Crisanti F., de Baar M., de la Luna E., de
Vries P., Garbet X., Giroud C., Joffrin E., Mantica P., Mantsinen M., Salmi A., Sozzi C., Van
Eester D. and JET EFDA Contributors - Modeling and analysis of the ICRH heating
experiments in JET ITB regimes - Proc. 33rd EPS Conference on Plasma Phys. and
Contr. Fusion, Rome, Italy, 19-23 June 2006, ECA Vol. 30I, P1.065
Yavorskij V., Goloborod'ko V., Gorini G., Kiptily V., Parail V., Schoepf K. and JET-EFDA
contributors - TF Ripple Induced Loss of NBI Ions in JET - Proc. 33rd EPS Conference
on Plasma Phys. and Contr. Fusion, Rome, Italy, 19-23 June 2006, ECA, Vol. 30I, P1.066.
Andersson Sundén E., Conroy S., Ericsson G., Gatu Johnson M., Giacomelli L., Hellesen
C., Hjalmarsson A., Källne J., Ronchi E., Sjöstrand H., Weiszflog M., Gorini G., Tardocchi
M., Murari A., Popovichev S., Sousa J., Pereira R.C., Combo A., Cruz N. and JET EFDA
contributors – Neutron emission spectroscopy diagnosis of JET D and DT plasmas
with the new MPRu instrument - Proc. 33rd EPS Conference on Plasma Phys. and Contr.
Fusion, Rome, Italy, 19-23 June 2006, ECA Vol.30I, P1.071
Rasmussen J.J., Naulin V., Lönnroth J.S., Mantica P., Parail V. and JET-EFDA Contributors
- Turbulence spreading transport simulations of JET plasmas - Proc. 33rd EPS
Conference on Plasma Phys. and Contr. Fusion, Rome, Italy, 19-23 June 2006, ECA Vol.
30I, P1.076
De Vries P.C., Rantamäki K.M., Asp E., Corrigan G., Eriksson A., Giroud C., Knoops
H.C.M., Mantica P., Nordman H., Strand P., Tala T., Weiland J. and JET EFDA Contributors
- Plasma Rotation and Momentum Transport studies at JET - Proc. 33rd EPS
Conference on Plasma Phys. and Contr. Fusion, Rome, Italy, 19-23 June 2006, ECA Vol.
30I, P1.083
Andersson Sundén E., Conroy S., Ericsson G., Gatu Johnson M., Giacomelli L., Hellesen
C., Hjalmarsson A., Källne J., Ronchi E., Sjöstrand H., Weiszflog M., Gorini G., Tardocchi
M., Murari A., Popovichev S., Sousa J., Pereira R.C., Combo A., Cruz N. and JET EFDA
contributors - First results from the new TOFOR neutron spectrometer at JET - Proc.
33rd EPS Conference on Plasma Phys. and Contr. Fusion, Rome, Italy, 19-23 June 2006,
ECA Vol.30I, P1.087
Angioni C., Weisen H., Maslov M., Zabolotsky A., Fuchs C., Garzotti L., Giroud C., Kardaun
O.J.W.F., Kurzan B., Mantica P., Peeters A.G., Stober J., ASDEX Upgrade Team and JET
EFDA contributors - Scaling of density peaking in ELMy H-mode plasmas based on a
combined database of AUG and JET observations – Proc. 33rd EPS Conference on
Plasma Phys. and Contr. Fusion, Rome, Italy, 19-23 June 2006, ECA Vol. 30I, P1.090
Mantica P., Casati A., Kirneva N.A., Imbeaux F., Marinoni A., Tala T., Van Eester D. and
JET EFDA contributors - Heat wave propagation in JET ITB plasmas - Proc. 33rd EPS
Conference on Plasma Phys. and Contr. Fusion, Rome, Italy, 19-23 June 2006, ECA Vol.
30I, P1.091
Gorini G., Andersson Sundén E., L. Ballabio, Conroy S., Ericsson G., Gatu Johnson M.,
Giacomelli L., Hellesen C., Hjalmarsson A., Källne J., Murari A., Sjöstrand H., Ronchi E.,
Tardocchi M., Weiszflog M. and JET EFDA contributors - High-energy fuel ion
diagnostics on ITER derived from neutron emission spectroscopy measurements on
JET DT plasmas - Proc. 33rd EPS Conference on Plasma Phys. and Contr. Fusion, Rome,
Italy, 19-23 June 2006, ECA Vol.30I, P1.109
Airoldi A., Bombarda F., Cenacchi G., Coppi B. and Farina D. - The groundwork for the
Ignitor experiment - Proc. 33rd EPS Conference on Plasma Phys. and Contr. Fusion,
Rome, Italy, 19-23 June 2006, ECA Vol. 30I, P1.196
Varischetti M.C., Coppi B., Lazzaro E., Lontano M. - Slab ITG modes in the presence of a
sheared ion velocity - Proc. 33rd EPS Conference on Plasma Phys. and Contr. Fusion,
Rome, Italy, 19-23 June 2006, ECA Vol. 30I, P5.079
Coppi B., D’Ippolito D.A., Krasheninnikov S.I., Lontano M., Myra J.R., Nataf P. and Russel
D.A. - Incentives for and developments of the accretion theory of spontaneous
rotation - Proc. 33rd EPS Conference on Plasma Phys. and Contr. Fusion, Rome, Italy, 1923 June 2006, ECA Vol. 30I, O4.07
Ratynskaia S., De Angeli M., De Angelis U., Marmolino C., Capobianco G., Lontano M.,
Lazzaro E. and Morfill G. - Effect of dust on plasma fluctuation spectra - Proc. 33rd EPS
Conference on Plasma Phys. and Contr. Fusion, Rome, Italy, 19-23 June 2006, ECA Vol.
30I, P4.041
Saibene G., Heidinger R., Henderson M., Verhoeven A.G.A., Zohm H., Ramponi G.,
Bruschi A., Campbell D., Chavan R., Cirant S., Danilov I., Elzendoorn B., Farina D.,
Kasparek W., Kleefeld K., Poli E., Ronden D., Sauter O., Serikov A. and Spaeh P. - Design
of the ITER electron cyclotron wave launcher for NTM control - Proc. 21st IAEA Fusion
Energy Conference, Chengdu (China), 16 - 21 October 2006
Henderson M.A., Chavan R., Bertizzolo R., Bruschi A., Campbell D., Ciattaglia E., Cirant S.,
Danilov I., Dolizy F., Farina D., Heidinger R., Kleefeldt K., Landis J.-D., Moro A., Poli E.,
Ramponi G., Saibene G., Sauter O., Serikov A., Shidara H., Spaeh P., Udintsev V., Zohm
H., Zucca C. - The ITER ECH FS upper launcher mm-wave design based on a synergy
study with the equatorial launcher - Proc. 21st IAEA Fusion Energy Conference,
Chengdu (China), 16 - 21 October 2006
Sauter O., Henderson M.A., Ramponi G., Zohm H., C. Zucca - Partial stabilization and
control of neoclassical tearing modes in burning plasmas - Proc. 21st IAEA Fusion
Energy Conference, Chengdu (China), 16 - 21 October 2006
Myra J.R., Boedo J., Coppi B., D’Ippolito D.A., Krasheninnikov S.I., LeBlanc B.P., Lontano
M., Maqueda R., Russel D.A., Stotler D.P., Varischetti M.C., Zweben S.J. and the NSTX
Team - Blob transport models, experiments, and the accretion theory of spontaneous
rotation - Proc. 21st IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Chengdu (China), 16-21 October
Giroud C., Angioni C., Bonheure G., Coffey I., Dubuit N., Garbet X., Guirlet R., Mantica P.,
Naulin V., Puiatti M.E., Valisa M., Whiteford A.D., Zastrow K-D., Beurskens M.N.A., Brix M.,
de la Luna E., Lawson K., Lauro Taroni L., Meigs A., O'Mullane M., Parisot T., Perez Von
Thun C., Zimmermann O. and the JET-EFDA Contributors - Progress in understanding
of impurity transport at JET - Proc. 21st IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Chengdu
(China), 16-21 October 2006
Weisen H., Angioni C., Maslov M., Zabolotsky A., Beurskens M., Fuchs C., Garzotti L.,
Giroud C., Mantica P., Mazon D., Porte L., Stober J., JET-EFDA contributors, the ASDEX
Upgrade Team and the TCV Team - Peaked density profiles in low collisionality Hmodes in JET - Proc. 21st IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Chengdu (China), 16-21
October 2006
Tala T., Andrew Y., Crombé K., de Vries P.C., Garbet X., N. Hawkes, Nordman H.,
Rantamäki K., Strand P., Thyagaraja A., Weiland J., Asp E., Y. Baranov, C. Challis,
Corrigan G., Eriksson A., Giroud C., Hua M.D., Jenkins I., Knoops H.C.M., Litaudon X.,
Mantica P., Naulin V., Parail V., Zastrow K.D. and JET-EFDA contributors - Overview of
toroidal and poloidal momentum transport studies in JET - Proc. 21st IAEA Fusion
Energy Conference, Chengdu (China), 16-21 October 2006
Coppi B., Airoldi A., Albanese R., Alladio F., Bianchi A., Boert F., Bombarda F., Cardinali A.,
Carmignani B., Cenacchi G., Ciampichetti A., Coletti A., Coletti R., Crescenzi C., Cucchiaro
A., Detragiache P., Farina D., et al. – Highlights of the physics and technology for the
Ignitor experiment - Proc. 21st IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Chengdu (China), 16-21
October 2006
Farina D. - Quasi-optical propagation of a EC Gaussian beam, absorption and current
drive in tokamaks - Proc. Joint Varenna-Lausanne International Workshop on Theory of
Fusion Plasmas, Varenna, Italy, Aug. 28 - Sept. 1, 2006, AIP Conf. Proc. 871, 77 (2006)
Lontano M., Varischetti M.C., E. Lazzaro - Effects of a sheared ion velocity on the linear
stability of ITG modes - Proc. Joint Varenna-Lausanne International Workshop on Theory
of Fusion Plasmas, Varenna, Italy, Aug. 28 - Sept. 1, 2006, AIP Conf. Proc. 871, 374
Gervasini G., De Angeli M., Gittini G. - Design and test of magnetic shields for
quadruple mass spectrometers - Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A, 25, 269
Coelho R., Lazzaro E. - Effect of sheared equilibrium plasma rotation on the classical
tearing mode in a cylindrical geometry - Physics of Plasmas, 14, 012101 (2007)
Terenzi L., Villa F., Mennella A., Bersanelli M., Butler R. C., Cuttaia F., D'Arcangelo O.,
Franceschi E., Galeotta S., Maino D., Malaspina M., Mandolesi N., Morgante G., Sandri M.,
Stringhetti L., Tomasi M., Valenziano L., Burigana C., Finelli F., Galaverna M., Gruppuso A.,
Paci F., Popa L., Procopio P., Zuccarelli J. - The Planck LFI RCA flight model test
campaign - New Astronomy Reviews, 51, Issues 3-4, 305-309 (2007)
Tartari U., Grosso G., Granucci G., Gandini F., Garavaglia S., Grossetti G., Simonetto A.,
Mellera V., Muzzini V., Lubyako L., Shalashov A., Orsitto F. P., Ciccone G., Volpe F. Evolution of the millimeter-wave collective Thomson scattering system of the highfield tokamak Frascati Tokamak Upgrade - Review of Scientific Instruments, 78, 043506
Hender T.C., Wesley J., Bialek J., Bondeson A., Boozer A.H., Buttery R.J., Garofalo A.,
Goodman T.P., Granetz R. S., Gribov Y., Gruber O., Gryaznevich M., Giruzzi G., Gunter S.,
Hayashi N., Helander P., Hegna C. C., Howell D. F., Humphreys D. A., Huysmans G.T.A.,
Hyatt A.W., Isayama A., Jardin S.C., Kawano Y., Kellman A., Kessel C., Koslowski H.R., La
Haye R.J., Lazzaro E., Liu Y.Q., Lukash V., Manickam J., Medvedev S., Mertens V., Mirnov
S.V., Nakamura Y., Navratil G., Okabayashi M., Ozeki T., Paccagnella R., Pautasso G.,
Porcelli F., Pustovitov V.D., Riccardo V., Sato M., Sauter O., Schaffer M.J., Shimada M.,
Sonato P., Strait E.J., Sugihara M., Takechi M., Turnbull A. D., Westerhof E., Whyte D.G.,
Yoshino R., Zohm H. and the ITPA MHD, Disruption and Magnetic Control Topical Group MHD stability, operational limits and disruptions - Nucl. Fusion, 47, 1-75 (2007)
Connor J.W., Angioni C., Diamond P.H., Hammett G.W., Hidalgo C, Loarte A. Mantica P. 11th EU-US Transport Task Force workshop on transport in fusion plasmas - Nucl.
Fusion, 47, 361-369 (2007)
Buttery R.J., Loarte A., Lomas P.J., Mantica P., McDonald D.C., Saarelma S., Sartori R.,
Saibene G. and JET-EFDA contributors - Progress towards an integrated solution for
the ITER baseline scenario based on high current and highly shaped plasma
operation at JET - Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion, 49, A59-A72 (2007)
Angioni C., Carraro L., Dannert T., Dubuit N., Dux E., Fuchs C., Garbet X., Garzotti L.,
Giroud C., Guirlet R., Jenko F., Kardaun O.J.W.F., Lauro Taroni L., Mantica P., Maslov M.,
Naulin V., Neu R., Peeters A.G., Pereverzev G., Puiatti M.E., Pütterich T., Stober J., Valovic
M., Valisa M., Weisen H., Zabolotsky A., ASDEX Upgrade Team and JET EFDA
Contributors - Particle and impurity transport in the axial symmetric divertor
experiment upgrade and the Joint European Torus, experimental observations and
theoretical understanding - Phys. Plasmas, 14, 055905 (2007)
Gervasini G., De Angeli M., Amedeo P., Schiavone R. - A steady state cusp device for
plasma studies and technological applications - Transactions of Fusion Science and
Technology, 51, 334-336 (2007)
Subba F., Airoldi A., Bombarda F., Cenacchi G., Maddaluno G., Zanino R. - Development
of a computational tool for limiter edge plasma modeling with application to IGNITOR
- J. Nuclear Materials, 363-365, 693-697 (2007)
Farina D. – A quasi-optical beam-tracing code for electron cyclotron absorption and
current drive: GRAY - Fusion Science & Technology, 52, 154-160 (2007)
Ramponi G., Farina D., Henderson M. A., Poli E., Saibene G., Zohm H. - ITER ECRHECCD system capabilities for extended physics applications - Fusion Science &
Technology, 52, 193-201 (2007)
De Angeli M., Gervasini G., Gittini G. - Design and test of magnetic shields for
turbomolecular pumps - Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A, 25 1475 (2007)
Ratynskaia S., De Angeli M., de Angelis U., Marmolino C., Capobianco G., Lontano M.,
Lazzaro E., Morfill G., Gervasini G. - Observation on the effects of dust particles on
plasma fluctuation spectra - Physical Review Letters, 99, 075002 (2007)
Casati A., Mantica P., Imbeaux F., Van Eester D., Hawkesv, Joffrin E., Marinoni A., Salmi
A., Tala T., de Vries P. and the JET EFDA contributors - Critical temperature gradient
signatures in heat wave propagation across internal transport barriers in JET Physics of Plasmas, 14 092303 (2007)
Angioni C., Weisen H., Kardaun O. J. W. F., Maslov M., Zabolotsky A., Fuchs C., Garzotti
L., Giroud C., Kurzan B., Mantica P., Peeters A. G., Stober J. and the ASDEX Upgrade
Team and contributors to the EFDA-JET Workprogramme - Scaling of density peaking in
H-mode plasmas based on a combined database of AUG and JET observations - Nucl.
Fusion, 47 1326-1335 (2007)
Tala T., Andrew Y., Crombé K., de Vries P.C., Garbet X., Hawkes N., Nordman H.,
Rantamäki K., Strand P., Thyagaraja A., Weiland J., Asp E., Baranov Y., Challis C.,
Corrigan G., Eriksson A., Giroud C., Hua M.D., Jenkins I., Knoops H.C.M., Litaudon X.,
Mantica P., Naulin V., Parail V., Zastrow K.D. and JET-EFDA contributors - Toroidal and
poloidal momentum transport studies in JET - Nucl. Fusion, 47 1012-1023 (2007)
Pericoli Ridolfini V., Alekseyev A., Angelini B., Annibaldi S.V., Apicella M.L., Apruzzese G.,
Barbato E., Berrino J., Bertocchi A., Bin W., Bombarda F., Bracco G., Bruschi A., Buratti P.,
…., Cirant S., Cocilovo V., Crisanti F., D'Antona G., …, Gandini F., Giovannozzi E.,
Granucci G., Gravanti F., Grossetti G., Grosso G., Iannone F., Kroegler H., Lazarev V.,
Lazzaro E., …., Mellera V., Mirizzi F., Monari G., Moro A., Muzzini V., Nowak S., ...,
Simonetto A., Smeulders P., Sozzi C., Sternini E., Tartari U., et al. - Overview of the FTU
results - Nucl. Fusion, 47, S608-S621, (2007)
Hender T.C., Wesley J.C, Bialek J., …, Lazzaro E., Liu Y.Q., Lukash V., …., and the ITPA
MHD, Disruption and Magnetic Control Topical Group - Chapter 3: MHD stability,
operational limits and disruptions - Nucl. Fusion, 47, S128-S202, (2007)
Eriksson A., Nordman H., Strand P., Weiland J., Tala T., Asp E., Corrigan G., Giroud C., de
Greef M., Jenkins I, Knoops H.C.M., Mantica P., Rantamäki K.M., de Vries P.C., Zastrow KD and JET EFDA Contributors - Predictive simulations of toroidal momentum transport
at JET - Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion, 49 No 11 1931-1943 (2007)
Moro A., Bruschi A. - General astigmatic beam propagation in complex quasi-optical
launchers: appllication to the ITER ECRH Remote Steering Upper Launcher - Fusion
Science & Technology, 52, 256-265 (2007)
Simonetto A., Sozzi C., Cirant S., Garavaglia S., Bruschi A., JET-EFDA contributors Quasi-optical interface system for JET's new microwave access - Fusion Engineering
and Design, 82, 27-33 (2007)
Henderson M. A., Alberti S., Benin P., Bonicelli T., Chavan R., Campbell D., Cirant S., et al.
– EU developments of the ITER ECRH system - Fusion Engineering and Design, 82, 454462, (2007)
Bonicelli T., Alberti S., Cirant S., Dormicchi O., Fasel D., Hogge J. P., Illy S., Jin J., et al. –
EC power sources: European technological developments towards ITER - Fusion
Engineering and Design, 82, 619-626, (2007)
Verhoeven A. G. A., Bongers W.A., Bruschi A., Cirant S., Danilov I., Elzendoorn B.S.Q.,
Fernández Á., Graswinckel M.F., Heidinger R., Henderson M. et al. - Design of the
remote-steering ITER ECRH upper-port launcher - Fusion Engineering and Design, 82,
627-632, (2007)
Bin W., Bruschi A., Cirant S., Erckmann V., Gandini F., Granucci G., Hollmann F., Laqua H.
P., et al. - Advances in high power calorimetric matched loads for short pulses and
CW gyrotrons - Fusion Engineering and Design, 82, 775-784 (2007)
Manini A., Berrino J., Cirant S., D’Antona G., Gandini F., Grünwald G., Leuterer F., et al. –
Development of a feedback system to control MHD instabilities in ASDEX Upgrade Fusion Engineering and Design, 82, 995-1001, (2007)
Garavaglia S., Simonetto A., Sozzi C. and EFDA-JET contributors - Mechanical realization
of a multichannel Martin Puplett interferometer for perpendicular and oblique ECE
measurements on JET - Fusion Engineering and Design, 82, 1224-1230 (2007)
Leigheb M., Romanelli M., Gabellieri L., Carraro L., Mattioli M., Mazzotta C., Puiatti M.E.,
Lauro-Taroni L., Marinucci M., Nowak S., Panaccione L., Pericoli V., Smeulders P., Tudisco
O., Sozzi C., Valisa M. - Molybdenum transport in high density FTU plasmas with
strong radio frequency electron heating - Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion, 49 1897-1912,
Tala T., Crombè K., de Vries P.C., Ferreira J., Mantica P., Peeters A.G., Andrew Y., Budny
R., Corrigan G., Eriksson A., Garbet X., Giroud C., Hua M-D., Nordman H., Naulin V., Nave
M. F. F., Parail V., Rantamäki K., Scott B. D., Strand P., Tardini G., Thyagaraja A., Weiland
J., Zastrow K-D. and JET-EFDA Contributors - Toroidal and poloidal momentum
transport studies in tokamaks - Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion, 49 No 12B, B291-B302
Caporali S., Ghezzi F., Giorgetti A., Lavacchi A., Tolstogouzov A., Bardi U. - Interaction
between an imidazolium based ionic liquid and the AZ91D magnesium alloy –
Advanced Eng. Materials, 9 185-190, (2007)
Ghezzi F., Magni S., Milani M., Tatti F. - Carbon fiber composite targets for nuclear
fusion technology: a focused in beam/scanning electron microscope investigation Scanning, 29 254-260, (2007)
Gandini F., Bruschi A., Cirant S., Gittini G., Granucci G., Muzzini V., Sozzi C., Spinicchia N.
- Short-pulse calorimetric load for high power millimeter-wave beams – Int. J. Infrared
Mill. Waves, 28-2, 121-128, (2007)
Kasparek W., Petelin M., Erckmann V., Shchegolkov D., Bruschi A., Cirant S., Litvak A.,
Thumm M., Plaum B., Grünert M., Malthaner M. - Fast switching and power combination
of high-power electron cyclotron wave beams: principles, numerical results, and
experiments - Fusion Science & Technology, 52-2, 281-290, (2007)
Laguardia L., Ricci D., Vassallo E., Cremona A., Mesto E., Ghezzi F., Dell'Era F. Deposition of super-hydrophobic and oleophobic fluorocarbon films in radio
frequency glow discharges - III Int. TOP Conf. “The Times of Polymers and Composites,
Macromol. Sym., 247, 295-302 (2007)
Vassallo E., Laguardia L., Catellani M., Cremona A., Dell'Era F., Ghezzi F. Characterization of poly(3-methylthiophene)-like films produced by plasma
polymerization - Tenth International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering
(PSE2006), Plasma Processes Polym., 4, S1, 801-805 (2007)
Kobayashi N., Bigelow T., Bonicelli T., Cirant S., Denisov G., Heidinger R., Henderson M.,
Hogge J.-P., Piosczyk B., Ramponi G., Rao S. L., Rasmussen D., Saibene G., Sakamoto
K., Takahashi K., Temkin R. J., Thumm M., Tran M. Q., Verhoeven A. G. A., and Zohm H. Design of electron cyclotron heating and current drive system of ITER - Proc 17th
Topical Conference on Radio Frequency Power in Plasmas, AIP Conference Proc. 933,
413-416 (2007)
Platania P. and Sozzi C. - Numerical calculations of beam patterns for the ITER ECRH
Upper Launcher - Proc. 4th IAEA Technical Meeting on "ECRH Physics and Technology
for ITER", 6-8 June 2007, Vienna
Ramponi G., Farina D., Henderson M. A., Poli E., Saibene G., Sauter O., Zohm H., Zucca
C. - Physics analysis to optimize the performance of the ITER ECW system - Proc. 4th
IAEA Technical Meeting on "ECRH Physics and Technology for ITER", 6-8 June 2007,
Moro A., Bongers W.A., Bruschi A., Graswinckel M.F., Poli E., Ronden D.M.S. and
Verhoeven A.G.A. - Beam characteristics including general astigmatism effects in the
Remote Steering ITER ECRH Upper Launcher - Proc. 4th IAEA Technical Meeting on
"ECRH Physics and Technology for ITER", 6-8 June 2007, Vienna
Bongers W.A., Graswinckel M.F., de Baar M.R., van der Berg M.A., Bruschi A., Danilov I.,
Denisov G., Donne' A.J.H., Elzendoorn B.S.Q., Goede A.P.H., Heidinger R., Kuzikov S.,
Kruijt O.G., Kruizinga B., Lopes Cardozo N., Moro A., Poli E., Ronden D.M.S., Saibene G.,
Thoen D.J. and Verhoeven A.G.A. - Recent Developments of the Upper Port ECH&CD
Launcher Systems for ITER Based on the Remote Steering Concept - Proc. 4th IAEA
Technical Meeting on "ECRH Physics and Technology for ITER", 6-8 June 2007, Vienna
Henderson M.A., Chavan R., Bertizzolo R., Bruschi A., Ciattaglia E., Cirant S., Collazos A.,
Danilov I., Dolizy F., Duron J., Farina D., Heidinger R., Landis J.D., Moro A., Platania P.,
Poli E., Ramponi G., Saibene G., Sanchez F., Sauter O., Serikov A., Shidara H., Spaeh P.,
Udintsev V.S. and Zohm H. - Design Status of the ITER Upper Port Launcher - Proc. 4th
IAEA Technical Meeting on "ECRH Physics and Technology for ITER", 6-8 June 2007,
Kasparek W., Petelin M., Shchegolkov D., Erckmann V., Plaum B., Bruschi A. and ECRH
groups at IPP Greiswald, FZK Karlsruhe and IPF Stuttgart - FADIS a Fast Switch and
Combiner for High-power Millimetre Wave Beams - Proc. 4th IAEA Technical Meeting on
"ECRH Physics and Technology for ITER", 6-8 June 2007, Vienna
Poli W., Bongers W.A., Bruschi A., Farina D., Graswinckel M.F., Henderson M.A., Moro A.,
Ramponi G., Saibene G., Verhoeven A.G.A. and Zohm H. - Performance Evaluation of
the Remote- Steering Option for the ITER EC Upper Launcher - Proc. 4th IAEA
Technical Meeting on "ECRH Physics and Technology for ITER", 6-8 June 2007, Vienna
Piosczyk B., Albajar F., Alberti S., Benin P., Bin W., Bonicelli T., Cirant S., Dammertz G.,
Dumbrajs O., Fasel D., Flamm J., Gantenbein G., Giguet E., Goodman T., Hogge J.P., Illy
S., Jin J., Lievin C., Prinz O., Rzesnicki T., Schmid M., Thumm M. and Tran M.Q. - Status
of the 2 MW 110 GHz Coaxial Cavity Gyrotron for ITER - Proc. 4th IAEA Technical
Meeting on "ECRH Physics and Technology for ITER", 6-8 June 2007, Vienna
Henderson M. A., Saibene G., Bonicelli T., Chavan R., Farina D., Fasel D., Heidinger R.,
Poli E., Ramponi G., Sauter O. and Zohm H. - Interface Issues Associated with the ITER
ECH System - Proc. 4th IAEA Technical Meeting on "ECRH Physics and Technology for
ITER", 6-8 June 2007, Vienna
Nowak S., Marchetto C. and Lazzaro E. - Controlled dynamics of neoclassical tearing
modes in a sheared flow - Proc. of 34th EPS Conference on Plasma Phys., 2-6 July 2007,
Warsaw, ECA Vol. 31F, P4.077
Sozzi C., Grossetti G., Garavaglia S., Nowak S., De La Luna E., Farina D., Fessey J., Figini
L., Platania P., Simonetto A., Zerbini M. and JET-EFDA contributors - First measurements
of the oblique ECE system at JET - Proc. of 34th EPS Conference on Plasma Phys., 2-6
July 2007, Warsaw, ECA Vol. 31F, P-5.079
Del Castillo-Negrete D., Mantica P., Naulin V., Rassmussen J.J. and JET EFDA
Contributors - Non-locality and perturbative transport - Proc. of 34th EPS Conference on
Plasma Phys., 2-6 July 2007, Warsaw, ECA Vol. 31F, O-4.003
Carraro L., Puiatti M.E., Valisa, Angioni M.C., Buratti P., Buttery R., Coffey I., Van Eester
D., Giroud C., Lauro Taroni L., Lawson K., Lerche E., Mantica P., Mattioli M., Naulin V. and
JET-EFDA contributors - Impurity profile control in JET plasmas with radio-frequency
power injection - Proc. of 34th EPS Conference on Plasma Phys., 2-6 July 2007, Warsaw,
ECA Vol. 31F, O-4.028
Giroud C., Coffey I.H., McDonald D.C., Angioni C., Biewer T., Bonheure G., Challis C. D.,
Guirlet R., Hobirk J., Mantica P., Meigs A., Naulin V., O'Mullane M.G., Puiatti M.E., Valisa
M., Whiteford A. D., Zastrow K-D. and the JET-EFDA Contributors - Study of Zdependence of impurity transport at JET - Proc. of 34th EPS Conference on Plasma
Phys., 2-6 July 2007, Warsaw, ECA Vol. 31F, P-2.049
Varischetti M.C., Lontano M., Lazzaro E. and Gupta A. - ITG-driven momentum transport
in a plasma slab with a sheared longitudinal flow - Proc. of 34th EPS Conference on
Plasma Phys., 2-6 July 2007, Warsaw, ECA Vol. 31F, P4.048
Lontano M., Passoni M. and Tacconi P. - Ion acceleration by a strong laser-driven
quasi-static electric field - Proc. of 34th EPS Conference on Plasma Phys., 2-6 July 2007,
Warsaw, ECA Vol. 31F, P5-013
Mazzitelli G., Apicella M.L., Pericoli Ridolfini V., Alekseyev A., Apruzzese G., Bin W., Buratti
P., Cesario R., Cipiccia S., Calabrò G., De Angelis R., Gabellieri L., Gandini F., Giovannozzi
E., Gomes R., Granucci G., Esposito B., Kroegler H., Lyublinski I., Marinucci M., Mazzotta
C., Romano A., Tudisco O., Vertkov A., FTU Team, ECRH Team - Experiments on FTU
with a liquid lithium limiter Proc. of 34th EPS Conference on Plasma Phys., 2 - 6 July
2007, Warsaw, ECA Vol. 31F, O-2.001
Coppi B., Airoldi A., Bombarda F., Cenacchi G., Detragiache P., Farina D. - Relevant
Advances of the Ignitor Program - Proc. of 34th EPS Conference on Plasma Phys., 2 - 6
July 2007, Warsaw, ECA Vol. 31F, P-1.156
Castaldo C., Ratynskaia S., Pericoli V., Rypdal K., de Angelis U., Morfill G.E., Pieroni L.,
Capobianco G., De Angeli M., Gabellieri L., Giovannozzi E., Maddaluno G., Marmolino C.,
Orsitto F., Romano A., Rufoloni A., Tuccillo A.A. - Fast dust particles in tokamak
plasmas: detection and effects - Proc. of 34th EPS Conference on Plasma Phys., 2 - 6
July 2007, Warsaw, ECA Vol. 31F, P-2.033
Giacomelli L., Hjalmarsson A., Hellesen C., Gatu Johnson M., Källne J., Weiszflog M.,
Sharapov S., Andersson Sundén E., Conroy S., Ericsson G., Ronchi E., Sjöstrand H., Gorini
G., Tardocchi M., Popovichev S., Johnson T. and JET EFDA contributors, - Neutron
emission spectroscopy diagnosis of fast ions in RF D(3He) heated plasmas at JET Proc. 34-th EPS Conf. on Plasma Phys., Warsaw, Poland, 2-6 July 2007, ECA Vol. 31F, P2.134
Hellesen C., Giacomelli L., Gatu Johnson M., Hjalmarsson A., Källne J., Weiszflog M.,
Andersson Sundén E., Conroy S., Ericsson G., Ronchi E., Sjöstrand H., Albergante M.,
Gorini G., Tardocchi M., Jenkins I., and JET EFDA contributors, Popovichev S., Measurement and analysis of TOFOR neutron spectra from RF and NB heated JET D
plasmas - Proc. 34-th EPS Conf. on Plasma Phys., Warsaw, Poland, 2-6 July 2007, ECA
Vol. 31F, P-2.138
Mailloux J., de Vries P., Pericoli-Ridolfini V., Alper B., Andrew Y., Baranov Yu., Beurskens
M., Beaumont P., Buratti P., Brix M., Calabrò G., Castaldo R., Cesario R., Challis C.D.,
Cocilovo V., Crombé K., Giroud C., Gryaznevich M., Hender T., Howell D., Jacquet Ph.,
Johnson T., Lomas P., Mayoral M.-L., McDonald D. C., Monakhov I., Nielsen S., Orsitto F.,
Sharapov S., Sozzi C., Voitsekovitch I., Zastrow K.-D., Zimmerman O., Zoita V. and JETEFDA contributors - Development of ITB plasmas at high βN and high δ in JET - Proc. of
34th EPS Conference on Plasma Phys., 2 - 6 July 2007, Warsaw, ECA Vol. 31F, P-4.151
de la Luna E., Barrera L., Figini L., Alfier A., Andrew Y., Beurskens M., Farina D.,
Giovanozzi E., Kempenaars M., Loarte A., Lomas P., Mckeena C., Pasqualotto R., Saibene
G., Sartori R., Solano E.R. and JET-EFDA contributors - Measurements of inboardoutboard asymmetry of pedestal temperature collapse during Type I ELMs in JET Proc. of 34th EPS Conference on Plasma Phys., 2 - 6 July 2007, Warsaw, ECA Vol. 31F, P5.085
Esposito B., Granucci G., Nowak S., Smeulders P., Loarte A., Martin-Solis J.R., Calabrò G.,
Gabellieri L., Marinucci M., Mazzotta C., Tudisco O. - Disruption avoidance by ECRH
power on FTU - Proc. of 34th EPS Conference on Plasma Phys., 2 - 6 July 2007, Warsaw,
ECA Vol. 31F, P-5.146
Garavaglia S., Simonetto A., Sozzi C. and EFDA-JET contributors - Electromagnetic
characterization of the new Martin-Puplett interferometer at JET - Proc. of 2007 Joint
32th Int. Conf. on Infrared and Millimeter Waves and 15th Int. Conf. on Terahertz
Electronics, Cardiff, UK, 3-7 September 2007, IEEE Catalog 07EX1863, ISBN 1-4244-14385, Vol. 1, pg. 383-384
D'Arcangelo O., Bersanelli M., Figini L., Garavaglia S., Mari G., Pecora M., Simonetto A.,
Villa F. - Characterization and performance of the Planck-LFI Flight Model Passive
components - Proc. of 2007 Joint 32th Int. Conf. on Infrared and Millimeter Waves and
15th Int. Conf. on Terahertz Electronics, Cardiff, UK, 3-7 September 2007, IEEE Catalog
07EX1863, ISBN 1-4244-1438-5, Vol.1, pg. 448-449
Simonetto A., Bruschi A., D'Arcangelo O., Moro A. - Electromagnetic design of a high
power resonant diplexer-combiner based on rectangular corrugated waveguide Proc. of 2007 Joint 32-th Int. Conf. on Infr. & Mill. Waves and 15-th Int. Conf. on Terahertz
Electronics, Cardiff, UK, 3-7 Sept. 2007, IEEE Catalog 07EX1863, ISBN 1-4244-1438-5,
Vol. 1, 73-74
Kasparek W., Petelin M., Shchegolkov D., Erckmann V., Plaum B., Bruschi A., ECRH
groups at IPP Greifswald, FZK Karlsruhe and IPF Stuttgart - FaDiS, a Fast Switch and
Combiner for High-power Millimetre Wave Beams - Proc. of 2007 Joint 32th Int. Conf. on
Infrared and Millimeter Waves and 15th Int. Conf. on Terahertz Electronics, Cardiff, UK, 3-7
September 2007, IEEE Catalog 07EX1863, ISBN 1-4244-1438-5, Vol. 1, 389-390