Un PHRASAL VERB significati esempi tratti dalle unità altri esempi


Un PHRASAL VERB significati esempi tratti dalle unità altri esempi
1 ask for
chiedere, richiedere
1 check out
controllare, verificare
1 come up (with)
venire fuori con un'idea
1 cut up
tagliare, tagliare a
1 deal with
1 drop out (from/of))
abbandonare/ritirarsi da
1 find out
1 get on (one's nerves)
dare sui nervi a qualc.
1 get up
1 go out
1 listen to
alzarsi (dal letto)
1 put in
inserire, mettere in
1 put on
1 save up
risparmiare, mettere da
parte dei soldi
1 speak up
1 wait for
2 break up
2 bring up
parlare a voce alta,
parlare francamente
crescere, allevare
esempi tratti dalle unità
altri esempi utili
We're even asking our parents
for things to sell
check out my music links
on this page
the team is able to come up
with better solutions
young people in London with
limited cash, cut up and
re-made clothes
you learn to deal with
challenge and criticism
they dropped out from society
it's the big mystery of life
finding out who you are
it gets on my mum's nerves
I only get up for Sunday lunch
I love going out and having fun
I'm listening to Green Day
I put the extra money in a
saving account
the next time you put on a miniskirt, think about the rebels
I'm saving up like mad
Don't worry about making a fool
of yourself!speak up and
get involved
I can't wait for next summer
My mum and dad broke up
I was brought up by my mum
come up ha anche altri
significati: avvicianarsi; succedere,
capitare;sorgere; spuntare; menzionare...
get on ha altri significati:
salire; procedere;
indossare; riuscire,
avere successo
put on significa anche: accendere
(la luce);mettere su; aggiungere; imporre
(tasse); fornre; mettere in scena;puntare
scommettere; assumere un'espressione
2 get on (well)
andare d'accordo
2 get out of
2 get over
(riuscire a ) superare
2 get round
2 get through to
comunicare, far
pervenire, contattare
per telefono
2 get together (with)
radunarsi, incontrarsi
2 look after
badare, occuparsi di
2 look forward to
non vedere l'ora di
2 meet up (with)
2 miss out (on)
2 send out
emettere, mandar fuori,
far uscire
2 set up
2 shout at
2 turn up
comparire, farsi vivo
3 come out of
uscire da
we all get on well as a family
Jack got out of the household
chores by saying he had a
project to finish
My sister was upset when she
get over significa anche:
and her boyfirend broke up,
(riuscire a )comunicare, far arrivare;
but she has got over now
finire, togliersi il pensiero
I got round my dad and
persuaded him to let me
go abroad
It's really difficult to get through
to my parents that I'm not a
kid anymore
we often get together with
our friends
all children must look after their
own upbringing.
I've really been loking
forward to it
so you have time to go out
and meet up with your friends
My dad wasn't around much
when I was younger-we've
missed out on things
You missed out on all the fun
I've been sending out
invitations all day
set up significa anche:erigere, costruire;
provvedere, fornire; causare, iniziare,
dare il via; mettere a posto; incastrare,
I've set the whole party up
they've been shouting at me
turn up significa anche: sollevare,
rialzare; scoprire, trovare; alzare (volume);
I've got over 100 people turning
accorciare (di un abito)
up next Sunday
he had just come out of the
3 give up
cedere, smettere,
rinunciare, arrendersi
3 go off
andar via, uscire
3 hang out
3 look over
3 pick up
3 point at
3 skive off
3 strip down
3 take down
3 tip over
4 hang over
4 jump off
4 jump over
4 keep in
4 point out
4 pull up
4 slip off
4 start out
he gave up smoking
he went off to see someone
about something
we were hanging out in the
music room
He asked me to look it
(the new Mercedes) over
Last month the police picked
arrestare, pizzicare,
up a mysterious blond-haired
he pointed at Oslo on a map
Maybe we were skiving off
French because Jane hadn't
done her homework
I've spent an hour seen if it was
worth stripping down
to take them down to
portare giù
the youth centre
a chair that had been
rovesciare, ribaltarsi
tipped over
the rope was hunging over
attaccare sopra
a branch
don't go out and start jumping
saltare giù da
off the building
saltare oltre
we jump over concrete walls
it was only kept in place by
tenere dentro, trattenere a single knot
he also pointed out that tree
climbing was an excellent way
indicare, far notare
too keep fit
Jim advised me to pull myself he pulled John up on the way
up a bit at a time
he behaved
scivolare, sfilare
my foot slipped off a branch
partire, incominciare,
starting out as a tree surgeon…
go off significa anche: andare a male
pick up significa anche:
acquistare, comprare a buon
prezzo; imparare; captare; riprendere,
far continuare;notare
take down significa anche smontare
hang over significa anche incombere
pull up significa anche avvicinara a sé;
strappare, sradicare; fare una ramanzina
4 think about
5 be keen on
5 be off
5 chill out
5 dress up
5 end up
5 fall onto
pensare a
essere appassionato di
essere fuori, essere
in pausa
5 fly out
I'm normally still in bed thinking
about my first coffee
I'm not that keen of on old films
where are you off to?
we'll be able to chill out
we had to dress up in
castaway clothes
we ended up in the advert
scorpions fall onto your head
Please mum, can you fly out
here and do my washing?
dress up significa anche vestirsi
get down significa anche: ingoiare;
demoralizzare;mettersi d'impegno a
fare qualcosa
get into significa anche cominciare,
get off significa anche togliere da; far
venire fuori, uscirne; tirar fuori
5 get down
riuscire a scendere,
far scendere
5 get into
riuscire ad entrare
5 get off
5 get out
5 run out of
5 set out
scendere da un veicolo
uscire, venir fuori;
essere a corto di
partire, muoversi
5 take off
6 be interested in
essere interessato a
6 get on with
andare d'accordo
6 kick around
dare a calci in
6 kick out of
buttar fuori a calci
he didn't keep a ball around
Dizzee was kicked out
fo 3 schools
6 pick out
he picked ten-year-old Theo out
as having potential
I'm running out of internet time
where are you setting out?
taking time off from full
time study...
he wasn't interested in football
he didn't get on with most
take off significa anchce decollare
kick around significa anche tirar fuori
idee, ipotesi; discutere
pick out significa anche mettere in risalto
6 reach out
arrivare; estendersi
6 run into
stare dalla parte di
6 stand up for
6 start off
6 take after
6 take away
6 take back
6 take out
6 take over
6 take up
7 give away
7 give back
7 give in
7 give out
8 blow up
8 fit in
8 go along
dare inizio
assomigliare a
portare via, togliere,
portare fuori
prendere il posto di,
dar via, regalare,
ridare, rendere, restituire
consegnare; arrendersi
distribuire; far sapere,
comunicare, annuciare;
esaurirsi, venir meno
far scoppiare, far saltare
in aria
8 steer back
andare d'accordo
parlare chiaro e tondo,
parlare francamente
dirigersi indietro
(con il timone)
8 turn out
risultare, venir fuori
8 speak out
I always try to reach out
his father ran into financial
which stands up for the needs
of children
he was from the agency that
started off the carreers of
Kate Moss
he taks after his father
he took up the game seriously
He experimented with gun
powder, blowing up his desk
I don't mind fitting in
I often go along with what
my friend are thinking
I don't tend to speak out
for myself
many slaves steered the ships
back to their homelands
I wouldn't have turned
out the way I was
take out significa anche sottoscrivere
take over significa anche prendere
il controllo
take up significa anche sollevare,
tirar su; approfondire; accettare;
riprendere; adottare
fit in significa anche: far entrare, infilare
9 be fed up (with)
essere stufo di
9 draw back
tirare indietro
9 draw on
9 fall in
9 fall on
9 fall out
9 feed up
emettere, mandar fuori,
far uscire
sostenere, esporre,
9 give off
9 hold up
9 look for
9 split up
10 get on in
cavarsela, darsi da fare
10 pile up
10 work out
11 go over
controllare, esaminare
con cura
the salt and pepper hair was
drawn back in a straggly bun
drawing on branches of
behavioural and communication
we don't want to fall on our
which animals give off in order
to attract their mates
you're allowing a mirror to be
held up to you daily
to get on in lf people should
be capable of understanding
and managing emotions
stress will pile up and overtake
your life
how were we to work that out?
work out significa anche: progettare,
elaborare;caloclare; capire, comprendere;
poratre a termine, completare