Prof. Paolo De Stefani_03.02.2012


Prof. Paolo De Stefani_03.02.2012
3 febbraio 2012
Diritti umani – Unione Europea
(trattazione parziale)
Paolo De Stefani
UE e diritti umani
Progressiva integrazione dei diritti umani nel sistema
giuridico dell’UE
Trattati – da Maastricht (1992) in avanti
Non binding: Declaration of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs on Human Rights of 21
July 1986, the Community Charter on the Fundamental Social Rights of
Workers, on 9 December 1989; The Luxemburg Council of Europe Declaration
on Human Rights on 29 June 1991; the Declaration of Vienna on the 50th
anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, on 10 Dec. 1998
2000: Carta di Nizza
(Costituzione per l’Europa)
Trattato di Lisbona
Giurisprudenza della CGE:
principi comuni alla tradizioni costituzionali degli stati
CEDU e giurisprudenza CtEDU
Trattato di Lisbona
Preambolo e art. 2 (founding values)
art. 3 (peace and human rights among the essential aims)
art. 21 (foundation of the EU’s international action)
art. 6 (Nice Charter and EU’s accession to the ECHR)
see TFEU art. 218, paragraphs 6 and 8)
I diritti fondamentali, garantiti dalla CEDU e risultanti dalle tradizioni
costituzionali comuni degli stati membri, fanno parte del diritto
dell’UE in quanto principi generali.
art. 7 (serious and persistent breach of the EU values)
artt. 9-12 (democracy)
art. 11 (iniziativa dei cittadini)
Trattato di Lisbona
artt 18-25
(cittadinanza europea – si aggiunge a quella nazionale –
senza discriminazioni)
right to move and reside freely; right to vote and stand as
candidates in European and municipal elections in the State
of residence; the right to diplomatic and consular
assistance; the right to file petitions to the European
Parliament and apply to the European Ombudsman.
The fight against any form of discrimination is assumed as a
possible area of EU measures
Ambiti del diritto dell’UE in cui i diritti umani sono rilevanti
Title V, space of freedom, security and justice (TFEU art. 67-89) (placed
under the jurisdictional supervision of the ECJ)
- abolition of controls on persons when crossing the internal borders (art.
77), asylum and subsidiary or temporary protection (art. 78), immigration
(art. 79);
- judicial cooperation in civil matters: mutual recognition of judgments,
cross-border service of judicial and extrajudicial documents, cooperation in
the taking of evidence,
alternative methods of dispute
settlement, etc.;
- judicial cooperation in criminal matters: recognition of judgments,
cooperation among prosecutor’s offices, definition of “European” offences
and relative sanctions (a European Prosecutor’s Office is envidaged; this is
an area for enhanced cooperation; EUROJUST);
- police cooperation: this includes data collection, treatment and analysis;
training, etc. EUROPOL has been qualified as an EU Agency since 1
January 2010.
Università di Padova
Ambiti del diritto dell’UE in cui i diritti umani sono rilevanti
Title VII (TFEU art. 101 ff.) (domestic market): legislations must harmonise
in the field of intellectual property rights.
Title X (on social policy): recognition of the fundamental social rights as
defined by the 1961 European Social Charter and the 1989 Communitarian
Carter of Fundamental Social Rights of Workers. Areas of intervention by the
EU include improvement of the working environment and conditions, information
and consultation of workers,
men and women and combating
social exclusion. Linked to the EU’s competence in the social field is the
functioning of the European Social Fund (Title XI, TFEU art. 162 ff.).
Employment (TFEU art. 145-150), education, vocational training, youth and
sports (both introduced by the Lisbon Treaty: TFEU art. 165-166),
consumer protection (TFEU art.169), energy policies (TFEU art. 194), and
civil protection (TFEU art. 196).
Università di Padova
Ambiti del diritto dell’UE in cui i diritti umani sono rilevanti
Human rights dimension in the Union’s external action (see TEU art. 21),
which encompasses the common foreign and security policy of the Union (TEU
art. 23-46).
The principles and goals of democracy, rule of law, universality and indivisibility
of human rights, as well as the eradication of poverty, the preservation of peace
(in line with the United Nations aims), environmental protection, development
cooperation, etc., must una
be respected
both in
external action and in relation to the
external aspects of any other Union policy.
As regards cooperation with third Countries, and humanitarian aid, the Union
acts to complement and reinforce the action of States Parties, pursuing, in
particular, the goal of reducing and eradicating poverty (TFEU art. 208).
Università di Padova
Carta dei diritti fondamentali
EU Charter of Fundamental Rights
•same legal value as the Treaties.
•Some provisions already existed in the TEU and TFEU, while others
replicate provisions of the ECHR.
•six headings: dignity, freedom, equality, solidarity, citizenship, justice.
•art. 51 : Charter’s norms apply to institutions, bodies and offices and
agencies of the EU, and to its member States only as far as they are
implementing EU law.una
The provisions
not modify limits of EU law nor
piccola do
establish any new powers to the Union.
•rights already guaranteed by the ECHR are considered protected to the
degree established by the ECHR itself.
•principles of the Charter may be a source of inspiration for EU bodies
and institutions, as well as for State legislators and Governments, when
they implement EU law.
•Charter’s norms may be invoked at the judicial level only in order to
interpret acts in the sphere of EU law, or to verify their legality.
Università di Padova
Diritto derivato
Esempi di atti recenti adottati dall’UE in cui i diritti umani hanno
•Regolamenti che aggiornano la lista di persone o enti soggetti a
sanzioni in esecuzione delle risoluzioni del CdS contro i talebani e
contro la rete al-Qaeda
•Altre misure contro le persone incriminate dal TIPJ, o sottoposte a
smart sanctions del CdS in relazione alle situazioni in Somalia, Liberia,
Zimbabwe, Costa d’Avorio,
RdCongo, introduzione
Libano, Corea del Nord,
una piccola
Myanmar-Birmania, Guinea, Eritrea, Bielorussia.
•Misure restrittive dei rapporti politici e commerciali Iran, con la regione
della Trans-Dnistria
•Lotta al terrorismo: agreement with the United States on the processing
and transfer of Financial Messaging Data from the European Union to
the United States for purposes of the Terrorist Finance Tracking
Program (“Official Journal of the EU”, 27 July 2010).
Università di Padova
Diritto derivato
Esempi di atti recenti adottati dall’UE in cui i diritti umani hanno
•Regolamento 1259/2010 (laws applying to divorce and separations)
•Direttiva 2010/64/EU (right to interpretation and translation in criminal trials)
•Decisione del Consiglio 2010/252/EU, 26 April 2010, (on FRONTEX)
•Comunicazione della Commissione : Action Plan on unaccompanied minors for
the period 2010-2014 (COM(2010)213 final)
•Comunicazione della Commissione : A Global Approach to the Protection of
una piccola
Personal Data in the European
Union (COM(2010)
609 final)
•Comunicazione della Commis. : body scanners in airports (COM(2010) 311)
•Comunicazione della Commissione : European Strategy on Disability 20102020 (COM(2010)636 final) (In December 2009 the EU acceded to the
International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities)
•Comunicazione della Commis. : social and economic integration of the Roma in
Europe (COM (2010)133 final),
•Women's Charter, a Declaration by the European Commission
Università di Padova
Giurisprudenza recente
The European Court of Justice applied the Charter of
Fundamental Rights in various judgments
•Case C-555/07 of 19 January 2010 (Kücükdeveci) concerns
age discrimination against a woman worker
•cases C-92/09 and C-93/09, 9 November 2010 (right to
privacy of those benefiting of financial contribution from the
una piccola introduzione
European Agricultural Fund and the European Agricultural
Fund for Rural Development)
•judgments on conformity to EU law of norms imposing
restrictions affecting persons linked to terrorist organisations
or regimes violating International Law (Kadi cases)
Università di Padova
Giurisprudenza recente
The European Court of Justice applied the Charter of
Fundamental Rights in various judgments
•At the end of 2010, approximately 140 suits were pending against Italy for
infraction; in 2009 the number had reached 153.
•In the case C-297/08, of 4 March 2010, the European Court of Justice
recognised that Italy has failed to fulfil its obligations deriving from directive
2006/12 of the European Parliament and the Council, on waste, since it has not
adequately managed waste
in Naples
and Campania.
•In case C-491/08, the Court ascertained the Italian State’s failure to comply with
directive 92/43/CEE (“habitat directive”) relative to the site Is Arenas, in the
province of Oristano
•In case C-379-/10 (claim submitted on 29 July 2010), the Commission sued the
Italian State alleging the incompatibility with EU law of Italian legislation (law 13
April 1988, no. 117) which excludes any responsibility by the State towards a
citizen in case of miscarriage of justice in applying EU law, except in cases of
criminal intent or gross negligence on the part of the judge
Università di Padova
Giurisprudenza recente
The European Court of Justice applied the Charter of
Fundamental Rights in various judgments
•“Dublin cases”: C-411/10, C-493/10, 21 dicembre 2011. “L’art. 4 della Carta
deve essere interpretato nel senso che gli stati membri … sono tenuti a non
trasferire un richiedente asilo verso lo stato membro competente ai sensi del
regolamento n. 343/2003 quando non possono ignorare che le carenze
sistemiche nella procedura di asilo e nelle condizioni di accoglienza … in tale
stato costituiscono motivi
seri epiccola
di credere che il richiedente asilo
corra un rischio reale di subire trattamenti inumani o degradanti”
•Embrione umano e dignità Causa C-34/10, 18 ottobre 2011: “costituisce un
"embrione umano" qualunque ovulo umano fin dalla fecondazione …
L'esclusione dalla brevettabilità relativa all'utilizzazione di embrioni umani a fini
industriali o commerciali enunciata all'art. 6, n. 2, lett. c) della direttiva 98/44
riguarda altresì l'utilizzazione a fini di ricerca scientifica … L'art. 6 esclude la
brevettabilità di un'invenzione qualora l'insegnamento tecnico oggetto della
domanda di brevetto richieda la previa distruzione di embrioni umani o la loro
utilizzazione come materiale di partenza …
Università di Padova