
300 Ansley Grove Road, Woodbridge, ON, L4L 3W4
T: 905 856-2205
F: 905 850-5589
[email protected]
Holy Year of Mercy: September 11, 2016
Transfer of Fr. Domenico Rettura
Farewell Celebrations for Fr. Domenico
Fr. Domenico Rettura, Associate Pastor of
Immaculate Conception Parish will be leaving our
Parish on September 19, 2016 after 12 years of
pastoral ministry in our community. He has been
appointed Secretary General of the Congregation
of the Sons of the Immaculate Conception and
will be working at the General House in Rome.
While we thank him for his great service, let us
wish him the best and keep him in our prayers.
A farewell dinner for Fr. Domenico will be held
on Saturday, September 17, 2016 at 6:30pm in
our Parish Hall. Tickets are available in the
lobby of the Church after the Masses this
weekend or by contacting the Parish office or
Joanne Fiorucci at 647-987-2608. Any proceeds
will be donated to a mission of Fr. Domenico’s
choice. Please join us for an evening thanking Fr.
Domenico for his many years of dedicated service
to our Parish community!
Fr. Domenico will greet the Parish
community on Sunday, September 18, 2016.
Celebrazioni in onore di P. Domenico
P. Domenico Rettura, vice-parroco dell’
Immacolata Concezione lascerà la nostra
parrocchia il 19 settembre dopo 12 anni di
ministero pastorale nella nostra comunità. A lui è
stato affidato l’incarico di Segretario Generale
della Congregazione dei Figli dell’Immacolata
Concezione nella Curia Generalizia a Roma.
Mentre lo ringraziamo per il gradito servizio nella
nostra parrocchia, facciamogli i nostri migliori
auguri e ricordiamolo nelle nostre preghiere!
Ringrazieremo P. Domenico per il suo servizio alla
nostra parrocchia con una cena sabato 17
settembre, 2016 alle ore 6:30pm nella nostra
sala parrocchiale. I biglietti sono in vendita
nell’atrio della chiesa dopo le Messa di questo fine
settimana, o nell’ufficio parrocchiale o telefonando
a Giovanna Fiorucci al 647-987-2608. Il ricavato
della serata sarà donato ad una missione scelta da
P. Domenico per i tanti anni di servizio alla nostra
comunità parrocchiale!
P. Domenico saluterà la nostra comunità
domenica 18 settembre, 2016.
Feast of Blessed Luigi Monti
Our Parish will celebrate the Feast of Blessed
Luigi Monti, the Founder of the Congregation
of the Sons of the Immaculate Conception on
Thursday, 22 September 2016 at 7:00pm.
Let us welcome the following children
to our community through the
Sacrament of Baptism:
Christian Battaglia
Gianni Andres Fornos Garcia
Nicolas Pablo Fornos Garcia
Nicola Noce
Olivia Pelliccione
Upcoming Marriages
Festa del beato Luigi Maria Monti
Celebreremo la festa del beato Luigi Monti,
fondatore della Congregazione dei Figli
dell’Immacolata Concezione, giovedì
settembre 2016 alle ore 7:00pm.
Disaster Relief for the Italy Earthquake
We continue to offer our prayers for those
affected by the devastating earthquake which
struck Central Italy on August 24th 2016. We are
accepting donations in the Parish office to help
the victims. You can also donate online at or calling the Development
Office at 416-934-3411.
Donazioni per le vittime
del terremoto in Italia
Continuiamo a pregare per le vittime del
devastante terremoto che ha colpito l’Italia
Centrale il 24 agosto scorso. Apriamo anche il
nostro cuore alla carità in soccorso delle stesse
vittime. Le donazioni sono accettate nell’ufficio
sito o telefonando il 416-9343411.
Amanda Testani & Massimo Alfino
Julia Cesarotti & Antonio Manto
Stephanie DiCarlo & Joseph Stagno
South Woodbridge East PAR
Public Delegations
Parents and community members from
Immaculate Conception CES, St. Francis of Assisi
CES, St. Gabriel the Archangel CES and St. John
Bosco CES are invited to give feedback on the
South Woodbridge East Pupil Accommodation
Review through public delegations to the Board of
Trustees. Public delegations are scheduled for:
DATE: September 13, 2016 at 7:00 p.m.
LOCATION: Catholic Education Centre –
320 Bloomington Road West, Aurora.
Visit the board website for more information.
Registration to make a delegation can be
completed in advance online at .
2017 First Holy Communion Dates
Sunday, April 23, 2017 at 12:30pm –
St. Catherine
Sunday, April 30, 2017 at 12:30pm – St. Francis
Sunday, May 7, 2017 at 12:30pm – St. John
Bosco, Public/Other Schools
Sunday, May 28, 2017 at 12:30pm & 3:00pm –
Immaculate Conception
Sunday, June 4, 2017 at 12:30pm – St. Gabriel
2017 First Communion Registration
Registrations will take place between
the months of July to September 2016.
Children who are in grade 2 should
register. A fee of $50.00 will be
applied to cover the expenses of books and other
activities. A copy of the Baptismal certificate
of the candidate is required at the time of
registration. Forms may be obtained in the
Church office or on the Parish website and can be
returned during office hours. Please note: Public
school students have to register as well. All
information for First Communion will be
provided only through the bulletin and Parish
Parent Information Meeting for
First Communion Candidates
There will be a mandatory meeting for parents of
First Communion Candidates who have been
registered. Please attend one of the meetings on
Thursday, October 13, 2016 or Monday,
October 17, 2016 at 8pm in the Parish Hall.
“One Hour with Jesus”
All are invited to “One Hour with Jesus”
Bilingual Eucharistic adoration, which
takes place Wednesday, September 21st
@ 7:30 pm in the church.
2017 Confirmation Dates
Friday, April 21, 2017 at 7:00pm – St. Francis,
St. John Bosco, Public/Other Schools
Friday, April 28, 2017 at 7:00pm –
Immaculate Conception
Friday, May 5, 2017 at 7:00pm – St. Catherine,
St. Gabriel
2017 Confirmation Registration
Registrations will take place between
the months of July to September 2016
and will be confirmed following a
meeting with the pastor. Students
who are in grade 7 should register. A fee of $60.00
will be applied to cover the cost of expenses
(book, gown, crest, retreat, cross etc.). A copy of
the Baptismal certificate of the candidate is
required at the time of registration. Forms
may be obtained in the Church office or on the
Parish website and can be returned during office
hours. Please note: Public school students have
to register as well. All information regarding
Confirmation will be provided only through the
bulletin and Parish office.
The R.C.I.A. Program
Registration for the RCIA program is now open.
The Rite of Christian Initiation for adults is a
program designed for individuals who seek to
enter the Catholic Church because they are not
baptized or belong to non-Catholic churches. It is
also for those who would like to receive the
Sacrament of Confirmation. Any adults desiring
to prepare for the Sacraments of Baptism or
Confirmation can pick up a registration form
from the parish office or the website.
Marriage Preparation Course
Immaculate Conception Parish will be
starting the fall session of the Marriage
Preparation Course for Couples getting
married in our Parish between January–
July 2017 and it is open for all the 2017 marriages.
Commencing with Information Night on
Tuesday September 20th @ 7:30pm in the
Church Hall. If you require further information,
please contact Grace Colaricci at (905) 856-0467.
Celebration of Memory and New Life
A Mass with a Candlelight Service in memory of
our loved ones who have died will be held on:
Wednesday September 28 at 8:00pm in Italian.
Please come register that same night by coming
Santa Messa Speciale Per i Defunti
Mercoledì 28 settembre, alle ore 8:00 pm in
Italiano. Per favore segnalate la vostra presenza
all’entrata della chiesa dove vi sarà dato il lumino
da accendere successivamente. Per favore, venite
prima a mettere in lista i nomi dei vostri cari.
Catechesis of the
Good Shepherd Program
A Montessori approach to the
Religious formation of a child from
ages 3 to 6. Children develop a
personal relationship with Jesus the
Good Shepherd. This program is
Conception Parish in Woodbridge.
Class sessions run weekly from
October to May. Send inquiries to
[email protected] or call the
Parish office.
Vocation to Priestly Ministry
and Consecrated Life
God is the Father with the open arms. Who
will preach this Good News of reconciliation?
Consider service as a priest or deacon, brother
or sister. If you think God is calling you to be
a priest, religious or deacon, contact Fr.
Archdiocese of Toronto 416-968-0997
email : [email protected]
“Because they are witnesses”:
A Retreat for the Jubilee for Catechists
Corpus Christi Church,
16 Lockwood Rd, Toronto
Saturday, September 24, 10AM-12PM
“Modern man listens more willingly to
witnesses than to teachers, and if he
does listen to teachers, it is because
they are witnesses.” (Pope Paul VI)
Did you know that witnesses are
catechists? Consider becoming a more
committed and more mature disciple of
Christ. This retreat is for every Catholic
who lives out the faith in the ordinary life.
Come for a prayerful time of renewal and
growth through guided reflection, spiritual
conversation, and sharing about the
practical life of being witnesses. Save the
date: Sept 24 Saturday, 10-12, at Corpus
Christi Church, Toronto. Register at
parish office today before spaces run out.
To register, please contact Brenda Voisin
(416.934.3400 x523 or
[email protected]) at the Office of
Formation for Discipleship.

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IMMACULATE CONCEPTION PARISH ELEVENTH SUNDAY IN Per riservare una posto sull’autobus, telefonate ad Assunta: 905-851-7207.


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