A verb is reflexive when the person or people doing the action also


A verb is reflexive when the person or people doing the action also
I verbi riflessivi - presente
A verb is reflexive when the person or people doing the action also receives the
action – the subject and the object are the same.
I wash myself.
They enjoy themselves.
The reflexive pronouns mi, ti, si, ci, vi, si are placed directly before the
conjugated forms of the verb.
alzarsi – to get up
mettersi – to put on
vestirsi – to get dressed
mi alzo
mi metto
mi vesto
ti alzi
ti metti
ti vesti
si alza
si mette
si veste
ci alziamo
ci mettiamo
ci vestiamo
vi alzate
vi mettete
vi vestite
si alzano
si mettono
si vestono
When a reflexive verb is followed by a part of the body or an article of clothing,
you only have to use the definite article, not the possessive pronoun. It is implied.
Mi lavo le mani.
I wash my hands.
Maria si mette la giacca di pelle.
Maria puts on her leather jacket.
Mi tolgo le scarpe.
I take off my shoes.
The following reflexive verbs have some irregular forms:
sedersi – to sit down
togliersi – to remove, take off
mi siedo
ci sediamo
mi tolgo
ci togliamo
ti siedi
vi sedete
ti togli
vi togliete
si siede
si siedono
si toglie
si tolgono
© Massaro
addormentarsi – to fall asleep
alzarsi – to get up
annoiarsi – to get bored
arrabbiarsi – to get angry
chiamarsi – to call oneself, to be named
descriversi – to describe oneself
depilarsi – to remove body hair
diplomarsi – to graduate high school
divertirsi – to enjoy oneself, have a good time
farsi la barba – to shave (men)
farsi male – to get hurt
fermarsi – to stop
lavarsi – to wash (oneself)
mettersi – to put on
mettersi (a) – to begn, to start to
pettinarsi – to comb one’s hair
preoccuparsi (di) – to worry (about)
prepararsi per + infinitive – to prepare oneself to , to get ready to
rilassarsi – to relax
sbagliarsi – to make a mistake
sbrigarsi – to hurry up
sedersi – to sit down, be seated
sentirsi – to feel
sposarsi – to get married
svegliarsi – to wake up
togliersi – to take off, to remove
truccarsi – to put on makeup
vestirsi – to get dressed
© Massaro

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A reflexive verb expresses an action performed and received by the

A reflexive verb expresses an action performed and received by the 5. If the reflexive verb is used in the infinitive, the pronoun (mi, ti, si, ci, vi, si), which must agree with the subject, is attached to it. Andiamo in Italia per rilassarci. When a potere, dove...
